Cooking Tips & Recipe

Wow, yes, life will be hectic for you... cook in big batches, but remember to freeze in small batches for a small tod and also easier to defrost when in a rush.

Are you looking forward to going back to work?


I took 3 months' maternity leave and went back to work when my boy was 3 months old. His grandma has been taking care of him in the day time. I'm sending him to infant care so that he can interact with other kids.

Are you a SAHM? Is the ginger tea working?
btw, huskie, have you traveled with your kid/kids before? I would like to go on a trip and bring my boy along. Wondering which portable cooker is good.
Yep, I'm a SAHM

But your ds is already 1 yr old now yeah?
I think infant/childcare is good for kids to socialise. I realised my dd is quite shy too, so I just put her in a 1.5h playgroup session starting today.

Ginger tea so far ok, but hmm.... I'm not a very ginger person, but will bear with it

Re. travelling: yep, I've travelled with my dd but mostly nearby cities in Malaysia only. I've brought these before:
- induction cooker with mug to cook porridge: not good cos the high mode makes my mug overflow, and low mode is too slow
- slow cooker: really too slow... cannot make it
- rice cooker: best of the lot... rice will still not be as soft as congee style, but is quick to cook and easy for travelling

You can also bring along instant oat packs for variety if your baby can eat that. Can do oats for lunch then just cook one meal a day. For breakfast, dd also eat buffet stuff, but I choose things like oats/bring my own cheerios and she can eat their fruits or plain congee/bread.

Where are you going to? For how long?

My boy is going on 11 months. His 1st bd is in May.

Did your gal enjoy herself at the playgroup? I'm worried about how my boy will adapt to infant care. The administrator advised me to take one week's leave to help him settle into infant care. I've heard of kids who cry non stop and take up to one month to get comfortable.

My rice cooker is bulky leh. I've heard of mums who use a travel cooker. I'm sourcing out a good one.

Actually I'm not sure where I'll go and if I'll really take my boy along. It depends on his dad too. I'm also not sure if I'm that brave! I'm doing my homework first and will decide later. I'll most probably go on a working trip in July. If my hb is coming along, I might bring the little one along.
I bought a mini rice cooker that costs abt $29.90.
What is a travel cooker?
The furthest I went was a short flight to Penang when Soph was 14 mths old... other than that, I usually go on roadtrips to Malacca, Desaru, KL.

Where are you going for your working trip?

Yeah, have to take leave to help him adjust. My neighbour's kid cried for one month.
So far Soph is enjoying her playgroup. Today is the 2nd day and she didn't cry. She did cry a short while, but that's because the teacher stepped on her little toe accidentally

The pear I gave to my ds is actually from HealthyTime and earth's best, in puree form, it helps on my bb constipation.

Oh so soph went to playgroup today. How is it? She like it?

How's your maid? Some maid don't want to wear shorts, my ex filipino maid only wear knee length pant, she feel uncomfortable to wear short, shy I think. But wearing short is easier to work.

My ds1 is adapting well in the school, there's homework everyday which I think is good. A lot of activities huh...receive alot of forms joining this and that, recent one is guzheng. All the activities he don't want to join but will persuade him to take up wushu at later half of the year.

yah...those purees food looks boring but still the best leh...prevent them from choking and easy to digest. I don't put seasoning on the porriage, the meat and carrot or pumpkin is alttle sweet so I think shld be enough. I remember add some sea salt when ds is ard 2 and at that time he start to get picky on food.

Brought my ds2 when he's 8 mths old to Bintan before. Only bring along the travel kettle to cook water for him and rinse his bottles. Bought those ready cooked food for baby from pigeons. Is not that healthy compare to home cook food but only a few days so shld be fine. And also baby cereals for breakfast.
If you intend to travel long, then a travel cooker shld be good.
Soph seems to be enjoying school... she is very eager to change into her uniform every morning!

OK, next time I will keep the jarred puree pear in mind... cos not esy to get sweet and ripe pears.

My maid is OK so far, but a bit xiao jie, no strength. She couldn't even open a jam jar ;)
Today I saw my slow cooker pot not washed properly... lots of those meat stock stains at the side... quite gross! So had to tell her to scrub it clean. Even the glass lid was murky... I am surprised she can consider that cleaned :p
Just realised I need to monitor her more close cos I think she may not understand what I want, or she forgets.
Like yesterday, she only mop the floor one time, when I said mop once with detergent and 2nd time with clean water.
Then at night after washing dinner stuff, never wash all the dishcloths.

She's OK wearing shorts. She only brought a pair of bermudas, the kind that reaches till slightly above the knee type. So I bought her those T-shirt material types with same length.

Yeah, I think a few days of Pigeon ready cooked food should be ok. That time I was so suaku, didn't know there was such stuff, so didn't bring
But Soph also couldn't eat a lot of baby cereals cos they contain cow milk... she gets eczema from cow dairy.
I've not started shopping for a travel cooker yet. From what I understand, it's a light weight portable electric cooker. Mums from other thread said that it can be bought at Best Denki and Planet Travelers.

I'm going to Osaka for a very short working trip. Thinking of extending my stay there for sight seeing. Have not been traveling since I got pregnant. How I miss those days!

Soph is a brave girl! My boy clings to me. Sometimes, he don't even want his dad to carry.

Even if I add carrots or pumpkin to his porridge, my boy don't like it. It is only after I use stock to make his porridge more flavorful that he enjoys his meal time.

Where do you buy the cooked food from Pigeon? Can it be found at Fairprice?
wah so good...soph enjoys herself in the school. My ds1 cried almost everyday when put him in Nursery.

Fresh maid is like that.Their standard of cleaniness or hygiene isvery different from us, got to teach or tell her many times. That's why I can't take fresh maid, I'm too impatience to repeat alot of things and same old things. And repeated so many times if she learn then is worth it, worry is like she don't even bother to learn or listen. Give your maid some time, shld be fine. to monitor her cos she might do somthing that's not told or not what you want.

hey... the way you mop the floor is the same as me hee...first round detegent, 2nd time clean water. Actually I'm not using detegent, just bought sureclean from bulk purchase, is like dettol but not that harsh and safer for children.

last saturday i bought some pears, until now not ripe so i went cold storage buy some pear puree.


I bought Pigeon food from Seiyu Bugis Children department. Don't think u can get from NTUC. My son like it so much, with all the seasoning of course yummy... only give him that one and only time.

Good to know your boy is adjusting enjoy p1 to p4.My girl did not join anything till p3 and she does not like wushu.

Nice to learn that sop is enjoying school too..

Maids are all the same, even mine.Three years ex malaysia, but still need to train her to do my way, after a year.Her only saving grace is no attitude problem.

I think my first trip with my kids, I actually hand carry my slow cooker....I know there is traveller cooker, like from philips.Or the other alternative is you bring a hot plate, and a little pot for cooking porridge, which I did it for my last jap hassle...hope this helps
I also miss travelling!
Was planning a trip to Hokkaido, but then first tri got spotting so didn't dare to risk.
Now approachign 2nd tri, so may go, but hubby's hols over already, so have to wait till June.

I think 11mths is still young, that's why he is clingy.

I think Soph adapted well cos she had weekly informal playgroup sessions with our neighbours' kids. And when she sees the older ones going to school, she is more keen to go too.

Re maids: hee, yeah, I forgot they may have different standards! I almost fainted when I saw how murky the pot was... the clear glass lid was like frosted glass!
But she is quite ok and seemed smart when it comes to cooking, so hope she is OK.
I am quite patient if the person is willing to learn, but if she gives attitude or really really cannot make it after many times, then I will get impatient.

hey, for floor detergent, I am currently using some eco-friendly one from Autralia, bought from the Auusie section of J8 NTUC.
But for dishwashing liquid, my neighbour recently introduced me to Amway's LOC dish drops, which is even safe for washing vegetables... smells great!
I also bought Amway's LOC Kitchen Cleaner and LOC multipurpose cleaner for floor/toilets after my floor detergent is used up.

Yeah, as long as no attitude problem, then I am fine. As for training, definitely have to, cos every household has its own way of doing things.
Hee, just saw that my maid likes drumsticks... I made curry today and she kept the one drumstick for herself... breast meat for us.
This is easier for me... next time I just go wet market buy a few drumsticks for her on days that we eat pork.
think i'll look for the pigeon food when i'm free to let my boy try.

does the hot plate you use come with temp adjustment and will the porridge overflow?

i heard that hokkaido is very beautiful. will u bring your girl along?

now i'm preparing my boy for infant care by telling him about it everyday and taking him out for gatherings. hope it will help.
I'm still not sure about Hokkaido... whether it'll be interesting enough for her cos she's so young and may not enjoy travelling long distances just to view scenery.
May do HK Disneyland instead...

What is your guideline for maid's tel calls?
My maid's husband works in Malaysia, so I think it's not that expensive for him to call to SG. But he's been calling almost every night, and each time they talk for 15-20mins. Tonight was the worst... they talked for 40mins! What if I have emergency calls coming in?! OK lah, this is not that applicable cos we all have our mobiles... but still, not very "automatic" right?

I don't normally track my fixed line tel charges, but then I got really fed up, so tonight I went to dig out my old phone bills and realised that both incoming or outgoing calls are charged on top of subscription plan, so when she finished her phone call, I told her if this continues, I am going to charge her the amount in the next bill. ALso told her to limit her calls to every 2 days about 5 to 10mins... fair or not?

I feel a bit bad though... to tell her off *sigh*
Really hate the idea of having a maid... so many times these weeks I feel like not having one.

No temp control.This is actually the hot plate that my hubby used to bring overseas when working.As long as your Pot is high enough, porridge will never spill, you open the cover first, and close the cover after cook.

Your experience with this maid sound very familar to me.So much so now, maid is not allowed to use phone in my house.No incoming and outcoming calls...if they really want to call, I will bring them to agent or PUBLIC PHONE to call...Or the temptation of yaking for them is always there....there is no auto in the,....

My ex maid can spend all her salary on phone and talked till wee hours.My current maid told me they are like that, once starts talking cannot stop and they dont care about money...

Just my one cent of thought.

Oh yeah, hk disneyland is a good idea.I bring my children there when they are younger.The fireworks is beautiful...
Yeah, I think I will give my maid some ground rules on phone calls.

I heard HK Disneyland has some membership package that allows you to get good room rate discounts... do you know anything about it?

hi vivi,
Sorry, I can't help... I don't eat bacon often, so I'm not sure where to get uncured ones.
Don't have to feel bad. Her hb calling her almost every night is too much. It never happen to my maid before cos from Day 1, I have make myself clear abt calling home.
I let her call home immediately to let her famlily know she's in my place and safe and one month later then allow her to call home using my handphone and each time takes abt 10-15mins.
So far they're very auto, only use ard 10 mins. When they got the $$ to buy phone card, then will allow to call every 2 weeks. She can either use public phone or my phone.
The problem is Handphone. I shldn't have allowed her to get one. Told her only use it after work in the night but caught her hp in her pocket all the time and saw her using it when bringing my son to take school bus and my son running in front and she behind talking on her phone. But luckily she's auto cos I nagged at her abt her hp ha... now she seldom call cos is expensive too.
As what you mentoned abt your maid, think you got to be stricter to her, not too generous at the beginning, she might take advantage of you. If continue like that, she will ask u for handphone soon.

Joy and huskie,
I might also bringing my boys to HK Disneyland. Maybe end of the yr. Joy, do u stay in their hotel.

i made a mistake...think my bb took the pigeons ready made bb food at ard 10 months old.
I bought her a $10 phonecard to call home at the beginning, but made it clear that once the phonecard runs out, she has to pay for her own future calls. She also seems quite stingy with the use of that precious $10 phonecard so I was quite happy at first.
But my mistake was I didn't set any rules regarding frequency and duration of the calls, so her hubby ended up calling our housephone every night.

As for hp, yeah, I have seen kids running ahead across the smaller streets while the maids are busy talking on their hps. Think I will not allow her to get one next time.

As for disney hotels, I heard they're really nice... can bring back all the disney character stuff in the rooms, so if really go, I think I will prefer to stay there... easier logistically too. Think there are 2 hotels there, not sure which one is better. Joy?
Hi Annlee,huskie

I dont trust maids with handphone or anything to do with phone as they have NO SELF CONTROL...So, I told them, if you really want to call, I will bring you to agent to call, and that will min calls, in a way, impt calls, that they will ask to call...if not, call and talk nothing...they dont care about MONEY.

HK disneyland
We did not stay in HK disneyland as its easy to get there via train and also, at night, around in disneyland is a dead town after the firework...If you really wanna stay, just one night will do.Its a very small area, very fast can finish.
Yeah, I think long trips for young kids are tough both on the kids n on the parents! My hb not keen to take our boy along to Osaka. Most likely we'll go on our own.

I tried out the chicken n apricot recipe. Not as good as I expected it to be but my boy likes it. I served it with brown rice porridge and he finished a big bowl of it!

Think I'll not be traveling with my boy for the time being but it's good to get my homework done first! I saw a Toyomi travel cooker. It's around $59 if I remember correctly. Very light but no temp control.

I checked out the Pigeon ready cooked food. Lots of seafood and contains salt. Yup, once in a while is fine but not very comfortable giving my boy that.

Do you mommies give your kids beef? Do you buy it from wet market? It's $30 to $40 at Cold Storage. Heard that it's much cheaper at the wet markets. Wonder if they are from Oz too?

You are going osaka?We just got back from there during the one week march school may catch some cherry a good trip.

Hubby going to tokyo tonight, hoping to collect some sakura flowers for my girl to make book mark...
Thanks for info on disneyland hotels!
I think it's perfect for Soph cos her bedtime is latest 8pm!

Hee, a "honeymoon" in Osaka with hubby? Maybe can make another baby then!

Thanks for review on chicken and apricot recipe... maybe it's the mix of sweet and savoury that may not appeal to some of us, but I think kids love sweet stuff

Yes, I do give my dd beef, but I usually buy the organic beef from Fairprice Finest.
I've also bought beef from Chinatown wet market before, and yes, they are from Oz.... but I usually go with my mum cos my mum knows the stallholder.

Firework starts at 7pm.crowd dispered after firework and its a mad rush to mrt.

Just now, was talking to hubby to change destination to hk disneyland instead of tokyo disneyland or hokkaido cos yen is so high....He suggests australia which am not keen.
Thanks for the fireworks info.
Think I may skip Disney HK this June, cos it's the June hols and could be really crowded.

I may take Soph there next year in April (hopefully it's offpeak). By then, #2 should be about 6mths old - hubby and I can take turns to look after #2 and play in the park with Soph... hopefully that would make Soph more receptive to #2.

Why are you not keen on Oz? But Oz will be cold in June?
Hi Huskie

Not keen in OZ as I have been there many times and find it bored.I still like Japan and states.

Hey, look forward to the trip...I always love to go travelling with my children,regardless what age as its doing something different from the normal day.
Hi Ladies,
Can I join this thread? This thread is so interesting and ever since I moved out from MIL's place, now learning to cook for hubby. Hope I can learn from u ladies.

Wanna ask u all mummies, wat kinda cheese can I give to a 10 mth old baby ah?
hey girls,
I just came back from a trip to Desaru with my whole family... drove there in 5 cars... very fun. Soph was just asking to go to the beach the whole time... she's really a beach bum!

hi vivi,
You're welcome.
If you find uncured bacon anywhere in SG, do let us know where to find it.

Hi Tinklebelle,
What have you been cooking so far?
I'm also not an expert in cooking... but luckily hubby is not a fussy eater.

As for cheese, I'm really not sure about the kind of cheese for 10mth old baby, cos I never gave my girl cheese till she was past 14mths as she didn't take well to cow dairy.
But I remember some forum mommies gave Bega cheese which they say is not too salty.

I'm tired of having a maid around, how?!
On one hand, the house is super duper clean with her around, cos she got nothing to do, so wipes everything everyday!
But on the other hand, I find myself getting upset more easily nowadays cos always have ot nag at her for this and that... turn off lights when not in kitchen, use wrong sponge for washing sink, use vacuum cleaner on my bedsheets *faintz* etc.
I know no maid is perfect, so really have to close one eye... so the issue now is not whether I wanna keep her or transfer her, but whether I myself wanna live with a maid?
I wonder if I can tahan with no maid during 3rd tri when everyone says I will be more tired? And when #2 comes along?
I'm busy with my new maid around so now then log in here. Good that you have send her back but you must not tired yourself too much hor.

Tell you something...I'm so shocked to know that my ex-maid is telling bad things abt me all the while. I treated her well, pay her to do all bad things to me.
She's making stories abt me to my new maid and telling lies .
She told my new maid to do short cut in house work. Told her where to buy and get phone card. Told her to get transfer after she leave as she wanted me to suffer?? Told her to throw away my children food if is difficult to feed. Told her to act very hardworking when madam or sir is around. Say that madam only allow them to poo in the evening. Told her that I only allow them to eat 5 mins. Told her that I did not buy her a single clothes or anything before. And there's more...and I found out she has been beating my son.
My new maid told me that she does not believe her as she can judge by herself that I'm not that type of person.
So for me to believe that my new maid is not telling lies, I have to bring them together with me and verify. And the truth is my new maid is telling the truth.

Why am I so silly to believe my ex-maid for 3 yrs? Because most of the time she cries to prove that she has not done anything wrong.
When asking my ex-maid has she been teaching bad things to my new maid, she swear she did not do it and says her god is looking at her and if she did it, she went to mosque also useless.
So when I prove that she is lying, she shocked and I told her, you do all the bad things to me and yet I treated you so well and you uses your god to lie!!! What kind of person you are and I will not punish you and let your god to do it.

I send her off straight away. I felt so silly having such maid with me all the while.
You mean now for the last few days you had 2 maids with you? The old Indo and new Filipino one?

Woah, your ex-maid is really bad to tell all that lies. And beat your son! That I am shocked! Must be your youngest son cos the 2 older ones would be able to tell you right?
I'm so glad your new maid doesn't believe her, but still, I would say, never believe her 100% too... basically, do not trust any maids anymore.

I'm so glad you sent her off right away. Did you check her bag to make sure she didn't bring any of your belongings/photos along?
I'm asking this cos she is sooooo evil, and today my friend told me her friend's maid asked the sir to help her send a letter home. The hubby was wondering how come the package is so thick, so he secretly opened it and guess what? Inside was a photo of the family with writings on who is who, a floor plan of the house, address, and a letter telling her family at home to do evil things to the people indicated in the photo. Terrible right?

I have send my maid back on sunday. Yes, 2 maids with me cos I trusted my ex maid and thought she can teach my new maid the house chores for few weeks but didn't know ended up teaching her the bad things. Becsuse of her, I don't really trust my new maid 100%.
Yes...she's so evil until I got to check her bag as im so angry and hope she will take one of my stuffs so i can bring her to police station.

Wah...your friend's maid very scary leh...I suspected that my ex maid doing black magic to my home before cos she can make me truste her so much, silly me. To be honest and don't know why after she left, my home sound so peaceful and clean.
Btw, is your friend's maid still in sg?

oh yes...did you send your maid back smoothly?
I think my friend's maid kenna sent back liao. If I were them, I wouldn't even put her up as a transfer maid and do harm to other families!

Which part of Indo was your ex-maid from? My MIL says the ones from Java do the most black magic and such stuff.
Seriously, however good your maid is, I still wouldn't trust them 100% now.
My maid is quite smart - she doesn't show me "face" if she is upset, but then purposely do things like never cook dinner properly and when I ask her how come this dish taste funny, never add certain ingredients, she just laugh and said sorry that's all... and after that, I bet she must be laughing in her heart that I have to eat the horrid food! Can't be that she's forgotten how to cook the dish, cos she wrote the recipe in Bahasa in her notebook (I made her write down), and I made her cook the dish many times to practise... so many times that my hubby actually begged me not to cook it for the next 6 mths! But told him no choice, have to make her practise same dishes over the weeks so she can remember.

As for sending her back smoothly, yes, sort of. We told her hubby getting pay cut (which is true), then watch her pack her stuff then sent her back. She was quiet throughout... think she was sort of shocked. Once we reached agency, I also gave her the balance of the phonecard which I bought for her, and a small angbao for her coming birthday in May. Then asked agency to ask her to call her hubby in Malacca to ask him not to call my home anymore as she is no longer working for me. Yep, he's been calling my home every 2 days, and once, they even talked on my home phone for 45mins!
It was my mistake to give my number to her, but I thought since she has a 1.5yr old kid back in Indo, can give her my number in case of emergency, but her hubby kept calling from his Malacca mobile phone.
And even after I made a house rule that she can only use the phone once a week on every Sat at 9pm for max 10mins, her hubby still kept calling her, even at 1015pm on a Fri night! *headache*
Is good that you send her back early as the later you send her back the more probs you will see on her and...the more frustrated you will be.
I noticed Indon maids got no feeling huh...when my ex-maid done something done, real bad esp there's once she scratch my bb leg with a big red line on his thigh and that day when I expose what had she done to me, all... there's no expression on her face, don't feel bad or sorry at all.

I can't take it if my maid keep making phone calls or their families keep calling leh, yours is too much. Not that I don't allow, there must be a limit.

oh ex-maid is from Java. I think those who do magic things will not be good for them in their life.
I'm not sure if the "no feeling" observation applies to ony Indon maids, but my sis' Indon maid is almost the same. She bathed my nephew one day cos my sis was too tired to do it, then after that my sis got a BIG shock. His whole body was filled with scratch marks! The maid's fingernails were so long and she was so rough with my nephew!
And I think my nephew sort of knows she is not very nice to him - whenever my mum asks her to change/bathe him after a poop, he will protest and cry.

Yeah, I also think those who dabble in these dark magic things will not have a good ending, but then the ones who suffer right now will be the employers/victims lor.

Good news - my agency found an employer for my maid already, so I can get back the balance of my loan soon
Everything is fine - it's hard work not having a maid, but I'm coping fine.
Sometimes if I am too tired, I'll go to my mum's for dinner.

How's everything on your end?
Still planning any overseas trip with the H1N1 thing going around now?
so you're expecting a boy or girl or surprise?

No no...not going any where during school holiday. Maybe end of the year.

My new maid can cook quite well but not chinese food. Tried her filipino pork steak and taste appetitsing and yummy. Her so call pork steak is like our stir fried pork. But hers, she cut the pork quite big and thick. I told her to use bragg soya sauce instead of normal one, she uses quite a few of limes to marinate the pork, think bcos of this that taste appetising.
We're expecting a surprise

This current gynae is really nice - we told him we do not wish to know. He respects our decision and will pull the scanner away if it shows anything obvious.

Yeah, I think better not go anywhere now with the H1N1 thing going around, cos airport and inside planes is the highest contact point for getting the virus.

Wow, there's such a think as Filipino steak huh? All I know is that Filipinos love pork, so I guess she can do it really well. And hmm... lime is an interesting ingredient to add to marinate! I'll try it next time

btw, how do you find Tao Nan? Is your ds doing well there? Stressed?
My neighbour may try for Tao Nan when it's time for her kid to enrol in Pri. 1. her kid is only 3 yrs old now though :p
Hi Huskie and annlee

Nice seeing both of you still in the forum

Nothing interesting going on this holidays except for sending maid home.So, its like maid hunting game all over again.

How is your boy in tns?P1 to p3 should be honeymoon,right?

Can share with me some of the agency or contact is reliable to getting a maid?am still sourcing...but dont really dont trust agency as they are all out to sell their "product",hard to find someone that is geninue.thanks

Can pm me?thanks
oh...surprise huh...who is your gynae?

you're right...Filipinos love pork. My maid love meat so much and no vegs for her except eggplant and bittergourd.

About the school, your neighbour interested in Tao Nan?? Thought you stay in Bishan? Very far away you know.

Joy, huskie,
My son doing well in the school, so far no stress from him and no complaint. I talked to my neighbour, her daughter is studying in St Margaret P1 and my neighbour is quite stressed because the teacher seldom give homework, maybe 1 week once or none. So when she knew that my son is having homework everyday, she's so envy abt it haha... but I think some kids might not be able to take it.
Joy, what do you mean by honeymoon? Meaning no test/exam? There will be one coming yr end.
Your dd in p4 right?

Have send you pm.
Hi annlee

Thanks for the pm.

My kids are down with food piosioning.Food from east coast lagoon last evening and they vomitted in midnight.

Honeymoon means exams etc will be ok and easy to manage...not much hurdle...
How come you sent your maid home?
Her contract is up?

Do you find your girls stressed up in Tao Nan?

Oh dear, hope your kids recover from the food poisoning soon!

Hee, yeah, surprise!

Lots of friends have "feeling" that it's a boy, but this mommy has no intuition at all - I have no feeling whether baby is boy or girl! :p
But this preg got craving for cheesecake which I never had with Soph - making the jellyhearts cheesecake today.
If it turns out well, I'll post a pic

The last time I wanted a surprise too, but that last gynae didn't care about our wishes, and just put in the gender into his computer, so when he did his detailed scan, he just printed it out with gender in it!

This time, I switched to a really old gynae called Dr. TB Lim at Mt. E.
He's good, and respects our decision. I also asked him about VBAC (Vaginal Birth After C-section), and he basically laid out the pros and cons to me, with the risk levels, and leave it to my own decision.
Hubby and I have a feeling he may prefer us to do C-sect, but as a really ethical doctor (my opinion
), he respects our decision and leaves the final decision-making to us, as long as he makes us aware of the risks.

Yes, I stay in Bishan, but this neighbour will probably be moving next year, and she is "aiming" for Tao Nan for her son. She speaks a lot of Chinese to her son, so I thought Chinese shouldn't be a problem for her son... Tao Nan emphasizes on Chinese yeah?
Hello Ladies.....

Huskie have popped a Baby Boy on 4 Oct at 2.895kg thru natural birth.

Congratulation to you!!
hey annlee,
Thanks for the announcement

It feels a bit weird to come into this thread now that this thread is sooooooooooooo quiet!

I'll post up some pics on my blog soon

Hello everyone!

I am BACK!!

Calling all cooking kaki, how's everyone and how' everything?

My latest update:
Finally I throw "the" letter, so i will be officially SAHM from July!!
Will have more time to explore more receipi and lots of fun 'cleaning' and packing house!!

Btw heard a good tips on who to cook cantonese style porridge.
The traditional way is to stir and stir and stir till it is very smooth.
Try this :
Wash the rice and store in freezer.
Cook the rice the follow day.
The porridge will be smooth like the cantonese porridge.
