DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

wonderland, thanks for sharing.. will ask the nurse during next visit..
Wonderland, you are right... You can only sign up the package at 20 weeks... Anyway, the nurse will ask you whether you want to sign up..
Rabbit: Dr fong is not that kind of doc who will make u do tests so he can earn extra marnee... he usu only recommend if necessary ... for eg, he tells me not to spend $ on a branded pregnancy test kit, those normal in house brands are just as good.
I saw a very long posting above by leng chee keng..Is it about the side effect of progesterone?
I'm 5 weeks pregnant now and Dr Fong is prescribing me progesterone injection every 2 days and and I'm taking 6 tablets a day. I am afraid taking so much might have a side effect
littlemay: if he prescribing u that, it's exactly the same as me ... i had cramps so often, in the end i had to jab myself every 2 days (we tried 2 times a week but the cramps keep coming on the 3rd day) ... i dun regret the trouble or pain, cuz if tt means it's keeping my baby safe inside me, i'll do it! if u not sure if it's required, ask the Dr Fong why u require the jabs plus pills.

missymoms, not recommended esp if the trip is STRESSFUL. i asked before, he usu recommends me to rest in bed.

wonder: by the way, how are things with you, sorry didn;t really get a chance to chat with u these days ....
my first time going to see dr fong. may i know what questions he will ask? trying to hv a check up for myself see if everything is ok for conceiving. been trying for a year..how long must apptms be booked?
Hi mrs_tann, book as early as you can. Depending on your convenience, Dr Fong operates at his Tiong Bahru clinic on Mon and Fri while he's at Paragon on Tue, Thu and Sat (half-day). He's usually fully booked and any walk-in could mean a 2hr wait!

As for questions, I think he'd let you start first. Just feel free to tell him your situation or any unusual condition you suspect you have etc. He is likely to do a scan to check your uterus/womb.
bunnie, i am fine...let's chat on the msn again when u are free..

missyoms, i tried to rest as much and walk gentlely.. try see if u can get mc to be away from ur work lor...

but for ivf, dr fong will definitely give u 2 weeks of HL to rest as much...
hi missyoms,

yes, you are right. emm, total cash it roughly 1k (simulation) + 4k(ER & ET) + 3k (2ww)

But bear in mind that this has been years ago and I used drug remained from previous cycles in the simulation stage; thus, save a few hundreds

You can deduct up to 6k from your medisave in ER&ET stage. Additional cost is required if egg hatching is required.

As for 2ww, it is very individual based on blood test result to decide if you need more/less injection. Some ppl require drips (the drip is very expensive, i heard) due to over bloatedness... and some ppl need to do abdominal tapping for hyper simulation..

but, you may want to prepare more cash after 2ww coz more bloodtest and scan, consultation are required once you are pregnant...

hope this helps...
THKS Mrssong. Hope my period dun report this wk. Then i dun even need to start on SOIUI. But then, little hope. Today D28, with abit of brown spotting and terrible acnes outbreak.

Anyone here know if my period report on Sat, how am i supposed to go see Dr Fong on Sunday to collect those injection? I tot supposed to start from Day 2?
hi ladies,
i am starting SOIUI soon. Now waiting for menses to come....in 4 days time. Very excited/nervous about the jabbing.... anyone starting SOIUI soon too?
Hi doramee, 1st time consultation & ultrasound fee is $80 each. Subsequently, it's $50 and $70.

Hi tigi, I've had IUI done last week, was a medicated IUI though, now in 2ww. (=
meatball, i was on 100mg clomid but no response/ ovulation.... can i find out from you where is iui carried out? in dr fong office? are you able to rest for a while after the procedure so that it can be more effective? Need to minimise movement after iui? sorry , so many questions... :p
Tigi: I tried my best not to fret or stress this cycle and also, I took milo with raw egg whites daily after AF ended as I've read tt it kinda helps the egg quality by taking in more protein.

My iui was done at the paragon clinic and was told to lie down for 15mins after the procedure. The nurse was telling me what not to do during the 2ww and one of them was to minimise walking if possible. Hope it helps!

Ladies, may I know if utrogestan will cause one to feel thirsty and having dry lips during the course?
missyoms, so you've decided to go for the IUI afterall eh? Hope to hear good news!

meatball, when I was taking utrogestan, I felt bloated. Didn't really notice thirsty/dry lips but when I'm in office, I do drink quite a fair bit of water, maybe that's why ;)
meatball, thanks for your info! minimise walking? did you take leave from work during the 2ww?

does that mean that the iui procedure will be done at tiong bahru if it falls on mon or fri?

Does Dr Fong do any iui on wed?

missyoms, i will be going paragon this sat... to collect my meds.... was told collect med no need to see doctor, can call anytime but later the nurse at the clinic called to come at a appointed time. Did you see dr fong on the day of med collection?
faithnhope: I'm feeling bloated too, but the thirst is something new. Used to be boiling water every alternate days, now it's a daily affair, DH noticed my increase in water intake too. Anyway, I will just continue my guzzling of water...

Tigi: Nope, was on leave on the day of iui only. I feel it's very hard to minimise walking coz I've to walk quite a distance from the train station to my office on weekdays. So in order to rest more, I stay home during the weekends.

Yeah, I guess the procedure will be done at TB if it's on wed or fri. I'm not sure if he does iui on wed coz he's neither at TB nor Paragon, perhaps the ladies here might know...
Hi Tigi, yes, the IUI will be done at the Tiong Bahru clinic if your IUI appointment falls on Mon or Fri. They don't operate on Wed and Sun at either clinics ;)

meatball, water is good anyway, so fine to drink more ;)
Today is my 4th day of injection, i've not much reaction, just abit bloated.....i wonder is my body is not reacting to the injection. The 1st 2 days were terrible

Tigi: i did see the doc before i collect my injextion. The nurse told me 1st timer need to see doc before collection of injection leh....but if no need to see, also okay. Dr fong did not say anything much...anyway, can save the consulation fee mah
I am also going back this sat for review.....Pray hard that the injection are working fine

Faithnhope: THKS, i pray for good new.. SO SIAN. need to attend my younger cousin' bb birthday, her 2nd bb just gg to turn one and she is not preggy with the 3rd one!! then another cousin just gave birth yest. OMG, they will start to bomb me again....

Meatball: Will we be given MC on the day of IUI?
missyoms, yes, Dr Fong will offer to give you MC on the day of IUI ;)

So far, I haven't asked Dr Fong to issue MC for my visits nor my previous IUI, cos I don't want my colleagues to know that I'm visiting a specialist. I don't know what to tell them if they ask. So I've been using my own leave ;(

Hope I'll conceive soon then I can use his MC openly hahaha!!
missyoms: How do you determine if the injections are working? Nonetheless, jia you to all of us still trying!

faithnhope: I was not given MC on the day of my iui, perhaps we can ask him for one if not given. I was ok without having one coz I had told my boss abt the treatment.

Hugs gal! I also hope to conceive soon, might be taking a break if this cycle fails. Nowadays, I have to keep reminding myself not to have high expectation, if not, think I will be devastated.
Kinda roller-coaster mood...
Same here, meatball. Deep down, I really hope to conceive but have to keep the expectation down so the disappointment will not be beyond control ;p
same here ladies... really hope very much to conceive... seems to see at least a pregnant lady everyday on the way home ..... and it seems my housing area plenty of baby bump around.... always thinking when it is going to be mine...

Anyway i never take Dr Fong mc cos it is not recognized by my co. unless it is maternity case...
missyoms, what is your dosage? if you are first time, prob the dosage will be low... i read somewhere that SOIUI is not recommend for more than 2-3 times, as statistics show.
I hope you have good results from the review this sat!
faithnhope, thanks for informing the operating hours of fong clinic. This means i can attend a presentation on Wed which my boss want me to go.
i hopei can have good results of follicle growth after wed.... clomid fail to work me. Was so disappointed & moody then.....
Anybody experience diarrhoea after took the progesterone pills given by Dr fong ?My xiao Gu just pregnant and first visit to dr fong clinic,when she start taking th pills for two days,having diarrhoea almost everyday.Isn't normal?
littletwinstar83: Is the progesterone pills same as utrogestan? If yes, I didn't have diarrhoea too, only drowsiness... Better call the clinic soon...
faithhope,i thk not vy serious.But she been reduced from 2 pills once to one pill once.

meatball, yaya..she take utrogestan.same with me also.i only have drowsiness and tummy bloated.So i thk will ask her to call th clinic again and check better.

yes, my co. is very strict with mc. Only recognised mc from certain clinic....
i haven't start on so-iui yet, waiting for menses to come and then start injection this weekend ba.... u done soiui before?

missyoms, is there anything you try that can reduce bloated during injection period? quite worried about myself cos always got inflatuence even during normal days.....

btw is progesterone or utrogestan pills a must for all doing fertility treatment, iui, so-iui...
Tigi: Sorry for the late reply. SUper busy wif work. Working today frm home as well

I am on 100 mg injection daily from last sat to this fri. This sat after my review, DR Fong will determine if i need more injection.

I am also eating egg white at times and also drinking 100plus.....like u, i m always bloated and my tummy also full of gas. The injection is more of heaty type, so must drink alot of water.

Was told to rest well and less stressful life during the whole treatment, but with the current job scope, it is almost impossible....

I dun even dare to do my UZAP on my bum or back......
missyoms, ya better avoid the uzap to minimize impact from the vibrating movements!

Yo you are working so hard.... dun forget to take enough rest n destress yourself too!!

just came back groceries shopping, stock up on cranberry juice cos i am also very prone to UTI....

Tigi, thks. I also wish to rest n work lesser. But my boss is an Indian American........male somemore....how to tell him.
U gg to Dr fong tom? I am also gg to him.
