DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Hi All.. Actually I also think by feeling pulse can't tell if got block tubes or not but hubby say just believe her n try with iui first.. Ha.. Maybe she has her ways ba.. Since she can detect my problem n hubby problem via pulse before we went for the detail check at chris chen there..

Anyone has any idea what causes blight ovum? Is it quality of egg or sperm no good?? Or??

Sometime I really wonder why some people conceive so easily but I have to go thru so much... 

Gals.. I am at Dr Fong clinic now waiting to scan on day 13 after clomid.. Wish me luck that I respond to clomid this month.... 
Jolie, all the best to you!

As for causes of blight ovum, there are a number of permutations and there's no way to pinpoint what actually happened loh... Since there was nothing much I could do, I just took it as the mini-me was not healthy loh...

Yah, I also sometimes wonder why some can pop just like that (my SIL popped 2 within 2 yrs!)while we have to go through long drawn and sometimes painful experiences.. I suppose there's a reason for whatever happens.. but since I can't "control" it, no point dwelling on it loh...

Jolie, did you say you have blocked tubes? One? I have a friend who also have this problem but thank God she conceived naturally
i just chromosones abnormal. Noting can help on this one..i guess is just a matter of luck. wil be successful just keep on trying.
wah everyone using hp to online..i am stil using the most simple hp..haha..
u managed to concieve previously by clomid?

Faith, i tght my pm is on.How to on it then?
Thanks Faith.. Still waiting at the clinic..

Oh no la.. I din know is I have or not cos did not check.. Just trust what the TCM say that my tubes are fine.. Ha...

Ya lo.. I also have friends getting pregnant like so easy.. After birth not long preggy again.. Poor us.. Still struggling to have no. 1..
Hi cat_quek, I also don't know how to turn the PM on hahah!! Maybe try under "Edit Profile" on the top left hand corner?

Yah, handphones equipped with dataplan/online access are very useful especially when we have to wait or travel long distance.. I'm still using the normal phone too hehe

Jolie.. hope you don't have to wait too long.. I also very scared.. sometimes with appmt, I have to wait for an hour too.. but that was bcos Dr Fong had last minute surgeries lah... somemore I go to the Tiong Bahru clinic which is much smaller than the Paragon one; very limited space, let along seating space! Hhaha!
i already on it le..can u try pm me again?
u mean TB clinic very small? no seating space to wait? ghosh..i tght the appt is quite punctual coz if i go, it will be my lunch time appt
Hope4bb.. I never coceive before lei.. Still trying so hard for no. 1..

ha.. Ya.. iPhone is so convenient.. Keep me occupied everywhere I am...

Just came out from the clinic.. Very sad.. No potentient eggs yet.. One 7.1mm n the other 10.1mm .. Got to come back again on next Tuesday.. Waiting for blood test now.. Suspect my prolactin level went up again.. 
Hi cat_quek, yah, the space at the Tiong Bahru clinic is very small as they share the shop space with Q&M dental. But the good thing is that there is no GST hahah!

As for appointment, if Dr Fong does not have any last minute procedures and comes in as usual, then one don't have to wait too long. But sometimes, he could be called away for urgent deliveries so all the appointments will be affected loh...

Hi Jolie.. sorry to hear about your condition. Any treatment for prolactin? Also, were you taking 1 or 2 tabs of clomid? My follicles didn't react to 1 tab the first time round too so Dr Fong prescribed 2 tabs per day and it worked for me (though rate of growth varies).

Hope Dr Fong will be able to address your condition accordingly.
Was prescribe with med by chris chen n took till my prolactin went back normal.. Think now up again.. Still got the pills so Dr Fong ask me to start again today first while waiting for the blood test result ..

Baby hope gone again this month I think.... 
Hi cat_quek, yah, the space at the Tiong Bahru clinic is very small as they share the shop space with Q&M dental. But the good thing is that there is no GST hahah!

As for appointment, if Dr Fong does not have any last minute procedures and comes in as usual, then one don't have to wait too long. But sometimes, he could be called away for urgent deliveries so all the appointments will be affected loh...

Hi Jolie.. sorry to hear about your condition. Any treatment for prolactin? Also, were you taking 1 or 2 tabs of clomid? My follicles didn't react to 1 tab the first time round too so Dr Fong prescribed 2 tabs per day and it worked for me (though rate of growth varies).

Hope Dr Fong will be able to address your condition accordingly.
when the doc go for urgent delivery and the appt is affected, does the nurse call u to come later or inform you abt it?or u jsut go to clinic and u only know when u reach?
Thanks Faith. Have 2 not mature eggs also no use lei.. like you say.. 1 mature egg will be good enough. Hopefully it will grow when I see Dr Fong next Tuesday lo.. No mood to work le... haiz...

Anyway i am on 2 tabs of clomid... last month worked with 1 egg but this month.......=(
Hi cat_quek, the nurses may or may not call. I also don't know what's their protocol..

Hi Jolie, I totally understand how you feel.. when I was expecting and blood tests revealed that the bb's hormones weren't doubling, I was very stressed too!!
hope4bb: I am with Dr Fong for about 1 month plus le. So is 2 cycle of clomid.

Faith: Ya lo.. so disappointed that this cycle dun even have the chance to try lo.. Miss this month means no chance for a tiger BB le...=(
ya man...i also always wonder.y so difficult to have a bb..it seems that sg birth rate is low not becoz sg ladies dont wan to have bb but rather many cannot concieve..but i notice most ladies that have problem are abv 30.

I guess it is really easier to concieve below 30 yrs old
Definitely, cat_quek.. I read that our eggs actually decrease by half when we reach teenage years..so as we grow older, our eggs diminishes.. so does the chances of conception loh...

yet some gyne still can say...30+ yrs old still young slowly dun rush....who knows time flies..and by the time we try and try..we are 35 alrady before we can concieve
Hi Jolie (phyne), i was diagnosed PCOS, Dr Fong gave me norethisterone for 7 days, do you know what it is? i have searched through the internet and found out so many side effects about it.
May i know do you PCOS too? if so, have Dr Fong ever prescribed this medicine to you?
I'm very confused right now, to take this medicine or not T_____T
Hi Jean.. Yup I have Pcos too but was not doing any treatment for pcos with Dr Fong.. I leave that to the TCM that I have been seeing.. Come to Dr Fong for clomid iui only..

Actually never heard of the Med before too.. Maybe u can call to ask the nurse .. They wil let u know what it's for.. I was also prescribe Progynova with my clomid.. Also read that will have many side effect but I dun care la.. My aim is to have bb.. Side effect I worry about that later.. Haha..

Faith were u given Progynova with clomid too??
Hi Jolie, thanks 4 the info..
You're very brave. hehehehe..

I think I should call the nurse tomorrow.
Do you mind to tell me, which TCM you've been seing?
And what kind of treatment did they give?
Ha.. Maybe I have too many disappointment ttc le.. That why hack all the side effect.. Just eat what the doc give u n work towards having a bb..

I am seeing this TCM in JE.. She give me 3 different med to eat day noon n night...

Day one help to give u quality egg.. Noon one helps to dissolve the smallsmall eggs cause by pcos.. Night one helps to build lining n help your fetus grow if conceive..

But at first when I just started with the TCM both day n noon function is to dissolve pcos small egg.. When my pcos got much better then switch to give quality egg med..
Hahahaha.. how long have you been ttc jolie?
i'm about 7 months, but already think it's very frustrating. i keep wondering whether PCO can be cured T_T, since i've read on some article that its going to lead to another disease e.g. diabetes T_____T

waw.. JE, i'm staying at bedok, quite far, ^_^
did you feel any improvement after you went to TCM?
Jean: I read that pcos can only ve cure with Chinese med....Hmmm before I see her I seen many Gynae and all diagnose me with pcos n can see from scan got so many unripe egg n my menses are super irregular.. Like 3 to 6 month once or just a few spot.. After I see her in Oct last year my menses be come regular.. Then was was refer to do iui with dr fong where I see from the scan that my right side pcos is almost gone n left side one got lesser small unripe egg.. So I think the med did help lo...

Faith: hmmm.. I have 2 packet of many small pills n 1 packet of powder per day.. At first dun like the powder but now okie le.. May cos I see that it help ba.. Ha.
Jean.. Ya.. Pcos will cause us to have diabetic next time n specially when we are preggy.. So must cut cut cut on sweet food like cakes.. Fruits( only can eat green apple n guava).. Soft drinks.. Chocolate... Oh they were all my fav... Hahaha but no choice.. Must cut cut cut from now le.. Oh ya.. We pcos gals got toxin mucus that kill sperm n infect little fetus.. this is cause by sweet food too.. So must cut cut cut...

Also never never touch things make of yellow beans.. Ex.. Soyabean milk la.. Bean curd.. Tofu.. Cos yellow bean make pcos worse..
Hope4bb.. Ya.. This is from too much sugar lo.. So much cut down not only for sweet thing also for rice n flour lo.. Cos carb. Turn into sugar too .. I know super difficult to dun eat cos it's our fav!!!!! But...... Time near O n the 2ww try dun touch at all.. When I fail that cycle I will give myself 2 days break n eat n eat.. Then stop again fir the next cycle lo.. But before O approaching I still got touch sweet stuff but a but la.. Haha...
So much food to avoid, especially rice, find it very very difficult (i used to have very large portion of rice T___T), any suggest what food to replace it? cereal maybe? haha..

But for the baby, anything will do, cia yooo

Jolie, would u mind to give me the JE TCM address, i'm considering to give it a try.

Jolie & Hope4bb, what's mucus toxic?
Where can i have it tested?
Jean.. I was recomended by this TCM to chris chan to test .. They will mix your mucus n hubby sperm to check if it kill the sperm I think.. Haha..

The address is blk 202 jurong east st 21 #01-117.. They only open on wed to sun.. Got to go really early like 5 plus 6 to queue for number.. She only see 100 patient a day.. If u go later like 7 plus to 8 u wil sometime get number like 70 to 80 plus where u need to wait till 1 plus 2 to see her .... So must go early... =)
Jean:Ha.. I dunno what food to replace rice but just know cannot eat too much rice.. Maybe eat more of the dishes instead ba...

For our BB .. We must ENDURE!!!!!!!
jolie, same
i did the speerm and mucus test at chis chen clinc cost $438. my muscus very toxic...71%

jolie what abt yr mucus result?

I eat organic rice le...so is that ok..or must cut down also?
In place of (normal white) rice, I think potatoes and brown rice could make good substitutes cos they are complex carbo which breaks down more easily.
Jolie, thx 4 the info

Omg, is it 5 plus 6 A.M ? hahahaha..
it's super super early hah. she's must be very popular. hehe

i'm gonna ask dr. fong whether i can do mucus test with him, if not, might go to chris cen too.

faithnhope.. yeah, i've been taking brown rice before, but not last long, find out it very hard to chew. hahaha. may be i should put more water to cook it. i'll start again tomorrow. finger cross. hahahaa

faithnhope, do you see dr. fong too?
Hi Jean, yes, I'm seeing Dr Fong

I don't think Dr Fong has the facilities to do mucus test but he will refer you to the appropriate clinics etc. For eg. I went Radlink (Paragon) to x-ray my tubes hehe..

cat_quek, nope, I'm not into bbt.. very leh cheh.. must do it daily at specific time. Can't imagine waking up early morning on Sat and Sun just to test :p

See lah.. I'm such a lazy person.. not even helping myself *sigh*.. :p
yep i think fong yang does not have it.
Chris chen has the own facility as he own a big clinic in Glean E. He have his own lab for IVF and embrologyist,etc
FaithnHope & Hope4bb, ow.. he doesn't have it yeah, then will ask him to refer me to another clinic to do the test
, thanks guys 4 the quick quick respon. hehehe.

FaithnHope, how long have you been seing Dr.Fong?
Me about 1 month, first time he did a Vscan, and diagnosed i've PCO T_T, then he asked me to take clomid on my 2nd day of period.
Here the bad news come, this month, my period was very very strange, quite long, about 12 days, and it's just spotting.
Since then, i didn't took the clomid, i came back to Dr.Fong, and he prescribed me to take norethistherone to induce my period, if my period come, then i should take the clomid.
Hope everything goes well.
Hi Jean, thanks for sharing your journey.
I think I started seeing Dr Fong mid last year. After treatment for PCOS/endo, I started trying from Sep/Oct last year. Thereafter, I did succeed in getting pregnant twice but turned out to be blighted ovum. Trying this cycle again.. see how loh...

Have your menses been irregular or only this month?
Omg, really2 sorry to hear that, hope u'll suscess this cycle

yeahh, my period did come every months, sometimes will late about 2-3 days. Yeah, my menses seems like irregular T_T, if my period is short(7-8 days), then my menses is normal, some how, if my period is long ( > 10 days), my menses come out just spotting. feels very frustating about it.

Thanks Jean. No worries, I'm over it already

Maybe the irregularity is due to PCOS? Did Dr Fong administer lucrin jabs or treatment for your PCOS?
