DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hi Ivy, you just did IUI yday? Err.. but Dr Fong doesn't work on Wed..

You meant experience after IUI? Nothing much for me except I felt very bloated the next day.. got better today..

Sorry i am not Dr Fong Patient, i am with another Dr in Tanglin Shopping ctr there. i just wanna join in the topic.

Ya, i did my IUI yday.

i do have the same experience as you last month cos i have got 4 muture eggs which make me felt so bloated when the eggs are released!
I am Dr Foong patient before in yr 2005 after i had married for about a yr and during the scan he told me that i have PCOS and according to his advise was it will recover after giving birth.

after so many yr of waiting still no good news for me.

how about you? pls share your experience.
Hi, Ivy. Welcome to this thread!

Faith, Dr Fong did prescribe multi-vits to my hubby, but seems like did not help much and expensive! It's good u didn't take any BBT because u will not think so much. Unless you anxious like me. Haha..
Hi Ivy, mine's a long story.. but in essence... I started seeing Dr Fong last year this time too.. then was diagnosed with PCOS/endo. So, Dr Fong gave me jabs to starve the cycsts. He also sent me to check if my tubes are blocked and my hubby also went to do semen analysis. So, when I'm cleared of PCOS/endo, I started TTC with clomid since Sep 09. I did strike twice but lost them (first loss unknown, 2nd was cos blighted ovum). I've completed 5 cycles of clomid and hence moved on to SO-IUI. I'm now in my 2ww loh hehe...

Hi Kimi... I think I didn't go BBT cos I'm such a lazy person! :p
Faith n kimi.. Me haven take Pregnancy test yet.. Temp had been low since I Start takingagain on the 18th so I think it's not possible to be preggy.. Din wan to see negative result again lo.. Did not take temp during the past 2 weeks as dr fong already told me egg release when not mature so given up hope haha.. Started again cos curious that AF haven come.. Now I totally lost dunno what I should do.. Hahaha..

Hi Ivy.. I am. Seeing the TCM at jurong east.. Bad been tcc for 1 yr plus le.. Have u seen any TCM?
Hi Jolie, nevermind lah.. then you just take this as a time to rest.. nourish your body..

Have your AFs been regular or irregular? Mine used to be regular until about 5 yrs ago.. then only when I see Dr Fong in Sep last then I realised I had PCOS. But after the treatment, mine is back to normal..

Girls, I'm so bored... no motivation to work.. somemore boss not in haha!!
I call nurse this morning.. Nurse keep asking me to test.. I so reluntant so scare of the dusappointment.. Haha... Mine was regular for the pass 4 to 5 months after I start with TCM so wonder is it the clomid... Mine was also irregular since 2004 ba.. Had seen doc n knew got pcos.. That Gynea that time just give me birth control pill to regular my menses.. Ha..

Boss not in then take half day leave go shopping la.. Heehee..
If you are not testing, did you notice any hints you might be preggy?

Won't be taking leave leh... need to save them to see Dr Fong hahaha!! Cos I don't take MC from Dr Fong; don't want my colleagues to know... so have been using leave when I need to see Dr Fong loh...
Jolie, your case same as me. I seen a sinseh in Clementi last year for 6 months due to cooling womb, my menses become irregular up to 39 days. Weird huh! TCM suppose helps to regulate menses. My menses back to regular after I stop seeing him. But Dr Fong said my womb's condition is better than he expected during 1st visit this year, so he think TCM did help me. I can fully understand why u didn't want to test.

Faith, agree with u. Gota save leave, still have half a year to go. I headache giving reason why I'm on urgent leave. Hence I told my boss and close colleagues only hoping that they can understand my situation. Difficult to hide..
Jolie, you mean you are seeing the TCM at blk 201 jurong east there one isit? Have you tested your PTK already? share with us lei.... haha

Faithnhope, do you feel lost when Dr Fong told you that you have PCOS at that time?

Kimi, can you share with me about your sinseh in Clementi? isit must wait for very long one? cos i have experience seeing a sinseh of mine last yr i already gave up cos my hb got no patient to wait for so long... haha
Hi Ivy, no, I didn't feel lost, at least I know what the problem was and could be treated.
Faith, it's good you think like tat. Dr Fong told me that I do not have any major problem, but I will doubt that if I have any hidden illness since my hubby n I TTCing for 2 1/2 yrs.

Ivy, I have to make appt 1 month in advance n still have to wait because he also popular in this forum. If walk in, even worse. I waited for few hours. I think it happen to every sinseh who expert in fertility.
Hi Girls... I have not tested la.. maybe tomorrow or sunday ba.. hahaha..really dun want to face that negative stick.. hahaha... Symptom ah?? no lei.. just sick and feeling tired lo.. having sore throat and headache since Tuesday. is that a symptom? Usually nearing menses my breast will hurt and become tender lo.. totally no sign of it happening lo.. ha... Dunno what is happening..

Ivy.. Ya me seeing the TCM at blk 201.. you seen her too?? Also got to wait very long to see her lo.. go there every 2 weeks somemore lo..

Kimi.. mine is the TCM help me to regulate my menses lei.. but after my cycle 2 of clomid .. it not regular again.. still no sign of it after 17th April one.. =(
Morning, girls..Jolie, have u tested? Hope u get BFP.

Ivy, I think it's the same. He had morning session when I visit him, then his operation hour changed after I stop seeing him.
Anyone of u went to Tong Chai, I'm considering to go there for 2nd opinion.
Morning gals...

Kimi.. Me haven test yet.. Sat n sun got spotting lei.. So maybe AF coming le bs.. Tong Chai is also good in infertility treatment?? Have u tried the TCM at Jurong East also ??
Hi Jolie, i think you should test it later when you are free cos some woman might have spotting at their early stage....

i do have the same experience as you few week ago. i have spotting for about 3 days lidat... then i'm so worried till i call up my gynae he advice me to test it and let him know the result
after i tested my AF come le.... :-(
Jolie, I had 2 days of spotting b4 my AF comes early this month. The nurse still asked me to test. No choice, to play safe. I tested and it's -ve but I'm relieved.

No, I never go JE one because I know that we need to go ther super early morning to get queue no.
My hubby has no patience to wait, so do I.

Yes, Tong Chai is very popular especially after the charity show on TV.
helo, i went to tong chai to see the sinseh once last yr but i din contiune cos i cannot meet the timing... she treat Mark ong his wife before they have got their gal...
Hi Ivy, I also had similar experiences in the past when I test -ve and then AF came on the same day or day after hahah!! I think AF probably "delayed" cos of stress and then once we are relieved from the test, AF comes hahahh!!
Ivy, that's the one I wana go. How did u find them? I intend to seek for 2nd opinion 1st.

Haha..me too. I think all of us had the similar experience.
Haha!! We all wasted our $$ on test kits. So now, I buy from JB, watson brand RM$11.90 each hahahha!!

Hi Kimi, good to consider seeking 2nd opinion cos in my case, my 1st gynae said I had no problems but after trying for 1 year, I sought a 2nd opinion and found I do have problems! I'm still angry with the 1st gynae for wasting 1yr of my time!! Hahah!!
faithnhope, my sis had brought me 20pcs of OTK from USA and is cheaper than singapore. furthermore, you just need to urine on the strip and you will know your result.

i am so crazy till i dunno where i put my PTK until i ask my sis to buy it for me at M'sia. haha... save alot!! :)
Hi Gals, I tested le.. Its -ve =( Hopefully AF will come soon.. Having very bad running nose for the past few days..Dun dare to eat flu tablet lo..ha
Kimi.. the TCM at Jurong East you can go take number go walk walk then come back later one.. dun need to be there to wait till your number. =)
Halo Ladies..
I've popped last thurs... just only manage to get online today.

BB 3.41kg, 52cm... Trying to establish my BM now... that is another challenge!

To all who's trying, u'll get ur dreams come true very soon, I'm sure!

Haze1ine: so cute... Congrats Mummy!! When you are free must share your delivery experiences with us k.. hee...

Faith: Hope AF will come lo.. No come I cannot start my new cycle yet.. =(
Hi Haze1ine, congrats once again! Your girl is so chubby! Her hair also very black and quite thick!

Hi Jolie, don't stress yourself.. go for facial/massage to relax!
Hey haze1ine, congrats to you!

Kimi, wow you stay in the north but you still can go see Dr Tan ar.... how many time a week you go and see him? so far i know is hard to book the timing with him one cos always fully book must wait till got ppl cancel the appointment then the nurse will call to check if you can go asap.
No choice..That y we gave up after 6 months. Normally I see him few times for review of last cycle n accupunture before ovulation, then only drink medicine after ovulation. You can calculate when u need to meet him if your menses is regular.
Hi haze1ine,



May i know if anyone have endo/adenomyosis and treated by dr fong with GnRH? Like to know what are the side effect.

Yes, Ivy, so we're almost cycle buddies ha! I have a friend whose IUI was a day earlier than mine too.. hehe!

mrstan_77, I didn't do any GnRH.
