IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi emma,

Thanks! I heard Dr Yu is a very good doctor too.. Good luck k!

Yesterday had to celebrate Mother's Day with my hubby's mum with his younger brother and wife.. His wife got preggy just about 2 weeks before me, so I have to admit it affected me a little to see her baby bump.. She's 2 yrs older than me and got preggy even before the wedding.. I see her taking tea and cold drinks even yesterday while I'm taking warm water everywhere.. Wondered why some of us make so much effort but still, pregnancy does not come easily.. I just had to swallow any unhappiness I had, chatted and laughed and even shared a baby name app with her.. I guess.. no matter how unhappy I am, it feels kinda wrong to impose on someone who's celebrating her happiness.. When she was sharing the video of her scan, I just discreetly excused myself.. When my mum in law asked if I had any special Mother's Day msg on watsapp, I was like 'eerrr...no...'.. A little unhappy at that point but it passed.. We all have to stay positive k!!

Hi depressedgal,

How do you find Dr Yu? How long have you been seeing her?

I feel that she is generally quite professional, but not the caring and gentle kind. Pretty straight-forward, direct. Actually I felt quite turned off by her manner after my MC. That's one of the reason why I was hesitant to go back to try IUI again..
HI Emma, besides Dr Yu, which dr is doing IUI in SGH? I am not in nuh, but I hav to go back to SGH due to my incorrect ovary position. We actually planning for ivf in nuh, but due to my problem, I cant do in NUH as they dont do abdominal retrieval of egg from incorrect position. In Public hospital, only SGH is doing..

besides, anyone can advise when can do hsg?
Hi emily,

You can do HSG around Day 6-12 of your cycle.. It cannot be done when pregnant, that's why has to be done in the few days right after menses end.. You can call up to make appt once your AF is here..
Hi Min,

Thanks! All the best to you too!

Honestly, I couldn't wait for Mother's Day to come to an end.. I even thought to give my church Mother's Day celebration a miss cos I thought it could be so tough to go through. Wondering when I can be a mother, wondering if I can actually call myself a mother since I did conceive and I did have a little one who is no longer around.. Anyway... like you say, gotta stay positive!

Hi Emily,

I think there are a few other Drs doing IUI at SGH. I heard of a Dr called Dr Yong Tze Tein. They are basically all under CARE (Centre for Assisted Reproduction). You can call for an appointment at 6321 4377. Hope this helps!
Emma, I c Dr Yu since Feb. Hmm I find her ok, initally I wanna go straight to ivf however she suggested me to try for IUI first before I go to this big step.

Min81, u really a strong n positive gal. Hope I c b like u, can get over w pple preggy
Hey emily,

You're welcome


Ya I know that feeling.. I think honestly, I would have liked to excuse myself from any Mother's Day celebration too, but kinda hard.. And afraid others not happy.. but it wasn't too bad.. Told myself my turn will come soon


Thanks for saying I'm strong.. Trying hard.. I guess it's just so hard to avoid, so no choice just have to face it.. When we reached Vivo yesterday, my hubby and I were like 'Woah...it's babies and strollers and preggy women everywhere...'

You stay strong too k!! Jia you!
Yup Gal, agreed ... it's great to know that I am not alone in this and we all are working hard towards the same goal .. together!
Emma, initially i oso thou i'm alone coz none of my frens r experiencing wat i'm facing...to them, getting pregnant is like an ez job however to me it is really so difficult. Then i come across to this forum n realize that actually i'm not alone.

From this forum, u can oso learn a lot of stuff as well n we can help n support 1 another as well in here
There's this lady who posted about her successful ivf journey.. She talked a lot about this place where she did yoga so I thought I'll give it a try too.. Just saw on their website they have a free trial lesson so I just emailed to enquire about it.. Maybe you guys can have a look at the website too if interested..

Woah.. thread move fast today. Hope everyone is feeling ok today. I feel horrible. I feel nauseous, acid reflux and my nipple are sore & itchy. My PMS symptoms are just getting worse each month. Damn!!

Everybody here jia you ok? Dun give up or think negatively. You are all ladies with big hearts. I believe your turn will come soon.
Dont be upset girl and chewy. My friends also having their no 2 this year and got married later than me. Your turn would come. Yesterday my mil just told me bil getting rom in jul and he might just be ahead of us. Hub was upset and I was like whatever. These things can't be rushed. Not that I don't want. So we all hope next year would be our turn for mum day ok. Jia u! My mum told us hope we get promoted next year. So hope all of us get promoted together. Don't give up!

Hi Emily,
Like what min said call and book when af starts. Try to relax when doing the test. Clear ur doubts and you would feel good. Just did mine today and seeing doc on sat. The doc and nurses at the hospital said everything was ok. So a relief. Remember to bring a spare pad or ask for one after the procedure.

Min : did my hsg today. Slight cramp now.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement... Yup have to pick ourselves up and be positive again.... I'm telling myself that God will bless us at his right timing... So pray and do loads of positive self talk...

Anyone in their tww now? I just O ytd... Now in the dreaded wait. Heard from some forum saying that walnuts and pineapple can help in implantation... Going to try that this month... Yup
let's see what happen k? You ladies are simply great... Baby dust to all!!!
Hi Jessica,

Hope you're feeling better today.. Glad to hear that everything is ok
I remember when I did my HSG last time, I requested my doctor to give me 2 days mc so in case of any discomfort, I can just stay home and rest..


I thought usually we're told not to take pineapple cos it's considered 'liang'? Maybe you wanna consider just taking the walnuts? Good luck k!!
Thanks ladies for the advice.... Just in time... Have to do something with the pineapple at home already...

Hi hope... Me in my tww... 2dpo only... No symptoms except for the O cramp last night... Today absolutely nothing...
Ladies, can advise what brand of ovulation sticks is good? Thinking of buying some to help me monitor my O period.
Hi ladies,

I'm back! Was so busy with my works that I couldn't even enjoy the air I was breathing. Sigh.. And went for my family trip too.. Great way to rest n relax from those weeks of rushing works..

Im in my 2ww!!!! I don't know which dpo as I did not monitor.. But I was having cramp whole of yesterday. Like period coming. Today I am perfectly fine.. Except tired.. Haha.. Every working day I am tired. Haha


I am using those online one. Cheap n good. For me at least as I do get positive on the strip every month I tested it.
Hi Saralyn & Chewybib, im on my 2ww as well. Having sore bb and minor cramps time to time. Im keeping my fingers cross.
Hi Ladies,

Good luck to those on 2WW!!


I actually bought the Clearblue fertility monitor.. It's exp cos on top of it, you need to get the test sticks every couple of mths or so.. But I think it's pretty accurate..
Hi Chewy, today is 6 dpiui. Im getting more nervous day by day. I have been eating 2 half boil eggs in the morning. I hate to insert the progestrone pill. It gets very messy.
Hey ladies.. thanks for the recommendation.

Min81: Wah.. fertility monitor is real expensive right? About $300 like that? Not to mention the sticks cost about $70 plus for 20 sticks or something like that. Quite tempted to buy but was put off by the price. Haha!!

Hope: How come you have to use insert? Cannot be orally consume? Mine are consume orally.

Ya that time I was very blur also.. haha.. Bought from guardian.. Actually a lot of mummies selling 2nd hand on forums.. They sell cheaper, about $100 plus? Can catch their baby dust too.. hehe
For the sticks, I buy them online.. Way cheaper even with postage from overseas.. At watson's, 1 box cost about $80.. I buy online, 2 boxes for about $70..

Ya that time I was very blur also.. haha.. Bought from guardian.. Actually a lot of mummies selling 2nd hand on forums.. They sell cheaper, about $100 plus? Can catch their baby dust too.. hehe
For the sticks, I buy them online.. Way cheaper even with postage from overseas.. At watson's, 1 box cost about $80.. I buy online, 2 boxes for about $70..
Ann: No, mine looks like a bullet and it has to be insert either thru the front or back twice a day and it gets very messy. Need to wear panty liner.

Can i ask how long does it take for AF to come if IUI is not successful? I heard usually by 12dpIUI. Is this true?

I have been watching alot of videos of conception and implantation and the growth of a baby to feel motivated. I read somewhere that its good to visualise has our body can read our mind. And i have also been talking to myself telling my 'baby' to stick to the walls and grow big and strong. It sounds crazy but i all i have is to hope.
Hi hope... No matter how messy I'm sure you will tahan with it for the greater purpose
jia you k? I read the the egg whites are eaten to prevent OHSS... If we did nothing to hyperstimulate the ovary then no need to down the eggs like the ladies doing ivf... Not sure though correct me if I'm wrong... I'm in 3dpo... Still no symptoms... Maybe should watch video also... Anyway keep our hopes up and pray ya
hmm, i know the ivf ladies in other forum is talking bout taking ew b4 & af ER & ET and d nurse also did tell them to take d ew, think it got to do w improving the egg quality
Welcome back saralyn! Rest well during 2ww

Thanks min. I didn't request for mc cos a lot of work. Hub said give ourselves till end of year. Else Probably should stop working to try. Hope can do iui again next week. Seeing doc on sat. But was on flu medication this month so dont know if egg quality is good. M trying with royal jelly cos supposed to improve quality. Does birds nest help? Hub and mummy getting me to take to clear phlegm so don't get sick again.

Jia u girls! Hope we can all get bfp in may!
thanks jessica! glad that your hsg went well too..

regarding the ew, chewybib is right.. my gynea did ask me to eat egg white to prevent ohss when i did my so-iui. If you did not do hyperstimulation of the ovaries, then you don't have to take the ew..

all the best ladies! let's jiayou together and bfp!!
Thanks saralyn m glad I went ahead with it rather than keep thinking whether got anything wrong or not... I m scared of injections so hope no need go for so iui. Hub also dont dare jab me in case I struggle.

Take it easy these few weeks. ;)
Hi Ladies
Have not been here for a while. Been so busy with work. Actually, still very busy...

I'm going for my 3rd IUI tomorrow. Yesterday, the doctor scanned and said I have 2 eggs! (I was on clomid from D2 to D6.) Feeling excited because this is the first time that I have 2 eggs. But at the same time, I'm feeling a little stressed because I feel a little mentally unprepared and so busy with work that I can't relax before IUI.

Well, fingers crossed!
Good luck to all the ladies on your 2WW! And jia yu to the rest of the ladies!
Hi Saralyn wat dpo are you on now? Any side effects? My sore bbs are so painful. I hope its not my AF symptoms and its from the progesterone pills instead. Anyone having the same side effect from the progesterone?
Lil Ponyo: All the best to your IUI!!!

hope: I don't know which dpo i am in now bcoz i did not monitor my bbt nor using opk. But based on my cycle, I am CD 22 now so i assumed i am in my 2ww. =)
Hope.. I do not have any symptoms.. But my thighs are aching.. Like those ache during cold weather.. I only got such ache when i was having my period.. But now, I am experiencing it even during my 2ww..
Hi Saralyn, the symptoms are so confusing. I feel that AF is coming. I dun feel any diff except how i would be when my period is gonna be due. I dun have much hope for this mth. I only have 1 egg this time and i really doubt the chances of hitting jackpot. Lately im feeling very emotional. When does AF report if IUI is unsuccessful? Any idea? Anyone?
Lil: Two eggs sound good. Higher chance. Hope you get a BFP this time round.

Hope & Saralyn: The symptoms are always confusing cause they are too similar. Last few days, I do not have much appetite. Today I start to munch and munch. Guess nearer to my AF ba. I also get very bad acid reflux.

I thought AF should come as normal if IUI is not successful? Example, my cycle has always been a 28 days cycle. So if IUI failed, the AF will start after CD28.
Hope: Your af will come as per normal if the IUI is unsuccessful.. But i heard before if you are on progestrone support, it might delay abit..

Ann: I tend to eat alot too when my af is nearer. heehee..
Thanks Saralyn and Ann! Yes, fingers crossed! IUI went well today and now feeling very crampy. Working from home tomorrow. Now the 2ww begins...

Hi Hope, it's a cruel trick of nature to make AF and pregnancy symptons the same. The only way we can be sure is whether AF comes or not after 2ww.
8dpIUI: sore BB, and slight cramps on either right or left side for a couple of secs. Feeling little emotional (guess tht is due to the anxiety). Thick white CM. No other symptoms.
hi all,
does progesterone elevate the BBT? I'm 14dpiui (13DPO) and my temp is still considered high at 36.75. Tested BFN with FMU

Doc ask me in for bloodwork this morning and i'm waiting for my results... but im very sure it's gonna be a BFN too... this feeling sucks!
LuvChar, wat is FMU?
Don't give up hope yet. Wait for ur results & c how it is. Miracle might happen. Jy & gd luck. All the best to all of us
Hi LuvChar,

Gal is right.. don't give up hope yet.. There are many women who test positive much later than others.. Just wait for the results first.. Good luck!!

LuvChar: There is still hope. Some of my friends did not test positive even after 2 months. Only upon scanning, then realise got baby. Stay positive.

By the way, how do we know if our body temp is high? At what range is consider high?
