DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

Thanks Puppy and Joy!

I read thread from US. realised that their forlicle size is amazing, 27mm , 28mm lei... so powerful :eek:

Puppy, I gotta take two tablets 3 times per days for progynova.

BTW, I can feel that my ovaries are pulling at the moment, don know this is right or not...

I went did ovulation test and suprised that I have positive result with ovulation test kit lei.. how come like that, why positive not on preg test kit lei?? hahaa

Mrs Ong,
U test it when u having menses huh? But how come positive leh. I am not sure abt OPK. Sometimes the result can be not accurate. Hey as for the size of the follicle, Dr Fong mention that the ideal size is 18mm. Wow my butt still painful lor.

I had added u in my msn. Shall chat when lbt is ard too. Yeah agree that Sat the clinic is really very packed. Mrs Fong was still telling one of the patient that last Sat they worked till 4.30pm. Sometimes, when the clinic is busy the nurse can be quite rude too. I encounterd once and was very angry with that particular person who picked up the phone. Tot of complainning to Dr Fong that his nurse is rude but in the end didnt coz i can understand sometimes can be quite frustrated when too busy. Actually, under what circumstances can we speak to Dr Fong personally instead of having the nurse to pass the msg to Dr FOng?
I don know eh, feeling better to talk to Dr fong personally right?

I did my OPK during the say of spotting, with positive result. I am going to ask dr fong regarding this.

Stay cool, forget about your butt at the moment.. looking forward for tomorrow ya! See dr fong got comment about your lying position when preparing for iui like what he commented on me. Hahaaa.. he is funny...
Mrs Ong,
actually what position is that huh? Izzit like our normal vscan? I will be doing it at TB clinic. Wow the clinic very small and the lighting very dull too. Actually abit scary. Haha. I still prefer to see Dr Fong at Paragon. Yes, i would prefer to speak to him personally than to pass msg. My friends told me that when they haave doubts they always speak to their gynae leh or the nurse helps them to pass msg and the gynae will call them back. They even have their gynae HP no wor. Haha.
Joy, something like u/s but there are 2 armsrest to support your two legs and hold you leng open and quite highup one lei.. very embarassing post...

Maybe next time can ask dr fong or the nurse to get dr fong to call back?

I will be going to TB on 31 mar too. Not sure exactly where it is.. anyone know?
Mrs Ong,
Dr Fong clinic at TB is just opp of Tiong Bahru Plaza. If u taking MRT, when u saw citibank turn left. Wow, sound very interesting leh the position. I am always very embaress to do vscan. Even Dr Fong asked me this is not my first time rite why so scared. Cannot imagine doing IUI leh. Haha.
Oh... but in circumstance if the nurse is really too rude, guess u just need to raise to Dr Fong personally. He'll take note. So far, I only complaint once to Elaine and Mindy about the temp nurse, really can't stand her. Almost faint with her rudeness. And so far I got Dr Fong called me once... Maybe 'cos mine was consider a case that need attention...

Joy07, no need to feel embaraseed lah... Quick and fast n will be done in 15 mins... Remember to stay relaxed and take deep breathe... Dr Fong will guide u...

Wow ur butt still pain... No worries about that... I felt progesterone jab is more painful than HCG, it really made me pain for 3 days...

I wish u success in your IUI, remembered to have a good night sleep, same for your hubby...
Thanks. Btw r u pregnant now? When do we need to take progesterone jab huh? Wow so many jab needs to take. Very scary leh. How not to be embarass? Whenever i do my vsca hor, Dr Fong will ask me to open my leg bigger leh. Btw where will he be standing huh?
Joy, not on ur left but and the center where he put the u/s scanner during u/s.. heheehee... he is not standing but sit there... hahaaaa :D
Mrs Ong,
really huh? Wow very shy leh. Why is he sitting down huh. Like that very pai sei leh. Omg, i cannot imagine he sitting there. I don think i dare to open my leg. Haha. If u r going to guan yin temple, think bugis one better. So far didnt heard of any guan yin temple at Hougang. Btw, why must pray Guan Yin? Any particular reason?
Mrs Ong, keep on trying, am sure the treatment will be a success soon! am telling myself this as well although i've not been having too good feelings lately.

I was taking progynova from the time i started this cycle of clomid coz dr fong says am taking the maximum dosage so the lining is likely to be thin...am too blur, the day of my scan i forgot to ask him how is my lining and funny he also din tell me...think he didn't record it too...only the size of the follicles...when i asked after the iui, he called me back and said he thinks the lining sd have been ok...but i still worry loh...i nly take one tablet 3 times a day instead of 2...duno why...Mrs Ong, it makes u more hungry after right? I will have gastric if I don't eat well before taking it...

Joy, all the best!!!
am excited for you too!and yah dr fong sits there and he'll have to have a good look during the iui, no choice...actually i even more paiseh when the assistant has to see also haha. Mine was the older one, wish it was Elaine instead.

by the way, who's the temp assistant puppy2006 mentioned?
how come the assistant need to see huh? Wow liao like that very paisei leh. I am abit hesitating? As for the the temp staff puppy referring, i also don noe. I only noe Eileen and Mrs Fong plus another young ger who is quite skinny but don noe her name.
Joy07, yes am pregnant now. I took twice progesterone jab, once after my ET, another round when I went back to Dr Fong for giddiness and bloatness... That's painful!

Yeh.. Dr Fong will be in front of u so that he could do the IUI for u... + his assistant standing around to receive your hubby's sperm from u and passed to Dr Fong. Remember to keep your hubby's sperm warm at body temp, best in between your bra n breast. Last round, Suyi was the assistant for him during my IUI, the skinny and soft spoken gal @ Paragon.

The temp, I would say auntie, don't know her name, short hair, wear specs and looks like in her late 30s, early 40s. When she speaks, she unglamour type. Can offend people and can vomit blood talking to her. I only saw her twice in Paragon
hey Puppy,
i noe who is that lady liao. She simply has no smile at all. She is very cool man. So u preggie thru IUI or IVF? Wow how to keep the sperm between bra and breast. Then how to pass to the assistant. Very funny procedure. I just cant stop laughing. Hahahaha

i took Progynova before too, before i transfer the embroys in. It is to thicken my lining too.

I rem abt 1 or 2 days before transfer my lining was not perfect but Dr FOng knows that I am going to cont the med so he says shld be ok on the actual day. Well the rest is history


what jab u took ? if it's progestrone I had it too. Ya can be quite painful and i feel sore after that. Imagine I had that for 3 mths !!! twice a week ....


I know which temp gal u referring to. She jab once for me too. Usually Eileen would do it for me.. and she is more assuring and gentle. And she will put a plaster for me after that. THat lady just administer the jab like that and never put plaster. I asked for it just in case it stain my pants and she keep saying no need !! angry !

But I din complain lah since I only saw her once.


dont be sad ok ... just give urself another try !!

Joy forgot to tell u .. during delivery, more ppl will be seeing your V ahhaha .. and yes Dr Fong will sit directly in front of your V to rcv ur baby. hahaa nothing to hide also ... dont pai say .. i think he see until sian liao
Joy07, my case is from SO-IUI converted to IVF so the procedures short of shorten... U'll know the IUI procedure later...

Yah, can't stand her 'cos I was supposed to have a walk in appt one of the sat.. so Eileen and Mindy already told me to call and made an appt before coming down... and they also didn't want me to spend my time waiting. So that Sat, I made a call and that temp picked up... I told her my appt was a walk in and registered for me 1st, she said ok. And when I reached there, she said she didn't register for me 'cos she needed me to come personally. I was fuming mad... So my hubby immediately complaint her to Eileen and Mindy. That Sat, all 'cos of her, I waited 4 hours, Eileen and Mindy felt so pai-seh and let me jumped queue... We also complaint a bit to Dr Fong that day... hee hee hee

Lbt, yah the progestrone jab is really painful... so far I only had it twice and I hate it... but for the support of the sac, no choice.
hey ladies,
i just did my IUI. My had a sevear cramp so Dr Fong gave me a progestrone jab. I don feel pain leh coz maybe Eileen and Dr Fong were talking to me. But during the last part where Dr Fong need to remove the instrument, i felt pain and complain to him. Haha. He said i very tensed up leh. Wow really very pai sei lor. He sitting there and Eileen also see my V. Can faint man. I didnt took the progynova coz Dr FOng my lining is ok. No need to take. He just asked me to take utrogestan.
Joy07, so the IUI procedure very "exciting" hor... I guess the cramp occured 'cos of your tensed up lah... no worry!

U better take good rest for this 2 weeks, don't get stress and try to be positive. Hope to hear your good news in 2 weeks time.

i took Progynova before too, after i transfer the embroys in. It is to thicken my lining also. i ask Dr fong why i must take this pills, he reply me that is to thicken my uterus lining.

About the progestrone I had it too, is quite painful, but i had that for 3 mths, same as lbt too. once week twice.

i know the temp staff to but i did not spoke to her before, But I didn't complain lah since I only saw her once.
i always talk to eileen n mindy, or Mrs Fong.But i can see the ladies face not do friendly at all.


I didn't not see u on last sat, when i reach paragon, i finish the consultation is around 12pm ler. I also watch HK drama too, my brothers bought 4 me from msia, i also a bigger funs of hk drama. Btw, me got msn too, can add me [email protected]

last week go to TMC for detail scan, get to know my twins bb everything is good, i n my hubby very happy to know our bb gender on that sat also. i having 1 bb boy n 1 bb girl. think i can close factory already, can start to go shopping for them liao.

lbt & kelcqi,

thanks for the info, so far i dun have this braxton hick as well. My nest appt is on 26th April 12pm. Did Dr fong ask ur to go back n think about which Hospital to go for delivery, he already ask me n my hubby to start thinking of this. so what hospital ur wish to go?
Joy, all the best! You really made it sound very exciting haha. When did you feel the cramps? didn't know that the jab helps in relieving the pain?
That's the temp staff you all are talking about? The one who seems to be older than all the rest? oh dear, she's the one who saw my V then and I was bit annoyed with her on that day, that's why wld have preferred Elaine.

Can I check with you all abt your V discharge? I usu have sort of whitish discharge esp before menses come...If now, I still have such discharge, does it mean my iui was a real flop and my menses r coming? Do you have discharge when you take those progesterone pills?
How come both Lbt and pettygal had to take progestrone jab for 3 months... Was it 'cos of your progestrone level is not that high??? I took crinone (8%) for twice a day and progynova...

Me too, love HK drama... Now looking for new drama serials around from my colleagues and my sister to watch... as I already watched most of the good HK drama serials... but I only like those modern one... don't like that "Gu Zhuang" show...

Congrats... 1 bb boy and 1 bb gal... so can really close factory liao... BTW, how many weeks are you into now?
Congrats on ur twins. One boy and one ger just nice leh. If i strike twins, one boy and one ger i will close shop. Haha. Btw, just to share i had 2 aunts who gave birth to twins. I didnt get to see u on that day leh. I keep looking for a lady wearing pink but to no leh. Think u had left by then. i had added u into my msn. But so far didnt see u and puppy online at all. haha

I am not sure why i have cramp leh. But the pain is terrible. Cannot walk and sit straight. My hubby actually asked me to stop IUI immediately since i am not feeling well. Lucky Dr Fong can continue but need to jab to relax the womb. I still feel abit of cramp now.

Btw, i had spotting now. Is it normal? Spotting can bd or not huh? Dr Fong asked me to bd tonight and rest for 2 weeks.

Hey puppy,
the recent drama i am watching is tai ji and mei li de 7 days. Both very nice show. Hey, now then i realise i bleed alot for my this jab. It is a patch of blood on the plaster instead of a dot. The area quite sore. I told Eileen that so much jab and pain i really wan to give up liao. Haha
I don feel anything after taking progynova woh.. Maybe my response is slow? Hahahaa..

No worries at the moment, I remember I was thinking this and that during the 2WW.. That's not good lor because you will get very stressful.. What you can do is, come to this forum and talk whatever with us.. hahaaa... the mummies here are very supportive!!!

To answer your question, I also have that whitish discharge but I am not sure if that's due to the medicine. But, forget about it at the moment, ok?

BTW, when are u due for preg test? Very excited for you
Jia you and be positive!!!

Joy, lbt,
I am 'adding oil' now!!! I will keep it up! Thanks!

Puppy2006, which series are u watching now ah? I just finished the mordern MIL and DIL one.. I had fun, very funny lei
btw Eileen said IUI only stands 20% chance leh. I also have discharge before my AF report. But heard that pregnant also will have lot of discharge. Today is ur DPO what? Very excited for u leh. Hope u graduate this month. Good luck hor.
Mrs Ong, progynova really makes me hungry! haha quite bad i may end up with gastric pain so have to keep a stock of food...but i dun seem to put on weight, underweight as usual...not good...

Joy and Mrs Ong, it's just been 1 week...ya i also heard chances are pretty slim in a way, what upsets me is when we can't explain why it fails...

funny, yesterday I dreamt of Dr Fong giving my hubby and I a lecture during consultation...lecture as in using marker and a white board haha. Also dreamt of my prev gynae...she was telling me that she will refer me to another specialist...it was all weird but i had a good laugh when I thought about it this morning

Mrs Ong, btw, how come u have ovulation +ve during menses? am a bit confused...last time during my SO-IUI, I was having this clear egg white discharge and tested positive for ovulation....was kanjiong quickly call Dr Fong and walk in for a scan coz I thought it was time for the iui...turns out he said the injections will somehow make the test Positive...LH surge related...
ur dream funny leh. Give ur hubby and u lecture on how to bd and tell u what position huh. I dreamt of Dr Fong performing csect for me. Then it was very painful without anesthetist coz he was late. Haha. So r u pregnant? Very confused. Not sure who is pregnant except knowing lbt, bbrooster, pettygal,kelcqi and Puppy.
Joy, no lah, it's 1 week past iui hee...we are at 1 week interval

haha u are funny lah...no idea what the lecture was about haha. OMG csect w/o anesthetist? i wd have ended up screaming in my dream haha
Faith, I also don know how come OPK showed +ve but I will check with dr fong and let you all know again

Jia you Joy and Faith, you all quickyly graduate then I will join u all in 3-week time

Getting more and more exicited about this forum...
had added u gals in my msn liao...

normally got time to chat @ night.. daytime, too busy with work... no time to chat and normally in invisible mode... so would see me offline even though I am...
Hi mummies,

I also have MSN. My add is [email protected]

Congrates Prettygal on your Long Feng Tai! Can close shop liao loh. Hehe, so happy for you... I dunno if I'll have another baby again next time. Hopefully if I ever get pregnant again, I get lucky and have a boy.

Dr Fong did asked me where I wanna give birth. I told him TMC. I did some research and that time I went TMC for detailed scan, I signed up for the FBI card. Cos we did the calculation liao. The FBI cost 140 plus, for detail scan minus 10 percent, hospital can offset 100 bucks, plus there is 6 mths free AXA hospitalization plan. So actually after everything, the card comes free, plus they have some goodies inside the bag, comes with CD, some small toys for baby, milk powder dispenser, free milk powder samples plus they have 10 bucks mighty savers vouchers for baby next time. So more worth it to give birth at TMC. And that day Dr Fong sent me for steriod jab, he asked me where I wanna go. I told him I have the FBI card, so he referred me to TMC also. 10 percent off the jabs loh.

But I heard from my cousin's wife and my colleagues. Usually Dr Fong will recommend MAH. And because Dr Fong very popular there, his patients all get treated very well at MAH also.

So you've decided where u wanna give birth already?

Joy, Faith,

Good Luck!
Dr Fong has a clinic @ MAH...which he usually goes there on Wednesday for surgery and I heard he's famous there... and the nurses and midwives love him... so of course got special treatment lor...

Anyway, I would prefer MAH, although am not catholic but I love the environment, quiet and nice... just like ESH...
yo yo !!

I would choose MAH again !!

I had such a wonderful time there. ALl the nurses aka sisters were so nice to me. And yes they all tell me Dr Fong is a very very nice doc ... they love adore him. When they knew I did IVF and succeeded, they told me Dr Fong's success rate is very high leh.

I dont know abt TMC, but I know some mothers who deliver in TMC dont experience the same thing as me. First MAH sisters are very pro BF .. and they helped me to train my gal within the 1st 24 hrs, every 3 hourly ! even in the middle of the nite .. and ensure that my gal suck well. I was so touched .. cos I told him I want to do full BF so they supported me fully. I have not come across any nurse that I want to complain abt .. so I would love to go back again.

the charges from MAH is slightly a bit higher than TMC I think ..


congrats !! envy sia !! really can close shop liao ! so happy for u !!

but actually u gals dont need to decide on hospital so early leh .. usually Dr Fong's nurse will help us to book when we are abt 8th mth pregnant I think ...

but he did highly recommend MAH .. even his wife delivers there.
<font color="0000ff">pettygal</font>
<font color="ff0000">Congrats!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mt Alvernia</font>
I have chosen to give birth there again. I agree the staff there are very nice. The nurses and midwives all sing praises of Dr Fong. And I really feel very comfortable in Mt. A. It's only about 10-15 mins away from my home. Very convenient for my hb to go back and forth.
Hey thanks.

With so many best wishes from u mummies, think my first attempt will be a success. Actually i am very anxious to noe the result too.

u passed the 1st week hurdle. That is fast. So we quickly graduates and Mrs Ong will join us in 3 weeks time.

i prefer MAH too coz i am a Christain. Haha
Aoys, I'll be full time mummy for 6 mths after baby is out.

Seems like all of you giving birth at MAH... Keke...Seems like I'm e only one going TMC. I'll share my experiences with you when I pop. Hopefully it'd be a good one also.

TMC famous for their food. My friend told me her SIL usually dun eat alot, but finish every bit of food when she stayed at TMC. Dunno is the food really nice, or she BF that cause her hunger. Keke...

MAH I dunno. But Mt E, I tasted their food also. Very nice n big portion. Last time I stayed there, my hubby finished my food when he saw that I cannot finish. He also said Mt E food nice.

Mt A confinement food is nice also. My mum taste it when I was there and she like it too. Dont worry

Rem to get the lactation consultant to assist you in breastfeeding. My left breast was not able to produce milk even though my gal has been latching on. The lactation consultant who is also my trainer in my ante natal class came to do massage for me and milk came out !! I was thrilled ! ehhe ... so rem to make good use of their services !
Mrs Fong is the one with long straight hair and small eyes. Think recently she put on spec too. Look up for her big diamond on her finger or rolex watch. She is super rich taitai. Haha

Keke, wat else I can get from the hospital. My friend told me to remember to get more milk(those in glass bottles) from the hospital to use as storage bottles for breast milk. What else we need to ask and get?

I nv see Mrs Fong before leh. But she sure rich tai tai, Dr fong earning so much... Dunno when I can be rich taitai like her also. LOL... (My hubby also surname Foong. Dunno why, Tong ren bu tong ming)Keke...

yes yes get the glass bottles from them. But they will not give u the caps as they are not resuable. U can get the caps from Pharmacy. However I only saw the caps in MT A pharmacy. U can chk it out when u r at TMC.

hmm every hospital give out different newborns gift. In 2006, I got a gold coin for DOG YEAR leh. not bad hor ..

heeh REN BI REN QI SHI REN ... so just keep on buying TOTO
Mrs Fong, very easy to differentiate from the rest of the assistants... She dresses differently, 1st look u already know she's not an assistant, secondly, she like to wear quite high heels or platform... Well... still not sure, take a peep @ those photos inside Dr Fong's rm... If I'm not mistaken, there are about 3 photos of her together with Dr Fong...
Lbt, you have any idea usually how many they'll give? My friend told me Pigeon sells those caps. 1.50 for 2.

Puppy, come to think of it, I think I met Mrs Fong once. Once hubby was telling me to look at her ring and her watch. Expensive stuff wor...

She and Dr Fong, I think they love nice watches. Correction. Dr Fong's Bell and Roses watch cost 15k, not 12k. *Faint* I wonder if he wear those in the delivery suites? Wat if dirtied his watch how???
