IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Saralyn, think for pte, d waiting time is shorter as compared to govt however there r some screening tests need to b done b4 ivf which might take up to 2 mths if i don't rem wrongly. So if u thinking to do ivf then prehaps u can start to go for those screening tests first. Btw d screening tests result will only last for a yr and for HIV screening test think only last for 6 mths n dis screening test is not claimable under medisave or grant frm govt.

gal: sigh.. even do one ivf also so troublesome.. I think i read before those tests can be quite costly too..

Did u all do the HIV test too for IUI? I did mine..
Hi Gal,

Thanks for the info.. I'm actually at a govt hospital too.. NUH.. How about you? Hope you can get an early date too..


Yup My hubby and I had to do the HIV test before IUI too.. I think it's standard procedure.. Actually, based on my personal experience with private and govt hospital, and from what I read on forums, I still prefer govt hospital (NUH).. I find they have a better procedure and protocol which they follow as standard..

We all jia you k!
Gd morn!!

IVF got to Q so long?? This 'Q' is KKH or private?

If do private need to Q anot?


I did not do any HIV test for my IUI leh.. tot HIV test is for IVF?
min: I went to govt hospital at the start and was having bad experience. anyway my dh n I tot of going to govt hospital to do ivf if we decided to go that route. But have yet to decide which one. For sure, I am not going back to kkh coz of my bad experience there.

DHM: ya.. one of my church friend also doing iui and she and her dh have to go for hiv test. but the cost of the test is so much cheaper. I spent around 600 SGD in my pte gynea for all those blood test just to do iui.. =(

Ya I think our personal experiences will determine which we prefer.. I have heard of many having bad experience at kkh, that's why chose to go to another govt hospital.. For all my pre-IUI tests at NUH, I also spent about 400 plus.. Not cheap too.. But one thing good is that I think the test was really complete and necessary for a good diagnosis.. I see that there are many others who asked about HSG only after their IUI.. Actually, it should be done pre-iui cos if tubes are blocked, dr can assess and maybe suggest another procedure.. I also noticed that time you mentioned taking this amh test recently.. For my tests at nuh, this was all included in the pre-iui tests.. My previous pte gynae just did tests here and there, not so organised and structured..

Anyway, think just keep all the tests we've done.. just in case we decide to change gynae, can show new gynae previous records..
min: ya.. i did amh at my regular gynea when i got abnormal spotting. the gynea who did my iui did not requested me to do this..

so you did amh too?

yes.. We have to keep all these tests we have been doing.. i got a file just for all these papers..
min81, im at sgh n i oso read alot of negative stuff for kkh so kkh will b out for me even thou the dr there is good. Ya i oso did d blood test for HIV so prehaps will shorten my waiting time as well.

For ivf, there is more testing to b done, can't really remember all the tests but think i have d list at hm. D nurse told me before to prepare for about $5k cash that we need to pay upfront which is for the medication & d testing. So u ladies might want to b prepare for it.
Gal: my colleague who went to afew ivf told me sgh is the best. She was saying if ever I need to go for fertility check or even treatment she would recommend sgh.

For kkh, you mean there are good doc? I was havin bad experience with the doc and that's why I left there. I was ok with the nurses there..
Yeah i'm trying to forget all about ttc! trying... very hard... now i shifted my attention to planning/shopping for my holiday in August hehe

and tomorrow's isetan pte sale!

i hope i can do it... it's very stressful for both hb and i
DHM: yeah maybe we should just push that to the back of our mind! our lives are too short to be miserable... we should enjoy to the fullest. (Easier said than done, i know)

IVF at govt need to "Q" because of the 6K grant. They are very strict in these and need to give priority to women who are above 35 years old. This is what i heard from my friend. So if you can afford, i suggest just go to pte, i think less stressful too.

i cant stand the nurses/doc attitude at the govt hosp.. i went to kkh once and they told me "IVF? you are still FAR AWAY from that!" i'm in my mid 20s btw..
Hello ladies.

How's the day so far?

My menses is due in 2 days time. I didn't feel much symptoms during the 2ww. But yesterday, stomach cramp a little especially when I lie flat on my tummy. Back also ache alittle. I think this time round will probably see red again.

Remember what I told you girls about what my son did at my mother's place, he did it again at the clinic yesterday. He saw a woman with a newborn and pointed to the newborn and say "baby". Then he try to flip up my shirt at clinic and point to my stomach and say "baby". Make me feel so bad at that point. Think he would very much like a sibling but so many failed attempts. Hai....
Ann, my period also due in 2 days time.. Not much symptoms for me too. Well if it really comes, let's work hard together in the new cycle! As least we are cycle buddy. Heehee..

Your boy is so cute.. Don't be upset over it k.. You tried your best so nothing you can do.. Be strong and continue to work hard!
Luv, it was abit withdrawal symptoms for me at the start but slowly I got used to the "normal" life. Haha.. Don't have to wake up to take bbt.. Don't have to test the strips to see 2 bold lines then got to bd bd bd.. during 2ww, hoping the bbt doesn't drop.. It feels good when you did it. Haha. Think I will continue like this for afew more months n hopefully I will hve a surprise else I will go back to all these monitoring or even to do iui/ivf..

Yup after you mentioned about the amh, I checked cos I remembered the doctor telling me about it.. All tests were done pre-iui as the doctor needs all the results to try and understand if anything is wrong and why we have not conceived after 2 yrs of trying naturally.. It was after the analysis that he suggested IUI.. He suggested a natural cycle as he said I had no problems with ovulation.. Actually, I'm really scared of injections.. I'm quite scared to go on to ivf cos of that.. just trying to psycho myself that I can overcome that..haha.. Admire the ladies who went thru SO-IUI and ivf..

My gynae prefers that I give IUI another 2 more tries.. But I'm kinda worried.. going on 32 soon.. I heard ivf success rate will drop quite a lot after 35.. So I thought don't waste time already..


Wow, 5k for all the tests.. We can't claim medisave for that?


Enjoy your shopping and holiday!


Your son is so cute.. Don't think too much about it.. Many women strike just as they take it off their minds and start to relax.. Like what saralyn is doing, just enjoy the love and affection with hubby
Saralyn: haha glad you are back to "normal" life now eh?
i'm seeing my tcm yi shi next monday.. i hope she can allows me to just take the med without charting...

min: hehe thanks!
actually the injections are not painful :p no need to afraid of yea?
i'm now immune to needles already. lol been thru so many blood tests too. think about 4 in a month! >.<

all gotta STOP now.
min81, for those tests, cant claim medisave. Medisave can only start claim during ER &amp; ET.

I read that for ivf, d success rate is 50% for those below 35 yrs ago n will drop to 30% for those above 35 yrs. My doc recommended me to go for 3x IUI but I already failed 2x haiz so I dont wanna waste d time n $ to go for another round n undergo d sadness when failed so i tend to go straight to ivf. Just tat im like u, scared of needles.
Yes, I don't think there is a queue for IVF in private hospital. My doctor said he can do it next month if I want. IVF is a 6 weeks program. Anyway, it's my own work traveling schedule that is in conflict and that's why I can only do IVF in August.

Thanks Gal, I wish I can relax this 2ww but I'm actually traveling for work for 2 weeks. Not the best timing I know but the good thing is time passes quickly!
Hi ladies, I just did my iui with dr sf Loh, now in my 2ww. I have an older girl who was conceived with iui at first try but my number 2 is just so tough. I had 2 miscarriages, 3 failed iuis and 1 failed Ivf. Sigh...

My hubby's counts are low and he's already taking vit e, zinc, selenium etc... Any idea what else he can take to boost his troops? Kk Ivf sells some vitamins right? Anyone?
Hi Lil Ponyo,

Does the 6 weeks program include the testing? How long will all the tests pre ivf take?


Wah can't claim medisave ah.. 5k is so exp..


Thanks.. haha.. I don't even have guts to look at the syringe or needle whenever I'm getting a jab or taking blood test.. I always look away and just get ready for the pain when they put the needle in..
Btw, anyone not taking clomid? Just injectables N iui? I've taken clomid for 10 cycles since I tried for my girl in 2007 so my dr suggested stopping clomid and just take the injectables.
min81, d $5k is est coz d nurse told me it depend on how much d medication is given. If u need less medication, it will b cheaper prehaps about $3k. D nurse told me dis amt is to ask me to prepare more cash coz she mentioned tat in d mid of cycle, some couples didnt have enough cash to pay.

Lil, if do ivf at private then d bill will b high rite since there wnt b any govt grant.

tub, gd luck for ur 2ww.
Hi tub,

Best of luck for your 2WW!


Ohh so that means the medication and injections are not claimable? I've always thought they are part of the whole 'package'.. But the medications and injections are part of preparation for the procedure, how can it be excluded.. haiz..
Min81, initially i'm having d same thou as u, thou everything is included. But after d conselling for ivf, then realise d claim is only for ER &amp; ET n plus is better to use it only for fresh cycle n not frozen cycle (FET). U r young so i think ur medication won't b a lot and won't hit $5k. Bcoz of all these costs tat y i have to go for govt hospital rather than private.

Ya.. I thought it was only the consultation and tests that were not claimable.. cos medication is part of the treatment, tot it's included.. I'm also staying with govt hospital cos of the 3k grant.. Makes a huge diff, especially now that I've just quit my job.. But I read that with govt subsidy, can only transfer 2 embryos.. If don't take subsidy can transfer 3..

Don't worry, we just try our best k!
min81, yup for govt grant they only allow 2 embryos to b transferred. For govt hospital, there r a total of 3 grants, 1st time $6k followed by $5k and then last will be $4k. So for first time, d grant is higher. Rem to keep all ur receipt for d grant n medisave.

If u planning to go ivf, mayb u can start tiao ur body coz currently im oso trying to do tat to prepare my body as hoping i only need to go for 1 cycle n bingo
...praying hard...
Girls, you all started the chat so early!!!

Thanks for all the info on ivf.. I do learned on the claim etc.

my gynea also told me once I want to do ivf, i can start the next month. and it is a 6 weeks program. 2 weeks of preventing ovulation. then 2 weeks of stimulation and ER and ET and 2 weeks of 2ww...

I think the test etc is not part of the 6 weeks. What are the list of blood tests that we required? Maybe the blood tests that I went initially covered all the tests required for IVF??

Tub: All the best to your 2ww!!! Rest well and take good care of your body.

Today is my CD28!!!!! Think my period is coming. I had very bad cramp/bloatedness last night. I also don't know can I called it as cramp or not. I just didn't feel good last night at my lower tummy area.. Sigh..
Hi Gal,

Yup that's why quitting job to have a short break and build up my health.. Hmm I think that 6k, 5k and 4k is our own medisave deduction which all are entitled to.. The only diff for govt hosp is that we can have this extra 3k subsidy per cycle for all 3 cycles..

Right now, I'm not sure also.. waiting to see doctor in 2 wks time.. I think he'll persuade me to try IUI once more..
min81, hmm let me go back n check thru my notes again coz it was in Feb when I went for the IVF talk, old liao so a bit forget but my dh n I rem d grant was 6k, 5k n 4k. Nvm let me check again 2nite or I can confirm again w d nurse nxt wk.

Saralyn, I have the list of tests tat we need to go thru but d info is at hm, prehaps 2nite i try to load some information.
Dear Gal, thanks for posting the article. It is very informative but unfortunately I'm not Singaporean so the grant does not apply to me. Only the medisave part applies. Yeah, private hospital will be more expensive than govt. I think it may be at least $15k. We're very comfortable and confident with our doctor so we will not consider changing doctor and hospital for IVF. It's a lot of $ but my DH and I discussed it and agreed on the perspective that at our death beds, we will never regret not saving more money, but will regret if we didn't try IVF at least once

Hi Min81, I thought the 6 weeks program includes the test but I think Saralyn could be right. And I also don't know what the blood tests are either. And like her, maybe I've already done mine. Sometimes, I don't really know what I'm testing for. Doctor says test, I test. Ha ha!
your posts really made me cry.
all i can say is don't give up. i was very depressed when i was on ttc journey. i love babies. wanted to have a lot. i failed 3 iui. and ivf fresh cycle. that time, didn't even want to survive in this world. i cried almost every nights for a few yrs.
but now i conceived my daughter through frozen embryo. baby dust to u and all the ladies here.
Hi angeline,

Thank you for sharing your story too.. It's always encouraging to hear success stories.. I admire you for braving through all the obstacles.. I'm sure success will come one day to us ladies here too

Lil ponyo,

I saw a website just now and it roughly talked about the tests we have to do for IVF in singapore.. I have already done those tests before my IUI actually, hope don't have to redo and can save some money
But for the HIV test, it says that it is not valid after 6 mths, so must retake..
Ladies as promised, here will b d price list for ivf test. I oso include d price for ivf process. Price subjected to changes:
Antral follicle count scan $107.80
Day 2 hormone $99.30
Blood screening test (hep B, hep C, VDRL, HIV, rubella, full blood count) $159.50 wife, $122.70 dh
Infection screening for couple $81.80
HBA sperm test $192.20
Semen analysis $48.70
Monitoring/ ER/ ET $5005.60
Hormone assessment $112.60
HVS swab culture $40.90
ICSI $1167.20
Medication $2k - $5k
Neonatal insurance for 1-3 embryos $65 - $890
Thanks for the info, Gal and Min81. I guess we will all take it one step and test at a time. In the meantime, I really hope that this my 2ww will end with good news.

Hi Angeline, thanks for your story. I'm also with Dr Foong and hopefully he can help me too like how he has helped you!
HI ,glad to see this thread getting active and many moral support from here. I went for a break before proceeding with IVF .
Saralyn: the test like hep B, C ,HIV only valid for 6 mths.
min81: my fren also encourage me to go for ivf cos the chances are higher.
actuaaly i am scared of the procedures of ivf. Hope that i can do it man!!
Woah!! IVF is so expensive. I think govt should subsidize fully for the 1st IVF treatment for couple with no kid at all. This will help to improve the birth rate in one way.

Today is my CD28. Menses supposed to come today. I started feeling nauseous since Monday. It gets worse and worse as it gets closer to my menses day. My son got the stomach flu on Tuesday.. I hope I am not coming down with it too. Sian!!!
Morning Ladies, just a quick update. Im 14dpiui of today and when i woke up this morning, my sore bbs are gone!! no more cramping no more sore bbs, i fell normal.the past 3 days i got hungry very fast and now i dun feel hungry anymore. I was having sore BBs from day 1 of iui and now i dun have them. My cramps are gone and i feel perfectly fine which is very worrying for me now as i have no clue whats happening within me. 3 more days for my blood test and im hopping i dun see AF till then.

I have not done a HPT as im too afraid to of what the result might be.

All the best to those in 2WW.
Ann: So agreed with you on the gov sub fully for couple with no kid.. I did a est sum of all the cost in the list and is less than 10k... How come my gynea quoted me 16k!!

Today is my CD 29. AF supposed to come today and I got pinkish discharge already.. No much hope left. Sad.. Sigh.. Anyway, you still stand a chance as long as you don't see red!

Hope: good luck to you!
I see that alot of ladies are preparing for ivf... I am not prepared for all the jabs.. Even thought I did it twice already, I really don't like the feeling.. Wonder when will I ever be prepare for ivf.. Sigh

Ya seems like recently more people speaking up about ivf in the newspapers too.. Hope we can get more subsidy..

Maybe being nauseous is a good sign?


Maybe cos you're with private gynae so more exp.. You've been thru it twice? So you did IUI after ivf? Ya I don't think we'll ever get used to all those stuff.. We just tell ourselves what we're doing it for to motivate ourselves


Don't worry too much.. Best of luck for your blood test!
Min: I went through 2 SO.. I jabbed myself 3-5 times in each cycle. One is SO-natural and the other one is SO-iui.. I havent been through ivf.. What I know about ivf is to jab ourselves everyday for about 4 weeks. Sometime we need to jab more than one time per day somemore. I don't really look forward to them.. Then got to go see the gynea quite often and do V scan to check the follicles.. I don't know why but I don't really like it..

Dian_tang: how are you doing lately? Didn't see you here for sometime..
Thanks min81, im trying to fight myself not to do a HPT coz i cant bear to see the negative line. I kind of lose hope for this cycle. Since im not feeling anything now its even worse.
Hope: Ya.. don't be.. as long as you don't see your period then you still got some chance.. symptoms missing doesnt mean anything.. Did you take BBT?
