DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Congrats mrsong!! Take good care and enjoy mummyhood
Hi cat_quek, this thread has been pretty quiet..

Did you ask the nurses or from Dr Fong himself? Other than his fees, there's still the hospital day surgery costs which vary depending on which your hospital you choose.

Last month, I had a day surgery at Mt Alvernia to draw tissues to examine my chromosomes as well as to wash the empty sac. My bill is at home but if I remember correctly, Dr Fong's fees alone was close to $1k, in addition to Mt Alvernia's fees of about $1k too.

I believe you can use medisave to pay part of the costs. It's probably a small percentage. For mine, we paid upfront first, then after Mt Alvernia has processed the medisave payment, they mailed us a cheque which I think was $450, if I am not wrong.
Hi All,

I am also with Dr Fong and on my 2nd cycle of Clomid-IUI. Going for a scan on Thursday (29th) but I think this time I have to miss IUI if I have a good mature egg on Thursday as Sat (1st) is a public holiday. =( I guess this month no hope again....

Anyone know at what stage will Dr Fong advise you to do So-iui? If I can ovulate but only 1 egg per month will SO-IUI helps to produce more egg?

Faith..Read about your post. You are a strong gal and lots of baby dust to you. Are you doing another cycle of trying?
wonderland, faithnhope,
may i know what is the jab u take to clear endometresis? for how long and how much per injection?
were u cleared of endo(nvr come back) after you finish the course of endo jab?
Hi Jolie, thanks! Yah, I'm trying again.. took clomid again this cycle and tried on our own. I tried IUI once - it didn't work that time and also very leh cheh leh, had to run here and there with the soldiers hahah!! The last 2 times it worked was natural too, so we go natural this round again loh... hehe..

Maybe during your scan this Thu, you alert Dr Fong regarding the 1 May holiday. I guess if timing's really not on your side, go natural! Hehe!

As for your queries on SO-IUI, I don't have the answers..

cat_quek, I don't recall the name of the jab I had.. I took the jab twice, one jab a month, think abt $300+ per jab. During the 2mths, if there is any intercourse, it should be protected; ie. shdn't get pregnant during the treatment period. The number of jabs needed will depend on the seriousness of the problem bah..

Thank God, so far, I don't have recurring problem
But I remember Dr Fong mentioned that it could come back 6mths after they are cleared. So he'll have to try to get us pregnant before any problem recurs. Otherwise, we'll be back to square one. I think I'm past the 6mths "expiry" so I'm grateful I am fine for now
Hi Faith,

Ya, I think I may have to go natural this round too since 2 days after the scan is PH. For me like not very hopeful to do natural lei. So I am pinning hopes that IUI can help me. Anyway did you manage to produce more then 1 egg with clomid? Cos I think the more egg the more chances ya....
Hi Jolie, no leh, I only had 1 egg each time and from past cycles; the position of the egg changes, and growth rate of follicle varies every time too.. ha! Don't worry, 1 egg is all we need

Actually I'm also not sure what are my chances of success cos we BD 2 days before the HcG jab, and then once the next day after the HcG jab. Dr Fong has asked us to try the next day and following day after the HcG jab but we only BD once haha! I hope the soldiers from the days before HcG jab were parked there then.. so got one more chance haha!

What day will it be when you go for the scan this Thu? In your past cycles, how is the growth rate of the follicles? If I may ask, why did you say you are unlikely to go natural? Hehe.. hubby busy is it?
Hi Faith.. My 1st cycle I scan at day 12 n follicles is 16.8mm.. I also bd the day after jab on day 13 then iui on day 15 n BD on day 15 night n 16th morning n night... And.... After tww AF came.. so now on 2nd clomid cycle.. This Thursday will be day 13 as Dr Fong dun see patient on wed so can't scan on day 12...

Ha.. No particular reason why la.. Just feel that I am definately not so lucky to have it natural.. Iui also din strike the first time how can natural strike for me lei.. =(

Hope Thursday scan can allow immediate jab n iui on Friday then won't waste this cycle lo..

How about u?? Today is day ? Of your cycle?? Time to build up the soldiers? =p
Hi Jolie, I thought we could scan anytime from D10-D12 so you could have arranged to scan at day 11. Anyway, since it's been arranged, all the best to you! IUI didn't work for me too; instead natural did it, so you never know

I had the HcG jab last Tue (20 Apr) so I'm in my 2ww now loh.. will only know if there is any good or bad news after 8 May ha!

If I may ask, how old are you? I'll be 35 next year.. so, no time liao hahaha!!
Hi Faith.. I am 32 this year le.. Late late too.. Anyway I ask the nurse but they never day anything about can scan early lei.. They just give me the option to scan tomorrow even I tell them it will meet the ph.. Hope tomorrow scan turn out to be good la...

Oh so u on tww le.. I hated this waiting feeling.. The positive n negative keep running into my head.. Ha.. How are u feeling now?? Any symptoms?? Many many baby dust for u..

Anyway can check with u if u got any side effect with clomid.. This cycle I got terrible headache but dun dare touch panadol.. Also can u feel that the med is working on your ovary like pain or anything?
Hi ladies,

That jab to suppress endo, I believe is high dosage of Lucrin.

Good luck to everyone who's trying.. need a lot of that, I always believe.
If u have an appt, will be pretty on time. Unless he came in late due to some procedure or there's a delivery.

If u walk-in, then be prepared to wait much longer... esp on Sat.

Paisay... my office blocked all webmail access.. can only read it when I'm home.

I'll check it when I'm back, ok?
Jolie, think I'm so used to the 2ww that I'm sort of numb to it already.. but I think I will get kancheong closer to 8 May.. hahaha!! I try (yes, "try" is the word haha!) not to think too much loh.. there's really nothing much I can do..

As for symptoms from clomid.. think I don't really get headaches from it but I do get very short twitching kind of pain either on left or right. Not very often though.. if I rem correctly, I think so far about once or twice thus far.

Actually I think you can eat painkiller for your headache just so long you don't overdose hehe.. cos my GP said it doesn't interfere with bb even if one is pregnant. You double-check with Dr Fong when you see him tomorrow.

Keep us posted after your scan ok?
Yup yup.. Will keep u all posted.. Hopefully there is egg lo.. So worried won't respond to clomid tis round lo..

Faith are u seeing any TCM? I am with the TCM in Jurong for a few months before she intro me to Dr Fong..
i pm u already. anyway are u referring to the JE TCM that open at 430am one?
She only intro u to Dr Fong or also to Chris Chen from Glean
Nope, I'm not seeing any TCM.. but my mum and sis have recommended me to see the one at Bendemeer - Ban Ying Choon Medical Hall. I haven't gone to see the doctor yet.

Actually even before I went to see Dr Fong, I went to Eu Yan Sang at Paragon. I never went back after the medicine hahaha!! I was given packets of powder which I had to mix with water and drink 3 times a day. Aiyoh I tell you.. everytime I drink, I wanna puke!! 3 times a day somemore!! Couldn't take it hahahah!!
yup is the TCM at JE that need to queue very early. she is quite good lei. she help 2 of my friend who TTC for quite sometime to get pregnant. One of them doc say cannot help cos is male problem. but after taking med for about 1 year, his wife got pregnant.

I have very very irregular menses before i see her and very bad PCOS. After seeing her a few month, my menses is quite regular and PCOS got better.

You can try lo.. Can help to have better quality egg and sperm. =)
Jolie, I believe you wanted to ask cat_quek what PM is isit? It means private message which forum members can send to each other.

I've read abt the JE TCM too.. I don't know leh.. very lazy to see TCM haha!!
jolie, i also see JE TCM. she refer me to Chris Chen Glean E. but i saw from forum that JE TCM also refer pp to FongYang.She didnt refer me to FOng Yang le.. I seen Chris Chen gleaneagles...he is gd and detailed. but charges are to high to subsstian on the long run. So tght to switch to Fong Yang.
Faith: oh, Ya.. sorry tot is you PM me. Hmm initially i also very lazy to go lo.. cos got to wake up so early. But when I see the miracles she do I tell myself must continue lo. Hopefully her power and Dr Fong's combined can give me miracle soon lo... Sometime feel really tired TTC but cannot give up... must jiayou.... you and me will have our own miracle one day and very very soon... =)

Hope 4 bb: sorry, where can i see the private message?
Hope4BB: the JE TCM did also refer us to Chris Chen to do the necessary test. She told us that we can start seeing him after the test result so we didnt go there le. Ya.. his fee is veryvery ex lo.

After CNY, when my condition improve, the JE TCM recommended me to see Dr Fong for IUI so as to increase the chances of getting preggy lo. You got check with the JE if you should go to DR Fong?
Ladies, do keep an open mind when u go to any TCM. I still thk it's better to analysis ur condition with proper blood test, SA for HB, u/s scan etc.

I went to quite a few TCM too but wot really works for me, I really duno.
i havrnt gone bk to tcm aft seeing Chris chen as i need to treat endo.tcm cant help. think u have to login, then on top left u can see check message
hope4BB: have logged in and check message but din see anything in there. Ha...

Maybe you can try to see Dr Fong if you feel Chris Chen is too ex. I know he is really ex. Dr Fong also very good and detail too. A very patient doctor!! =)

Going to meet him again tomorrow...=)
can you help to ask him tomorrow on what jab he use to treat endo. CAn u ask if he can treat endo using Zoladex injection instead of lucrin if I see him at his clinic?
hope4BB: sorry what is endo? I think you can call his nurse to check with them on this they are also very friendly and helpful. Cos I scare later i ask wrongly as I dun even know what is endo. so sorry gal...
Hi cat_quek, agree with Jolie you could call the nurses. However, while they may be able to give you some information, I think it will be better that you see Dr Fong and have your doubts cleared. He needs to diagnose/assess your situation/conditions first before he can accurately prescribe the right form of treatment for you. It's fairer to Dr Fong and yourself too.

Jolie, endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus is found elsewhere in the body eg. on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and on the pelvic sidewall (when it should be in the uterus). This condition will hinder one's ability to conceive.
Sorry.. May I know if this can be detected via v scan?? If Dr Fong never say anything about it means I am clear of it or I need to do special check for it?? Sorry for asking so much just wan to know is this is also a problem in me making me so difficult to conceive...
endo cannot realy see from scan. only laprascopy can see it. But cyst can be tell from scan. Maybe u can check with him tomorrow if you got any cyst or possible endo or blocked tubes. Have u check yr tubes before? How long have u ttc?
Oh.. if u dun mind me ask.. What make u check for endo? Recomended by doctor or got any symptom that doc will recommend u to check?

I haven check for my tubes yet.. Wanted to try iui first before I check.. Me tcc for about 2 years le.. Went to many Gynae n all diagnose me with pcos but didn't really help ne treat untill I go to the TCM in JE where my menses start to become regular n pcos getting better n then was ask to try iui with Dr Fong..Have check with the TCM in JE if my tubes are block n do I need to check .. she say mine okie n dun need check so I take her words n didn't check first lo.. Hopefully she is right... =)
How about u?? Ttc for how long le?
Hi all, i was diagnosed PCOS, Dr Fong gave me norethisterone for 7 days, do you know what it is? i have searched the internet and found out that so many side effect
i got prolong menses for 14 days last 2months but i have no pain or menses cramp all my life when i have menses. But I decide to seek a gd gyne this time by spending more to check on my womb. I always go NUH head of fertility. consultation cost and Vscan is same as Chris Chen that I went to. But NUH Gyne nvr tell me much details. Found PCOS, 1 blocked tube and cyst in me they told me nvm still got chance to concieve. Hence they nvr give me any medicine or ops.I find it very strange. Even I told them abt my bbt is stagnant as no rise or fall they also say dun depend on bbt.

I TCC for 2 years. But I got lupus condition. So cant go for IVF as the IVF hormones jab will trigger my Lupus. I can only try nautrally.
So I went to TCM at JE. Say I got many condition. Anyway my friend see Chris Chen at gleanealges also and managed to concieve under him aft 7 years. but spend a lot.
Chris Chen is gd & detailed gyne he ask u to do ops is to make sure u are clear of everyting so that he can start his drug treatment after u are clean. First time he scan me he say I got endo. I also don't know how he can tell as internet says endo cannot be scan must go thru laprascopy then can tell.
But with my diagnois after ops(cost ard10k)..is gg to be very costly to continute treatment under him and for my case I think I will take long time and lots of treatment. Going down to GleanE is a hassale for me.Inconvenient as I work in Tan pagar.

Therefore hope to find another gd & detailed gyne. Actually very strange I wonder can TCm really tell yr blocked tubes by pulse. But I think for me I did all kind of checks via gyne coz I just wan to be sure I treat all fertility problem and removed anything unwanted in me. Some pp don't like to do ops coz invasive. I for me I rather remove unwanted or dirty things in me.
I also went to NUH 2 years ago but the female gynae told me I had no problem. She didn't even prescribe clomid etc and said I was still young (I was already 32 then)???

Thinking that we were fine, we tried again but no news. That's when I decided to seek a second opinion. I saw some good comments about Dr Fong, and the fact that his Tiong Bahru clinic is convenient for me, I went to see him. After my PCOS/endo treatment (oh, I was given Lucrin jabs), he sent me for x-ray of the tubes just to ensure they are not blocked. My hubby also went to do semens analysis.

I'm glad Dr Fong is able to help me conceive, just that unfortunately, my pregnancy turns out to be blighted ovum..hah!

Yah, actually I also wonder how TCM detects blocked tubes through pulse... but I'm sure many swears by TCM to help them conceive.
which female gyne in NUH? ya..very strange they like to say we young..also say i young...siao man...i was already 31 when i was at NUH.
faith blighted ovum is quite common, i got a friend preegy 3 times also like tat..is just a matter of keep on trying and don't give up.
