Dr Charles Lim Mt E

hi Lilian, i found this from IVF support thread. Hope this can help you
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
IVF Do and Don't
IVF Sistas.xls (27.1 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi gingerbreadger &amp; bambiniangel!
How are you all today? TGIF

Felt like puking a few times after taking blackmore conceive well..anyone had this prob?
Mel, maybe you can reduce the dosage to slowly let your body get used to it?

Previously, I took the GNC prenatal, and then after I reduced the dosage (from 2 to 1 pill per day) and I feel much better.
thats why i always 'forget' to take the conceive plus medicine.. i have difficulty swallowing them and i always feel a little light headed after eating them. (maybe psychological). haha..
hahaha... welcome mel and tub, our thread seem to be more n more ppl involved! jia you!!!

i still in my 2ww, today is DPO9, again, nothing special enough to say here! no signal!!! haiz... hope i will succeed this round, quite emo these few days, maybe bcos of high workload, hubby is busy playing new game, i feel tat i am so lonely... two nights before i cried bcos of lonely. i dunno y, just have a very empty feeling and started to cry! haiz...
hi kate.. think you must be stressed. *hugs* Being 'emo' can be a good sign too? If you are alone, do something which you enjoy doing alone? watch your fav show on TV, surf net, do some online shopping..
Ayana, I am taking the minimum dosage for conceive well...it comes in 2 diff type of pills...really horrible smell...

Hi Kate...yes jiayu!!hope you will succeed this round...sometimes cry out also better than you box up your feeling...I am also a crybaby..hehe...high workload can certainly be very stressful. Oh ya...I have finally threw in the towel after 10 years of continuous stress at work. Felt great and hopefully no regrets. Going to relax and chill at home...
thank u everyone! Must hv faith that it will be successful! Dr lim is good and u gals can trust him. I like his nurses too! Heehee...

Can I ask u gals about the procedure for ivf? When do we start seeing dr lim and what is his protocol like? Thanks!!
Thanks, bambini angel

Thanks, dragonhopes

Kate, hugz, dont stress urself, i heard this period is important, must relax, stay positive n rest well.
Kate dear, don't be sad! We are all here for u. U r not alone! But but.. Crying for no reason is a good sign

Today my Dpo12. This morning temp drop agagin after Dpo8 so acne pop out and all symptoms showed AF is on her way. One things is I have no tender breast this cycle. Actually I felt more release now.0, can plan for next cycle, can plan for a short trip.

Can suggest me any place fo go for baby-making? We are run out of idea. firstly DH can't take long leave 2ndly I don't want to spend a lot. Have to save for fertility fund.
Hey ladies,

Me and hubby are seeing Dr Lim this coming Monday for the first time. Any tips on what we should be asking?
really thanks all gals here, i feel better now, Opsss... like tat does it mean no good news????
maybe this month really stress me up, workload too much, these few days work till 11pm, damn tired, oni bd once on my big O day for my whole cycle, oso stress me up, plus my dh resigned this month, so this month no salsry for him, his company give advance pay one, so last month no pay! his new job started on 1st of OCT, however his new company pay at end of month, so my salary have to substain two person for this whole month, really drain me up!and somemore hubby leaving singapore for reservist on 17th oct to 2 nov, so i will be alone facing my in law, which i dun feel comfortable, is discuss with my dh to let me stay in my mum house during weekend while he is away! haiz, my in law r good to me, just tat sometimes they tend to question me alot such as: when i going out with my friend, they will ask when will i be back, dont go too late, my hubby know abt it anot? if tat is a short meeting session, my mil want always requested to tag along one, then she go shopping, i go meet friend then later go home together, which i really dun like she tag along, bcos she give me pressure of dunno whether she alone shopping will feel bored anot! which usually this make my meeting session shorten! haiz, she is good oni one big negative point is too sticky to me!

Thanks Bambini, yah i think i am stress up for work, plus hubby is leaving to Australia for reservist in 3 weeks time, therefore i broke down, anyway take ur advice, i am surfing net and play some stupid games to pass my time, heehee...

wah mel, u so good can chill at home, i these few days work till 11pm everyday!!! finally is weekend, can relax a bit, i cannot tahan liao, so i take leave on monday to enjoy a long weekend. hahaha... just to calm down for my emo, realised tat i need more rest after crying, therefore i apply leave lor.

tub, i not doing ivf with DR Lim, anyway, he usually dun recommend ivf to u first! but i do ivf in NUH last year b4, so wat u wanna know, can posted question to me, i can reply u based on my experience lor. but i may not able to reply u fast, i today got lots of thing to settle, i cancel my SCV, cancel my Handphone line with starhub today. so pardon me if i reply u late! shoot me with all ur doubt!!! hahaha...

thanks lilian, i am trying to relax myself n not to think too far n negative! yeah yeah, jia you!

my dear Dragon, thansk for stand by me! u r my cycle buddy for two cycle liao! hahaha... i today DPO 10, temp drop abit to 36.70 at 5am, as i suddenly open my eyes so just take lor, after tat i sleep back without out of my bed, then later ard 7am, i wake up again, this time i take is 37.05, how come leh???? cant figure it out!
anyway, u can try batam or bintan 2 day 1 night cheap and good, can relax, no much thing can do, seafood to help ur dh strong strong ahahaha.... 2 person trip plus spending for me and my dh last time to batam is ard 3oo bucks in total.

May Ying, welcomes! just go with all ur previous report to let him browse through then he will recommend to u which of his plan is most suitable for u instead, then u can ask him y he choose this plan for u! bcos all of us is diff senario. mine is straight plan b which is iui, as my problem may a bit tricky than other gals here, the rest is mostly plan A which is eat clomid, take jab then do natural by ownself, plan C is ivf which he usually wont recommend u as it is quite expensive, PLAN A, medicine + gonal f jab+ bd is ard 500 bucks, PLAN B iui,medicine + gonal f jab+ insert ur dh sperm into u is ard 1500 bucks, PLAN C is ivf, ocst 14000 bucks.
Welcome all newcomers! You get very good support here and everyone is so friendly here

Lillian, you can start conceive well anytime during your cycle. You can get the pills at guardian, watsons, or unity. Just look under the blackmores brand.

As for soya bean, I did read that it hinders ovulation and my TCM also warned me not to take too much. We don't have to totally cut soya bean off our diet, I believe moderation intake should be okie. For me, I used to take 2 cups of soya bean milk everyday for more than a year but later cut down to maybe one/two cups per week or so. Mine was exaggerated intake then so I think it's reasonable for me to cut it down. But if yours is just normal moderation intake, I guess you should be fine.

Mel, I hate taking conceive well too! I have gastric problems so will feel terrible taking them. So what I did was to take them straight after dinner, on a full stomach. This way, it eases my stomach alittle and I would still gag abit but bobian, gotta force them down.

Dragonhopes, how about bintan? Just one hour boat ride from here and can still buy duty free alcohol at the jetty to enjoy them in bintan! *wink* I find taking planes will disrupt my ovulation. It happened twice to me. Or just go on cruises?
Kate, I can only chill 2 months later, as my notice period is 2 months...so long dunno how to drag myself to work everyday.
I'm visiting Dr Lim this morning...hopefully he can advise me on my next step. Had a m/c about one year ago and have been trying till now. It's so tiring....
Kate! Hugs hugs hugs.. I think your mil loves you! Which is really a good thing
hehe.. Maybe she also gian to go out shopping so when she heard you are going out, she jumped at the opportunity to tag along! Hee.. I also agree you should go over your moms place to stay for a while. My mom always wants me to go over and stay. I think our moms miss us too! You can go massage, pedicure with your mom to relax.

Your bbt is still looking good
take the 7am one bah. More accurate. But don't care about the symptoms. They sometimes lie to us! Jiayou yeah. Big big hug to you again.
Phy, taking flight affect ovulation?

Yeah! Actually we r thinking abt club med all inclusive resort. Don't need to step out from hotel and get a total rest! Bunyan club med is a good idea.

Sigh! I just woke up. Today Dpo13 but I see red
not sure it is spotting or real but definitely no no for this cycle! Nv, will jia you again!

Kate dear, I keep my finger crossed for u

Is always make us feel better to stay with our mom. I miss my mom too! Me even worst, my mom so far away from me. Talk to ur DH lo, don't keep it to yourself ok! All happiness, unhappiness,disgrace shd share with him! Just like our wedding vows
Kate, thanks! Actually dr lim din mention ivf but I am kan cheong cos hitting 35 Liao. So I dunno if I should do one more iui or proceed to ivf. Ok my qns:

1. When do I see dr if I want to do ivf?
2. How long is the process?
3. What medication both oral and jab are we expecting? How many jabs?
4. What is er or et and what are the procedures like? Can we be up and going after the procedures?

Thanks so much!
Hi, the clinic was quite empty today. When dr lim saw me he said.."still not pregnant!" I said ya loh.. Haha.. The lady before me is expecting twins! ( dr lim showed me her scan photos, I could see the heartbeats, this is so amazing. Dr lim said it was ivf). Well, as for me, I only have 1 possible egg on my left, and nothing visible on my right. Told dr lim I am not taking any clomid for the time being. Was given 4 shots of gonal f n double metformin to take this month. Hope my only hopeful egg will grow big in time. !;)
today the clinic was empty? I wanted to see him today but the nurses told me that this sat was packed. Haiz...

Can I check with you ladies, when is a gd time for the first visit? while period is here or when is over?
Bambini, this month will be yours
last time,Dr.Lim also showed Ayana baby photo ( if I remember correctly) then Ayana conceived

What's the size? Going back to see him again for this cycle? So gonal-F will b on which CD?
May, I visited him towards the end of my cycle. Just want to start to do necessarily blood test before procedure start. But actually I think first visit on CD7 will b fine
hi tub, my experience was with Dr Stephen Chew in NUH, not with Dr Lim, the medicine and jab name and the procedure may abit diff, i heard my iVF Doc said tat young women will take long protocol, above 35 women will take short protocol. so during tat time i oni 28 yrs old, mine is a long one! below is my best answer to u:

1. When do I see dr if I want to do ivf?

ans: if u not yet do any report or specific on the hormones blood test, u better go on the 2nd day of ur mense, so doc can take ur blood test and examine r u lack of some hormones tat which may affect ur ovaluation and womb lining! two test will be taken, one is on 2nd or 3rd day of ur mense, another one will be on 21st of 22nd of ur mense cycle. if ur hubby not yet take sperm test, doc sure ask ur hubby to do sperm test, best for ur hubby to keep his sperm for 3 to 7 days, to have best result, too short, little sperm volume, too long quality not good. if all test report u have it and result is within one year then must see when u decided to do it, if provided tat the hospital or gyna can let u do immediately, u dun need to queue up, then u may go on ur cycle start or after mense. if u need to queue up then anytime u want lor bcos u r on waiting list mah!

2. How long is the process?
ans: mine is long protocol, till u know the result whether u preg or not is total ard 6 weeks.

3. What medication both oral and jab are we expecting? How many jabs?
ans: if u decided to do on oct, example: ur CD1 is on 1ST OCT, then doc will give u superfact a jab to suspress ur hormones on 21st of OCT, jab for 14 days continuously, till 3rd of NOV, then change to Gonal F jab for another 14 days, if u got PCOS or ovaries disorder like me, the dosage will be higher and more jab, mine is ard 17 days of Gonal F tat time, in between u will need to see doc for scan to check on ur follicles quantities and size and take hormones blood test too ard 3 times, if u have enough follicles in right size and hormones test passed then give u a jab which must take exactly 35.5 hours before ur ER. then ER lor.

4. What is er or et and what are the procedures like? Can we be up and going after the procedures?
ans: ER is egg retrieve process where doc will put ur to sleep as the procedures is quite painful i heard, bcos i oso sleep during process so i dunno the level of pain can be endure anot! ER is always at ard late morning or early noon, on the day of ER, hubby will go take up their sperm in clinic, then late morning then u come for ER, as the lab need time to prepare hubby sperm, which ard 2 to 3 hrs. then they will take out all the eggs u have in ur follicles except those r too high up on the ovaries then cant retrieve, not all of ur follicles contain eggs, mine got 18 follicles oni 6 eggs, i got a problematic ovaries, heehee... then eggs will sent to lab with ur hubby sperm to do lab procedure which let the sperm go into the egg, if u doing normal ivf, lab will placed ur hubby sperm on the eggs in a dish(small plate) to let the sperm invade ur eggs naturally under mircoscope, once the egg is fertilised, they will keep it in a fridge kind of look thing to keep it under room temp. if u choose ICSI ivf, which mean ur hubby sperm test result is not good, then u must choose icsi ivf, the lab will choose the best of the best sperm ur hubby have then inject it into ur eggs to fertilised it, bcos if ur hubby sperm not good, the sperm may not able to fertilised the eggs itself! after ER, ard half hours to 1hrs u will wake up, but u must be on bed for another 3 hours to let the ma zui yao gone, a doc will come visit u, after 3 hrs, and doc will informed u, u got how many eggs retrieved just now. then u may go home then wait for 3 days later come back do ET, Eggs transfer loh. within 2 days, clinic will call u to confirm u r fine after ER, then the lab will call u to updated u on the fertilised eggs condition, mine 6 eggs oni 2 fetilised, other all cannot make it and die off. then 3 days later, u go back to clinic for ET, u r fully aware of wat doc during ET bcos u r not put to sleep on ET, 1.5 HRS before ET, Pls drink at least 2 litres of plain water to make ur bladder full, oni full bladder can do ET, dun urine 1.5 hours before u ET, full bladder will press on ur uterus to make ET eaeier for doc, so ur precious embryo can insert in smoothly! after ET, the nurse will ask u to continue hold ur urine till u cant tahan, u cannot push urself or use strength after ET for 2 hours to make sure that the embryo was not push out by u!!! then u will sleep on a inclined bed, which head below and leg up position for 2 hours, then u may go home, then take care of urself, ur mc will be given since the day u ER, so 19 days after ER or 16 days after ET u will go back for work. on the 14 days after ET, if u nv see red, then go back clinic take preg blood test to confirm BFP! if u see red before day14, faster call clinic for emergency blood test to test whether ur ivf has failed or u r near to miscarriage, so if u BFFthen try again, if u BFP, u might need to take hormones jab to protect ur babies lor! tats all! jia you!!!! and hope u got good news to share wif me and other gals here soon!!! very soon!!!
Dragonhopes, yeah lor. Both times I went travel, both times turned out annovulatory/ ovulation delayed. I attributed it to the flights! Haha. Or maybe it's just me. Hee

Bambini, all the best yeah. The patient before me was also having twins that time and dr lim showed me the scans on the screen and asked if i wanted to be like the patient. Hee. I also BFP the month. Jiayou yeah! Ping chang xin
Hi everyone...

1st visit to Dr Lim yesterday. Even before doing the scan, he was already quite sure that I have PCO...cos i told him that i conceived naturally last year but m/c due to blighted ovum..upon hearing this he was sure that i have PCO..then later he did a scan and confirmed that indeed have PCO...

I visited a few gynaes before Dr Lim, and none of them told me that i have this problem. So now at least I found out the cause and can focus on the treatment. I will be starting off with Dr Lim's Plan A first...he gave me metformin to start immediately + duimin (when the ugly witch visits me) and will call them for appt on CD8 for my first ever jab..

Currently still in my 2ww...looking forward to next cycle...anyone here experience any side effects from taking metformin?
mel,congrats on visiting the right doctor! i oso got PCOS, so far no side effect for me, some friend claim tat they got headache and some even lost weight! mine nothing! anyway u r in 2ww... same as me, i dpo 11 today! jiayou! but dr lim did told me, if u got pcos, even u preg still must continue eat metformin, it can reduce the chances of miscarriage for those pcos ladies. so just carry on with dr lim, and good luck to u!
yes..my dears! i will jia you! :> Fingers crossed.

The metformin made me so sick last evening. (stomachache and nausea).

yeeks, i made plans for a 1-week holiday during my Ovulation week in Nov. I didnt know that there is a possibility that flights can affect the ovulation. But phy also makes a lot of sense, flying at high altitude and pressure in the aircraft cabin can affect the body. Plus im also quite gan cheong type when it comes to holidaying.

Dr lim asked me to go plan B, but i explained i will still stick to plan A for a few more months. Dr lim is so supportive.

MayYing, Yes, the nurse told me the same thing when i called to book, but when i arrived on sat, it was actually very empty. Actually it doesnt matter which CD you visit dr lim on your first visit. He will look at your cycle dates and advise you accordingly, starting with metformin. (if you have PCO/PCOS).
bambini> dont worry. u jsu need 1 egg. teh month i conceived, i aso oni had one good egg.

kate> hey, after you realsie that you r pregnant, u shld stop on metformin immediately. it reduces the chances of miscarriage when you conceived during the course of eating metformin.

i dint had any side effects taking metformin as well.

baby dust to all!!
Yes yes, I remember Dr Lim showed me the baby US on the machine on one visit!

Kate, issit you hear wrongly? Dr Lim says metformin is eat until pregnant. Once u found out then dun need to eat metformin liaao.

Ya, the last sat is quite empty. Dr got more time to talk to me. mine's a singleton and we saw the heartbeat flickering on the screen liao. =) baby dust and carebear shine to everyone!
Hi Kate, you mean, you paid ~ 14000 for ivf previously? Really very ex.

Actually I thought also dr lim said that metformin will be taken throughout the pregnancy too. I guess everyone's case is different ba..

I dunno what lei.. Have been having the runs ( diarrhea) past 3 days. I wonder if it is the side effect of metformin or gonal f or flumicid. But previously no prob.

Any more updates from the first time visits to dr lim?
Kate buddy, I ended my cycle today! This cycle is really short.
I'm seeing dr.zou now, a bit sad! She said my post-O temp too low, not easy to get pregnant.

Hope she can help me to tio my body
Kate...you mean even after u get pregnant, must continue with metformin? To my understanding, dr said continue eating until discover that u r preggy...

I started on metformin...felt bloated n nausea this morning...hope either tomorrow will be fine or I have to get used to it...

Dragonhopes, I was seeing a Chinese physician too. But dr said just follow 100% western...so I better listen to him.
Kate, so u doing iui with dr lim? Or u plan to do ivf? I am only scared of the injections... V troublesome... For all my iui jabs I go to gp but if hv to inject everyday for ivf I dun think I can do that!

Trying natural this cycle and seeing dr Zou for Tcm but if this fails, I dunno if I should do a 3rd round of iui. Sigh... Failed 2 iuis Liao from June to now. Dunno if it's becos older Liao. Dr lim asked me why so tough this time? Cos strike 1st time iui with my girl.. Fwah..... How would I know???? Sigh...
dear tub , i am doing iui with Dr Lim, in Aug, but failed, will try iui again in Nov lor will stop sep and oct cycle for iui is bcos my dh will not be ard in singapore for 3 weeks, so bo bian have to stop. i personally think that ivf is really tough bcos u will need to continously jab for 28 days at least wor, so quite tiring and painful! i will try iui till i really drop of the idea of conceiving! wont try ivf anymore! too stress mentally, physically and financially for my dh and me! after ivf, my mense totally harwire for 3 to 4 months, my emotional take 6 months to recover! dun really wanna make myself into such stage again.

bambini, my ivf with NUH is 12k, minus 3k govt subsidies, 6k medisave and only paid 3k in cash on the day i do ET. and is weird tat oni u and me heard Dr Lim said Metformin take thoughout preg how come Ayana, mel and Ginger heard is opposite of us leh??? xiang bu tong wor! somemore we all having same doc!!! confused now! hahaha...

mel, since we got advise from ginger and ayana not to take metformin when u r BFP, then dun take safer! bcos i abit of confused now, heehee...

Dragon, i saw pink yesterday and today, today is my DPO13, very sian bcos i got no next cycle to plan, dh is not ard, plan for next next cycle seem too far for me, haiz... my temp post o is not a problem, i assume lah, bcos my temp post o is always ard 36.75 to 36.95. before o is ard 36.4 to 36.5. maybe bcos my eggs got problem therefore always cant success lor!
Dragon, i got lots of watery mucus post O why huh? i could see trace of pink in mucus since DPO 12. today DPO 13 le, my morning temp is 36.83C. haiz, i suppose to have mense tomorrow or after tmr. then will start on iui again on NOV, really hope bambini and u succeeded in sep/oct so just guide me along dun join me as cycle buddies in NOV. so Bambini and dragon, jiayou lor!!! dun join me in NOV, i dun want and dun need cycle buddies! hahahaha....
ayana, congrats for the strong flicking heartbeat, hahaha... so continue to be calm and take good care of yourself, pretty mum...
kate, 36.83 still looking good
fingers crossed tight tight for you. I am still thinking whether to go ahead with Plan A this cycle or not. Financially burden and some more think to tio my body first. fickle minded..dont know what to do.
Dragon, here my advise to u, if u think u still need time to tiao ur body under Dr Zou, please do so, then carry on with plan A first, till u think or Dr Zou informed u tat ur body is ready then whack Plan B, chances higher! no point doing plan B if u really think ur body is not ready for conceived. plan A cheaper, tiao ur body shun bian try try, no harm! this is wat i think lah...
Kate, 加油!don't give up. My friend failed ivf but conceived naturally! U never know. Anyway u are still quite young. Chances r if u try hard enough, I'll strike one day.
Thanks Kate, this is what i think also. maybe take a break for a few cycles from Dr.Lim while tiao my body. then going back to see him in Nov or Dec.
Kate &amp; Bambini, better double check with Dr about the metformin next time u see him... Scually your case is diff from ours leh..
Hi ladies! How's everybody doing?

Me not so great...back aching pain started. I usually have this problem 1 week before AF about 1 year back after my D&amp;C. But this month this stupid pain comes way too early! arrghh hate it! i wonder what's wrong with my body...just worry it may be something i read about called endometriosis...
dear Mel, backache? There can be alot of causes (like sleeping /sitting postures). Try not to worry, ok? Which CD are you at now?

dear Kate, all fingers crossed for you!

Im looking quite comical. Injected the gonal-F myself past few days, and i pinched myself so hard that i have 3 big spots of blue-black on my tummy area. *heng my DH didnt see else he will wonder what i did. (he still doesnt know about the G-F injections)

dear Dragon.. when is your next visit to dr zou? mine is these 3 days to poke the needles. I really hate her medicine :<
Morning girls,

Kate buddy, dont join me in this cycle ya! fingers crossed for you

Bambini, i am seeing her maybe this fri or sat or sun. Can't fix my schedule yet, pack with work. i now CD4, i went to see her on CD1 and she gave me a medicine to take 2 packets each time and 2 times a day for 5 days. Wa kao, that medicine really yucky. Dont be nervous when doing acupuncture, first time i felt uncomfortable, 2nd and 3rd time i can just lay there and fall asleep
wow, I just found out that my MIL also knows Dr Lim. She said, he is famous since 30+ years ago, when she was working in a clinic.

Her doctor used to refer those difficult cases to him. Hahaha.. She said that Dr Lim is yaya papaya last time, and if you don't follow his instructions then he will not see you anymore de. hhahah! So funnie!

Yeah, i oso visit Dr Lim through my auntie recommendation, 18 years ago, he is my auntie's gyna. heehee...

dragon, Bambini! too late, ugly witch catch me again this cycle! i CD1 today! hahaha...

Dragon arh! 你是甩不掉我的! we will still be cycle buddies this cycle, oni thing is whether my O will be before or after my dh fly to Australia lor! if before he flew, i still got chance to try this month, if is after he flew then 没戏唱 for me le! hahahaha....

Tub, Mel, Lilian, May ying, Bambini and Dragon, so 一起加油吧!!!! 一定要成功!!!! yeah!!!!
