DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


eheh I have the same comments as the rest on the name V.

I tot Ah Fong driving a dark blue BMW ? dunno how many series one cos I saw him driving away from my ward after I delivered #2.


let Erica cry, as long as she dun break her voice or vomit. ahah I am like u, i dont give in so easily one. that's why I start to inflict a bit of pain when they are young to teach them cos they don't know reasoning mah. So pain is the best method. and yes, Rianne dont bite me so frequently and dun really dare to do it now


if nite ah .. i see if I want to bring Rachel along. But meet where ? and if we meet at nite, means I wont stay long if Rachel tags along. or we find another day ?

angel: the red M is his wife's car. but i dunno how many seater, never go and look at it. I not familar with M car. His car is the male color and is the B type. i also dunno wat series never go and see.

i still got at least 4 weeks to go (4 weeks more = 36 weeks) but prob planned c section, so he can take his own sweet time. I already decided that i wan the same epi guy and the same PD (if it works for #1, why not #2?) so dun really have to last min panic. now wondering want to do cord blood banking for #2 only.

erm, he only say everytime he see me i look more and more tired. in fact, he';s right. today i got 1 day MC for fatigue from GP. but as much as i want to take leave to rest I can't now cuz of work. so i feel mildly depressed and burnt out becuz of it. not unless he order me bedrest!!! haha but unlikely lor :p

envy you leh .. i especially like this stage of pregnancy. Anxiously waiting to pop the baby and don't need to do a lot of work ! ehehe but I know this is a different case as we already have #1 running around

Why you want c-sect ?
labbit: envy? not with the current $%#&$% i get at work ... i still got a lot of work to do !!!

C sect first #1 C sect ... i dun wan to risk my uterus rupturing ...
I am new to this thread. I saw Dr Fong's profile on his webby, thinking of switching to see Dr Fong, can anyone share with me his/her experience with Dr Fong?


aiyo then u have more reasons to stop working now ! say u got cramps now and then then ask for MC from Dr Fong lah ...

hai, my 2nd one was emergency c sect so if if if I really want 3rd one also need C Sect. Sian ..

Hi Geraldine !
Since u r here, i dont think u will hear any negative comments from us. We are the fan club of Dr Fong ! eheheh right gals ?
Hi Lbt,

Great if u gers can change to a night time. I think Mrs Wong will be able to make it since currently she cannot take leave. Please bring Rachel along. I wanted to see her so much. Missed the chance when we were both at Dr Fong's clinic. Haha

Oh btw, Angel must be referring to my post earlier on the Red M. Sorry it is not a 7 seater car. Just a normal saloon Red M. Car plate no 3 digits if i am not wrong. I saw Mrs Fong driving afew time when i went to school. haha.

me ok for nite time but I wont stay long. latest need to leave at 8+ to 9 cos need to settle Rachel at home etc.

so when and where?
Night for me is ok... but like lbt, will have to go off early if I'm not bringing my mousey along.

Just let me know about the date and venue...

Wonderland, I support u fot FET... pls go ahead with positive mind...
any idea where can we meet for dinner? Tinkelbell, mrs ong and me met at Ding Tai Fong and soup restaurant b4. Any suggestion?
joy and angel;: no 3 digit hehehe i dunno wat kind of M car...hopeless at such cars, unless u ask me rx300 hahaha

wat is FEt sorry?
geraldine: DR FY - positive. among all the doctors I've known and seen - he got good bedside manners, he's patient, got EQ and a very nice caring doctor. even the PD he recommended for my gal i'm sticking to him like glue despite the long q!

Hahaha . there is many classes, A class, C class, so many models as well. But it is a high end prestige car.


I have been with him for 2 births.. Wat do you think of a gynae, who just touched down late at night, and came into labour ward to deliver my baby at 4am !! Despite jet lag, fatgue even though I can be delivered by his stand in Dr.

He is a very responsible Dr. And good thing is he is very kiasu during the first 3 mths. Make sure to stabilise the pregnancy. My 2 pregnancies were not very stable during first trimester. He was thorough, did blood test every few days make sure my P hormones is enough.

My boys are now 5 and 3. I am still seeing him every year for my pap smear.

Highly recommended !!

I do not think his charges are that high as compared to those gynae in the hospital medical centres. I ve to one .. which I can say is super ex !!!
HI All,

If possible we can fix up a simple gathering .. What about MArche for dinner???? Easy, everyone has a card to order the food they want, also easy bill settlement.

U think pple like DMY is free to come out !!!
Her hands likely to be tied up by her 2 boys ..

Ve not sms her for a long time ...
So ur all prefer wkend or wkday? If wk day 22nd May, n wkend will be 23rd may? Venue orchard, vivo or suntec?

Weekday: 22nd may (fri)
Venue: Orchard, Vivo or Suntec?
Time: ????
1. Tinkerbelle
2. Lbt
3. Pettygal
4. puppy2006
5. Joy07
6. Angel64

Weekend: 23rd May (sat)
Venue: Orchard, Vivo or Suntec?
Time: ????
1. Tinkerbelle
2. Pettygal
3. puppy2006
4. Joy07
5. Wonderland
6. Angel64
today i went to see uncle ... first time i say to him, wah u look more tired than me!

anyway i told him about the car he say nmind his car already a lot of dents hahaha

my C sec will be towards end june. by the way end june he is due to fly off for some conference, so get him before he goes!

uncle also gave me 4 days MC ,,, cuz i am losing weight so best i rest and rem to take my supplements and gain some weight :p
Hi ladies,

Wah, finally this thread is more active now. Now trying to look for ideas for Erica's 1st bday. Last min again...

Mrs Lai,
Dr Fong very nice! Haha... So fast u delivering again? WOw... Excited leh. Hmm, u prefer which alphabet for ur baby's name? Go look for at babynames.com for ideas? I got Erica's name from there also...

Muahaha, we very bad hor. Erica so young already kanna smack backside alot of times already. Until now I can tell her, Erica, no touching, den she will auto use her hand to pat her backside. Muahaha...

Angel, Joy,
I'm cool with any place. U gals decide and I'll be there. :p
Puppy, thanks so much for your support. I feel like taking a step back to wait and see till the end of the year..

Cannot get rid of the bad feeling yet those after so long...

Hey hey, hope can join u gals for the outing ya..
hi hi

ok I think gathering on weekends better cos we dun need to rush after work.

angel, marche is a good idea BUT there is only 1 Marche left in Vivo now.


discipline starts young !! i believe kids need to be taught in a painful way at times
I am not sadist hor


oh ya DMY hor .. maybe can ask her hubby babysit one and she bring one out ?

Let come to a mutual agreed date, then we will meet up.

I ve to plan my domestic so tt hubb stay around to jaga 2 monsters.. Maid cant handles 2
Hi All,

We will meet in the evening right ?? For dinner at Marche Vivo.

If any of us is shopping there earlier, can go chop place at ard 6. Cos the Q is terrible, We need a big table.

When nearer, we have an actual physical count so that we know roughly the no. of pax.
Hi Angel & bunniette,

Then when did both of you start going to Dr FY for consultation? I am now in my 12th week, just taken the Oscar blood test, waiting for results.
Ok ladies, we shall meet on this Sat. Hmm, mayb ask my hubby to babysit Erica. :p Den I can chat with all of u...

I went to Dr Fong for consultation at my 5th wk. Cos tt time my pregnancy was dignosed with a cyst and another gynae told me I might miscarriage. Dr Fong saw me through the whole pregnancy and my gal is turning 1 yr old this month.

Small Foot,
Dr FOng's stitching is good.

ok where to go ? COnfirm Vivo ?

small foot,

dr fong stitching is good. I've went thru a laparoscopy op, natural birth and emergency c sect under Dr Fong and all requires stitching. Even the nurses praise a good job done especially for my c sect wound. Nice and thin .... i think Dr Fong practises "embroidery" at home ahaha
I dun mind Vivo. Haha. Think I'll go there earlier den I wanna go the Habourfront flagship MOthercare shop and see I can get any nice dress for Erica's bday. Keke...

Muahaha... Ur sentence on i think Dr Fong practises "embroidery" at home makes me ROFL man...
Hi mummies,

ok, since all are ok with this sat meet up at vivo, marche. So i have to ask my mum help babysit my twins... is the below time ok for your all?

anyone coming????

Weekend: 23rd May (sat)
Venue: Vivocity, Marche
Time: 6pm
1. Tinkerbelle
2. Pettygal
3. puppy2006
4. Joy07
5. Wonderland
6. Angel64
Geraldine: i started with him before I got preggy. If u past ur first trimester, you can start with him already.

Smallfoot: stitching definitely good. Even my hubby couldn't tell that was my wound. my post natal massage lady say that was one of the best stitching she has ever seen.
LBT: Dr Fong will tell you : where got time?

that time we were telling him about my hubby bringing my gal for classes, and he say "so free?" we told him he can do the same mah, just bond bond with his gal, he say "where got time"
Hi All mummies meeting up on Sat..

So anyone will be there early like 6 or 6 plus. can queue for a big table.

As its weekend, it can very crowded.

I wont be bringing my 2 monsters out. I will not ve peace. End up running after them. THey will be parked at my mum's place.

So can someone do a list count..

Confirmed coming ...
1) Angel64
Morning mummies,

I think I would be there abt 6 plus… can make the reservation o not thru phone?

I also not bring my baby out, as what Angel said it won be peace lol… haha… I will ask my hubby n my mums babysit them…

So can someone do a list count..

Confirmed coming ...
1) Angel64
2) Pettygal

but mid jun, i got show to run, probably can't make it... actually is the singtel red hot sales @ suntec... together with the pc show... 11-14 june... come n join us for the rhs promo... so how abt 21st jun instead?
