Dr Charles Lim Mt E

My god SJX! Pls share with us ur good news! Ideal shd b above ur cover line and maintained throughout 2ww. U shd b CD31 now!

Phy phy, don't know why yesterday I dream of u and ur babies le! They are so cute and chubby

Dragonhopes, don't worry. Tonight still got hope!

Sjx, different folks have different bbt cover line. Mine is quite high, low bbt~ 36.6-8, high bbt, 36.9 - 37.1
Morning ladies,

it really been a while i come it....

congrats to ladies conceived
Steal baby dust heee....

fat hope

I thought i might be pregnant, but i am not... I went to see TCM, she listened to my pulse saying i dont have "Xi Mai" and AF will be reporting this few days

so sad... and damn it she is so right lah! the moment she said I got spotting... so bye bye BFP and welcome my AF new cycle

will rest for a cycle as hubby flying off this cycle... no chance he will meet my fertile week and O... next cycle will go back Dr Charles for injection and medicine
dragonhopes! really! heheh.. so sweet of you. Maybe my babies are calling out for your baby liao.
you know a few months before i conceived, I kept having random baby dreams. so good luck to you!
Phy, i also have baby dreams but everytime dream of other's babies your babies and my colleagues's baby though they haven't born.
maybe 日有所思,夜有所梦。anyway, i will treat is as baby is coming
practicing law of attraction
haha.. ginger. Yes.. it was quite funny, the way the artist Melody described her delivery. But as what Xiao S mentioned towards the end, she had been planning for #3 for sometime with proper diets n it didnt happen. After which they gave up and led a more relaxed lifestyle and she conceived her #3. (after getting drunk haha..)

I think maybe i will stop all these for next 2 cycles? (no BBT, no medication)..

& btw, my AF reported today, CD27. Super early this time. I dont think i have ever been so early before. And a lousy day in office.. so super SIAN.
bambini, would it because of Dr.zou medication? last month i only have 25 days le! but ovulated on CD11 so luteal phase is 14days
my cycle abit messed up this time. My bbt Started climbing cd9, deep cd10, climb again, deep again cd 15. I dont think I ovulate on cd 10 as I visited dr lim on cd 9 and the eggs r still small. But I also never detect any pos opk during the cycle. Anyway, I think u r right, dr Zou medicine prob has an effect on this.

I'm thinking if I should take a break, or visit dr lim this cycle
did u gals let ur tcm noe wat kinda western meds you're taking? cause i did bring dr lim's meds to my tcm, ban choon chan. and he stopped the chinese herbs.. cause he mentioned that dr lim's meds will clash with chinese meds. so can't take.
Hi ginger, ya I told the tcm the medicine (metformin n clomid) which I'm taking from dr lim.

This cycle I'm not going to dr lim or tcm.. Taking a little break.
bambini, who knows with a little break you will conceive naturally. Relax and enjoy

I stopped seeing Dr.Lim for 2 cycles liao, coming cycle still dont know go or no go yet! sigh! auditor is coming, if CD7 or 8 falls on weekday then is really hard for me to move.

This few cycle i encountered ovulation cramp. so i am asking my DH talk to the follicle, haha..far too crazy liao
Hi all ladies,
am new to this forum and now i am seeing Dr. Lim. He diagnosed me from my urine test. Before i sit down on the chair during the first consultation, he mentioned that i have PCOS. I was so happy that i know he got a cure for me. SO finger crossed. Our baby is on its way.

My left ovary has no eggs. My right ovary has plenty of them. I hope meds will help to bring the size into mature egg to get conceive.. Good luck to all of you too..
thanks dragonhopes, we are hoping for dragon baby.

I went to Dr Lim after my menses. I think its kind of getting my hormone into the right track and have to try out the first cycle next month.
have to go back to Dr on Day 8 after next menses come.

Good Luck to all. Hope there are good news here..
Hi everyone! Anyone on cd 17? I am trying natural this month and seeing dr lim for iui next month. If still no news, may proceed to ivf. This ttc business is really trying. I hv no idea why it's taking so lOng.
Girls, i am DPO7 CD22.

haha Tub, how long you have been trying? now i a bit let go liao, just pin chang xin.my mission is eat well, sleep well and live well
i am very sure our precious one is on their way.
Hi everybody...

I'm back...this is my first month trying out plan A with dr lim...tomorrow is cd12 for me so need to go back to check the size before deciding to go ahead with 3rd jab or not. Yesterday my hubby helped me with the 2nd jab. Luckily his hand was quite steady

Anyone here felt nausea after med &jab? I felt nausea these few days...
Dragon, i here, sorry tat i so long never post here, i busy with pack my hubby thing for his reservist to australia, today he flew off, worried abt him, just now he call me liao, know he is safe there, then i got mood to login, haha... yeah i got my OPK positive before he flew off, on my Day 14, i use clearblue smile face to test show positive, but my temp still high high up, till day 16 then it drop to lowest, so i bd on Day 16. one time nia, hope it strike! hahaha...
Dragon hope, been trying since last nov, after my 2nd miscarriage. Did 2 so iuis with dr lim, one in June and one in aug this yr but both failed. Sian.

I detected ovulation on digital opk on cd 12 and bd-Ed on cd 12, 13, 14 and 16. Keeping fingers crossed. Bren so upset recently cos really tired of ttc-ing liao. Cannot see light at the end of the tunnel and I am 35 this year!!! Sob sob
hug hug tub! dont give up ok! no one graduate fm here last month, so we got more quotas for this month
one of them must be u! just pin chang xin, dont think too much, dont be stress.
Tub... Hug hug! Stay positive. We can only believe in fate n in dr lim. Fingers tightly crossed for you this cycle...

My dears Kate n dragon .. Fingers crossed for both of you! Power up with the LRD tea n chicken essence..

Hi Mel, for me, the jabs gave me bloated feeling but not nausea. Metformin yes, I feel quite sick eating them, so only eat at night.

Well, ladies, Im also feeling abit down , coupled with stress from work.;( but I feel better talking to you all.. This is really a good place to destress..;)


I found some 'fertility yoga' positions on the net, supposed to help relax the body n improve circulation in certain areas. Later upload here to share.. (I'm traveling to a friends wedding dinner now, sian, surely a few people will ask me why still dun have kids blah blah.. Just ignore them)
Bambino, jia you jia you! Ya.p, just ignore them. They r lucky don't have thru a tough journey like us.

Come come, tell us everything. Don't be too stress over work, I always think family is important than work but still no guts to resign n stay at home for ttc.

I am downed with sore throat. So temporary no LRD n chicken essence. I refuse to take medicine so have to control food intake
yeah, bambini, i agree with u, here is a good place to destress for me too, haha... as for idiot that ask u those stupid question, ignore them is the correct way! dun let them affect ur mood, mood can affect body condition for conceiving too. so jia you lor. tahan them abit, not long one, u will pregnant soon! cheers...

dragon, me sore throat too... never take LRD, but still drink bottle chicken essence since bd on 14th oct, my day 16, hack care abt my throat, i must make myself warm warm de! yeah....

Tub, jia you, never think of give up! we may take a longer route to reach motherhood but we will cherish it more than anyone! i believe that one day u will have your little precious sleeping sweet in your arm! jia you!
Alot of things to settle in office but things just pile up lei. Takes alot of effort to do.. Just feel like throwing in the towel .
Mel, I take the medications and jabs quite well, don't feel much except very weird dreams during the 2ww.

Thanks gals, I will keep my spirits up and try to jia you! Really scared of all the jabs and side effects of ivf. I think I will talk to dr lim about it if thus cycle is unsuccessful.
Bambini, it's like that one. When u dun hv, they will ask u when u will hv, then when u hv 1, they will ask u when is the 2nd one coming, then when u hv no boys, they will ask u when will u be trying for one. Just ignore the kpos and focus on our own ttc. I always tell them trying v hard now so keeping fingers crossed and they will all shut up.
yeah! i agree with tub, i always tell them trying trying to shut them off.

Work wise, just try your best.

DPO9 today for me. start cramping since yesterday. my BBT getting higher after taking Dr.Zou's medicine. i dont usually have 36.7 (post O temp required by Dr.Zou) but today i have 36.85 overall taking BBT still stressful to me..mood like roller coaster following BBT trend.
why u will die leh? tub...
good news spreading is good mah... everytime i heard ppl preg, i very happy for them one! although mine baby never come to me.

dragon,i today DPO 8, nothing special... urs is ard DPO 13 rite, hope u got good news to share with us! jia you! bubby! u will make it this time round, i finger crossed for u!
Kate dear! I wish to spread good news too! I thought I got hope this month as body temp is still high this morning but I just see red
AF just be puncture. Now I finger crossed for u! Don't join me in next cycle.
Dear tub, stay positive ;) we can just only try our best n leave the rest to fate liao.. Which cd are you at now?

Dear dragon, high bbt n spotting souds hopeful still !! All fingers crossed for you.

Dear Kate,, fingers crosse for you too!

Mel, Ching, yanling, how r things going?
Bambini, I tested this morning n BFN. went to Dr.Zou this morning n she didint say anything so just for full force. I'm going back hometown next weekend so cant visit Dr.Lim or this cycle. Wanted to try plan B in dec.
Bambini, I'm cd 23. My cycles are quite short. About 27-30 days. Not hoping v much this cycle. I've discussed with my hubby and we may proceed on to ivf with dr lim. I am just scared of the jabs.
Hii Mel best of luck.. R you taking LRD tea or chicken essence?

Hi Ching, keep on going, stay positive and look forward to the next cycle.

Today is cd 15. Still dun detect +ve opk and still low bbt..
Hi Bambini, no I'm not taking LRD / chic essence...currently down with fever and bad sore throat.

So have you detected +opk? Good luck to u!
girl, my CD1 today. Kate, i dont need buddy, dont join me..jia you jia you!

Bambini, tmr is holiday,maybe is good time and rest well at home
i'm going back hometown tonight for my cousin's wedding. My cousin just 17 years old and she's pregnant. sigh! i am sure a lot of aunty going to ask this and that..

hello! Ya, cant measure any +ve OPK last month also lei, Hope this month can at least detect something. but i 'plan' to BD today and tomorrow. (fingers Crossed!)

Actually, i had earlier planned my vacation next week to coincide with the fertile days, but somehow last months' cycle was 1 week shorter. End-up, this week is my 'fertile' week according to 30CD calendar. Getting abit 'jumbled' up.

Dragonhopes, Hugs!
really understand how you feel. The younger ones really have so much easier time conceiving. What to do.. Just continue to try and stay positive. Sometimes people just ask for the sake of making pointless conversations. It is hard for you to avoid your relatives (since it is a wedding). Just "ren"..
