DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hi ladies,

SO we postpone tonight gathering. If anyone ve wonderland & tinkerbelle HP, pls sms them, incase they do not log on here to see message.

Hi Angel,

i will sms them abt the cancellation. Shall meet u gals in mid June. I just got to know the gather yesterday afternoon. haha.


Take care hor.
tinkerbelle: i just booked my c-section - apparently on sat after office hours, dr fong got surcharge, hospital got surcharge, ot got surcharge also, emergency on top of that somemore surcharge by hospital :p
poogle: it depends on the dosage plus frequency you need to see? u can just call the clinic and ask them for a breakdown of the charges.
hi ladies
is it true that the scan machine at paragon is better than the one at Tiong Bahru?
I'm currently 5 weeks plus pregnant, thinking whether to go to Paragon for a clearer scan at week 7. Do i have to pay extra for going to another branch?
amidala: if ur records is at TB, u gotta pay 410 if u see dr fong at paragon and vice versa.

paragon branch also chargesgst, tb don't, but changes are the same.

pewrsonally i perfer paragon cuz cleaner tiolets and also more spacious.
lbt, can only meet after June 6 cos pettygal cannot make it on june 6. so mayb on 13th June? Is tt ok?

Mrs Lai,
Wah, so this time round ur c-sec will be very costly?

Hi hi, i am in my 5th week now, thinking of going to dr fong as i stay Tiong Bahru, how is the charges like? When do I have to go see him?
then does dr fong deliver in MAH? So far i only confirm i want to deliver in MAH, cos i like the environment there.. thanks.
ET:L charges please call the clinic to check. also ask the clinic when best to see him (i cannot rem anything anymore!)

Dr Fong delivers in Mt A (his fav), TMC, Mt E and Gleneagles.
Ok, i will call on Monday then.. Thanks.. Good to hear that his fav is Mt A.. I think will probably book a date when i around 12 weeks preggie..

He is a aunti killer at MT A. Very ahh with all the midwives there.

I ve been with him for my 2 birth. Mt A is nice place for birth, very good lactation support there.
can anyone share how is the charges like for Dr Fong Yang on doing IUI/IVF

Example, his consultation charge, lab test, scan and IUI/IVF procedure.

Anyone have successful experience on IVF/IUI with Fong Yang to share?
I had IUI with Dr Fong - my girl is 8 months now
Think his IVF charge (we were contemplating when we struck gold) is about SGD6000. Can't remember off hand his IUI charges but generally his rates are very reasonable, can even say cheap compared to the so-called specialists in Glen E or Mt E etc.

By the way IUI we did 3 times so you must have patience and must 'relax'! Easier said than done. Try yoga and spas etc for your and hubby cos he has to be relaxed too so that both your bodies are operating at optimum.

No one told me they grow up soooo fast! Lately, been thinking and very tempted to go for number 2 hehe... been tinking the past few days to make an appointment with fong again to check condition. Do you gals think he will scold? hahaha...
you did 3 iui in consecutive mths?

You did IUI in his TB clinic? so his clicnic got all the facilities like sperm washing and scan?
scan yes, sperm washing no.

General consults I see him at TB, but fr the actual IUI, 2 were at paragon and 1 at TB. He'll send hubby to a lab nearby (either paragon medical or Mt E medical building). Lowers the overall costs for us this way I think cos the lab specialises in the work and fong's overheads are kept low. You have to self collect and bring to him at the clinic for him to do the insertion. Bit of drive if choose the TB clinic, but not too bad la... sperm can still survive - put in your bra to keep warm

did consecutive months yes - fong explained that better not to have gaps since whatever jabs we take in the earlier months to make the womb ready(even if implant is not successful) the jabs - i.e. the hormone level will be better than if we kept 'resting' and letting the womb be lazy and relaxed again (my words obviously, his explanation is much more professional
wah..that quite a hassle rite..that means u have to bring the sperm to wash at paragon..then 2-3hrs later..u got to collect it back ..and then drive bk to TB to insert?

I saw from website...paragon scan and consultation is more expensive than TB?
if you think it's too much of a hassle, just make the appointment at the paragon clinic. The cost is not that much more I think. After all, considering what is being spent on the whole procedure, the difference between TB and P is minimal.

If you go to an 'all-in-one specialist' at Mt E, haiz... you should see the costs they quote.

Prior to 20weeks, there is no package anyway so you can alternate between TB and Paragon.
hmm actly my office in Tan Pag
so is more convenient for me to go TB for consultation or sca..so i can rush bk to work..b4 or after scan..and i stay in west so will save me lot sof travelling time.

but if on day of IUI , to do it in Paragon instead of TB, I saw from abv post will be $400+ extra?That is quite a lot

i have successful IVF from Dr Fong. first birth from fresh cycle, then i use my frozen embroys to conceived 2nd one. So all in all, I only attempt one IVF.

Trust dr fong lah ... dont think I will go for another gynae. He will try to keep your overal cost to the minimum and only recommend the necessary. When you manage to conceive, the cost factor is secondary !
Not sure where you read about the extra 400 charge. I didn't have any. I realised I kept records of my medical bills, so here you go. HOpe this helps. The chrge for the 2rd and 3rd wash are a bit higher than the first because Dr Fong changed labs. He said the 2nd lab produced better results. The IUI was done once at paragon and twice at TB I think. Maybe the other way around. As you can see the cost was the same. The S$7 difference is because I got folic acid pills or something from him I think.

08/09/2007 Washing $149.80
08/09/2007 IUI $207.60
24/09/2007 Consult and hormone $57.00
27/09/2007 Consult and medicine $84.00
04/10/2007 Consult, scan and jab $161.00
06/10/2007 IUI $207.60
06/10/2007 Washing $162.91
22/10/2007 Consult $57.00
23/10/2007 Consult, scan and jab medication plus xtra pills for womb lining $170.00
26/10/2007 $200.00
26/10/2007 Washing $162.91
wah..tat pretty cheap...

my is just IUL = $600..nvr breakdown is for washing or for IUI...but his price really reasonable.

When you do at paragon, the washing sperm lab is just mins of walk away?

Thanks for your detailed info.Fong is ok for you to alternate between Paragon or TB anwhere u like?

i think abt 10K+ including the medicines, MT E fertility centre services and consultations. I did not really keep track.
your iui day...doenst inculdue any vaginal scan to see the size of your follicle/or if is been released before inserting the wash sperm in u?

I know there will be a scan (not vaginal) the day before the IUI date is fixed for sure. Can't remember whether there is another scan the day itself. Not vaginal scan anyway, the normal 'stomach' scan. Dont think that you can 'see' follicle from a vaginal scan in any case.

Yup, if at paragon, the lab is just a mins away. Can fix appt first thing in the morning at the lab for your hubby, then you guys go have a nice long breakfast and maybe do some shopping, then it will soon be time to pick up the specimen already. V fast la when you are finally doing it. When you're reading about it.. a 2 or 3 hour wait seems very long but it isn't really.

I think the clinic is partly yr choice and partly determined by where Dr Fong will be on the day your IUI needs to be done. e.g. if your eggs are 'ready' on Saturday, then it will have to be done at Paragon cos you prob cant wait unti monday. But if you're 'ready' or near ready say on Wednesday or something, then have to see in each case at what stage you are at and whether can wait for his next clinic day at the clinic you want or not. He'll advise you accordingly.

If you haven't already done so, you should be speaking to your boss to explain why you may need to take unexpected/urgent leave for this period. It's better to prepare the boss early when he is in a mood to listen than to come back later and explain to an angry person.
thks for info. So that means when u go to diff clinic..the doctor need to be inform accordingly as he will need to trfer your medical report to another clinic beforehand? I am sure the record is not all in computer rite?

You mean you told your boss abt yr leave for iui?
My boss is guy le..furthermore...I am in proj...so this boss only with me..not too long..less than a mth..a bit weird to tell him rite..furthermore nt sure he understanding or nt.

There is only 1 doctor le. why need to inform him?? He's the one informing you when/where to do the procedure! When you make the IUI appointment, Dr Fong's nurses will do all the necessary paperwork to make sure that your files are where they are supposed to be. Dr Fong's nurses are v efficient.

If you can't be frank with your boss, then take the day off on your IUI day. Usually Dr Fong quite good with timing but anything can happen - he can be called away for birth etc and sometimes the lab is v busy... you need to be as relaxed as possible not thinking bout how you need to rush back to work.
Hope for BB: both of mine are IUI with Dr Fong. I more superstitious is a sense that both of them concieved in P. I did a few times in TB for number 2 but never succeed. So i told him i want everything the same same same!, including the same medicine :p my #1 was concieved with our first attempt at IUI.

Most of the times he will Vscan to check the size of follicle. Once optimal size, he will jab for the ovulation. then arrange for the correct timing to do the washing plus IUI. quite standard protocol. Sometimes he may ask u to abandon the cycle, cuz once i was suppose to do it, but I was sick, down with flu, so he say abandon, and do it the next cycle - but means continue with the medication and all lah.

Anyway, sunny, since u are talking about dr fong's stitches, tt day i went for scan and he said" wah ur scar well hidden hor" I said "u praising urself is it !!!!!" he went no lah ... ... buay paiseh!!!

heheeh Dr Fong v funny right. u know my hubby also dunno where is my csect scar until one day I show him. he sayss.. huh that one not your fold meh ? wah lau I am so fat meh ??? but of cos, we are both impressed.

Please dont take this the wrong way. Its good to find out a doctor's methods and success rates but at the end of the day, these are just indicative figures. Dont stress so much about who striked lucky and where it happened. Just try to relax a bit k. Take it easy. The more you stress the harder its going to be...

My fav 'example' for this is (dont laugh k)Britney Spears!
The woman, drinks and parties like crazy, but she also pops out babies like nobody's business... whereas we, when we start trying to conceive, we clean up our act and try to be too kwai.. in the end, we just end up stressing ourselves out of luck.
Hope: means both of my babies were concieved in the paragon's clinic lah ... I did IUI for both mah ... just that I also did IUI at TB for #2 but never strike, until I did it at Paragon. I tried SO-IUI once but were not successful. both times i strike is with IUI.

labbit: my hubby tt time tell me my c sect scar is skin taped together with the sticky remains of the plaster!!! can u imagine us trying to pry it apart with nail polish remover!!!! i paid$20 to a GP for him to luff at him and said it's my c sect scar ... so damn embarassing!!!!
hahahaaha bunniete, that is really funnee!

My girl, she had this horrible swelling at the top of her thigh and we were so worried... asked pedie, why why, what insect bit her.. Pedi just shook her head at us and said, v small already the scar, BCG usually much bigger..." So embarrassing... no one told us that nowadays the jab is at the thigh....
bunnie, that strange..usually I tght SO-IUI higher chance to conceive as more follicles maturing.

Do you or huby have any infertility problem?

sunny, no la..just that NUH doesnt do SO-IUI. I think they only do normal IUI. That y i feel lower chance to strike.
Hi Pretti bunnie,
was bored so did a random google search on uncle... and guess what, came across your(?) blog-new mum in the making... at least I'm guessing its you unless there is another mum and dad out there who tot their c section scar was bandage glue
sunny: hahaha ... yes tt's us hahahaha ... ya the BCg thingy also ... my gal has a birthmark on her hand tt looks like an ink stain ... lucky we kept quiet about it, else kena looked by the nurse hahaha

Hope; I have PCOS. U have to understand the prcoess for SO-IUI. too much hormones, u get too many follicles, you cannot do IUI - u have to consider perhaps IVF or abadon the cycle. Too little hormones, u end up like IUI only 1 or 2 viable follicles. u need to have the correct "amt" of hormones in order to not run the risk of having triplets or more, but also good chances to hit at least 1 or 2.
ladies: sorry forgot to announce ... my #2 popped on 20th June ... he's doing well ... after Dr Fong finished stitching me up, i told him about you girls saying he practises embroidery at home. he just laughed. Ya i was wide awake during the C section (LA) even though i asked for lots of sleepy medicine.
