DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

hi faithnhope, i had done my IUI on Wednesday (16 June) so hope this time is my last time doing IUI and strike on my 3rd attempt le....

God bless me!!

Hi Joy07, hope things are well for you after seeing Dr Fong. I'm not seeing him every week.. just that last week we couldn't hear bb's heartbeat so have arranged to see him again next week. Yah, do let him know any travel plans so he can advise you accordingly.

Hi Ivy, don't think too much yah. You've done what you could. Just remember to eat folic acid and vitamin c; very impt not to fall sick. Did you gynae prescribe you any progesterone pills?
Hi Faith,

my check up is fine, Dr Fong said that bb is growing well. We could hear the bb hb this time round. I will be seeing him in 2 and half weeks time. He said that no problem for me to travel next month by then is near to the end of first trim.

Ivy, God will bless u with a bb. Relax and enjoy every moments of ur life. Good luck.
Hi Kimi, I was at the clinic too. Relax and don think abt it. 2 ww is the hardest time of all. I experienced itb4. Good luck to u too.
Hi Kimi09 & Ivy,

Me too just done soiui with Dr Fong Yang last Tuesday. Now in 2ww. May I know do u feel bloated? I was feeling bloated right after I have hcg shot. Now still feel bloated, esp. during the night. I always feel I just had a hearty buffet. The bloatedness has subsided abit but my tummy looks bigger than previously. Do u gals experience this?
Hi Colurful,

It's natural to feel bloated. In fact, if you eventually BFP, you will feel more bloatedness..

Did you do clomid-IUI or SO-IUI? One more week for you to test right? All the best to you. Keep us posted!
Hi faithnhope,

Oh really, is it natural to feel bloated? sometimes the bloatedness was so serious till walk also pain. Do you gals tummy feel hard? I was on SO-IUI. Thanks, will keep u gals posted.
Take Care !
Hi, Colurful. You are 1 day earlier than Ivy.

Yup, not only tummy bloated, my breast also start to swollen. Tire every day, maybe due to the drowsy after eating the utrogestan. Difficult to focus especially when working. Luckily, this month workload is not that heavy.
Hi Colurful, I'm not sure about bloatedness pain.. tummyache isit hehe..? I didn't really press tummy during my 2ww so don't know if it was hard or soft..
Good luck!

The trigger shot will make u feel more bloated. How many follicles do u hv?

R u PCOS? Cos usually ppl w PCOS might then to hv a bit of oversimulation, thus we feel bloated easily.

If it's slight, dun worry about it. Like faith said, gd to feel bloated all the way! But hor, try not to c too muc into these symptoms. Wil make one crazy!

Good luck to u too!
Hi Haze1ine,

Thanks for your advice. I have 4 follicles, but only 2 eggs are above 18mm and can be used. The other 2 only at 16.5mm n 15mm, Dr Fong say not big enough. Yes, Dr say I have PCOS, however looks like i am resistant to Puregon. By right PCOS ladies will have overwhelming effect on Puregon. Last cycle i took 100iu puregon n has to abort the cycle bcos only 1 follicle found. This cycle I am on 175iu Puregon to see the result.
Good luck to everyone !
Hi Colurful, gd that you had 2 eggs which were ready! Take gd care during 2ww; don't eat raw or semi-cooked stuff hor.. if possible, don't drink cold drinks too.. hehe... I believe the nurses would have also told you to avoid "cold" food/drinks, and no vigorous exercises.. hehe..
Hi Faithnhope,

ya...hehe, the nurse got remind me. Avoid cooling food, no vigorous excercise, cannot fall sick! But i was sick starting from the day b4 iui, hehe. Congrats to your iui success. Take care ...
Hi colurful, are you on 2nd attempt SO-IUI with Dr Fong Yang? i am now feeling breast swollen aldy. feel like sleeping everyday and so lazy to move ard.

faithnhope, i have MIA for few days le. u know yday i was so angry for whole days (spoil my mood). Hope it wont affect my 2WW, omg!!
BTW, may i know what is BFP?
I remember vividly my boobs were also slightly bigger and nips were super-sensitive during the 2ww too.. hehe..

Hi Ivy, hope you are feeling better
What happened? BTW, did you change your gynae from LC Foong to Yeong?
faithnhope, no la actually i angry because starting of the week oni, my assistance show me black face for no reason lo. sigh...

what do you mean whether i change my gynae from LC Foong to Yeong? i dun get what you mean? anyway, i am still with my gynae Dr C T Yeong. :)
Hi Ivy, sorry, I thought you were with LC Foong...hehe.. your assistance showed you black face ar? Did you ask her/him? Maybe it's his/her personal problem leh?
Kimi, you are taking utrogestan orally?

Coluful, what about you?

my gynae me the utrogestan to insert into my vaginal.

faithnhope, oh is ok. she some time crazy one la!! How is your feeling with bb inside your tummy le?
Hi Ivy, why does your gynae prescribe utrogestan by insertion ar? Just curious.. cos I think easier to eat leh.. hee... I cannot imagine doing it by insertion...

I'm feeling bloated and keep burping loh.. sometimes nausea but not too bad.. at least no vomiting heh...other than that, no other "feelings with bb" yet.. still small.. hehe..
Hi Ivy,

Yup, I was same as you, feel tired throughout. Sometimes I turn in at 9.30pm, hehe. Yes, Dr gave me Utrogestan, but mine is taken orally. 3 times per day. But this Utrogestan has no side effect for me, i dun feel drowsy. My breasts also swollen n itchy, keke.

Hi Labbit, thks for ur advice. Like what the rest has said, so feeling bloated is supposed to be a good thing.
Dear all,
M new here, just test positive ytd and wen to see Dr F, took a blood test and it says my progesterone low.. taking another blood test tml to compare..Anyone have any successful preg experience with this prob? I had a miscarriage last yr and i am very nervous this time.
XxX Babydust too all
Hi glimmerhope, there should be 2 readings when they take your blood test; progesterone and beta HcG. Usually if your progesterone is low, they will ask you to take utrogestan which will help increase your progesterone level. I think, so long as your progesterone level is >100, you are alright. It's the beta HcG that's more critical cos that's your baby hormones, which by right, should double every 48hrs. They may ask you to take a 3rd reading if required. If the beta HcG still doesn't double over 2 days, then it's not a good signal. This was what happened to me in my last MC, which turned out to be blighted ovum. So, I can understand your anxiety. But don't stress yourself too much.

If I'm not wrong, one of the girls here had low progesterone level in the beginning. Not sure if it's Haze1ine?

I'm sure they have prescribed you utrogestan yesterday? Rem to continue your folic acid and vit c.
Hi faithnhope,

Thank you for your reply.
Yes my progesterone is low less then 100 thats why i have to eat double dosage of utrogestan..
I have a MC last yr too due to no growth n heartbeat was stopped.
Which is why i am extremely nervous for my second blood test tomorrow. I hope the HcG wil double and my progesterone hopefully will increase after taking utrogestan.

Keeping my fingers crossed..
Hi Glimmerhope,

me too low hormones. My reading is only 42. I didnt took beta HCG. I took double dosage of utrogestan and progesterone jabs on alternate days. I am not sure abt ur condition but i think just follow Dr Fong's instruction and u will be in safe hand. I will be seeing Dr Fong in 2 weeeks time. I am currently in my 8 weeks. Meanwhile do take care. 1st trimester very impt.
Hi Joy07,

Can i know why u opt not to take beta HCG?
Btw, do u have any morning sickness or symptoms?
As for me, i can feel only slight sore breasts other then that i have nothing. No nausea and in fact increase of appetite..

Same symptoms as my last, i wonder is that a bad sign anyhow i will remain positive.
Hi glimmerhope,

I didnt take the test becoz i didnt noe that there is 2 hormones test. I reject to scan my bb on the first visit and told Dr Fong that i actually do a HPT myself at home, so i think Dr Fong tot that i don wan to take the beta HCG too. When the result came back, i got a shock, my hormones is 42 and i tot that is beta HCg, i got so worried that i checked with Mrs Ong from this thread and she told me her at her stage her HCG is 1000+. I am worried yet positive maybe becoz of my religion. I just called up the clinic the next day and double checked with the GP. Indeed that is for my own hormones instead of bb's homrones and got the assurance from Dr Fong when i see him. By then i can see the bb heartbeat already. I have very mild symptoms when the early weeks, just bloatedness,sleepiness and sore breast. Now,the symptoms is getting worse, always feeling nausea which indirectly affected my job. FYI, i just changed a new job. Glimmer stays positive, i think mindset is very impt. I always tell my little sac that he/she is very impt to mummy and daddy, so must press on and work hard together. Hehee. Be positive, don think abt the past. Stay happy.
Hi Joy07,

Thank you for your encouragement, may i know is there a device in the market for home use for HPT? where can i get it?

I wil not dwell too much about the past.
What is meant to be will be mine..

Yes, Gers must "Jia You" together!!

Will update here when i get my results tommorow.
Yes.. Im the one w low P level & was put on a lot of P support thruout my 1st tri. My BhCG was ok though, so like faith said, that's impt too, together w the growth scan results.

So +ve thoughts... hapi thoughts...!
Hi Haze1ine,

Did u have to go for P injection every other day during 1st tri?

How many weeks are u in now? Or have you delivered??

Yes, everyday i am telling myself not to stress and think of positive thoughts
Hi faithnhope,

Oh i did not realise how silly of me.. hehe

Second test seems ok for now.. Progesterone n betaHcg still within range.. due for another round..Hope everything will be ok

Are u working now or staying home resting?
Did you see yr bb hearbeat?

Have a great weekend!
I was spotting & bleeding thruout my 1st tri... I had jabs 2x or more per wk. I went to GP to help me jab if Im not returning to c Dr F.

I was oso on a lot of other P meds, both oral & inserts. Jabs will be more direct but some inserts hv higher P dosage. U can read the pkg to chk. Once ur placenta is fully developed, it'll take over & u can stop all ur meds n start taking multi vits, fish oil, calcium tabs & iron if needed.

My little screaming machine is 5wks old now. Lookin at her, I can't believe I've came this far too...

So u ladies too can make it.. keep the faith!
Hi glimmerhope, happy for you that things are well! Jia you ok!

Yes, I saw and heard bb's heartbeat! It's so amazing how God creates life! Based on bb's size, I'm 6w6d. Will be seeing Dr Fong again in 2 weeks' time. I'm working.. but took MC today from Dr Fong hehe...
faithnhope, so great to hear that you have heard ur bb's heartbeat liao. dun know when will be my turn....sigh....have waited for so long aldy!!
haze1ine, Congrats to you!! Happy for u

I am on jabs as well.
Hope i can hold my bundle of joy just like you..

faithnhope, glad that you can hear bb heartbeat.. a moment u can never forget hehe
congrats faith !

take good care of yourself during the 1st tri... yes take more MC while u can !

hazeline, my little gal is now 3 weeks old
so our gals r abt 2 wks apart..

mayb u can giv me some advise: im hving trouble getting her to sleep, esp in the pm. She wakes up once I put her down to her cot or sleeps very lightly for abt 15-30mins. I end up hving to carry her to smoothe her most of the pm... *sigh*

im alone in the pm so it's getting kinda stressful le
hazeline, bb cld be too hot or too cold. alsio try to burp her. usually after burp they can sleep v well. if not cld be soiled diaper ? my richelle also behaves like this so i try to burp, if cannot i just put her down and sing a song to her to make her sleep.
I chked everythg oredi, burp liao oso lik dat. When u burp her, she falls asleep! But once u try to put her down, eyes big big again! *faint*

Funi thing is, she sleeps well at nite, almost 4-5hrs straight but in the pm, gets cranky.

Im gonna try lettg her sleep on her front, I was told wil be gd for bbs in feeling more secured n wil sleep longer. Wil let u noe how it goes..

gd that yr bb sleep long hrs at nite ! mine still wake up every 2.5 or 3 hrs.
maybe u try to soothe yr bb with her lying down instead of carrying her. need to train them to sleep on their own.
ya bb like to sleep on their chest but gotta be careful of SID. how abt let her sleep on side ?

faithnhope, faint!!! i have failed my 3rd attempt again.... dunno what to do liao. think will rest for a while before i decide to go for IVF. sigh... i have spotting yday evening and it stopped aldy. then i text my gynae and he advised me to test this moni but it was negative surge lei. so disappointed after spending so much money still no good result.
