DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


wish the best 4 you, hope & pray u'll success very very soon

Till this moment, Dr. Fong only gave me clomid loh. hehehe.. Next time should asked him any advice to treat my PCO ^_^.

Mind to tell me, what's lucrin jabs? hehehe

ohh, next time i should asked dr.fong advice me what treatment would work for me. heheheh

dear faithnhope, hope4bb, jolie
have a great long weekend
let's do a lot lot bd this weekend. hehehe..
Jean.. Ya is morning 5 to 6 am.. Very popular lo.. First time I go at 430 am already queuing at no. 12.. Ha..

Not sure if organic rice is okie but take brown rice is good... But I also dun like so just try to cut down rice in take lo..

Just now at about 12 plus I test with ovulation strip and is positive.. So weird lo when Dr Fong Scan me n there is no mature egg.. Call up nurse n they ask me try try try for these few days before seeing dr fong on Tuesday.. Anyone have any idea why huh?? Is it got egg hiding somewhere that cannot be found or just the test problem.. I did the test from day 12 to 14( today) only today is positive.....
Dear Jolie..

I have no idea about it, me, using ovulation strip, never found it positive, so stop using it lor. hehehe

Anyway, just give it a lot lot lot try.. hehehehe.. hopefully it'll success

Yup yup.. Will try a lot.. Hopefully i can be lucky this round... =)

when did u start to use the strip?? Day 11 to till positive?? N dun use the first urine of the day.. Maybe the second bur not too late on the night too...
Keep my finger cross, hehehe.. gud luck

From Day 10 until Day 16... i tested on 1 PM, 2 hour before tested, didn't drink too much water. dunno where's the prob. hehehe..
Jean: aiya u must continue ma..u may ovulate after 16 if your menses is not regular..

Faith: no choice must queue.. If not later wait very long.. But subsequent I go at 6 plus.. If lucky take number 20 plus n see her at 8 plus.. Unlucky can take 70 plus n see her at 1 plus 2 lo.. Ha..
Morning everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend

Jolie, and others who are seeing TCM, how do you girls manage the different meds given by TCM and your gynae? Do you still take folic acids or clomid while on TCM?
Morning gals......

Faith.. If I am on clomid.. My morning med will be push to noon.. Noon one push to eat with night.. Othe med like the white pill that dr fong will prescribe after iui can eat 1 hr before or after TCM.. as for folic acid can eat together with the night med..
Thanks Jolie. I just wonder if the body can take both chinese med and western med at the same time.

Speaking of white pill, I'm taking it for this cycle too.. hehe.. it's called the Utrogestan (progesterone pills).

Oh, you will be seeing Dr Fong tomorrow right? Hope all will be good
Faith.. Actually the med will compliment eachother.. While u take clomid TCM give u med that produce quality egg.. After clomid n ovulation she give me med that built n strenghten lining to help implantation..

Ya.. It's utrogestan.. This med make me super sleepy n drowsy lo n must go sleep one.. So i got to eat after work when on the way back.. Then in the night after dinner then in the middle of the night.. I can't eat during day.. Or I will faint ... Ha... U got this problem too?
Hi Jolie, yes, utrogestan causes drowsiness but you will be fine if you take it at least 1hr before your meals.

For me, I will take 1st pill the moment I wake up cos by the time I reach office and have breakfast, 1.5hr would have passed. Then, I will take 2nd pill either 1hr before lunch or take it later in the afternoon (like 4pm). The 3rd pill will be taken before I sleep hehe...

You can try to see if this works for you.. rather than waking up in the middle of the night. You so "hardworking" leh.. Good for you!
Hmmmm I tried lei .. I take while on the way back home from work.. Reach home eat dinner.. After dinner I sure KO.. For me like the meal help to make me drowsy lei.. Hahaha..

Ya lo .. Got to set alarm to just wake up to eat.. Ha.. Sometime if I eat the after work one too late I got to wake up 2 times in the night to eat lo.. I just put the med n water beside me.. Alarm ring reach out n put in my mouth.. Haha...
hi gals,

just to check with u all. Dr. fong only opens on monday and friday and only open until 4.30pm right?
so normally u gals will take leave jus to go and c him ah...
Hi JJ, the Tiong Bahru clinic opens only on Mon and Fri and their last appointment could be 4.30pm. If you prefer, he has another one at Paragon (bigger space) which operates on Tue, Thu and Sat (1/2 day). Both clinics do not offer night consultations. Even if the clinic is "closed" for consultation, there will be someone to take phone calls from customers who wants to make appointments at the respective clinic.

Yes, usually I'd take half day leave cos his schedule is so packed! I'll try to ask for lunch hour to save leave but sometimes no choice loh.. have to take leave. Alternatively, you can ask Dr Fong for an MC hehe, but I think he charges $5 for an MC.
Morning gals ... Me still waiting for my turn to see Dr Fong.. Think today gonna be a long wait.. 1hr had passed le... 
Hi ladies...
Abt TCM n western med.. I rem I was told to take it 2 hrs apart. But so far, I hv nv mix TCM w western med.

But do chk with gynae abt TCM, some dun really approve of them.

Jiayou everyone!
Jean.. Ya lo.. Another 40 min passed n still waiting... 

Looking at a cute new born bb also waiting to see Dr Fong... Wonder how long I have to wait to have mine in my arms too.. Ha.....
Hi Jolie, was your appointment delayed because Dr Fong had some urgent procedures? There was once my hubby accompanied me to see Dr Fong, he got upset that we had to wait almost an hour to see him when we already made appointment. He said if we have to wait, what's the point of having appointment hahah!

Jolie, how was your follow-up with Dr Fong? Yah loh.. I'm sure we are all looking forward to the day we can hold our child(ren) in our arms!
Has anyone seeing the another gynea at the tiong bahru plaza under TMC. Wondering if there is any differences between this 2 Drs.
Faith... As the appointment was full already when i book last week I was ask to walk in at 9.30am lo.. But before I come, already got 3 walk in.. Ha.. so bo bian got to wait.

Anyway scan show that the 2 eggs had been released cos cant find them anywhere le. So its probably released of un-matured eggs. =(

Dr Fong ask me to try naturally till menses come lo. Then start cycle again. He suggested So-iui which in fact can give more eggs and better chance.. Not sure if I should try... Faith, what do you think?should I do clomid IUI or SO-IUI? Have you ever tot of trying that?
Hi Jolie, actually I wonder: whether the eggs are matured or not, if they are released, it will come out as menses (assuming no fertilisation)? Does having menses = ovulation? If so, why do we not have problems with menses but have difficulty ovulating?? Ha!

As for which IUI to go for.. Did Dr Fong suggest that to you because clomid did not work for you? For me, I guess I'm prepared to do SO-IUI if I have to lor.. but heard we have to self-inject everyday for don't know how many days...

It depends on how comfy you will be both, physically and financially.. not sure how much SO-IUI will cost. Did Dr Fong give you an idea?
Also, if you prefer not to "waste" time trying clomid-IUI, then you can go direct to SO-IUI. I have a friend who went directly for IVF saying she doesn't want to waste time trying all the different methods haha!

Hi JJ, nope, I'm currently not seeing any other gynae other than Dr Fong.
Hi Faith, Menses not equal to ovulation. Menses is from the shedding of the lining that build up in preparation for implantation. If no implantation, the lining will shed as menses lo.

Dr Fong intro SO-iui is for better chance that will helps to produce more egg. where as clomid only 1 egg lo.

Yup have to inject yourself everyday for 7 days from the 2nd day of menses. The cost is about 700 plus for the injection lo. then plus whatever the cost for IUI. So i think can easily hit 1400 for that cycle. But it increase the chance by many times lo.

Still thinking... maybe will ask the TCM when i see her this sunday for opinion.

So tired of trying and trying lo...
of cos can.... the injections is a better treatment than clomid.. you can try natural after the egg is matured. But of cos IUI will increase the chance lo. =)
Dun give up Faith... you still got 4 more days to go.. AF symptom is similar to pregnant symptom...

Unless AF come.. if not still got chance... Good Luck to you and lotz and lotz of baby dust to you.. =)
Hmmm.. Maybe we will try clomid for one more round ba.. But will want to hear the opinion of th TCM first.. One thing also becos I haven check my tubes Leo.. So maybe dun waste money first.. But still considering la.. Ha..
Hi gals.. This thread quite quiet one hor... Hope more Dr Fong patient can come in to share their experience...

Sometime u will feel better when there is a channel for you to discuss on your condition especially during the 2ww..ha..

Faith.. One more day to go.. Good luck to u.. N must tell us your good news....
Hi, I'm a Dr Fong patient also. My 1st IUI failed because AF came today. Will try another round of IUI without clomid this cycle because already consume it for 5 cycle continuously despite Dr Fong suggests SO-IUI.
Yah.. it's good to have such channel as we all can understand what we go through etc..

Hi Jolie, actually, I gan-cheong and have tested 2 days ago cos I've finished the progesterone pills. I thought if I am expecting, I can quickly get more pills from Dr Fong. But.. it's a negative
However, my AF hasn't come yet, but from bodily signs and discharge, I think should be coming lah haha!

Welcome Kimi to this thread

When you consume clomid, how did your egg(s) respond? If you do without clomid, will the egg(s) be good ar? I suspect my egg may not be good if I don't take clomid?? I think I've also completed 5 clomid cycles already leh.. so when my AF comes, I will see Dr Fong and ask if I can continue on clomid or proceed onto something else... which likely is SO right?
Hi ladies...
I ever consumed up to 6 rounds of clomid n was told that's the max, I even told up to 4 tabs! But not under Dr F then.. under another doc.

Clomid doesn't work for me at all.. cycle was a mess still.

For some ladies w PCOS, sometimes metformin works better. Can ask Dr F abt this...

But again.. doesn't work for me! haha I LS big time on metformin!

The only thing dat works r jabs.
Anyone thought of IVF? Though costly and probably more mentally stressful, I was told we can "keep" the eggs and sperms. So whenever the couple is ready for 2nd or 3rd child, they just need to take them out.. I guess this helps to speed things up ha!

Then again, IVF doesn't guarantee 100% success loh..
I did ivf... I can help u answer some of ur queries if u hv any.

But yes.. not 100%, still ned a lot of luck. And I always tell everyone, the self-jabbing is the last thing u'd worry about. It's the 2ww wait that's most torturing!
Thanks haze1ine! How many IVF have you attempted? With which gynae/hospital? Can share more about the timeline/procedures and costs (including subsidy)? Hehe..
u'll faint when u hear how many x I've tried... I'm only successful on my 4th attempt.

I was on this thread abt a couple of years back.. was very disappointed when everyone seems to strike in their 1st ivf attempt but not me.

But I will stil consider myself of the lucky ones and am very grateful to Dr F.

I'll pm u ok? Dun wanna bored ppl with my long history...
Hi haze1ine, I was also on metformin before and was super super nausea that i tot i was preggy.. Basically looking for toilet to vomit lo... ha.. so it didn't work for me too.

I also interested to know about IVF lei.. I know we can use our medisave 3 times for such procedure. But the amount that we can use get lesser each time. Other than that I not sure le.

Haze1ine, tell us more about it?

Faith, AF no come mean got good good chance... and maybe is too early to test lo. Good Luck!!!! Baby Dust!!!
u nv switch on ur PM...

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Hi, faithnhope. maybe u can call clinic when u can test again. u still have a chance. Good luck!

I think I'm not responds to clomid. only 1 egg last cycle. So will see if got egg without clomid.

Hi, haze1ine. I want to know abt ivf too.

Pls pm me. Intend to know success rate n charges among NUH, KKH & SGH if IUI not sucessful.
Hi Haze1ine, have turn on the PM le. Thanks..

Kimi, think if you have 1 egg can means that you responded to clomid lei. I Check with Dr Fong, he say Clomid usually give 1 egg.. if you get if you are really very very lucky.. =)

Thanks Jolie and Kimi.. aiyah.. no chance already.. AF comes knocking already.. haha! I just called the clinic and verified that I've indeed done 5 clomid cycles.. the nurse will check with Dr Fong if I can continue clomid or proceed to injections loh...

Since injections produce more eggs.. I don't mind lah hahha!
