DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

hi labbit
i m currently feeding my phoebe exclusively from the breast...now i try to intro her bottle as i plan to get back to work in another 3mths time..phoebe is 37 days old now...but she refuse to take from the bottle no matter how hard i try...i m using avent stage 2 teats. & i dun plan to keep my EBM for too long...have already throw away a lot liao...( so heart pain ) but i heard tht if i dun express them, my supply will drop...so a lot of my EBM wasted...any suggestion to get her to take from the bottle?


good that u want to start bottle feed ur gal.

I think ur gal knows that mummy is carrying her and she can latch on, so refuse to drink from bottle.

U try to ask ur mum or hubby to feed. see if it helps. if she cries, pass them your shirt, ask them to put the shirt on and feed ur gal.

yes pls express regularly to keep your supply ! dont throw away ! if u know u cant consume within 48hrs, keep it in the freezer immediately after u pump. U can keep it for 3 mths.
hi labbit

do you sterilise your breast pump after every pump or do you use many times a day? wondering if i can use multiple times in a day? i'm using the avent manual pump. thks.

yes i do. just accumulate bottles and pump and sterilise them all. then after that, keep the stuff in the steriliser for at least 30mins, and it has cooled down, pack all the things and it will remain sterilised. So means cover the milk bottle with teats and teats cover, put the breast pump in a air tight box like LOCK&LOCK. Then when u need to use it, it's sterilised.

btw are u going to be a ground crew when u return to work ?
thanks labbit,
so aft i use the pump, i can keep in the LOCK & LOCK container & use it again & again until end of the day then i sterilise isit?
will be returning to work in aug...have 2 go re-training agin in july. will still continue to fly...see can tahan for how long...cos i think i will sure miss my phoebe like crazy...if cannot tahan then mayb conside 9-5 ground job.
hi tinklebell
Dr fong's stitching skill is v gd...infact the 2nd day aft my delivery, i can get out of bed & shower liao, by noon i attend the post natal exercise class liao. Dr fong will visit u early in the morning the next day aft u delivery.
hi cocoa...hehehehe i agree wif labbit, y Dr fong treat u so nice har? i remember when i put on extra kg during my 3rd trimester, kana scolding...hahahahaha...btw juz eat wat u want...u'll lost those pounds aft u give birth...i lost 14kg the 1st week aft my delivery...actually it's not tht much cos my baby is 4.2kg at birth so + the placenta comes to abt 6-7kg liao...the actual weight i lost in my 1st week is abt 7kg.

err no no sterilise once, use once. not use over and over again ? ahhaah then not clean leh. got it ? ;)

oh u still be flying ! eh stressful for u to quickly get back in shape to fit your uniform ?

wow u lost so much weight ! i rem during my 1st week after delivery, my 7 yr old nephew asked me why my tummy still so big ! hahaha chey so depressing. But after 1 mth i lost 10kg in total... thereafter my weight drop slightly a bit and stagnant. cos i was always hungry during BF.
hi zoses,

Oh isit? i tot Dr Fong gave up hope on me alrdy cos this is not the first time i exceed his "expectation" haha.

Yah, i also eat watever i feel like eating these days..cos dunno when will pop den after that 1 mnth cannot anyhow eat. I also think this is the last chance to eat without guilt, cos after pop dun have any gd reasons to eat like nobody biz :p

These few days i have those cramp like feeling, but it's at the upper part of the tummy, isit a form of contraction?!

i think u r referring to Braxton Hicks contraction ? is it tightening at the tummy ? if it happens many times a day, pls see Dr Fong. I had mine at as early as 30 weeks then given 1 week mc and to minimise walking.

Real contractions wont go away and it will become more intense and frequent.
hi labbit
thanks...hehehehe i got it liao. will sterilise each time aft use. had tried all ways & methods to get phoebe wif the bottle but still nt successful leh...aiyo...headache...she'll cry like as if somebody's gg to kill her lidat...see already so heartpain so have to pour away the heated up BM...haiz..& give up...latch her on lor...wat to do?
btw i got no confinement lady or maid to help...only me & hubby taking care of phoebe day & nite...when hauuby works...i m alone wif her...tht's y can lost so much weight...sometimes so busy dun have time to eat oso...
hi all

this is my phoebe when she's 1 month old...we shaved her hair to make it into a brush...not used to her being botak....really hope that her hair will grow longer soon

heeeeeeee pheobe sooooooooooo cute ! and chub chub !!
eh i was like u, when I was home alone with my Rachel, i simply got no time to eat ! Now better, cos she can play on her own in the playpen ... but I dont stay at home with her now since I am working ehehhe

so did u try the method on feeding phoebe bottle ? dont work ?

ok i got some tips here from a friend .. u try and let me know ok !

> Some breastfed babies are smart enough to refuse the bottles if the mother is present since they know what's BEST for them. Do not be too worried first. Firstly, were you very near to your baby when you tried to get someone to introduce the bottle? It is normal for a breastfed baby to refuse EBM if he knows the mother is nearby and will be confused why wouldn't the mother be direct feeding instead. Most babies will not take a bottle if they know their mother is nearby, because they associate their mother with the pleasure of nursing. To begin, I would suggest you get away while you find someone to introduce the bottle. These are some of the ways that will help your caregiver to encourage your baby to taking a bottle:
- Try offering the bottle before the baby is likely to be too hungry, before his usual nap time, as he may be more cooperative about trying something new. You can try to feed the baby the bottle before she wakes up but in light sleep mode, you can tell by observing your child if she is starting to have somelight movements and on the verge of waking up.
- Hold the baby lovingly while giving the bottle.
- Wrap the baby in the mother's clothing with her smell on it (eg. your home wear or night gown) while offering the bottle.
- Instead of pushing the bottle nipple into the baby's mouth, try laying it near his mouth and allow him to pull it in himself, or tickle the baby's mouth with the bottle's nipple, just as how many mothers do with the breasts.
- Try running warm water over the bottle nipple to bring it up to body tempature, like the breast.
- You may have to try different bottle nipples to find a shape, a substance (rubber or silicone), and a hole size that the baby will accept more receptively. Some babies prefer a larger or smaller nipple hole or different nipple types and shapes.
- Try different feeding positions. Some babies will take a bottle better in the nursing position, others like to sit propped against the caregiver's raised legs (like sitting in an infant seat), etc. - Try to feed the baby while moving rhythmically -rocking gently, walking, or swaying from side to side - because this may be calming to him; some babies who refuse a bottle at other times will take a bottle when they are riding in a car seat.
- Insert the bottle nipple in to the baby's mouth while he is sleeping.
- Keep trying, but remember the baby can be fed the mother's milk using other feeding methods, such as cup or spoon, if the baby continues to refuse the bottle.
Some babies also do go on "reverse-cycle nursing", ie. drinks rather little in the day or when the mother is away, and go on a "nursing marathon" to catch up with all the milk feeds when the mother is back home.
Last but not least, keep up with your breastfeeding efforts. Remember that it wasn't a mistake that you have always offered breasts first to your baby as direct feeding is the BEST. Bottle refusal is usually a transitional phrase and eventually your baby will recognise that if you're not around, she will have to take a bottle as subsitute.
Heehee... lil' phoebe is a darling zoses! How did u manage without a CL? I wanted to do my confinement in June myself at first but decided to take my friends' advice to hire a CL eventually.

Labbit: That's a handful of bf tips there! Just wondering if you train your bb to get used to feeding routines as i wld like to train my bb from 2nd mth onwards? I heard a lot of bb like to use their mummies' breasts as human pacifier. Anyway to avoid this?

Oh, i finally tried the avocado juice at Alexandra V and the food at ABC Brickworks. I particularly like the claypot rice at ABC and i must say the revamped food ctr looks incredibly clean! Thanks for introducing me to another foodie haunt!
thanks so much for the useful info...will try them...i think we make tis mistake by offering the bottle to her when she's very hungry & when she hears my voice...she cry lagi loud...ya...i shd make myself absent when hubby bottlefeed her. will let u knw if method useful...hehehehe
actually i wanted to get a CL at 1st but heard so many horriable stories abt bad ones so put off the idea. if u heng heng get a gd 1, then she'll b able to really help but if a bad 1 will give u headache instead. if u think really cannot manage get ur mum or MIL to help wif the cooking. taking care of baby is actually ok lor. gd luck
hi labbit
had tried giving her the bottle when she's half asleep, half awake lidat, but she only takes abt 10-20ml, then when she realise it's bottle, she cries & push the teats away wif her tongue. then try tht "feed her while she's nt so hungry" method but she only manage to drink abt 20ml oso, then have to pour away the remaining heated up BM, think total had wasted almost half a liter of heated BM liao. mayb next time ask hubby heat up 20 ml 1st, if she takes then heat again, if 1 shot heat up 100ml then the rest all wasted if she refused. heated BM cannot keep 1 rite? haiz....btw ur rachael teething already? if she started teething liao...u still latch her on? will she bite?
hi zoses

yeah pls try and let me know ok ?

i personally dont have this prob cos I intr bottle to Rachel even before she is one mth old.. so she latch + bottle feed all the time.

my Rachel wean herself off my breast now so I dont latch her oredi.

Yes u shld heat up say 50ML of milk first then decide whether to cont bottle feed pheobe.

heated EBM can be kept for 1 hour, so if pheobe cannot finish 1 hr, u have to throw it away. usually I will reheat one more time if need to. So all these within 1 hr ok ?


luckily my SIL pointed out to me that I SHLD not latch my gal to sleep. that time I blur blur tot my gal is hungry cos can see her mouth searching for the breast.. so I nursed her then she fell alsleep like 1 min later ! so my SIL asked me to stop that and offer pacifier. And I did .. so my gal is now used to having pacifier and not the breast. Do it quick else ur bb will have a hard time when you are not around.
hah...my phoebe oso have tis problem...cry b4 she sleeps...thought she had nt enough so latch her on again, 2-3mins later she fall asleep, so tht's means i shd offer her pacifier? i actually dun wan her to start on pacifier cos some frens told me tht will affect baby's gum & teeth...isit true?

i think pheobe is looking for something to suck so she can sleep. Some babies are born to need this sucking action in order to go to sleep. I guess we cant deny the fact. Me too like u, refuse to give pacifier cos my mum has been asking me to intro to Rachel b4 she turns 1 mth old. So i gave in, after she turned 1 mth old and I feel it makes my life so much easier ! ehehhe she dont need me to put her to sleep cos she got the pacifier ! well .. now she is still using.

As for the side effects, I read that it is not true that it will affect the teeth but I still think it depends on individual ya ? so far my nieces and nephews who used it has no problem.

It's really up to you as a mother, cos u know what's best for your child.
So I guess no right or wrong lah.

oh forgot to add that, some babies do not like pacifier and they will suck their thumb instead. For me, I prefer pacifier to thumb cos I feel pacifier is more hygenic and easier to wean off in future. The thumb is always there so it's hard to ask the child not to suck it.
my bb recently kept "chewing" my nipple. IS it a sign of teething? But seemed early leh..she only 3 mth. What other possible reasons could that be?

don;t know is it because bb got used to bottle, at evenings when try to latch her on, she latch ard 5min, then refuse to drink liao...if i force her to breast again, she will yell and cry and struggle! why is this so?

ur baby may have nipple confusion ! heeh my Rachel had too then she slowly wean herself off. Somehow bb forgot how to latch on cos they require more face muscles to latch on than drinking from bottle.

Dont force her else she may develop negative thoughts of latching.
i thought if don't latch on, milk supply will go low? actually, i prefer latch on as it is fast and convenient...a lot of times i'm so busy either at work or at home (taking care of 2) that i express only after 7-9 hrs interval. very bad hor...
i notice tht there r milk scum on phoebe's tongue, how 2 remove lar, i've tried using a soft handky dipped in cool boiled water, wrap handky on my finger & try clean for her but only manager to remove the front part, the inner part of the tongue i dun dare to put so inside. my hubby says the auntie @ the chinese medicine hall recommended him 2 get glycerine to remove the scum, dunno whether isit save to use on very young babies...anyway he has bought a bottle of it. have u heard of tis product b4?

I know of some mothers who diligently pump at a fixed interval and managed to BF their babies for long. But of cos, latching is the best method to maintain the supply.


yes it's v common for babies to have milk stains on their tongue. one very old method recommended by my MIL and mum is to use a black cloth ! ahah dont ask me why cos I dunno too. My MIL managed to clean my Rachel's tongue very well, even the inner part !! I dont know how she do it. I am like you, can only clean the outer part.

yes I think I heard of glycerine. If u r not sure, give your PD a call and ask abt this medication. Safer this way. So meanwhile you can clean your gal's tongue after every milk feed.
thanks labbit
phoebe will b having her 6 in 1 vaccin jab on 24th...think will bring tht blt of glycerine for the PD to c if save to use.
my mum suggest tht i give phoebe some "yang shen" water b4 her jab, claim to reduce the chance of developing fever aft tht, u think will help?
sori...got another question...i only express once (which is the 1st thing when i wake up) cos tht time my breast feel so engorged, then i latch phoebe for the rest of the day wifout pumping. u think will tht affect my milk supply in the long run cos i intend to BF phoebe for at least 6mths...i didn't express tht often cos phoebe still refused to take from blt, then i c no point expressing so much lor...wat u think har? nid ur advice.
i dont know abt the yang shen thing cos I never gave it to my gal. Even if bb develop fever after jab, just give a dosage of Paracetamol (like panadol for adults) and the fever will go down. My Rachel develop slight fever after the 1st 2 jabs and after one dosage of med + nap, she is ok ! The Paracetamol will be prescribed by the PD, and if he doesnt give, ask for it just in case.

I think what you are doing now is fine as latching can maintain the milk supply as well. But I personally feel that you shld introduce bottle to ur pheobe sometimes so that you can return to work smoothly. And 1 mth before you go back to work, you need to establish a schedule of pumping and latching so that your body get used to it.
forgot to add ...

i think most of the mothers will latch bb first thing in the morning and then pump once before going to work. During ofc hours, will pump twice and latch bb when they reach home.
thanks for the info labbit
btw i'll be skj 2 b away for abt 5 days in july for my re-training overseas. will bring my pump along, thought of expressing & if cannot store then will throw the EBM away to maintain the supply..hopefully tis will help maintain the supply cos will start flts in aug...by then mayb i really gotto stop BFing cos my long haul can b really long...haiz...any advice so i can still BF phoebe even if i return 2 work? the thought of having 2 give up BF makes me so sad

wow u sound like a great mummmy to pheobe !! I really envy the determination of yours to BF your gal despite the inconvenience in your work.

yes you shld still pump to maintain supply. if there is freezer where u r working, store your EBM in the freezer cos it can last for 3 mths. once you reach home, continue to keep it in the freezer. thaw it by moving it to the lower deck of the fridge before u want to feed pheobe. remember tat it takes hours to thaw and feed your gal within 24 hrs, starting frm the time you remove it frm freezer. so note down the time.

BUT ! rem that you have done your best to BF your gal as long as possible. Dont blame yourself if you have to stop early !!
Hi ladies!

It's my turn to join in for "BFing talk"! i gave birth to my bb boy on 20 april natural with epidural! It took me 17 hrs of labour as i was induce....heng there is such a thg call epidural! hahah

I have some BF qns to chck with you ladies. When can i start using the breast pump to express? My bb have been latching on with the help of nipple shield cos i got flat nipples. Just now after feeding, my breasts till v hard so i tried using the pump but no milk. I only see droplets of milk when i use my hand to squeeze. isit normal??
hi cocoa

congrats !!! wow 17 hrs is very long ah !

actually you can start to express anytime ! it depends on individual lah, some prefer to latch on totally during the 1st mth then start to express in the 2nd mth onwards. I think probably your milk has not come in ? Did u get the lactation consultant to massage for you at the hospital ?

if not, u try to use a hot towel and massage your breast. It helps to incr the supply and let down milk. Dont worry, your milk supply come increase slowly ! jia you !
labbit...thank u so much...u r so encouraging
i hope i can BF phoebe for as long as possible..at least for 6 mths...but if i return 2 work in aug..then phoebe is only 5 mths old...will try to extend my no-pay leave for another 2 mths...hopefully will approve. think hv 2 stop BF once i start to fly cos aircraft dun hv freezer compartment...only normal fridge..we use dry ice to store ice cream for passenger in those styrofoam boxes...& the dry ice only enough for passenger use. somemore aft chk in hotel...the small fridge in the rm oso dun hv freezer compartment...& oso now wif the new regulations...cannot bring more then 100ml of fluid to the aircraft so...haiz...my job is so BFeeding unfriendly..
hi cocoa
congrats...welcome to the BFeeding club. like u ...i oso suffer quite a bit for long labour...mine was almost 30hrs...cervix very stubborn...dun wanna open...hehehehe
btw jenny the LC @ mt alvernia advice me to BF exclusively from the breast for the 1st mth...but i think mayb bocs of tis...my phoebe got so used to my breast tht now she refuse the bottle no matter wat method i try..but mayb ur baby is more adaptive...
for me...aft a hot shower..& ask hubby to massage ur neck & shoulder...when u r at ur most relaxed form...it'll help in ur milk supply too...& drink lots of fluid like soup, juice & the red date + dried longan water...gd luck

Maybe be not true, recently I flown back from Shanghai, I brought back 6 litres of ebm, some frozen some are chilled.My bag went into the xray machine and I was asked to go into the custom office.

I told them it is human milk and I showed my equipment in my bag and they let me off. I think baby food are exempted. Better check out than just stopping your bf.
hi angel
ya...mayb baby food items exceptional...will chk wif my co. abt tht...but most of my flts r to USA...mayb they r more strict...haiz...will c how..hopefully can continue. thanks for ur info.

U fly frequent to US, can get alot of kids and baby stuff there. Alot of variety from kid's babycare products to story books and toys.

Much more variety than here, some can be cheaper too. Check out those things like first teeth tooth paste, organic baby food, etc
Hi lbt and zoses,

Taking care of bb is so stressful! And breast feeding totally is even worse! :p

I started off with TBF, but i dun have enuff milk, so now have to supplement with FM. Initially i got blocked milkducts, that's y no milk when i pump. My post natal massage lady came yest for the first time n she taught me how to massage my breasts. Now my supple is better. Today i can pump 40ml fr both sides, which is 20 ml mre den yest!!
Now my bb have jaunidice, i rent the machine home for him to suntan, hope he will get better soon.
hi angel
ya...lotsa baby stuff from US...brands like baby gap, baby old navy, baby polo ralph etc...so much more cheaper there..the gerber products oso so much mucher & more variety too...
hi angel
almost 4got 2 ask u how u manage to maintain ur milk supply for so long har? ur small jun almost 1 year old rite? any particular food to take to maintain the supply? thanks...
hi cocoa
isit costly 2 rent the machine from hospital? if ur boy's jaundice nt tht serious, can let him suntan, but remember to cover his eyes wif a handky. bset time to tan is b4 12pm. the morning sun nt tht strong. btw oso try to cut down thr ginger & vineger intake in ur confinement food.. heard tht will worsen the jaundice if u r on TBF. for me i avoid ginger & vineger totally in my diet...& thank God my phoebe dun hv jaundice at all...mayb u can try taking vit D oso...take care

My baby is now 6 mth plus and going to 7 mths. I don't take much supplement now. Cos supply still > than 1 litre.

Initially, I take the organic mother's tea to boost and maintain supply. I drink alot of fluid a day, 3 to 4 litres of water. I am still expressing at regular interval, 6am, 10am, 4pm, 8pm and 11pm. I don't latch on now as I am already back to work and my baby has 2 sharp lower teeth.

My secret of such high supply, take alot of fish, I cook the soup bone and green papaya many times even after confinement.

And must relax and enough rest to get a good let down when I express milk. I use my headset on my hp with radio on when I express milk in the office.

Hope above info helps
forum, vita kids

Or any of your colleague fly US, can get their help to buy for you, much cheaper.

Organic Mother milk tea is the name. I was trying to look for a pic of it
Hi Angel, is the milk tea called Traditional Organic Mother's Milk that can be bought from Supernature and Brown Rice Paradise? How much is it and does it taste good?
Hi TinkleBell

Yes, that's right. I took that for the first 2 mths. Now my supply is enough for my 2 kids, so don't intend to further boost my supply.

The price I bought locally was $10.60 but when I buy from US it was much cheaper and I literally buy enough for 6 mths's supply.

It is like mild herbal taste. Those english herbs, you can add alitle honey to get the sweet taste too.

Oh, where did u get it locally then Angel? It is caffeine-free right? I saw a forum mummy selling it at $10 per box before which is rather steep isn't it? I might as well purchase direct. Do they do delivery? I am thinking of getting it before my bb arrives in June.
