DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

kelcqi, where do you work btw?

Lbt, am not sure but i guess trying again means no harm, he says just to increase chances

Joy, you are doing your iui soon? all the best...i also can't imagine eating egg white hee.
Like Aoys said, Dr fong doesn't scan again...i asked him duno whether ovulated or not, he said aya should be lah...always positive reassurance

Aoys, jiayou! let's have a good feeling abt it...although am anxious for mine coz my first attempt was not a success...I'll keep trying though...priority now, over my work...dr fong says why not bochap a bit at work...very hard...that's why in worst case, change to part time

yah... I am really nervous now.. and it happens to i have alot of thing to do in the office in this week... really wanna just go for mc and don do... clearing shit of other people ah

Try try try, I will try to stay positive

bbrooster, Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad that everything is going well now..

Joy, I did not take raw egg white - so lucky :p

Btw, after doing iui - at ard 3pm plus, dr fong also asked me to try bd, once at night and one more in the morning of the next day.... he said so that to cover the entire ovulation...
Thanks lbt, but hor, I have a very bad feeling when i look at clearblue HPT.. because I have been seeing -ve result for more than 1 year, roughly 5 times, so my heart is kind of 'hurt', by any of the HPT brand...sobs sobs..
I had that kind of bad feeling when i am buying clearblue yesterday..although i have 1 at home already. that feeling made me tearing lei
Everyone, I saw somewhere in the forum that suggest to use ovulation test kit when you are due to preg test before using preg test kit.

Anyone know what is that for? Please advise and thanks all!
oh so many posts !!

bbrooster !
so happy for u !! jia you ... u r reaching the finishing line oredi !! rem to post your labour story and bb pics ok !!


no need abstain ah ? maybe diff from IVF hor ?


oh no, u felt better now ? feel so painful for u
but u lun a bit .. for ur bb good ok ?

faith , aoys

haha so funny .. I cant imagine Dr Fong ask me to "do that" ... make him sounds like a sex expert ! hahaha ...


aiyo i also experience the same thing as u, dunno use up how many test kit before I went for IVF in 2005. But I never give up lah so decided to see Dr Fong for treatment. We already know we have problems conceiving so why sulk abt it right ? Making ourselves sad wont solve any problem, so face the treatment with a positive mind !!
Joy, you saw me ah? I never see you leh. Cos I think apart from you and your hubby and your gal, got a few more ppl rite? So I never took notice of anyone cos I thought I was the only one from Forum seeing Dr FOng that day. I think next time we all everytime before go see DR FOng can post our timing and date so can look out for each other. Hehe.

Faith, I'm working at Fuji Xerox towers. In one of the office under prudential.

BBrooster, so envious! Everytime my bb gain weight, I gained even more weight.
I always wonder where the extra weight goes to? We all waiting to see your bb pics soon.

Aoys, Don't be sad lah. I always believe God has a timing for everything. I know say is easy lah, but actually I was and still quite sad that I am pregnant also. Alot of people told me my bb is a gift from God to me, since we never really try to have a bb in the first place. But since pregnant, I faced alot of problems also. From home, work and my pregnancy wasn't a smooth one either.

I had a tough nite yesterday. When I think of what I am going through all these while, I suddenly have the urge to run away from my bb and my family once I deliver and live my life anew withot having to think for anyone.

Lbt, Joy,
The jab was really painful lah. But thankfully 2 jabs is over liao. Haiz, everyone told me labour is gonna be 10 times more painful than the jab. I really don't know how I'm gonna take it next time.
so happy for u. So u r the first to reach the finishing line.

Faith and Mrs Ong,
I will be seeing Dr Fong this Sat for my day10 scan. If i am not wrong, i will be doing IUI on Mon or Tue. Btw, what is the cost for the whole procedure and which hospital u 2 choose for IUI? How long is the procedure and is it painful? Mrs Ong, u was saying that after IUI need to bd again? Why so ma fan?

Gynae r somehow sex expert leh. Think they noe which position is best for the sperm to swim up. My friend's gynae even tot them kama sutra. Haha. Cannot imagine if Dr Fong tot us Kama sutra. Don match with his looks and character. He is more conservative and traditional. Haha.

That day my hubby not with me. The little ger that u saw is my friend's daughter. She accompany me to see Dr Fong. Kelcqi, try to think on the positive side u will feel better. Don bother for things that had happened or might happened. Take each day easily and time will pass very fast. As for the labour pain, Dr Fong already assured me that it will be the most painful experience in my life. Good news is there is a pain killer epidural. haha

ehhe ya lah epidural is your life saviour. You can take epi the moment you rest on the bed in the delivery suite then u wont feel any pain at all !

glad ur jabs are over .. but u still minimise ur activities ok ... and rest more.

Dont feel so negative .. ur bb will feel it leh.


ahah i hope I dont have to go thru sex consultations from Dr Fong .. i sure cannot stop laughing ! and Dr Fong is the pai say type one too.
Joy, Dr Fong conservative meh? To me he very Ang Moh Pai one. My colleagues also said that. BUt I always think Dr Fong at home should be a great dad and husband. Cos everytime I told me abt my leg cramps and backache, he always very understanding and tell my hubby to massage for me every nite. But my hubby never did that!

Joy, Lbt,

Epidural cannot be taken too early rite? I heard like we need to wait for 5 cm dilated before we can take epidural. And my boss wife told me not to take Epidural too early cos it might cause us to vomit after that. Her colleague vomitted 15 times after she gave birth. So scary...

no there isnt a rule to say when u can take epidural. but if u r 7-8 cm dilated then nurses will tell u no pt taking liao.

my SIL had 3 kids and she dont know what is contractions !! she take epi the first thing she was in the delivery suite !

ok u chk with Dr Fong again ok ?

as for the side effect, some may vomit some dont. But most of us shiver after taking epi. So can imagine u shiver as u talk ahah v funny. My sis had bad reaction to epi too. So it's very subjective lah.

Btw Dr Fong mandarin is quite good leh .. he not ang moh pai lah .. dont forget he has many China customers too.

Joy .. u ask Dr FOng what is kama sutra leh .. ahah

u don noe what is kama sutra? It is abt all available postion for intercourse. I don dare to ask him. I also belong to those paisei type. Yeah his mandarin is good too coz sometimes he speak mandarin to me. Haha.


Dr Fong not ang mo pai leh. Think his dressing and taste hip only. To me he is more like a traditional man. Yeah i also think he is a great daddy and hubby. He is so caring towards us.
Hi mummies,

wah, long times never coming liao, so many post liao, n also have new member here.... think that i lost already.....


i be seeing Dr Fong this sat also, after doing my details scan at TMC. what time is ur appt. mine is ard 11.30am


please think positive, when the bb arrived at that times, u will know how lucky u are to have a kid, compare to those who dun have kids at all.

i know what it means but never go and research the positions lah ! ahah ..


I see the hip hip tmr 1115 am .. also wonder how much my gal has grown .. keep kicking me.
Thanks everyone for the supportive advise =)

Yah, should be positive positive and positive!!!


I spent abt $700 plus:
1st visit (with clomid and u/s)- $180+
2nd visit (scan) - $160+
3rd visit (IUI) - $200+
Mt E lab - $160+

Hope this help =) share with us what you see after your scan tml, ok? Good Luck!

How much did it cost you for the entire IVF treatment including transfer of embroys to uterus? Mind to share the details?

My fren went for her 10th day scan yesterday and noted one 17mm forlicle and another 13mm forlicle. But dr fong said the 10mm cannot make it already...

And she has hcg injection today at atd 12pm, she will be doing IUI tml at 4pm...

So if you noted forlicle with at least 16mm tml, I guess you will be doing IUI on Sunday? Hahaa.. BTW, does fong's clinic open on Sunday?
i had my D11 scan also on a saturday...iui was on Mon...the procedure itself is quite fast abt 10 mins...unless there is some diffulty inserting the catheter hee.
The nurse will get you ready before Dr Fong comes in. They will get you to rest/lie down for about 15 mins after the iui. And oh I was told to keep my bladder full before the iui, it was weird to feel like going to the toilet through the iui process
IUI is done at Fong's clinic itself, semen preparation at MtE...

has anyone experienced implantation signs before?

Lbt, kelcqi, bbrooster and prettygal,
do u mind sharing how early you sensed pregnancy signs?
Thank you for your well wishes and concern. Will definitely post my bb pic and birth story here after I deliver.

<font color="0000ff">Faith78</font>
I don't feel like myself after I miss my menses for 2 weeks. That means at 5.5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. Just feel so lethargic and no mood to do anything.

yah, really expensive but it is still cheaper than dr Christopher chen from gleneager hospital.
I was originally from dr christopher chen.. i did ask him abt the cost for ivf and it needs about 12k, and we did a check with the nurse, she told us usually the patients wld spend abt 20-22k for the entire ivf treatment.. worse right...

Think dr fong's charge is still reasonable.

me and my husband tot of having twins before
<font color="0000ff">Faith78, aoys</font>
I conceive naturally so I don't know my signs are they the same as those who undergo treatment.

My 1st pregnancy besides feeling tired I also have painful breast but 2nd pregnancy only feel tired and just not myself.

Good luck to all mummies who are undergoing treatment.

ya i went to Dr Chen before and I simply dont like him. His monotonous speech, a bit bo chap attitude and keep rushing me to do operation. But I need a good explanation of my problem and maybe some treatment before op mah ... so I only see him twice and that's it !

my signs of 1st pregnancy was vomit ! I vomited every morning even before the blood test !

2nd pregnancy I had some brownish spotting that occurs only once. Initially i panic tot the embroy transfer failed and mensus was coming. But the spotting only occurs once so I guess it was the implantation bleeding. And i feel very tired too. U know my mum already suspect I was pregnant before I told her. She says I look v sian whole day ehhehe think experienced mother like her can sense it.
Mrs Ong,
I am seeing Dr Fong this Sat not tmr. Most likely will be doing IUI on monday or Tue.


me seeing Dr Fong at abt 12.15pm. Maybe i can get to see u. Must rem to dress up this Sat. haha

did u ask Dr Fong why must keep the bladder full? Like that very uncomfortable leh. By the way, the catheter that u r rreferring to is it a tube? I did my HSG test and realise that the normal side cant go in as i had loose cervix which i suspect is incompetent cervix. Dr Fong told me that he will monitor for me to see if i need to stitch up my cervix as what bbrooster had gone thru.

i heard alot of neg remarks on Chris Cheng. So glad that i didnt go and see him. If not, i would have end up spending money on operation.

u need to keep the bladder full so that the womb is straight or something like that. Then it is easier for dr fong to transfer the semens in. For my embroy transfer, it's the same thing.

ya heng U never go to that doc ... and he's quite old .. nothing to chat abt .. quite boring ahha but i saw a newspaper clipping on his clinic wall that he is the inventor or dunno what role in IVF leh ...

Mine was natural pregnancy, didn't went through IVF or anything.

I also dunno why I got pregnant, My ovulation was late, that resulted in pregnancy. At first I was very sad cos I didn't wanted to be pregnant. At least not then...

My ovulation was 2 days before period. I didn't had my period for 2 wks, and I started feeling very sick. No vomiting signs but just body very weak. Like down with flu and cough and it's like very hard to recover even with medication.

Then the same wk somehow I feel something is not rite cos I kept having cramps and still no sign of period. And I brought a clear blue test kit, results showed nothing. I wasn't convince cos I suddenly have the feeling that I might be pregnant, so I went back 2 days later to Watsons to buy the Watson's brand. Then I had a faint line.

I told my colleague and he suggested me to get predictor cos his ex gfs all used that and he said that accuracy is almost 100%, I bot that, and also faint dot. And I experience vomiting.

So in the end went to GP to test, he said I'm not pregnant. But still cramp and no period. So in the end I went to this Thersa Cheng at AMK cos that time my colleague called to book Dr Fong for me and appt full. And I cannot cope with everyday cramp. So just hurry went to the Theresa Cheng and she told me I have a sac, that I'm pregnant, but I'm likely to miscarriage.

Then I went back to tell my boss and colleague, he gave me Dr Fong's no and I went down on walk in case. Dr Fong did the scan after he saw my ultrasound and he told me I had a 6cm cyst, and I was pregnant. So hard to monitor closely.

Somehow I'm glad I found Dr Fong, else if I listen to that gynea, we might prolly abort the baby already, for no reason. And I wasn't informed I had cyst then. Imagine what kinda mess I would have gotten myself in if I never see Dr Fong?

I think I know who you ladies talking abt Chris Cheng. His son is LC Cheng if I'm not wrong. He's the founder of test tube baby in SIngapore.
Btw, I wasn't asked to keep my bladder full for iui leh... emmm....

Think I may be seeing dr fong next tuesday. See if I will see anyone of u onot..
<font color="0000ff">Joy07</font>
I pray that you do not have incompetent cervix like me. It's been a difficult pregnancy for me.

<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
They are referring to Christopher Chen from Gleneagles another fertility doctor that always ask his patients to go for operations and don't give you time to consider or seek 2nd opinion. Pretty $$ face.
yeah, i also hope that i din have Incompetent Cervix. I really cannot imagine myself of having to lie on the bed most of the time. Think i will die faster. Haha.

Mrs Ong,
when r u due to test? Why r u testing b4 due. Funny u. So kan chiong. Hope u strike jackpot.

we r referring to Chris Cheng from Gleneagels. Heard that he is head consultant in KK. Very reputable but very quiet and don talk much.
Yeah Joy. I did iui on 6 mar so today is exactly 2ww la. So thinking of testing lor coz I had 2 miscarriage b4 and tot of knowing if i am pregnant earlier so can see dr fong for some precaution or what. And chinese physician said can try testing on 19/20 mar, so i tried lor.. Actually the nurse asked me to test it only on 23/24 mar la...funny hor...

But i am real kan jiong la, coz the waiting time is a real pain. I still never 'shi xing' after i did my test this morning - i called fong's clinic to ask if i can request for the bloodtest and told her my concern. then she told me that the utrogestan prescribed by dr fong after my iui sld be good enof to support my pregnancy, if any.

Then hor, I ask when sld i make appt if i have no luck in this time round because i want to go for 2nd try straight away in the next cycle.. then the nurse said no need make appt, just wait till menses come then go to clinic to collect medicine can liao...

But i am puzzled, i tot i wld need to see dr fong to understand the failure and see if i shld increase the dosage of the drug or go for so-iui because my response to clomid this round wasn't 'strong' enof - only 1 forlicle...

Any view or advise, all mummies?
Faith, what was your experience during your 1st try? mind to share?

Mrs Ong,
when i failed my last attempt, i also walk in during my day1 to see Dr Fong. My advice is, no need to see him coz he also never said much abt why it failed. Just asked me try for another round with the same dosage of clomid and metformin and go for IUI. I had 2 follicles but still never strike leh. What is ur dosage for the clomid? Me taking 150mg.
aoys, how many round of clomid have you taken? If only for the 1st or 2nd round, chances are Dr Fong will ask u to take another 2 more rounds. provided your lining is not thinning. And if the 2 more rounds, still doesn't work, probably will ask u to try SO-IUI, but SO-IUI, u must prepare for the injection portion. It could possible leading to few follices ( 1 or 2 as clomid) or many. If few, you will go for IUI but too many, Dr Fong will either advise u to stop the cycle or convert to IVF.

So u must prepare for that. You can ask Dr Fong why there's a failure on your CD 10 or your next appointment. But if you are really concern about the dosage, maybe u can highlight to his assistants and they'll be able to advise u on this.

Ya, Dr chen is consultation is very expensive compare to Dr Fong, n he always ask his patients to go for operations and don't give time to consider or seek for 2nd opinion. I only when to his clinic once time, when i 1st visit the chinese physician who ask me to go there 4 a consultation to proof that i been a difficult pregnancy for me. Opps, i 4get to tell u i having a twins bb at this IVF treament.

When i know i pregnant which i go Dr Fong clinic after the embroy transfer that was after the 2ww HL, then have to go blood test at Dr fong clinic. Then, the staff of Dr fong clinic will give us a call on that days itself. later, I vomited every morning even at evening after/b4 i take my dinner, i also feel tired too.


I will wear at pink colour pregnancy clothing n black pants. Did u wear a spec?


What u mean u see the "HIP HIP" 1115 am? I still dun know my bb is boy or girl, i only get to know at this moment is 1 boy, but the others still dun know yet. My bb dun let me to see, i think they want to play hide n seek with me.... haha....


so happy for u. u going to reach the finishing line.

All mummies?

Any more detils to know what signs of Braxton Hicks?, Normally, happen at when n at which area of the tummy? 1st times mom to be, a lot of thing i dun really know what is that?

Thanks for the advise, Joy and puppy2006!

This is my 1st iui. I was on clomid 100mg per day (2x50mg).

I actually did a laparascopic for my endomediosis. Because my uterus is enlarging, that's I go for iui to try for preg coz i cannot afford further delay...

Think i may be walking in to see him if failed, coz need him to scan and check my uterus size. if too big then i gotta go for zoladex injection again lor...

what do u think...
Mrs Ong,
when u see Dr Fong on ur menses day, how to scan? He didnt scan me also. Even if he wants i will reject it coz very dirty leh. Maybe u can walk in since u have uterus enlarging problem. I don even noe that our uterus will enlarge. Mrs Ong mind i ask how old r u? Why u said u cant afford further delay?

i will be wearing a blue top and black 3/4 pants with black heel. I don wear spec. I have perfect eyesight. Haha. Rem to keep a look out for me.
aoys, Dr Fong will not scan u when u r having ur menses, he will scan u on your CD10 and will be able to see if ur uterus enlarging problem is there a not, normally the uterus enlarging will only come back 6 months later if u've taken the injection.

You need to take it easy and relax... don't think too much of getting pregnant and work closely with Dr Fong, am sure u will embark on the pregnancy journey soon...

my 1st attempt was quite some time back maybe a yr ago? with another doctor...and it was through SO-IUI coz i wasn't having any response with clomid! i had 'many' follicles but because most of them were small and one 1 or 2 were abt 14mm, the doctor still went ahead...it was so upsetting to see menses coming after the long 2 weeks....i understand how u feel...dun worry, it may still be too early for you to check...jiayou!

with Dr Fong i went straight to SO-iui but we had to stop it coz there were too many follicles and not ready for ivf. so much for the injections sob

this time decided to go back to clomid with increased dosage...2 tablets first time with dr fong, but still no response. so went straight to 4 tablets this round and to my pleasant surprise, got 2 mature follicles. but i worry my lining is thin coz of the high clomid dosage...

Joy, full bladder for same reason that lbt gave...i told the nurse and dr fong i was rather urgent to 'pee'...dr fong say hold it for another 15-20 mins haha. the catheter yah it looks like this thin tube...flexible i think...dr fong said he couldn't get the right angle coz i keep asking why it refused to go in. full bladder is supp to help...all the best on yours Joy!

mummies, tks for sharing your pregnancy signs...am as kanjiong as aoys i think...trying not to think too much though...
when the tube goes in pain or not? I went for my HSG test and it was very painful after that. I experience cramps also. Did u take any injection b4 doing IUI?
oh, my injection was done in sept2007. so quite long alredy.

Joy, i cannot afford to wait coz i really don want to go back to e injection, painful and mood swing badly. was feeling deep down when i was getting e injection e last time. sigh...im suffering this problem since i was 25, im 28 now... may be due ti e duration, that's y i sound old i guess.,..

Oh, i was on my 2nd day mensus when i 1st visit dr fong. he asked me if im fine 4 scan and coz that time flow wasn't too much, so ok loh. and hor, i know some gynae did scan during mensus too, e.g. mu sil's gynae. is it normal ah?

Maybe i sld just don think too much and drop by to collect e medicine on saturday coz sat and mon e clinic not opening...

sld i?

sorry mummies, im in real panic but trying to relax...

really thanks all mummy for e supportive advise.
Mrs Ong,
Why Sat and Mon Clinic not opened? Any special occassion? I rem Dr Fong wanted to scan me also but i refused coz i don feel confortable. I am 26 this yr and very eager to be mummy soon. Actually u relaxed abit lah. Wait till ur menses report then think of ur next step. Who noes u might be pregnant.

Wow i realise that Dr Fong's patients seem to have problem in conceiving. Look like all of us going for IUI or IVF. Haha
Mrs Ong,
Monday the clinic do open but half day only. Alternatively, u can ask them whether u can collect the medi at TB. Think need to pay $5 for transferrring of records.
oic, thanks Joy.
Will see how later. thanks ya!

But collect medi only need to pay $5 ah? e medi only cost $14 eh...Will see how ah...
the process is not supposed to be painful, similar to a pap smear. I felt nothing during my first iui. but this time round, somehow more difficulty to go in so i could feel the catheter around...and dr fong had to use something else to help but i din dare ask what it was...it was a little bit painful for me this time but not so bad...dr fong and his assistant will keep on reassuring you...felt a bit crampy right after but that din last long.
I hated my HSG most, not becoz of the cramps when the dye goes in but that radiologist only had this bigger size speculum that made me so uncomfortable and tense...i asked for a smaller one but he said dun have haha.

Joy, it's ur first iui, which means the last time when u were on clomid, u tried naturally?

aoys, ur menses are not here so u never know...it could be successful!
Faith, what is HSG ah?

Thanks for the encouragement ya. I saw little bit spotting on the swipping paper just now when i went toilet. But no more now.. aiya, hope and drop lei.. like roller coaster

HSG is the test to check if your fallopian tubes are blocked...my prev doctor got me to do that before trying out SO-iui...did u feel bloated after the iui until now?

Joy, yes i had the Hcg injection on sat night by my GP..looks like u'll have yours this sat night
