Cooking Tips & Recipe

HELLO little cat!

Cookiemonster told me you are back in this thread!

Hope all's well with you! WELCOME to the sahm club. It's a crazy 25/8 non stop shift job, esp during the sch hols.. LOL..

I just came back from ipoh last tues, and one of the highlights was to see how they harvest C hum! V interesting!

Heard this porridge cooking method from FIL, but yet to try it.
Made a jap cheese cake yesterday and it collapsed

To the rest of the mommies, come and "cook up" this thread again;)

Yo everyone!

littlecat and choc, the two sahm must write one guide for us on coaching children.

me still ftwm. torn between work and family daily.
but reality says i still need work.

eve, u try out recipe and show us photo pls.

choc, the children and housework seems more during school holidays?
isit true they really feed hum the fertilisers?

rest of the mummies.. come out and play!
choc, try to pm u my mobile, seems like your id does not accept that.
Can i get your mobile from cookies?

hehe next time we will share more thing too, not only receipi.

choc, after this , u still dare to eat hum or not?
i just get my hep A jab :p
but armed my self before taking more......
This thread is alive again!

the freezer method sounds interesting huh?
They say dont' stir porridge so much else kids eat liao will get windy?
so maybe this freezer method is better.

Harvest C hum? In dirty river?

Share Jap cheesecake recipe? I've always wanted to make that!

Any recommendations for rice cookers?

Cat, i also dunno why the pm not working, haha.. solly, stil dino age since the last time we chatted in forum. sure, u can get my mobile from cookie.

Husk, how are your 2 cuties?

Apparently, they buy the c hum "starters' and throw them into the river. The river is a teh c coloured mangrove swamp.. haha.. If the river is rich with nutrients,the c hums will grow, else none will survive. Then they feed on plankton, and whatnot. The mangrove swamp we visited has lots of migratory birds too, somewhat like sungei buloh. And we saw a family of otters. The c hum farmers dug the hums from the mud, wash them in the river and pile them into their boats. They cooked the hum for us, think they overcooked it, the hums didn't taste good.

Didn't succeed making the jap cheese cake cos, there was water seepage from the water bath into my cake pan despite wrapping with aluminium foil!Nevertheless, no.4 appreciated the mushy moist cake. I got my recipe from this lady's blog. Dunno if I can cut and paste her recipe here. But here's her blog,

Can go under the peach jap cheese cake, and she has other cheese cake flavours like matcha. And other nice recipes

try making this cake, I'm sure your lil ones will like it, cheesy, soft and cottony. Easy to make also.

For rice cookers, you mean the brand? Have been using the "bull head" inner pot for my sanyo rice cooker. It's stainless steel. But nowadays, I either steam my rice or use the tiger thermal warmer.

cookie, hehe.. noise pollution at home during hols, plus got to plan what to do with them, and they are always looking for things to eat. Housework is left at night
oic thot it breed in the sea, so it is in the river..

haha that is interseting they dun know what is the best way to cook it.
or maybe they know waht they feed them, so better cook thoroughly.

Got this receipi for the 'lava cak'e from TV show French food at home - Laura Calder:

Moelleux au Chocolat
• 4 ounces dark chocolate
• 2/3 cup butter
• 4 eggs
• 2/3 cup sugar
• 1/2 cup flour
Caramel Sauce
• 2/3 cup sugar
• 1/4 cup butter
• 100 millilitres cream (1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons)
• Squirt lemon juice, to taste
1. Butter six ramekins, line with a disk of parchment, then butter the parchment. Very gently melt the chocolate and butter together over a water bath. Beat the eggs and sugar until thick, pale, and ribbony. Beat in the flour, and finally the chocolate mixture. Pour into the ramekins and chill.
2. Just before serving, heat the oven to 400°F/200°C. Place the moulds on a baking sheet and bake until the top is set, 12 to 14 minutes. Remove. Let sit five minutes, before unmoulding onto plates. Serve with caramel sauce or a scoop of ice cream.
Caramel Sauce
1. Add a spoonful of water to the sugar and boil to caramel, about 5 minutes. (Be careful not to let it get too dark.) Stir in the butter to melt, then the cream. Add a squirt of lemon juice to taste.

So far tested the cake and it works, didn't do the Caramel Sauce part.

But is it yummy enuff :D

was so crazy looking for the ramekins, cookies know.
finally got it from Daiso.
Eh cat, yr choc cake very 'high class', french n yummy ... I would love a pc of it with a nice cuppa earl grey tea, looking out of the hdb flat windows, peering into other ppl's kitchen..haha..

I made a steam moist choc cake for dd2's bday last month. Was very moist n chocolatey. Got the recipe from baking mum's blog

Steam moist chocolate cake (recipe by Dralion)

1 1/2 bar of butter (250 gm + 125 gm) OR Corn Oil **
2 cups of castor sugar
1 can of Evaporated Milk
4 Eggs, lightly beaten with a folk
2 cups of Plain flour ***
1 cup of Cocoa powder
1 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp Baking soda
1 tsp Vanilla Extract or 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla essence

*** this recipe can be halve easily

Combine castor sugar, Evaporated milk, vanilla extract or essence and butter in a saucepan.
Stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved and butter is melted, off fire and keep warm.

Add the beaten eggs into the slightly cold Evaporated milk mixture and stir till well mix.

Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda into a large mixing bowl then pour the eggs mixture over the flour and stir till well mix (cake batter should be runny).
Heat up the steamer.

Lined and greased a 9 inch baking pan or 2 9'inch sandwich pan.

Pour the batter into prepared pan and place the pans into the steamer and cover the top of the pan loosely with a piece of aluminium foil.

Steam over medium heat for 1 1/2 hour (45 mins for 1/2 recipe/ingredients).

Cold the cake in pan before turning out for further decoration.

Made some blueberry pancakes for breakfast just now, since blueberries are on sale.

Today's lunch ll be chicken macaroni soup.

What are you all cooking?

Hi muffin! Wow time flies! So what are your kids' age gap like?
choc, i saw the same receipi also, but have not try it yet.
Soon got plenty of time haha...

Muffin, wow mom of 3 liao? really time flies...
i recall we started this thread in 2006.

Yeah we are curious to know the age gap.

Choc,not cooking for this week, cos sending my ds1 to the aunt house. She will normally cook for us.
But starting from next week, i will cook dinner at home.

So fast next week school re open liao...
forgot my ds1 is P2 and bet he also forgot there is something call 'school' waiting for him...
how have u been doing?

hee.. will u still eat hum after u see how they breed and harvest the hum?
i tried the soft cheese cake recipe once. it states not over mixed the batter... in the end, i 'under mixed'. after bakeing the top part like sponge cake the bottom part cheese. sigh...
my 2 also forever looking for things to eat... dun wory to much abt housework. enjoy the last few days of school holidays first.

quick quick! update us more abt yr 3.

where is annlee, pinkbunny, starz and van?
come out and play.
Hi, me very busy cos maidless and has to cope with a pri five dd and a five year old boy.Still survive though.How about u?

Not much time to cook lately cos most time is spend on the kids and hsework.

Hey, how is everyone doing?Have a good holidays?Any year end plan?Am thinking to get my energy recharge in hokkaido year end.But not sure to do free and easy or take partial package.Anyone has exp to share.

Where are you/How is your ds in school?Still honeymoon period right?
Hello girls,
I just got back from a Genting-KL trip with my sis' family and my parents. Met my inlaws there too. Really fun cos Soph enjoyed the kiddie rides. But sitting in the carseat for such a long period was a little traumatic for little David who cried a fair bit.

Thanks for the recipe. Will try it. I need to do more of such cheesy stuff to fatten Soph up a bit.

I like Baking Mum's blog too! is the moist choc cake anything like Lanna or Awfully Chocolate type?

How are your 4 kds? How old are they now?
This thread has been quet for so long... we need an update of whose kids are how old now!

Re. rice cooker, yes, I was asking about brand... cos I am wondering if it's worth investing in a Zojirushi one after my helper leaves end July.

I got my ramekins from Ikea long ago. But yes, Daiso is a great place to shop... we must go there for breakfast and shopping one of these days!

How old are your kids now?
I think I saw you ordering Bravado nursing bras... are you still breastfeeding now?

hello Joy,
How are you! What happened to your helper? Are you now planning to have a helper anymore?
hello huskie

You also intend to go maidless sonn?
I sent my helper back cos her contract also almost up.Have survived more than six months without maid.See how long I can take fair, its more privacy and no need to manage extra person.
hi Joy,
Yep, think I will go maidless soon too.
My helper is actually my brother's ex-helper who didn't want to renew her contract anymore, so I asked if she could just help me out for 6 months, she said OK.
Her 6 months will be ending end July, and I am still wondering how to cope with a 3.5yo and a 8-mth old.
I get a little confused about our kiddos' age now... shall I start a list and you guys add on so it's easier to see at a glance?

Littlecat, I started off with you cos you'd have the honor of the first name as Founder of Cooking Thread

Correct the ages of your kids if I got them wrong.
A bit messy, but we can always compile them into a table when there're more inputs.

Cooking Thread Mommies and their kids:
Littlecat (2): P2 ds, 4yo ds
Joy (2): P5 dd, 5yo ds
Huskie (2): 3yo dd, 8-mth-old ds
Thanks for updating
Its going to tough to be maidless for you since your children are still so young.
For me, still can pull through as the younger one is coming to five this july.
Cooking Thread Mommies and their kids:
Littlecat (2): P2 ds, 4yo ds
Joy (2): P5 dd, 5yo ds
Huskie (2): 3yo dd, 8-mth-old ds
cupcake (3): 5 yo dd, 2yo ds, 4 mth dd

hi Sophie
will b tough without help when kiddos are young. But I believe u r strong enough to do it.
yes I m still bfeeding my youngest. Bravado bras r v comfortable.
hi all

I update like this, ok?
hehe.. all put age easier lah..

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD> Age (dd/ds)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little cat (2) </TD><TD> 8 (ds) , 4 (ds) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy (2)</TD><TD> 11 (dd) , 5 (ds) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Huskie (2)</TD><TD> 3 (dd) , 8 mth (ds) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cupcake (3)</TD><TD> 5 (dd) , 2 (ds), 4 mth (dd) </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Thanks Huskie
haha.. i almost forgotten the thread name &amp; luckily cookies reminded me :p

Talking about maidless, for me it has been a year now, without maid and still ftwm.
Initially really 'xiong'.. but happy cos no need to see another person's black face and worrying when she or me will explode.

jia you , joy and huskie.

Joy, yeah me too thinking since mine are 8 and 4, i can handle better.
Also i started my 2nd ds childcare since last year when he was 3.
Cos i know we can't rely on her.
You finally out..heee
Good job for coming out that great table.
8 and 4,should be ok age, even without maid.I know you can do it too...Your dd is in pri two now?so fast....
hehe.. yeah was busy yesterday.
next wed last day, but still got thing to clear... so not 100% rod ..

will have more time next week.

yes my ds1 P2 liao, fast hor?
scary when think of it.
my ds2 K1 next year..!!!
oh man, i get worried now.
he is abit slow, i recall ds1 at this age already know how to draw and write something.
this one is really.. a mess..
Hello all,
Guess I have the most number of kids,paiseh..
My kids' age,dd1(10), dd2(8), ds(4),dd3(20 months).

cat, tks for updating

Me whole day busy busy, either cooking, laundry or in the study room supervising kids. Else, they watch some vcds.
Some afternoons, i'll be experimenting fast, easy recipes to feed the brood for breakfast the next day. Have been trying out bread recipes from baking mum and blessed mum's blog. They are really tried and tested.

The steam moist choc cake is like saralee pound cake, I have also tried some american choc cake recipes, somehow, mine always don't turn out well and it's dry and hard.
My dd1 has always been kind to eat the cakes tho they don't taste good. LOL.. dd2 and ds are very frank, they won't take another bite if they don't like it. dd3 will blur blur eat the cake without complaining.. haha..

Joy, pri 5 work very "siong" hor? My dd1(pri4)s work is also overwhelming. Loads of memory work for sci and application.. and she's not good in remembering facts . haiz..

Cookie, yah, i'll still eat hum, can't control.. slurpz and all sorts of shellfish

Tonight making fenge soup, and flat ngoh hiong( saw from the prog 3dishes 1 soup) and stirfry cauliflower
You super mum!Do u have a helper to assit you?

Yes, pri five is a big jump.But, if the foundation is firm, still ok.I also worried initially as no maid means I cannot do close supervision on her like what I used to.Somehow I manage.This SA1 still ok.

Science subject also not my girl forte.Actually its partial memory work, the rest u have to process and apply, not an easy subject to handle well.MCQ has to score 30/30 or max two mistakes if hope to be in the 90s far.
choc, you are welcome.
Singapore government LOVE you and we salute you, 4 kids without a maid.
All one-leg-kick!

I am trying to visualise how my day will be after i become SAHM.
Starting next Thursday 1st July!
Wish me luck!

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD> Age (dd/ds)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little cat (2) </TD><TD> 8 (ds) , 4 (ds) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy (2)</TD><TD> 11 (dd) , 5 (ds) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Huskie (2)</TD><TD> 3 (dd) , 8-mth-old (ds) </TD></TR><TR><TD>cupcake (3)</TD><TD> 5 (dd) , 2 (ds), 4 mth (dd) </TD></TR><TR><TD>choc (4)</TD><TD> 10 (dd) , 8 (dd), 4 (ds) , 20 mth (dd)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
choc, can share some breakfast receipi here?

Right now, i will prepare coco crunch for ds1, and cereal with milk to ds2.
Some time i will cook egg or noodle.

My dh already requesting for healthy breakfast for all.
hmm.. healthy means normally not very nice, must remind him.. kekeke...

Any nice pancake receipi to share ?
You're really a super mom! I cannot imagine myself with 4 kids without maid.
Hubby would like #3, but I told him I really cannot leh.
Soph schobus comes at 1pm, and in the mornings after maid leaves, I'll be busy cooking, bathing the 2 etc... I normally leave her alone to watch TV... feel so bad!

Pancake recipe: I just buy the White Wings pancake mix in a jar and add water to make pancakes. So far, it didn't fail me. I add banana slices too.

Haha, your current breakfast sounds very healthy, even got noodles! How come not healthy?
Soph sometimes eats eggs with hotdog, half-boiled black sauce eggs with bread, ham sandwich, oats with fruits, pancakes with fruits or just bread with butter and jam. Not very exciting either

I;m sure you'll do well as a SAHM.... you're already doing pretty well as a FTWM without maid!

Are you still working or a SAHM now?
I don't have helper, would like to have one at times, but like what cat said, I scared to see another person's black face.. My sis helper comes over at times to help out tho. and the rest of the minor cleaning sometimes done by dds in the study, cos that's the dirtiest place.. haha..

Hehe cat, when my hb goes overseas, I gila liao.. Everyday, my time expires at 6 plus, after that time, the bomb will explode..My black, long tired face shows

I'll usually do my pancake batter night time,put in fridge,then next day will make for dds and hb for their breakfast. Will post the recipe by my neighbour in my next post. Recently tried out blessed homemaker's blueberry pancake, but mine didn't turn out quite well.

Sometimes, I fry frozen roti prata, fry an egg separately, and roll them up in lettuce, mayo and mustard. Else, i'll get those wholemeal wrap from ntuc and do likewise with ham, tuna etc.

Hey, you should try baking bread, loaf bread, buns, it's very satisfying.. All you need is a good kneading machine, then, you can make all sorts of they say.. the sky is your limit.. LOL

Husk, go for no. 3.. jia you.. for me, the break between my no2 and 3 are 4 yrs, so when i had no3, it was quite a breeze, cos no. 1 and 2 are rather independent. How abt doing puzzles? lil soph can do while you cooking? I did that with no3 sometimes when i'm cooking lunch, colouring also
Soph doesn't like puzzles leh. She'll need someone to read to her too. She's currently into pretending games e.g. pretending to be a teacher... so helper and didi will pretend to be her students. I think it's my fault for giving her too much attention when she was younger so she cannot play by herself now? So when she is bored, she'll ask for TV.

Her current school is PM session. She refuses to nap, and gets bored and tried by her boredom by the time schbus comes at 1pm. I'm thinking of changing to another school which has AM session, but she loves this school so much leh that she would ask to go to school even on weekends. Plus I'm afraid changing schools so many times will have her confidence shaken. Now really don't know what to do!
huskie, okok.. i like never fail receipi..kekeke..
eh i like with banana one.. but do u put banana there and fry together? or only put when serving? i like abit caramelized type..yumyum..

the noodle sometime is instant one lah.. not healthy :p
but i try to use those healthy plain type and put with my chicken stock.

thanks for your compliment, i really hope i will do well.....

choc, i like the idea of using wholemeal wrap, healthier.

My recent medical checkup show my cholestrol very high
.. must do something about it.

okok can post the most easier,simple bread receipi?
but dun want to invest on a machine first, use hand.
heard got some receipi without kneading..
Pancake recipe
1 ¼ cup plain flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon caster sugar
1 egg, slightly beaten
½ cup evaporated milk
½ cup water
1 tablespoon melted butter

1)Into mixing bowl, sift flour, b powder and salt. Stir in sugar.
2)In another bowl, beat together milk, egg and water until well0mixed. Stir liquid into dry ingredients to form a thick batter.
3)Stir in melted butter.
4)Place a tablespoon of batter onto a hot frying pan. When bubbles appear on surface of pancakes, flip pancake and cook on the other side

I use a small pan abt palm size to fry the pancakes. Kids ii love anything miniature

ya, my no.3 does pretending games too, and my no.2 still does it! She ll be the teacher and 3 and 4 will be her students. Dunno when they'll outgrow this.
Does soph like colouring? tracing?
I have been getting some activity books, 2nd hand story books from bras basah( think 2nd floor, knowledge bookshop?) for no.3. The books are good at occupying them. But must always change different activities since their attention span is so short. Else he'll be watching vcds also

Can share how your dd does her sci revision? My dd has been doing math the whole time cos it needs loads of practice.I will ask dd to do mind mapping on sci concepts which i think might not be enough.
DD also loves pretend play and doesnt like puzzle at your dd age.
My boy on the contrary loves puzzle, lego etc.

My girl never loves mind mapping.This whole holidays, I have been working on her science.No short cut, practise thr exam paper, read and guide her.Find out where is her problem at the same time.I used to think that few errors in science mcq was ok.I marked she always seem to do very well, but really its not good enough.We have been working alot on math too.
SAHM all along.

Today's lunch
roast chicken
fried spinach

I v lazy, marinate n pop chicken into oven, ask maid to cook rice n fry spinach....
Hey joy, Tks for your prompt reply. you are right. There are errors in the exam papers! And agree with you, my dd did well for the mcqs in exam papers, and didn't do so well for sch sci paper. When I told her teacher that, she was puzzled also.. So besides mind mapping, think got to revise whole lot and learn to apply concepts over and over again..

Milk loaf recipe(recipe from happy homebaking's blog)

143g fresh milk (I used HL low-fat fresh milk)
35g egg
25g caster sugar
5g salt
250g bread flour
4g Instant yeast
38g butter (unsalted)

1. Place milk, egg, followed by caster sugar, salt, bread flour and yeast into the pan of the bread machine. Set to Dough function. Add in the butter after 8 ~ 10 mins into the kneading cycle. Continue to let the bread machine do the kneading. Stop the machine after the kneading cycle. Re-start the machine and let the dough knead for another 10mins before stopping the machine.
2. Remove dough from the bread pan, let it proof in room temperature in a mixing bowl, covered with cling wrap. Let proof for 60mins.
3. Remove dough and punch out the gas. Divide dough into 3 equal portion. Roll and shape into balls. Let the doughs rest and relax for 15 mins. (this 'relaxing' time is needed so that the dough will be easier to roll out and shaped).
4. On a lightly floured surface, flatten one dough and roll out into a longish shape. Roll up the dough swiss-roll style. Do the same for the two remaining doughs.
5. Flatten the rolled-up dough and roll out again into a long rectangular shape. Roll up tightly, and make as many rolls you can, swiss-roll style for the second time. Do the same for the two remaining doughs.
6. Place doughs in lightly greased bread tin/pan. Let the doughs proof for the second time, until it fills up 80% of the tin/pan. Cover with cling wrap.
7. Bake at pre-heated oven at 180 ~ 190 deg C for 30 to 35mins. (I set mine to 200 deg C as my oven temperature is always on the low side.)
8. Unmould the bread immediately when removed from the oven. Let cool completely before slicing.

I like using happy homebaking's bread recipes.There are lots of bread recipes too.And she's very nice to answer your queries. So far, my kids like this loaf bread recipe. Though it requires a dough machine, you can try using hands if the dough is not too sticky. The full picture can be found in her blog.
And I normally just throw everything in order, into my machine.

The most important tip I learned is to achieve a "window pane" consistency. That means when your dough is kneaded well, stretch it out with two hands against the light, observe a transparent "film" in your dough. Have attended phoon huat in the past and sadly, my bread turned into rock. haha.. guess i didn't pay attention to the important cue..
Thanks for the tips on handling Soph. I'll try them... I sort of gave up colouring because she would colour only 1 dot, and then come running to me saying she's finished... so her colouring books have been put away for awhile.

I put in bananas when it starts to bubble. Will slice it directly like a pro, btu unfortunately my pancakes don't turn out so pro-looking.

Cholesterol level high? Heard starfruit and celery works? Or fen ge soup?
Better try and reduce the cholesterol level... share a mantra "You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others."

I think puzzles is not a girl's thing? Heard from a friend boys are more into puzzles.

Roast chicken sounds yummy!
My little trusty toaster oven which I always use to bake chicken broke down... have not bought a replacement yet!

Do you stay in the west too?
btw, ds got chickenpox today... blisters started erupting this morning. Poor baby, only 8 mths old and got it from me!
huskie, hope both of you are fine now.

Thanks for the info on cholesterol.
I know celery is good for high blood, overall more vege is good.
Heard fen-ge is good for ladies, so sisters drink more

I did cehck on internal, here are some good food that help Cholesterol:

Nutritional and Herbal Therapy for High Cholesterol
• Increase you intake of fiber-rich foods such as oatmeal, wholegrains, fruits, vegetables and legumes (beans, soybeans).
• Soy products help lower cholesterol levels due to their isoflavone content.
• Include garlic, onions, avocados, salmon, almonds and walnuts in your diet.
• Omega-3 oils such as flax seed oil and fish oil helps lower cholesterol.
• Copper and chromium are minerals that have been shown to lower cholesterol levels.
• The herb, Shan Zha, otherwise known as Hawthorn berry, can help lower bad cholesterol.
Hello all, couldnt post anything yesterday, think the server s down.

Husk, hope you and your ds feeling better now.

my ang has slightly high chol, my mil and my mum too. i suspect i'll have it too. Now my ang and i take fish oil capsules diligently.

I don't really have a time table for my older ones, but when they come back from sch, they'll have lunch first. i'll normally write down their revisions on a diary. They'll then refer to it to complete their work. if they complete substantial work, like 3 or more work, i'll paste a sticker on their charts. Then they'll proceed to do some online assignment or learning by which each sch gg child subscribes)
Hope this helps;)

Anyone has any nice duck recipes? I have half a skinless duck left in my freezer. the last time I use it to make kiam chye ar.
hi girls,
Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm totally recovered... ds is still in the midst of his outbreak, but the blisters are drying up amazingly fast, thanks to the antiviral medication I think.
Just FYI - doc says it's best to take the medicine within the first 24hrs or latest 48 hours, then it'll be most effective. Not wise to leave it to "come out all" like old folks say, cos research showed that those who had a more major outbreak have a higher chance of getting shingles later in life... like me!

Just got my fen ge today and made this soup with dried oysters and cuttlefish. Didn't know dried oysters are so expensive?! I bought 10pcs for $4 and I didn't even eat it... maid ate all of them cos I just recovered and don't wanna touch seafood... hubby does not dare to eat it. I modified the recipe by toasting my cuttlefish first before adding to soup to boil. Very yummy... maid thinks so too.

Better take care of your cholesterol level!
This might be good reading for you too:;nm=Healing+Kitchen&amp;type=AWHN_FoodRemedies&amp;mod=Food+Remedies&amp;tier=2&amp;id=FF485FA29B7243BF906F508E8B13BB4B

Wow, your dds' routine seems good... just curious, did they go to Montessori preschool last time?

Duck - my mum usu braise the duck with soy sauce and sea cucumber... very yummy. But nicer with skin on I think
Hey husk, glad to hear you are ok. What a coincidence! I made fen ge with chi xiao dou &amp; cuttlefish too

Ya, i saw wendy's website, very good recipes right? But I didn't succeed my jap cake, due to the seepage of water into the pan. Blur me!

My dds didn't complete the whole kindi, hehe.. I just let dd1 attend K2 year in private kindergarten only n dd2 only nursery n k1. For K2, i pulled dd2 out of sch cos she was sick every month for 5 days due to her frequent asthmatic attack. I also supplemented with some workbooks.

wow, braised duck with sea cucumber, I must try it the next time. i bought a pack of seah's braising herbs yesterday, boil the duck, tau pok, tau kua and eggs in it. Then blanch some kuey teow and made my version of kuey chap. hehe.. playcheat..

Hey cat, how you coping?
Aiyah, posted a reply yest but seems like this forum not working too well nowadays...

Anyway, Choc,
What is chi xiao dou? Buy from vege stall or dried goods stall? What is it good for?

Yep, Wendy's website has good recipes too, but hee, don't think I have the energy to bake the Jap cheesecake now... will just buy from Giant which is only $4.70, taste is not bad for its price!

Wow, your dds did not complete their kindies and yet coping well with school... you did a great job! I thought they were Montessori trained as they are so disciplined.

How's your first week as SAHM?
Husk, I bought my chi4 xiao3 dou from the chinese medical hall. The shopkeeper says it's supposed to relieve dampness in the body.. etc.. They look the same as red beans, but only bigger. The man says just use a little to cook soup. I used a palm size.

Haha.. Thanks for "looking me so up".Hehe..but i constantly struggle to manage them, at different stages, they have different needs. No one method can be applied to all, which i foolishly thought it would. Depending on their character, i'll have to try out different ways to motivate and discipline(like rewarding,praising, caning, talking,sometimes using newspaper articles)
I have a sotong, a stubborn mule,an active dog and a "spoilt" mouse at home,
now dd1 is beginning to have some pre teen attitude problem, got to constantly remind her.

How are you coping with soph and bb? Soph must have love and sayang bb alot.My older girls constantly spoil the bb in the house!

I also visit happyhomebaking for her bread recipes. She s so kind to take time to explain queries.

Bet u must be a very patient mum to manage all the kiddos...

How old is your older one?my dd always testing my patient and drive me up the wall...hmmmm...I guess we are trying our best to bring the best in them and they are trying to train us to be a better parent....

Anyone here tried the tie ban toufu in lemon glass restuarnt before?My kids love them and I never seem to get the taste right when i dish it myself...anyone can help?thanks

Have a great long weekend...

Bet u must be a very patient mum to manage all the kiddos...

How old is your older one?my dd always testing my patient and drive me up the wall...hmmmm...I guess we are trying our best to bring the best in them and they are trying to train us to be a better parent....

Anyone here tried the tie ban toufu in lemon glass restuarnt before?My kids love them and I never seem to get the taste right when i dish it myself...anyone can help?thanks

Have a great long weekend...

Your dd at 10 already got pre-teen attitude? That's so early! But I heard that kids nowadays start everything very early *sigh*

Hee, your active dog is your ds?
My ds also seems to be an active dog - constantly moving and biting things, even now when he's got chickenpox.
Two weeks ago, I was at Watsons buying stuff and hubby was carrying him. Ds just grab something so fast that hubby had no time to stop him. It dropped on the floor and some glass bottle in it broke... I quickly told sales assistant I'll pay for it, then hubby told me it costs $119! *faintz* Luckily sales assistant says no need, whew!

Soph does sayang didi a lot, but everything is also "no didi noooooo" when didi touches her things.
Recently, she a bit "bo hew" me... ask her to do something or come to table to eat dinner, she will bochap me. Why and how huh?
I wonder if it's her school where I find that the teachers tend to molly coddle the kids a lot... thinking of changing school for her soon.

Sorry, I have no idea how to make tie ban tofu and mushroom soup... haha, my cooking skills not up to that level yet!
