DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

hey, faithnhope i will share with you more when after my scan on this thursday. how is your hcg level now? rem to rest well stay happi always. when is your EDD?

Ok, keep us posted

As for HCG, 1st reading was 214, 2nd was 600, 3rd was 4200
. 1st and 2nd readings were taken 2 days apart while the 3rd was taken 4 days after the 2nd reading.

By conception date, my EDD is likely to be early Feb ba... I hope to be able to get a more accurate date at next week's scan.. hehe..
Faith, take good care of yourself!

Do you gals take TCM before you do IUI? Dr Fong assistant told me better not. Thought wana nourish my body while trying at the same time.
faithnhope when will you be seeing Dr Fong to hear the heartbeat? share more with me k.

kimi, i actually went to tcm without informing my dr cos he advised me not to take tcm med. but i took. haha...
Hi Kimi, I didn't take TCM since I started seeing Dr Fong. He said unless we can find a TCM who also specialises in fertility, he doesn't encourage TCM with especially puregon, just in case the TCM meds interfere with the puregon, which may either hasten or slows down the growth rate of the eggs. But I believe many people do take TCM meds alongside gynae's prescriptions as well.

Ivy, I'll be seeing Dr Fong next Mon to scan. Yup, will share with you girls good news!
Hi Kimi, looks like you do ovulate regularly since you don't need clomid or puregon?

Hi Ivy, I'm taking vit c and folic acid, on top of utrogestan. Maybe I will ask Dr Fong if I need to take multi-vit when I see him next week... hehe..

As for TCM in TMC, sorry, I don't know anything about it.
Hi Ivy, utrogestan is the name of progesterone pills, which are meant to prepare the womb for pregnancy and to assist preggy ladies have a good progesterone/hormones level. Dr Fong usu prescribes the pills for his patients but I think it's not as commonly used by other gynaes as I've not heard any of my friends take progesterone.. hehe...
faithnhope, my gynae is more kiasu, i use to insert the progesterone on D2 after the IUI. hehe
i think progesterone is to prevent ladies from miscarriage ba....
Yup, I ovulate quite regularly. Even so, I heard that it does not mean u ovulate every cycle. & that is the reason why I said clomid has no effect on me. Just 1 egg.. I'll be going for scan next Thu. U seeing Dr Fong next week oso, right?
Hi Kimi, generally and usually, clomid gives one egg. Puregon will give an average 2-3.

Yup, I'm seeing Dr Fong next Mon at TB clinic..
There was once Dr Fong scan 1 big dark spot and 1 small spot which he not sure it's egg or not after taken clomid. Too bad I did not do further scan & IUI that cycle because I was going for holiday.
Anyone here with Dr Fong has experience for IVF or conceived with blocked fallopian tubes?

After gone thru laparoscopy, I was told that my left fallopian tube is damaged n right one not in good condition. Dr Fong put me on clomid last month, and when I visited him today (AF coming), he asked me to go for IVF... but he did say to try puregon last time. maybe he is just too busy and forgot. after negotiation, i left with puregon and will start jab from tmr.

if anyone here has any helpful information, please share. really feel hopeless.
Thanks for the advice. Shall test next couple days if mense doesn't come. Sigh, think low chance though cos I thought I spotted some signs of blood today. Shall go on IUI if this cycle fails. =(
faithnhope, i ask you har.... how many days do you jab 100 IU for your last IUI?

i went to scan yday after after 75 IU jab from D2 to D7 my egg still very small lei? then i need to jab 100 IU from yday nite till sat then monitor again.
Aiyoh.. had a hard time coming into this forum cos somehow the link didn't work.. am I the only one experiencing this? I get this occasionally.. maybe the traffic is too heavy.. hehe..

Hi Ivy, thanks for asking. I'm doing fine except for cramps 2 days ago. It was light cramps but lasted about half a day loh.. I called the clinic and the nurse said to go for progesterone jab just to be safe so I went loh.. so far, no other "bad symptoms" haha! I just feel bloated most of the time esp after lunch until night time... nausea only if I'm hungry. Will be going for a scan on Mon. By then I will be at the end of my 5 weeks. Should be able to see sac/embryo but think maybe heartbeat not yet.. Looking forward to the scan!

For my jab, I took for a total of 8 days. I scanned D6 and the eggs were abt 14mm. Then Dr Fong asked me to continue 2 more days. By D8, they were abt 18mm and I took the HcG jab on the same day, then IUI the next day late afternoon.

What are the sizes of your eggs measured yesterday?
Hi Ivy, don't worry too much. Just follow your gynae's instruction. BTW, were you on jabs for your previous 2 IUIs too? How much were you told to administer previously? Or is this the first time you are doing SO? Were you on clomid previously? What was your clomid dosage if so?
faithnhope, so far i have no problem coming lei..

wish you good luck on your Monday scan.

thanks for your kind sharing. i'm not too sure on the size of my egg but from the scan i saw is very small. sigh...
What you see on the scan will surely be small, but your gynae should be able to measure and tell you the sizes. Do remember to ask your gynae to let you know the sizes. Keep us posted after your next scan. Enjoy your weekend!
ok, i will keep you posted on my scan tomorrow again on Monday when i'm back to work.

do keep me posted on your 5 weeks scan ok.

take care and enjoy your weekend!
Hi Ivy, I will e seeing Dr Fong Yang tmr too. Hehee.

Faith, I saw Dr Fong Yang last Sat. My bloodtest result not very good. Only 42. I am not sure hw it works but compares to urs mine is super low. The nurse and GP told me that the result is for my hormones, frankly speakingnot sure abt the medical terms. Shall see what Dr Fong said tmr as he is the best person to ans my queries. I oso feel bloated and super tired everyday. Will be doing my second bloodtest and 1st scan tmr. Hope by then can see b heartbeat.
Hi Joy07, is 42 your progesterone level (ie. your own hormones level)? I think if it's less than 100, they will ask you to take progesterone jabs. There should be a 2nd reading, which is the Beta HCG, which is the bb's hormones. If the bb's hormones doubles every 48hrs, then it shows that the baby is growing. 1st blood test is to give some basis for comparison with the 2nd blood test. Hope your 2nd test result will be good!

When you saw Dr Fong last Sat, did he scan to estimate how long you are into your pregnancy?

Ok, will keep you girls posted after my scan on Mon. Hope to give good news!
Hi Faith, i had confirmed with Dr Fong is my progesterone level. I saw Dr Fong today and saw the bb heartbeat. I am 6 weeks 2 days and edd is 2/2/10. It is so amazing to see the blinking dot. I needs to continue the jabs and pills. Didnt do any bloodtest today. Keeps us posted on your scan. First 3 months very impt, must take good care.
Hi Joy07, congratulations!! So exciting to know you could hear the baby's heartbeat at 6weeks 2days. Our dates are very close! Based on my IUI date, I'm 5weeks 6days today.. I probably won't hear heartbeat yet today but will be happy to be able to see the little bub...

Yes, we've got to be careful during the 1st 3 mths.. and take lots of rest.

Hi small bunny, your hb needs to abtain at least 2 days before IUI. So, if you like, u can enjoy BD 3-4 few days before IUI so when u are due for IUI, it's another fresh batch of soldiers hehee... when's your IUI?

I hv low progesterone levels too initially, w spotting throughout my 1st tri. Don't worry, as long as bb is growing fine, take ur meds n jabs diligently, by 2nd tri, ur placenta will take over.

Sometimes, can c the little heart blinking on the screen... though might be too small to 'hear'.

Ivy tan
Try taking more protein...

Don't worry, Im sure ur follicles will catch up!
Hi haze1ine and all, I went for my scan on Mon already. Was 1 day short of 6 weeks so can't heart heartbeat yet. Though Dr Fong said he seemed to have spotted something which resembled heart activity, he wasn't convinced as yet. So I'll be back next Fri to scan again..
some dun hear hb til almost at 8th wk.. so dun worry abt that. If the size is ok, shdn't be a prob.

Hv hapi thoughts! Very impt..

My CL leaving this Fri.. aiyoh! Duno if I can handle bb on my own... might not be able to go online so often liao.
Haze1line, thanks for your kind advice.

Dear all, does anyone tried before passed urine before IUI? is there any different?

i'm doing my IUI this afternoon.
Hi, Ivy. If I didn't remember wrongly, the purpose to hold our urine because when the bladder is full will push our womb down. So no matter what, hold your urine!

Good Luck!
Hi haze1ine, yup, think the size is ok so far.. I was scheduled to scan next Mon but thought to give bb more time to growth so I've changed to scan next Fri instead.. hehe..

Hi Ivy, the reason for full bladder is so it will be tilted to help the soldiers swim faster.. hehe... Not sure about your gynae, for Dr Fong, if we go there without full bladder, the nurses will ask us to drink water until we feel full bladder. They will also scan and check if the bladder is "full" enough..

All the best for your IUI. Have a good rest after that
hey, i check with my dr le, he say not necessary lei. oh god! what should i do. he says if full bladder he will have putting in catheter during IUI. sigh.....

God bless me!
Ivy Tan
Most gynaes would prefer to hv full bladder, even for IVF leh.

But since urs said dun ned, then u jus follow wot he said lor.

I rem mine then neds a little 'pull' oso to straighten it so the army can hv a straighter path to swim. But no pain.. jus like PAPsmear.

Good luck!
hihi !

hope you all remember me

Congrats to Faith, Joy and Hazeline !

I've just delivered my 3rd gal on 6/6 too and am in my 2nd week of confinement.

to the rest of the gals who are trying, jia you !
hi, tks !!
i opted for csect so chose this date.
have been readg the thread as well.
for those who r trying, i believe our body system recovers after each birth. that's how i conceived my 3rd gal naturally. was on 1st attempt of ivf for 1st 2 gals. jia you !
Hi Joy07, how are things with you? When's your next appmt with Dr Fong? You know he'll be away from 28Jun to 1Jul hoh...

Ivy, how's your IUI?

Hi Faith, I am fine just that very tired everyday. I will be seeing Dr Fong tmr. Not aware that he is away on the dates u have mentioned. R u seeing him every week? I am thinking of after seeing him tmr I will plan to see him monthly. Seeing him every week is very costly. I am going to Bintan next month, so maybe b4 I go, I will arrange to see him. I have pulling pain at my left side ovaries of near to belly button area. Shall check with Dr Fong tmr.
