IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

thanks all. verdict is out. i'm out

dunno if i should go for SO-IUI #2 sigh... or straight to IVF ...

Ann: my coverline is 36.24 i char my bbt .. it stays constant at 36.83 for 4 days! then dropped to 36.75 and now beta shows negative... oh well.. kinda of expected it also...

gal: hehe typo should be mfu hahaha! morning first urine :p

LuvChar, sorry to hear that...

Regarding bout gg for SO-IUI or IVF, u hve to c how long u still can wait to get pregnant coz somehow IVF seem to b d last resort for us. But read that IVF success rate seems to b higher for younger woman. So if u decide to go for IVF, u have to ask urself whether r u ready for ivf coz it will b time consuming and required a lot of $$$. Plus alot of injection will be required. Is it ok for u to b absent at wk, finanical r u ready n is ur body ready to endure all those injection?
Seriously dunno what's the problem...
my hubby dreamt that the cause of my infertility is the cervarix jab.... went to google some, and there alot of hear say but no proven fact that it can cause infertility.
gal: my doc says if i go ivf, he's very certain that i'm gonna get pregnant, coz i have 1 success pregnant before.. (my girl is 2.5 yr now) and i'm below 30 yrs old
financial wise, i don think we are .. but 1 SO-IUI cost me $3K already..

for ivf we can use $6K from medisave.. so some of them told me might as well go straight to ivf, coz of the amt spent for SO-IUI

LuvChar, ur 1st preggy is natural? If yes, y not u gve urself some time first n plus u r so young so for sure u will b able to hit d jackpot again.

For IVF, if u go to govt hospital, there will b subsidies as well so it will b affortable. Think need to just fork out $2k to $5k cash depend on d amt of medication. Wif ur young age, u will need less amt of medication n ur chances to succeed will b higher.
*hugzzz* yah sometimes i tell myself that i'm very blessed that i already have 1 beautiful girl in my life...

your time will come soon!
god is testing our patience... :p dont give up!
LuvChar: It is ok.. try again next time.

For me and hubby, we discussed about it. If after SO-IUI still not successful, then we decided not to go to IVF. We will just concentrate on our son then.
Ann: that's also a good idea... we'll see how it goes ba. decided to take a break for now coz i'm going for a family vacation in aug
also to 散散心 haha..

btw gal, i went to kkh before.. they told me i'm still far away from ivf. they give priority to 35 and above.. so for me still so young... probably gotta wait till i turn 34 then they will let me go for it hahaha! so govt is not an option for me now.
Hi ladies... Jia you to those in tww...I'm in my 6 dpo.... 8 more days to go before testing... So far no major symptoms only on and off cramps... No sore bb whatsoever... Been downing walnuts like anything... Praying that for a winner in my tummy

Gal: jia you k... Hope that it'll be our turn soon also

Hope: your symptoms sounds positive leh... Not sure about the progesterone pills but what you mention does sound good

Hope that some of us will graduate this month... Baby dust to all!
dear ladies,
i conceived my baby girl through frozen embryo. she is now 7 mths old.
i would like to let go of Exsativa (exp 03/2013) and Natural vitamin E (ENAT 400) (exp 02/2013). both r totally unopened and i dont want to waste it. if any of your hubby taking this supplement, can take from me at sembawang mrt station. u can decide the price. if interested, pls pm me.
a lot of baby dust to u all...
Thanks, Jessica.

Oh this 2ww is just crawling by.

Hi Chewy and Hope, all fingers and toes crossed for you too.
Are walnuts supposed to help?
Hi ladies.

How is your weekend? So sian that weekend had to end so fast.

My symptoms are crazy. Boobs at times will feel sore and nipples too. My mood also went a little crazy. Quite emo. Example: Yesterday, I bought a piece of bean curd (have craving for them these 2 weeks). Happily soak in saltwater, intending to fry them later. My hubby volunteer to cook lunch. When I came out of my room, I couldn't find my bean curd. Asked hubby and he say he added it into the noodles he was cooking for lunch. I nearly cry when I hear that. I quickly hold my tears and went to the room. I couldn't believe I am so emo that I wanna cry over a piece of bean curd.

These few days, my son stick to me like bees to honey. Just now at my Mother's place, I lie on the floor and he came over to me, knee down by my side, flip up my shirt to expose my tummy and he point to my tummy and say "Baby" and he lower his head to place his ear on my tummy. So sweet of him. Oh... He is less than 2 yrs old. Wonder why he suddenly do that.

Hai....how I wish I have one in my tummy. I ask hubby could I really be preggy, hubby say will not be so lucky one. Quite true too.
Hi lil

U r welcome. My friends told me pumpkin seeds r good for the males. I got organic ones for hub but it is tasteless. Hub said not nice and I also feel not tasty. He struggled to finish one pack and we r left w one more. Folic Acid, fish oil and multi vit is good for the males. Hub sa results improved significantly.

Ann: don't be upset ok. Relax and be positive. Do something u like urself and u wld feel better. Who knows ur boy is right?
Hi ladies,

Has anybody tried using Conceive Plus or Pre-seed lubricant? Thinking of trying it but doesn't seem that readily available in pharmacies..

Have quit my job a couple of wks ago.. Gonna end my wk end june.. Preparing to go for yoga lessons.. Heard they're good for both mind and body
Good morning ladies...

My 2ww wasn't that bad. Heehee.. Maybe because I did not monitor and thus don't know the exact dpo I am in. But my symptoms for this 2ww is quite diff. I don't feel much. Only last night I felt abit of soreness in my breast and super irritated by everything which I attributed to the hot and humid weather.. I'm counting down to the day my period will be here which is Thursday if it is a 28 days cycle. Hopefully I don't see her!!!

Ann: be relax and positive. Actually I felt better this cycle with no monitoring. More relax and don't feel the stress over bding at a specific day and the 2ww too. Don't know which dpo I am in is a good thing. heehee

Min: I'm using preseed. You can get it at Watson easily. I always get mine from there. I heard conceive plus is better. Not so sticky. But I can't seem to find it in Watson or any pharmacy. Have the tot of going online to buy but haven't go find where can I order from.

Have a great day ahead everyone! I'm in Singapore this week. hopefully I can rest well.
min81: the pre-seed is available at pharmacies
can try watsons or guardian.

By the way like to check what supplement are you all taking...

Heard of vitex or maca? i read is helps to enhance fertility.

I'm currently taking conceive well by blackmores. i'm afraid i take too much end up it makes my condition worse rather than better
Hi Ann,

Stay positive k
Like what saralyn said, maybe not monitoring will make us feel more relaxed and less stressed..

Saralyn and LuvChar,

Thanks! I didn't know it's available at Watson's.. Not sure whether to buy pre-seed or conceive plus though.. Don't know which is better.. I went on the conceive plus website.. Seems like gotta get direct from some gynae clinics that carry the product.. Will call the clinics later and compare the price with pre-seed
Hi Gal,

That's why have to use only Pre-seed or Conceive Plus.. They were specially made to prevent damage to the sperm.. You can check out their websites
min81: i use conceive plus before... then switched to pre-seed.

no comments on them coz so far i'm not pregnant lol!
but problem doesnt lies with the lub lah hahaha!

Haha.. Don't worry, it'll be our time soon!! Stay positive! Saralyn mentioned Pre-seed is more sticky.. Is that true?
Hi all, long time no hear, good everyone is well and keeping the faith. STILL no news from me. Still no AF, my last CD 1 was Mar 29
Couldn't resist and tested over the weekend but BFN.

No idea how many DPO either, but doc saw me last last week and said if AF doesn't show by this Thurs to call him again. And yet I keep having cramps last few days. Ugh, PCOS really is a b*****
Hi everyone...

I did my 1st SO-IUI in the mid of this month. Today is my CD22 and this morning I have light reddish brownish stain. My breast was still swollen last night but today it gone. Think my IUI failed...
Very depressing...
I've tried my best in this cycle but still....

I really want to give up.. Why is it so difficult for me to hv a baby. Just one?

Used to think that 2 is good enuf, and now, I can't hv one..

Prayed to all gods, tried TCM, tried IUI... Maybe I shd go for IVF after this???
DHM, dun give up. i oso went thru d same as u, I already went for 2 IUI but still failed, haiz

For me, i went to many temples, get kids to jump on my bed, change a bit of my hse fengshui, get those baby buddha but in d end oso no positive results...i oso feel v emo about it but still i cant give up coz i still long to carry my little one in my arms...

For me rite now, im planning to go for IVF since already went thru 2 IUI and somemore success rate for IUI is lower than IVF. If u really going for IVF then u need to get urself in term of body n mentally ready.
Depressed gal,

I'm willing to accept all treatments but if the result turns out to be negative again, I dun think I can take it.

The drs, both western n chinese dun think I am mentally prepare for it. They think I will break into pieces if IVF failed.

Not easy to stay afloat in this TTC(sea)...

Now all I can do is cry...
DHM, y not u give urself a break first. Who know u might strike naturally. Now u r stress n stress is not gd for TTC. I know is easy saying than done. I oso break down when my IUI failed but after that i know i have to pick myself up and get moving for the next stage. Now is easy to advice u but when is my turn, I know i will b like u, break down n b emo. Haiz

Hope we can all graduate soon.
Hi DHM, dun give up. It may be a positive. Sometime spotting or brownish stains can also be pregnancy. some ladies experience them so dun lose hope until u are 100% sure. Have taken a HPT?

Im in my 11dpIUI. I was intending to do a test tomorrow but i cant bring myself to do it. Im too afraid to see what the result might be. Hubby told me not to check jus let time pass untill the 28 May if still no AF den go for blood test. My symptoms now is only sore boobs and i get hungry fast. No more cramps. Stomach is bloated due to the progestrone. Im so tempted to test but another half of me is too afraid to see the results. I have been taking any vitamins at all. I jus eat eggs for protein and drink 2 cups of ensure morning and nite. I think i should start taking folic acid. Im just so afraid to put in so much effort to really take care of myself and den the results doesn't turn out the way we all prayed for. My biggest fear is to disappoint my husband. Since the fault lies on me and not him. If this IUI doesn't work, im going straight to IVF. I have already registered for it for Aug. So if this month turns out negative, im gonna take a break for 2 mths before starting wif IVF. A friend of mine, she went straight to IVF and she conceive her first child last yer and now she is preggy with number 2.
ANyways, good luck and hope to heard gd news soon to all those in 2ww.
Thks for ur hope but dun think so.
My BBT drops today and constantly not on high side. I told myself even the BBT for this cycle is not high but its higher than previous cycle. But when the sore bb left, and a sudden drop in BBT and spotting, I know no more hope liao.
Now waiting for full flow then I will discuss with my gynae again...
Shdnt u be starting to take folic acid long before?

Depressed gal,
I know stress is no good for TTC and I even quit my job to TTC since 2years ago. Everyone is telling me to relax and I know its for my own good. So this round, I throw all negative tots behind, take things slowly and even control my temper too.
But still... sigh...
Now i felt better after I cried it out.. Thks...
DHM: i was taking folic acid previously but stop half way. Should start again just to be on the safe side. I have a feeling my symptoms are of AF. I think i will wait till 14dpIUI before doing a test.
I think you should just do a test to ensure urself. Dun stress too much.

I will test on HPT if it doesn't come full blast by this weekend...

Probably meanwhile, try to find another TCM to 'tiao'...

Let's cross our toes n fingers for a BFP!!!

Actually I think it's alrite to just keep taking folic acid.. It's just a supplement.. I have been taking folic acid since like more than 2 yrs ago.. Keep telling myself just in case I get preggy.. Ended up taking for so long..


If you have not tested yet and your AF is not here, don't think too much k.. Stay positive
I think we all tend to be very sensitive and emotional during the 2WW.. I felt that too.. Try to keep your spirits up k.. Can do some things you like to take your mind off..
DHM: don't give up till you see red. It seems like cd22 is still early for AF.. More likely it can be implantation bleeding? Wait for afew more days before giving up on this iui.

Min: I read somewhere before preseed is more sticky compared to conceive plus. I used to use ky.. That is really sticky!!! And ky is not ttc friendly.

Hope: finger crossed for you and dhm. Hope to hear some
Good news in this thread!!

thks for yr encouragement... Very dreadful 2WW..

ya, no harm taking Folic acid and got to keep it gg as u nvr know when u strike and it alw good to be 'prepare' long b4 u strike...
Thanks ladies... saralyn, its good that you are very relax this round. Sometime is better not to monitor, less stressful.

Hope to hear good news this month!! *Fingers Cross*
DHM: I totally understand how u are feeling. I just failed my 1st IUI last week. But at CD22 it may be a good sign as it may be implantation spotting. but do take it with a pinch of salt and dont expect much.

My colleague and me hv been TTC too. she was very upset and totally dropped the idea, threw all away the test kits etc as she is so upset.. and now she tell me she's 6 weeks preg! it was a pleasant surprise..

I cried to my husband too.. i really dunno what's wrong with me.. i wanting to drop the idea of ttc but i think it's gonna be hard for me.. i need to move on..

later tonight i'm gg home to throw all my kits away.. delete the FF apps in my hp etc..
i dont wish to see them everyday.. i hope to throw away the idea and hope i will get my pleasant surprise one day...
DHM: I have the same feeling as you in my last cycle.. So afraid to go pee.. I was spotting non stop and Everytime to the toilet to pee my heart was beating very fast.. Anyway, Be strong n start again.. I think quite alot of ladies here went tro at least one failed iui but we still come back strong and come together to encourage one another and move on.. One day we will have a surprise for sure if we don't give up.

Luv, I strongly encourage u to do so. I did that for my this cycle and I feel so good. My dh and I have never enjoy each other so much since we started ttc. I feel less stressful too in my 2ww
Guess I got to learn to move on again...

The spotting is getting more and I can almost see red now

Just that the thought of BFN really depressing...

I do hope that one day we can really rcv the gift soon...
Hi Hope, I'm in a similar boat as you. We've talked to our doctor and have already 'booked' our IVF for August. I'm now in my 2ww from my 3rd IUI. Will see how this one turns out.

My husband and I have also planned for a big holiday after IVF in case it fails. We want to go enjoy and distract ourselves as it will probably be too sad to hang around familiar surroundings. We even talked about what we would buy for ourselves if IVF fails. Ha ha!

Yeah, hear so many stories about people who stop TTC and getting pregnant. Perhaps, we need to trick our mind that we're giving up and we don't care!
By the way, I just want to let all you ladies know that I really like and appreciate how supportive this little community of ours is. All of you are very strong and resilient for not giving up. AF may come, we get sad and blue for a while but we still keep going! Thank you!

Thanks.. I'll go on amazon to take a look


Thanks for the info on pre-seed and conceive plus.. Glad to know you're so much more relaxed and happy now


When we decide to go for IVF, how long normally is the waiting time?

I agree with you that this group of ours is really supportive.. I'm so thankful for and appreciative of the support I've received here
Think for govt hospital need to wait for ivf rite? Read tat some ladies have to wait till aug. I'm oso gg to book my ivf when I c my dr nxt wk. hope I won't hve to wait too long.

Lil, gd luck to u n relax during dis 2ww. Jy every1 n hope our dream come true fast fast

Will only see my dr first wk of june.. Hope still can book for ivf for july or aug.. Are you going to private or govt hospital?
min81, im gg govt hospital. My dh say actually we suppose to b in d q already since d 1st visit to my dr we mentioned to her tat we wanna do ivf. But then she recommended use to try iui first so tat y my dh think tat maybe we r already in d q.

I let u knw hw d q when i c my dr on nxt mon if u interested in govt hospital

DHM: Be strong and come back again! We will have our gift soon.

regarding IVF,

Do we have to queue even if we go pte hospital? my dh n I are still thinking to do IVF next or what.. if really need to queue for so long, think i better go see my doc n queue for it too..
