DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

aoys, it could be implantation?
am not sure when implantation actually takes place? anyone knows?

oh, Christopher Chen checked my tubes when I did the laparascopic. No problem with the tubes and i told dr fong too.

I don know if it is implantation bleeding but of course i pray it is lah...

anyone can share? the blood that i noted only when i wipping with toilet paper after urination. it is like 1 drop of thick blood like that.

emm, only abit bloating. you? still bloated?
Mrs Ong,
Think it is implantaion bleeding. U stand high chance. Good luck to u. The $5 that i am referring is transferring of records. Medi needs to pay separately.

This is my 3rd round of clomid. The first 2 round i try naturally and didnt strike leh. Dr FOng asked me to try IUI this round. Maybe i had hostile cervical mucus which kill the sperm. Not sure why too. Both round i had 2 follicles. Can we just go to any GP to have the HCG jab? Faith after IUI will have cramp. OMG my nightmare. U noe when i do my hsg test, the cramp is so terrible. I am very scared of this kind of pain. I didnt do any pap smear b4 leh. Haha
aoys, don't give up, am sure you can make it. Stay positive. You are still young especially in the eyes of Dr Fong. I started with him when I'm in my 29 going to 30 and he mentioned I'm still young, no worries.

I was diagnosed with adenomyosis and was given injection for 3 months to reduce the size of the uterus. After that, I was on clomid for 4 rounds and 1 IUI. However, my IUI failed and the clomid I took thinned my lining. Dr Fong suggested SO-IUI for me. I had my SO-IUI being delayed as I missed my menses for 3 months, thinking I'm expected. But actually was the after effect of clomid that caused me to miss my menses.

I embarked on SO-IUI with fear initially, especially injecting yourself daily but I just tell myself to stay positive. Like Faith, I've too many follicles from SO-IUI, Dr Fong gave us 2 choices, stop this cycle or convert to IVF.

We decided with IVF, luckily, it was a short journey, I just need to take another 4 more jabs for 2 days and 1 HCG to release the follicle before my ER.

It's a tough journey, I don't deny but I just have to stay positive. I'm thankful for Dr Fong for his patience and care to me during my this journey, I'm now conceived with 2 little fellows, though am in my 1st trimester, I've to stay positive. And I hope you too will and same for Faith.

To answer Joy07, IUI is not painful, just like pap smear, all you need is to stay relax and keep your bladder full. It's very fast. And a little spotting after the procedure. No worry, no scare, just take deep breathe and stay relax!
Hi Faith,

I am Dr Fong's ex patient for my 2 boys. I can share some of my past pregnancies experience.

My cycle is on average 32 days. and my ovulation is on D17, D18. During my first pregnancy, I noticed I had some spotting like brownish blood stain about 9 days after my ovulation. And on reading up I realised it is implantation bleeding.It is just tt day only. Near to D32, I keep experiencing those menses cramp like feeling. But menses didnt come. One week after i missed my period, I took the P kit and tested positive. But the cramp like feeling still there, followed by some spotting. These symptons of spotting and cramp like feeling is no good. It means that attachment of the embryo is not stable and prolong spotting to bleeding will cause threaten abortion leading to miscarriage.

The cramp like feeling is the contraction of the womb.

Dr Fong is very good in stabilising the early stages of the pregnancy. He will make us take the P4 and HCG blood test. This 2 tests will tell him whether the body has enough hormones to hold the baby. That's why some mothers has to take the hormones pill like those small white balls. If the pills is not effective, he will suggest we take the progestrone jab to further boost up the hormones.

FOr my second pregnancy, I am more experienced. I encountered the same thing with implanation bleeding aroud 9 to 10 days after ovulation, right away I suspect I am pregnant even I have not missed my menses. Right away I called Dr Fong cos it has same symptons like my first P. Dr Fong told me don't move too much see him immediately when clinic opens ( CNY period )

My diagnosis was all correct.I was indeed P. But second P very unstable, I had maximum dose of hormones pill and was given total of 6 progestrone jabs to stabilise the P. H leave for 3 weeks to rest as much as possible.

Took many times blood test to ensure the progesteone hormones is within the normal range.

So I hope my information is useful to some mothers-to-be.
thanks for sharing angel and puppy2006
am very scared to see any kind of spotting coz i will think it's menses hehe....my PCO problem is the other way round...when menses come, it doesn't stop unless i take medicine...

angel, progestrone jabs are painful?
dr fong had to give jabs based on your blood test results is it? scary...sme more H leave....oh man, i can't afford unless i quit haha

puppy2006, i worry about lining also...when did u realise ur lining was thinning? before or after your iui at that time? if i have no choice to go for ivf, will ask u and lbt more after

Joy, dun worry, the cramp (if any at all)is really very minor...and i din feel anything during my first iui...so u'll be fine
Yep, you can go to any GP, guess choose ur preferred one...fr mine, i paisei cut queue coz i told them have to follow the timing for the injection strictly :p

Aoys, am not sure if am bloated haha...coz sometimes it cld be the food i eat...

err did I say HIP HIP ? sorry ah pregnant woman v forgetful

Braxton HIcks contractions it the tightening of the whole tummy and it last a few secs. It may happens a few times per day. Dr Fong says if it happens > 4 times or so.. then gotta let him know. May need to put u on CTG monitoring to see if u r really having contractions.

aoys, joy

u r both very young. dont worry too much. rushing yourself may give you unnecessary stress. eh i had my 1st kid at 31 leh ... so what do u gals think ? ahha ...


yeah saw my little gal today .. she was real cramp inside my tummy liao ahhaha

she weighs 740g today at 24 weeks and I gained 2.3kg !! siao liao .. i kana warning from Dr Fong oredi. I keep saying cham cham cham .. he say not v cham lah .. ask me control this mth ahahha

btw the catheter is not painful at all .. I dont feel anything leh.


how now ? anymore spotting ? if it doesnt stain ur panty and only occurs when u swipe, it shld be implanation bleeding. and it is brownish in color right ? ehehe feel v excited for u nOW !!!
Hehe ladies, Me blur blur, dunno which dr you all talking abt. Still can tell you all abt LC Cheng. Paiseh, paiseh...

Prettygal, congrates! At least 1 is boy, can rest your mind liao. At least confirm you got help your hubby to chuan zhong jie dai le. Best the other bb is a gal. Then no more worries le. Good luck to you!

Prettygal, like lbt said, bratox Hicks are like little tightenings. You'll feel your tummy hardening, usually starts from the side to the center for my case. But if you experience it like me, 5-6 times a day, better don't wait ard like me. Call Dr Fong immediately.

That time my tightening came in, it never went away. It stayed harden for hours. Until I double dose the dosage to calm the womb. Thankfully when I check with Dr Fong, he said it's ok, as long as end result the hardening relax.

But he put me to Steriod Jabs cos he worried my baby will come out preterm. So steriod jabs to mature baby's lung. The jab is really painful! So my advise to you is try to rest as much as possible. Although I nv move ard alot, but still get all these, Dr Fong still always tell me to rest rest rest and best is Bedrest.
Lbt, how many kgs you gained so far for your pregnancy?

Me gained 12 kgs le, and bb only weight 1.2kg at 28 wks. I feel telling Dr Fong I feel very fat. He still never tell me to control my weight.
hi all, having real bad headache so take panadol and went offline. tot don want to take panadol but really cannot tahan liew...

lbt, no more bleeding even after wipping...it's dark red color then brown in second wipping they are in white discharge, initially, it was like some little 'xue shi' in e creamy discharge...

all, how is ur discharge like in early pregnancy?

really don know and now trying not too think too much...

joy, puppy2006
thanks ah.. i wish all u said come true

faith, i keep farting for e past few days, not sure it's related also...u hv this?
Mummies doing treatment. Keep going and don't despair.

<font color="0000ff">Kelcqi</font>
Your baby's weight is good. My baby at 27 weeks is 1.1kg. Don't worry too much about your weight. After delivery then we shed the weight. As long as Dr Fong didn't say you are overweight it should be fine.

I have put on about 14.5kg now. Think I will put on somemore. Somehow my appetite is bigger compared to 2nd tri. Maybe it's because I think I am going to deliver soon better eat otherwise confinement time cannot eat outside food anymore. So hard to control myself.
I hor, even before getting pregnant, I put on weight loh. I was 48kg before start ttc. And people said ttc better drink more milk, so i take a cup everyday lor, after 1 mth, i gained 5kg.. jialat, i was taking low fat one loh, but still like that...

So I stop. Take soya bean instead... but because I have imbalance hormone level, I was advise not to take soya bean coz soya bean has very high hormone inducing components.. Then I stop...

Recently because of iui, the medication all that, making me hungry easily, gain weight again - but my face like slimmer and stomach bigger, my GP said because of water retention woh, don know true or not also...

Did u all gain weight when ttc-ing ah?
Hi Faith

The progestrone jab is an oil base injection. A bit more painful than usual.Trust me Dr Fong is skillful in giving jab. He ask to give a cough and the needle is already in.

This jab is to further boost up the p hormones for those pp have symptons of threaten abortion.

The h leave is for you to rest and not to move too much. MY job I have to walk alot and going to production floor back to office. So he told me to restrict movement.

Another way, you measure your temp, if it remain high like slight fever then high chance u are P.

This is wat I did when I was ttc.

i gained abt 8-9 kg till now. cham liao ... still got 3-4 months to go leh !! last preg I put on 16kg ... and cannot shed off that remaining 5 kg until pregnant again. BF makes me hungry always ...


hey sounds like implantation bleeding leh. Ya take ur basal temp starting from tmr and see if it remains high ok ? good luck !!
my BBT dropped

It was increasing from 36.7 to 37.1 3 days after IUI and down to 36.8 yesterday and today 36.7... Sad lei...my average BBT is 35.5

I read some way saying implantation can make BBT rise or deep drop...don know true or not...

I read it from www.fertilityfriend.com.
Not sure it is reliable...

But all the while i heard is that BBT will stay high if pregnant... Think i got no hope but wait for next M loh...

sobs sobs...
BTW, got some brownish stain when wipping after urination since morning....it is on and off...

Think if continue like that, I will go take clomid tml and check if can increase to 150mg per day.

Thanks everyone for your support!!! They are really helpful to me as my husband is not around at the moment..
aoys, don't read into too much... maybe u did strike for this round...Just stay positive and I pray for you that your m will not come for the next 9 months...

Stay relaxed and maybe play some games or watch some TV programme...
thanks puppy2006...wishing it comes true...

ya.. watching hk drama now... do u like hk drama?

I know some of you are msian here, i am also a msia and spr... heehee
Aoys, Jia you! I dunno how to watch HK drama cos my cantonese really terok...

Bbrooster, Dr Fong never say I overweight. I guess cos that time he knew my MS very bad, and he assumed I lose quite abit of weight bah. In fact I lost only 4kg, and less than a mth when my MS is better, I put back the weight cos I got hungry every 2 hrs. And I gave in to temptations.

Now in total to the weight I put back after morning sickness, I gained 12kgs. Thats why I find it very scary.

Lbt, Bbrooster,

I heard BF will lose weight but we'll get hungry very easily rite? My friend told me she is taking 2 bowls of rice instead of usual 1 bowl. I am thinking if we really eat more, will it be hard to lose weight?
Kelcqi, thanks ya! Don worry about weight gain for now. I heard BF will help you lost weight faster after delivery. My SIL did BF also, and she lost weight very fast, within 1/2 year get back to pre-pregnant already then after that slimmer than before... She ate alot also...

So no worries, ya, she also got the post-natal message to reduce water retention...

sad to say ... a lot of ppl also tell me u cant possible lose a lot of wt during BF as I get Super hungry after each latch or pump !! and then I need snacks to fill my stomach before meal times ... so how to lose ??? But I know some ladies lose wt v fast due to BF. I guess the principal is to eat healthily.


dont think too much. if it fails, just try another round. U have all the time in the world ok ?
just dont give up on yourself !

oh btw I luvvvv HK Dramas ! use to borrow dvd before I had children. Now I rely on Cable TV CH 55 to feed me with the juicy stories ! ehhehe now watching DU CHANG FENG YUN. I heard the TANG XIN FENG BAO is nice and coming to Ch 55 too. Oh btw Joy is also big fan of HK Drama

last time I can finish those long episodes within 3 days ... think eat fast, and sleep v little just to catch the story ehehhe
i am not going for IUI this round as hubby cant take leave coz high key now. He cant even accompany me to see Dr FOng tmr. So sian. Guess i had to wait again. See what is Dr Fong suggestion tmr. haiz

why cham huh? Pregnant sure gain weight. Great to noe that ur little baby is doing well.

Mrs Ong,
I think u r having implantation bleeding. Try to test over the weekend. Btw, if ur menses not here yet, they cannot give us clomid to stand by. So whatever it is, got to wait till ur menses report. Me too, put on weight while ttc. Especially taking chinese medication. But i lost some weight due to the side effect of metformin.
Yeah lbt is rite. I am a big fan of HK drama. I can stay at home and watch whole day. No sleep also nevermind wor. Crazy fan. Until my hubby had to control me by keeping the remote control. Haha
BTW, what is the operating hour and day for fong's clinic in tiong bahru? Where exactly the clinic is?

I only know that the paragon one is open on tues and thurs 9 to 3.30pm and sat 9 to 1.30pm..
hahaaa, lbt I am watching the modern "ye man lai lai tai chin go shi lai" (cantonese)..

To chang feng yun i only watch abit, very nice too. I got all these drama from my fren, he bought them from Shang Hai coz he often travel to shanghai for business trips...

Ya, I don want to think about it any more. Try to relax the watch the super funny HK drama... And, I will see when to collect the clomid coz my fren even funnier, she collected clomid for next round on the day she did her iui... then nurse also suprised ... the reason she is doing that is because she is travelling to US during the 2ww...

Anywhere, talked to my hubby and think will try the next round...if really cannot then will go IVF to get twin...

becos I have gained too much lah ... eh I look v fat now leh .. v sian .. hope can lose wt better this time.


eh I dont know what show u talking abt ahha but anyway good to know u enjoying it !

btw hor .. do IVF may not necessary has twins .. just like me
Lbt, you got use massage after labour? They said massage will help in losing weight.

I hope I don't get hungry so frequently leh. Now very cham, sometimes in the midnite I got hungry, wake up nothing to eat. So times I eat supper before I sleep, hopefully I will not get hungry in the middle of the nite. I scare I develop the habit of supper then after give birth jia liat liao...

got leh .. the post natal massage is effective. But then dont expect lose a lot lah. Trimmed off few inchces from waist and thighs.

After delivery, shld not feel so hungry lah. Unless u did ur last pump and u want to eat something. Maybe make a warm glass of milk or eat some biscuits.

heeh saying is easier than done
Mrs Ong,

Don be sad. Me too. Always cried when mission failed. But u will grow stronger from each failure. Cheer up ok. See Dr Fong and see what he said. Btw, best to go and get clomid today since it is ur day 1. My appointment is 12.20. Maybe can see u there. Cheers.
Joy, thanks!

I went to took clomid and 1 more medicine - PROGYNOYA for thickening my uterus lining. My uterus lining was only 5mm the last time when i had the u/s. The ideal one should be 8mm.

My next appt will be on 31 Mar at Tiong Bahru, gotta pay $5 for the transmission of record then, no choise coz I have to do the scan on day 10..

Then will review my failure with dr fong bah.. sigh...

BTW, anyone taken PROGYNOYA before?
Joy, I went to see dr fong at ard 10am ah... Coz I could not really rest when I saw the blood... Will see you next time la

My next appt is on 31 Mar, 3.30pm at Tiong Bahru.
aoys, don't be sad... actually u can still scan on day 11 not necessary on day 10, then u need not pay the $5 tranfer fee of your record...

I'm taking Progynoya now... 3 times per day and will be for the whole 1st trimester... I took that when I did my IUI with Dr Fong last time... I took it after the IUI procedures together with the white pills (can't rem how to spell, uxxxxx).. am like u, my lining was not good.

My next appt will be 1st Apr @ 430pm @ Paragon... the last patient... anyone having appt on that day???
<font color="0000ff">aoys</font>
Don't be sad and don't give up.

<font color="0000ff">puppy2006</font>
My appt also on 1st Apr (Paragon) at 1030am.
Thanks everybody for the support.

I have already made the appointment on 31 Mar at 3.30pm. I am thinking of making it on 1 Apr AM but all morning appt are full already and afternoon only 3.30pm available; so Elaine said better go on day 10 loh, coz scare day 11 too late as last time i scan and got see forlicle size of 16.5 already.

Will call Elaine to see if anyone cancel booking on 1 Apr AM else will stick to 31 Mar 3.30pm.. Will talk to dr fong regarding the $5 and see what is his view :p

I wonder why dr fong know my lining not good then still go ahead with iui in last round lei... and did not give me Progynoya after that... anyone has any clues?
Hey just came back seeing Dr Fong. Will be going for my IUI this coming Monday. Today scan show that i have 3 follicles, 16mm, 17mm and 20mm. Dr Fong asked me to go for IUI since my eggs r ready. Eileen asked me to keep full bladder. Will be going for my HCG jab later at 9pm. Btw is the jab painful? I am very scared leh.
Joy07, great that u've 3 follicles and of good size... HCG jab is not painful but will cause slight bloatness. I always got bloatness when I took HCG. But remember to take a good rest after your IUI and pray success for you!

aoys, no comment why Dr Fong didn't prescribe u with progynova. Maybe u can check with him. Hahaha.. try to convince him to waive off the $5 charge.

bbroaster, you too, have an appt on 1 Apr... am suppose to see him on 29 Mar, but he got a talk so don't want to be one of the culprits to delay his talk.. decide to take 1st Apr instead...
can waive the charge? That day i went to see him at TB. Also need to pay $5 leh. Forgotten to ask him to waive. But i asked mrs fong wor, she said cannot waive. So does it mean that after IUI must take progynova? I must rem to ask him for that.
Wow Joy, congrats! You have 3 forlicles!!
Is this your 1st IUI? How thick is your uterus lining? So you will be seeing him at Tiong Bahru on Monday loh?
Is today your CD10? I am asking so many question...Hehee, I am over excited for you

BTW, what is the good size of a forlicles?

yes, i will ask dr fong why is that so for the progynova. And I will ask him to waive the $5, but I don mind even if I need to pay him, what I want is a successful treatment la...

BTW, today when I went to the clinic right, I found that the nurse is quite blur one leh, she gave me 1 box of Progynova - 28 tablets (taking 2 tablets 3 times a day) and clomid - 10 tablets, at first.

I am also blur blur kind, so I will just follow what she told me and don know what to ask so that to take better care when taking medicine or what, then before I went off, I suddenly pop out and asked her how many days do I need to take progynova, then she said 'oh ya, 1 box only sufficient for 4 and 1/2 days, but you should take more' then give me another box again...

I confidence level suddenly drop lei, coz i am blur blur kind and she also blur blur kind, what if I did not ask then how? Plus I know Progynova is taking too much will cause uterus cancer one lei...

Anyone has encountered similar problem? OR can advise what question should I ask when taking medicine from the nurse and seeing doctor.. I really blur blur today...
Mrs Ong,
who is tat nurse? Usually b4 i leave the room, Dr Fong will tell me what he will prescribe me leh. I still prefer Eileen and Mrs Fong. They r more details and careful. I also don noe what to ask. I only asked Dr Fong what i read from the thread or what other medi other is taking. Yup today is my cd10. I am suprise that i had 3 follicles too coz i am sick and had fever 1 week ago. Dr Fong also shocked when i told him i got fever coz he is afraid that it will affect my egg. To our suprise, it iss growing well. Actually i am quite scared. Later got to take inhjection. I am so scared of pain.
Nono, don worry about the HCG surge. It is not as painful, just let your GP know and ask the GP to ask you take a deep breath before putting the needle in... It will just have a little bit numb after the injection, and I have break out after that la... hahaa... no worries, ok?

Actually the nurse is Elaine ya.. I was quite suprised that she was like that coz knowing that she is quite good from this thread... I did not see dr fong today coz my CD1 so Elaine passed my questions to dr fong and dr fong just prescribed the medicine and said no need to scan, so I did not see him loh...

ah boh I sure see you in the clinic one, hahaa, but don know how you look like.. heehee...

Hahaa, maybe you fever is helping in the LH for the forlicle to grow better, hahaaa...
BTW, how is your uterus lining ah? ask him about the size and check if need to take any medication onot...
Mrs Ong,
i didnt asked abt the lining coz previously i didnt ask too and he did monitor for me. I also not sure abt the lining thing. Since he didnt mention i think sould be ok ba. I will ask him on Monday. See what he said. Actually what is the P medicine huh?
Oh Joy, I did not ask about the uterus lining when doing IUI too. But I only realised today that dr fong said my failure could be due to the thin lining... so sad coz it only measured 5mm...dr fong did not say about the lining to me during my scanning and IUI too...I don know it until today ya

Since I realised it today, so I tot it maybe good if can share it here so that you mummies can check with him when see him...

Progynova is for thickening my uterus lining so that it can support the sac...
Wow the jab is painful lor. My butt is numb now. Btw, did the GP give u back the memo to pass it to Dr Fong again?

Mrs Ong,
Metformin is for ppl with PCOS. It is a diabetic pills. Something to do with blood sugar and insulin. My failure is not becoz of lining. Dr Fong told me that my lining is ok. No problem with it. I only knew it when i went to see him during the day my menses arrived. So i also not sure what cause it to fail.
surprised to me that Elaine is blur...Maybe she's overwhelmed by the number of patients on Sat... Sat is terrible in their clinic. Normally she's the most mental sounded among all beside Mindy. There's a nurse more blur than them that I complaint about her last Sat. She's a temp hardly see her in the clinic... I only saw her thrice (including last Sat). Err, sometimes Mrs Fong also blur blur leh... but she's very cute and thoughtful...

So aoys, how many progynova pills are u supposed to take per day, last round I remembered I took twice per day (morning n night). But this round I took 3 times a day.

Joy07, no need to pass the memo back to Dr Fong.

Hey me too got msn, can add me [email protected]

We shall chat online at times...

Mrs Ong,
Dr Fong told me that i had one ready follicles, one will be ready tmr and another on monday. Hope it helps.
