Cooking Tips & Recipe

Maybe you can call them up to ask?
I think if it's very serious and you want to restore it back to almost brand new kind of condition again, you may need to ask them to come for professional service.
For my previous granite, it started looking blurry in its overall appearance, so I started using this and it looked shinier... but mine was an "image", ore of overall look.

Think you can call them. Although it's stated on website that DIY stores sell them, I don't seem them at all DIY stores.
hi huskie
My also is the image problem.I will try to find and see whether i can get it in the diy store.How long do u use and get to see the improvement on the granite?thanks
Sorry, Joy, I mean mine was not an "image" problem... just overall blurry look... ver bad typo now that I am sitting on floor typing on my TV console :p

Anyway, for my overall blurry look, I used about 2 mths, then hubby commented granite looked shinier and newer.
Good morning mums!

Joy, haiz.. on the contrary I'm not that patient nowadays! my hb is many mant times more patient than me.hehe.. ya, agree with you, they are training us to be better parents.

Husk, ya, dd1 sometimes has some attitude prob, easily agitated with the sibs, sometimes she has a bad day in sch with her friends and come back to vent it out on her sibs.So i'll always remind her the golden rule "do to others you have them do to you"..After disciplining them, i'll ask
them to go inside the room alone, reflect on their attitudes in their personal journals.
These kids just need lots and lots and lots of reminders.. my patience is running dry!
So cooking is my way of venting out too. haha..

Baked a banana cake on sat, chilled it, had it for breakfast with a cup of coffee this morning, yumz.. little bb loved the cake

Tried a few types of bananas, found that delmonte bananas yield the least fragrance. For this recipe, it's a lil sweet, so i think i'll reduce the sugar by half a cup next time.

Soft and moist banana cake by yummy koh

250g salted butter
1 1/2 cups castor sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 tbsp milk
1 1/2 cups mashed bananas
2 cups plain flour (sieve with 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda and 1 tsp baking powder)
some walnuts to sprinkle on top

1. Cream butter and sugar in a mixing blowl. Add in eggs, vanilla essence and milk and mix well.

2. Add in mashed bananas into the mixture and mix well. Finally, add in sifted flour and mix well.

3. Bake in preheated oven at 170 deg C for 1 hour or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake and comes out clean. If the top layer turns brown after 15 minutes, cover it with aluminium foil.

4. Cool cake .... and serve.

(my tweak :instead of plain flour, I used cake flour+ a tsp of b soda, used 4 medium sized bananas)
preparation time: abt half hr, baking 1hr
hi choc,huskie.. thanks for asking, the first few days still 'honeymoon' period... have not feel the heat yet...

huskie thanks for the website !
btw i did go for a free cholestrol test, i do see a drop leh.. must work harder!

I tried going excercise alternate day and eat less meat and intestine.

Now when I order the bak-cho mee, i ask them not to put liver. It won't happen last time.

Talk about patient mom... sigh i am terrible one... still can't get over the headache working time, now still rushing them here and there.

I have a receipi from radio on 赤小豆.

btw 赤小豆 and 红豆 are different right? i go internet to check some say is the same leh..


大病过后 如何调理,小孩如唇红,嘴臭,可喝这汤。

绿豆,赤小豆, 黄豆,白扁豆,黑豆


可加冬瓜, 排骨,煮汤
going off topic but anyone knows how to get rid of flies in the toilet?? They r harmless but so irritating!!
muffin, how abt getting a pot of citronella plant? Put in in your toilet. This plant is rather pungent ,acts as a mozzie repellent as well( smells exactly like the commercial moz repellent).

Other alternatives will be rosemary, my mum has one in her toilet and it smells great. A small pot of pandan leaves? Or you can take a bunch from the vege seller and place in toilet but change them regularly;)
Last resort : keep some frogs as pets..

Cat, when i cook rice, i'll also add a handful of rolled oats in. The kids don't taste the diff.
Wah, i love liver too and my hb and kids ll alw donate theirs to me. Dare not check yet..

Saw abundant and cheap chayotes(fo2 shou3 gua1)in the market.Going to cook it with pork ribs tonight.
I just lost it with my maid just now.
She should be leaving this Saturday - booking her ticket now.

Where to get citronella plant?

Sorry girls... keeping this post short... reply the rest later!
muffin, haha i have the same problem.. and my two boys- boys leh, see them screening like seeing ghost!

choc, same question, where to get the citronella?
haha i like the idea of having frog.. then later too many frog u need to have a snake to eat them.....kekeke...

eh, any tips on indoor gardening?
Last sunday we went to Hort park at alexandar, see how they grows the plants indoor, in the 'show flat'.
Very nice, thinking of putting some live plants at home...

Choc, Rolled oats ah, how about those instant oatmeals can or not ah?
yeah they used to dump (not donate) the liver to my bowl, now, i also dump away if i forgot to tell them don't put in the soup.
btw how about hum ah? is it high in cholestrol?

chayotes(fo2 shou3 gua1), can just cook as soup?
i never try before leh... i thot only for stir fried wth dried shrimp.

Huskie, hope everything ok, do keep us update what happen.
Choc, LittleCat,
Haha, I really enjoy your ladies' humour about the frogs!
Brightens up my day esp. when I see a sulky maid whole day long.

Ok, this is what happened - cut and paste from my Feb mommy thread:
We found out she stole money (no proof so I cannot confront her). But I know cos I counted my money in the wallet and then found a $10 note missing. This was a few weeks ago, and I thought I'll let it go and just keep my money safer since she is scheduled to leave in Aug anyway.

She lies to me she has no hp but actually has. When I caught her SMS-ing, I told her it's OK to have hp, but use it only after chores are finished at night, or when not looking after baby.
Yesterday I went out for a short while to view a sch with Soph, and came home unexpectedly early. Opened the gate and heard her yelp. I ran into the bedroom and saw her holding a struggling D by his waist and the other hand busy trying to stuff her handsfree set into her pocket... standing by the window, no doubt to look out for me coming home. Asked her what happened and she said D bit her... luckily she never drop D! I told her that's the end of my patience and since she abused my trust in her, I would like to keep her hp, and she refused... so I said, either give me the hp or she goes home... and she chose to go home.

I think she also sneaks out of the house when we're not home cos how else will she get to top up her phone and talk for hours every night?

So stressful - why do they abuse my trust in them? To think I treat her really well.
Solly gals, hope I copied the right link. Citronella leaf is smaller than a palm size, a bit furry texture, and when you rub the leaves with your fingers, it smells exactly like mozzie repellent.

Sometimes i can see potted citronella plants in the pasar malam markets. Or the bigger orchards like far east flora or hougang central should have them.

Oh dear, husk, please don't let your maid spoil your day. Dunno what these people are thinking!
So what are your plans now?
I told my hb that since i have no helper, i'll invest in all the gadgets to clean the house(almost wanted to get an i-roomba, cleans floor automatically), in the end i have all sorts of brooms, cloths and mops. And cooking is v simple since cleaning up is a chore. hehe.. And i don't mind getting a robot
if it's affordable

ya cat, instant oats also can. But they say rolled oats better. Now i only eat hum occasionally, but indulge in the shells that shing shiong has. Haiz.. terrible leh..

I planted a rosemary plant outside my house, some orchids and roses. Feed them washed rice water, and they bloom! the horte park indoor garden has very nice plants, very tempted to do it too, but time consuming leh.

Chayotes are nice for stirfries too. For the first time, i made soup with pork ribs and cuttlefish. Then the leftover use for making porridge the next day. My hb said the soup is tasty.

K, got to go, before the kids turn the house upside down. Husk, take it easy ya..
Wah, she really testing your limit leh… aiyoh really too much man!

Eh they can ask her fren to sms her the pin # in order to top up, she probably has tons of fren out there doing that for her.

Just ‘ren’ two more days since she is leaving on Saturday.

Choc, thanks for the Citronella photo, think seen that at wet market before.
Will go check it out.

I intend to put some plants in the toilet, to chase away the flies and also hehe… natural air freshener… hopefully…

Eh I like the idea of having gadgets to help leh..
Btw how often you mop the floor?

I find the floor get dusty very fast, if I have the energy think will mop at least 2x per day.

I saw a fren using the i-roomba, looks good since you can let it clean by itself.

But not suitable for my house, cos my house is small and lots of thing on the floor, the i-roomba can’t go in.

U know my ideal house is to have everything ‘hanging’ on the wall, so easier to clean and mop mah.

Imagine the sofa is mounted on the wall, so no legs, easy to clean, if u need more space, just fold the seat up, haha.. more rooms

Same for the dining table and the chairs, all mount on the wall, and with a button to automatically fold the table and chair after meal, hehe… in my dream lah.

Huskie, yes that looks like the fresh sea coconut 海底椰, the soups looks interesting leh..

Now I have one more soups to add to my list liao.
Haha! cat, you very farnie leh. Can, can do, use lego to do a mini house, all hung on the wall.

When I had 2 kids, I mopped daily,just love the squeaky clean floor. When I had 3, just magic clean the floor, when no.4 came along, I only sweep the floor and pick up litters when they are visible. haha..
Ya, i roomba won't like my house too, it'll get frustrated and jam up with the toys on the floor.

When i have a whole family of lizard in my house, i suspect there are some bugs or flies around.

Yesterday, I made white radish, green radish and celery soup with pork ribs. Add some dried oysters, and red dates. Very refreshing too;)
haha... only mop once a week kind of thing right?
eh did u get your elder one to help?

my ds1 got so fascinated at the vucuum cleaner, so volunteer to help and my dh happily letting him do.. cos he can shake leg also mah.

then the ds2 see me washing dish also want to do it... it is a mess...

it is good to get them involved but.... must be damn patient.

eh u heard of using egg-shells to drive the lizards away ?

try it, see if it works for u.

i try the other day, looks like it is gone for awhile..

but just the day before yesterday, i saw it again, coming out from the clock and eat a fly object (not sure if is flies or mostiquoes or waht kind of insect) :p

so visa granted for it to stay.... since lizard is easier to chase away (use egg shell (?)) then the frog...
oh man we are back to the ecosystem topics.. :p :p
Ya, talk about visa granted..haha.. unwelcome guests ar!Aunties, uncles, cousins.. whole clan all come.. Each time my kids and i see them, esp at night, the man of the house will corner it and "phiack" it with rolled up newspapers..

Eggshells? how huh? just put it near their "homes"? My sink top seems to be their "toilet" that I even joked with my kids to build a paper shelter, labelled "toilet" so they can just go there to do it in their comfort. LOL..

Ya, only wet mop once a wk, dd1 n 2 will ensure the study room and their bedroom floors are clean. Seldom ask them to do major cleaning, like what you say, got to be very patient, I'll end up shouting at them!So if their rooms are not messy, no visible litters, I very happy liao.. Sometimes my sis' helper comes and help out a bit.

Sometimes I see used tissue papers tucked at a corner and threaten to use scotchtape to stick it on their shoulders, Haha.. once, i dunno what got into me, and I really did that to dd2, from then on, i don't see used tissue around..

wow, poolside dinner?! So shiok!
Share with you all a recipe: Saw from blessedmum's website,

Oven baked chicken wings:

curry powder,
plain flour
(all from "agaration";))
Wash and drain chicken wings

Mix curry powder and salt. Add to chicken wings and season for 1hr, the longer the better.

Dredge the wings into plain flour, line them on a greased tray/ greased metal grill, bake at 200deg preheated oven.

Enjoy the healthy non fried oil-less crispy chicken wings!
Can substitute curry powder with 5 spice powder, or any chicken seasoning
can have frog.. no need snakes.
after the frog eat to eat lizards and can have gong bao frog leg or frog leg porridge.
heee... hope i dun spoilt anyone's appetite.

choc, after u recommended the blogs have been trying some of the recipes.
the mummies are good as they took time to explained.
baked donuts with recipe fm the
have fun in the kitchen with no.1 while no.2 sleeping.
tasted good also

then got adventurous.
made the steamed choc cake choc mentioned previously.
after making teh cake a few times, the dh said why not change favour like do a pandan cake.
the crazy me added pandan paste instead of vanila and cocoa, used coconut milk instead of milk.
heee.. and viola...we have a pandan kueh....
totally werid.. only the 2 children and maid likes it.
the dh who suggested it.. refused to eat any after the first bite and ask me to improve on it.
my mom says like kueh instead of cake.

last sat, saw nice wong bak in ntuc. got them and cooked ikan bilis soup, wong bak and meat balls with noodles

for dinner, had pizza. with sliced bread as based, cut up ham, canned pineapple, mushrooms and cheese. the children also had fun assembling their pizza.

huskie, had u had 'trouble-free' time sending back yr maid.

choc, will try the chicken wings this weekend. ;)
I didn't know they can SMS the pin and it's so high-tech.

I am feeling really bad and remorseful sending my maid back.
When I told her on Sat morning she was going back, she looked like she was going to cry, but held back the tears.
Actually I was also going to cry too... think I really treated her more like my eldest daughter that why I was so upset when she breached the trust I had in her.
No matter what, she has been very good to my children... the handphone incident with a struggling baby was probably a one-off incident that was suay enough for me to see.
But why couldn't she just apologise to me and let me keep her handphone? That way, I will just give her back her handphone after 8pm every night, and will not send her back.

The remorse is really killing me... hubby says I'm not cut out to own my own business!
u r really soft hearted. When I sent my helper back, I also told her that morning and sent her to the agency after she packed her stuff. My hb did the 'bad' person role, I just kept quiet and ignore her. In fact I was so happy to let her go. She gave me lots of trouble, spoil my electrical appliance, din look after my boy and let him fall backwards though she was sitting in front of him etc etc, things came to a head when I realised that I would rather do the chores than to ask her to do. She had a HP and talked through the night resulting in her 'blurness'. She din realised that my hb could hear her talking while he was doing work in the wee hours(he was talking to his US counterparts).

Dont feel remorseful, its not your fault.You are too nice.I dont think I can trust such maid with my little one, no matter how nice she has been infront of me, worst still, having a hp without permission.

I always gave my ex maid chance to repent, same thing, abused my trust over and over again...set her go, its actually a peace for me...
Huskie, please don’t feel that way.
Think of how she breached the trust u trust in her and you have the right to do that.
Seriously we can not ‘soft hearted’ when dealing with them.

One of my colleague , u know how she send her maid off ?
She just get her to the car just like usual going out for shopping etc. and drop her at the agent place.
Then she will arrange the luggage to the agent.
She said can not give them advanced notice, they might do something funny etc..
Solid hor?

Choc, thanks for the recipe will try that.

The pool side dinner being called off last min.
Cos I have a little ‘explosion’ in the fridge that day 
One of the diet coke can exploded , sian.. took me about 30min to clean that up.
The fridge temperature too cold so everything turn to ice….

Yesterday while waiting for the school bus, I told my ds1, I am tired of doing all the house work.
Then he said why not get a maid to do it? I said, can not leh, mummy quit the job , remember?
Then he said, told you already don’t quit your job now you know the ‘consequences’……… vomit blood.
Hey girls,
I survived my first week without maid!
Siong, but hubby seems happier. I'm also a lot happier cos hubby is more involved in the family again.
Previously with maid around, I felt he didn't care about the family much... come home, will bathe kids but quickly shoo them to sleep so he start working from his laptop again. Now he has no choice but to be more involved in housework and also spends more time with kids.

You're really adventurous with your pandan kueh!

Your ds' comment is really funny!

Thanks for oven baked chicken wings idea... I'll try it.
So far I have done it but with normal soy sauce garlice marinate, and it turns out more like braised chicken wings, which suits me fine cos Soph is not used to eating the hard crispy flour battered skin.

My mum makes a wicked fish head beehoon, but she uses a mix of pork loin (bak tau) and fish bones for soup base, cos she says if using fish bones alone, soup is not sweet.
Thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear you are doing well without maid.Jiayou...

Hey, mummies here, anyone has any remedy to maintain eyes as to prevent myopia or to prevent it totally, other than dont watch tv, play pc ways...thanks
I just found out about this thread. I'm a sahm of 3 (yr 02, 05 and 08) and a 10yo JRT, with no proper cooking/baking experience. I only started cooking/baking back in 2008 after delivering DD3 and I hope I can learn from you ladies here.
Hello all,

Last week, kids were all down with stomach flu, with vomiting and diarrhea. All the mess and me trying to catch their vomitus in the potty! Am glad all's over. Sent one rep down to the clinic for treatment and the rest shared their med. Then the hb got the bug

Husk, glad to hear you are coping well and happy;)
I'm very confident you will be able to do it, jia you!
Sometimes there are so many many things not done in the house , I also get so pek chek and burned out, but after doing some baking or being alone, i feel so good.
, so must relax also ya..
And to save time on cooking, sometimes I cook a bulk and freeze them. When I m really busy, these frozen food comes in handy.

Hey joy, my no.2 is also myopic. Other than looking out of the window( for abt 1 min) every half an hr when doing work, her table lamp is the non-light reflective kind that I got from popular.
Read from the newspaper sometime back, that there's a kind of corrective glasses to correct the myopia. Seems effective..

Wow, didn't know that using bak tau and fish bones make the soup sweet. Shall try that.
I tried using one big pc of pork bone and fresh anchovies for mee hoon kuey soup base, add some fish sauce, it's tasty too.

Today making beef bowl rice. Marinade sliced shabu shabu beef , onion strips with yakiniku sauce. Cook jap rice , 5 mins bef rice is cooked, add in stir fried slice beef. Sprinkle sesame seeds over rice.
You ladies also visit Wendy's blog? I'm a great fan of hers! I tried her cheesecake recipe, first time didn't turn out well for me, the cake turned out holey. 2nd attempt was better. I've just baked a cheesecake using sliced cheese (which is what I always have in my fridge), texture is very much like the japanese cheesecakes from Miki Ojisan No Mise, but abit moist. Will try to tweak the recipe a little and try again next time.
My eldest dd also myopic, she was initially 75 degrees, shot up to 200 within 4 months. Doc suggest at least 1/2 hr outdoor activities for her daily. It helps in her case to control her degrees from deteriorating.
Welcome Renee!

Wow, so you are blessedhomemaker! I frequent your blog at times too! You are a great cook, i should call you shifu;)
I have tried your blueberry cheese pancakes and sadly, the appearance of my pancakes didn't look too good, but tasted ok.
Last week, I made ordinary pancakes and used hhb's recipe for blueberry sauce as topping. My ang says it's nice.

Tried using your recipe to make the jap cheesecake( your pic looks so good that I had to try it), mine didn't turn out quite well, was moist underneath. Must try again when cream cheese is on sale.hehe..

And i always look at what soup you cook and replicate it for my family

Currently, I'm exploring smoothie for breakfast.
Hi Reena,
Welcome to this thread!
I also visit your blog quite often... and Wendy's too

So glad your ordeal with stomach flu is over! Not easy to be dealing with puke all the time!

The glasses for myopia - is that the black one with lots of pinholes in it?

I bought my Citronella and rosemary plant just now! Didn't know Citronella is so expensive - $8 per pot! The lady said lemongrass will also keep out mozzies, but need sun all day long, whereas Citronella only needs morning sun so it's more suitable for my home. Otherwise I would have gotten lemongrass plant... can use it for cooking!

Gonna hang my Citronella by my bedroom window to prevent mozzies from flying in tonight!

Hey, the cooking of beef in rice cooker is a great idea. I tried doing the same last night with chicken and mushroom to make a "rice cooker style claypot rice". But I think I put in the chicken a bit too late. I'm never good at gauging when to open the rice cooker to put in meat. Think I need to find a rice cooker with a digital display to show how many more minutes left when cooking the rice.

Check with you girls: how long can we keep stew in fridge? (not freezer part).
I made a beef brisket with radish on Sat, but forgot to freeze it and just left in fridge... dunno if I can still steam to eat it tomorrow?
Hey husk,
Hehe.. sometimes I also forget to freeze my dishes.
I'll still heat it up and eat it. But if the ingredients get a bit sticky, mushy, i'll let Mr Garb have it..

Eh, you know, you can do stem cutting from rosemary and citronella, my MIL cut a stem off the citronella and repotted it, it grew quite well.
My mum's rosemary was so bushy(i dunno how she did it), she cut a few stems off and gave to me to re pot. Now my rosemary is growing strong and good outside my house.
But I think the original plant got to be strong and sturdy first before cutting. I had one citronella that was rather frail, put it indoors(not much sun), and it turned brown.. sigh..

For the rice cooker, I'm also not good at gauging when to put the meat in. One time, my rice was cooked, and chicken was still red! So nowadays, I'll just fry the meat until 3/4 done, then throw it into the almost cooked rice.

An optician gave the black glasses with lots of pinholes, my dd2 has tried it, now it is a toy for no.3 and 4!

What's cooking ladies?
Tonight will make the fen ge soup, fry broccoli with prawns and hairy marrow with dong fen. Simple dinner.. dunno what else to cook..
Thanks for tips on the fridge food... I'll take out the radish beef tonight and see if it's ok. Will nto risk and let Soph eat it though.

Alamak, I didn't know about stem cutting! Will try it next time. But yes, Citronella seems to get brown more easily... rosemary is hardier, can take full day sun. But heh, last night like not much mozzie bites after I hung my Citronella on my window

Yep yep, hubby bought the glasses with pinholes too, but he didn't really use it much.

Tonight hubby not coming back for dinner - just me, coughing Soph and ds... will just steam a rice, vege and tofu in soup, baked beans for Soph who requested for it and "many-nights" radish beef for me.
Thanks for the welcome!

I'm not a great cook, maybe just so my pics make the food look appetisting :p

I think for the blueberry pancake, maybe it's because of your heat, need to use low heat to get nice brown.

Your cheesecake is underbaked. If I follow the exact timing on recipe, most time I get underbaked cakes. Like the recent cheesecake I tried, used supposed to bake 1 hr but I baked an extra 15 mins to get it fully cooked.

I cook more soup now, used to cook mainly 1 pot dishes but felt like under-feeding my family. Now I cook soup almost everyday, but usually is 1 big pot to last from lunch till dinner. If I cook for dinner, I'll freeze the balance and hv ready soup whenever needed.

Smoothie for breakie? Cold leh...
Herbs garden
I've always wanted to grow my own herbs but understand it's difficult to grow from seeds. It's much easier to grow from young plants but no orchard near my place and not convenient for me to travel out to buy. Stem cutting is a great idea but unfortunately, my friends with herbs garden are all staying so far away from me :-(

Claypot rice
Hey, I cook chicken and beef claypot rice often too! But I don't have a rice cooker at home, I cook using my AMC pots.

Did't cook dinner but we had steamed fish, prawn omelette, cabbage and lotus roots soup for lunch.
Hello ivena,
Come and yak yak in the forum..

Hey reena, just saw your fried hokkien mee. Looks very good and yummy! My dd2 loves hokkien mee too.

Ya, suspect also the heat that burnt the pancake. By the time i flipped the pancake, the other side 'chao da' liao!

Ok, shall try the cheesecake again, tks for the tips.. I tried one taiwanese recipe moons ago and got a kueh texture, haiz.. then didn't do it anymore.

Actually the smoothie not very cold leh, though I had some frozen raspberries in it, the rest of my fruits( bananas, lettuce, almonds, walnuts) are kept in room temp. And surprisingly, it lasted my ang till lunch time at 1 pm!

Ya, quite difficult to grow herbs from seeds.. I planted chye sim at my balcony last time and had mealy worms as guests! Yucks..
Whenever there's a pasar malam, i'll look for these herb plants, get a few differebt pots and haggle over the prices
. Unfortunately, some didn't last
, i suspect it's due to the weather change.
I had a pot of laksa leaves( taken from my friend's garden) that grew so well, then it died.. sad.. it smelled so good. I suspect it's the change in weather.

So what's baking/cooking?
Will have steam eggs and fry a kailan for lunch.
welcome Reena and thanks for the link.

gals, using a new small laptop, very difficult to see

tonight thinking of having 'italy' theme, pasta, creamy soup and dessert.

wish me luck, going shopping later!
You mean you don't own a rice cooker?
Are AMC pots really good? I've been to one of those demos, seems quite impressive and healthy, but so expensive. Plus I think we still have to "watch" the cooking like in normal pots?
I am into appliances that do not need watching so I can watch the kids
such as slow cooker, thermal pots and electric steamer.

Re soups: I LOVE soups
It's my comfort soup. I can drink 2 BIG soupbowls each time... the kind that we Chinese put in the centre of the table to share with everyone type.

How was your Italian dinner?

Are you a SAHM or FTWM now?

I remember in the earlier post you mentioned you made the pancake mix and put them in the fridge overnight. But I just saw your recipe... it has eggs... can keep overnight?

Tonight cooked fermented black beans bittergourd, chayote soup (yes, Choc, it's surprisingly sweet!) and a fried kailan for dinner... vegetarian night
Good morning mums! What a nice cool morning to sleep in, too bad, got to prepare girls for sch..

Husk, ya, I prepared the batter the night before, and placed it in the fridge, with eggs. Tried freshly prepared one on the morning itself, taste the same leh.
Actually when my neighbour gave me this recipe, I thought so "leiche", still got to sieve flour.. Then she suggested me to prepare the night before.

Then I tried using happyhomebaking's blueberry sauce recipe as topping, wow, very good leh. Else I'll use honey and butter over the pancake. I bought a palm size pan esp for frying pancakes. So the pancakes are mini ones ;)

I love soups too, tonight making green radish and carrot soup, steam salmon and whatever vege i can find in my fridge

Share the same sentiments as you too, about not having to watch the fire when cooking ;)
Wonder if pressure cooker s good. Was contemplating to get that or a good thermal pot.So ended up with a tiger thermal.

Going to make blueberry oatmeal muffins this afternoon, then freeze them for breakfast. Recipe from happyhomebaking blog.

Yo cat, how zee italiano?
Thought your girls should be in AM session since they're in P4 and P2?

Thanks. I'll prepare the pancake mix tonight, but will probably substitute evaporated milk and water with fresh milk cos I don't have evaporated milk.

Pressure Cooker no good. I bought an electric Samsung one. So leychey to clean, and the sound scares me so much I wouldn't dare to walk near it when something's cooking. It's now sitting in my cupboard - another white elephant!
Ya lor, early morning 6 am must wake up liao. hehe.. Was very windy, sky was red, and when girls walked to sch, it started to rain..

Told them I am making smoothie for them for a quick breakfast. They were gulping down their smoothie very fast, with a bitter face, cos it was all veg( lettuce, cucumber, avocado and nuts) and it didn't taste good
. Now i know what kind of combination doesn't go well
That's how I started my morning..

Oh ok, thanks for sharing with me about the press cooker. A friend of mine told me it's good to use, since she cooks lots of stews and soups. Was thinking if it cooks food fast, will the meat be tasty(lu4 wei4)

Thanks! But not so authentic lah :p

Thanks for the welcome.

Yes, I don't own a rice cooker. Used to have 1 but it was too big as I was cooking for 2A + 2C then, so I gave it away.

I like my AMC pots as they use little/no water/oil. It comes with a timer so actually not much monitoring but my timer is spoilt I just have to watch over the fire a little. Once you get used to it, it's actually quite easy. I can fry veggies and bathe the kids at the same time ;-)
