DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Izit! But I found is ok ler, my hubby also like their design. But Now, I normally go msia buy, cos it cheap over there, I always bought the Disney baby for them.
Wow, u can help us to order, ok will take a look at the website later.
Izit! But I found is ok ler, my hubby also like their design. But Now, I normally go msia buy, cos it cheap over there, I always bought the Disney baby for them.
Wow, u can help us to order, ok will take a look at the website later.


Rianne has recovered ! so happy .. so her appetite has came back ! She's quite an easy baby to take care compare to her fussy sister. But Rachel jie jie is now becoming more obedient too .. dunno why, maybe she is turning 3 ? more sensible ? eheh anyway hope it stays this way !

aiyo ur MIL ah.. super buay zi dong ! shld wear a mask and wash hands before carry bb lah !!! if u know she is sick, dun bring erica there next time. bb suffer more than us leh ...

eh how abt 2nd week of May ... so if I take leave not so pai say .. cos I extend my stay in US after conference ... can can ?
So happy heard that ur Rianne is recovery, n her appetite has come back. WeiQing & WeiSheng appetite also back to the normal liao but only sometime cant finish the milk. But now hor, he taken the FM & cereal like heaty to him lor, cos his poo poo is very hard. Every time he wan to poo poo hor, cry like hell ler.....

yes, but have to wait for lbt come back from US. shld be 2nd week of May. Any problem for u?
Msia got fox baby ah. Where ah?

The Pumpkin Patch I probably buying in JUne, when I buy, I'll jio u ladies. Hahaha... My sister's bf said he can use his student's card to ask for extra space for luggage, hopefully he dun mind. Hehe...

Wah, Feel so happy when our babies recover rite? Erica still stuffy nose, nt very gd appetite still, but got eat can already lah. I resign to fate tt my Erica is petite size liao. If next time my mil say she petite, I already intend to shot her back tt her son is nt very tall also loh.

Haha, Rachel's trouble 2 coming to an end soon, tt's y more guai? Or maybe cos she thinks she's a jie jie liao, must be a gd role model. Hehe...

My mil always dun tell us she sick one, cos she wanna see baby. Only let us discover when we reach there n see her coughing away. And pull the medicated oil so strong. Sigh. I told my hubby why his mum so selfish one. He said cos he wanna see baby. Nvm loh, she mess things up. She make Erica sick, ended up last wk we also nv go back cos I caught it frm Erica. Orbi. Only thing is we paid a price for tt.

Hmm, ok loh. 2nd wk on May. COnfirm! Hehe, u going US ah? Shoik leh, can go shopping.

Any preferred day for the gathering on 2nd wk of May?
halo halo

thanks for accomodating to my schedule. Can i suggest 15 May and beyond ?


i go there to attend a conference, come back hor got a lot of things to do one. Trip report, presenation etc etc ... coy make sure the money is well spent on me

oh size doesnt matters now lah, just that our kids will always invite comments from ppl why they so petite etc etc .. I say I rather have a healthy petite one than a fat and unhealthy kid. And brain does matters too

hmm I also think Rachel terrible 2 is subsiding. I use to hear some say it can last for years till 4 to 5 yo ! scary leh ... i really hope it remains this way.

and my Rianne hor, getting notti le. Know how to stretch herself to reach her jie jie's hair and PULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ! then jie jie cry and whine eheheh very funny sight.
Wah, 15th May and beyond. Hoho... Which day is ok for u? As long as nt same wk as 30th May can liao cos I'll be busy with Erica's bday party. Everyone here all welcome to the party!

Muahaha... ^5, we must respect Angel n lbt leh. They senior and we have alot of things to learn from them also.
Hi All,

I posted alot of tips .. during those days when me and lbt and doggiemummy were pregnant.

We were the ones to jam up the posting here. Cos Uncle Fong said we can't ve too much walking abt in the office. Think lbt had too early contraction, and dmy had a pair of twins. me was low placenta.

So we rooted to the desk, only place to vent frustration was here...

That's how we so ahhhh... hehehe
Haha, time flies hor. I remembered tt time I also low placenta and early contractions at 24 wks until I gotta go for steriod jabs. Time flies, now my gal is turning 1 next yr liao.
dear ladies
I'm new here..been tryin to conceive for abt 6mths wif no gd news..
As we prefer Mount Alvernia.. was checking out the list of docs from the website and found Dr Fong Yang..
Appreciate if you ladies can advice us on the following :
1. How's Dr Fong way of communication wif patients ? Is he very direct, tell u everything or only ans when ask ?
2. Is he friendly and gentle ?
3. Wat are his consultation charges and waiting period ?
4. Is he good wif stiches ?

Truly greatly if u can share any kind of info on Dr Fong.. so tat we can have some reference before we decide... thks
Today is Wonderland's birthday?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY WONDERLAND!!! Stay pretty and may u be blessed with a baby soon....

Welcome to this Thread. Haha, over here is all Dr Fong's Fans. So we confirm tell u the gd things abt him here.

1. How's Dr Fong way of communication wif patients ? Is he very direct, tell u everything or only ans when ask ?
Ans: Dr Fong is a very caring and patient doctor. He'll advise u on wat to do n wat nt to do. Den sometimes he'll ask u if u believe in the Chinese way of doing things, mayb u need to avoid this n that etc.

2. Is he friendly and gentle ?
Ans: Yes, he is super friendly and gentle. Pap Smear with him is an ease.
Not to mention checking of our cervix etc.

3. Wat are his consultation charges and waiting period ?
Ans: I forgot abt the rates already. Maybe the other mummies can advise u on the latest charges. Else u can give e clinic a call to find out on the rates. Waiting time depends. Can be pretty long at times. But if u are at the Paragon clinic, u can tell e nurses to call u when ur turn is near while u go shop shop ard.

4. Is he good wif stiches ?
Ans: I only had 1 stitch done by him which is my C-sec wound. I never see the rest of the wounds so I dunno wat is consider gd or nt gd. But mine is only 1 straight line.

But overall we are only sharing our views on him based on our own experiences. Different ppl hav diff views on him so the best person to do the judgement is only you n your hubby. All the best!
hi WhoofyJO,

i just see dr fong one month ago for the first time....so far i find him friendly and nice person to talk to ....

regarding the charges...for first charges i think is $80...

you may call up the clinic and check out the prices like what u need to be done.
oh ya in fact the waiting still ok as we need to book first before we go to the clinic.

if i pregnant, i will go back to him even though his charges abit ex ....
hey hey, thanks for the wishes..
hahaaa... I stopped trying for awhile first..
Very tired and disappointed when see red... but anywhere, will go back after 2/3 months
Take it easy .. my experience is, those bo-chap attitude helps..

Those days I had bo-chap attitude, end up I conceive cos earlier I add stress to myself on getting positive. I tested so many mths of -ve, end up having those giving up hope attitude, ended up I had a double red line !!
I agreed with Angel. I tried for 2 mths also see red. In e end dun want baby, ended up accident. Time flies, now Erica is one already....
Hi Angel,

Ur bo-chap attitude means u still regularly BD? Have been TTCing for more then 2 yrs liao. Recently wanna try tis hack care attitude but very hard. Will still keep on thinking. Haiz. Worse is we do not BD regularly maybe only once per week. Tats why i need to use OPK to check for ovulation n "inform" my hubby to come home earlier to BD. He always need to work late. Then sometimes he will say cannot come home early cos need to work. Since last mth i suddenly feel like giving up. Dunno wat to do abt him.
Hi Berry,

After a while, I know my cycle. I also used the ovulation kit. I am those with PCOS and I dont ovulate every mth. Sometime I take clomid.

But really stress when on all these drugs. I wack only when I am mid mth. So I also not sure at times, whether I ve egg released or not.

But the double red comes as a surprised !! I was married in 2000 only conceived in 2003. Of course my case much more complicated. Not easy path..

But I made it with 2 boys. After 1 kid, I gap, 1.5yrs wack for no2. After 1st kid, conceiving no2 seemed easier.
Hi I just went for amino test last week. Anyone went before? Its needle pucking into our water bag but deeper!experience so kind of pain and cramps on the first few days, bedrest too! but now ok la..so long no spotting should be fine I guess.. btw do i still have to go for detailed scan after this?
mummies: long time never come in liao ... now maidless and very busy at work ... just trying to make sure baby is clean and my house is a utter mess.

babiesmeme: i went twice, each for my pregnancy. I was OK, mild cramps the first time cuz i v notti went shopping. 2nd time i v gua bed rest so recover much faster, dun rem any pains. I did my detailed scan 1 month later since I did my amnio early at 16 weeks.

kids clothing: i seldom buy from fox now cuz the cutting too small for my gal and i find it exp. So i siao jshoppers now :p just whack $300 worth of stuff from them recently and now waiting for them to deliver (free shipping above 12000 yen shopping).
Been a while that the track started its life again.. Just happened to pop by today as I had no mood to work... all thanks to my beloved daughter... she caught her flu and running low graded fever from her beloved cousin (my niece) since Sunday and yesterday cleared a day of my maternity leave to accompany her after seeing PD... glad she's just having a bad flu... so bad that she becomes grouchy girl.. glad all these are over this morning and she's back to her smiley state again...

So it's our gathering still on?? Pretty Bunnie, you too, maidless.. Me had been maidless for 2 weeks liao... my new maid shall be ready within these few days... hope she'll be better than the previous... Actually days without maid is ok... still can cope, just that the house will be bit of messy... I mean bit only lor...

Ok... got to go back to my work... how I wish to stay in bed like yesterday... haiz... when can I have such life leh??? Sleep, play with my gal and a maid to serve me... better stop my day-dream, maybe in my next life... ha ha ha
puppy: me too! my maid went back on 1 april, so it's coming to ... gosh, 3 weeks! so far still surviving. my house is not a bit messy. it's super messy cuz my previous maid is a horrible packer (i found food, crayons and what nots in the same box, and all my gal's nail cutters are MISSING). so I am trying to pack up bit by bit and giving away some old clothes. I haven't even had time to pack away my ex maid's stuff (we terminated her while she was on home leave - Dr Fong v kpo, still want to know why we terminate her, keep asking us to tell him the story).

During this 3 weeks, my gal had 2 HFMD scares liao .. first time we both isolated at home for 2 days. i go siao, she go siao. second scare turned out to be a oral fungal infection, and a bad nasal infection. so now clear up, better liao, but we keep forgetting to apply the oral gel :p hope it recovered :p

i also want tai tai life, i keep asking my hubby to find a job in US, so both my BIL and hubby can work to support the family, then me and my sis can be SAHM, looking after the kids. but i think it would be better if my sis returns to singapore, at least child care is cheaper!!! we all hope to strike toto first prize (single winner) lor, then no need next life liao =)
hi hi gals !

greetings from vegas !! it's 730am now and I've just finished expressing milk, getting ready to go conference.

aiyah all of us dream to be a tai tai .. very diff to materialise by just working, so yes TOTO is still my only hope

mrs lai, ur photos are v nice ! and ur gal v chubby hor !!

hhmm me also KPO, why u terminate ur maid ? hehehe

so how's is Dr Fong ? more grey hairs ?
hmm come to think of it, time flies. and I will need to see him in a few months time for paps smear .. means my rianne turning 1 very soon !


ur Erica v funny lor do the peek a boo with her dress !! eh tell u, must do all sorts of patterns on them means wear hair band, hair clip, hats/caps to get them accustomed to all these. my rachel will sometimes ask for hair clips or tie her hair or wear cap when we go out. a bit hiao like the mother lor LOL
wow.. Las Vegas.. my favorite destination... I went there during my honeymoon and I fell in love with the place... How I wish to go back there again... maybe when my Caitlyn knows how to walk, I might consider...

How are you packing your express milk back to S'pore??? I'm still wondering how if I have to go for my Aussie trip in Oct... any advise???

Bunnie... me also KPO... how come u terminate your maid... like you, my maid caused a mess too in hiding my stuff... now either cannot find it or spoilt...

Erica is funny for sure... think all bb gals behaves like a boy, no shame, no shy and they enjoy doing that when u ask them not to.. same for my gal too...

Ok... let me know abt the gathering once confirmed.. thanks!

No worry. If you travel. When i was bf my second boy, I was asked to travel to China for 1 week. I Brought all my equipment there. I cant bear to throw the expressed milk away.

If you need such highly insulated bag, I still ve it. Bought it specially for my trip those days

So what I did, I express out and ask the hotel kitchen staff to put inside the freezer. Then when I about to check out. I packed them into a special bag which is highly insulated. And I was surprised when i reach home, the milk are still frozen.

Custom did question me , what is all these ?? I said they are all human milk. And I showed my pump. So they let me through.

i dun find vegas exciting cos I dun gamble. it's just pretty with all the neon lights.

but I went Grand canyon today .. very spectacular and memorable

i din throw the milk away, i drank it. but when I was on the plane, i threw it cos I wash the pump with the water on plane and the water is not safe for consumption.
lbt, I also don't gamble... I love the nightlife of Las Vegas and also the strips of buildings, the design are so nice and of course, I love to do the shopping there... kekeke

Yah Grand Canyon is spectacular...

Oh i see,... ok...'cos i know aussie quite strict in their custom... thanks!
I very sim tia when she rips off my hairband frm e head. So rough...

Haha, Rachel so cute. I think next time Erica will also be a vainpot like me. I juz chopped a great length off my hair this wk. Kanna emotional attack. So went to do something diff to myself. I siao hor?

Ur gal also behaves like boy?

Sigh, I headache man. I took her out everytime ppl mistook her for a boy. Den let her wear dress, she happy happy pull up her skirt n play peek a boo in e public.
Tinkerbelle, yah, my ah-girl behaves violent like a boy...

Ppl also mistook her as a boy even though she wears PINK and SKIRT!!!!! so most of the time, I just commented she wore PINK or SKIRT... can you see...

So when are we having our gathering.. can't wait to meet you ppl for the 1st time... 'oos missed a few time
hi hi
Greetings frm san francisco !

Kelcqi, must cont to let erica get use to wearing skirt ! Rianne also try to pull the head band off then i beat her hand lightly then she diam diam haha
wow san francisco... hmm, must enjoy the strawberry dipped in choco-sauce and seafood too.. how's the weather there??? cooling??? But be careful of the blacks in the subway... don't go to the subway alone at nite hor...

Wow.. u must be busy shopping there for baby stuff too.. i know it's bit of expensive there... but worth buying... especially banana republic and GAP...
hi puppy
It's v cold here, like 10deg ? Went fisherman wharf today and had seafood for lunch and dinner. Yummy ! Ya went bb clothes shopping at the outlets and old navy ! Hehe
Hi mummiems....

long time never log in here liao...

Kelcqi, my gal also dun like to wear hairband n hat now, everytime i put on her head, she will pull down n put into her mouth, sianzzz.... some goes to my son also...

lbt, r u back to singapore? how is ur business trip? Fun? mush be spend a lot on baby stuff... haha

so, are your fixed the date for gathering? when, so dat i can apply my leave....
pettygal !

i am back last THurs, now working from home cos I need to be home quarantined for 1 week. Be back to work tmr le ... sian man

oh yes, bgt a lot of clothes for the gals. lucky i have gals only, can't imagine if I have boy and gal, sure buy a lot more !

ok can I fix on 22nd May ? where for hi tea ?


Dr Fong recommended detailed scan at TMC which cost abt $100 before GST. The scan scans for everything in the baby, including the organs and the gender as well.
Yo lbt,

welcome back. Can i request for dinner in stead of high tea as i am unable to apply leave on that day? If not, u gals can go ahead. I shall join u gals the next round.
I ve just seen ah Fong yesterday ... He seemed more stressed than before.. alot more white hair.

And worst thing is, all masked up. Assistants, Mrs Fong all masked up. Somemore have to take temp.

Ok, I am fine with the outing... Wanna organise one like we can bring kids out to play,

My friend in Apr babies, organised one afternoon at JWT gym, kids enjoyed themselves. Not so bored too.

Wonder all keen abt this idea.

Btw, I have started a BP. If you all keen can go in and see. It is on Domestic Paper Products.

angel: is it ? i tot he seems better since he stopped his nite clinics! that time he seems a lot more stressed ... at least now he a bit more relax and can talk rubbish a bit more ...

i think I am due to see him soon but i cannot remember when again hahahaha ... must call up the clinic to check again ... but first must find back my package card ... dunno where we put it! we completely forgot about it until he reminded us and we were like ... wat are you talking about ah ????

we see his cars a lot more often, seems to be home before us mostly ... occasionally we have to park next to him, but his car big and the lot small so accidentally "buang" his car dog a bit when i open my door (now i so big mah) ... but i dun see any dents lah ... if have i sure will go and confess first !!!!

22 may i may or may not join u ladies since it's one of my "peak" and my boss is back in singapore ... so i think I will have to give it a miss.

Wat u think of the name valentino ah???
ooo i forgot, my new maid here liao ... i feel so much better about my house now ... 2 days only but a lot less messier (not like pig sty anymore!) and also feels cleaner!

Valentino is a boy's name right ?? Very playboy le.. Like those Lorento, etc

This is my personal thoughts.

Oiii u better not do that hor.. later u are going to be delivered by him hor ..
22nd I'm fine! So how? Day or nite?

Haha, sama sama lah. My gal always kanna mistaken as boy also. Tt time at Dr Fong's clinic, some of his patients were using how old is HE and she was in a pink dress somemore. Den Eileen was luffing away and said it's a SHE...

Lbt, Beat the hand will work? Recently my Erica very bad tempered. Every small thing tt doesn't go her way, or things she wants and I dun give her, she cry like no tml. So I let her cry loh... I bad rite? But I dun wanna spoil her thinking tt she can get her way with us...

Mrs Lai,
Haha, congrates. U got a boy!

I agree with Angel on the name of Valentino, but end of the day it's still ur preference.

Haha, u wanna confess to Dr fong? Later he mark up his rates as to make u pay for e damages ah...
angel and kelcqi: shd be ok lah ... i not as slim as his wife mah ... we already try to park as much as to the side if possible liao ... and i open the door very gently ... so more like a "gentle caress" than anything else ...

ya valentino is a boy's name ... just nickname him as such now lah ... i haven't think of anything yet ... so i may just name him "anything" perhaps closer to the delivery date i'll think about it ... rt now just very tired from home everyday. new maid come liao means i can have a slight breather ... but still need to care for V although she very fast manjaing to the new maid ... buay tahan her sometimes ....


Yah .. I must say Mrs Fong has gone back to her figure. Really Slim.

Tt car must be tt Red M 7 seater, correct ??hehehe me equally kaypo lor .. Anyway those days when I was P, I go upstairs toys rus buy some toys for my older boy. Then followed by checkup at his clinic.

He also kaypo what I buy. Ask me show the toys that i buy for my kids.. See .. so all same same.

So are u near ur delivery date? Maybe by then, you can lombang his car to hospital. Sometime Mrs Fong follows him. My first birth, emergency c sect at 1 am, Mrs Fong came along but was sitting outside the waiting area.
