Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hi huskie

I am a FTWM...dun really cook on wkdays since Im working...most of the time i try to cook on wkends to have homecooked food for my boys.

You have the whole set of AMC? Expensive yeah? Does it cost $1k over?

I didn't manage to make my pancakes this morning. Ds woke up last night from 230am onwards and refused to sleep till 5am! Me and hubby were both pretty concussed this morning so could only feed Soph raisin bread for breakfast! Must be his teething that's caused the crazy night.

Today didn't cook either - hubby tabao both lunch and dinner back.

Just check with you - at what age do you stop cooking for baby separately?
I've been cooking porridge for ds, but he refused to eat! And he demands to eat our food! Gave him a few morsels of rinsed-with-hot-water hor fun today and he happily chomped them down! He is now 9mths old.

Oh right, think I forgot you are a FTWM. It's not easy to be working and cook on weekdays... almost impossible if I am the one working!
Hi all

ya...cos by the time i reach home..already feeling tired...cant bear with the thought of still having to cook n clean up....

make strawberry marshmallow cake today since hubby wanted to have has also been a while tt i made this cake....
Can you share the recipe for strawberry marshmallow cake?
Soph likes both strawberries and marshmallow, so this may be The Cake for her

I was just surfing around AMC website, and saw that it can even roast food. Does that mean the same pot/pan used for stir-frying, cooking stews/soups can be used for roasting? Is the effect the same as oven?

My mini toaster oven just died. I always use it to bake my salmon and cod or even chicken wings, so I am wondering if AMC can do roasting with the same pan. Tempted... my MIL has a set and has offered to pass me a small one to use, but I don't want to feel indebted to her :p
Hi Huskie

Good morning.Soph and my boy share the same taste, both like stra and marshmallow...

I was contemplating to get few more AMC woks.Yes, it can do the char siew too,regardless which one if i remember correctly.The drawback abt this amc, its heavy, if not, its really a good set.

Why dont u get back a mini toaster?

Hey everyone, how was weekend?
Hi huskie

The recipe for the strawberry marshmallow cake is from the link:

I like this blog cos it has many recipes that is easy to cook.
hello everyone!

Tonight's dinner:
Curry chicken
steam minced meat
vege - still thinking which one to cook...
soups from last night

and will try to make the lemangrass drink
Tried at some thai restaurant before, very refreshing.

About the Italiaon dinner... not very good.
I bought a new brand of pasta sounce with chunky mushroom etc.. but turns up not very good.

I also made the creamy mushroom soup.

I think put too much of mushroom, dh & ds1 said abit bitter. Ds2 is the worst. Tried one spoon never come back.
I tried to feed him another spoon while he was talking and enjoying his plain pasta... u must see his reaction, he is trying to throw out (!!!) and complaining 'dun want mushroom soup'
Terrible .. never give mummy face!!!

The following day i used the extra cream to make a sauce for my grill chicken. Ds 2 took the chicken but when saw the sauce, he scream again, 'i dun want mushroom'....

guess will take a while to re introduce him the dish cook with cream liao..

This morning i try choc's pancakes, didn't make the souce, instead i put some banana slices in and become banana pancake, very nice.

Took awhile to persuide ds1 to take two pieces.
When ask him how does it taste?
he said, the pancakes taste good, but i hate pancake.

huskie, agreed with Joy get a mini toaster better bah. I also find AMC like very 'heavy duty' type.. might not suitable for that purpose.

Eh joy, u ask about fish head soup last time?
i tried to make the soups by using fish bone, put some ginger, green onion and boil about 45 min. Then i also mix with some chicken stock and it taste good.
Maybe you can try mixing both soups, somehow i find just fish bone itself not that 'tasty'.
Thanks for the link to the recipe. Doesn't seem that difficult to make. Will attempt it after Soph's night cough is ok.

Joy, Littlecat,
Yeah, I may juts get a mini toaster... will wait for Robinsons or other store's 20% sale see if can get any good deal. Saw a Philips mini one with temperature setting even!

Sorry to hear about your Italian dinner... but your posting is so funny leh! Really makes me laugh and lighten up after a tiring day yesterday

Hee, kids are very frank, dunno what is the meaning of "giving face". Soph is the same... she'll tell me Uncle's ball ball is nice, Mommy's one not nice.... eh, she means fishballs of course!

btw, I just kaypoh and checked kiasuparents last night... woah, a lot of schools have to ballot within 1km in Phase 2B this year huh? Such as Tao Nan, Pei Chun, MGS... scary! Told hubby we jialat liao...
hi huskie...ur child is in P1 next yr?...wah...u are looking at all the good sch boy also in P1 next yr but i jus enrolled him in a better neighbourhood sch cos i dun wanna be too stress out...for him n myself...
Hello ladies,
Howz everyone?

I actually cooked lunch separately for no.4 until she was abt 1 and half yrs old. Only on weekends then she'll eat "outside food". Every morning, I'll cook porridge in a small thermal pot, put in fish, veg and whatever and cook it. If I cook soup, i'll just blanch some udon/pasta for her. Dinner time, she'll eat whatever we eat;)

Ya,a mini toaster is very helpful, i have one 8yr old toaster from a lucky draw.
Hehe.. it's indeed very stressful when balloting for a place in a good primary school..
Before dd1 got a place in her current school, hb and I went to one not-so-popular school, they didn't even have to set up booths and tables for registration. The administrator came out to talk to us, that if we want to enroll, we can do it immediately.

Yo cat, wah banana pancakes, I shall try it one day.I always make plain ones.
Haha.. your kids very funny! They have a love-hate relationship with pancakes..
I also always have problems planning menu too. Ang loves angmo, I like chinese, kids like fast and fanciful food..

What you all cooking today?
Me making slice beef udon in chicken broth for lunch
Hello mummies

This satday, planning to do a buffer spread for my boy birthday.Anyone has good suggestion?Am doing lotong curri, fried brocoli, pineapple rice, chilie chicken,almond jelly dessert.....anymore suggestions.thanks
Thanks for the tips.

P1 registration
This year, my girl school, phase 2b within 1 km also needs to ballot.I guess its due to the earlier phase many places been taken up.
Hi Joy

The food spread seems more for the adults with all the spicy abt preparing some finger food for the kiddos....egg mayo n ham sandwiches, nuggets, fries etc...

which sch is ur girl in?
Haha, no, my kid will not be going to P1 so soon... she will be in P1 in 2014, but I am just being kaypoh, cos alot of friends havings kids going P1 next year. I looked at Tao Nan cos some friends will be enrolling next year, but I stay no where near there, and I am not a east person. Looked at MGS cos a friend's kid enrolled last year so just kaypoh, but heard there are lots of rich kids in there so it's out for us too. As for Pei Chun, hubby and I did consider this school before cos a friend says it's a good neighbourhood school, but we are also not within 1km. As of now, we're still undecided on school

Thanks for tips on baby's lunch. Think I will try the pasta in broth for him. These few days, he's been happily chomping on mee sua, but I'm afraid too much wheat will be hard on baby's delicate digestive system, so I rotated with rice and millet pasta.

You're gonna cook all that by yourself?! Sounds yummy, but quite a fair bit of work!

Tonight cooking chicken stew with carrots and navy beans plus a stirfried vege. Large crockpot is cracked, so no soup till I replace it :p
Wow Joy,
What a spread of food! yumz..
Is there a theme for the birthday? Like western or chinese food?
How about potato salad? It's easy, can prepare before hand..Just boil potatoes till soft, cut them into squares, add mayo, salt and pepper to taste, then bacon bits and chopped spring onions;)

And my kids fav: kebab, that is quail eggs, mini sausages, fish balls, cucumber or pineapple and poke all through a satay stick.

A little more leychey but good to eat will be cereal prawns. I used singlong premixed pack, fry salted eggs and curry leaves, then briefly fry prawns and add premix into all ingredients.
Ya, all do by myself.Of course, bbq food like stingray, satay, squid, sweet potato, will all buy.
Oh yes, on top of that, also have fishball , fried chicken, spring roll...mostly for kids.

My girl is from tao nan.Thanks, noted and is thinking what else i can add on, but cannot be too much work cos me OMO.

Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.

Did make potato salad but ended up no one eat, so these days, we try to make food that we think the guest will eat.
I bought the Family Starline Set, I think it's around $2288 if I rem correctly. There is another set @ $3k+.

I don't know how old is your child but my kids started eating rice at around 9 months so they were already eating table food with us.

I've tried hugbear's marshmallow cake too, my kids love it!
Yes, the AMC can be used to roast meat, even bake pizza. I like their char siew, kids prefer homemade than outside ;-) But if you only want to bake fish, then I think better to get another toaster/oven.

Primary School,
When I only had one child, I was hunting for the nearest SAP school nearby. But when #3 came along, neighbourhood school is the only choice as I do not have time to fetch to and fro.

Yes, the AMC pots are really heavy but I've got used to it now and cooking is relatively easy and no/less greasy counter top.

You are cooking up a storm!
Thanks for info on kids' food and AMC! Think I may start ds on rice soon. Currently he enjoys taking little morsels of rice when we eat, so I may let him try some mashed up rice.
Today he ate navy beans and potatoes

As for AMC, I will see if they sell just one pan. The whole set is out of my budget and I don't have the space to put them too. Sometimes I see people putting up stalls in Thomson Plaza selling just single AMC pots so I'll keep a lookout on those.
Will just get the mini toaster oven for now. I am keen to try AMC cos it seems less oily.

Hope your kids get well soon!

I just made the pancake batter to put in fridge overnight... wish hubby luck when he makes it tomorrow morning! Haha, he is quite skeptical of the recipe and would prefer to use his White Wings bottle one which I think is too expensive! :p
U are the cooking master!
always wondering how mums like choc and u and the rest of the mums without maid cope. can bake, cook, handle young children, clean etc.
maybe my time mtgm not good or simply too nua. i only cook during weekends. when i reach home during weekdays, there are times i just dun want to move an inch. but when see the children, heee... all worthwhile

no time no 'see'.

when u creating yr blog?

on weekdays, the helper will cook for the children. food are usually without seasoning.
weekends they eat with us. if cooking at home, usually will take out their portion before seasoning.
my have the amc pots and always raving abt them especially for frying vege.
how abt going back to u and dh's alumi?
the pancake good? am going to try the pancake recipe too this weekend. usually use moringa pancake mix. found it expensive too.

u power. OMO cooked and prepared so much stuff without help.

was telling littlecat that last weekend was marathon baking/cooking.
tried the cotton cheese cake fm reena's blog the 2nd time.
sigh.. still failed.
the top part is japanese soft cotton cheesecake. bottom half is american cheese cake.
dun know what went wrong. onsole myself better than 1st attempt. 1st attempt was 1/4 jap and 3/4 american.

also made oatmeal rasin cookies, recipe fm

170 g butter, softened
150 g white sugar *
165 g packed light brown sugar *
2 eggs
5 ml vanilla extract (1tsp)
155 g all-purpose flour
5 g baking soda (1tsp)
2 g ground cinnamon (3/4 tsp)
3 g salt (1/2 tsp)
225 g rolled oats
145 g raisins

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
In large bowl, cream together butter, white sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs and vanilla until fluffy. Stir together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Gradually beat into butter mixture. Stir in oats and raisins. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets.
Bake 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown. Cool slightly, remove from sheet to wire rack. Cool completely.
*reduced to 100g each white and brown sugar)

the cookies are not very sweet nor oily and healthy cos with oatmeal.

also tried my hands on making jam.
check out , happyhomebaking mum blog and but modify abit.

360grams frozen black berries (not the phone blackberry hor)
abt 160grams sugar
2tablespoon lemon juice.
but feel that a tad too sweet, can further reduce the sweet.

defrost and smash berries in pot.
add sugar and bring to boil and reduce heat to simmering
skim away foam till clear.

to check if jam set, i put a few metal spoon in the frezeer before cooking the jam. when do not see any more foam in the mixture. drip abit of the mixture on to the cold metal spoon. if the texture is to yr liking, and stop cooking and bottle the jam.

to prepare the bottles,
wash bottles and bottle caps with soap
rinse with hot water.
put in pot, cover bottles and caps with cold water
bring to boil. them simmer for 10mins.
transfer bottles to oven and leave in 120degrees oven for 10mins

was browsing this blog.
very interesting.
hope have time to try out the peanut butter this weekend.
Haha.. cookiemonster,
Wah, you really went on a cooking marathon! If I were your neighbour, I sure come to your house to kaypoh..

Eh, my cheesecake also failed a couple of times leh.. Recently saw another blog about this cheesecake, haiz.. drooling over it, but scared to make!
You ask me to start a blog hor, ya last yr, my niece helped me start out one, she uploaded some pix, she wrote the comments, and then one month lata, shut down liaoz.. hehe..
I actually wanted to name it "copycatmum" blog, since all my recipes copied from here and there..

Your oatmeal raisin cookie recipe looks great! The only time I make cookies is Christmas.haha.. shall KIV your recipe, Tks!

Husk, hope you all like the pancake;)! I used to buy betty crockers pancake premix too, until my neighbour made some from scratch to let me try, then I started using fresh batter.
If you use a small frying pan, it is much cuter and like mac's.. Then fry some scrambled eggs, sausages and place them all together on a nice plate,some butter & honey.. tada! macsophie's pancake

My kids are coughing so thought tonight want to make watercress with louhanguo soup, don't know nice bo..
What are you all cooking?
Choc, cookie,
My pancake mix was a bit of failure. I find it too dense and not fluffy enough. I substituted water and eva milk with fresh milk i.e. I only used fresh milk, no water.... don't know if that's the cause? Still, dd appreciated it and ate them all up and dh says it's not too bad considering I made it from scratch.

I also used a small mini pan, but no matter how I shook the pan when making it, it's still dense and rubbery.

Nothing beats pancakes like IHOP's... I just found an IHOP pancake recipe here... may just try it one day.

I am also waiting for your blog!
Not just on cooking... but also on tips on handling kids.

Yeah, everyone I know raves about AMC pots and pans. A friend who totally cannot cook claims she can make a wicked fried beehoon with her AMC pot now! But hmm... must really control myself... I always end up with white elephants at home!

For school, dh does not wants kids to go to his alma mater cos he had bad experience in there, although the school is an OK one around the CCK area. Then again, CCK is too far from my mum's, although it's near his mum... but hee, his mum does not help out at all, so no point even staying next door to her.

My alma mater... very near to dh's workplace, but I am not keen on it cos I find it too "preachy" (it's a missionary govt-aided school) and I saw from the website that CCAs are not so good i.e. they only have just that few CCAs, which makes me think they probably do not produce well-rounded students, which is what I hope for in a school for my kids.

Wow, you made jam! The only jam I eat (Hero's Black Cherry Jam) seems to have changed with the new packaging now... it's more watery and not as much cherries in there, so I have stopped buying it. I also like Picotin's jam, which I think is probably homemade cos it's very watery in texture. But it's so expensive... I cannot bring myself to go there another time after just once with my friends long time ago.
Huskie, haha.. yeah Kids say the darndest things!

Birthday party menu
Joy , abit too late for the suggestion. My lazy version for kids fingers food lie nuggets, cooked fishball (just reheating it), some mini sausage.

Eh Happy Birthday in advaced to your boy ;)

Btw Choc I like your kebab idea! But I can foresee the left over on the stick must be the fruits

Huskie, I use HL milk + water and it turns up ok. Maybe need the water, can not all milk bah.
For me I didn’t put in all the water initially, I mixed and see if is ok and add in gradually, cos if u put too much water and when it become too diluted ,can not reverse liao.

Primary school
I was lucky as my hb was old boy from Pei Hwa, so ds can get in easily, also thanks to not many ‘sibling’ for that years…
Huskie, hehe.. still not too late to move house.. and this time move closer to your preferred school.
My neighbour want to go Nan Hua, she doing volunteering work and also intend to move closer there next year, his boy will be K2 next year.

Question : How to teach your kids to sleep by themselves ?
Currently my DS (8 & 4) still want either one of us to company them to sleep.

Any tips ?

Btw I have these jokes from internet, enjoy:

Joke #1

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her son into bed.
She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, 'Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?'
The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. 'I can't dear,' she said. 'I have to sleep in Daddy's room.'
A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice; 'The big sissy.'

Joke #2
A small boy is sent to bed by his father.
Five minutes later..... 'Daad....'
'I'm thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?'
'No, You had your chance. Lights out.'
Five minutes later; 'Da-aaaad.....'
'I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??'
I told you NO! If you ask again, I'll have to spank you!!'
Five minutes later......'Daaaa-aaaad.....'
'When you come in to spank me,can you bring a drink of water?'
So sweet of you, thank you for your birthday wishes...

Never too late to suggest.Thanks.I have already ordered the fishball.
By the way, which brand of mini sausage did you buy, is it also just reheat?Am thinking to add this.thanks again.

Good day mummies...
Good morning to all

the sky looks soooo gloomy n dark today....seems like going to have heavy downpour soon....nice day to sleep in but too bad i need to work

Little cat,

i also have the same problem with you, my elder son aged 7 still need us to company him to sleep. He dun even dare to go to his room when the light is not on. For my younger one, 4,he can sleep on his own. When he's tired, he will jus go in to his room n less than 5 mins, he sleep already....


how was the taste for the watercress with louhanguo soup...does your child like son has also started coughing since last nite with quite a fair bit of phelgm, maybe i should try to make this soup for him too...


you can get nice mini sausages from the gourmet station at all supermarkets...i prefer those than the canned ones...just have to reheat by boiling them...the cheese sausages taste good but need to be eaten hot so that you can taste the melted cheese...yummy...
Good morning ladies!
Such a heavy downpour... hope there won't be any floods!

Dd is also having a bit of cough - today making apple, fig, chinese almond and chuan bei powder soup for her.

Maybe I'll try it with half water next time.

Pri Sch:
Yeah, we'll probably move again when we decide on the school

Current place is just too far from my mum's.
You're lucky your hubby has a good alma mater.
Heard Nan Hua is very stressful... a neighbour whose dd is in there told me.

Sleeping by themselves:
I made Soph's room into something cozy and she really likes it... with all her favourite stuffed animals on her bed too.
I put her in her bed, dimmed the lights and pretend to "pack" her drawers for awhile after reading her her bedtime book. Then told her I am going out, but if she needs me, I will come in. Then just went out... when she cries, I will come in immed again, soothe her and do the same thing over and over again until she finally got used to it and slept by herself.
Now she just goes into her bed, I turn off the lights and she sleeps by herself.
Not sure if it'll work for your kids since they're already so old?

I am readin this book "Why boys are different" and it says boys are more insecure, which seems true for my ds. SO not sure if this method will work for boys.
Haha cat..
So how are you coping at home now?

Regarding sleeping by themselves, also dunno why recently that boy of mine started to bunk in with us! He has a nice bed, and all four of them sleep on different beds in one room. Like what soph mentioned, I also made the room cosy for them..
At first he said he was scared of the curtain with animal prints, then after changing the curtains, he gave other ridiculous reasons! Haiz.. maybe got to try soph's suggestion.
My older girls didn't have this problem, or maybe I have forgotten .. haha..

Eh cat, you are very right! What's left over is always the cu and pineapples! And sometimes, I'll string in a piece of topshell( canned ones)just for shellfish lovers

Hee Ivena, I didn't do the watercress soup in the end, didn't manage to get them. Was wondering about the taste tho, saw from reena's blog that she cooked that for her kids. I ended up cooking cabbage, fish maw, fish ball and quail eggs in a pork rib+ikan bilis broth.

These few days, my kids are all coughing away, so I have to cook soupy, easy to digest food. Tonight making teochew muay, with steam golden pomfret, fry kailan with beef strips, luffa with eggs..

And also want to attempt the jap cheesecake again.. Hope I succeed this time

cat, peihwa is a good school leh, friend's children in that school. I quite like their programme and academic support.
My dd's school doesn't give much homework, so kids don't really know the expectation of exams. And exam questions are not what they have been exposed at all. So I got to do lots of these background work at home.

Husk, ya, I burnt a few pancakes initially, either put in too much batter or timing not right when flipping the pancakes. So the cue is to see bubbles on the batter when frying, then flip it,and you'll get a nice brown..

Haha! I got no time to do blog leh.. Saw other people's blog, wow! their photos are so nicely taken. So what I do is only take photos using my handphone..

seems like now is the coughing season, everyone seems to be having bad cough lately, guess its due to the weather recently, one min heavy downpour n the next min, its sunny again....

which sch is ur daughter in?

tonite feel like having steamboat for dinner for the raining least dun have to be sweating while enjoying the food....
Ya good idea to have steamboat and for me , to do a massive cleaning of the freezer.. haha..
My dds are in East Spring pri sch, just beside my block. Was thinking that they can come back for lunch before cca, and I can wave them goodbye, standing along my corridor

How about your ds, which school is he in? P1 right? My dd2 is in p2 and there'll be sa2..she has only frequent term tests this yr
Joy, u r welcome

Yeah most of the supermarket are selling the mini sausage.

Ivena, I like the one with cheese inside too
oh got canned one?

I normally pick up those pack in the transparent plastic bag type.
I just used the toaster to heat it up.

Talk about nice day to sleep, haiyoh, my ds2 got excursion trip to zoo today, must be at the center by 8am (!!) there goes my plan…

Sigh what a day they choose.. guess instead of seeing the animals think they more like the ‘chicken soak in rain water’ !

<u>Sleeping by themselves</u>
Ivena : oh yeah when they are too tired, like example Sunday we go out in the morning come back at home, no nap time for ds2, they will sleep after we left them in the room.
Normal weekday, ds2 will have nap in childcare, ds1 is still quite ok, but still need someone there, unless damn tired.
Wah so good for u, your ds2 same age as mines can sleep by himself already. U know my ds2, when in the center, still need the teacher to pat his buttock during nap time.

Huskie, hehe I like your pretending to pack the drawer hahaha.. we did something similar.

My dh told the boys papa need to go toilet… and sneak out to the outside toilet and …never go back…haha!

Then the other day I want to use the same trick, so I told ds 2, mama want to go toilet, ds2 smart liao, ask me to go to the toilet in the master bedroom not the one outside. He sure know the same thing will happen!

Recently the kids sleep in the master bedroom as the 2nd room air cond spoilt, waiting for the new one.

Haha Choc, your boy got lots of execuses hor?
Eh you put 4 in a room, wil have party all night ?
my boys like to chat with me before sleep.. very long winded. But normal hour like dinner time ask him anything to share - no nothing. But all pour out before sleeping.

Guess just have to be persistent , I will continue the huskie method… the half way run away mom.

For the past few days, when daddy inside with him, he will cry for me… till he tired and quiet down by himself. Then daddy will sneak out. Like very poor thing hearing him cry…. But no choice leh

Huskie, I agreed with u boys are different. My cousin, her dd 3+, last year end (which is 2+) already trained without pampers to sleep at night and recently can sleep by herself. When come to bed time her mom ask her to go in to sleep and she will just do it. So guai! They are more sensible.

Oh.. that bring me to the next topics.. pai seh... diapers at night, how to get rid of it?
Recently I have stopped his night bottle, so by right should have less urine, but hor still wet.. and sometime overflow.

Try to wake him at 12mid night to pee, but in the morning the diaper still wet.

Choc, life is good and I am coping well except occasionally has this ‘computer withdrawal syndrome’. Haha.. anyway already checking want to get a proper one. One of the deal with my ‘current boss’, after I quit the job, I need a computer, a proper one at home.

Wah hearing you teow chew muay.. .. already droolling…

Ivena, oh yeah steamboat for such weather is supper!

Hmm… maybe I should do it tomorrow :D :D
Today will cook fried rice and finish up some left over food.

My kitchen got 3 ripe bananas, now wonder what should I do with it?
Banana cake ? Banana muffin ? let me think……….
choc, boy going to P1 next yr....i register him in radin mas pri sch...i graduated from at least no need to be stress out with the balloting ....

Little cat,

cheese sausage dun come in canned one, they come in transparent packaging....

raining still going to the zoo? the child will surely be so disappointed for not able to see the animals...dun the sch postpone the excursion to another day

ya...guess it becos my younger son is more independent than his bro...

steamboat is also good when u need to clear off all the leftover in the fridge...jus 'throw' everything in and you will enjoy a pot of nice steamboat soup with all the veg, fishball, meat...

banana muffin is a good idea to get rid of the ripe banans...easy to make to...i have always do that whenever i got leftover banana that is too ripe...
Haha! Ivena, I am doing steamboat tonight liaoz, so fast change of plan
.. got to clear my prawns, dumplings, chicken bones for soup, etc..
Radin Mas also a good school. My cousin in law was leading boys brigade there some years ago.

Cat, ya, my 2 older ones will yak tong1 xiao1 and end up sleeping together at times, or else, they will go straight to comatose state when they hit the beds. bb will goo gaa by herself and when lights go off, she'll zzz. Then no.3 will come to our room.. haiz.. he has been asking us to sleep with him, but his bed is a small one, so end up our legs will kiu kun(cramp), cos can't stretch.. hee.. the toilet trick's a good one, but this boy will wait for us to come back unless he's real tired.
Ya, same problem as you, boy's diaper either overflow or very full by morning. My girls didn't wear diapers at night when they 3 yrs old..Now I don't know how to train him liao, just let nature take its own cause..

I love banana cakes! I always make banana cakes with the black almost rotten ones. Esp when the cakes are chilled, eat them with a cup of coffee, yumzz..and of cos when no kids are bugging you,no noise, that's heavenly;)

My dd1 has NAPFA test today, was raining, so didn't let her go.

Have a great weekend ladies!
ivena, yeah raining still go leh... and last night ds2 having fever liao...

choc, waht is the NAPFA test ? test leh u didn't let her go? can re do another day ?

girl really faster than boy hor...

today got to clear my prawn and batang fish that has been frozen for awhile, can't do steamboat... but just stir fried the prawn and pan fry the fish then.

Have a good weekend everyone!
good morning all.I survived the party.Excess food yesterday.Maybe kids only eat little.

I heard nafa test has to clear by latest oct right?My girl cleared her two weeks ago.

Can I know what was the actual condition of your granite before u used the cleaning solution u mentioned.I think for mine, blur cos it abosrbs some water into it , so wet, something like that.

Good day all....
Steamboat sounds nice, esp in cold weather like recently! Do you girld use a multi cooker or what? I don't have a multi-cooker nor a single stovehob/induction plate... best I can do is a hot claypot

Kids are probably too busy playing and no mood to eat!
Granite floor: mine was overall blurry... i.e. not as shiny as when new. But if you're talking about "wet patches" like you left a puddle of water on it for a long time and it absorbed into the stone, then mine didn't have this kind of dark wet patches.

Have you gotten or called the company to ask which solution is suitable? Or if you really want to salvage it if the condition is bad, maybe get their professional service?
Thanks for reply.
I have very bad exp wif granite prof service.That is the reason why I prefer to ask around and do it myself, if possible.If not ,just leave it.Maybe that give me a good reason to find a new home...hahaha

You are right, kids are actually more into playing the wii game than anything else.

Actually my granite blurness is uneven, not really stains.Will see how.
i have problem with the stain on my marble floor too..
at first still kan-cheong, now bor-chap liao :p

Tonight dinnner, i tried to cook the pumpkin prawn, but didnt get the cream so using milk instead. Not very successful, think with cream and some curry leave and chili padi will be perfect!
The left over pumpkin i made a pumpkin sago, similar to honeydew sago, except without coconut milk. Very nice. tomorrow will put some gula melaka as dh said not very sweet. Also the gula melaka has some coconut flavour think will go well.

Bought a chicken to make broth for the week.
This is how i normally do it.
Get a chicken, remove the drumstick, wings and breast meat.

To make the broth:
Put the remaining of the chicken parts (bone, feet etc..)
green onion
2-3 pcs of dried fish (those used for stock, u can )optional or you can put cuttlefish

Boil for about an hour, let it cool down, pack in plastic bag, can yield about 4-5 packs. Keep in freezer.
I will use it for DS1 lunch,either noodle soup, macroni soup or rice with soup.
Also for dinner if too lazy to boil soup. Just use the stock and put some seafood or fish ball or minced meat etc.

For the drumstick and wings, i normally will make a soya souce chicken style.
Then the breast meat, i will grill it, can be used in salad, or for the wrap or just as individual dish with some souce.
Normally just put some terriyaki sauce and some minced ginger and garlic to marinate overnight before grilling.

ciao, time to sleep!
Good day all

Have been pretty busy over the younger one down with fever n many pple are not feeling well lately...guess it gotta to do with the weather.

Think radin mas is one of the more popular sch among my neighbourhood...looked at the result of the phase 2C registration this morning ..the number of registration exceeded the vacancy guess the sch will need to have balloting...

wat's all having for dinner tonite? no need to crack my brain cos my mum will be cooking prawn of her 'na shou hao cai'...yummy
Ivena, wah you so 'hao ming' :D enjoy your prawn noodle.
Eh ask what is the secret and share with us leh ;)

Today going yoga , so cook something simple and easy.
- Watercrest soup
- steam fish
- soya sauce chicken drumstick

abit too much meat hor? anyway force all the clear up the watercrest then :D

Yesterday i have the wanton soup, then the left over, i make it like siew mai for this morning's breakfast.
My siew mai is meat and cabbage, slightly heathier then the normal one which put meat and prawn etc...
Ha! cat, I also made watercress soup! With louhan guo just to try out the taste. Today making curry chicken with the new rempah i bought from Tampines market. Then fry kailan and steam salmon.
Wow, you really know how to make use of the pumpkin! So interesting to use for prawns and sago!

Eh, napfa means national physical fitness test, or whatever, haha..didn't pay notice to the actual name. Now my dd1 is left with 1.6km run on thurs, cleared all the other tests like flex arm hang, standing broad jump etc..

I just made the stock you mentioned, adding some fresh anchovies and the green onions, wow, the green onions bring out the taste of the soup. Thanks for the tips!

Last fri, made the jap cheesecake, finally succeeded after 5 attempts.LOL.., the trick is to whisk the egg whites till med stiff peak,the instructions and step by step are in Reena's blog. Thanks Reena! I halved the recipe cos I scared I'll waste the cheese, hehe..

Ladies, you all must try it, easy to make and very soft and fluffy

Joy, wow, so fast your dd cleared her nafa test! Dunno if my dd can do the 1.6, cos the last time went for sports day training, she wanted to give up

Ivena, my kids also one by one fell sick, very jialat. Now, at least they are ok. Hope the watercress soup will help hydrate their bodies. Last fri steamboat, last min, I bought 2 pomfrets, asked the aunty to fillet the fish for me, was very nice in steamboat.. then also added some c hum..slurpzz
My girl happens to have the sunny day on the nafa day.So, she completed.She did it in six mins.She is glad that its over.

Still not sure what to do cos i have lots of left over lontong chillie from mil, dont know what i CAN do with it.Wonder is it can use to cook petai, ask hubby go ask her, till now, still never ask.So, looks like I may not cook cos I want to rest.Too tired with all the hsework.
Morning all

Is it all pri sch kids will need to take the napfa test including P1? Last time think i ever took it during sch time but certain items didnt make it...wat if the kids fail the test?

oh...we also like to add fish to steamboat..maybe u can try to cook fish steamboat like those u can eat outside...can add tofu, yam, cabbage, seaweed, tong orh and with all the fish fillet...

seeing Choc write abt the japanese cheesecake..make me nice if i can have a slice of it now...
Haha ivena,

I always drool looking at Reena's jap cheese cake, it looks so perfect. She made a few flavours too.. So I told myself I got to do it. It's very light and nice.. Eh, you must try doing it, it's easy and worth it all!;)

Only the p4 to 6 will do the test. And they'll be awarded bronze, silver or gold, fail, I dunno leh. First time my dd taking this napfa.

I always like the fish steamboat stock, only can see plum and mei ren yu( dried fish) in it
hello ladies...

Lots of kids seem to be coughing now... it's now ds' turn. Doc says his cough is quite bad for a 10-mth old baby. If doesn't clear by this fri, have to be put on antibiotics.
I'm tired out watching him in the night too. Have to watch cos his temperature seems to increase in the night.

Today making red spinach, tofu with pork, and a fen ge soup.

You really have energy to make cakes! Hee, I'm so lazy I'd rather just buy one off the shelf ;P
But I am targetting the strawberry marshmallow cake after kids recover... cos that one is no bake and easy.
hehe choc, ur welcome.
btw did you put the honey date (蜜枣)in the watercrest soup? it is soothing for the throat. i also put some north &amp; south almond.

The pumpkin prawns we tried it at Little Bali restaurant, very nice. So thought of reproduce it at home. but not successful leh.

tonight menu: green carrot soups, fried lecttuce, prawns in oyster souce, and fry egg with onion.

btw just got my new notebook ! yipee! lenovo with i5, speed damn good!
Hello all,

Wah, super long weekend! Happy holidays

Husk, hehe.. my energy only picks up on fridays!And go down on Mondays..
Ya, the strawberry marshmallow cake looks great hor.. This one I got to wait until my little friends are not around or they are zzzing late in the night before I can attempt..

Hope your little boy has recovered from his cough. My no.4 is still coughing, also like what you described( like coughing her lungs out) and I have caught the cough from her
This time round the flu bug is real strong!

Cat, wah, good huh, new notebook! Eh, start your makan blog leh..
I put one pc of honey date into the watercress. I bought the watercress that is the bigger and longer ones with the roots still intact. Very tasty, but the louhanguo made the soup a bit sweet and "kam kam" taste :eek:..
hello ladies!

I am also making watercress, honey date, almond and luo han guo soup today. I'm not a big fan of it, but dd likes it cos it's sweet. Ds still coughing - today officially on antibiotics cos he's been coughing since last wed. Plus a whole concoction of medicine like Singulair, Actified, Ventolin and Mucosolvan *sigh*

Wow, a Lenovo! I think it's a good hardy laptop - my Fujitsu cannot close properly now thanks to ds fiddling with the hinges :p

Tonight's menu - probably tabao food cos too tired!
choc, keke... got notebook no time liao...
i always find not enuff time leh...must know how to plan the time....

oh putting louhanguo will be too sweet, maybe can remove the honey date and only put louhanguo?

my recent soup i also put the north south almond and also the dried figs, heard good for lung too.

oh seems like watercress is popular soup recently

i like it cos got vege and the 3 male at home, like things which is soft, wonder why they grow teeth and never use...

huskie, aiyoh.. so many medicine so poor thing ur boy.
singulair for allergy ?
i know ventolin for opening air way?
muscosolvan is to clear the phlegm.
try make him some good soup after this,

Aioh good hardy laptop, my dh just complain after ds1 used now got scracth liao.. he heart pain.

tonight cooking winter melon soup, grill chicken wing and curry vege.

have a good long weekend !
Hello husk,
Hope your ds is better today
Wah, all the medicine sounds so familiar.. Hmm.. let me try to remember , singulair is a tonic for strengthening the lungs and it's rather ex right?

Ya, make some good soup for ds after that. My friend always tells me not to make chicken soup for my kids since they have coughs so often. So, I have used more pork ribs nowadays, just to see whether they make any difference.
Now dd2 has been taking yoghurt-dophilus from nature's farm, and her health seems better. Lesser asthmatic attacks and can prevent tonsilitis too.

Eh cat, I also find I got not enough time... to sleep.. hehe.. So much to do, so little time. Haha! the males in your house like soft things? Then I guess you can always make porridge, stew vege, stew meat, steam need to fry..
The males in my house like meat! Nuggets, fried chicken wings, beef.. haiz.. and my dds prefer softer food!
Aiyo, laptop scratched? sim tia.. Once my ds accidentally spilled water onto our laptop, good thing, it was still under warranty, went to change new keyboard.

Blueberries are on sale in NTUC finess, 2 punnets for 3plus, bought a few to freeze them

Today not cooking, off day for me..
Happy national day and happy holidayzzz all!

Hi all

Happy National Day in advance!!! Anyone watching the parade live? ds has still not recover from his cough...and already visited the doc twice...sigh...think will be making the pear soup for him to take with the nanxing n beixing.

wah...seems SAHM is more busy than least for me i still can have some 'me' time when i am working....can take a break from the kiddos...but of cos will miss out spending more time with it fun or academic...only at nite then can be with them...
