Dr Charles Lim Mt E

Thanks thanks Phy dear! i really hope to pass on this concieve well after this cycle

I am having cramping on and off from Fri till Sun. This morning temp drop significantly.
Really dont like to take BBT, maybe shd discuss with TCM.

SJX, not to worry ok! everyone different ma. Dr.Lim didnt prescribe any medicine for me other than clomid and flumicil. Just follow Dr.Lim and you will be next

dragon, let me recall har.. I think we did leh, cos ah, my ovulation kit did not show positive ma, so we just BD lor..

But we did not BD the week that is approaching AF.
ayana, how are you feeling so far? appetite good? im now transferred to NUH le. seeing Prof Biswas now. so not seeing Dr Lim le. how about you? gotta see him until past 3 months right?

dragonhopes, i did BD during 2ww. I also had a bad fall a day before I tested BFP (bad as in fall face down and kenna two big bruises on both my knees). I believe your eggie will be cushioned quite well within your womb so don't worry yeah!
just rem to take your favourite LRD and chicky essence. hehe. I long time never take LRD le. maybe should make some tonight.
Phylee, I'll continue to see Dr Lim until he says no need ba.. He didn't mention anything yet. My appetite is very good. No signs of anything yet, ekks.

wow phylee, must be careful of each step you walk now =)
no clomid, i guess is because AF over that y

Ayana, Phylee
my TCM appt is tonight, I think i go and see what she going plan for me.. if I am unfortnable about it.. properly give it a rest

thanks!! u too! shoo ur AF away

when u get to know the genders??
SJX, which TCM are you going?

Dragon & Kate, Fingers crossed for you during the 2WW! And dun forget the LRD! :>

This is my CD4. a long wait. Coming sat to visit dr lim again in the morning (so will be CD9) and dr zou in the afternoon.
Bambini, another forumer said that Dr.Zou's number no one answering. you have any idea?

u will start doing acupuncture also? i will go n see her tomorrow.

How do you find her medicine? i am a bit sick of it already! so many many many medicine to take
Hi dragon,

I'm trying to find the best timing to eat the medicines. Am still taking metformin n I prefer to eat it at night. this leaves me with am n noon to take dr zou 's medicine. Dunno whether can or not. Of cos no more 'time' to eat the supplements. Personally I really dun like to eat so Many kinds of things lei. But no choice.

I Will go to dr zou this sat again. Prob for acupuncture. But will visit dr lim first.
hi all, thanks for all the encouragement... everytime come here sure feeling good one! bcos here got very positive aura... hahaha...

mummy phylee, hope as u say, BD once is good enough if the timing and sperm is right one! heehee... cant wait to know ur 3 precious gender, hopefully is a mixed, wow.... think oni felt so happy liao.

oh.. mummy Ayana, good to see u back... how's everything? look like u r doing fine wor... hahaha... be calm for everything and all thing will be smooth... dun worries too much, i am sure with Dr Lim ard, ur baby will stick tight tight on u, heartbeat strong till u can hear it, hahaha...

Dragon, a sudden drop in temp for a day may be good sign, if it return back to high temp next day, good news! implantation occurs. hopefully we can make it this time round. anyway i got no signal at all this round, same as last round, no cramps no sore nipple, nothing at all, dunno is my radar got problem or wat, since last cycle till this cycle, nothing special happen on me? am i suppose to be glad as i got no pain at all leh?

Bambini, thanks! i will fingercross for dragon n u too.. u cd4, i DPO 5 today, wah... CD9 then see Dr Lim meh, not CD 7/CD8 meh, i remember my last cycle is CD8 go back see him, then jab Gonal F leh? this time round i work on natural, bcos when Dr Lim is back, i Already CD11, missed the boat liao, so must try on my own this cycle. u lucky arh, Dr Lim is around when u start a new cycle. Luck will always be with u!!! jia you...

SJX, how r u? dun worry, leave all to Dr Lim, he will help u to solve all ur problem, heehee... if he mentioned not to mixed chinese tcm and western treatment, then better dun mixed lor, if u think Chinese tcm will increased ur chances then u may carry on, bcos, wat is most important is ur comfortable level. if u think chinese TCM and Dr lim may give u more chances to conceive then just do it, but remember wat phylee advise u :have the TCM medication 2 hours apart from the western will do. Good Luck and take care!

Where is ginger today? how r u? mummy ginger? tummy shown???? hahaha... take care!
I will be starting my d21 inject on Sept 28, need some advice, the more i read the more blur i am

When should i start taking folic acid, conceive well gold, chicken essence, egg white, brazil nuts etc and which brand should i go from

Thanks for the advice
Bambini, i did ask other chinese sinseh before, she said 2 hours interval will do. so if you are ok to take, just take lo! like kate say, so long u r comfortable with it then ok

Kate kate, yeah! work indeed quite stress but remember we are here to support you. not your radar problem la, i rather dont have any symptoms. i keep telling myself, so early have those symptoms meaning i have to suffer for another 9 months

Lilian, welcome welcome. d21 injection? you are in plan C(IVF)? i took folic acid, conceive well, chicken essence, egg whilte and brazil nuts daily. lolzz..seems like i am busy eating those food and medicine whole day long. i usually take chicken essence in the morning,conceive well at noon after lunch, LRD at night, egg white as my dinner, 2-3 brazil nuts as titbits. i guess i have a very cold body, taking so many heaty stuff but i still dont feel heaty.
Morning Ladies,

Went to see TCM, she didnt give me any herbs or medicine for this 2 weeks.
But she gave me for my 2WW, as she said the injection Gonal F will thin the lining so she wanna ensure during then my lining is good enough to support

she also told me the western and her herbs has to taken 2 hours apart.

I will be taking chinese herbs bah, since my TCM kinda gave me the confidence that there is no crash
lilian> i tink folic acid u need to take in teh morning. before breakfast. normaly i take it the first ting i wake up. i drink homemake chix essence, so i oni take it twice a wk, at night 1 hr after dinner.

kate> *waves* my tummy not showing yet.. cause oni 9 wks plus bah... n no weight increase too.. so i guess still early? but last visit on sat, we did see the hands and legs already
dragonhopes, ask you arh, is your letterbox those that can open from the back? As in the postman can open the whole big door from the back to put in the letters rather than slotting through the slot? The Conceive Well box seems rather big to go through the slot. Or maybe if you don't mind, I open up the box and mail the pills at least it's flatter?

Lilian, welcome to this thread.
I read that brazil nuts is good for implantation so I ate them during 2ww (at night) but I wasn't consistent with it. Do share the brazil nuts with your DH too as it's good for their spermies too! I got my brazil nuts from bugis (2nd floor of the hawker centre next to the Guan Yin Temple)

Here's my schedule:
Pre-O -
AM: Folic acid/ Metformin
PM: Conceive Well (after dinner)

Post-O -
AM: Bottled chicken essence on alternate days (before going to work) I sometimes drink New Moon or Brands and sometimes drink those with cordyceps.
AM: Folic Acid/ Metformin
PM: Conceive well/ LRD (on alternate days)

For TCM medication, my sinseh did suggest to have them after lunch so we have more time throughout the day to digest the herbs. Some people might have difficulty sleeping if they take it at night. Mine was in powder form so what I did was to mix them all into a small container a day before and bring them to work the next day to drink after lunch.

sjx/ kate: I think maybe can know the gender by this month end (about 15+ weeks?). If not will wait till the detailed scanning in mid Oct. I hope they are mixed too but as long as healthy, im happy enough le!
Phy Phy, i think can. Dont worry, if they can't slot in, they will just leave a delivery note then i can collect at post office.

I guess you will have 2 boys 1 girl
so excited! do share you scan photo when you feel comfortable ya!
dragonhopes, okies! How come I didn't think of that! haha.. okie, the baby dusted power pills are now on their way to you!

yeah! I will upload some clearer scans in the future for you girls. So far the scan pictures like not very clear too.

i will hold hands with ginger and ayana and *carebear shine* the baby dust to rest of you girls.
hugz, all of your turn will come sooner than expected! Jiayou

no leave take MC la.. I recently then found out that they issue MC de...

Yah, carebear shine! So cute! I wanna shine!
ayana, so even if i go on wkday for normal checkup, tehy give mc aso?

mm.. i went on wkday morning before.. but he like dint offer leh.. then aso not sick.. can ask for mc like tat or not?
You have to ask for the MC, ask from the nurse can liao. Yes, weekday, normal check up also can ask for MC.

I know cos I overheard another lady asking for it hahaha..

Actually I wanted to take half day MC yesterday ma, I called the nurse and she says they do issue MC, just ask her can liao. But in the end, I went during lunch time and then went back to work cos got urgent thing to settle...
but i am still thinking, will company get suspicious if we take women's clinic MC? so there is one time i see Dr. Lim during weekday then i went back to see company doctor again! haha..
Wah... carebear shine... pls shine on me men... hahaha... yeah Bambini, new cycle new hope!

ginger, u can see tiny hand n leg through scan liao? so exciting!!! will u feel touch when u saw the tiny hands n legs of ur precious????

Phylee, yeah, do share ur scan photo here if u comforatble? never see triplets scan photo before! hahaha... dunno whether look cramp inside? hahaha...

Ayana, sooner u will see tiny hands and legs of ur precious like ginger... exciting rite...
Thanks, dragonhopes what is plan c? When (at which stage) should i start taking all these stuffs? folic acid, conceive well, chicken essence, egg whilte and brazil nuts etc. What is LRD?

Thanks, gingerbreadger

Thanks, phylee. Where to buy conceive well? i hear during the ivf cant take chinese herb?
yeah i aso dint noe can take mc. but be careful if ladies taking such mc, cause it'll be obvious that you're seeing a gynae, esp if you need to submit. if pregnant, then not so bad. but if not pregnant, ur boss mite easily get suspicious. cause will put clinic name, then will have the doctor's details there as well, so if boss go n google, can easily know that dr lim is a fertility dr, and not any normal gynae.

kate> actually.. we dint felt much.. haha.. cause we couldnt tell the hands n legs.. its like.. one patch of black ting.. even if the dr point it out, aso canot tell de.. oni can tell the head and body apart.

lilian> Plan C is ivf. folic acid should be taken as soon as you're starting to ttc, its to prevent birth defects, as long as you r ttc-ing. chix essence is to be taken during the 2ww to keep your womb warm. LRD is longan red date drink, also to take during 2ww.
gingerbreadger, just wondering if you continue take LRD and chix essence after you know you test positive?

Regarding MC, think if you work in those bigger organizations, MC just submit to HR only, no need to clear immed, should be fine hahah.. Yah, perhaps not too often la, so office will not get suspicious.

Kate: yah yah carebear shine on you! Was there on Monday to scan and Dr Lim says the waterbag is 7mm. Going back to scan again this Sat...
ayana> i continued to take chix essence, my tcm instructed me to. cause dr lim gime duphaston n medolin, medolin tcm say clashes with chinese herbs. so the oni ting he instruct is to make my own chix essence. drink twice a wk until wk 7. then wk 8 onwards, drink once a wk. LRD i stop already, cause i read from other threads, like canot drink in first trim.

how old is ur baby leow?
Ginger, I'm also taking duphaston n medolin. I'm now into week 6. Thanks for the advise, I stopped LRD n chix essence cos dunno can take a not. Now I can continue my chix essence, its really tasty and nice! haha...
oo.. wk 6.. nice.. saw hb already?

tink u can jus follow the same instructions as mine for chix essence.

do u noe how long we need to see dr lim for until we move on to the normal gynae?
not yet leh, no hb yet, last scan just shows a black mass, then Dr Lim pointed at it and said its the waterbag, measured it, then off he went back to his table.

I supposed this Sat I will ask him about the HB. Not sure now long we need to see him until, mabbe after 3 months and stable, we can transfer to normal gynae le..
Actually very short for me too, only the very first consultation is long, other than that, almost all the time is very fast leh...

But ok la, he like knows what he is doing lor.
Ayana, dun worry, i heard from others, usually hb is heard after week 6, near week 7, some even week 8. so be calm, everything will gonna be fine! yeah!!!

har, ginger? really cant figure it out from the scan huh??? i thought can see tiny hand and tiny leg, so cute...
kate> Today we went to c dr lim. can see the hands n legs quite clearly already. and it was moving. quite cute.. haha

lilian> its dark brownish.. u go those yao cai shop, u tell them u wana make longan drink one. they will noe. its those dried kind.
Hello ginger.. good to hear from you! :> i can imagine it must be really touching.

ayana, you going to dr lim this sat? i will be going as well ~ 10 am. :>
lilian, you can get the conceive well pills at guardian, watsons or unity health. jiayou!

dragonhopes, yeah! that's good! if you can, eat the pills from my box first?? for fresher baby dust. haha.
Hi hi...I am new here...have been following this thread in silence. I have decided to see Dr Charles after reading so many encouraging news here. My appt with him is this sat
Phy, i start eating today

Welcome Mel! Good luck to you..remember to bring all your reports and importantly bring your DH..lolz..
Hi ladies, I am also dr lim's patient. Strike first time in 2007 with iui and my daughter is now 4. Strike again under him in 2010 but mc. Going to try again. Jia you!
Hello dragonhopes...yes I will bring my whole lot of reports...have been to several gynae here and there...hopefully dr lim can guide me thru. I am also seeing a TCM but is thinking not to visit her anymore...really confused!
Anyone can advice on the following

i have friend telling me not to take soya product from now onwards because the egg will be harden, my day 21 1st injection start on 28 sep but i saw the posting do n dont stage 2 take soya product high protein, confuse?

Where to buy conceive well gold? What brand? When should i start taking it?

Thank you

Anyone can advice on the following

i have friend telling me not to take soya product from now onwards because the egg will be harden, my day 21 1st injection start on 28 sep but i saw the posting do n dont stage 2 take soya product high protein, confuse?

Thank you
