IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

min81: Haha!! Things always come unexpected. That is the only thing i can say cause it happen to me with #1.

Ann: haha.. were you all trying during that time? Why you say is expected?

My dh only asked me to take afew months of no paid leave.. But I don't think my boss is OK with it..
Saralyn: I was trying but then I give up. So, I don't calculate anymore things. Just do as and when we want and feel right. Then that month, we really conceive. I was shocked. I was having acid reflux badly. I thought I was falling sick. But I woke up in the middle of the night super duper hungry.. so I decided to test and a BFP came on the kit. I was overjoyed but could not tell anyone cause it is 2am in the morning. I have to wait until 7am plus when my hubby woke up then i told him. Can you imagine how tough it is to keep quiet about it for that 5 hours?
Saralyn: Yeah!! You are right. I practically can't sleep at all. Just lie there smiling to myself like an idiot.. haha!! I dun wan to wake hubby cause he very tired ma so I wait and wait till he woke up lo. But hoh, he also not much reaction when I told him. He just gave me a V sign and went back to sleep again.

Oh.. yes.. Hubby do go for SA.
Ann: haha.. your husband must be really very tired. haha.. Wonder when will I see the positive on a hpt.. sigh...

my period did not come.. sigh...
Saralyn: Your period did not come? That is weird. Did you scan your womb previously? Are there any build ups in your womb?
Ann: i took this pills is to stop my spotting.. not to make my menses come.. so i dont think my gynea scan for the lining.. =(
Saralyn: I see.. maybe ask the gynae to scan your lining and see if they can give you medication for menses to come.

Haha.. Right now very hard to have those "unexpected" experience when ttc-ing so hard..


Well, for me i tell myself, i guess job can find anytime, may not be the most ideal or fave job, but at least it's a job.. Baby-making must be while i'm at a fertile age.. Limited time! haha..

Did your gynae tell you what you have to do if menses don't come by a certain date? Do you have to go back and get any medicine or check for anything? I understand it must be so frustrating to just wait and wait.. Hugzz..
Ann and min81,

Nope. My gynea told me will be up to the nature which is my body to let the period comes..
think I will wait till next week and see how.. If I still spot and period don't come then will go see him..

I did not receive my blood test result yesterday.. Think today I will get it.. Sigh..
Saralyn: Ok.. maybe just wait for few more days and see how lo. I am having acid reflux now. Where is my lunch?? Hope you all had yours.

These few days when I handled my son or play roughly with him, a few times my womb will feel like it is tying knots inside and hurt. But it also quickly went away when I just stand up straight for a few seconds. Wonder what's wrong inside.
Dragon: Why you congrats me?? Haha!! You mistaken my conversation with Saralyn is it? We were talking about my #1. Hehe!!

Saralyn: Who is your gynae?? How long do you have such spotting happening? You very funny lei.. dun excited for me lei. Later my menses come, I will be disappointed super big time lei.

So will you be testing today?
Your hubby and you are so cute.. Haha.. If i test in the middle of the night and it's a bfp, i'll wake him right away! Haha.. And we'll probably just chit chat the whole night cos can't get back to sleep..
Min81: wow so gd tat u can tender n concentrate on TTC, dun think I'm able to do it coz financial not ready yet

Ann: seem like we will b hvin good news soon fm u

Saralyn: not to worry, I believe ur AF will b coming soon, wanna consider eating pineapple? Heard tat it mk AF come soon
Ann: You did not test with first morning pee right? Test again on Friday! Be positive!!!!

My spotting start in Jan.. it wasn't so bad so i thought it was just some left over blood from my period..

But this month was so bad that I went to see my gynea..

Gal: Ya.. waiting patiently now.. i heard about pineapple too! but I dont dare to eat coz i heard is very liang..
Ann, let's all jia u together...

Recently i read a lot of gossip news that those actress above 35 are all getting pregnant so I know one day our turn will come. I read in another forum, a lady mentioned that her baby 很有礼让精神,他还在排队。 I think it seem to be true for me so I believe one day when d time n q is up, my baby will b here for me
Yeah!! Let's jia you together.

Don't worry, I am fine. Actually I see myself as more fortunate cause at least I still have my #1. So this failed IUI did not really affect me as much as it had affected most of you.

Now I am more worried if my tubes are blocked. Hai..
Hi Ann, sorry to hear that. I'm glad to know that you are so positive. Hope your husband will feel better soon.

Saralyn, yes! Your AF is here! I'm happy for you
Have a good flow-y period, clean out the womb and start fresh in May!

Okay ladies, let's all jia yu in May!
Hihi ladies my af is scheduled to arrive today as well... just tested -ve today... Please count me in to be cycle buddies
just a short history abt myself... Like another lady in this forum I have vaginismus as well.... We have been trying for the past 1+ year with no news... Doc diagnosed me as fine but Hubby has a sluggish troop.... So doc suggested combining tr frozen swimmers n the fresh ones to increase the no. of winners then do the iui. But Hubby reluctant... Haiz. Nv let jia you together ya...

Thanks Ann and min81 for your encouragement

You're welcome.. We're all here to encourage one another

Wow ladies,

All of you AF about the same time.. Hope my dscharge stops soon and AF comes soon too

I just ordered tingkat dinner starting from next week.. So hard to keep healthy diet after starting work.. Too busy and also too lazy to cook.. haha.. Are you ladies facing the same problem?
Thanks ladies! Yes, let's bfp together next month!

Oh ya! I got my result for the amh test! Result is under the normal range!!!!! Sooooo happy..

Chewybib: I always very mixed up.. When my dh did sa, under the motility, the second category is sluggish. However, the total motility to pass the "passing" mark include category one and two. So I thought sluggish is still ok?

Min81: for me and dh, we will try to cook at home.. If I tired or busy, he will come back to cook something simple. Else I will prepare since I can work from home most of the time.. If both of us are too tired, we just go out eat. Heehee
hi Ladies...

Good to be able to come back here again. Good to hear that you ladies can start your cycles. Hope mine would come soon...

Saralyn : Jia u ok...Your cycle is back to normal. Is there a reason for AMH? is it a must before iui?

Min : I try to cook soup on weekend eg make herbal chicken soup or bak kua teh with herbals. My mum said must buy fresh chicken else waste the herbals and we dont get much nutrition.

Enjoy the weekend
Jessica: welcome back! So long didnt get to hear from you.

I hope my cycle is back to normal.. No more spotting abnormally..

My gynea seeing me still not pregnant after 1 year with clomid and iui and all these drugs caused my hormones to go imbalance.. Plus I got endo.. He suggested me to do amh to see is it I have low egg reserve and endo is known to kill those normal ovarian cells.. He suggested me to go straight to ivf.. But we are not prepared and don't understand why we need to go that way.. I ovulated every month.. My dh is not good but also not that worse.. So I went for the test... If the test shows low reserve then I better go ivf. For People with low reserve even ivf doesn't have high success rate. If I am not wrong, this is one of the tests you need to do before ivf..
Oic.. Really learnt a lot thru this forum . I shd be going for IVF soon now trying to eat more healthy . Bought the Chinese herbs 八珍汤to cook with chicken . Fren recommend me to drink this . Also eat more fishes ESP. salmon
Hi dian tang,

Where can i buy the 'ba zhen tang' chinese herbs? So just put whole chicken in and boil? Can just put only chicken parts like chicken thigh?

Heehee.. Sorry for all the questions.. Wanna eat more 'bu' food too
HI saralyn,

Me not sure also... Gynea just mentioned that DH's troop is sluggish and overall diagnosed that our infertility is due to mild male factor... Also, when I did my HSG, the doc mentioned that I have a deep and tilted cervix but still normal and healthy. After all these test DH and me was thinking how the sluggish swimmer can manage to topo and swim long distance?!?! No wonder no BFP yet...
Hi min

Yup fresh from market. Sakura from Ntuc is ok too. Soup will be sweeter. I m also lazy to cook but would at least try cook a soup when we eat out. ;)
Hi ladies, wow so many messages and so much to catch up on. I was away for a long biz trip in China, very tiring. Work is good but it makes me feel torn between ttc and doing a good job cos I have to travel quite a bit.

Ann, thanks for your contact, this TCM does acupuncture right?

Lil Ponyo, sorry I think I didn't reply to your message, will reply shortly.

CD 34 for me and no AF, no BFP. Guess I'm out this cycle again.
Hi Jen, no problem
I know exactly what you mean about being torn between doing our best at work and TTC. I travel quite a lot for work too. At least a trip every 2 months. No AF is a good sign!! Hang in there!

Chewy, I'm also with you on the waiting game. Once in a while, I catch myself feeling like I'm just waiting for things to happen. Waiting to get pregnant, waiting for opportunity to TTC, waiting to lose weight, etc. Now I'm better. I remind myself that I can't keep waiting for the future and let the 'present' past me by. Instead, I must make the most of the present.

Starting this year, my DH and I try to cook as much as we can. We take turns on weekdays and go out for dinners on weekends. We try to cook as healthy as we can and eat more fish.

Ladies, do you think there is something strange with this thread? This topic is no longer on the main page and all the archive folders at the top of the page have disappeared. I wonder what happened...

My AF is suppose to arrive next Tues. Suppose to start Clomid on D2 but now I wonder if I should go ahead with the SO-IUI in May because I have 2 work trips immediately after that...
Morning ladies,

How's all of you? Been so busy last week cause baby is still down with runny nose and cough. Now better le.

Yeah!! Tomorrow is PH.. how I wish I can take leave today and have a long weekend. But too bad still got things to do.

Jen: Yup, the TCM does acupuncture too. Maybe you should consider to do blood test. In my July mummies group, there are mummies who keep testing and keep coming out negative. Then after a month, they went to gynae intending to get pills to make menses come but in the end, they were pregnant cause can see the sac. Best to do a blood test to be safe.

Hubby says he would like to put IUI off for awhile and try natural. I am thinking of that too. Too stressful le.
