IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Jessica,

Actually I enjoy cooking.. It's just that we got busier and busier at work over the past few years.. Really too tired and hungry after work to cook.. Will try to cook soup now over the weekends

Hi Saralyn,

Was this your first time taking the amh test?


Hope your baby has recovered.. Ya if you think it's too stressful can just give yourself some time off to relax.. You never know, you might just strike really soon!


I am pretty new to IUI and i am pondering if i should consult the doctor and have it done.

I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and have been trying on an On-off basis due to work and studies. Currently i have completed my studies and planning to "focus" more on TTC-ing.

Hence was wondering what i should do? straight go for IUI or try a few more cycles?

My AF has been stretched from 28 days cycles to 31 and currently my last cycle lasted for 35 days. I am rather confused on what i should do.

Hope to hear some advise.

Thank you
Hi ladies,
Hope you had a good day of rest

Mrs tan: I think you should go to the doc 1st whether u are going on iui or not. Anyway they should the one advising us on the different treatments... Just get yourself n your Hubby Checked to see the cause of infertility or whether there is infertility in the 1st place or not. After that then follow doc's instruction.

Dear cycle buddies ( saralyn, Ann, fruitful & anyone that I might have missed out) hope you will have a bit of enjoyment during this few days
indulge in some coffee, lie prone in your bed, go for a kickboxing class before we monitor n try again next week... I don't know about you ladies but I enjoyed this part of the month most as I'm pretty sure that nothing is in my tummy n I can do nothing to create something inside! No guessing game here... So be happy n pray for timely O!
Morning everyone.

Chewy: Yup, enjoy these few days. Haha!! If I took Monday leave then will be even more shiok. ^_^

I am getting my Fallopian tubes checked this Friday. Anything that I should take note of?
Good Morning Ladies!

How is everyone doing so far?

Chewy: Hi cycle Buddy!!! Heehee.. Yes.. I enjoyed alot.. I will go exe, do houseworks, walk around etc and never worry a single thing..

Today is my CD7.. Hoping I will not have any abnormal spotting/bleeding.. So that I can try this cycle again! *hoping very hard* =)

Ann: I never go through that before. I did it together with my ops so I was unconscious and felt nothing. =)

Don't worry, it'll be ok, just a little bit of discomfort.. The nurse will give you a pad after that just in case the liquid dye flows out

Feeling a little frustrated.. The discharge after my miscarriage had become heavier after I went back to work, but finally stopped for 3 days.. Then yesterday, suddenly, there was so much discharge again.. Now it's like reddish stains.. Before I flushed, took a look and saw there's a little blood, like during menses.. Wonder if it could be my AF, but not sure if it comes so quickly after the discharge from miscarriage stops..
This thread is so quiet now..

Min81: how many weeks since your d&c? Maybe it could be your period coming? Are you supposed to go back for review? Maybe is good to go back and see your gynea and ask what is happening.. I don't remember I bled for so long when I did my d&c.

Ann: don't kanjiong.. You had your first child so chances of your tubes blocked is low right?
Hi Ladies,
Been sometime since i came here.. Some of u might still remember me. I had my first IUI cancelled due to having too many eggs. Now im on my 2nd try and i went for my first scan today. My egg are all very small btw 5 - 7mm only. This time round they did not give me clomid, only inject. Tmr i will be going for another scan to monitor the progress. I am so worried. I hope this time round my eggs will grow big and not too many.
Can anyone advice if IUI has to be done before ovulation?
Hey ladies, I just finish my HSG. Everything good. No blockage. Now I think got to get the quality of hubby sperm up.
hi all, i'm new to this thread.

i'll be going for my 1st SO-IUI later this afternoon and i'm having mix feelings. Just a little background of me. TTC for 1.5 years for #2. Unexplained group. #1 we tried for 2 months and jackpot. Only recently early this year found out that i'm actually not ovulating well on my own. (my period is regular)

Dr put me on gonal f 75iu for 8 days and realised it's not working!! up the dosage to 112.5 for the next 4 days and it worked
just had my hcg shot ytd.

Having mix feelings on my SO-IUI later.. i'm afraid that it'll turn out to be a wasted cycle

cant help to think negative as i have gone thru so many failed cycles before.. sigh.

Anyway i'm still looking forward to it... just that i really dread the 2ww lol. Dr said i have 2 good follicles and chances of having twins is 8-10%

Hope to hear some encouraging stories of 1st time success cases heh....
Have not been here in a while.

Hi Ann, good to hear that your HSG went well. My doctor says that HSG will also help flush/clean out the tubes too so the the egg can travel better after that.

I got my AF last night. What a bummer...sigh...I can't help but lose hope.

Hi LuvChar, welcome to the thread. I just got my AF so I hope other ladies will have positive stories for you. I could use one too
Lil: Ya, heaved a sigh of relief when I hear the doctor say everything is good and fine. It was so cool to watch the dye shape out my womb and also the Fallopian tubes and around the ovaries. The first thought on my mind is cool... The shape is exactly the same shape as my textbook in sec. Haha!!!
Hihi... This thread is slowing down....

Ann: glad that all is well with u

Luvchar:welcome... Update us on your progress during ur 2ww ya.... Hope to hear some good news from you soon

Dear cycle buddies: I'm on CD 10 today.... My cycle length is ard 33days so will start my OPK on wed... Hopefully all is well... Hubby says try natural for 3 months if no news then iui... Whoa... I was elated! At least got light at the end of the tunnel.... Anyway can someone advice on the medisave usage for iui in a private hospital? Did anyone have problem on bloatedness n acid reflux after taking Blackmore conceive well plus? Anyway hope that all is well with you all. If we strike this month then we will have a cny bb
how nice that will be....
Lil: don't lose hope k? As long as we don't stop trying, we stand to have the chance... I'm sure most of us here understand your disappointment... The excitement of the 2ww, the anticipation of all the minute symptoms, the disappointment upon seeing bfn and the devastation on having our AF... Big hug for you gal... cry if you must and then gear up and try again! Jia you k?
Lil Ponyo: Thanks!
hope this new cycle brings you new hope !
Today is my 3dpiui and i'm keep having cramps.. it was quite bad a day after iui but i still can walk. Probably the cramps were more intense as i have 2 mature follicles

Chewybib: thanks!
i hope i can survive my 2ww! it felt like 2 years!! hahaha... did u try IUI before? i'm also taking blackmore conceive well and i hope it works... :p
Hi ladies

Good to hear good news from you ann. Ur postivr results made me more hooefully about checking for blockages. M wondering when I can do the test u did to check the blockage. My af came but no ovulation. So m hoping I can check for blockages before iui again in June. Doubt I can iui this month cos cycle is messed up. Did u ask doc for the test or doc prescribes? Is it done at clinic? Do u need someone with u after test? Sorry for the loads of questions thanks!

Best of luck to those in 2ww. Don't give up for the rest of us!
Thanks, Chewy and LuvChar
Yes, jia yu and keep going! I still feel a little blue once in a while though so I try to be more logical about it than emotional. Yes, new cycle, new hope. I'm half way through my clomid pills now. Going to doctor on D12 to determine which day to do IUI.

All the best on your 2WW LuvChar. Try to distract yourself with dinners, movies, facial, manicure, etc!

Chewy, happy to hear about your plan with your husband. Enjoy your next 3 months when trying naturally. Don't think too much. Just BD whenever you feel like it and don't let it become mechanical! Actually I'm with a private hospital and they never mention about medisave.
Hihi lil: hmm that's weird leh... I've heard quite a bit on the use of medisave leh... The website mentioned we can use medisave up to 3 times for artificial conception procedure (ACP) which includes iui or ivf... 1st up to 6k, 2nd up to 5k and the 3rd up to 4k... And I heard that private hospitals like raffles can use also leh... Can go and check... Someone please correct me if I'm wrong ya.... Anyway which gynea and hospital are you with?
Hi luvchar: no leh... We were just told last month that hubby's troop not so good. Gynea suggested iui this month but Hubby says wait 3 months then see how... Anyway need to wait for the supplements to take effect also... So this month natural cycle
in my cd 11 today... Hope to have good news this cycle though... Pray prayed praying!!!!
Lil Ponyo: hahaha.. yeah hate the 2ww... especially with the cramps, sore boobies etc hahaha makes me wonder if it's the cause from the jab or i'm really pregnant soon

I just had my blood test to check my progesterone level if not enough, gotta jab buttock :S

Chewybib: ic... i think IUI is good if hb swimmers are not v ideal. hehe hope you no need to go for IUI and will strike soon! baby dust!!
Jessica: Oh.. when I first did IUI, my gynae say if the IUI failed, he wanna checked my fallopian tubes to ensure the tubes are not blocked. So when my AF comes, I called clinic and the nurse help me to arrange for an HSG to be done. My gynae is at Paragon and I went to the lab to get it done. The lab is called Radlink and at 8th level of Paragon. So very convenient. I did the HSG test on CD8.

Nurse gave me antibiotics to take before and after the test. She say some pple will develop infection but not all. You might also experience some cramps after the test.

No need to have someone to accompany you home. It is a simple procedure.

Glad to hear that your HSG shows all is well


Once your menses come, you can call your doctor to make an appt for HSG for around CD6-12.. Cos you can't do the tst when pregnant, so to be safe, it's recommended to be done in the few days right aftr menses..


Ya I think you're right about the medisave deduction.. Whether public or private hospital, also can use medisave.. If I'm not wrong, in public hospital, there's an extra grant of 3k from govt..

Went to see my gynae about my discharge that has not stopped since my DnC 5 wks ago.. He checked but there's nothing wrong.. So asked me to wait for my menses and that it should be coming.. it finally came yesterday! Now observing to see if any difference from my usual menses.. Hope all's ok.. Feels weird that I don't have any PMS symptoms though..
Just went to see my gynae today. He say that we can have 3 months to try naturally. If still no news, then have to go back see him and he will scan my womb to see if there is any enlargement. If no, then we will proceed with SO-IUI. I really hate injections and not to mention have to do it everyday. I really hope there will be good news within these 3 months.
min81: glad that things are on track with you now... Wait for af to go then you can join us again

Ann: jia you k? 3 months is also my hubby's bet before we go seek help... Let's work hard together
today CD 14... No signs of O yet... Oh well...
Hi everyone! Sorry, have been quite caught up with work and other errands so did not log on (or bother with ttc) for a while. I thought this cycle was a bust anyway. But I'm wrong!

This morning went to the gynae (CD45) thinking have to induce my period, but also scanned just in case. We expected nothing, but there was a corpus luteum! Confirmed by progesterone blood test (15). Funny thing is no one has any clue when the egg popped out. Could be anytime from CD 21-44. And unfortunately, I was away on a business trip for a large part of this period and we did not get to do much BD....anyway, still hanging in there by a thread!

P.S. Met Lil Ponyo tonight! It was fun
Hi Jen,

I didn't know what a corpus luteum was.. I jus read up on it.. Good luck!! Praying for you that your progesterone levels go up up up!
Chewy: Yup, let's jia you together. Hopefully strike within 3 months. I really hate injections. Send shiver down my spine.

Jen: I have no idea what the term means but it sounds good to me. Haha!! Hopefully good news will come soon.
Thanks Min, Ann and Dragon. Chances are very slim, but will try to keep the faith! Have a good weekend everyone!

p.s. Ann, corpus luteum is basically just an eggshell, seeing it on the ultrasound just confirms that I ovulated.
Thanks ann and min for telling me so much. M planning to do hsg on mon or wed. Af came on mon. Can I also do iui in that month?

Jia u min and ann and all the girls!

Not sure whether u can do IUI in the same month, maybe you wanna check with yor gynae asap so you can make arrangements? I heard that right after HSG, there could be higher chances of getting pregnant cos the tubes have been flushed and clean
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I did IUI last Jul and though it was successful, it ended with a MC at 6 weeks. DH & I then went for TCM for 5 months, but to no success. We are thinking of going back to do IUI again. Been reading a lot about SO-IUI. Did anyone do IUI for the 1st round and Dr later recommended SO-IUI?
Hi emma,

I had my IUI done in feb but unfortunately ended in miscarriage at 8 weeks.. My gynae would like me to do another round of IUI, not SO-IUI.. Cos if everything is fine with our ovulation, there is actually no need to go thru the stimulation with meds or injection.. I'm not sure if going thru with SO-IUI will up our chances.. I guess best is to check with your gynae
Hi min81,

Thanks for your reply! So sorry about your MC.. mine was at 6 weeks and though it is coming to a year already, I still feel down thinking about it.

Where did u do your IUI? Will you be starting your next round soon?

Ya i guess the pain won't go away so easily.. Hugzz.. I just tell myself bb has gone to heaven to get stronger..

My IUI was done at NUH under Prof P C Wong.. My first menses after MC only came a few days ago.. Think my doctor mentioned best to wait for 2 normal cycles before trying.. So probably in july? Actually, my hubby and i would like to go straight for ivf, but my doc suggested another IUI before we decide on ivf.. So dunno my plans yet.. How about you? Where was your IUI done? Planning to do it again soon?
Hey ladies... My girlfriend just announced that she is preggy with her #2.... Though I'm happy for but it's still Very devastating for me... We started ttc ard the same time and yet.... I'm still with nothing... Haiz how to get over the negativity... Talk to dh and he says dun compare... Yes I don't compare but how not to let it not affect my mood? Haiz... Who can I look for comfort?
Min: i think most doc will advise max 3 times of iui before ivf cos IVF is more invasive. I also tried 2 iui . Doc asked to proceed with ivf
chewybib, understand how u feel...
I also went thru how u feel coz now all my fren around me r either a mum already or is pregnant n d worst is they get married later than me...
They even ask me how cm still no result from me coz married for 2 yrs n yet nothing while they can easily get pregnant after 1 month of marriage...haiz
I also not sure how to comfort u coz i also feel v negative n even bcoz of this, i slowly drift apart frm my frens
But still just wanna tell u don't give up hope...we still have to jy n hopefully our wish will come true fast
Hi Min,

Thanks gal! Huggs to you too! I think you are very brave! For me, it took me several months before coming to terms to everything and deciding to do IUI again. I did my IUI under Dr Yu at SGH. Will be visiting her again soon and ask her direction on what to do next.
Hi Chewybib,

I guess we all feel like that at times... but what's important is you dun let all these negative feelings get you down for too long! Let every day be a new start for you to try again, to hope again, to believe again... our dreams can come true...


Ya that was exactly wat my gynae told me, especially since I managed to conceive with 1st IUI, he said there is a good chance.. But my hubby and I have been discussing, we would really like to go straight to ivf cos we do not wish to wait any longer.. My hubby is already 41 this yr.. We'll speak to the gynae at the next appt..


Hugzz.. I know it's not easy.. If you find it find it difficult to face her or talk to her about her pregnancy, can just avoid it.. there's nothing wrong.. Coincidentally, I just found out this morning a friend of mine is preggy with her #2 and it's a girl.. Due date is around the same as mine if I had not miscarried.. I just tell myself to be happy for her and be excited to see her 2 gal gals looking cute and pretty in their ballet tutus (she's a ballet instructor)
