Dr Charles Lim Mt E

Dragon, I followed Dr Lim's instructions to BD and also did BD after that like 2-3 days interval. I also follow the advise to cut down cold drinks, tea/coffee etc.

Oh I also make the chicken essence, longan/red date/wolfberries to drink. That's about it.

But hor, everything is not confirmed yet until can hear heartbeat, so I'm praying very hard.

SJX - ya, should give it a try.

Really hope the rest will have news soon! Rem Dr Lim says the trick is not to give up. Try and try again!
Ayana! Happy for you!. Now take good care of yourself ; ) must come back here often n give us moral support..

I must really discipline myself with no coffee/tea n cold drinks. Today broke both rules Liao.. ;(
wow... thats good, again good news is spreading here... hahahha.... Ayana!!! u make it! big Congrats to u and ur family, dont worry too much, rest well and take care of yourself, baby will stick on to u tight tight with strong heart beat, who knows, may be twins! hahaha... Love u Ayana, u make me feel high hope for me again! thanks...

Dragon, Bambini, and SJX yeah, another good news here, we must jiayou loh... we will be the next one! sure!
dear sis here, i will be quite busy for next weeks as my boss fly to Australia yesterday and dump tons of work for me to do and follow up, so i may not be here as often as before, dun miss me haha... promised, i will be here whenever i am free... i wont leave my buddy Dragon to be alone here.

anyway, Dragon, today i will go buy OPK to test start from tomorrow, CD11, u should start testing too, by today. remember hor, dun forget! i CD11 mean u CD12! Must start test liao, if not will missed one! test for 1 whole week, DR lim told me before, start from CD11, test for 1 whole week is the safest. heehee... jia you lor.

Bambini, me too, i like Jap food, hard to stop craving for Sashimi... but cold drink i stop for 3 days liao, will continued to stop till i give birth. wah... dunno when will it be! hopefully soon... hahaha...

SJX, still there??? jia you together, and pull through all the way! thanks for accompany Dragon, Bambini and me here on our conceiving road, it may turn out abits of rocky but believed it, we will make our way there in the near future like wat Phylee, Ginger and Ayana! jai you!
Yah dragon, kate, bambini, sjx,you will surely make it! Thanks for all the assuring words, it makes me feel better haha.

Kate, den faster eat more jap food in case next mth u cannot eat le Heheh !

i am still here...
yes let us all jia you.... this cycle or next will be our turn

this saturday i have to go alone

hubby won't be able to come back on time
Kate buddy, remember to BD ya! I started take OPK yesterday. Day 10 as I detected ewcm. Turn out the OPK got positive but not as dark as the control line. So guess ovulation is around the corner.

I just did my first acupuncture with dr.zou. Overall is ok, my DH and I felt comfortable with her. My DH also did the acupuncture although he is quite reluctant.

Bambini, have u visit Dr.Zou?

SJX, is ok, ur DH and us will support you
jia you!
Ayana!! Congrats!! I suggest u go back to see dr lim, coz he will give meds to support the pregnancy, instead of jus gg to see any gynae. He'll be back tomorrow!! Go go!!!

Jiayou ladies!!
good morning ladies!

Happy mid autumn festival.

my appt date is drawing near, getting excited.
wonder, me alone what can the doc do on me.. my AF just reported hence by the time i see him will be totally clear...

so may i ask you do u think the doc will give me any test or medicine??
also also... may i check what report should i prepare for the doc??
as i am going to ask my gynae to release the report to me but i need to know what report he need.
Hi ginger! I went to see dr lim just now! And the nurse told me a lot of good news recently!

He gave me the hormone jab and other med to support the preg.

Sjx, I also went to see him straight after my menses, den immediately start on the med liao.
Hi Ayana


by the way, when u first time visit him dont u need any test??

i am thinking what type of report should i prepare for him, can anyone advise me..
First time visited him, he did not ask me to do test, only 2nd time he asked me to go for blood test. But first time visit, he did ask my hubby to go for blood test.

First time only V-scan only.
Xin,just get whatever report you have with you. No harm ma.

i guess Dr.Lim wont ask you to repeat those test which you have been tested b4 unless it is an expired one.

I showed him my DH's SA report which was done abt 9 mths ago, and he is ok with that and no repeat test.

Dont worry, Dr.Lim cost is quite transparent.

i am not worry for my hubby's side
more for me as i got a lot issue.. and i lost my report.. so i kinda confuse what to give and what not.. especially my last test did was 2 years ago
Today cd 28. Another 2-4 days wait.

Dragon, Kate, jia you with the bd!!

Thanks Ayana;) how r you feeling? I will be visiting dr lim again after my menses come.
Bambini, have u visited Dr.Zou? I find her quite good

Opk detected on cd11. Very very early for this cycle. the test line showed far more darker than control line and a lot of discharge also.

Kate dear, how are u? Remember to BD oh!

Ayana, twins or singleton?
WAH... dragon ur opk positive on CD 11, so early? i oso yesterday start test for'O', but dun have leh, today CD12 negative leh, must wait till tmr see how! hahaha... actually these few days too busy till everyday reach home tired till, after bath, directly sleep liao, no strength to BD!!! must see how, maybe tmr must start BD if not missed it oso dunno! hahahha....

Ayana, thanks for ur encouragement! i will jia you! must take care hor, i remember my friend told me folic acid and calcium is important! dun anyhow eat chinese herb now, must ask doctor! ok?

Bambini, CD 28 liao, no news mean good news, this is wat i told Ayana too, and she is preg! so jiayou, and take care... who know, someone is hold on to u inside!!! hahaha...

SJX, dun worries, Dr Lim is worth to see even he is abit ex, but i still think he worth the price, bring all report go, dun choose and bring some, bring all and let him see, so that he can know more about u! then he can recommended u his solution! jia you! next one who preg here maybe u!!! just think on the positive side and we will strike it one day!
morning ladies

i love here, every encouraging!
best of luck for the ladies in 2ww!! shooo af away and dragon egg embedded firmly...

counting down no. of day : 3 days to see Dr Lim whaha...
my hubby not able to make it, but he seem excited also.
Thinking to plan a short trip to genting for try bd bd... haaa as feel bd at home like very stress...
dragon, ah yo, now still early, not even stable yet. In fact, forums a lot of horror stories I mabbe stay away for a while until really really stable then come back lol

kate, ok thanks for your concern! Dr Lim gave me a hormone jab, some other medicine, folic acid and Vit B 12.

Bambini, feeling paranoid at first, but now I try to be positive and happy and think happy thoughts lor. Its a waiting game now. Why we need to wait n wait.. haha..

SJX, good luck !
Ayana, take the time you need, stay relaxed n no pressure ok? This place is for all kinds of support you need ;) drop by when you feel comfortable. Steady! ;)

Sjx, yes a trip is a good idea. I also feel bd at home is so pressurizing haha.. So you visiting dr lim this sat?
I'm developing a cough again usually I notice during the 2ww the cough will come back. Dunno whether it is my imagination haha.. Maybe the LRD is too Heaty for me. (I dun drink much in te first place )
morning ladies

yes bambiniangel, this saturday.. 2 days to go wahaha...

very excited what will be his proposal to me.. as i got a lot thing to complain to him haaa
dear ladies,

Spotting already. CD 30. Menses come on time as usual.

I will revisit dr lim next sat. Prob going to visit TCM this week.

If i go to Dr Zou in AMK, is it a must to do TCM? I dont think i have the energy to do TCM so many days in the week lei..
TGIF wonderful girls! OMG! Congrats to Ayana!
So happy to hear good news again in this thread. take care for now yeah
and don't worry about worrying. haah. i worry alot for the first few weeks too

To the rest of the girls, how's everyone? Sorry that I didn't manage to check in the past few weeks. Been feeling rather sick but now *touch wood* better le. Oh yeah, don't worry about conceiving multiples as it's really rare even if with assisted conception. So just enjoy the BD!

sjx, im sure you will have a fruitful visit to Dr Lim. I realllyyyyyyy hope you get your wish fulfilled too!

dragonhopes, how are you??? O-ing now or soon? throwing buckets of baby dust to you!

Kate, you O-ing too? Cycle buddy as dragonhopes? Always good to have a cycle buddy to share the 2ww. hehe.

bambini, are you taking the seedless red dates? If it's really too heaty, maybe you can take it like twice a week instead of on alternate days. Always good to keep your womb warm!

I got a box of unopened blackmores conceive well pills (expires in June 2012). Any takers? Willing to let go free and will rub the unopened box on my tummy to get some baby dust on it too. haha.
Phy Phy, glad that you are here.. * big big hug to you*.

me O at CD11, never had this early before. Dont know if the OPK something wrong.

use a big big bucket and collected your baby dust

i am taking conceive well, but dont give for free la. i buy from you, just remember to rub your tummy
dragonhopes, pm me your mailing address? im happy that there's takers for the pills. no worries

are you on jabs this cycle? sometimes gonal F might give false readings? how's your CM?
Phy, Dr.Lim not around so no Gonal-F injection nor clomid.

I got ewcm on CD10 so i tested and faint positive. CD11, the test line is darker than control line. I showed it to my TCM then she said i ovulated already. Plot temperature in FF, also shown O on CD11.
phy.. happy to see you! :>

Dragon.. CD11 is rather early. Maybe is the TCM which is adjusting your body? But nonetheless, just Wack and BD! All the best!!! How high do you raise your legs after BD? i read 1 article just now, the lady put her legs completely up against the wall/bed frame (from thighs onwards) and strike. dunno whether true or not. haha.. i usually just put 1 small pillow underneath, so this cycle i intend to try...!

SJX.. update us tomorrow after your visit to dr lim.

I told my hubby this month gone case liao cos AF is here. He just smiled and said next month try again. Feel like knocking his head. This December will be my 1 year of TTC, if still no success, i will use knife to bring him to dr lim liao .. haha.. cos im not young anymore. Wait some more will be 高龄产妇 already. sigh..

We also having some extra financial burden. cos for next 4 years need to support a family member to study overseas. So going to dr lim + another TCM for me will be even tighter. I try not to think about all these so as not to be stressed. anyway TGIF!

yeah! i try to lift for a while but not too long. my bed not near to wall le, is in the middle of the room. Sometimes i will ask my DH to stand on the bed then pull my leg up...haha..hopefully they will swim down..tried for a few months and no news then i gave up.just whack and whack dont think too much.

if you find pte hospital is costly, why dont go structured hospital. u r singaporean, can get subsidy rate somemore. TCM is about S$200 per month ( 14 days medicine, 2 times acupuncture).

SJX, yes they accept credit card. Be there early. the waiting can be very long ( 1-2 hours)
hi all, finally i am here again, i'O' on CD 13, For me, this time round also quite early as i always ard cd16. so far, oni bd on the CD13 itself, maybe today will bd again, haiz... bo bian my hubby feel sick, he say he too heaty! got sore throat.

Dragon, jiayou!!!! wah, Phylee will rub her tummy for u leh, this round u will sure strike, after u strike, rub ur tummy for me on my nov cycle ok? hahaha...cycle buddy, i have lots of ewcm on my 'O' and the day before.

Phylee, so kind of u to give free thing, hahaha... but i nv eat conceive well, so all gave to dragon bah...

Bambini, u super funny!!!
ur dh trying to encourage u mah, he say trying on next month is better than say other idiot comment. 高龄产妇, wont one lah, here every month got ppl strike toto! who know next is u leh... Ayana oso dunno tat she will strike this round. hahaha... jia you!!!

sjx, tmr is a very important day, u must record down, so next time ur kid ask u, where and how they came to this world, u must tell him/her tat 17 sep 2011, u went to see Dr Lim, then continue with ur story behind. hahaha... waiting long queue mean he is really good. so just wait, anyway u have waited long enough to get conceived, so no diff to wait a few hours more just to step a successful first step out... jia you!

cannot talk more liao, my DH get sleepy now, this time round oni bd on CD13, my 'O' day, yesterday he say he feel sick cannot bd, wait today he sleep liao, my cd15 wasted again, who help me to conceive this cycle. hahahaha... bye bye...
How early u wanna me to be haaa
My appt is 8.30am leh

Thanks thanks
I am getting very excited n also nervous now. I scare he wanna me to go surgery to remove the tube
Kate, I'm not better than you. BD on Cd10,11 and 13 only. Today I start feel cramp already. Implantation?it is too early. Only 5dpo. Think my system a bit haywire liao! Well well, we she leave all this to god and zsnn
I'm at dr zou now. So heavy rain at amk! My whole body is wet! she never say much lei. Just ask me to take my bbt, take some medicine n come back next week.

Sjx, how is your visit to dr lim? I was trying to find my records from dr lim but can't find them anywhere from the house.
evening ladies,

my visit cost 800 plus... sweat!!!!

i think i got the full check, like pap smear, blood test, scan (out and inner)

he told me to go for plan A first, and gave me injection which I think is Gonal F, medicine is Metformin only with vit C, B12, folic acid
as for my hubby although he is not there but i brought his report over.. so he was given fit e, b12 and folic acid too..

next visit is monday for injection and wednesday for the test result i think...

impression of him.. straight to the point, no much small talk. good.

he told me my only concern is the left F.tube that all.. nothing much and hope i won't get it, it i doest will have to remove the tube.

i am expected but somehow still heartache about it..

he told me metformin will give the side effect of slimming, u know what... i was so excited about it and told him of course i don't mind and best if he can increase my dosage wahahah..... also for Gonal F will give me side effect..

so far i dare to say the injection gave me headache and as for metformin there wasn't any effect yet as was taking it at night.
morning ayana,

haaa... it not a small amount... but really hope i will be jumping over the cloud soonest...

anyway he only gave me 2 types of medicine.. is it consider normal?
as i remember reading like more than 3 types was given.

then again he told me to go purely western dont mix with chinese tcm.. may i ask here anyone go for both??
i told my hubby about it, he told me to go for both, let TCM to strengthen my body..what u ladies think?
sjx, which means he never give you clomid? Maybe now too late to give you clomid? cos I think it has to be taken like straight away AF ends.

Not so sure about TCM, but best listen to Dr la, or you can ask the TCM if its ok to mix.
dragonhopes, got your pm! will send the box to you tmr
hope can go into the letterbox. don't be stubborn yeah
i say no need to return $$ means really no need. hee.. happy if the baby luck can pass on and on and on!

sjx, i actually stopped TCM medication after seeing Dr Lim. More because that I had tried TCM for 6 months le so thought of giving it a rest that's why I stopped. But I still went for my acupuncture at my TCM before O. My TCM doc said actually just have the TCM medication 2 hours apart from the western will do.

bambini, i just placed a pillow under my hips after BD and sleep after that. will also place a piece of tissue near vagina (more to avoid staining the pillow.. hee). after 1 to 2 hours, or in the middle of the night, i will remove the pillow from the hip cuz my back will feel the strain lor.

and i tot your DH had a slight change in attitude? like softened le. I bet in the past, he will just say don't stress over it?? but now he can just smile and say, let's try again. hehe.. so maybe he is also starting to feel kancheong le. anyway, jiayou!

kate! you also O earlier?? you still stand a good chance cuz you just need one healthy spermie to attack the egg!

jiayou jiayou everyone!
