IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?


wa, you have so many symptoms! It must be tough for you. I am only experiencing bloatness & cramps, and also wake up several times at night. The bloatness is causing me to be so full all the time, so much so that i can't really take full meals, probably 10-20% of my normal appetite.


just take it as a small price to pay for a healthy baby...
yeah i also woke up at nights but only once....

my period is due yesterday but i think the cyclogest is delaying it. I have tested a few times and all neg so im expecting period to come soon. I called kkhivf and they still insist i come in for a preg test even though i have no symptoms, that cyclogest delays or bring fwd period, and got 3 neg from preg test kit....
Hi noscon,

Just stay as positive as possible, maybe miracle happens

I went to my gynae this afternoon, and was put on drip (egg white). Hopefully, it will reduce the bloatness. The gynae said there's alot of fluid in my tummy that's why it expanded so much.

I would be able to do a preg test next monday, I am praying hard that it will turn out to be good news .. that's even better than striking toto.

i went for the blood test n it came out neg. wow seems like your bloatedness is very serious... All the best to you for this cycle!! Strike strike!

What's your plan next? Try again?

Yeah, i took 9 raw egg whites today. Bloatedness seems to have improved but the size of the tummy did not reduce, it's still as though i am 5 months preg. Went to a hair salon this morning and the lady there asked me if I am pregnant .. i was so paiseh.

yeah try again lor... but will try chinese med this month since not advisable to do so-iui consecutive months...

yeah yr bloatedness seems bad...first time i heard so serious... do u have any other symptoms? did the bloatedness improves over the days?

yeah, it has improved quite alot today. I have already taken 6 egg whites today .. will add 2 more later
Checked with the nurse this morning, I can cut down the intake slowly once the bloatedness has improved.

Besides bloatedness & burping, not much of other symptoms leh. Getting more and more worried ..

Let's jia you ...

I hope all your wishes will come true in the coming rat year. Wish you a happy, healthy & prosperous new year.

everyone's symptoms different...so dun worry...
more symptoms doesnt mean will be pregnant... pls take care...

hope you will get good news soon to welcome the lunar new year! May all your wishes come true this year!

I had some bleeding this afternoon, but I am not sure if it is mensus or spotting. Do you know how can I differentiate? By right, my AF should not report so soon ... should be after 15 Feb. I am worried now ..

maybe its implantation bleeding? it is a good sign if u have implantation bleeding... to understand more u can google "implantation bleeding".... AF should last around the usual amt of days u usu have for AF.... implantation bleedings usu is 1-3days, but most people usu have it 1 day or 2 days....

if you are taking cyclogest progesterone supplements, it can also cause your AF to come earlier but I'm not sure by how many days...

take care

since it just started, gynae asked me to monitor

I have just stopped my progesterone supplements on Wed (6 Feb), as gynae only prescribed until 6 Feb. Could it be due to that?

how many days have you used the progesterone supp and when did u start it? AF is suppose to come a few days after u stopped that... But there is still hope cos your mense is not suppose to come till 15Feb... maybe could still be implantation bleeding....

you have to see how many days u bleed.... is the flow heavy?

I was on progesterone supp for 10 days starting from the day i did iui (28 Jan).

Anyway, i did a HPT this morning and it showed neg.
It must be the AF that is reporting soon.
hi ladies, can anyone brief to me the process of IUI/SOIUI and also do we need to rest at home after the injection of the sperm? if yes, how many days is needed? Im planning for it and need planning so that it wont crash with my work. thanks

dun be discouraged. you never know till AF really show up.... I was really disappointed when my AF reported...

Are you referring to IUI or SOIUI? Cos they are 2 different process...

SO-IUI will involve IUI and injectibles.

For IUI, after the injection of sperm, they will allow u to rest on the bed for abt 15mins. Some people will prefer to rest on bed or not moved much on the day itself. Others will go abt their life as per normal. The next day, it is ok to go abt life as usual. Usu they only give you MC for the IUI day only.

Dun be discouraged... As long as we keep trying, we will strike... like buying 4D like that... I think eating healthy will helps... i once got pregnant in a month when i was eating yong tau foo almost every day.... our diet can matters...

drink green tea to help with the cm during babymaking time...
IT will keep you more fertile cm...
gigi, noscon
erm... not too sure how true this is. but have been advised by TCM not to take soy-based prod while ttc-ing as it contains something that is similar to female hormones and sort of messes up our system.. there should be some article on it. try to google. hope it helps.

Erh . when i was on puregon during my first SOIUI attempt, I didn't know and drank alot of soya milk, treating it as a supplement for my morning coffee .. and after that gynae also told me to stop, saying that it might affect the growth of the follicles.
oic. so now better stick to fresh milk? I also stop drinking soya bean milk and soy prods for months liaoz... last time always eat yong tau fu as i thought healthy mah... oh ya... guys cannot eat soy products also.

Yeah, exactly. I also thought yong tau fu is healthy too, but who knows we should in fact avoid it, because the stock is usually cooked with yellow beans. So now anything related to beans or peanuts, I will give it a miss. Now, i normally go for milo .. i hope it is ok.
To. gigi

I was with dr fong yang sometime back and did 4 iui without success. After that i swich to Dr Lc Cheng , TMC and after finding out that i did 4 iui he suggested that a do a hsg right away. I was little disapponted that dr fong did not suggest any hsg before iui or after 2 failed iui. I wasted $$$ and time there. Have u checked your tubes, gigi?

I had a left blocked tube and some male factor. Will be doing March/ april 08 IVF with Dr Cheng. Anyone with him or doing ivf in coming months?? Thanks

Yes, I have done a hsg test, and both tubes seems to be not blocked. I was on 2 cycle of clomid but the follicles did not grow up to the acceptable size, so did not proceed with iui. Last month I did my 1st SOIUI, but failed. I am on my 2nd try now.

I hope you will succeed with Dr LC Cheng
good luck to you.

hi nancy,
I'm with Dr LC Cheng too. Not going for IVF. now taking it easy for the time being. Perhaps, you can check out the LC Cheng thread to see if anyone going for IVF soon
Good luck to u.

Thanks. I saw someone with Dr eunice from TMC but did with ivf care at Paragon. Do u know how come not ivf at TMC level 6? Is it better there?
I'm not too sure. at level 5, is Dr LC cheng. he is head of the fertility clinic at TMC.

yes. soya product affect male factor as well. so guys should not take also.
Hello Ladies
How are everyone doing?

Sorry to MIA after my SO-IUI procedures in Dec 07. And now I am back with good news to encourage everyone to preserve our baby's dream. I am now into my 14 weeks of pregnancy for #2 after my SO-IUI procedures with Dr Fong Yang. Though it can be scary & streesful taking the injectibles & hormone pills during the SO-IUI procedures, it is all worthwhile when we see the BFP.

Jia You Jia You to my TTC sisters!

Strike Strike Strike!!!
Hi Budderball,

Waiting for my menses to come in Mar, then will go for blood test on D2. Won't be having any injections until then. what about you?

Thanks for sharing the good news especially I am also doing soiui with Dr Fong Yang.

Could you please share with me how was your experience with Dr Fong? What are the do/don't after the iui procedure? What were the symptoms you had then?

Sorry for so many questions .. but I am really anxious to know.

Thanks in advance.

Hello. I am very glad to have both of u as my cycle buddies. Thanks. This is my first IVF and doing it with DR LC Cheng TMC. How abt u? I am all anxious. Waiting for menses to come abt 2nd week of March. I need some advice from u ladies. Currently, except for 2 very close girlfriends, no one know that i am going for iVF. Not even our family members. Should i tell them? I am afraid if it fails, they will be disappointed. I have also did few sessions of failed IUI. Thanks
Hi GiGi
Sorry for my late reply.

I have been with Dr Fong since my #1 till now. We did seek 2nd opinion from another gynae when we decided to do SO-IUI but in the end still opt to do with Dr Fong is because my hb & I felt assured with him and his skills.

After the SO-IUI procedures, I was given 1/2 hr bed rest on his clinic bed. And when reached home, I continue to hv as much bed rest as possible. And avoid carrying heavy stuff, squatting or walking.

Must remember to take the Progesterone pills & folic acid faithfully.

As told by Dr Fong, we BD (baby dance)on that very nite and my hb drank a tin of Tiger Beer at room temperature as it is believe to keep the body warm, and lagi best with ABC stout (black beer).

I listened to my gf and ate a lot of eggs during my 2WW (Two Weeks Wait) and avoid walking, shopping and hv plenty of bed rest whenever possible.

My symptoms are super sore nipples, tireness and early sign of morning sickness (MS). My MS kicked in as early as 1 week after my SO-IUI procedures and was quite bad that I have to give up eating my fave sliced fish bee hoon soup.

GiGi, wishing you all the best in yr SO-IUI with Dr Fong. Pass U loads of Baby Dust! Strike Strike Strike!!!
