Hello Kitty Fans Gathering


Oh my Gosh~!! Haha..den hw? Btw tt time u got receive my tt for ur pte sale ma?


Oh its u..ya hor..y i nv tink of tt..hmm..tt time i went to grace's shop (@bugis) for the apple series LD w KM & ktgal u were dere oso rite? Haa..ur hubby say ur storeroom full liao..lol..

ya, tat's me loh wif my boi

hahaha... the storeroom packed wif all the LD prizes.
Wat a small world! Juz curious, yr friend works in tat shop?
Morning ladies...

Nice hair dryer wor..
Wonder wat isetan sanrio will hv for the special discount items next thurs lor..=D.

true lor, cos bbs grow bery fast de..I prefer to get bigger sizes now =)..

E square thing is mug coasters?

I've the same Qs as feifei. How much huh?
Is the square thing a pot coaster or mug coaster.
I bought a set(2pcs/set) of pot coaster from KM and like the material. Looking for them leh
Morning ladies!

Let me ans ur questions on behalf of Lili lah, since she cant log in forum in office nw.

Yes, the square ting is a mug coasters. They r very nice loh, cant help but got to buy.

No prob lah, i will help u tt back to Lili lah. Nex time dun be so blursss again ya?? Hee...

Yes, i received ur funds liao. Thks.
I also have the HK LD pink rug, pink headband and pink soap pump for sale at cost. PM me if keen. Thanks!
understooded...kee =D...HK hard to resist lor..keke...Oh yes, ur confinement receipe books still with me wor...hmm...will u be coming to Sk anytime?
Hee...oh my books still with u ah? Hmm...will u be meeting eunice anytime? Can pass to her? Coz' my hubby may look for it anytime mah since my sis expecting nw.
Hi ladies......

Sanrio having sale next Thurs meh? Or is it u mean in conjunction with the Isetan sale ah?

It was fun y'day during the class. keke... wasn't in my best listening mode y'day wor. Lots of things like missed out. Heng u gals there else I sure blurz like duno wat siah.

My colicks & DH love the biscotti so much leh. Tink hv to find 1 day to make it liao.

Did u gals try the mochi mooncake y'day? Nice a not ah? Give me some comments so I can improve. hee.....
ya lor..hehe..i forgot to return u until i was packing my hk things yest..hehe...okie, I try to pass to her this wkend lor =D...tks ya...
ya lor, in conjunctin with isetan sales..hehe..u going?

Anyone knows if there is any sales on blenders, those smaller type cos tinking of getting 1 so can blend food for my ger...
i havent eaten mochi yet..
will let u know after i eat later

ya the class quite interesting, next time if got other interesting session, let me know hor
hi ladies.. i have an extra set of these CN pens.. 1 pair $3.. bot them from vendor who came to sch to sell children's day stuff.. hehe.. any takers??

hi feifei,
me busy at work.. seldom login le... hee...
I bot Philips blender to blend kids food, not bad lor... think $50+
feifei.. isetan pte sale that time u go there buy the ulike blender lohz... v good v compact and v ez to wash..
69 bucks..think muz have more disc on that day..
Hello. Busy ah?

Have lor. U go KK see lah. They hv some Korean blenders which is less than $100 or abt there depending on which model u choosing lor. May the SA used it to blend her son's food oso leh.

Was having sushi lunch in office (ingredients all home made) with my colicks & took the HK mould which some ladies here got from KK. Made tis but without HK face. The shape is there but cant reali see unless u reali go decorate the eyes & nose.



This is wat i do
- place the long body (both sides open) on top of the flat die cut base
- Add the rice until 1/2 full
- use the die cut with a round middle protruding out & place into the body (means u will squeeze the rice until compact & got 1 hole in the middle)
- add mayo, wasabi, other ingredients like salmon, egg, cucumber, etc
- add in the rice until almost full
- use the other die cut (without the middle protruding out) & push into the body to make the rice compact.
- use the stick to push the rice out

HAHA, I hope u gals understand wat I saying wor, coz I oso dun reali know how 2 explain in words.
Ulike blender? is it orange color one?

really huh?Me long time nv go kk lor...miss the HK shopping =)..Nice sushi leh...me long time nv eat liao...
I did tat earlier leh. Plain rice then decorate the face but still cant see leh. keke, 1st attempt is like tat. I'll jia you jia you. keke....

Actuali hor, very easy to do de leh. I no bluff u lor. Last time I oso tot aiyo very difficult 2 do but it's not lor. U juz hv to buy the japanese rice & cook then the other "pei liao" u do those simple simple ones can eat liao lor.

U dont bluff me hor UUUUUU!!!!! haha, so ugly u say nice. haha.....
I love sushi so much. Once i saw your sushi make me wan to go and eat now. Very easy to make a not. Feel like making my own sushi when i free. But too lazy to do so. hahaha Go and buy better.
feifei.. ya.. orange one..

ah mau.. not v bz lahz..hehe.. juz that morning i woke up realli late mah.. keke... then come sch liaoz.. now v free.. haha

Anyone can teach me how to make the sushi rice texture smoother?
I find my sushi rice texture not smooth enough...
I tried dropping a few drop of olive oil when cooking the rice but still not ideal leh
Those from resturant their sushi rice texture are smooth lor...
Reali very easy to make de lor. Juz buy the Japanese rice & cook like wat u usuali cook lor, maybe add a little bit more water.

Eg. if 5 cups of rice, I put the water to level 7 + a little bit more.

After tat when the rice is cooked, u open up & add in 1 pack of the sushi vinegar (can buy fm NTUC) pour in & mix them up then u are ready to make yr sushi liao lor.

Buy those Japanese cucumbers coz very juicy & crunchy. Make yr own egg or u can put canned mayo tuna, crab meat, cheese, all these ready & easy ingredients lor. Then u juz put some rice into the HK mould, put the ingredients in the middle & top up the rice & then press hard there u go, yr own home made sushi is ready to be put into your mouth liao.

Can try put a bit more water to cook so texture is smoother? Or could it be the brand of the rice? Me not sure wor coz these 2 lunch of Jap rice prepared by me, I find them ok leh. I nvr put any oil at all.

I remember I order 2 sets of 3in1 rectangular containers from TH & got only 1 set leh. Tink the other set at tat time is OOS wor. I wonder if I hv paid up & if the containers still got stock a not ah? Scare I lose track. Or was I given a refund?

can anyone of u remeber if we have got this 3in1 containers or any refund given ah? Sorry hor, coz I very blur & oso buy liao forgot abt it wor.

This is the list I retrieve from 25th April 2008.
DESIGN 1 (RABBIT) – 18 pcs
1) kittymum
2) acsy
3) Hello Kitty
4) alicia
5) amma
6) emma
7) PP
8) Elizabeth
9) cookiepie
10) lili
11) jasmine
12) jasmine
13) yalokitty
14) sharonng
15) sharonng
16) alicia
17) alicia
18) msbrown
I will try again. Cos' feel the texture not smooth so I kay khiang put olive oil lor...hehehe...try and error mah...
hi msbrown,

I oso sms lili a couple of time & I find it confusing on her reply.

She told me Th havent unpack the boxes which contained the 3in1 containers then yesterday, she told me no refund cause waiting for stocks so I don't noe which is which!

Got stock haven't opened or no stock?
Hi lili,

About the Aust Spree, I don't quite understand ur sms.

Since you found ur frenz, how come u are unable to know did she purchase the waffle maker on hand?

By telling me several times you don't know, I don't understand.

I don't mind to wait till next month since it been dragging by 1yr plus and initially you told me wait for my turn for refund but can you assure me if by end of next month, if there is nothing, Can you give me a refund by end of next month?

All these amount of money is my hard earned money.

Esp come to all this kind of spree, I think Reliability is very important as I see KM, Lazymummy also keep us update the shipment info, status and arrival & even refund us immediately if anything go wrong.
at least u hv the shape wor...where got bluff u..keke... =D...

then i hv to go see next wk liao..hee

u looking for a carrier? Duno how many mths then safe for bb to put into e carrier?

anyone getting the bedsheet?
Hi ladies,

sorry MIA here because super busy lately...

Time to update the ladies about the 2-ear Hello Kitty pots BP.

It's supposedly released officially in Japan already. So I just emailed supplier to check when they can ship the items to me... so I will update all of you asap once I got any news.

Thank you for waiting patiently

note: btw, think I will have extra 3-4 sets @ $42 per set of 2 pots (1 red/1 white). ( KK/KP selling @ $29.90 each before discount). So for those who didn't order earlier on, you can still get the extras from me. Thank you!
How are you doing? I am interested in the design HK4. But $57 for the bedsheet only is very expensive. So me still considering, you?

You can only put baby facing you, side and behind (like backpacking your baby) no front facing.
<font color="aa00aa">MsBlur / Cindy</font>,
Sorry yah.. have not passed your baby bag and soap dispenser to you gals yet. Cos the last time I met up lili I forgot to bring your things. *paiseh paiseh*
How would you like me to pass you your stuffs?
So ex the bed sheets hor..
I'm going to BKK early next mth. Shall lug back from there instead. Hee.

Do update us on the pots hor.. really wait very the long liao.
Dun know leh, I still not sure whether to get or not. Not cheap wor, must consider b4 i buy. When will u be using yr Ergo?

Sun I tried to practise n used the sling at home, put bb in Kangaroo pouch position, she seems to like it wor, sucking her fingers inside n head sweating still nvr make noise. My bb like front facing leh, too bad Ergo dun have
ya my son likes kangaroo position too cos its very cosy.
like fei fei mentioned maybe wait till baby is older.You can buy if there is a good offer and keep till baby is ready for the carrier.
I'm using Combi Nana for Megan. This have front facing.
Megan loves it! My best investment

By the way, please use only when your child's neck is stiff liao hor..
I oso not sure abt whether the 3in1 containers got stock a not. hehe.... I almost forgot abt it lor until I went back to see archive (can see how free I am right?) then I realise I still hv this wor.

Let's wait for Lili/Msblur to revert on the status ba.

Ya ya do lah. Easy Easy de. Am sure yr boys will like it too. Do they like Japanese food? If yes, sure they'll like something for a change especially done by mummy. hee... OK muz show us hor.

I can understand the "laziness" lor coz sometimes it's not tat we dun wana do it's tat we're occupied with other things lor tat makes us tired or wat so we dont feel like doing anything except NUA at home lor.

Hello, how r u? No wonder lah I dun feel the coarseness coz I got put the Japanese vinegar mah.

U try with the Japanese vinegar a not?

I ordering HK4 leh coz my fav design but $57 is a bit expensive lah. But if u compare with some bedsheets here of better quality, oso tat expensive mah. keke... i giving excuses to buy lor. The other set is for my colick.

My toothcrush oso still wif u hor. keke..... U juz keep it 1st lah huh, until when we meet or u meeting some one then see how to pass to me ok.

Yr names are inside the above 3in1 container list leh. Did u gals get yrs?

I have that too, we use it when my hubby is carrying my ds. Cos he doesnt know how to work around the sling.hahahah I like it too but bec bb is getting really heavy when I use it so I got to give up.

I agree with Eliz there are diff position for diff stages pls use it with caution cos BB neck may not be stiff enough..

link for patapum

link for ergo

kekeke, you too know its only a reason for yourself to buy huh?? I like the design too but normally they charge high for their own commission not more of the quality of the bedsheets. The quality of the bedsheet may not be up to your expectation.
If you want maybe order the quilt only which is cheaper right?? more over if we lie on the bedsheet we dont get to see Hk.If we use the quilt, HK is so prominent.Ya hor, maybe I will just get the quilt... kekekekek not sure if she sells the quilt only hor??
