DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Pretty Bunnie, I'm still pump and latch
But she still prefers to drink from bottle sometimes as she likes to look around. Latch can only see my clothe and face no fun... :p

Mine is not fussy and a real sucker. The 1st time I latched her after delivery, the nurse even commented, she's a real smart baby, knows where to go, she just latch and start sucking happily. Another way you can do is for night feed, you express out in bottle. That's how I train my mousey to drink from breast and milk bottle in the 1st few weeks, so I've no issues with her to reject bottle.

As for regular feeding, well, mine started at birth, she woke up every 3 hours for milk. And when she reaches 6 months, she starts on solid but still asks for milk in the middle of the night until she's about 8 months.

Now, at 10th month, she slept thru' out, only whines when she couldn't find her comfort aka smelly pillow in the middle of the night

So far the PD at Kinder are ok but ex.

BB puke some milk is common, you need to burp them longer, even when they burped, it doesn't mean she's ok, you need to burp them continuously for sometimes...


congrats !!!
eh newborn will be so fussy meh ? eheh I tot when they are hungry, they will kuai kuai drink milk?

Maybe before u BF her, just cuddle her and tell her to latch on and drink milk. Or maybe ur milk supply is not established yet, so may have to wait for a while more ?

I stop BF after Rianne turns 1.

Kelcqi, ur mensus is back?

my PD is Dr Ngiam from Singapore BB and Child Clinic. Not recommended by Dr Fong. My niece and nephews and children of my frens also see him. I really like his style, assuring and encouraging.
Faith: my gal likes Dr Tan a lot ... yes at Mt A ... infact sometimes she doesn't want to take medicine, we will tell her, but Dr Tan say you need to take the medicine! then she will guai guai take it ... for some strange reasons she really likes him a lot and will ask to see him! Not only "ex" but also long wait ... but we have a adopted a strategy for a slightly shorter wait if it's not serious lah. thankfully insurance can claim back most of the PD fees within the first 2 years.
Lbt, once my mousie latches on, she will be guai guai drink milk. can be very cute, will sometimes put her fists in front to guard her food and she makes cute 'eh' noises when drinking - milk seems very tasty haha. what's the taste like, anyone knows?
but before the latch on, at night when she turns into an active mousie, she'll often kick and move her head and arms as if she's super hungry.
today first time, she's feeding every 3 hrs. hopefully it'll be like this tonight, which i doubt haha.
I'll try expressing some next week probably. don't know how to manage her 1st month celebration if everytime needs to have her latch on.

pretty bunnie: even if you have appnmt with dr Tan, waiting time is a lot? my mousie will surely scream for food - is there any nursing room there? and how much r we looking at here?
Hi, anyone tried accupunture to increase chances to get pregnant? I had been taking clomid on and off since last year. This year, I had clomid for the last 4 months but it make my UTI come back. Last month doctor put me on double dose clomid and the UTI was worst! So I decided to switch to TCM. Also read that accupunture could help, so please share if you had a good accupunturist to recommend.. Thanks a bunch!
Hi ThinkThink,

U may want to see Dr Tan Kian Seng from Clementi. He is very good in acu and very patient. Alot of ppl see him for pregnancy. His No is 68723237, please call to make appointment. Good luck.
faith: these days I just walk in ... seldom have appt liao cuz kids keep falling sick left and right ... if have appt, try not to have it on sat and not in the mornings ... afternoon waits are a lot more bearable ... the nursing room is now converted to a fever room (to house fever patients). so back to normal, u can actually nurse in the clinic. there's a nursing room on the 2nd floor (clinic on 6th floor).
Hi, I'm new here. Just want to share my journey from visits to Dr Fong Yang, and see if anyone's also at the same stage as I am.

Hubby and I first went NUH 2 years ago for check-up and was told both of us were "normal" and nothing of major concern. But after trying for more than 2 years, I did not conceive and finally decided to get a 2nd opinion. Surfed the web and saw good "reviews" about Dr Fong Yang, plus the fact that his TB clinic is easily accessible by MRT and I have direct bus to TB.

Dr Fong scanned and found I do have PCOS and endo. I was so angry with the NUS gynae for wasting my time! Anyway, that's history.

Dr Fong gave me 2 injections which did 'starve' the cycsts and so I can now proceed with trying. He also prescribed multi-vits for hubby. He gave me clomid tho I've missed the ideal dosage intake supposedly to be from day 2-6 (late appointment). Thereafter, as advised by Dr Fong, I recently went back to check if my ovaries were growing and if they are, he can give me a jab to induce ovulation. However, at the scan, it showed that they still weren't at the optimal size. Dr Fong said it seemed to grow but has stopped, probably cos of the clomid dosage, plus the fact that I "missed" the dosage in the last cycle. So, he has prescribed double dosage of clomid for me to take in the next cycle.

That's how far I've walked on.. and I hope I will be able to conceive soon. I've been married for more than 5 years and have pressure coming from all sides, of course including myself.

Anyone who was in a similar situation and has since succeeded in conception??

Same here. I did a very detailed checkup by kkh and they said I am perfectly fine.

1/2 year later, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and PCOS with retroverted uterus. I went through a ops to remove the endo.

So, I don really trust kkh anymore coz that time they put me for 1/2 hours u/s where u just need < 3 mins to know if you have PCOS or endo through u/s...
Congrates to your new joy!

Do u mean Dr Terence Tan from Kinder Clinic at Mt A? Erica's PD at birth was him but I found out from alot of mummies tt his queue is super long, can wait for as long as 3 hrs even with appt sometimes. So I never went back to him

Erica's current PD is Dr Phua from SBCC Mt E. I took her to see Dr Ong from TMC and Dr Ngiam but Dr Ong is also super long queue and Dr Ngiam we never go back to him cos my hb cannot stand the Gleneagles Carpark. So after I met Dr Phua, I liked him cos he is very detailed and e queue is reasonable.

My menses back when Erica turns 1 after I stopped bfing. Very fast, less than 1 mth I stopped pumping, my menses back liao. So now every mth gotta suffer from PMS n Cramps.

Becos my menses is back every mth, tt's why I am 100% sure I am nt pregnant. Muahaha... Plus parenting is too tiring for BD, so the chances of concieving is almost very minimum.

And I think if I am pregnant again, I sure very active back in e forum again. Muahaha...

Mrs Lai,
Choi choi! But I think my chances is almost 0 for now cos I hardly BD. So I am safe. :p
May I know if Dr Fong does delivers at TMC, Mt Alvernia, Glen E and Mt E. still?

Im a first timer and still TTC. Does Dr Fong does check up like see if Im &amp; hubby is ok to conceive? Do we need to go together?
have anyone got experience with dr woo bit hwa at TB plaza? wondering dr woo bit hwa vs dr fong yang..

may i know if i sign under the TB branch, but should need to see him on a sat at the paragon branch, is it ok? any extra charges?
Mrs Tann,
Dr Fong delivers at TMC, Mt A and Mt E. But he'll usually recommend Mt A. I am one with itchy backside who wants to deliver at TMC under Dr Fong.

If i remember correctly, it is ok for u to visit both clinics just that Paragon branch charges GST. And u need to let e nurses know at least 1 day in advance if u are visiting e other clinic so that they can bring your medical info over.

Hope these helps.
Mrs Tann,
There is a $5 admin charge each time you change between Paragon and TB cos they need to transfer your last info.

PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, where you do not ovulate properly and it affects fertility.

IUI is intrauterine insemination. The sperm is cleaned at the lab so that the best quality ones are then placed inside the uterus when the egg is being released.
Mrs Tann, marisa,

I always switch between the 2 clinics and only the 1st time has the $5 charge..

All others,

How have you all been? the thread has been very quiet recently... all mummy busy in parenting i guess...
hi hi... trying to keep the forum alive again... It's been a while I've logged in here too.. Been bz preparing for Caitlyn's 1st birthday and of course work work work... Now I wish I can stay at home most time to spend this precious time with her.

How's everyone been doing? Anyone into the 9 months cycle? Last 2 weeks, I happened to accompany my gf to see Dr Fong... He seems like very tired and Eileen is back... I saw the pic of her baby girl.. so adorable, looks like her.

Ok... hope this forum will alive again!!!
hey there! i brought my girl to dr Tan some time back in the end...happy with his service and guess I'll stick to him despite the long queue.

Need advice from mummies...how much to express for baby? as baby grows older, need to express more for each feed? Gave her 90 ml then next day 120 ml, she took it all each time, so i guess i stick to 120 ml? she's now about 2 mths.
How much milk is best to freeze before going bck to work? I worry either i don't have enough milk to express or there's too much foremilk...

Puppy: Where did u see Eileen's baby girl's pic? always ask her about her baby but never seen their pics

anyone seeing dr fong this month? i've to book an appt for pap smear but waiting for spotting to stop/....
Hi Faith78, I guess everyone is different including our babies. When my mousey was 2 mth old, I already started her to drink from bottle at ard 120- 150ml (can't rem how long it lasted but I had about 2 weeks+ of supply) but when she started semi-solid, she takes about the same amount without much change just that the frequent of feed becomes lesser.. even till today...

I latched her for morning feed and night feed. After latching, I'll still express out the sur-plus.. and during the day, I'll express out at 3 hours interval. When she started solid (@ 6mths), I expresses out 3 times per day (morning, afternoon and night) while she drinks on my FBM, sometimes, fresh from the "cow" to the bottle... no more latching as she feels shy. I still have breastmilk that can lasts for almost 3 weeks for her and I'm still giving her breastmilk (no formulae yet) and it's coming a year tomorrow that I have breastfeed her!!!

I saw Eileen's bb on her mobile. I showed her mine and she showed hers to me and my gf..

I couldn't imagine my baby is turning a toddler tomorrow...
Hi everyone, I've just been to Dr Fong to scan the size of my follicle. My left is doing good (but not my right). Dr Fong gave me a medication (supposedly to induce ovulation now that the follicle has grown) which I can get any GP to inject for me, tonight. Dr Fong asked if I'd like to try IUI. This means I have to bring my hubby's semen sample to the lab for processing and then Dr Fong will put the processed semen into me. This is to help accelerate the sperms inward. No surgical procedures required. Dr Fong said it's like pap smear.

Oh, I also took the opportunity to ask Dr Fong about Pre-seed. He said Pre-seed is like KY and actually it hasn't been medically proven that it's sperm-friendly.

I'm going for IUI, no harm trying. Anyway, he said we still have to try naturally.

Anyone tried IUI?

as long as bb doesnt merlion after feed, guess the feed is enough for her.

Try to chill your surplus EBM then you estimate the amount required for the day. Anything more, freeze it. But dont freeze milk that is already in the chiller hor, freeze only freshly squeezed milk ! ehehe sounds like cow.


I think I saw you, caitlyn and ur hubby in compass pt a few weeks ago. U walked past me, then I tot to myself, how come this gal look familar. then I saw caitlyn in the stroller
aiyo how come you are sooooooooooo skinny !!!

anyway, happy bday caitlyn !!
hee hee hee... Oh labbit, u spotted me.. I think so, few weeks ago, I was at compass pt shopping... Yeh.. that's me, that's my gene... how much I eat, I also like that...

Thanks for the wishes to BB Caitlyn...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to PettyGal too... It's her birthday today!!!
btw both eileen and elaine is quite nice but i always get confused which one is elieen? the short hair or long hair? did not see her too during my last visit for my pap smear
hi laddies,I just visit Dr Fong last few days for my 1st visit.I was miscarriage on half years ago.I thk i'm 4week pregnant now as i really much worried and panic for this time pregnant.Dr Fong give me a jab and blood test for test my progesterone level.The nurse told me my progesterone level is 53.44,i thk is consider vy low right?i was vy worried and low progesterone will cause miscarriage,right?Now the nurse ask me to take the progesterone pills 6pills daily instead of 3pills daily.I hope it will help to increase my progesterone level.

hcg is the pregnancy hormone.. it should be showed in ur blood test report.. it sld be doubling every 2 days..dr fong will tell u after each blood test..
Hi, I just did IUI last week and Dr Fong gave me 15 days supply of utrogestan. When I calculate, I will complete consumption end next week. My last mense came on 3 Oct. So there is a gap from when I finish the medicine to the next cycle though I hope my mense don't come at all!! So, my question is, do I need to get more utrogestan?
if you mensus not come after u completed 15d of utro and u got a BFP. you will need to inform the clinic immediately and they will tell you what to do...

most probably they will ask u to collect more utro... i was given asprin too to encourage blood flow to my uterus.. but this is given based on my condition.. not everyone is given asprin...

hahaaa... don count la..good to forget it... but difficult to do it hor i know...

just test lor...by the time u will test when u want to know the result one...
You are right, mrsong, about not counting down.. time used to passed so quickly before and now it's so slow hahahha!! I need to go shopping to past time! Haha!!

As for test.. I scared lah.. haha!! Let's see how far I can tahan after 30 Oct! :p
jiayou jiayou.. we used to have alot of mummies actively updating their experience here... now the thread is relatively quiet coz these mummy is busy with parenting and work....

oh.. i tot no shopping in 2ww?
hi all,the nurse just inform after my second blood test.my prog level from 53.44 increased to 376.40.and my hcg level doubling two times.So isn't consider pregnancy condition get stable?Dr Fong ask me to c him on next thursday.I hope everything will be stable as i really worried about it.
Thanks mrsong.. no shopping?? I was only told not to do strenuous exercise and to avoid raw food.. So, I have stopped jogging and just go swimming. Think shopping should be ok since it's quite a leisure and stress-reliefing thing hahaha!! But now, I miss my sashimi!!! What to do.. have to bear with it, for the sake of conception! ;p

Hi littletwinstar83, I thought increase in prog and hcg for pregnant ladies are normal? Did you get to ask Dr Fong regarding your concern?
so long as hcg is doubling, then it will be fine. for prog, nurse will inject prog jap only if u have cramp or bleeding.. when hcg reaches 5k, dr fong will scan to ensure the position of the sac is alright...

i was told not to shoping eh.. dh also not allowed me to do shopping last time...
hi Mrsong,yaya..i will go and c dr fong on this thursday so i will ask him more detail about this prog level.i did have leg cramp at night.Isn't because of i take the pill or is normal for pregnant?
hello ladies... looong time never ''show up'' hope everyone is well and fine.

pop my gal in feb at mt alvina, she's now 8mth+ very fun to be with.

i found out i'm preg again! now 6wks+, with hcg only 34.44, so dr fong ordered to have 6 oral pills per day and jab on alternate days.

this is my 3rd pregnancy and i'm still have prog hormone problem. this will be the last bb for sure. i'm not going to have another accident!

littletwinstar83, don't worry so much, u're in good hands... dr fong is a safe person, he'll definitely see u thru.

for leg cramp.. use a pillow to raise you legs when lying down.. it helps..

ya, i think it is normal.. i have the bloating problem too.. but dr fong will be very happy if you tell him that you are bloated coz it means that the bb is growing well...

congrats bbleo~
i believe dr fong will really take good care of patient,my husband also said he is quite detailed and listen watever we told him,and he will really advise us wat i should do and wat i should not do.from this forum can c he got alot of fans...hehe..

i also feel i got bloating problem,always felt why my tummy like big big although i'm just few weeks pregnant.

I will use ur method tonight and c how it works.Thanks!
