DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hey Pretty Bunnie,

Welcome all new mummies or mummies-to-be...

I seriously wish that my turn will be here soon.
Supposed to see dr fong in June but I felt that I am still not ready..<???> sigh, I am problematic la... I don know what I want now... no faith in myself at all... lost direction @_@

wonderland: it's a long and tiring journey, but dun give up hope yet ... Dr FY is a very good doctor to accompany u on the journey ...

after the few attempts for #2 i want to give up liao ... the last attempt i told hubby if dun succeed i dun wan to try anymore. It's important to have faith in the doctor, yourselves and God =)
Pretty Bunnie
Thanks for the encouragement.

I know what you meant ...about not knowing what you want now.

I just had a mid term miscarriage at 22 wks and still healing my broken heart. I saw Dr Fong for a follow up last week. And he gave the green light to try again. But I'm not sure if that is what I want to ..
Hi Ladies
Could you currently advise me on how Dr Fong is as gynae as well as how are his charges like?

I'm expecting my #2 and wondering if to continue seeing the gynae for my #1 back at KKH or switch to a gynae nearer home.

Thanks in advance!
mamachen: it depends? i mean do u dislike or were unhappy with your #1 gynae? If you were happy with that doc, do you really want to change? Dr Fong is a very good doctor, with very good bedside manners (meaning not rude, not inpatient, not pushy, not abrupt) so for me, i find him very geniune and warm doctor, one that I like to keep a long term relationship with. of cuz if he moves to changi or some far flung location in Singapore, I may reconsider seeing him lah! but I dun mind the inconvinenence of travelling to see him ... generally I will be too lazy to re-establish another relationship with a doctor ...

charges best to call the clinic and ask ... can't rem offhand.
Hi Pretty Bunnie
Thanks... I called the clinic yesterday to ask on his package price... but the nurse didn't tell me how are his charges like outside if the package...

I'm happy/ok with my current gynae. No issues at all...I'm just thinking in terms of convenience to seeing a gynae near my current home rather than travel to KKH for appt.
mamachan: I c ... then perhaps u can make an appt to see Dr Fong and see if you like him ... mostly fans in this thread, so you get mostly positive reviews =) u can ask them what are his normal consultation charges are like? If tue, thur and sat, he see patients at Paragon, so best to call paragon to ask. Mon and Fri he see patients at TB, so can call the clinic to ask too. If you call the clinic on days he dun see patient at that location, u will reach aunty fiona, and she's not quite the best person to speak to ;P

mummies: i finally got around to uploading some pics of Valentino on my blog ... got time can go and look look see see
Hi, I am a patient of Dr Fong. Last week, I have just done by IUI by Dr Fong. Would like to check the percentage of success

I was also thinking to go to Dr Fong Yang as we had TTC for 1 year and still no success. I called up clicnic to today at TB and noted his last appt at 430pm. I thought I saw somewhere in this thread he sees patient from 630 to 9pm? Wow need wait for 2 weeks for appt, is this the norm?
iui means u only got 1 maturing follicle and you do not take any jabs to stimulate the growth of more than 1 foillicles for your iui process
Hi, tot of trying to do the IVF at Dr Fong Clinic, does anyone know if he had any success case.
As I had tried b4 but not successful
Getting abit of dishearted ..
figora, I fully understand how u feel as I had the same experience as you.. do you still have frozen embryos?

I still have quite a number but haven't used them since then
hi ladies, i heard the sperm wash for IUI and SA test is all done in Mt E?

I tght last time there was an option to do it in Paragon?

like to know if Dr fong is gd with iui? keen to try iui as i hv ttc for more than 8mths and no luck.

any one did iui with dr fong and how is the experience and outcome
hi pinkpink,

His stitching, not much of pain... I can start walking around few hours after my normal delivery. The nurses also commented his stitching is neat and nice.

Hi Hope,

I just done my IUI with Dr Fong this month. MT E charges for Sperm wash is S$174.31 with GST and Dr Fong IUI is S$223.10 include Medicine.

Hi PinkPink,

Yes. Dr Fong stitching is very good. He deliver my son a few years ago and I can start to walk after few hours with not much pain.
hi ducky,
thks for info..issit a long walk from paragon to mt e?
i nvr been to mt e before. so yoou managed to succeed with IUI with Fong?
Hi All Mothers,

Need some advises....
I am pregnant for almost 4 weeks.
However, almost every night i have stomach cramp.
Did anyone of u also experience the same things?
I went to Dr Fong. His nurse already give me an injection, however, sometimes i cant bear with my cramp at nite. I am worried, as i just have miscariage months back. At that time, i also had very bad stomach cramp.
Last sat i just did blood test, my Beta HCG is around 307...
Please give me some advises.
Thank you
Hi M S,

I have the cramp too when i am pregnant. You need to call Dr Fong clinic to inform the nurse so that they will give you another injection to stop the cramp.

I had very bad cramps when I was pregnant also. Later Dr Fong realized mine was caused by a cyst. Not sure if yours is the same situation. I was given utrogeston(Dunno if I got the name right) to be taken 3 times daily. The med made me very sleepy so it helped me to sleep despite of the cramps. Did dr fong prescribe u with that?
Hi Tinkerbelle,

Thanks for sharing...
Dr Fong also give me the utrageston and injection. Really make me very sleepy during day and night. Till it is very difficult for me to concentrate @ office..hehehe.. However, recently i seldom have cramp already. The nurse said maybe coz alot of air in my tummy... and somemore it s not easy for me to pass motion. But i know that i have cyst and blood clod.. Maybe effect also. Therefore i also take chinese medecine at the same time.. Today went for blood test According to the nurse my Beta HCG is very high 5k plus.. but my progesterone level drop to 256 only but still ok according to the nurse (currently i almost reach week 5).
Take it slow bah. I think you're doing fine. That time I also find it hard to focus at work, and I was having very bad MS. Throwing up even in e middle of sleep. So I took a 1 mth unpaid leave to rest.

DId Dr FOng said your cyst could be a pregnancy cyst or issit a blood cyst? That time for my case, it grew until 6.3cm and it was beside the waterbag. So had to monitor closely and go back every wk. Only at ard wk 10, my cyst go down in size. Dr Fong said if never reduce in size, have to have op to take it out if not it endanger the fetus. Do u have to go back to see him every wk now?
hi Ladies,

Don't ignore those cramping symptons. It is a sign of contraction. And persist with spotting, dont wait, call clinic straight.

Need hormones supplement and jabs.
hi mummies...
i've a almost new baby cotbed. maple colour. adjustable 3 levels..can covert to day bed. with brand new mattress. selling @ $250 only.
avent steriliser &amp; ISIS breastpump @ $100 only. interested pls msg @ 97656822.
hi zoses !!!

wah super long time !!

How old is Phoebe now ? I still remember her as the very very chubb chubb gal

yeah my No.2 turned 1 in July this year.

How abt you ? got 2nd one ?
So happy to see Angel n Lbt back in the thread. Hehe...

Zoses Toh,
Is your baby the one at Dr Fong's clinic who was born 4.2kg one?

i help zoses ans ... yes that's Pheobe !! hehe her bb was v big wor !

aiyo me v bz at work leh

how abt u gals ?
Haha, now I knw who the mummy u were telling me last time.

How your house moving? Rianne is now 1 liao rite? And rachel 3 already? Belated Happy birthday to Rachel wor...

Erica juz recover from her fever. So difficult to pump in weight for her, now lose weight again. Sian. And now she refused food. Probably sore throat I guess?
hi kelcqi

yeah Rianne is 14 mths and Rachel just turned 3 !! very fast hor ??

wanted to go back DR FONG there for paps smear but I got a free checkup from my insurance, so .. guess wont see him so soon

I think now just let Erica recover first... oh when she is well, u may want to let her try to take PEDIASURE. It has added calories but the milk powder is very ex lor. each scoop of powder makes 45ml of milk only. but rachel also put on more wt after switching to this milk powder.

i move hse probably end of the year.
I also thinking to go back to Dr Fong for my Pap Smear soon. Recently I kept having cramps, den feel like vomitting, the symptoms similar to tt time I was pregnant but this time I am 100% sure I am not pregnant.

Erica is taking Pedisure already. BUt I think it's very sweet for her, so I mix it with Friso Gold 2.

I never compare e price leh, cos usually if I see promo, I grab 2 tins to stock up. :p
wanna share the joy of my little girl with u all...she's now 2 weeks old. Labour was thankfully and unexpectedly faster
She came one day after seeing Ah Fong.

Lbt, I remember you mentioned you were breastfeeding all the way. Am doing that too, but it can be really challenging esp when my girl gets rough (kicking and moving all over) when hungry making it harder to latch on. Any advice on that?

Anyone has a good paediatrician to recommend?
Congrats Faith78. She must be a beautiful girl...

Newborns tend to get hungry every 3 hours especially they are on breastmilk. Tried to get yourself ready to breastfeed her before the 3 hours. Keep on breastfeeding and pumping to keep your supply up!

I also breastfeed my baby till today
Enjoy the process and bonding with your beautiful girl.

Didn't Dr Fong recommend any PD for you? So far, the PDs from kinderland are quite good except the price is bit of steep!

Tinkerbelle, you are so cute... even stated that you are 100% sure not pregnant... Sometimes, protection can also have "loophole"...
Faith: Congrats!

My PD is recommended by Uncle - Dr Tan from Kinder.

Puppy: still bfing! wow ... i pump and feed ... very very seldom direct ...

now i back to work liao ... still pumpijng ...

tink: my friend full protection BOTH TIMES ... what u think :p

My girl feeds every hour or so haha, max is 3 hrs. I hope that's normal. she seems to have a small stomach though, she takes in lots of milk, then will 'puke' some out when lying down. Wanted to ask the P about any reflux problem.
She was gaining weight at our last visit to P, so that's good.

Puppy: looks like yours is not fussy when latching on ya? Mine turns into a very active little hamster at night when it's time to feed
Lactation consultant asked me to swaddle her, it does help a bit, but she hates to be swaddled when hungry. Can only be swaddled when sleepy.
btw at which month does baby settle into a more regular feeding and sleeping routine?

Uncle did give us name of P - based on where we stay. But am not happy with that P, no EQ, it's like for a gynae, u need to feel comfortable with the doc, i can't with this P. How's Dr Tan - the one at Mount A itself right?
