Dr Charles Lim Mt E

ya my hb aso take folic acid. coz i read online, it increase the mobility of the sperms

dr dint prescribe for me, cause i got enuff to spare myself.. if not i tink dr aso will prescribe for mine bah..

Hi Phylee
I am stress with BBT but i was testing Fertility kit and OPK for 2 weeks I never get 2 lines hence then start doing BBT
i got a lot CM especially EWCM even now I still have... confuse
i never drink cold or soft drink, i consider myself very discipline also... haiz...

i was on clomid for one cycle but fail, then the next cycle he gave me Tamoxifen which is meant for breast cancer (Faint)...also never succeed
Yes i got heart shaped uterus, got conceive naturally 3 times... first time the baby heart beat stop at 14weeks 2nd and 3rd time i got ectopic .. damn sian...

Hi DragonHopes
I am using clear blue FM and i dont get 2 lines or peak at all so i think this month confirm no O
is his OPK expensive?

I got my HSG done so i think i got a skip from that...but for my report i dont know will he accept or not

Hi Ladies..
u know ah my TCM laugh at me when I ask her can my hubby take folic acid..

she said folic acid is meant for women more... guy take has no much effect, she make me feel so stupid as my hubby was with me that time.. i was forcing him to take folic acid during that now.. fat hopes for him to take
actually folic acid is a kinda vitamin that we get in eating vege that is needed by both men and woman... jus that we dont eat enuff of those in our daily meals... so gota take supplements to increase..
but tcm always tink differently in such western supplements bah.. htey got their own dfferent way of interepreting western meds..
that is why i even need my hubby to in town with me to go see this gynae
as i told him Dr Charles Lim is as old as my gynae, old and experience wahahah...
hope it true
Dear XIN, of cos u r welcomed, we r very friendly ppl.. hahaha... having more buddies to chat of and sharing experiences is best, of cos we hope u graduate asap here too, hahaha... just like wat phylee replied, everyone has diff diagnosis, although went through similiar process, medicine is still abit diff on case by case basis... i have mild PCOS, small ovaries with difficulty in produced eggs, August is my first SO-IUI cycle, here is mine:

(1) Dr Lim give me duimin(clomid), folic acid, Vit B12, metformin(for PCOS), Gonal F(3 jab) and pregyl(1 jab), my hubby got folic acid, Vit B12 and Vit E400. this is my first cycle and i got no side effect at all...

(2) i never monitor my 'O' since last year after failed ivf done in NUH, after seeing Dr Lim, he help me to monitor my follicle through scan lor, i oso using Clearblue OPK too, but maybe bcos of doing SO-IUI, i got near to 5 day of 'O'. so i oso not sure Clearblue is useful bo?

(3) i am on his plan B = SO-IUI, visited him total 4 times in August. 5 days before last mense(tats my first visit), day 8, day 13 and day 15(iui).

(4) i oso same as dragon, brought all previous test to let him see, after that he oni ask us to do blood test for immunity to Hep B and rubella. and my DH need to do a semen test as his semen test report is two yrs ago one!

(5) i from 1st visit, included all test n so-iui ands all the medicine and jabs is total ard $2497. hahaha, so exact is bcos i just counted my expenses in august.

jia you!
Dragon, i oso see red spot starting from morning, think my AF is coming soon too... today CD26, too early, i usually CD 28 got spotting, CD30 AF report. this month report early maybe bcos of Duimin(clomid) bah, hug hugs Dragon, think on a good side, next cycle, we will be cycle buddies with same CD. hahaha... i oso think of stop duimin this cycle leh, but my DH will be go overseas on the OCT cycle, so in oct i cant do anything so maybe still carry on with this SEP cycle then skip OCT cycle since DH is not ard, if i preg on OCT cycle then something is wrong liao lor... wahahahaha.... DH will kill me!!!
Haha..Kate, u r so cute le! My DH always said if I got pregnant without his presence then I'm mother marry..lolz!

U shd b DPO10 right? Got high chance dear! It could b implantation bleeding. Anyway, don't think too much! Relax relax ya!

hi kate...
dont mind me asking, what is the diff between IUI and SO-IUI...
WAH your so expensive ah??????
i am telling my hubby we may need to spend ard 700 to a thousand... so we are preparing ard that figure first...
anyway stay high hope ya

the blood tests are expensive de, but luckily its just a one time cost. Me and my hubby need to do the blood tests.

And the consultation is count by per pax, if you and hubby go, then will be 2x consultation fee.

So these will be on top of the $500 (plan A) and $1500 (plan B) =)

So for me, I'm on Plan A, I've visited him 3 times in total = 1 cycle and total cost is $1148.11

I also try and restrain from cold drinks, but very hard la! Weather so hot!

Dr Lim give me duimin, metformin and Gonal F jab and 5 OPK tests, that's all. Now in 2 ww le. Not hoping too much but a bit looking out for signs lol!

But I've been experiencing sore nipples since the O period so dunno if it means anything, I try not to think too much!
Dear All, yes, im still around but abit slow motion to reply. (busy with work and studies..)

sjx.. welcome welcome!

dragon.. Hugs! Jia you for new cycle! Always stay positive. Are you taking clomid this cycle? I also didnt take this cycle.

Kate..Hugs too! New hopes for new cycle too! haha.. yes, better dun take clomid since your DH not around also. (since # of times we take clomid is limited)

Ayana..Fingers Crossed!
I also drink tons of cold water, cold tea, cold coffee.. ( that's why i think my cycle all screwed up). So slowly trying to cut back.

Im CD 16 today. forgot about the OPK past few days.. (no discipline lei). Tonight go back must test OPK and wack BD! so far, i BD on CD11, CD14,CD15.. will plan to BD tonight, and maybe CD 18. (hopefully got the energy man.. such a chore!)

Will start preparing the LRD tea from tomorrow.
OH.. btw,

Im planning a holiday in early Nov.. alot of people tell me that they conceived during their vacation. maybe you all can consider also?
Bambini, long time no c le!

Kate still got hope, she might be just implantation bleeding.

Vacation, i wish to go also le! but DH's time not permit but i am going to plan a short one
Ok !!Kate dear.. 'shoo away the af for you'!!

Dragon,, ya, a short one sounds nice! I always want to plan a weekend getaway to a nice getaway to Malaysia or indonesia. Those resorts near the sea.. But my dh dun like lei. I suggest staycation, also cannot! Stubborn!
Dear all... Cut down on cold drinks!!! I haven ate ice cream ever since ive been ttc-ing. I stopped on teh, i used to go at 2 cups per day. Nw ive been quite used to drinking hot water... Not even warm one.. It has to be hotter than warm.. Its jus a matter of getting used to. =)
Dear ginger.. Ok! Got it.;) I didn't know it is so serious. I sort of guessed 3 years back i started falling in love with ice coffee and drink everyday , even during af. Then from then on my cycle become haywire. I tot was because I turned 30 at that time. Now I think back, really not good. Must try to cut back. very challenging..
Oh, btw, this cycle I am using opk from watson, I think now having discount. I think I bought 7 bucks per test. Slightly cheaper than dr lim.

Just tested + opk tonight. Later must BD!

I also tried to internally apply the preseed ( as adviced by phy previously) but I can't lei,, I cant seem to insert the applicator ,, haha.. Must use so much force meh? The older type of preseed is easily to apply internally.
dragonhopes, yeah lor. i read that folic acid is good for men's sperms too. Maybe your hubby's SA is quite good so Dr Lim didn't prescribe him?

I let out a short laugh when I read dragon and kate's statement on getting preg when hubby is not ard. haha.

bambini, oh dear, hope you didnt really force the applicator in. You might hurt yourself! I also find the new applicator so rough and don't really like it too. What I did was to insert in the applicator while half lying down on bed. Jiayou yeah. Rem to put a pillow under your butt after BD for about an hour.

SJX, IUI is just the normal IUI process without super ovulation (as in jabs). Jiayou too!

Any of you girls still taking Blackmores Conceive Well?
me me..still taking. 3rd box. Saw NTUC got discount, going to get another 2 this week.

Kate kate, where are you? hope you pop in and share with us your good news! *wink wink*
Hi buddies, i am here, finally i can login, i these few day very busy with my work, everyday OT till late night, bo bian, my boss going overseas trip next week to end of DEC then come back, i must clear all my proposal and report for him to sign by this week. if not i die till dunno where!!! hahahaa...

Dragon, i lose the battle, i got AF come on the 2nd of sep, so today is CD2!!! YEAH....new cycle new hopes for us!!!

Thanks buddies! bambini and dragon, u all help me to shoot AF but maybe i run too slow tats y kanna caught! haiz...AF catch me and say hello!!! hahahahaha.... dragon n me need to put our hopes on sep cycle le... Bambini jia you!!!! this time round, Dragon n me help u to do centry, once we saw AF far far away, we start to shoot for u! so tat AF wont be able to catch u! hahaha...we protect ur baby n u!!! buddy jia you!!!

Ayana!!!! how??? good news to share???? near to end of 2ww le bah??? jia you, Dragon, me n u, date near near one, if my old brain never failed me again! hahaha, hope u post us a wonderful good news soon! Babydusts to u!!!

SJX, u still there anot huh???? sorry to reply u so late! i very busy, even menses come oso no time to cry!!! hahaha... the total bill for my SO-IUI is around $1500 but bcos of my DH and my blood test is costly and plus my DH semen test cost me near to another 1000 bucks, so therefore my bill come to $2500, and i got more supplement than other buddies leh, i notice they all no need to take vitB12 tablets except phylee DH, but i need wor? i dunno y oni phylee DH need to take, phylee no need, but for my case, my DH and me both need to take!!! hahaha... maybe i got more problem to cure! heehee...

ginger, thanks for your advise, i will stop cold drink and teh from now onwards.... milo can drink bo huh??? i can live without teh but not milo... although both teh n milo is my fav drink since young, i can afford to lose one of them but not all!!! sob sob...

wah, this time round, my cramp is horrible, and menses is heavier than before... maybe due to iui. my hubby yesterday night discuss with me, say maybe we should seek TCM help too, i told him my buddies here most of them oso enaged TCM and continued with Dr Lim treatment! so i am still thinking which one to go, mu hubby friend recommend him this TCM at NEX, he say inside the ZTP medical hall, his friend got low sperm count problem, his wife got fibrod, when to see Dr for ttc no use, then found this TCM in NEX, Serangoon. after six month of tcm, they conceived, this sep due birth, so going to give birth liao. i think maybe i should go try tcm, no harm mah. i forgot is Bambini or Ayana live ard hougang/sengkang/punggol, u can try NEX tcm, near to your house mah... Jiayou to all, concieved or not, all must jia you!!! go go fighting!!! yeah....
hi ladies..
was out of office over thursday and friday hence dont have time and the chance to reply

Hi ayana
Wah just 3 visit already thousands odd.. he is really very expensive
Although I wont be paying but I worry hubby spent too much

For me the moment I O I will have sore nipples and breasts, becos of this I always think I pend for high hopes but… haiz…
But for u, u have helps from Dr so properly will stand high chance , stay hopeful

Bambini angel
U are studying also, wont it be stressful for u?
For me just work I already cannot take it liao
Holiday is good…. It really very helpful! Good luck to u

Kate tan
I am here… thanks for the price..
Really getting worry… why trying for baby is so expensive!
I though government encourage birth rate but why making the price so expensive!
SJX, bo bian, i doubt among us got rich tai tai, so everyone is giving the doctor our blood sweat money just to buy a hope nia... i every month contributed near to 1/3 of my salary to Dr n medicines just to get some hope from them... DH already broke after my ivf failed, hahaha...
hi all buddies, my DH and i decided to try natural in sep, oct rest as DH not around lah, nov go do SO-IUI again. meanwhile i will go see tcm to change my body n womb condition first! i will still keep come here to post my dong jing... hahaha... bcos my cycle buddies r here... especially Dragon, bcos this time round, our cycle oni lag by 1 day diff, hahaha... can remind each other abt OPK and BD, heeheee... test Preg together!!!! hopefully succeeded together this sep cycle!!! wahahahahaha....
Yeah Kate, we are all struggling here. Well, is all worth of $$

We will try naturally for sep also. Stop Duinum for this cycle too. Yesterday went JB and brought Watson OPK. Cost RM50 so is much cheaper than Dr.Lim one! Hope it works well.

No more October cycle for us
My dears.. Yes, dr lim is expensive. :< but no choice, he is good. Like phy &amp; ginger, both of them go for Dr lim + TCM in parallel. I think it will do good. The reason why i stop dr lim this cycle is because my hubby refuses to go further with any tests. (not even SA or physical check), so no point for me to continue dr Lim to check on myself.

Any idea what is the name of the TCM dr in NEX?

Ya, studying is quite stressful. esp during exams time. When i signed up, i tot studying will 'distract myself from the TTC worries, everytime think &amp; think about it. Might as well do something constructive. But now i also abit regret cos quite tired after night classes.

Today is CD 19. Abit of Ovulation cramps on &amp; off,last 2 days on the left side &amp; damn sleepy. I forgot, drank cold fruit juice just now, jia lat. (totally not disciplined cos the weather too hot). Must prepare LRD tea everyday to drink. ( i cant stand chicken essence lei)

Ayana, SJX... fingers crossed for both of you!
Hi ladies
How your weekend?

Totally agree, I have to admit I don’t earn much and sometime still need hubby’s help in monthly expenses… just seeing TCM can really drain me

So I don’t wanna my hubby to spend more

Dragon buddy, yeah... how is ur CD 4? MY CD3 is fine, no cramp le, jiayou!!

Bambini, Dr Tan Siew Lan, last time from thong chai, but i think u will doubt her when u go see her, i yesterday go liao, nearly fainted! my DH has a very big ? on top of his head. both of us keep laughing at her, she is very blur, forgetful and dont even had a clear mind!
first, she mixed up my detail and the patient before me, then she used the detail of the ex- patient's DH to write my DH medical detail. third she told me how to brew the herb for three times but all diff instruction, i was totally turn white eyes! my DH keep scratch his head! hahahaha... finally, she give me two packet of herb, ask me go back brew, this morning i brew liao, my DH suddenly ask, u dare to drink huh???? dunno the herb is correct or not???? hahaha... actually i agree with my DH, but i still drank it! hope tat miracle will happen on me lor!!! but my DH comment that we may not go back to see that Dr Tan SIEW LAN, must go find other TCM liao. hahahaha... anyway Bambini, that DR tan siew lan is located at beauty and health TCM at NEX, level 2, beside Watsons. u need to register with the salegirl.

SJX, jiayou mah, we will succeed! one day!!!!
kate and bambini
i am seeing a tcm used to be from thong chai also...
she is tan qui mei, who mark lee used to see...
if u are looking search for tcm, may consider to see her...

Haha Kate. The way you describe dr tan from nex is so funny. She is the tcm who used to be at hougang. I went to see her once long ago, but felt she was abit strange. She can't seem to understand what I am trying to say. I didn't take any medicine from her nor followup w her.

I'm very lazy to brew medicine so prob the tcm with ready made pills will work for me.
girls, i felt so terrible now.

This cycle my AF was so little. CD3 all gone, nothing already. Today i am extremely tired(maybe didn't sleep well yesterday night),nausea, feel vomit, yellowish discharged. what's wrong with me? lack of sleep?
Dragon, this time round, my cycle oso quite short, basically i oni got 1 day of heavy mense, then now left a bit nia, should stop tmr or tonight. maybe, u go do HPT again, bcos my friend oso similiar case as u, in last year DEC, AF came on monday, wednesday bo liao, then very fatigue and vomit, she scared so she test again, to her suprise, she positive! Dr told her she got a very late implantation, 1st 3 month, mc at home. the whole 9 mths is full of mc due to the baby is quite unstable, bcos too late implantation take place, the baby anytime will miscarriage. suppose to give birth this month, Sep, but no news yet! hahaha...

test again no harm, if negative, then maybe u fall sick, too heaty may end AF faster, take care!
Oh Bambini, so u actually see her before, hahahha... then u should be very clear of wat i trying to describe her here, hahahah... very confused of wat she say to u rite??? nvm lah, i just drank the herb lor, see how! maybe got use leh...
Kate dear, glad to know I'm not alone
heaty caused AF end faster? Then I guess I'm very heaty. Actually my mum bought me chinese medicin fm Malaysia cost RM1k which have to take 3 black pills per day. One in the morning(得子丸) another 2 强宫丸 at night. I thought to share only I succeed

I tested and is negative. I will b very worry if got positive, on the other hand very happy too
Hihi! today supposed to be CD1 but hope it dun come hahah.. so anyone going back to Dr this month?

I think my hubby is interested to do the sperm test and I think I will go for the HSG scan if AF reports. More $$ flying away!

For TCM, which is the best date to visit them? Beginning of AF or after AF finished?
ayana, finger crossed for u..shoo shoo away AF.

Dr.Lim went holiday and the clinic only reopen on 11 Sep so Kate and I try on our own this cycle.

We discuss more abt HSG and TCM when you really need it
Ayana, jia you! yeah, till CD1 still no news mean good news! hahahaha...

Dragon, wah, u got fairy antidote to take! black pills, hope u succeed then tell us where to buy! actually if u really succeed by eating tat, u can bring in to singapore sell here, sure got forumer buy from u, then u become very rich! wahahhaha... can help ppl plus earn money is win win situation!
Kate, i wish but after one month, no news
haha..maybe i thought that's 仙丹. Talk about rich, just now went to Dr.Zou at AMK. She's wearing Rolex. That's rich

As usual, she said don't drink cold things, don't eat cold fruits, wear slipper at home.

She said that little flow was due to thin lining. She prescribed medicine for 7 days (4 packets a day) cost $56.Then have to go back on CD11-13 for acupuncture.I saw quite a number of ppl doing acupuncture there. She also suggested my DH to be there on CD11 and CD13 for acupuncture.
Bambini, her add is Blk 505 AMK avenue 8 #01-2670 Singapore 560505. Tel:64560833

i find she is a kind and caring doctor. During my consultation, she walked away for at least 3 times to check out her patients who are doing acupuncture at the back room. well, it might be too early to comment. Looking forward to see her again this Sun.
Dragon, you r taking any metformin from dr charles still? N also conceive well supplements as well as medicine from dr zou?

I read from the forums tcm says don't eat cold things , means ice cream (like ginger said).. How about salad, sashimi, cold noodles. Looks like my diet has to be totally changed haha..
Bambini, Dr.Lim did not prescribe metformin. As for conceive plus usually I take it in the middle of the day, just to make sure it don't mix with tcm. Not sure right or wrong, maybe call n ask dr.zou later.
Yesterday itchy finger went to buy a HPT. And guess what, its a BFP! Keeping my fingers cross, and going to see a gynae to get a peace of mind!
Big Big congrats Ayana,

do share with us what's your BD pattern and any special you did this cycle?

Seems like every month got one person graduated from here. June-Phy, July-Gingerbreadger, Aug-Ayana.
