IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

I dunno whether u believe anot...
It's just my own personal experience...
I went to TPY Shuang Lin Temple to pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang 注生娘娘. Out of initial 3-4 times I went to pray, I mge to get 2 times of red eggs that some mummies hv left there to return blessings. Maybe it's fate? I dunno...
The very month I got BFP.

Sometime when natural doesn't make sense, juz try supernatural...
Doesn't matter whether u got the eggs anot. Sincerity v impt.

DHM: thanks for sharing...i will do that....for now, i will just do anything i cna ....i prob should drop by the guan yin temple at bugis more often... are u referring to Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery?
Ya, the Toa Payoh 双林寺.. My DH oso go bugis one to pray pray too.
The God will grant u when ur time is here...

Re: TCM. I only seen Dr Tan Siew Buoy. I can't comment on the rest cos nvr seen them b4. Sorry cant help in this area. But my sis ever mentioned the one at Marine Parade. Thinking of visiting if my IUI failed but no chance to see.
Dream: the same thing for me too. I got 3 follicles.. The specimen was good with 90% motility and 90 mil. We thought and even my gynea also thought we would make it for that cycle but sadly it didn't.. There might be more reasons behind which we won't know.. And we believe is not in god timing and plan to bless us with one yet..

When we went to dr loh, he did a scan and was suggesting us to go for another round of so-iui... But we decided we do not want to wait and get the disappointment again since the success rate is not that high as compared to ivf.. Furthermore, i want to put an end to this ttc. Even if with ivf, we are still able to have one, we will move on with other priorities in life and will nt feel regret about it since we have tried our best..
Saralyn, your words came straight from my thoughts! 100% with you! Everything seem to be in place in my last 2 IUIs. 2 eggs, big follicles, think lining, good mucus but still unsuccessful. Don't know reason for failure and so we don't want to do IUI anymore. My DH and I also set a plan for TTC. If by next year still nothing, we will just move on in life because we don't wait TTC to consume us and let life pass us by. Yes and we would have given our best and no regrets!
Saralyn: I may be doing short protocol but I need to be seen by a more senior doc to confirm . Kind of scare of needle use for short protocol , seen it dur IVF seminar ha ha...
Dream: I join this thread
But I still read iui thread
dian_tang, happy to have you as IVF buddy too. There are quite a few of us on this thread who are doing IVF in Aug. Hopefully, we will all succeed together!

Laki Gal

Jia you!
Dian_tang: I will be doing long.. Dr says higher success rate for my case.. In my heart, I was hoping so hard he asked me to go for short because of lesser jabs.

You mean long protocol uses smaller needle? Heehee.. I am soooo not looking forward to the start of those jabs..

Lil_ponyo min81: *wave* hiiii!!
Hi saralyn,

Long time no see!
My hubby and I also think the same way as you.. It's hard to just put everything on hold for this ttc journey but we want to try our best.. I quit my job to focus on this.. I can always find another job later but i can't buy back time..

I'll be on short protocol.. Hope to be able to do the injections myself! We can still exercise actively during the injection period rite?

Let's all jia you together, babes!
*wave* min81, saralyn, lil...hehe dropping by in dis thread

Dream sorry to hear tat, hmm think there will b many unknown reasons y iui can failed. Like wat lil say, d success rate is v low for iui as compared to ivf. However no matter wat, do not gve up k coz very soon we will rch our destination.

dian_tang, do join us at the thread which lil mention

min81, i will b hving short protocol, medication at 150iu however tat time i didnt knw much bout ivf so no chance to ask d nurse wat medication is tat. During injection, u still cn exercise however af et try not to hve active exercise, slow walk will b fine for blood circulation
Hey, you girls know so much about what you are doing already! I don't know anything. All the doctor told me was to call clinic to arrange for blood test when my AF comes. Sometimes my doctor is so chilled that it makes me even more anxious!
Lil_ponyo, saralyn, laki_gal,

Somehow feel very much connected to the sisters in this thread.. It was the 1st thread i joined


Thanks for the info.. Cos i was thinking maybe good to do a bit of light jogging and continue yoga during injection phase to improve blood circulation
I definitely won't be doing any exercise after embryo transfer.. My doc says 2 weeks hospitalisation leave strictly for rest..


Don't worry, no need to know too much.. Hehe.. Right now, i only know i have to call the clinic once my menses come, to make appt to go down on day 2.. I don't really know what will be done that day.. I'll just go with the flow
Today hubby and i had to redo the hiv screening test, and i also had to redo my amh cos it's past 6 mths since we last took it..
u gers are so sweet....
still coming back to this thread to encourage the rest of us...thanks so much... i really hope that you gers will succeed during ur first trial of ivf...pls keep us updated...

guess is time for me to start reading up and understanding more about ivf...i may even join the thread to start reading up..

Wish i can be as positive as you guys and learn to take things easy...but i still cant do it and am continued to be bothered by it...will try my best...
Min81: me too.. Went to ivf thread earlier on but the thread is moving too fast and too many sisters in it.. Hard to catch up. I'm so happy to be back here with all of you all.

Lil_ponyo: haha.. I also. Dr Loh never even explain what is the whole process is like. He is telling the same as so-iui. Just that higher dosage. He was saying starting at 300iu. I asked.. Is that too high? Will I get terrible mood swing? Haha.. He just laugh it off and told me to call back when my period is here to arrange for d21 appointment.

My period is coming by this weekend.. Am really hoping I will have some surprise.. But sigh.. Don't think so.. Having all my typical pms now..

Laki_gal: *wave* hihi!!!!

Dream: don't give up and continue to be strong and fight this battle. We will win one day.

We all must jiayou jiayou!!
Lil, no lah I didnt knw much bout my cycle only d short protocol n dosage. However I learn fm d other thread tat short protocol will skip suppression n go straight to stimulation. I oso limited knowledge only

Min81, think on d2, they will check do a scan on us n then instruct us on d medication, tat wat I cn rem hehe.

Saralyn, ur cycle v near mine. I'm hvin af nw tat y lousy n emo mood...thou I hve surprise oso.

Dream, not to worry juz tk things slowly. Sometime I oso do hve neg thou n get v emo when af is here bt still no matter wat I hve to fight bk d thot n prepare myself for ivf. D ivf ladies mention tat positive thot is impt for ivf.

So ladies, let all jiayou n v v soon we will hve our little ones
For NUH, long protocol use boththe injection by pen and another needle type too. But the needle is not so long .
The needle for short protocol is longer .. -_-
Still can do exercise until the day of extracting egg.
Recently I have to call hosp on day 1 of menses and they draw blood between day 2 -4 and also did pelvis ultrasound scan on day 4 to check on my uterus . Min81: do u mean pelvis ultrasound scan?

Ya was thinking, ermm.. Wouldn't it be kinda messy and embarrassing to do the transvaginal scan during day 2 of menses? My day 2 flow still heavy..
Me too, I feel more connected to this thread. It's true, the IVF thread moves very fast. Not easy to keep up but managed to learn quite a few things from the ladies there.

Min81, don't worry if have to do vaginal scan, I bet the doctor has seen pretty much everything with all the patients that he sees by now!! Ha ha!

Dream, don't be blue. Take it one step at a time. Think and focus on things that you have and blessed with instead of the things that you don't have
This trick works for me. I remind myself once in a while that I have loving and supportive husband, friends and family. Also remind myself that I'm luckier than those women who have problems getting pregnant yet cannot afford or do not have access to the good doctors and treatment that we have.

Hehe.. Still feel kinda embarrassed everytime.. I think that's why he keeps tokking to me and asking me questions everytime i'm doing a scan..


Must think positive k.. Don't let this get you down.. My hubby and i always tell ourselves how our relationship has grown much stronger cos of the obstacles we have faced.. Like lil_ponyo, we try to look at what we have rather than what we don't have.. Jia you!!
Min81: ha I also ask them this qn when I call up to make appt. they said it was ok . I called them on day 1 and they set appt for me on day 4. I always feel not comfortable when doing such scan but I felt ok dur the last scan

Ya, luckily prof wong is very skilled so i don't feel much discomfort.. I didn't like my previous private gynae.. Oh but i was told i will have to go in on day 2.. If my menses come on.a sunday, just go in on monday at 8.30.. Are you with prof wong too?
min81, yup like wat dian tang mention d2 scan will b v scan

Lil n min81, really salute u both gals for d positive thinking

yup think dis thread we cn talk more frequent than d other thread as it moving too fast n sometime im lost hehe
Morning, ladies.. thanks for all the encouragement...really appreciate it..yah..very often, i tend to forget what i am blessed with..will target to keep my thoughts positive from now on..

actually, my DH is a very busy man..he is overswarmed by work and is always tired..Even if we do want to try naturally, i still ahve to constantly remind him of BD...sigh...sometimes, i just feel so pai sei...no girl's pride liao...

Throughout the whole process, i have been leading the way because he didnt have any chances to google online for information or anything. he just goes along with the suggestions i have.. last night, we had a small chat before he dozes off... i am inclined to go for Dr Foong for the 3rd IUI but he thought we should stick with Dr Loh.. He chooses AMK TCM too cos nearer....alamak...he is too rational...

Saralyn: hahahhaa....this is exactly how i feel about Dr Loh. he is too busy and hardly has time to explain anything in detail...i ask him about ivf and he also told me it is the same as ivf...faint... from what i guess, it should be a more tedious process than iui.. i read that some doc would organize seminars on ivf for his patients but i doubt he has...so got to google online for information then..
hmm....i wonder about Missbean...no news from her....hope that she has positive news....at least we can also get a bit of her baby dust...kekkee...
Good morning ladies!!!

Regarding D2 vscan, I did that 2 times already. Haha! Both times I did not expected it.. When I got an appointment with Dr Loh, it was my D4. I asked the nurse is it okay and she told me Dr is fine with it. He should be used to it.. Haha..

Dream: Yes, Dr Loh is so busy.. Never explain the process to me. He only told me the different between long and short protocol because he asked me which one do I want to do. If only IVF is just like SO-IUI with only 4-5 jabs for the whole cycle then an IVF is so easy... Hahaha..


Seem like most of you are doing short protocol.. Don't think my ET and ER will be around the same time as you all.. =(
Gd morn!!!

I'm oso v attached to this thread...
Cos I want to see u gers graduate soon!!!!
Everyday I'm waiting some good news from here...

Jia you everyone!!!
Saralyn, my af is around end of d mth one so mayb we still can catch up. Anw we all r aug cycle buddies tog w d rest (Lil, min81, dian tang)

Dream, guy is like tat de, sometime oso angry w dh tat he dont seem to b doing anytime however it dont mean he dont care coz guy react different fm us. For us, we r lucky tat we hve this thread to talk to but for our dh guess they will only hide everythin inside them.
Ya i'm so anxious about missbean too! Hope for great news!

Saralyn & laki_gal,

Err okie.. Nervous about the v scan on day 2.. Hope my flow not too heavy!

Dream & saralyn,

Ohh but i still think if there's anything you want to clarify with the doc must still ask.. Think they're obliged to help with our queries too rite.. And since you're paying the consultation fee each time you see him.. Hehe.. Write all your questions on a piece of paper and ask him whatever you girls need to..
Saralyn, at least Dr Loh still tells you about long and short protocol....think he never even mention this to me...i dun hav an option. he just say i will do icsi(dunno whether i caught it correctly) ivf...i never really ask him to elaborate cos at that point in time, i was very clear i wan to proceed to iui for the 3rd and last time..

hahaha..next time, i will write down a list of questions...and scare him off...then mayb he would put up our photos on his door and deny our entrance..(just like how pets are disallowed)...hahaha...just some thoughts to lighten our mood...

Yah...i am glad there is this forum...previously, i was so stressed out...no one to talk to and kepping everything to myself...till i was so pressurized that i almost wan to die...i told dh that this is the most stressful in my whole life...none of my school exams or work stress can be compared to this...but at least, it is much better...taking things easy and knowing there is a group of sisters out there encouraging each other to brave on..

DHM: How are u feeling these days?? Still very tired or getting better? Heard that the first trimester is usually tiring...pls take care of yourself and hva lots of tonics...do u know the gender of your triplets already??
DHM: how is your 3 babies doing? Hope you are doing well!!!

min81: thanks! yup.. my dh always asked me to prepare the list of questions I want to ask the doc before going to see him but I am just so lazy and I am those kind who thinks on the spot and not do preparation work. Heehee..

I asked in the other thread. one of the sister told me when I go down on D21, the nurse there will tell me every single thing about what i will be doing for the next 6 weeks.. I'm sooooooooooo not looking forward to the start of the jabs.. But am excited for the journey..

Dream: He asked us to go try for SO-IUI during the first consultation. My dh told him our purpose of coming here now is to do IVF. Then he told us good.. We are still young.. Is good to do IVF.. And then, he told me IVF got long and short protocol. Which one I would like to do and he explained the 2 to us.

Mind asking why he suggested ICSI?

Sigh.. I think I really need to go back and ask all my questions to him... I didn't even know ICSI. I thought IVF is just IVF.. No other type of IVF..

Laki_gal: So glad to have you all as my cycle buddies again. =)))
Saralyn: for long protocol, injection start on day 21 after your menses. For short protocol, injection start on day 2.
. ICIs is also consider as IVF , a newer method .
Hi gals,

Yes, I got a BFP on 17dpiui! Spreading Tested with HPT twice and came out very positive. (I always test with Watsons brand and when I got BFN before AF, I always lie to myself that the kit is cheap and so may tell me the wrong BFN. But I'm wrong. When its postive, its very positve on the stick).

Hubby & I got a bit overwhelmed at first but was hugging with joy & very excited. We went for BT the next day at Dr.Foong to 100% confirm it. When I recieved the call from him and he said:" Congratulations", I was very happy.

I've been given Folic Acid and Duphastron now to support the pregnancy in this first trimester. Blood test HCG level is good according to Doc. Next few weeks is crucial and critical for the baby's growth, I heard. Now 4weeks+. First scan is 7 weeks.

Journey has not been easy for us for those who have challenges in TTC. I believe you girls share the same thoughts. So all the more important to take good care of myself now. I started to take things easier, walking slower, put less stress on work etc.

** Baby Dusts to all**
Congrats!!!! Sooo happy for you!!! Pls take good care of yourself and wish you a smooth 9 months ahead!!

Can share you preg symptoms? I always love to read these.. Hoping one day I will have the same as all bfp girls have..
Thanks Saralyn.

My preg symptoms:
1dpiui: I was already feel sensitive in my boobs.
Around 7dpiui onwards, I was feeling very tired at night and slept 1-2 hours earlier than usual. Boobs very tender,painful, swollen and appear to be bigger. but I usually get boobs like that prior to AF. So I wasnt suspecting anything for the boobs.

Around 13dpiui - 16dpiui: I was still feeling tired at night and had AF like cramps. I thought AF is really coming soon and even prepared a pad on my panties just in case. Also had loose stools (which I don't know if this is related.)
Congrats missbean!! Wishing you a smooth 9 mths ahead!

Early pregnancy is a very crucial period.. Must take good care of yourself.. Leave all housework to your hubby.. Hehe
Congrats! Missbean! i totally understand how tiring the TTC path is...so i am truly happy for u! but at the same time, also envy u...kekeke...hope that i will have my chance too..

Saralyn:actually he didnt even explain to me why he suggest ICSCI...of course, i am also too blur to ask him why....this will be one of the question i will ask him...i think for Dr Loh, we have to prepare ourselves by reading up online so that we can ask him questions...doubt he can feed us wiht knwoeldge!

Actually, what makes you go for Dr Loh huh? Looking at the thread so far, seems like Dr Foong is quite a good and detailed one...and maybe chances for IUI also relatively high....i dunno...

I think maybe your doc suggested icsi cos higher chance.. For nuh, they only do ivf with icsi.. For normal ivf, they will put the egg in a petri dish and put all the sperm around it and wait for it to fertilise on its own.. For ivf with icsi, they will directly injecta single sperm into the egg to fertilise it.. Hope this helps
Dream: I was set for Dr Foong or NUH (heard all the good reviews from min81).. I can't decide which one to go to.. I asked my dh to decide.. One fine day he was reading a news article talking about ivf and Dr Loh was mentioned.. Thus he went to read up on him and realised he has a lot of experience in ivf and his success rate is quite high at kkh.. So He feels Dr Loh is the best for us and That's how I am with Dr Loh now..
Min81, in this case we should go for icsi right? Higher success rate of our eggs get fertilized? Hm.. I will go ask Dr Loh or the nurse on my d21.. I got no other appointment with the Dr for now...
Pls take good care of yrself from now onwards k!
U r in Mar thread?

This Friday I'm gg for my scan n reviewing of my utrogeston. I shd b taking off utrogeston cos ending of 1st trimester soon.
Still feeling lethargic, esp after meals.
Dunno the gender yet lah, still early.. Heehee. I'm wk11 now...

Hope to hear more good news!!
Jia you!!


I didn't exactly read up whether icsi has higher chances than the normal ivf but i would suppose so since the sperm is directly injected into egg..
