Cooking Tips & Recipe

The cookbook by Mrs Leong Yee Soo is good?
Is this the one?
I may get it if it's really good... I love collecting cookbooks!

Thanks for beetroot soup recipe. Hee, I'm used to red poop, so I won't be scared!
Will try it tomorrow if beetroots in market are fresh.
Thanks for info on honey dates too!

Eh, VBAC is Vaginal Birth after C-section... so sorry I didn't clarify earlier.
So your #1 and #3 are vacuum delivered... but have you had a C-section before? If I remember correctly, no right?

Beetroot is yummy! I love it roasted... it's really sweet. Have it in a burger with a slice of pineapple, a slice of roasted beetroot and the beef patty... yummy!
Beetroot juice is also veyr nice and sweet.


How to prepare beetroot for cooking? Just wash or any special step? Sounds interesting, must try!
HAHA.. sorry , blur me! ok, I had only vag births, no c-sects.. Guess I ate too much sotong liao.. or the 4 have made me crazy.

Ya, the beetroot is very nice in burgers.. I didn't know must roast it b4 eating it in burgers, always ate it outside and wondered how they made it so soft..

Jeng and husk, the beetroot soup is nice.. initially my hb and kids didn't accept the colour and taste, but aft a while, they all drink my kids call it ribena soup..
maybe you can try a small portion first..

husk, why's your poo always red? constipation? sorry for asking.. hee

just found out about this blog:
Got a couple of nice recipes

Today lunch is just dried kolo mee with minced pork n vege.. what you all cooking ?
Haha, my poo or Soph's poo is always red cos we drink beetroot juice! Soph doesn't drink so much beetroot juice, but I give her pureed beetroot.

Hee, my fault lah... should not assume everyone knows what VBAC is.

Beetroot: yes, roasting really brings out the sweetness! but eh, I have no patience to put in oven for so long, so I sometimes play cheat by steaming it for awhile first then put in oven to roast.

Today I made the beetroot soup... hee, haven't tried it yet... still simmering in crockpot with the bak tau.

Eh, the recipes on the blog are very good! First thing that flashed at me is the 12345 spareribs *drool*
Think I'll like to try the strawberry and rosemary muffin one day... sounds so interesting!

Preparing Beetroot is easy... just wash and peel off skin that's all.
If roasting for burger, I normally slice in a flat round form like a meat patty.
You can also julienne them raw and add to your salad.

I suddenly have a crazy idea now... wondering what it would taste like to make a beetroot sago. I think the colour would be so gorgeous. Will try and let you guys know ;P

Today cooking beetroot soup, drumstick leaves, fried red bayam and a steamed minced meat with tofu.
no prob..will forward to choc.

I'm cooking babi assam tonight using chicken so shld call it ayam assam hor... since adding the chilli at the last part so will try the taste first and maybe if is nice then will not add the chilli so my boys can eat them.
Also cook lotus root with black bean soup, add one cube of chinese ham in it, now in my thermo pot.

you did not activated your pm or you can give me your email so I can forward it to you?

I can't access to the blog, must register?

Ha...your bb so cute, a screamer...mine will also scream if can't get his milk, pretty impatience like me.

Beetroot very nutritious but same as Jeng, did not eat the real thing before. Now I'm drinking the organic beetroot powder to 'bu' my blood, rich in iron.

wah...your neighour so nice huh...
Check with you, you mean primary 1 no exam?
Wah Husk,
You very adventurous leh! Beetroot sago! Coloured vege are v rich in anti oxidants

Ann, I'll try to email u to activate mine. You can type "The Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen" in the search engine also.

my dd2 also has no sa1, hee, super relac..
Hello! Happy new year to all of you! I haven't been cooking much lately, so thought I'd better drop in to the forum to see what you girls are up to and get some inspiration for the kitchen!

Anyone made any cny cookies yet? My mum helped me make a tub of pineapple filling but I still haven't got down to making the tarts yet. This year's cny reunion dinner will be hosted in my house - anyone got any suggestions on what easy dishes to cook? Maybe one that can be prep in advance so tt I won't tear my hair out on the actual day! I thought of doing steamboat but my hb not keen.

Gotta go prep dinner - catch up w all of you again :)

Have been making banana cakes for dd2 for her recess.. Yes, a few banana cakes in a week.. haha.. Now as the family gets bigger, one loaf will be just nice for breakfast.. an additional loaf for dd2( just to pack 2 slices).. tried out wholemeal/self raising flour combi to see the turn out and also using delmonte bananas..

Yesterday afternoon made some zucchini and tuna sushi for dinner and dds'recess

Today made a pandan cake when the babies are asleep..

Very inspired by this lady who bakes and cooks alot..
Her blog is
Go to bread paradise to see the bread she makes, wow! She is generous in sharing recipes and entertains any questions..

Yo annelise, long time no hear! check out this blog I mentioned. I usually don't make any cny cookies, but I go to everybody's house to do tasting.. hyak hyak.. Saw a pineapple tart recipe on Sunday times, KIV that till I have more free time..

Husk and ann, a friend just passed me a stack of paranakan recipes from mrs lee's cookbook, yet to try the recipes, when i want to attempt, I'll consult you;)

Tonight's dinner is old cucumber soup, black sauce chicken with potatoes and a fried vege..

What you all cooking ?
Stumbled across this thread. Just curious, would you pay $40 for a 2hr demo cooking class on nonya food? This would also include the recipe and a sample of the various foods to take home... e.g. Assam fish, sambal brinjal, curry chicken, nasi kuning etc. Or do you think it is overpriced?
Hello girls,
I've been MIA for awhile

This thread seems quiet again!

How was your ayam assam? Tastes Ok?

Long time no see! Hope you are doing well!

Yes, I live bakingmum's blog too... and she is so generous with her recipes.
I've been eyeing her durian puffs for a long time, but never got round to making it.

I checked out Mrs Leong's cookbook, but don't really like it cos she uses MSG!

hi blue skies,
$40 seems reasonable? Is it conducted by a real nyonya? How big is the class?
ya...huskie, this thread is quiet again.

Read that you're not feeling well, how are you?

My ayam assam taste not bad. My two boys like it but not my hb. My ds2 likes the gravy very much.
hey annlee,
I'm feeling much better now, thanks!
Few weeks ago had a horrid bout of "feng mo" again... aiyoh, so scared it will be like my previous chronic 2-yr type, but luckily it subsided after some medication and lots of charcoal baths.
Think the feng mo was triggered by catered food... yeah, I was so tired I decided to order tingkat again, and after 1 week of tingkat food, it came out.

No more tingkat for me now... I have decided to get a helper instead. She's Indonesian, with no overseas experience... 27 yrs old with 1 kid. Should be arriving in SG by 1st week April. Now I'm just thinking how to train her and help her adapt to our lifestyle here

Is yours Indonesian or Filipino?

aiyo...good to stop all the tingkat food. Charcoal bath? Very interesting! Saw some bamboo chacoal girdle from the bulk purchase.

I got a Indonesian helper, also got a Filipino before.

Read yours with no experience and also might have a language barrier but if you have patient to teach her then shouldn't be a problem.
I'm quite impatient so got to get a experience helper and must be able to speak simple english

Hey check with you, which agency did you go, how do you find the agency?
Hee, charcoal bath is interesting yeah?
My MIL's friend, a nun, says that last time pple in kampung do charcoal baths when they get feng mo... maybe cos they believe feng mo is caused by "bad wind"(?), and charcoal does get rid of wind/gas cos when we have food poisoning and too much gas in out stomachs, we eat charcoal pills yeah?
So I decided to give it a try... hee, I must say it's quite nice and soothing, and somehow, after the bath, the feng mo doesn't spread but remains contained in that area.

Re maids: the one I got has no experience cos I heard those with experience sometimes can be quite stubborn, wants to do things their way, and I don't like to scold or have confrontations with those who insists on doing things their way.
Now trying to pick up some Bahasa Indonesia!

As for agency, I went to one called Shirley at Joo Chiat. They are on the recommended list by NTUC Income. I went to them cos my neighbour said 2 of her friends went there, and they're happy with their helpers. Agency is OK, the guy who serviced me is very nice... at the beginning, asked me for my main criteria and shortlisted some biodata to email to me. Then when I wanted to see more biodatas and went to the office, I realised the ones he emailed me are really the better ones. I find their fees, salary and loans not cheap though.

Eh, yours can cook nasi padang or not? I am drooling at the thought of it!
charcoal bath, so need a bath tub right? ya...sounds logic abt the charcoal pills. How's your feng mo?

Can tell me more abt the agency fee and their salary? I'm looking for an agency now. My maid is going back and she's giving me sometimes to look around.

She can cook alot of indonesia foods and also some chinese food. Problem is whether does it taste good hee... At first, she told me she know how to cook this and that and she really knows it and after trying them, er.... taste no good. But then, she know the basic cooking is good enough for me cos just tell her what I want to cook for the day and she can understand. Some indonesia helper can really cook well, think littlecat helper is good in cooking.

I had organic set lunch yesterday. It consists of brown rice, boil kailan, archar, stir-fried mushroom and fen ge carrot soup. It taste plain, not yummy but healthy. Maybe tmr trying their 8 treasures rice set. Remember the organic shop cum eating place at Fortune Centre, their food taste much better. Tried theirm sushi and bimbibab, taste not bad.
Yep, got bathtub best, but most of the times I just use a pail and scoop the water out to pour over myself, like how we bathe/shower using confinement herbs.
Hee, I think last time kampung probably won't have bathtubs?
Anyway, must break up the charcoal into bits, then soak in water overnight, then strain off the charcoal bits (my hubby uses an unwatned nappy to do it), then the final strained water can be used for bathing.
My feng mo is OK now, thanks. But I realised if I eat stuff with too much MSG, 1 or 2 little rash will pop out, so now I avoid outside Chinese food... mainly eat Indian or Malay food if I have to eat out.

Re Maid agency details: I've MSN you offline!

How long has your current maid been with you? Hee, agent also warned me that their standard of cooking is different from ours, so ask me not to have overly high expectations.

btw, how do you settle (as in, who pays):
- your maid's toiletries?
- clothes if she has put on weight and cannot wear her old clothes that she brought along?
- meals: does she eat with the family or she put aside her portions and she eats by herself later?

So many questions to ask cos first time I'm having a helper!

Hey, are you still moving to the East cos of your son's school?

Wow, the organic set lunch sound yummy. Is this the one upstairs or on ground floor? I tried the one updtairs before, not bad. But I heard there's one downstairs (maybe not organic, but vegetarian) has stuff like vegetarian laksa and rojak which are quite yummy.

Finally this thread is revived.....

oh...1st time i hear pple having too much msg will have rashes...for myself i will feel very thirsty n needs to drink plenty of water....

i've got an indo maid...i will pay for her toiletries like shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc ...she also buy hand lotion, lip balm...i didnt pay for these type of items as its not like necessity ....

ur maid put on weight so fast tt she cant wear her clothes??...i only buy clothes for her for cny or hari raya...otherwise she can still fit in to her own clothes....

As for her meal, i normally set aside her portion be it eating at home or outside...
Hi Ivena!
Yeah, I guess different pple have different reactions to MSG.

Thanks for the tips on the maid.

Yes, my sis' new maid put on sooooo much weight within 2 weeks that she couldn't wear her own clothes!
She likes to hold foodstuff in her hand while doing work, even though my mum tells her to sit down and finish eating then do the work.... guess she just likes to munch.
My mum caught her picking food from the pot a few times, and that's during non-meal times... quite unhygienic cos dunno if her saliva contaminated the pot of food!
My mum gives her lots to eat though... she can eat anything she wants. If my mum didn't cook lunch, she can choose to buy anything she wants... chicken rice, roti prata etc.

Anyway, my sis terminated her service already, cos she kept saying her hand is painful, cannot wash dishes etc, but yet refused to see a doctor when my sis offered to take her and pay for medical expenses.

I got no bathtub hee...will just use the confinement way. where can I can the charcoal? Is it those charcoal that can get from NTUC?

Thanks for infor on agency!!
My maid has been with me for 3 yrs. I paid for her toiletries eg: toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and soap. If she want extra things, she got to buy for it.
Wow...your sister maid is abit too much, I mean eat too much. I will get her a few t-shirts if she's a good helper. Abt the eating portion, will tell her to take her portion, . and she don't eat with me.
No prob...just ask qns.

Might be moving to the east. Hope to settle the housing issue soon.

The organic set that I had is at Fu Lu Shou Complex, Yogi House. Fortune Centre one is on the 4th floor, there...that one you told me before. There's one on the ground floor, vegetarian, quite nice but alot of msg.

Hi ivena,
ya lor...feng mo is like that, my sister gets feng mo when she had spicy food. And she cannot eat cucumber too.
Thanks for the info on maid too.

OK, think I better set some rules right... think I also will ask her to take her portion out. And will try to ask her to cook lunch for me everday rather than eat outside food, else I will probably go broke and it defeats the purpose of having a maid around.

As for your maid, she sleeps with your boys or in a separate room by herself?

I wonder if the Yogi House at Fu Lu Shou was the same one last time at Madras Street Little India? Cos that one closed and became some Seventh Heaven deli.... if it's the same one, then their food is really quite good

Oh, luckily you told me abt the MSG in the ground floor vegetarian place at Fortune Centre... I was abotu to go try it liao!

Hey, there's a place that is quite nice at Beach Road too. It used to be at Thomson, then the lady shifted to Beach Road opp Concourse. It's called Living Greens.
yes...better to set some rules for her and also timetable. Abt the food, you can also take some portions out for her. Is good that you ask her to cook lunch for you, sometimes my maid cook for me too.
She used to sleep alone in the room but the limited space in my room and got to train my boys to sleep separate room so I arrange my 2 boys to sleep with my her.

At Fortune centre think there's a few vegetarian store on the ground floor. That one I mention is next to the main road, quite a big one. There's another organic eating place on the 2nd level, never try it, there's an article on this place on the paper before.
That yogi house don't think is from little india cos they used to be at rochor centre.
Will check it out living greens when I'm around that area, thanks.
Today I had that organic 8 treasure rices. They got kimchi today and is good! Their portions is very little and only 2 types of veggies and and so expensive. Although is just enough for me but if more veggies will be good.
Yeah, I am working on a timetable for her now. Wonder if she can read English in the timetable?

Yes, the vegetarian place with laksa and rojak is the big one on the ground floor... called Luo Han or something. But now that you reminded me, I think non-organic Chinese vege places usually use a lot of MSG, esp. in their mock meats, so I better avoid!

Wow, Yogi House has kimchi? Sounds good! How much do they charge for a plate of 8 treasures rice?
I remember my 1st fresh maid she don't know how to speak and read English leh... maybe simple one for your maid? Maybe Tamarind's blog can help,

yes yes...the vegetarian place is call Luo han, i went there a few times already, my hb complain thirsty after eating their food and says alot of msg, but then the place is crowded.
Last friday I went Fortune Centre and had organic koreanstyle set with my son, is actually bimbibab located on 2nd level. The Yogi house 8 treasure rice cost $6.50-$7. Do you think is ex? Or organic food is always at this price. Their kimchi is nice, will check with them whether do they sell it or not.
Yeah, I was also looking at Tamarind's blog. But my neigbour passed me a more detailed schedule so I think I will work on adjusting that one instead.

Yeah, I think brown rice set costs about $7 generally. Organic food in SG is still not that cheap, but it's worth it if it's good.
Is their kimchi heavy on garlic taste? Cos I actually don't like garlicky types.
If you go to Square2, the Korean restaurant that I like, Hangsang, also sells their kimchi in takeaway boxes... quite nice too, but not organic of course.

A few weeks ago, I tried an organic place at the basement of Cuppage Plaza... called Nutrihub. It's opened by an ex-nurse who also conducts cooking classes on weekends now. Their brown rice is not bad, but service is very very slow. Tried their sushi too - I feel like a cow munching on a bunch of raw veges, cos there is no rice in the sushi, just carrots, radish, cucumber and beetroot wrapped with seaweed!
Living Greens sushi is better.
huskie,'re really into organic food, healthy choice! The kimchi i don't think is strong in garlic taste but they add alot of ginger,had afew of it and taste a little spicy.
Square2 is next to velocity right?

Check with you, your slow cooker that can put on stove to cook is Takahi or Toyumi brand? Wanted to get one for my bb porriage. He didn't poo for 5 days but luckily today is clear hee... Went to Vitakids and they suggest I give him Healthy Times barley instead of brown rice cereal and also some pear puree, it helps and poo today, hope I can sleep well tonight.
Yes, Square2 is next to Novena Square, not at the Velocity side. I think it's where you bought the mmmm marinated beef from?

Hey, HangSang Korean restaurant is having a buffet to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. They have it for lunch and dinner on Sat and Sun, but this coming weekend is the last weekend. I just tried it last weekend... pretty good. It's $28++ per person, so total for me and hub, bill came up to $65nett. Children under 4 is free.
- most of the appetisers such as cabbage kimchi, radish kimchi
- assorted pancakes in small slices (last week had their yummy kimchi pancakes)
- some glass noodle, soba noodles and buckwheat noodle cake
- pork, chicken and beef bulgolgi with white or mixed grain rice
- the spicy rice cakes
- ginseng chicken soup and kimchi soup
- some simple maki and salmon sushi
- a BBQ rack where they BBQ pork belly and sliced marinated pork to wrap in lettuce to eat
- desserts like fruits and little sliced cakes

Only thing is no beef, but for $28, this is a really good spread. Hubby and I didn't eat much cos we're not big eaters, so the waitress was joking that it's not worth it for us, but I must say it's a very good taster of all the different Korean dishes.
There're lots of Koreans eating the buffet, and my God, they really take a lot of food and waste a lot!
The owner recognised us and we chatted... she told me she will prob not continue with the buffet long term, cos she doesn't make much money and the wastage of food pains her.

You should go try it!

Re. baby food: yes, I used to scrape pear to feed Soph to prevent constipation. And yes, think I mentioned to you brown rice caused constipation... chinese believe it's heaty... Westerners' theory is that it's too much roughage, and too much roughage is no good for an immature digestive system like a baby's, so sometimes white rice is better for a baby to wean onto.

My slow cooker is Toyomi brand. Get the one with the brown inner pot. I love it - can put over fire and then put back in electric outer pot. Only thing is that the smallest size only comes in "Off", "Auto" and "High"... no "Low" function.
Thanks thanks...I wanna try the buffet hee... wah...those spread looks yummy and is what I like.
And the koreans waste alot of food, the boss shld charge them wastage of food.

I'm very blur in direction kekeke... that's why wanna check with you abt square2.Now I know, thanks!

Abt the baby food, what type of pear did u use?

OK..will check out Toyumi pot.Really need one for my bb food.

Check with you, are you pregnant
Hee, yes, I'm about 12 weeks pregnant. You've been reading my blog?

Very excited about it, but super tired, that's why needed to get a maid.
Has Ryan sent you the biodatas of maids yet? He seemed really efficient in helping to email me my approval letter etc.
My helper will be coming in next Monday!

Baby food, I use the angmoh fat bottom pear... think NTUC sells them as Packham pears? But need to be very ripe and soft, then scrape out will be soft and effective for constipation.
The other thing for constipation is flaxseed oil. I buy the Melrose organic flaxeed oil in liquid form, and gave to Soph when she was weaning to solids and constantly constipated (about 7 to 8 mths old). Just a quarter to half teaspoon only.

Hee, I was worried you'll find the post too long and cheonghei for the Korean buffet, but you know me, I can go on and on about yummy food!
The boss did put up a signage on the table that says she will charge $100 per 100g, but the customers don't seem to care.
I saw some customers leaving food on the table, and they're Koreans!
I wonder how the Singaporeans fare in this food wastage aspect?

Hope you'll get to go this weekend since it's the last 2 days.
You can call to reserve a table first, cos they can be quite packed. If not, go early to make sure you can get table.
And remember to grab the meats from the BBQ rack... the meats get taken by the customers real quick!
Wrap with lettuce, cucumber, carrot, garlic and dip in their sauce that look like doenjang... then pop into your mouth, yummy-licous!
The lettuce and condiments are all next to the BBQ rack so you can go wrong

Don't forget to drink tehir ginseng chicken soup... it's yummy!

Congrats!! I can understand...very tired during 1st trimester,I remember want to sleep alot but can't cos of my kids around. Take care and eat well!
Yes, sometimes will go look see your blog

Oh your maid is coming...good, just in time to help you. Hope you get a good helper!
I forgotten to call Ryan that I have found a maid. Ya...he's really efficient. Good service but biodata not really suitable for me.

Abt the pear is those green 8 shape kind of pear right? Think I know which type, but difficult to get soft type leh... wanted to get avocado for bb, looking ard at NTUC and cold storage but they're so hard not ripe.
Thanks for recommending flaxeed oil, will check it out!

I'm going to make a reservation later...and aim for the meat hee... no la, you're not cheonghei at all, pls go on and on, will be happy to read them.
Sometimes I saw some article abt ppl criticise we singaporean being kiasu, rush for queue or food or wastage of food. But look at others, think are all the same. I went steamboat buffet and there's alot of customer from china, they rush for the food and take alot, some even push me . What so hurry right!! Some of them waste alot... plates of crabs, fruits, prawns untouch and just go wasted like that.
huskie, disappointed, the buffet available only on Sunday. I can't make it, hb leaving for bz trip.Will try next week to check still available or not.
Good that you found a maid! SHe's Indo too? Transfer maid?

Yeah, nowadays the pears and avocadoes not so ripe. What I do is put in a plastic bag with an apple, and the fruit will ripen faster.

Oh, it's not available on Sat? I had the impression it was.
Let's see if they will extend the buffet promo then.
And yes, I think Singaporeans are not the only kiasu ones... I am sure lots of people from other nationalities are like that.
In fact, the Korean uncle who was sitting at the table behind me... he was going in and out so many times cos he went to take so much food, so I pulled my chair really far into my table to give him more space. Guess what? After that, when I wanted to leave and tried to push my chair back (which I obviously could not cos he's taken up all the space), he didn't even have the courtesy to pull his chair further in so I could get out.
If my tummy was bigger, I would never be able to slide myself out at all.
HIHI,ann and husk.

Been reading your posts with one hand holding no.4, so can't post..

Husk, Congrats congrats!
also how's your granny?

Me very busy these days, lunch and dinner got to cook, only sub out housework.
Since my period came, my milk supply went down, So drinking nursing tea every now and then..

Ann, how you coping with no.3 ? still nursing?
You still pack food for no.1 's recess?
I m running out of ideas now. will pack little snacks and pcs of fruits for her. Fruits like guava.. and sometimes give her some coins to buy fishballs
hey Choc,
Thanks! Guess you must be busy busy with 4 kids!

My grandma... she passed away in Sep last year. Quite a quick one so it was quite unexpected... her body probably can't take all that morphine... my MIL says long term and increased use of morphine shuts down the respiratory system. But I guess she got the comfort from it and wouldn't have felt that much pain when she passed on.

Re. milk ss: my friend's cf lady cooked her sheng yu bones soup, and she claims it works for her.
Will try your method on the fruits
My maid using newspaper to wrap the fruit but takes abt 3-4 days to ripe.

I got a Filipino maid. Ex-SG many years ago and ex-kuwait. Hope she will be good. No, not transfer, dare not try my luck on transfer one again.

wah...that korean really don't have the courtesy huh...must be extra careful. Think koreans are quite rough, there's alot of tourist from korea at my area, saw them shouting, and pushing their friends when talking but they don't look like quarrelling.

Recently went to Dian Xiao Er at Marina Sq, food is nice and service is so good. We keep praising the waitress from China.

Check with you, I'm getting Healthy Times oat for bb, do you think will cause constipation? Normally oats don't cause constipation but not sure on bb.

hey choc...
ya...I'm still nursing, my milk supply also slow down abit, think bb having cereal now so doesn't latch much.
I don't pack for my son anymore. Wanted to ask you what you pack too hee... My son is so interested in canteen food.
Wah, your ds takes guava, I gave it to my son and he give me a sour look. He's really a fussy eater, only fav fruit is durian.
Hi mommies,

I'm on the lookout for recipes for food that can be frozen and suitable for 1 year olds. Would appreciate your suggestions and ideas!
Transfer maids no good? I was about to get a transfer maid cos the agency said this one was cos the employer could no longer afford a maid, but I didn't know if story is true, so don't dare to get that one and rather wait for my non-experienced maid to arrive in a month's time.

Using newspaper to wrap fruit is interesting... never heard of it before. The other way which a promoter told me to ripen melons (this only works for melons) is to leave it on the floor. It ripens my rock melons beautifully within a day, but dunno the theory behind it.

Yes, Koreans are quite a rough bunch, but the more refined ones are very nice.

Dian Xiao Er: I love the food too, esp the roast/smoked duck!

Oats: not sure, but it didn't cause much constipation cos I mised in scraped pear to feed Soph.

I can't really share anything on this topic with you cos I didn't really freeze much baby food.
But I think some baby cookbooks like Annabel karmel ones has recipes for freezing baby food.
As what I read most agency just want to find employer for maid so they will give any reason for it. For me, I don't trust them. So far the agency I went service is bad. Unlike the one you recommend me and the recent one I found.
I got one transfer maid before, I'm the 2nd employer, the agency praise the maid till so good but end up giving me headache so got to send her off, waste my $$ and time. Thought I'm too fussy so I went to check her record from MOM abt 9 months later and found out she has transferred 5 times, which mean 3 times after me. So obviously is not my problem. I agreed there's some good transfer one but not much and is difficult to trust agency words. And so, I don't dare to try my luck.

Check with you where do you get Melrose flaxseed oil? Went to organic shop today and they told me it has been out of stock for quite soemtimes already. They recommended me aloe vera concentrate but I dare not try on my bb yet. So end up getting Earth's best golden pear for bb.

Hi panbaby,
I also didn't freeze bb food, only trying out pumpkin before.
Hi Huskie

Just read about this good news...congrats...

How is your boy adjusting to pri school...enjoy while he is still in the lower pri....

Hi huskie and annlee,

It has been difficult to look for recipes for frozen baby food.
Guess my search continues...

Do you season your baby food? Many say it is best not to add salt but some do. I find it hard to feed my boy. It seems like he does not like bland food but eats happily stuff like apples, bananas and yoghurt because I think they are more flavorful. Also, I find that after I make his porridge with stock instead of just water, he eats better.

I have tried to give more variety by following recipes but I'm restricted by the fact that my boy does not like to chew much and do not seem to enjoy chunkier food. I'm quite tired of all the purees! I'm looking forward to having him eat the same food as us so that I don't have to prepare separate food for him!
I got my Melrose flaxseed oil from Organic4Less. Eh, better not give aloe vera... Soph is 2 now, but I still don't dare to give her something so exotic that's never tried and tested.

What is Earth's Best golden pear? Juice in jar or puree in jar form?

How's your dd doing in school?
And ds must be attending preschool now?

I think most foods can be frozen leh. My recipe book (Naturally Delicious meals for Baby by Gerrie Hawes) simply advises how food is to be frozen (small containers), how it is to be reheated, and the safety measures.

In fact, all individual vege and fruits puree can be frozen once they are cooled.
As for frozen mains like cooked chicken or other meats, shd be able to freeze too... I've seen some mommies do it, but never tried it myself cos I always eat up Soph's remaining food.
Stocks is another one that can be easily made in one large batch and frozen. When you need them, just take out the portion and then reheat till boiling, add rice/grains to make porridge or small baby pasta to make a soupy pasta?

I think if your baby is only 12 mths old, he may not be able to take very chunky food yet. You can start him with some crackers to get him used to biting and using his jaw muscles?
When I got tired of puree-ing last time, I simply grate whatever fresh veges I can get hold of into Soph's porridge. Mostly root veges can be grated, but not leafy ones... those I chop till fine.

If he eats minced meat already, you can also try applesauce on minced pork like pork chop style? Soph liked that I remember, cos the applesauce is sweet.
Hi Huskie

No, I did not send my boy to playschool as I enjoyed reading and writing with him at the moment, maybe sent in last term just for the exposure before he starts k1.What about soph?

DD still in her holidays mood and not willing to part with Jap when we head home last week.

How is your preg?Your new maid in already?take care.
Soph hasn't started playschool yet, but today I've just enrolled her for a 1.5h daily session starting April, cos I think she is a bit shy, so I want her to interact more.
Japan must be beautiful... which part of Japan did you visit?

My pregnancy is OK so far... just very nauseous come evening time. My maid just arrived this evening, so I'll really know what she is like tomorrow when she does a full day's work.

This book is not the best and most popular, but I bought it cos it's got gorgeous pictures and interesting and different recipes. I think Annabel Karmel ones are more popular for weaning, and they are easily available at the libraries.

Good luck in your search for recipes!
Hi Huskie

When is your due date and how old is little soph?

For maid, first few days or till before loan is up, they are usually super hardworking....I experience this for my past maids.

We went to osaka this time round.Hope to catch sakura but we are a bit early so only managed to see a few.May visit hokkaido next .

Rest well....

I just realised that you are expecting. Congrats! I found a couple of recipes online that I would like to share.

Pork stew with leeks and celery

Pork is an excellent source of protein and of the B vitamin thiamin. Celery and leeks provide additional fibre and vitamins.

Serves four

4 lean pork chops, weighing about 120-150g each
2 tbsp vegetable oil
500g leeks, trimmed, washed and cut into 5cm slices
200g celery, washed and cut into 5cm slices
400g can good-quality chopped plum tomatoes
1 tsp paprika
2-3 bay leaves
200-300ml water
Black pepper

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C / gas mark 3.

Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a large non-stick saucepan and brown the chops for a few minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and add the remaining spoon of oil. Gently fry the leeks for a few minutes, until slightly softened and browned.

Place the browned chops in a casserole dish and cover with the fried leeks and chopped celery. Pour over the tomatoes and add the paprika and bay leaves. Add 200ml of water and cover. Cook for 45 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Return for another 15-20 minutes until meat is tender. Serve with fresh chopped marjoram or oregano, and couscous.

To freeze: cool and place in an airtight container. Defrost overnight in the fridge.

Chicken and apricot casserole

Chicken with apricots is a winning combination of tastes. Dried apricots are a source of iron, and chicken thighs provide more iron than breasts.

Serves four

1 tbsp vegetable oil
8 chicken thighs, skinned
1 onion, sliced lengthwise
150g lean smoked back bacon, diced
150g soft dried apricots
150ml dry white wine
2 tbsp chopped flatleaf parsley

In a large pan, heat the oil and brown the chicken thighs. Add the sliced onion and continue to cook gently for around 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the bacon, apricots and wine.

Cover, and cook gently on the hob for 20-25 minutes until the chicken juices run clear. Add a little more wine or water if needed. Add the parsley for the last 5 minutes of cooking.

Serve with rice or couscous and a green salad.

To freeze: allow to cool and place in an airtight container. Defrost overnight in the fridge.

They seem simple enough!
My EDD is 2 Oct. Soph is coming 26mths now, so when #2 is out, she should be about 2.5yrs old.

Re maids: Yeah, that's what a lot of pple tell me too. So far today is the 1st day, she seems ok... seems like she can pick up things easily too.
But funny thing was, she only brought shirts and jeans, not T-shirts and shorts. And when I asked her if she has slippers, she said yes, but they were sandal heels... haha, not so appropriate for her job. So just now had to go out and buy her some proper workclothes.

Wow, I wanted to visit Hokkaido too, but not sure if I wanna attempt to do it cos always feeling nauseous in the evenings now. Just hope this will pass by end of first tri.

The recipes look yummy, esp. the Chicken and apricot casserole, but eh, you're serving that to your boy? It contains wine.
Oh yeah, I used these 2 websites for weaning recipes too, but I forgot the actual URL cos I changed computer and some of my Fav folders were not copied properly.

Let us know if your ds likes these casseoles!

Think I will start to drink ginger tea too... I bought a jar of those Korean ready instant ginger tea... that should work.
hey panbaby,
Actually, you haven't introduced yourself?
Are you a SAHM or FTWM?
you have any helper at home?

A belated welcome to this thread!

Hi huskie,

No, i've not tried the recipe myself. :p

I'm a FTWM and starting my boy in infant care in May when he'll be 1 year old. That's why I'm looking for recipes. I intend to cook big batches and freeze for his dinner. The infant care only provide lunch. I need to rush him home for dinner. Life will be hectic! And no, I don't have a helper.

Thanks! I'm happy to join this thread!
