DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )


how much is ur gal drinking now ? dont worry abt ur supply, just give whatever you have in stored for her, and supplement with FM.

Btw do u experience a letdown during pump ? if u do, u will have more milk. You can search the web on how to have letdown faster such as massage prior and during pump or drinking hot water.

before u go back to work, u need to know how much ur gal drink when u r away ? For me, I prep 4 bottles for my mum everyday. if u r working OT, then give another bottle more. U need to bring ur pump to work and a cooler bag to transport ur milk. u also need to decide how to sterlize ur pump at work. For me, i sterlised my pump at home before I leave work and keep it in a LOCK&LOCK box. After my first pump at 11+ in ofc, i submerged my pump in hot water in the LOCK&LOCK box and leave it there for like 1 hr ...

ok in summary, this is what I do everyday:

1) morning at 6+am, latch gal first then pat her to sleep.
2) prep 4 bottles of EBM for mum
3) express milk
4) sterilised pump to get ready for work
5) 11+am, first pump in ofc
6) sterilised pump in hot water in LOCK&LOCK box
7) 4+pm, second pump in ofc
8) sterilised pump when reach home and pump at 11+pm

EBM can stored in fridge (lower deck) for 48 hours only.

You can only mix EBM express within the 24hrs in a bottle for eg mixing milk from today's 10am and 4pm cos they are expressed within 24 hrs.

EBM can be kept in freezer for up to 3 mths but I only give frozen EBM of <= 6 weeks due to the nutrition levels.

hope I am clear

yes, I've letdown when I start pumping. However I find that recently, i can't pump that much out..only ard 60ml, used to have 100ml. too little right? if I pump twice in ofc, then at most i can collect for 1 feed for the next day. bb is now on total BF, like that how to sustain baby for whole day?

i can pump much more before, wonder is this due to milk supply going low or the way I pump?

how many bottles did u bring to ofc? and what do use to label your bottles?

rem to buy a can of FM on standby in case you dont have enough EBM. Are u stressed or u have not been drinking enough fluids ? U can try nursing tea from MomsInMind.

i bring 4 bottles to ofc cos I use dual pumps. I use masking tape to label my EBM.

it's normal for bb to have pseudo constipation. pseudo means not genuine. so dont be worry. their poo poo will not be as regular as before. now my Rachel poo poo timing is quite fixed. She will poo almost everday at 7-730am.
thanks 4 ur advice! i tried massaging b4 express & it helps.

It's really a lot of hard work and perseverance to continue BF after returning to work...hmmm, hope i can hang on to it for at least 6 mths.

welcome !!
i think if ur boss and company is ok with u expressing at work, i think BF for 6 mths is possible. I will continue to BF for another 5mths+ !!

btw here's Rachel latest pic:


See my latest pic of my 2 heros at home.
Time really flies, small jun now 5 mths. Same for me I will pursue bf for anther few mths as big jun also taking it.


hey they look sooooo alike hor !
and so fair .. aiyo so envy .. my rachel v tan like me ahha

but ur Big jun seems to have slim down a bit right ?

u took the photos in studio ?

Yes big jun is stabilising not like younger days putting on 1 kg each mth. Also partly when he falls sick, he loose appetite.

He has grown taller now, 1 metre and weigh 17.5kg.

Small Jun is now 9.6Kg and length is 71cm. I won't start solid yet let him have as much b milk as possible. Just given him rotavirus.

I took them to the Peter Pan studio, free voucher as I took up the package when had small jun taken by them when in Mt A.

There is resemblence in them and u are right small jun is fairer than big jun.

pd dr ask whether I have northern mogolian blood... Of course not la !!

haha why ur PD said that ?

ahah I think ur small Jun can catch with his gor gor very soon !!

I have started Rachel on cereal, porridge and baby biscuits. Seems to enjoyed milk and semi solid food but dont seem to gain a lot of weight like ur small jun hehe

ok lah .. gals musst be slim hor ?

Small jun is very fair at birth, and pd said he has those ang mo fairness. I told Pd dr, my ancestors true bred chinese.

But hubb side is descendant from portuguese.

oh really ? so ur hubby dont look chinese too ?

hehe Rachel was mistaken as non chinese during birth too.. some asked me eurasian or malay ? faint ..

My hubb eyes are deep-set only feature tt look more ang-mo.

He has a few cousins, very fair skin, like caucasian women but black hair.
Dear all,

I'm back at work. so fast hor.. sian.
so envy that u gals still have BM. my supply stopped after confinement.

btw, my boy has lots of red rashes on his face despite i clean his face after every feed. why huh?? how to clear them??

I am not aware of this website too !! wah .. business must have been good ! ehee wonder if he still maintain the fengshui plant in this clinic.


wow time flies !! how's boy doing ? any pics ?

you can seek advice from PD or skin specialist if you think the rashes is bad. Alternatively, just wipe it cool boiled water after every milk feed. If not, it could be due to his hormones ?
hi mummies
had anyone here use the pigeon breastpump? i m currently using the pigeon electric pump but can't seems to pump any milk. but when i use my hands to express...got milk. dunnu isit the pump no gd or wat. any brands tht u gals use tht is gd. i knw medela is v gd but quite ex. if really hv to get medela...any particular model? i desperately nid to express some BM cos tues gg back mt alvernia to restitch my wound. Dr fong say i move too much...dunno isit oso due to when i try to pass motion...i use force....tht's y the stitching down there burst a bit. i had natural birth btw. anyone here had encounter this problem b4? any advice?
hi mummies
any gd recommendation for PD? Dr fong recommended Dr simon ng @ mt alvernia but bth me & hubby nt really comfortable wif him cos whenever we ask him questions...he dun seems to give us the ans.

Where u staying?? My pd is in parkway, she is quite an experienced pd. Her name is Dr Vasathi.
Can check out her clnic number is 63424821. She is also at the clinic on monday night

If u intend to bf for 6 mths at least, try to get the electric one. More efficient and can xpress more milk.

i am using ameda. currently can get it at robinson. It is ex cost $350.
Hi all,

I've visited Dr Fong recently at the Tiong Baru clinic and saw his new charges. It stated that mc costs $5. Does this mean when i request a mc during then checkup, i have to pay an extra $5?

i did not encountered the tear u mentioned when I gave birth. I think everyone is different but do be careful.

I use medela electric dual pump before and now I am using PIS Traveller Pack from a friend. the medela electric is ok but i have sore nipples after using for a few mths. However most of the mothers who use this model does not have this prob. ANyway u can get BIGGER funnels to fit the size of the areola. THe electric dual pump cost $280+. I bgt it at $240 at Robinsons.


I think I saw this MC charges before but I did not paid for it before. Prob u can clarify with the staff ?


forgot to tell u .. that time Dr Fong ask Dr Terence Tan from KinderClinic at MT A to be my PD at birth. Heard he is quite good and his q is always very very long. Anyway ... I have switched to Dr Ngiam from Singapore Bb and Child Clinic at GlenE. He is very good and experienced and he specialises in lungs related prob.
Hi labbit.. very fast hor.. have mms u my boy pic.

zoes, Dr Fong has recommended Dr Terence Tan from KinderClinic at MT A as my boy pd too. But didn't go to him cos mt A quite far for me.
hi missy dale,

dr fong just gave me a MC recently asking me to rest but I was not informed on the MC charges though. i find to charge $5 for a MC is not very ethical. as sometimes as pregnant ladies we really need to rest.
Hi all,

This is my little Phoebe when she's 4 days old. She weighs 4.2kg at birth. Was so surprised cos Dr fong told us she was abt 3+kg only.
thanks angel, labbit & msworri for the info,
labbit, how's Dr Ngiam's charges like? i think i nid 1 tht's gd @ lungs problem cos when i deliver my phoebe, her shouider got a bit stucked so Dr fong asked the nurse to get dr simon ng immediately, thank God nothing serious & my phoebe gotto stay in ICU for abt 4 hrs for observation ( to play safe) but i notice she always breathe very hard...which worries me.
labbit, can give me Dr ngiam's no.? thanks.
hi mummies...
juz wondering u gals feed exclusively from the breast for the 1st mth or got mix blt feeding as well. i m giving phoebe 100% BM but for her 1st day discharge from the hospital, i got no milk so i got no choice but 2 give formula so stop her crying & screaming. aft tht went back to mt alvernia lok for jenny, pay $42 for a consulation on breastfeeding & how to boost milk supply, now got plenty of milk but dunno whether to pump out ornot cos my phoebe refused to take from the blt when i try yesterday. wasted 60ml of pumped BM.
hi mummies,
my phoebe sometimes didn't poo daily. isit normal for breastfeed baby for i shd consult a PD if her problem persist?
& oso other then the 1st chk up @ the PD 4 days aft birth...when shd we bring baby to PD again? isit the 1st mth jab? & wondering u gals take the 6 in 1 jab or the individual ones? sorri arh...me got so many questions...

My baby is also on abt 95% ebm, only one night feed with f milk.

He does not poo daily. It is absolutely ok, I asked Pd dr before. U just need to take more fruits and inc your fibre intake can help a bit.
This is what I am doing daily drinking lots of fruit juices.

As what pd dr said, if tbf it is like that and baby can fart out so smelly. As long as baby is passing lots of urine daily, it is absolutely ok for her.

Me gave my baby 6 in 1 jab. And also rotavirus.


my understanding is:

for 1st mth, bb poos > 1 per day. It can be after every feed.

but most importantly, she must have 7-8 wet nappies per day to indicate that she is taking enough fluids.

monitor her lips to see if she is dehyrated too.

I gave my Rachel 6-in-1, pneumococcal and rotavirus vaccination. You can call up the clinic and tell them which vacinnation you want to take up and they will advise u when to bring your baby to the clinic for jabs.

You can call the GlenE clinic at 62356706.
thanks so much angel & labbit for the info.
btw i notice my phoebe does throw out quite a bit of milk aft abt 10 mins aft the feed. the milk tht she throws out loks like "tau huay" is tht normal?
angel, labbit.
nid ur advice...shd i pump out my BM since i have plenty now or shd i wait till i was abt to get back to work then start pumping. my phoebe refused to take from the blt ( i m using avent stage 1 teats )

If she is drinking well, and gets impatient, normally by second mth, I change the avent teats to stage2. for 1 mth baby. Even now my baby at 5mth still using it.

Release out the milk, if you don't empty the b, your supply will drop.

Never mind, just freeze them and rem to date and label on the bottle.

It is normal that bb will throw out a bit esp during burping. My baby is still like that but it gets lesser and lesser as he grows bigger.

I was also shocked your bb is > 4kg and delivered naturally. Did you push for very long ?? NOt easy for you !!
my gal also dont poo poo daily, ever since she started 2 months old. sometimes she can tahan until 5 days then poo poo. PD told me is ok for BF babies as long as the poo poo is not hard or having weird colour.

my gal also vomit out a few tablespoonfuls of milk after every feed..worse times came out frm nose! PD 1st suspect is i overfed bb, then later ask me to reduce amt. PD also suggest i try thicker FM. i tried all suggestions, bb still throw out, but slowly lesser amount.

if u baby is always throwing out, u can see the PD. It could be the reflux problem. My Rachel used to have that too and she regurgitate milk quite often. So PD suggest i put a few drops of RIDWIND in her milk and carry her upright for at least 30 mins after each feed. If bb fall asleep after milk feed, lie the bb on her side in case she regurgitate milk and wont choke on it.


yup, it's called psuedo constipation and nothing to worry abt, as what your PD mentioned.

when u say thicker FM means more powder ?? Tot shld follow the guidelines on the tin else baby will be sick leh ...
no, there r special formula which are thicker, esp for vomitting infants.

R u girls still taking the DHA pill? Do we have to take as long as we're breastfeeding?

oic.. ya my PD mentioned one FM to me before but becos i am BF my gal, i din take notice.

yes I am still taking calcium and the neurogain fish oil. and I drink one cup of EnfaMum every morning.
last time i was told by 1 lady working @ Fong's clinic that calcium pill have to be chewed, and cannot take together with the fish oil. Is that true?

1) how do we ensure that our BM has all the sufficient amount of nutrients that bb needs? Do we need to take supplements like multi-vits, iron pills,etc?

2) if bb is taking FM, all the vits and minerals all listed, so u know that each feed consists of all the necessary nutrients for bb's ultimate growth...but we don't know how much of such vits and minerals are in our BM...yes, BM is best, but I believe that depends on how well the mother eats...but how well is considered well?? If the mother is not eating that well, does that mean that it is better to give FM? Does that mean that each bottle of EBM contains different levels of nutrients?

3) I've a bit of iron deficiency all along, does that mean that my BM will not hv enough iron? If I take iron pills, will it help? But iron pills will make one constipate, so will bb constipate as well?
thanks labbit, msworri, & angel
brought phoebe to Dr terence tan @ mt alvernia yesterday cos very worried abt her throwing up problem. wanted to go Dr ngiam but clinic closed early. btw it's really the reflux problem tht labbit mentioned. he suggest we give her gripe water. ( 5ml gripe + 5 ml water). hubby bought a rocker, so we could keep her @ 30 deg tilted aft feed. hopefully all these can solve the problem.
ya...we didn't expect her to be this big cos when Dr fong did the scan ard my 38th week, it shows 4kg but he say mayb machine got problem so he estimated my phoebe ard 3.4kg. anyway, aft delivery, the nurse weight her & told us 4.2kg, i could see the "shocked" look @ Dr fong's face, then he say next time muz trust his machine more...hahahaha...
i m still taking the neurogain fish oil but stop my calcium liao...think i better take calcium too...btw any brand oso can or have to get the same brand tht Dr fong prescible?
u can take calcium 2gether wif fish oil. but cannot take calcium 2gether wif iron pill. i've asked dr fong tht other time this qusetion too.
your PD can tell is reflux so fast? need to do any test or not? how come i went see PD twice, and yet PD cannot tell me it is reflux? btw, do u chew or swallow the calcium pill? thanks

i told the PD tht my phoebe throw out aft abt 10-15mins aft feed & the milk tht she throws out lok like "tau huay". so he say it's the reflux problem. if ur gal has the same as my phoebe, then most probably is reflux problem. dun nid to do any test to detect but if its very serious, then he'll do a "acid reducer" but he dun recommend for very young babies. u can get the "grip water" for ur gal too. as for the calcium pill, i remember dr fong ask me to chew, he say lidat better.
