IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi Ladies
Been MIA for a while as I was traveling for work.

Dragon, don't be discourage. Continue to jia yu!

Ann, I read that pregnancy and AF symptoms are very similar. So unless your AF is here, think positive! And all the best for your test this Friday.

Hi Gal, if you ovulate naturally, the doctor may suggest a natural IUI first. I did 2 natural IUI but failed so my next one will be with Clomid. The doctor already gave me medication to take from Day 2 to Day 6 if/when my AF comes this month. (I took this month off and BD naturally)

Morning everyone. Seems quiet here.

Lil Ponyo: Thanks for the encouragement. Ya.. I told myself the same thing too. As long as I don't see red, still got chance. I told hubby that if this time round succeed, next Sat, Vesak day, when go pray and thank Buddha.

Chewybib: My gynae when give my hubby supplement, he did not ask us to do IUI immediately.. just told us to do natural. It is only after 3 months then ask me to take clomid and do IUI.
Morning everyone...

I spotted since yesterday after finshing all the pills on sunday. Sigh.. What is happening in my body... =(
Ann: the gynea was saying after i finish all my pills my period will come afew days later... but the day after i finished them, i spotted.. which is just like those time i spotted non stop..
Hmm.. I remember taking those pills too. Must eat for 10 days and then a few days later menses will come. Maybe you wait for a few more days and see how.
Yup, Cause my menses did not clean properly so it accumulates and causes my womb to enarge. So gynae gave me pills to take for the menses to come again to clean the womb first.. then give me injection to help shrink my womb.
Ann: Ok ok.. i think i am having my period soon.. the discharge abit pinkish now..

hm.. that is a good sign right, Ann?

Fingers and toes crossed for you!!!
Saralyn: That is good. Hopefully your menses will be normal and you can try soon.

I dunno good sign or not but it is uncomfy. I also got frightened by my appetite recently. Can eat alot. Last time PMS, I always have poor appetite due to bloatedness.
Ann: I am getting so excited for you! Heehee.. update us ya..

Ponyo: thank you.. still waiting patiently for it to flow.. hopefully it will be normal from now onward..
Saralyn: You are so cute. Was just telling hubby if I am preggy, I will be very scared. He asked me why. I told him if it is menses, at least, when menses come, my humongous appetite will dies down. But if I am really preggy and this humongous appetite continues for 9 months, it will be so scary.
Ann, so excited for you!!!
Ann: heehee.. Silently happy for you now.. Dont worry about your big appetitate! After closing shop then work hard to get rid of those fats.. Now just eat.. Remember you might be eating for 2 person now k..

Psp: pcos is Polycystic ovary syndrome.. U can go wikipedia or google to read more on this..
Saralyn: It is still too early to say now if I am eating for one or two. Haha!!

Actually I am wondering how come I can only test on Friday? My menses supposed to due tomorrow. If tomorrow no come, then I can test on Thursday right??

Fruitful: Thanks. Another 3 more days to result.
Lil Ponyo,

Thank you.

My menses yesterday black color and not much. So I counted today as day 1. But no flow. Only when go toilet is red. And pad only abit.


Need some advise. Got a part time student care job offer. Only 2-7pm. Pay less than $1K. Should I try?
Dragon & Saralyn: Haha!! I think I will still guai guai wait till Friday to test. Dun dare to face the test kit result. Sound silly right?
Dragon!!!!!! So long didn't chat with you.. How come yours is black color?? I don't know is it consider as Day 1.. Last night, I got a big lump of dark brown discharge.. then it bcome light brown and now pinkish.. I still don't have any flow now. Sigh.. first time ever how i wish my period will come..

Which tcm has you decided to try? I am planning to go see a tcm.. every friend told me to go try tcm first.. =(

Ann: haha.. is ok.. but you really have alot of promising signs... I am really crossing all my fingers and toes for you..
i am so worried now.. today or tomorrow i will receive the blood test result for amh.. i called up the nurse this morning to ask is my report in.. she told me they just sent out.. n she ended.. take care.. her take care makes me worry and telling me my result is not good.. sigh
Ann: You can actually test tomorrow since it's your menses due date
Best of luck! So excited for you!

Dragon and Saralyn: Saralyn, i know what you mean when uou say this is first time you actually wish for your menses to come.. We just want things to get back to normal so we can start trying again.. Hugzz.. Now my discharge also feels weird.. Already about 3 wks since my miscarriage.. Brownish stains were getting lighter.. Then yesterday 1st day back at wk suddenly became heavier.. Today there was less i tot was good news then just now went to toilet saw there's a little fresh blood.. Haiz..
min81: did you do D&C? that time when i went for lap, my gynea did D&C for me.. I was spotting non stop for afew weeks.. once i start walking, it will be red blood flowing out.. you need to rest more if you went for D&C..

amh is anti mullerine hormone test.. is to see our eggs reserve..
Saralyn: Ohh i din know about the amh test.. Don't worry, don't think too much, you haven't got the results yet.. The nurses always tell us to take care, don't think too much into it k

Ya i did D&C.. Now i regret going back to work so early, so much walking, climbing of stairs and standing.. Cos now that i've started, i will feel bad to take mc again.. Will just wait it out for now.. Hope it goes off soon.. Doc say cannot bd until stains have stopped.. At this rate, looks like my menses won't come so soon too..
min81: I am trying to tell myself she is just being nice to ask me take care. haha..

You better rest more. Try not to walk too much.. I still remember after 1 or 2 weeks rest at home, I went to IT show on saturday.. After that, I bled.. and from then on, I did not walk around unnecessary till my spotting stop...

you take care k..
Saralyn: Thanks gal.. Ya these 2 days came home earlier in the afternoon and try not to walk around too much at home cos hard to reduce the walking at work..

Dragon: Is the student care job an admin position? Should be quite ok.. If teaching children will be more tedious..

hee... Ya, long time no chat. Not sure why black but I heard black is no good wor.

I'm now seeing Dr Tan Siew Buoy.

Ya, don't tink too much, maybe just her way of saying bye to patients.

I agreed with your friend, go see tcm. But do take your body temp as some tcm will want to see your temp chart.


It's not admin job, is Teaching. Make sure they finish their school work and spellings. And also conduct some lessons.
dragon: is your tcm medicine is those drinking one? Im looking for those who will give out pills. Heehee.. I can't take the smell and taste of chinese medicine..

Ya.. I do take bbt last time.. But i stop for this month.. Want to take a break from all these monitoring..
Dragon: i'm teaching in primary school.. For the student care centre, if only small group of pupils assigned to you should be quite ok, won't be like in schools.. But if too many you may find it tedious.. Working with big group of children can be very physically and mentally tiring at times..

Actually, i should be leaving my job soon too.. Will leave when doc says i can ttc..
Dragon: Yup was already planning to leave.. Din expect can do IUI so quickly.. Tot just stay on first, if pregnant still can have maternity leave.. Well, after all these, my hubby said why not i just quit and relax first.. Anyway, these 3 mths can't ttc, so i'll leave after that.. Save up first.. Haha.. Kinda unsettling not to have an income.. Are you planning on taking the job?
I think most probably I'll go try it out. But abit half hearted cos will miss my carefree days. Keke...

And will be difficult to go tcm in the afternoon liao. Cos that tcm must wait very long for night time. Maybe will just take leave to go see tcm. Headache. Dont know want to take up or not. Hb said may be stressful cos parents expectation and lots of responsibilities.

What you think? Shld I go?
Hihi girls... I'm kinda lost in the process of waiting... Do u girls feel that? Months after months of symptom spottings which leads to nothing... Doc says iui but Hubby said no for the time being... After marriage have to wait for us to be ready to TTC; then during TTC have to wait for conception; TTC no news must wait for Hubby to agree to see doc; doc said Iui but Hubby said wait again... Sorry I'm getting frustrated and was trying to air out abit... Sorry for the negativity
At times, I feel that too. Guys just dont understand our body clock is ticking. To them, getting preg is just having sex. They dunno still got ovulation, implantation... Etc

But focus on other areas. Cos getting preg is really hard to predict. The time will come when it's time. It will happen. Just not yet our turn.

Dun worry, we understands. Let's jia you and be happy.

Ya I can imagine you'll definitely miss the days when you can plan your schedule at your own pace.. I definitely will! I'm so overwhelmed at work now! Haha.. It's really tough to adjust back.. and I've only been away for 6 weeks..

What your hubby said is quite true.. In education service, part of the stress also comes from managing parents.. Hmm.. I also don't know how to advise you without being discouraging.. haha.. Cos I'm leaving teaching mainly cos of the stress.. The physical part is fine, I'm ok with running around the school, it only became an issue after I went for IUI and wanted to be careful.. It's the mental part.. can be pretty draining.. Maybe you want to look for something that's like just admin? I'm also looking at part-time admin positions.. Think less stressful..


Don' worry, give your hubby a little time.. Maybe you can show him some articles on IUI, let him know more about it..

Cheer up and jia you!!
Saralyn: Don't scare yourself. You will be fine. If really got some bad things, I think they will call you up immediately le. My hubby always say no news is good news.

min81: You decided to quit your job when ready to ttc? I really think as a teacher, job really stressful. Got to face parents, principal and students. I also have a friend who is turning 40 this year. She is also a primary school teacher. She also decided it is time to have a bb and want to quit her job. She says with her job, totally no mood or energy to BD with hubby. So from 28yrs old till now 40yrs old le, still no baby. She felt that she owe her hubby.

Chewybib: I think why guys do not wish to do IUI is because they feel incompetent. That is what my hubby tell me too. He told me that he felt stressed that we have to do IUI cause he knows it is because of him we cannot have #2 naturally. I told him not to think that way but he just cannot help it. So maybe that is why your hubby do not wish to go thru IUI. We have to help them face the truth.

Ya, actually was ready to leave, but tot if IUI successful can stay for maternity leave.. Just feel so wasted if can't take that.. Haha.. My hubby say it's ok, we just live simpler, it's ok for now if don't work.. He's very supportive of whatever I do, i really appreciate that.. Hmm.. but hor.. so much stress, all my female colleagues also pop pop pop one by one.. Had ssssooo many colleagues giving birth the past 3 yrs.. My hubby and I enjoy BD also still no baby leh
When doc reminded me cannot get pregnant yet, I was thinking to myself, 2 yrs unprotected sex also didn't get pregnant, don't think will strike even if we don't use protection now..

Min81: I really saluate all ladies who gave up their career to ttc.. I don't know whether I can do it or not..

Ann: Oh... Did you DH went for SA?
