DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Morning Ladies...

Any mummies gone thru induce b4 40wks n giv birth naturally to relatively big bbs?

Btw, how accurate is the weight estimation we do during our scans?

Im afraid mine will be too big to pop naturally... keep wondering if I shd induce within these 2 wks instead.. *sigh*

hmm.. he said better for bb to pop within these 2 wks, else he's oso afraid might be too big for me.

He nv mentioned abt induce though.. jus ask me to walk more n hopefully, I can do it naturally.

I jus walked 15mins to the mall nearby, had lunch, hang around n walk back again. Oh my... Im so tired! This heat is killing me!
Although I've not been pregnant before, I can imagine the weight on any preggies! My friend's been complaining of her backaches..

Don't worry yah.. talk to your girl and ask her to come out soon haha! She must be too comfy in there.. hehe
Hmm... so quiet.. hehe

To you girls who have done puregon injections, is it possible to ovulate on D6?? I realise I was "wet" yesterday and then discovered egg white mucus this morning.. can't be so soon right? I'm D6 into my menses, ie. 5 days of injection so far.
Hi haze1ine,

I am one of Dr. Fong's patient. During my 38 weeks scan, Dr. Fong estimated my bb to be 3.7 kg - 4 kg. Advised me to go for induce labour within the next 2 days. We did and delivered a lovely 3.8 kg baby boy over the last weekend naturally, though lots of hard work

If we wait till the due date, the baby will still grow inside the womb and will probably bigger than 4 kg.
U'll get quite a bit of discharge while on puregon, esp clear ones. Dun worry abt it.

Might start to feel a bit bloated too towards the end.

Gd luck for ur scan!

Hi alicelmm!
Ur boy must b a real bundle of joy!

So his estimation seems to be quite accurate. Dat's wot he told me, try not to wait til 40wk. I guess I hv to make a decision somehow during my scan nex wk.. will be 38wks then too.

Is it possible to let me noe how long was ur labour, from the time u're induce til bb is born? And was ur boy oredi engaged then? I've read can take as long as 12hrs... n risk of ending up w an emergency C is there.

If not convenient to disclose here, pls PM me.

Hi girls, I went for my scan already.. got 3 eggs, 2 are growing pretty ok - abt 12.5mm each, while the 3rd is a bit slower, abt 11mm. I've to continue puregon jabs on Sat and Sun then scan again on Mon.. Hope all the eggs will be ready haha!! I want twins!!! Hahaha!!
Congrat Faith... Dun worry.. All will be growing well.. Will u be doing iui? Or try naturally? Many many baby dust for you..
haze1ine, congrats... finally you are soon to be a mother... Yes... walks and walks and walks,..it really help in delivery.. from labour to delivery, it's all depends on individuals and of course the cooperation of your little ones..

Enjoy your couplehood now... and remember to walk alot... have a smooth delivery,... !!!
Thanks Jolie! My hubby doesn't seem keen to do IUI leh... but I told him we could do both natural and IUI to increase the chances loh.. else if the cycle doesn't work (for whatever reason), then we'll have to spend another 1k on puregon again.. We still have tomorrow to decide after seeing Dr Fong.. so we'll see how first loh..
haze1ine, jiayou, you gonna see your precious baby soon
My gal is 8 months plus now. Time really flies, cherish every little moment once your baby is out

faithnhope, hope this cycle works for you, don't give up! Convince hubby to do IUI, think might as well to increase the chances like you said

I wish I could breastfeed my gal for as long as it takes but yes, there are a few reasons to stop it too...like wanting a number two ha. I love kids! But it's not easy to be a mother...Most of my friends told me their kids naturally didn't want to latch on anymore as they grow....mine doesn't seem to follow this pattern loh haha. we'll see how it goes as she grows up more....
Faith78, it depends on your bb.. My bb stop latching on me when she's about 9 months... but she still continues drinking my EBM till today which is 19mths... She felt she was a big gal and didn't want to latch on me...But she is still feed with EBM till today, of course I still give her 2 times FM (morning and night), 2 EBM during the day... Feeding BM really helps, she hardly fall sick, only like 1-2 times per year, and most of the time, she recovers after a day... I encourage all mummies to bf as long as possible...
yes... I do try to walk more. But the water retention doesn't help... feel so heavy n clumpsy.

wanted to try squats but realised I can't even do it! *faint* My kneecaps r killing me...

woah.. u stil giv ur gal BM? Dat's reali gd. I hope I'll manage to do it.

I c wot dr f says 2molo... hope he gives the green light to induce this wk!

yes.. u can try both. Dr f wil usually ask u to try on ur own too aft IUI.

Good luck on no. 2!
Hi all, thank God my eggs are doing well. 2 about 18-18.5mm each, while the 3rd is still small (12.5mm). Doesn't matter, there are 2 which are ready. Good enough! Also, hubby ok to do IUI.. hehe.. yah, Dr Fong said do both hahah!!

i remember you. am really happy that u're a mummy now and ready to pop anytime!

i don't wannna lied but being tis is ur 1st labor, it'll take a while but u're in good hands! don't worry too much, gong gong go in and u'll be seeing your bb very soon. don't research too much on how the process will be like, those info will really put 1st time mum off! if u r aiming for 2nd pregnancy, i can tell u, labor will be alot easier! best of luck and have tons of fun with the newborn!

Faithnhope: Congrats!! ya ba.. good to do IUI and try naturally lo.. After IUI Dr Fong will ask you to try in the night of IUI, the next day morning and night.. heehee.. So yo will be doing the HCG job tomorrow?
Lots of luck to u!

Halo... how hv u been?

Im a bit kanchong leh... I keep repacking my hospital bag! Siao liao... haha
Faithnhope: Good luck for your IUI...

Haze1ine: dun kan chiong.. All will be fine.. All the best to you.. Not sure if you believe la.. many say on the day you want to go delivery, open up all the cabinet door in your kithen. This will help in smooth delivery.. heehee...
me confirm chk into hosp on thurs..

will update aft I pop!

ok.. open cabinet doors in kitchen, anything for a smooth delivery! haha
Hi Jolie.. ok lah.. I suppose it went smoothly ba... Dr Fong said to try tonight and tomorrow AM but doubt we can do so many times hahah!! Somemore hubby just went to give soldiers this afternoon haha!!
So quiet today.... I'm so sleepy now.. haha!! I BD yday night, didn't BD this morning, and don't know if can BD again tonight hahah!!

Kimi, have you seen Dr Fong for your D12 scan yet? How is it?

Jolie, any progress from you?
Yes, went for scan yesterday. Dr Fong said i got 1 egg but not mature enough. But we decided not to do iui this cycle because hubby want to improve the quality of his soldiers by jogging n cutting down on smoking. Hopefully it helps.

Faith, all the best!
Thanks Kimi! Will you be going back for scan to monitor egg growth? Maybe you can try natural first then? Or perhaps take a break, relax and don't think abt TTC (I know it's hard; like wasting time) but I do know many who conceived when they have already "given up".

I'm also thinking to take a break if this attempt fails.. why am I thinking so negatively?? ahah!!
No, since i'm not doing iui, don't wana waste $ on scanning n most important no stress. i oso hope we will success just like what u said.

Don't think so much. Said is easier than done.
Remember to follow Hazeline's advice what to do during 2WW. I already bought few heatpad to get ready. haha..
Faith... Must got faith that u will succeed this round.. Must BD more k.. My TCM ask me not to stop BD after iui.. BD every alt day after tonight' BD cos some egg might release later.. Ha.. Dun give chance just whack.. Haha..

Me still no progress .. No sign of AF .. No sign of it coming... Supposing to come yesterday lo.. Dunno is it clomid mess up my cycle again.. Still waiting patiently for it to come.. Ha..

Hase1ine .. Jiayou.. Hope to see your BB photo soon..
Kimi.. Get more tomatoes for your hubby .. If can drink tomToes juices.. It improve the quantity n quality of sperm.. Also drink barley cook with " huay shan" ( from japan) .. Also helps improve quality .. My TCM advise my hubby to drink the above as be smoke too.. 
Eat fresh cherry tomatoes, ok? Instead of juices.
Need to add anything in the barley? N need to drink how many times per week? drink it while it's hot? thanks, jolie.
Cherry tomato can but must eat a lot lo.. Juice buy from supermarket better.. Contain more tomatoes in every glass he drink ma.. Barley add huay shan from japan.. U can buy from market.. Cut about 3 to 4 pcs of about 2 cm thk n boil with barley.. Drink warm better.. Cold also can la.. Important is the " stickness" of the drink that improve the quality of the sperm...
I tried tomato drink before.. so yulky hahaha!!
Yah, agree to drink all things warm. When I drink milk at night, I'll let it "cool" to room temperature before I drink it, rather than drink while it's chilly/cold.
I think my hubby rather eat more than drinking it. Haha..Girls need to take tomatoes juice as well?

As for barley, need to drink how many times? Sorry for asking so many questions. I was helpless as my hubby can't quit smoking although he tried before. sigh..
Hi Kimi, maybe your hubby can take some multi-vits? You can get from Dr Fong. But the med is very heaty so your hubby need to drink more cooling tea..
Kimi.. Drink as many times as he can lo.. you can drink too. I usually cook on sunday then he drink as much as he can.. cannot finish put fridge and drink the next day lo.. But cannot kept for too long as Huay shan make it very easy to turn sour.

Oh ya.. get your hubby to eat folic acid every night when you take yours. Smoking easily cause birth defect. Folic acid helps to prevent that. =)
Hi Jolie, how many days has it been delayed? Any symptoms of AF yet? If the med doesn't cost too much and you're anxious, I suppose you can go get the meds
Today is already the 34th day le lo... If I call them they sure ask me to wait one lo.. Say scare might be pregnant and too early to detect.

Anyone any idea if your temp is low still got any possible chance to be pregnant?? if not then I will take the risk to take the med..
Noted, Jolie. You have to check if your temperature is maintaining at the same temperature after ovulation. If yes, you probably pregnant. Did you do pregnancy test?

My temperature tells me quite accurate information so far. If my temperature keep increasing after ovulation and suddenly drop, then I know AF is coming.
Hi Jolie.. I hvn't done any BBT so not sure about the ups and downs of temperature. Like Kimi mentioned, did you test for pregnancy? Hehe..
