DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Sure thing, Ivy!
Good evening Ladies,

it has been long time i never come here. well i see dr fong twice before (last yr) he mention that i have PCOS. on the visit as i am not well prepare last yr therefore he did not do anything for me.

i suppose to see him again in Mar but i did not call to book appt. now trying if still did not manage will be going to see him in two months time

any idea what will he do if let say i still not preg yet? hear from friend first time is clomid ???
Hi mrstan_77, yup I had endo/PCOS. Dr Fong gave me 2 lucrin jabs, one per month. Thereafter I did conceive with the help of clomid.

Hi Mrs Carice, it's been a year since you saw Dr Fong so I believe he will still first examine you and ask regarding your menses cycle etc.. if you have PCOS, he may recommend lucrin jabs before you TTC. He may also send you for HsG test (test if your fallopian tubes are blocked) as well as ask for your hubby to do semen analysis. All these tests are just to ensure no other issues before you TTC.

Clomid is administered if one has ovulation related problem. It's a common form of fertility drug to stimulate egg growth. He may start on a small dosage like 50mg or 1 tab from D2-D6 of your menses. If it doesn't work (ie. the egg doesn't grow or grow to an ideal size), he may then double the dosage.
I think Lucrin and GnRH is the same medicine.

What is the side effect u have after taking the jab? Is the jab cause u to stop menses?
Hi mrstan_77, I don't remember any significant side effects, but yes, menses will stop during the period you take the jabs. If I remember correctly, each jab cost about $300.
Don't worry yah... I believe our bodily conditions are all different

Even for people who have conceived a few kids, the changes may differ from child to child.
Well, actually no.. this is my 2nd IUI. 1st (clomid-IUI) was done last year, during my first attempt TTC. But my previous conceptions were natural. Hopefully this SO-IUI will work
Faith : thanks for explain to me. at that point of time, my menses finish so he also not sure whether is blood clot or pcos therefore if i go to him for the third visit, he will do a check for me again.

He did advise hb by asking him to consider to test his worms too ...:p
Thx ladies for all the well wishes...

Try not to c too muc into those symtoms.. will make u crazy leh! hehe

Jiayou n good luck!
Hi Gals,

Don give up and keep trying. I have been trying for almost 3 years. God has a divine plan for everyone of us. I went to TCM at both Clementi and Jurong East. I truly believed TCm helps but slow. Good luck to u gals.
Hi gals.. Have not been coming in for the past one wk.. So busy at work.. How is everyone??

Faith n Ivy.. How is your ttc?? Got good news to share with us le??
Hi Jolie, yah, this thread has been rather quiet recently... hehe..

I just tested positive this morning
. Went Paragon to do the blood test just now. Based on test results, it can only tell that I'm in the early stage of the pregnancy. I need to go back on Thu to do another test so they have a basis for comparison and see if the HCG readings double. Quite scared history will repeat itself ha!
Oh... Congratulation Faith..1st So-iui and strike... Dun worry everything will be fine.. HCG will double and double and double.. Keep us updated k..

Many baby dust for you...
wow faithnhope so envy and happi to hear that you strike le. :) i dun think i have good news to share with you gals. i think i'm failed this time again. sigh!! :-(
THanks Jolie and Ivy. I also hope the baby will grow well, and stick hard hard!! Haha! Will keep you girls posted.

You both also jia you ok?!
Woah, so hapi for u! Hope ur HCG doubles really well come thurs! Do continue to take all ur med.. very impt!

Dun giv up, ok! God will hear ur prayers very soon...
feeding on demand.. felt like a coooow with panda eyes!

thk the real challenge wil come after my CL left.. scary thought!
Hi faithope, congrates. U went to check up once tested positive? Dr Fong will only do blood test right? Do u feel crampy at times?
haze1ine, I'm sure you can do it! I've got a friend who didn't even engage CL. She only ordered confinement food which are delivered to her place 3xs a day.

Joy07, yah, I called the clinic in the morning after I tested positive (this was D14 after IUI). I told them there were 2 lines but the test line is fainter. So they asked me to go and do blood test. Yes, at this stage, they will do blood tests to find out if the hormones are growing as they should. Typically, Dr Fong will only scan from week 6 onwards.

As for cramps, thank God I don't really have them. So far, I only felt very light uncomfy at times but they are not the usual AF cramps. I had light, brown spotting from D10-D12 after IUI. I'd like to think that's implantation spotting haha!

How about you? What 'stage' are you in now?
Did Dr F test Progesterone BT for u? Some ppl dun produce enuff P initially in the 1st tri, so xtra med support does help.

Woah.. no CL for ur friend. She very brave leh...!

seriously i am not sure i am in which weeks. I tested postive since last Monday. I had booked to see Dr Fong this coming Sat but am afraid unable to make it. I do have some cramp on and off. So was wondering is it normal. I asked God to bless u and all of us so that we can enjoy this wonderful moments of our lives together.
Hi haze1ine, what's Progesterone BT? So far, they only draw blood to test for HcG and beta HcG. These are hormones indication right? What's the difference between this and Progesterone BT?

Joy07, congrats to you!! We tested positive on the same day! Hehe... You can calculate how far you are into your pregnancy based on your last mense date. As long as you're 1 day late (assuming regular cycle) and tested positive, you're 4 weeks pregnant. But don't worry, when you see Dr Fong, he will be able to tell you based on the (treatment if any) dates you've seen him previously

I think light cramps are normal as per what I read on internet. Many thought their menses were coming because of the cramps but later found out they were pregnant. Are you taking utrogestan? However, if you have red spotting, you've got to let the nurses know.

When you make appmt, did the nurses ask you to do blood test first?

Some ppl hv low P level initially, like me. So gd P support is very impt til the placenta takes over in the 2nd tri.

Dr F usually is very cautious in this area. U can ask nurse if it's necessary for ur case...

Congrats! A little cramp is ok. Jus be more careful if u spot n call clinic immediately to get more support.

u conceived naturally? some dun even c gynae til many wks later.. Usually those who do ART then wil be more kanchong. hehe

my LMP is 14/04/2010. Not sure is my how many weeks as i am not on medication. I only know that i have late ovulation as i always chart my BBT and use opk strips. So when u seeing Dr Fong again?

hihi, and congrates to ur new bundle of joy too. Yeah i conceived naturally and it caught me by suprise too as i did not really OT and just changed my job. God is good, He has a divine plan for everyone of us.
Thanks Haze1ine.

Joy07, hmmm.. I'm not sure given that you mentioned you have late ovulation. But if I am not wrong (other girls, please correct me if I am wrong), you could be probably 4 weeks pregnant if you test positive 14 days after ovulation. You know your ovulation date right?

In any case, don't worry, when you see Dr Fong, he'll tell you
I have not scheduled an appointment with him yet. I think the nurses will advise after my blood tests ba...

Great that you conceived naturally!
Hi girls, just to share good news! I've done 3 blood tests and results are so far so good. Really praise the Lord that I've come this far! I'll be seeing Dr Fong next week to scan.

Hi Ivy, did you manage to see Dr Fong? How is it going for you?
Hi hi, I'm new at the forum. Forgot to ask Dr Fong during my last visit when I should do the test. Had my HCG jab on 25 May. Any advise? Don't want to do too early in case of disappointment......Can't tell if there are any symptoms cos Dr Fong put me on Utrogestan.
Hi small bunny.. Did u do iui or try naturally? If I am not wrong u can test 15 to 16 days after the jab ba.. If u do iui then 14 days after iui.. Good luck to you.... Hope u get a BFP .. 
Congrats! Take good care of urself now.. try n stay away from cold n cooling stuff for now at least...

small bunny
taking utrogeston itself wil hv some side effects similar to preggie.. so dun stress urself so much over them, ok?

Good luck!
Faithnhope, i have not come in to this thread for few days le cos my grandma is in hospital now waiting for op. too bad i my AF reported on 03 June. :-( not sure if i should continue my 3rd time IUI this round.

my IUI will be done on next Thursday, but i dun feel like wasting the money for this month as next week will be my busy week cos my company got event on next Thursday i cannot take leave or MC. i'm so confuse if i should go ahead with my plan on next week?? so headache..... Do you have any comment? pls share with me!!
faithnhope, i have went to see my Dr on 3rd June, he suspect i should have preg. but it doesn't stick well. sigh... cos i told him that i have nausea on day 10 - 13 after IUI. who knows my AF reported on day 15 after IUI.
Hi Ivy, some preggy symptoms are similar to those we experience just before AF. Previously, I've also had nausea and sore boobs near my AF date and I thought I was preggy but it turned out to be negative. So, don't read too much into these symptoms until you tested BFP. Did your doctor substantiate his suspicion that you were pregnant?

Sorry, need to recall - were you on clomid-IUI or SO-IUI? Before your IUI, how was your scan results?

You said your next IUI is next Thu? Are you taking clomid or puregon jabs? Actually, I would think IUI date can't be "fixed" in advance cos the doc will have to monitor the growth of your eggs. Only if they are ready will the doc administer HCG jab (to induce ovulation), then IUI the next day. So, when we go for IUI is really depending on the readiness of our eggs.
faithnhope, i was on SO-IUI for my last 2 attempt. my dr had given me clomid + puregon but this month i am fully on puregon only. my dr has instructed me to jab 75 IU everyday from D2 - D7 then see him on this thursday to monitor on the growth of my egg.
how are u now? reali so happy to hear that you have sucess on your 2nd attempt on the SO-IUI. when is my turn to be mommy???

aren't you having your lunch now?

Hi Ivy, in your last 2 attempts when you were on both clomid and puregon, how were your eggs? How come this time round only on puregon? Since you are now on meds and due to scan this Thu, don't worry too much yet yah.. In the meantime, do continue to take vit c and folic acid.

Thanks for sharing my joy. I am happy too, having come this far. But I told my friends that until I hear the bb's heartbeat, and eventually give birth to a healthy baby, I can't and won't take this pregnancy for granted, especially after my 2 MCs and also other stories.

I'm sure we will get our turn to be parent; just that some had it (much) easier, while pp like us have to take a longer route. So long as we do our part (eat, live healthily, do our share for TTC), the rest is really beyond our control right?

I finished lunch already
Hope you've had a great one too!
