DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Haze1ine, thanks for sharing your experience. Dun mind I check on the over stimulation when you were on SO IUI? How you know you have that? cos i also got PCOS and worry that it might happen to me too.

Also for FET is cheaper cos they use the fertilized egg that was freeze on your 1st attempt? By the way correct me if I am wrong FET mean putting the fertilized egg into our womb?

Thanks Haze1ine. Got your PM.. but err.. very cheem... got a lot of short forms I don't understand hahah!! But congrats on your success!! Whoa! You will be due soon! Girl or boy? Hehe..

BTW, the nurse called back already.. I can choose to either do a final round of clomid or proceed to injections... will discuss with hubby later... costs of the one week injections will be abt $800 wor... whichever it will be, I will have to go to the Paragon clinic tomorrow.

Girls, have a great weekend!
Faith.. ya... maybe can try injection lo.. cos it produce more egg.. so more chance to get fertilized.

I was thinking if I should go for IVF since it it subsidized so I wont waste time anymore lo... So tired of waiting.. trying.. and hoping... haiz...
Hi Jolie.. I understand totally.. you not gg to try injections first ar? Even with the IVF subsidy, costs not cheap also.. plus not 100% loh.. then again, like you said, if you don't want to waste time, you may go for IVF loh..

I think I'll go with injections first ba..
I was over-simulated while on IVF.. SO-IUI I'm ok cos dosage very low compared to IVF's.

But I had the same dosage for my 2 fresh cycles.. that means.. both gynaes agreed I shd be on that dosage.
I wasn't over-simulated in my 2nd fresh cycle... one tends to be 'immune' as u go along.. some gynaes will increase ur dosage as u try more times.

FET means Frozen Embryo Transfer... it's cheaper cos u dun hv to use jabs. The most expensive part of IVF is the simulation jabs & the insurance.

mine is a galgal... yes.. feel very blessed. So I believe u all can do it too.

the price will depend on ur dosage of simulation drug. I rem I was on 75ml of puregone for my SO-IUI. I got 2 follicles for my 1st attempt.

Some do a combination of med + jabs for SO-IUI.

Somehow, my 2nd attempt, I didn't respond as well. Had a longer simulation n only manage to get 1 follicle.

There r ppl who were over-simulated on low dosage during SO-IUI as well.. can always convert to IVF then. No worries.. trust ur doc.
Hmm.. what does "over-simulated" means?

The nurses very cute leh.. just called me to ask me to test again in case the blood I see now is spotting hhahah!! But I think it should be AF lah.. hehe
means I get many follicles, feel very bloated, nausea.. got this 'want to die' feeling that I called it.

PCOS we usually hv many follicles. We r usually given 'long protocols'.. with a suppression stage b4 the simulation stage.

Some ppl hv low ovarian reserve, meaning thru high dosage n pro-long simulation, they only manage to get a few follicles. Ppl like dat, doc will usually forgo the suppression stage n go straight to simulation stage.

But we only ned one embryo to implant n be successful. Many doesnt mean good quality, less doesn't mean any worse.
Faith.. Ya the nurse wan to play safe one.. During my first cycle of omid when AF cone she also ask me to test again before I start my clomid round 2 lo.. Ha..

I think if u do ivf at KK with the subsidize it's almost free the first time.. 2 nd & 3 rd time probably need to pay a bit more ba..Is it true ah Haze1ine? Any idea on this?
I was thinking if I do so iui with no checking on my tubes scare it will block n waste money.. Think IVF can still be done even though tube block lo.. Means I dun need waste one cycle lo.. Ha...

Haze1ine what happen to the 2nd cycle when the injection dun work?
Haze1ine, think I remember you from the forum though I'm not always active
Glad to hear that you're now a happy mummy. How old is your gal? You got the gynae at kk or Dr fong to deliver the baby?

I am also with pcos but blessed with a gal too after several attempts over 4 years. Ladies, jiayou!

Looks like all the usual fans of Dr Fong here are busy with their kids
If any mummy can advise me here...how did you wean your baby from breastmilk...mine doesn't like formula, and still wants to latch on esp at night. Am wondering if she's gona take bm for as long as it takes haha
Free at KK?? Really?? But I doubt I will go KK - venue not so convenient and changing gynae probably means I have to do all the tests all over again?? Also, I heard the gynae one sees may be different each time you see him/her. So there's no "fixed" gynae one will see unless special case.

Jolie, why don't you go Radlink to scan your tubes? Cos blocked tubes mean that the egg cannot travel out to meet the sperms... is this right?

Haze1ine - huh... 'want to die' feeling very scary leh.. so jialart ar.. anyway, good to hear you've finally 守得云开见月明
wah... expecting girl girl.. I like girls hehe..
Hi faith78, how old is your girl now? Sorry, I'm not a mummy yet but isn't BM good for both baby and mum? So the longer, the better? Except that I read that it's difficult to get pregnant while one's breastfeeding...
u mean my 2nd SO-IUI or IVF? Sometimes doc will suggest u abandon cycle if reaction is not gd. A lot of conditions neds to be rite: good suppression, good simulation, good lining etc.

But ultimately, no one is God. Once ur embryos r transferred inside u, u nv know wot will happen. No doc can ever tell me why I fail.

Yes, a lot of cost diff. But there's pros n cons too lor.

halo.. yes.. I did MIA for quite a while aft my failed cycle. Paisay to post here again aft I left.

No lah.. bb stil inside me.. 36+wk. But dr f said might pop early. Yes, I 'eat comeback grass'.. haha

Hw many mths is ur bb now? Mus be the love of ur life..

Im hving bad water retention again... cham liao. Dr f even joked, if kana 3x, means going to pop soon... Aiyoh!

not free lah.. jus dat u might not hv to come out as much cash. Nothing is free in spore... hehe

I jus had 'moderate' OHSS. Some r so bloated n had so much fluid in them, they hv to be tapped. Im sure they felt worse than I did then.

There r risks involved but the things we r willing to go thru... aint women great!
Jia you all that r tcc-ing.

I was on 2 times clomid-iui, 1 so-iui, and 1 ivf (converted from so-iui to ivf coz over-stimulated) and at the end strike naturally...

my boy is now sleeping besides me, learning how to handle him now.... busy busy...
What does OHSS stands for?
Haze1ine, doesn't matter even if you eat "come back grass". What matters is you successfully conceived!

Hi mrsong! Enjoy mummyhood! When we are all preggys, then we ask for your advice heh!
Hi Faith.. Where is Radlink?? Dr fong there can also check tubes but got to stop one cycle lei.. Dun feel like wasting one cycle?? Radlink can do check n trying the same cycle?

I think if u have done all the necessay tests n show Kk your report , you won't need to do all the retest lo.. Ivf at private doc must fork out abt 10k for the first time.. So ex lo... Ha..

Haze1ine when u have over sitmulation means u have many many egg?? Means can take out more to freeze them?? Usually for ivf how many fertilized egg will they put back in our womb on each try??
For women below 40, max 3 eggs.. but u noe the insurance for 3 eggs is like $700+? if nv strike.. dat's it.. no refund.

I thk if u hv many failed cycles or is abv 40, can appeal n ask to put in 4.

In spore, got certain restrictions one. Not like in US, can put many. Rem dat US lady who has 8 babies??

Many oso no use if ur follicles not matured. Some ppl even hv empty follicles, meaning inside no eggs. Or some eggs, can't be fertilised or r abnormal etc. A lot of factors lor.

Mine all hv eggs but not all matured n managed to fertlised.
Hi, Jolie. I thought I should have more than 1 egg after clomid. hehe..

Hi, Haze1ine. U r very brave! I doubt I can try for so many times of IVF. May I know how old r u now? Thanks for telling me it's not everyone will get OHSS bcos it's really discouraging me to do IVF.
Haze1ine..what is the insurance for ?? If the egg not mature can still fertilize n use ah?? I tot not mature egg no use one.. Cos this month I release non mature egg n I tot no chance liao.. Does it means I still got chance?? Haha

kimi.. Ya.. Clomid only one egg or lucky two.. Clomid is to help those who have problem ovulate naturally lo.. But not neccessary will work in some cycle lo..
IVF has risk of multiples.. and w multiples, there's risk of pre-matured babies.. this insurance will cover NICU charges, up to a certain limit.

Only w IVF where the follicles r extracted, then u can c if the egg is really matured. For IUI, can only gauge via the size, dat's y usually abt 18mm, then can trigger. But one wun know whether the egg is ok or not lor... n if fertilisation will take place.
Hi Jolie, I don't think Dr Fong has the tubes scanning facility leh.. Radlink is at Paragon and it was Dr Fong who referred me to Radlink to scan my tubes. As the scanning involves x-ray, it's safer to stop one cycle loh..

I went to pick up the puregon pen and meds already.. hv to self-inject starting tmrw.. a bit scared i will not do it correctly haha! My daily dosage is 100 (don't rem the unit off hand)..
If u're afraid of pain, u can numb the injection site with ice b4 u jab. But I thk once u get the hang of it.. u'll be ok!

faithnhope, u reminded me my ivf time. I was so scared of the self injecction but telling myself i will see bb soon then i was ok le.

re over stimulation. I was one of them. taking 125iu of puregon for so-iui but ended up having 22 folicles... wat a shock to me n dr fong coz the previous cycle of so-iui i got 2 good-sized eggs only but did not strike...

i will nvr forget the time where i hv to take raw egg white during 2ww. I actually finished up 60eggs drg tat time....the egg white is to ease u frm over stimulation or if too bloated then hv to be on protein drip... as the drip is expensive ~150/amp if im not wrong, i closed my eyes and swollow those yiakkie raw egg white in milo.....
Hase1ine what is NISC charges ?

Wonderland .. When u have 22 folicles did dr extract all for the ivf procedure? N the drip is to put for how long ? For the whole 2ww too ah?

The over situmulation thing really sound a bit scarely lo since I also has PCOS ..

Faith.. Jiayou.. U can do it n hope u strike on your 1st so iui try.. 
jolie, yes. all forticle will be extract n fertilised with sperm. at the end, i hv 13 good quality embryos... uased 2 n left 11 now. i pregnant i tat cycle but bb has no heartbeat n in the end, dnc.

for the drip, it's only when necessary.
Hi hazeline,

i'm also one of dr fong's patient. i got followed u and ruru cat's threads but after that both of u since like disappear from the forum.

Congratulations to u.

Pls PM me cos i wish to know more too.

Thank you very much.
Thk diff hosp has diff NICU charges. I duno how muc they charge exactly..

To me, better to play safe n just buy lor!
Hi girls, thanks for your concern. Yah, did my first self-injection this morning.. not so bad.. eheh.. wasn't afraid of pain, just concern if I may not do correctly haha!!

BTW, my family ordered some chinese medicine supposedly to nourish my womb but does any of you know if I can take it when I'm on puregon?
mrsong.. whoa! 22 eggs??!! That's really a lot!! Thanks to technology that we could store the "additional" and use it anytime! hehe..

22 folicles. it does not mean 22 eggs as some of them cld be empty. that explained why sometimes we see folicle but failed a cycle.

hahaa... the storage fee not cheap, 540 for my 11 embryos for 2 yrs. i was thinking if im going to have 11 kids... heheee
Thanks mrsong.. guess I'll have to "waste" this tcm dosage ;p Better be safe lah.. already spending so much on puregon.. don't want the tcm to "interfere"...

Oh.. so not all follicles will be good ones.. but doctors will only be able to tell if they are good or bad after extracting them right? This also means whatever is left inside may be good or bad follicles too right?
folicle is the bubble where our egg grow. based on the size, u/s cld predict if there is egg inside but does not mean there must be egg.

quality of egg cld only be told after extraction when it is fertilised with sperm tru ICSI (if i remember the short form correctly), where sperm will be injected into the oval directly using a very fine needle. whenoval is in good quality, it will be fertilised and grow by mutiplying its cells.. this is when they call 4-cell embryos, etc.

tru ISCI, good quality sperm is selected to be injected into oval.

however, all these procedures for fertilisation are done under microscope, therefore, there is no 100% accurate
Thanks mrsong for the explanation

morning to all.. monday blues.. don't feel like working.. so took PM leave..

btw, i forgot to swap my tummy before i self-inject.. sigh...
Hi Faith.. U self inject or ask ur hubby to do it for u?? Pain ?I so scare of pain one lo.. Anyway just seek advice from the Tcm I visit.. She advise me to go for so iui.. So I decided to start next cycle too.. 

Wonderful.. Dun mind I ask how come u did not try ivf after the first fail one with your freeze egg? Or u just strike before u go for the 2 nd time ?
Hi Jolie, I self-inject. Don't worry yah, it's not painful.. the needle is very thin so you won't feel anything actually. When's your next cycle?
Really no pain at all?? Not like the normal injection pain?? Ha..

If menses come normally my cycle should start 17 or 18 May ba..  So excited about it lo... Ha..
Yah, no pain.. don't worry..I no bluff you hehe

Ok, take this time to "nourish" and keep your body healthy. I've stopped consuming cold drinks as far as possible.
Faith.. I tried so hard not to drink cold drinks lo.. But........weather so hot so difficult to control.. Ha..

Maybe I can control better when starting the new cycle ba.. Now waiting for AF to come like no motivation yet.. Ha..

You jiayou k.. Hope that u will strike this cycle.. Then u will be my motivation le.. Hee.. 
ganbatei, faithnhope. We probably having the scan ard the same time. I'm also try not to have cold drinks and my favourite soy milk but weather is so hot and I start to get heaty. sometimes really hard to resist.
Thanks Jolie and Kimi.. we all jiayou..

I'll be seeing Dr Fong this fri for the scan.. suppose to be D7 on sat but cos I'll be away over the weekend so will scan on D6 on fri. Mine's a walk-in appmt.. hv to take half day leave.. and gotta wait long time again.. some more nothing to shop at TB nor is there anything to do to while away the time!

Maybe I'll bring a laptop and surf internet at mac hah!
So early u go for scan already? Is it because Dr Fong need to monitor your condition after injection? I need to wait till D12 ie next Tue.
Yah, initially I thought to scan in the usual D10-D12 period but Dr Fong said the injections work faster than clomid so have to scan on D7 (in my case D6 cos I'm not available on D7).

Are you also on puregon?
U might want to try n eat more protein rich food... suppose to be gd.

Also during 2ww, take brazil nuts as many said the selenium it contains wil help implantation.

If u hv cold womb, try heatpad during 2ww. Can buy from Daiso, OG or places that sell winter wear. Not those re-useable liquid ones as they might be too heavy.

Good luck!
Ok, apparently there are protein rich foods: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, lentils, legumes, cereal, soy milk, nuts and seeds

Think I more or less "pass" intake of the first few options lah.. hehe.. I'm a meat eater, usually chicken. I like eggs too but limit to 2 per week (but I usually eat without yolk unless it's scramble egg gege). I drink a glass of milk and fresh fruits yoghurt almost every night. Will eat more of the others too then haha!
hi, faith. not on clomid or puregon this cycle. D12 will see if got egg, then do iui. wonder if I'm lucky enough to have 1 egg this cycle.

hazeline, thanks for your tips.
