DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

labbit, oh my your rachel is so sweeeet! i saw her photo at Dr Fong's clinic... hehe... she must be one of the prettiest babies he has delivered to warrant a space at his clinic.

i may just sign up for cordlife but not the insurance scheme offered by NTUC income. it's better to have a reassurance. now that i only have 1 more mth to go, so better make my decision fast. planning to go for their talk the wk after at Camden Medical Ctr and see if they have any promo. even Dr Fong said their promos can be quite good and really the differentiating factor between Stemcord and Cordlife.

actually my lactation consultant advised to establish a feeding routine after the 1st mth but only in the day. even when bb is sleeping in the day, try to wake him/her up to feed every 3hrs so as to free your night feed. as i haven't given birth so not sure whether it works or not but it certainly makes sense if you want to train your bb to stick to a feeding pattern.

doggies mummy, so u r the one who have twins! i seldom hear of twin boys some more, yours are really blessed 2 of a kind!

re: breastfeeding, i borrowed from my friends an Avent Manual BP and a Medela Mini Electric BP. Do i need to express BM to milk bags/BM storage bottles? Can i just express it into normal milk bottles? Do i need to get Avent bottles for the Avent MP and Medela milk bags for the Medela BP? now that i only have 1 mth more to go, i wanna make sure i have all the essentials ready.

hi labbit
yalor...now tht i think back...my delivery process like so chaotic lidat...everything tht happened like so blur 2 me lidat...mayb i suffer long labour...almost 30hrs...no food...only sips of water...tht's why i oso blur blur lidat...
i always believe in feeding on demand cos the problem wif breast feeding is tht u can't see how much ur baby drinks.. so whenever she wans...i'll latch her on...but almost all my friends advise me otherwise...tht's y i begin to hv doubt lor...thank u for ur assurance...i'll continue my feeding on demand skj...
ur rachel really very sweet...her eyes so big & bright...really a beauty

my phoebe was 4.2kg at birth...so now 5.8kg shd be normal lar hor...
hi tinklebell
i m using the avent pump oso...u can get the avent via storage cups...tht's a adaptor cap tht u can fix to the cup directly wif the pump...as for storage bags...u can use any brand...personally i prefer the gerber ones cos they hv the zip feature...better..compared to the other brands.

oh u saw the pic ! ehhehe

hmm i dont know abt the feeding pattern, but I just feed when Rachel is hungry. and She is very kuai lah... sleep thru the nite the 2nd week I came back to work ! so I'm not doing anything to train her.

rgd pumps and bottles:
U have to bear in mind that Avent uses wide neck bottles means those glass bottles (from those ready made milk u saw in hospital) cannot be use unless u get a adaptor. I dunno where to get it though. So if I use Avent manual pump, I will pump into Avent milk bottle.

When I uses my Medela pump, I can use those glass bottles as mentioned abv or any non wide necked milk bottle like pigeon, tollyjoy, NUK etc.

sooo if intend to use milk bag, I think most ppl would pump into a bottle first then transfer the milk to the bag. Avent one is cheap but you need to buy clips to fasten the bag. Gerber and Lanolin (i think) is good as it comes with a zip (like those ziplog bags) but the price is a bit steep.


eheh tks for ur compliment for Rachel too !!

feeding on demand now is becos u r still BF. but u have to intro bottle soon lor .. else u may have a hard time. I know of this mother whose bb refuse to take bottle and drink milk via sippy cup instead !!
ya...trying very hard to intro blt to her now...trying out diff brand of blt besides avent to see if it helps...hubby bought so much spare avent blts b4 i give birth...now oso no use cos i think phoebe dun like to use avent...
do u all usually store BM in milk bags or bottles? i am still contemplating to get bags or bottles/cups. what if i don't have BM, all these stuff will be wasted... heard some bags come with zip/lock which is better. which brands are they then? r these bags disposable ones or can be reused?

eh tot I oredi replied to your qns above ???

if u use bags, they ARE NOT resuable.

u can get those glass bottle from hospital. It's FOC. make sure the nurses keep them for u lah.

those bags with lock are like Gerber or Lanolin.


ya gotta keep on trying, dont give up ok ?
i believe phoebe will take one teat eventually.
hi labbit
recently i realise my breast nt as engorged as b4 when i wake up in th morning...is tht an indication tht my supply in dropping...now i express once in the morning only...abt 60-100ml each breast...sometimes i express 1 side only as i latch her on the other...then the rest of the day...i latch her wifout expressing. nid ur advice...so worried tht my supply will drop...
i m still taking the ngo hee fish bone soup & sometimes take fenugreek...
dun worry...every mother will hv milk...u juz latch ur baby as soon as possible aft delivery & latch baby very often...btw u can get the avent via storage cups if u r using the avent pump...juz get the adaptor 2 fix on the cup & u can pump & store straight away...if using btl, the juz transfer the milk 2 the storage bag lor.
hey labbit, sorry i blur already. must hv missed your advice. paiseh...

zoses i do have a few of those VIA cups you're referring to but i heard it can only be sterilized and used less than 5x. so definitely gotta look out for alternatives to store milk. thanks for your reassurance, i really hope to be able to bf my newborn like u all...

ya once u skip a session of expressing, ss will definitely drop cos you've sent a signal to your brain to not produce so much milk. but since u r still actively latching pheobe, you shld be able to sustain lah


no prob. I think that's the problem with the VIA storage cup, use less than 5x. I feel it's a heavy investment. and bear in mind, it is plastic, dont store too full (beyond the max pt) if you r freezing the milk cos when frozen, the milk volume expanded and the cup may crack. So once it is crack, u have to throw the milk cos it could have been contaminated.

Anyway I have been using either milk bottles or glass bottles for storage. can reuse always.
Hi Zoses,

As bb gets older, their intake usually increases and since you are latching on, supply will meet demands. But I ve thought over it, if once baby starts solid, the intake of bmilk by them will drop.

So in order to maintain your usual supply, you have to express more times to keep supply coming in.

My baby tends to sleep thru when he has a full meal of solid at dinner time so it means he can skip the night feed.

So my advice is to express out and keep the b as empty as possible to maintain supply.
What lbt said is true.

I am still not very satisfied with the via cups. When frozen, it can be very difficult to open up. Worst is when I warmit at the warmer, expansion make the cover even more difficult to open.

So I still prefer the collection in bottles. Of course my excess still no choice in those via cups cos I bought alot of them too. It still better than those old previous first generation avent plastic storage bags.
thanks labbit & angel

ya...the problem wif the storage cups is once frozen...lid diff 2 open...if aft 4-5 times of sterilisation...cup if ok...u can save it for baby's snack or those little biscults in future...the sales girl dun recommend more than 4 times of sterilisation of the cups...but i find those storage bags oso quite costly in the long run...currently i m using the gerber 1s
1 bag is abt $0.70 ( tht's the sales price)
if no sale think will cost more...
u intend to stop ur BFeeding soon har? went pap smear yesterday...Dr fong say if intend to stop BFeeding...he advise to take a medicine which will stop the milk flow...he say can get from him...did he inform u abt this medicine? i ask him if necessary to take tht medicine cos if dun latch on then mayb milk supply will cut by itself but he say better not cos the engorgment will cause fever & discomfort...
he asked me how long i intend to BF...i told him i hope to BF for at least 6 mths...he gave me tht shock look...then ask how can i tahan for 6 mths wifout proper sleep...i told him there's a lot of mummies doing tht for more than 6 mths & he seems quite shock to knw tht...hehehehe

i am still BF-ing.. Partial BF now. My gal is coming to 9 mths. So far so good.

hmm I dont know abt this med though .. but I think it will be good to take this med when u have abundance of supply and u want to stop. For my case, my supply has dropped so I'll BF till the day my well has dried up ! hehe

ya i rem he also asked me how long I wnt to BF, when I said min 6 mths he also gave me a shock look. Very surprising meh ??

so next time when I meet him, I will HAO LIAN to him ahahah

U should tell him, me tbf for baby now 7 mths. Make his eyes open bigger and more shocked !!

I am notoriously famous in his patient list. Cos those earlier mothers who have symptons didn't admit to hosp. Was being asked is it Ms A teach you all.Me admitted twice and asked for discharge cos he wants to induce me. I told him I don't want to be poked. Me had 9 days show and still go shopping and do own stuff. Only on last day I have very close contraction pain then I admit. Water bag also burst by itself.

Cos he suaned me, don't come out newspaper headline, another mother deliver in taxi. Told him if really baby coming out, I walk to the nearest hosp, if in orchard, just walk into Mt E, anyway there are drs there too !!

Same here, me also will do tt, still say my ebm can even give to my elder boy. See what his expression like.

Hahaha ... step on his nerve again

ahah u lah .. on his blacklist liao ... eh u go have ur 3rd one .. get a gal this time then go see him again ;)

btw i have 2 cols seeing him now also .. but think they are not so daring as us .. always argue with him ahah


btw those med to stop BF hor .. hmm heard will make the breast smaller. that is quite a well known side effect.
hi angel, labbit
yalor...dunno why he seems so shocked when he knw we intend 2 BF for more than 6mths...dun tell me his wife BF for a while only meh? hehehe
btw when i told him there's a lot of mummies doing tht for quite long...he shake his head & "aiyo"...
tht day 4got 2 ask him if the medicine got any side effect besides wat labbit says...breast will b smaller...aiya...tht 1 i dun mind lar...juz wanna knw if will affect future milk flow cos i intend 2 hv a 2nd 1 when phoebe is abt 1 year old...

sooooo chubby !!
i like her 2nd pic. in fact she look different in these 2 pics. hehe enjoying your motherhood ?
Wah Angel and Labbit, both of u r very rebellious leh, both of u must be v stubborn mummies... Dr Fong is afterall your gynae leh, baby and your lives r in his hands in a way... ;)

Zoses, you're thinking of having a 2nd one already? That's fast! Hehe... Your Phoebe is so chubby, must be the nutrition she's getting fr the mummy's BM. How much does she weigh now?

ya why he not pro BF meh ? next time ask him if got a chance to meet him.

ya I also worry if affect future milk supply leh. hmm not v sure though, unless we know the actual name of the medicine he is prescribing.

no lah, not me it's Angel aah.. I very kuai one.. Dr fong says to put me on drip to induce contraction I say ok lor .. never go against him
but we just like to chat with him during every visit and gossip if we can ehhe
labbit, angel
4got 2 ask u still latch ur baby on or juz express & feed? if latch on...then they bite..how har? btw the 6 in 1 vacc..u gals take the complete package wif the chixpox & hep a? did u gals take the pneumococcal n rotavirus as well?

my gal wean herself off my breast when she is abt 7 mths old. so now I am expressing 100%.

u mean pheobe bite u now ? or is she comfort sucking like treating it as pacifier ? if she bite, tell her she shouldnt. my Rachel bite me when she is abt 5-6mths, I beat her hand/cheek lightly when she bite.

yes I took the 6-in-1 jabs, prevnar (pneumococcal) and rotavirus. Now left with 1 jab for prevnar when rachel turns 1 yr old.

Rotavirus has to be taken before bb turns 6 mths old.

btw how much did u pay for the whole package? kinderclinic's 6-in-1 including the hep a n chickenpox is 780 n the prevenar n rotarix package is 770. phoebe going for her jab next mth n we need to decide if we wana take the package.


my phoebe is abt 6 kg now....
no lar...phoebe haven't bite yet...juz ask in advance cos baby will start teething when they r abt 4 mths isit?
motherhood is hectic lor...very tiring...wif serious deprive of sleep...like no life of my own...but when u look at her...everything is worth it lor...rite?
Hi zoses,

For the kinderclinic package does the $770 includes consultation or just the jab? I'm trying to decide if I shld send my bb to PD or GP to take the 6 in 1 jab. Any advice??

When we brg bb for the 6 in 1 jab, will the PD do a general chck for the bb too or just take the jab and go?

Btw, must i brg my bb for a chckup when he is 1 mnth old?

Regarding bfing, i also have the impression that Dr fong not v pro bf.
When he visit me 1 day after i gave birth, my bb was latching on and my nipple bleed even when im using the nipple shield. Instead of encouraging me he told me "u better express next time" hahah

Oh yah 1 mre qn, wat shld i expect for the first chckup post natal chckup?
the $770 does nt incl consultation. u oso gg to kinderclinic @ MAH? for me...think it's better to go PD cos they r specialise in baby mah...normal GP like nt so pro lidat...i rather spent a bit more for a PD. they'll do a general chk to c if baby is healthy enough 2 take the jab.
my phoebe took her 1st 6 in 1 jab when she's 6 weeks old...gg for the 2nd 1 on 19th june.
the post natal visit to Dr Fong will be the pap smear test. if u still hv spotting...better postpone.
whoa...u so naughty...dare dare dun listen to Dr fong...hehehehehe...i remember tht time when my phoebe was overdue by 2 days...he very kancheong liao...ask me go MAH induce cos my cervix dun wanna open at all but baby already overdue...like u...i wanted things 2 happen naturally so i waited for another 2 more days...he called & ask me go to c him & put me on CTG...when i c him...he ask if i've 4gotton to go hospital...hehehehe...in the end i kuai kuai go MAH induce lor.
4got 2 let u knw the $770 is the rotarix & prevenar only.. the 6 in 1 vacc ( wif chix pox & hep A ) is $780. so total is $1550.
the normal 6 in 1 vacc package wif out the chixpox & hep A cost $550.
eerr I think I didnt take the package. oops !

aah I just take the jab and pay.

I am not comfy with GP handling bb. Just a few weeks ago, my rachel was feverish so I brght her to a GP. GP just take temp and chk her gums and say she is teething. Then the next day her fever has not subside so I brght her to my usual PD. PD did a v thorough chk on lungs, ears and throat then conclude it's throat infection. so u know why u pay so much for a PD ! And I feel more insured with their advice, they specialise in this area mah.

i think bb teeth at different age and I think 4 mth is quite rare. my gal hasnt teeth yet even now she is 8 mth old. but with or w/o teeth, it is painful when they bite !!


when u go to the PD for jab, they will do an assessment of ur bb and record in the Healthy Book. They will take ht, wt and head circumference then ask u some qns on bb's development. On the 6th mth visit, my PD chk for my gal's eye alignment as well.

oh yes if bb is not feeling well such as having cough or flu, better postpone the jab.
Yes, when bb is unwell, no jab is allowed. Dr will access. My baby jabs have ben delayed since he has been unwell all these while since the last time bronchitis.

Me also PD for my kids all the way since birth. cos one time with my big jun, went to usual gp, he gave him the cough mixture, made him sleep whole day.

My big jun had teeth at 3rd mth and small jun started teething at 4th mth. Lower one is totally erected and now is top front 2 coming out. Can't imagine now I latch him on, my b sure kena dracula holes when his teeth bite in. Anyway, that's only my imagination, many mothers bf till their kids are 3 to 4 yrs or even older. They can be taught, not to bite with their teeth. Accident do happen.
Hi ladies,

Thks for the info.
Dr Terrence Tan fr MAH has been seeing my bb since birth. I'm quite comfortable with him but MAh abit far fr my place leh.

I think i will brg my bb to PD Dr Ngiam at Gleneagles. Nearer to my place.
hi labbit, angel
i read from a lot of books tht we shd only start weaning when baby is 6 mths. then only intro 1 teaspoon of cereal in the 1st week of weaning, then slowly increase to 2 teaspoons the 3rd week...the rest of their diet is still milk...but my mum & mil say can give cereal or porriage as a complete meal besides milk...juz wondering how did u gals start ur weaning pattern?

I am seeing Dr Ngiam at Gleneagles too ! he's a very experienced PD.


I intro cereal to my gal at 5th mth. My PD has been nagging at me to start semi solid food since she was 4 mths old ! ahha he's a v relaxed PD and he says why we deprived bb of the good food in the world ! haha but I delayed till 5th mth as advised by my mum and MIL.

u have to start slow... i gave my rachel as snack first .. then slowly intro her cereal in one of her milk feed but not replacing it totally. Then increase the amt gradually until u replace her milk feed.

u have to be v patient cos some babies may not take it so easily.

they also need to get used to be fed with a spoon.

Yes, U have to start with one spoon at a time. Baby have to learn to eat and swallow. Cos initially sure very messy as they are learning. Going slow also can help you to identify what food trigger allergy.

My PD didn't want me to intro solid till 6 mth ++ but instd she gave me iron supplement for my baby at 5 mths old. Now baby is still vegetarian. I only start meat at 8 to 9 mths.


U ve to intro egg yoke to your girl. Cos later stage there is one jab related to the hi-protein in egg. If she is allergic to yoke, ve to tell pd.
Egg white only to intro after one yr old. By the way, bb can intake one egg each day. Good for them cos they need the protein and also there is high choline good for bb brain dev.

is it ? wat jab is that ? ya I intend to start too ... just boiled the egg and retrieve the yoke and feed ? is it v dry ? or shld I mix into porridge ?
My small jun is on one solid meal during lunch. Weekend I give him abt 2 meals at dinner too.

This weekend I will give him buttersquash same like pumpkin. Now going slow cos he just recovered from flu.

Btw, lbt, zoses, I ve alot more kids teaching materials to let go. No time to post take photo. Will stimulate kids' dev. Don't know if you all are interested too.


hv you done up your sand paper letters ?? Soon bb cruise can paste on wall to teach them

If I am not wrong, I think it is MMR. Not sure too. Cos I was reminded by my first PD when big jun time.

U can use pan fried them, hard boil is dry.

Yes, U can mix into porridge too

pan fry them ? then it will oily ? can i cook together with porridge? like wat we eat outside ?

haven put up the sand letters .. wait till Rachel starts crawling .. she still learning leh .. slow...
if u got the time...can let me knw wat books & the title? i m keen...currently i hv in hand "how smart is ur baby" by Glenn Dorman & "1st time parents" by Dr miriam stoppard. any gd books abt weaning?

ya...my mum oso did mention b4 abt giving baby egg yolk when abt 6mths...think u better chk wif ur PD when is the best time 2 give. then u let me knw ok? hehehehe thanks
btw do u gals know where i can buy those mat whereby i can put my baby on to let them roll n crawl? those that i saw r quite small....looking for a big one to put in phoebe's room...

labbit, angel

usually by which mth will the bb b able to roll herself over.... noticed my phoebe is trying to roll on the tummy now....
labbit, angel

my fren juz bought me a set of baby einstein dvds....wondering if u gals let yr bb watch tv.... some of the dvds r for 0-3 mths....

Yes, my boy watch mostly non-fiction dvd I buy from US website. I do not intro cartoon to him. They are fantasy.

So far he likes to watch construction site, space shuttle astronomy, farm, police rescue, etc.

US site has alot of good educational dvd for kids. Only once a while thomas train that's all.

Baby will start to roll once the neck is firmed, starting from 4 mths onwards. Dev is from head, neck, shoulder to body, hip area then the legs. Each phase you will notice changes till they start crawling, then crusing and walking.

my mum told me not to let bb watch tv as their eyes are not fully developed yet....i oso don't know who to believe because there r so many dvds in the market for bb....anyone can enlighten?

usually by 3-4 mth, bb will be able to roll over from front to back, and by 5-6 mth to roll from back to front. But again, different bb different progress, these r just guidelines. My 4 mth old bb can only do the front-to-back so far...so i'm giving her more practices to buck up...
