Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hi gals,
I bought a slice of salmon today. Any suggestions on how to cook delicious salmon? I only know how to pan fry and eat with wasabi. hehehe.
Another question regarding the use of aluminium foil, does the shiny part face inwards or outwards?

Think u can try tiger brand? Taka is having some GSS promotion on Tiger brand. Went and bought porridge maker - free flask, big airport (not electric one rite?) free smaller one. Burnt a super big hole in my pocket. Nearly bought anodised wok. Anyone heard of Supra brand? Wonder if its any good.


I usually make teriyaki salmon. Easy way of making is to buy the teriyaki sauce from supermarket, add sugar (else it's too saltish and flavour not balanced) to marinate 30mins each side. Then bake or pan fry.

Ask u gals, how do you cut chilli? I always get burnt from cutting chilli.
van, i think tiger brand is a better choice... how long is the elephant (assume is the zujiroshi)? this one also quite good heard from fren.

choc, so one follow mother one follow dad? so is the tomboy one more chin-chai?

petty or not i think depend on up bringing too ? my boy quite ok and will share his thing also which i find it quite good. cos lots of them said first one or only child will be more selfish...

But i find recently he abit 'spoilted' or could be he know what tricks to make people follow him...
yesterday he very funny draw a 'cross' and ask me to play with him.. at the end he is trying to play the tic-tac-toe. so got to show him it is the 'double cross'..
And finally he know how to write "TAN" liao... pai seh i think most of yours girl already know A-Z by the time they are 4? mine is abit slow :p

cupcake, till now i still can't figure out which part should be up :p, can anyone adv?
My elephant is zujiroshi.I find the innerpot build up water "scale" easily,have to de-scale quite often,tht's why thot of changing to a completely different one.Kenwood ones are made of stainless steel(look like),different from my.Will take a look at the Tiger brand also.

How long does your electric air-pot last,gals?

How often to you de-scale kettle,air-pot?

My girl was addicted to tic-tact-toe for a period last year.I bought a small magnettic tic-tac-toe with the cicle and cross,it's only $3+,travel size, very handy.I keep in my handbag so she could play while waiting for food in kopitiam or restaurant,but her current faze is Uno cards. You can get it for him from Popular.I also bought extra for three of her Gym friends,cos they were fighting for their turns when my dd played with one of them.

It took 1 whole page of big square exercise book to teach my dd to write her Cai4 nicely.I gave her 1 sticker on each square that she wrote nicely.

Not to worry about your child's development.Boys generally are slightly slower in terms of language,including writing,but they will do very well once they catch up.

About the aluminium foil,someone did tell me shinny side out.Not very sure though.
van thanks for the tips on keeping them busy haha..
eh any more tips on how to teach them write ?
he can recognise some simple chinese word like 'shang (up)', 'xia (down)', big, small only...
For aluminium foil, I use this rule - the shiny side reflect away more of the heat.
-> So if I reheating e.g. my muffin or a pie, and I want the pie to be heated up but not burnt, I cover the pie loosely with a foil and put the non-shiny side facing up. Therefore, it prevents the top from getting burnt but does not reflect away too much heat as I am reheating my item.
-> If my item is already getting a bit burnt and I just want to use the bottom heat of the toaster oven, I cover the top of my item with the shiny side up
-> If I am wrapping my oven toaster tray with a foil (so won't dirty the tray), then I wrap with the non-shiny side outside i.e. you cannot see shiny part at all. This is so that the tray will not reflect away too much heat and my item will be heated up on the tray.

Hope this makes sense and helps!

mashy brainz,
When I cut chilli, I "wear" plastic bags so my hands is not in direct contact with chilli. Recently, I found disposable plastic gloves ($1.50 for 100pcs) at those hardware shops/supermarkets, and I've switched to my "cooler-looking" gloves
If you want your cut chilli to be deseeded or have less seeds, roll your chilli on the chopping board before you cut them. This rolling/pressing action will cause the seeds inside to be dislodged and after you cut them, the seeds drop out more easily. Just be careful not to make a hole in your plastic gloves, finish handling the chilli before taking out gloves and washing hands.

My mum uses National brand... so far no complains about it and she's used it for 3 years. But she said she read somewhere that airpots generally consume a lot of electricity... do you know if this is true?

Don't worry about your boy not catching up. Boys are generally "later" developers. My hubby didn't catch up till Secondary School! But of course easier said not to be worried... cos so competitive nowadays.
Hey cupcake, I also use the terriyaki marinade for salmon, I used the masterfood brand, you can also add a little lemon juice or minced garlic to the marinade..

eh cat, yah.. my tomboy is very strong willed and cheeky at times! she is left handed and yesterday she spelled her name right to left.. my ang and I were laughing, it was a mirror image.. we thought maybe she's dyslexic !
Btw, cat, are you drinking any pg milk ?

Hey van, I just bought one zojirushi flask from taka also.. for my confinement.. Was using the tiger one.. heehee... never descale it before...I asked the promoter about the 2 brands, apparently, these 2 brands are the better ones..

Mashy brainz, I use food scissors to cut my chilli, but find that it tickles my throat cos the chilli is too spicy.. my mum uses knife and chopping board and she has no problems with that..
If chilli too spicy, deseed them? Cos the spicyness is mainly in the seeds.

You are right about the thermal brands... I asked around and it seems like the "tiger" and "elephant" brands are the kings of all thermal item brands
Hi gals

Just came back from Plaza Sing - brought the girls to watch Barney perform, it was good - except for the crowd, but I reckon weekend would've been worse. Traffic on the expressway was really heavy too - took more than 45 mins to get home!

Hi paranoidmummy, like what Soph said, I don't think pg can take tang kuai. Remember not to take milk within 1 to 2 hours of taking your iron pills cause I read somewhere that milk may actually inhibit the absorption of iron.

Hi choc, hey, my girls are like yours! dd1 is very girly and gentle whereas dd2 is a spunky little tomboy!

Hey LittleCat, I also almost followed my dd1 when she went on her first excursion last year, haha! I still worry whenever she goes on the school trips so I usually go shopping to distract myself and make time go faster!
haha what a two luvly animal brand there...

Sophie, u really an expert leh.. ! "pei-fu" !
yeah lor, say not worry is not true lah... somemore his dad want to enroll him to pei-hua, jia luck..
I just want to see if there is something that i can do from my end to guide him.. cos most of time during weekdays evening, we didn't do much thing, only stare at TV screen, too tired liao...

Choc, somehow i can't drink milk leh, find it taste terrible... so didn't. How abt u ?

haha ur girl is so cute! she must be thinking since nobody else know how to use left hand let's challenge them ?
dyslexic ? not so serious right?

mashy brainz, for me when i cut the chilli i will try not to touch the seeds, hold the body only... but sometime also kena ... i heard rubbibg salt will help..
Yah.. I always deseed the chilli but my fingers will be burnt too.. my no.2 likes to suck her finger and sometimes, I'll offer her my chilli finger.. haha..aft a while, she'll ask "got chilli?"

Anne, glad your dds enjoy the show, it's the same one at IMM right ? did you visit spotlight ?

cat, I'm struggling to drink milk also.. my ang is forcing me to drink since he knew the bb too small.. I chiam liao ! But I did ask for more calcium pills . now, I crave for ice-cream and Ang Ku Kueh !

I don't know whether it's typical in left handed when they'r young to spell like that or what.. there was a student who was right handed who spelled like that and he's dyslexic..
looks like I have to put a mirror in her brain liao !

I also write chinese characters on small pieces of cards to help her recognise words, 5 to 10 mins per day only, find that quite effective..

Hey ladies, what's cooking ?
Hi choc, yeah it's the same as IMM - but having to carry my dd2 for so long gave me a really bad backache! I didn't get to visit spotlight - somehow dd2 has developed a phobia of the furry animal print cloth and refused to step inside the store! Hey, ice-cream is good for you too! I ate tub-loads of them when I was pg! There's one ang ku kueh shop in Outram - the skin is very thin and has lots of liao inside - the skin is not ang but a bit more orangey in colour. I'll ask my hb later where exactly the shop is - feel like eating some now!

I'm just cooking for my girls today - codfish porridge with broccoli and steam eggs
Need to conserve energy to bake banana muffins tonight - the bananas turning black already!
choc, eating ice cream is a good way too
since it is made from milk what hor?
how about some yogurt drinks also high in calcium right?

annelise, when is your ops? don't get too tired hor..

wow your bak zhang looks good, did u have one that show the inside one
can not eat but can see also good ..
btw how long can we keep the dumpling in fridge?

ok shall try the method to show him some words, i did last time but lazy after awhile...
last time i used to show him flash card, while on the way to the nanny house. In the car got nothing better to do mah...
Now on the way home i will ask him what did he do in the childcare.. sometime he got 'chop' on his hand i will ask him who gave him the chop?
guess what? cos the teacher say if u finish all your rice i will give u chop, then he quickly finish all the get the chop... alamak, must i get a chop at home too ?
Imagine this : if u go brush your teeth i will give u a chop, if u finish your rice i wil give u a chop, etc... at the end whole hand full with chop...
Your bak chang look very nicely wrapped! I also learnt from my mum 2 weeks ago, but my wrapping not as nice as yours, plus mine is a bit small, even though I used 2 leaves! And my mum asked me to choose the nice ones (means those she wrapped) for my in-laws, else wait "siah suay" her

Me no expert... the aluminium foil thing I learn from my hubby, cos you know men... better at Physics. You send your kid to enrichment class? I heard about my friends sending their kids to enrichment classes and some say it works.

Choc, LittleCat,
How come you are "struggling" to drink milk? Because you cannot stand the taste now that you are pregnant or is it cos you don't like it in the first place? How about eating whitebait fish fried with eggs? I got this Pregnancy & Confinement Cookbook, and it says that whitebait is high in calcium cos we eat the bones of the fish as well.
choc, littlecat
I also struggled to drink milk. Really forced myself to drink one in the morning and one at night before I sleep. But I cheated by drinking chocolate flavour Annum. Taste like milo, maybe u can try.
Little cat, nope I dont have that. But i always fail the blood count test. I was like choc and little cat in drinking milk and hestitated only til 5 mths later then I start to drink. me too drink chocolate annum for a start and now i m drinking the original flavour one coz i heard chocolate is heaty.
Yes, choc annum is quite heaty. Alt is that u can drink the original with a spoon of milo. I did that after being told that the chocolate flavour is v heaty.
yr bak chang were so nicely wrapped!

re: pg milk
is it a must to drink special milk like Annum? I didn't drink any when I was preggie with my son.
I have problem taking fresh milk during preg,stomach ache and feel bloated,gynae said it's mild lactose intolerant,switch to Anmum,solve the problem,but actually I don't like the taste of milk.

How about blending milk with fruits to mask the taste? Or Drink Soya Bean Milk instead?

wow,you can wrap your bak zhang so nicely! Mine is terrible,and my aunt complained not tight enough.

check out this website.Can customize the words for your ds to practice writing.Add some nice cliparts to it when you print it. I found out that my girl get bored easily if keep writing the same thing for 1 whole page,so I try to print from internet,handwriting worksheets in different,short format.

I bought a set of "stamp" with words such as Well Done, Excellent,Good Job etc, and also stickers with such words.

You can get a little notebook with his favourite cartoon characters,do up a GOOD DEED CHART, give a stamp on the book for every good deed.Then for say every 20 stamps, he get a nice treat,like ice cream,stickers,small toys,interesting stationery etc.

For Chinese Writing,no short cut,have to start with the strokes,then words with 2 to 3 strokes.For more complicated words, I split the words into half or even quarters.Like Ming,I let her write Ri and Yue separately,then combine.

Do you notice any "build-up" on the kettle and air-pot if you don't de-scale it? A brown layer?
Hey anne, yah.. your bak chang looks so good.. what liao is inside ? Your bak chang is wrapped so skillfully and tightly.. that is something which I cannot master.
The nearest place for me to get AKK is from bengawan solo. The one at chinatown must be very nice..

anne, What do you do with the codfish? Do you steam it or cut up to put inside the porridge? I will be making fengei soup later, fry beehoon for lunch and claypot chicken rice for dinner.. haha.. every time, the same menu !

yah.. when's your op ? How's your bu blood thingy going on ? Must rest and eat well ,k ?

In the past, i don't fancy ice-cream, but now, crave for it !
Think the whitebait is a good idea , thanks soph !Is it also called silver fish ? Can use the dried one right ?
hey soph, all along, I don't like milk, except cold choc milk. So now, i just drink high cal, lo fat choc milk, somehow, cold drinks are very satisfying for now !

cat, my no.1 also comes back from sch with chops and stickers, for queuing up , for keeping quiet, etc.. Her water bottle is full of stickers now, so messy !

van, thanks for the handwriting website ! it's very useful .. so far didn't see any build up in the flask.. Only saw some white calcified deposits on the stopper .. so I just scrub it away.
hmm... seems like quite a few of us here don't like milk! I also don't like milk, so I drink Rice Milk or Oat Milk. Rice Milk taste better than Oat Milk, and the Rice Dream brand has the enriched version with added calcium etc. I try and drink this but it's a little pricey so I alternate between that and soya bean milk.

Choc, yep, the whitebait is also called silverfish. Can use dried ones, but soak them in water if you don't want it too salty. I am making pork ribs black bean soup today. Cannot find conch and pearl beans in my wet market. Choc, did you buy your conch from Yishun? Which wet market did you buy it from, as in, which block?
Hey soph, you can try Fu hua , there's one at yishun central , I think blk 925, it's under dried food section. Ask for xiang luo pian. Chong Pang also has one Fu hua

Is oat milk nice ?
hmm... I didn't know Fu Hua sells Xiang Luo Pian. I actually went to those dried provisions shop to ask for it this morning. There's a Fu Hua branch at Junction 8, so I may pop by that one to try first. Thanks!

Oat milk not so nice, I prefer Rice Milk. Plus a lot of oat milk in the market does not have the added enriched version with calcium, so a bit of a waste of time drinking oat milk. I think Rice Milk better. But people who like real dairy milk will not like such stuff cos they think it's diluted-looking. I like it only cos there's no dairy taste.
Hi gals, thanks
The bak zhang is the normal pork type + hae bee + dried chestnut + dried mushrooms - but I dunno how to make the liao! I forgot to take a pic of the inside! I tie bak zhang since I was a kid - trial and error lor, had my fair share of scolding when my zhang not tight enough and the stuff leaked out!

My op supposed to be on Fri but I'm having a very bad cough now and my gynae said not advisable to be under GA if I'm sick, so need to re-schedule, sigh! I think my blood count must be still pretty low cos' my period just finished.

Dried white bait taste really great fried with eggs! Can try eating those sambal-coated fried ikan bilis as snacks too whilst watching World Cup

Choc, the codfish I put the whole thing into the porridge and mash it up before serving - makes the porridge nice and fragrant. I cook it in slow cooker - it's the thick type of porridge. I also cook the same stuff over and over again - strange thing is my dds rather eat the porridge than food bought from outside!
Van thanks for the link !! :D
wow u really got lots of idea on this... impressed!

I can drink milk when i am not PG, but now guess is the taste bud change, somehow dun like anykind of milky taste thing.. funny!

van, i m using those elect kettle, (like those used in hotel, slightly bigger) i do see the brown layer there, how to de-scale ?
Also the thermo flask got a layer too how to get rid of it ?

choc/van, all the kids are obsess with chops and stickers!

The Xiang Luo Pian can be found at fu hua and also at Giant too.
My HK fren recommend another type, wait got time i show the photo. It is like a dried clam, still with the shell intact, it make the soup taste good too! but so far never see it selling in Singapore.

Annelise, ic, u take care and hor dun watch too much World Cup ok ? ;)

Now every nite 9pm my hb will 'take over' the TV set
can't watch other program at SCV liao..
I bought Citric acid to de-scale.$1.80 for a packet of 2 sachets. Very effective.It's from Bt Batok Blk 153 area, houseware shop near fruit stall,same stretch as Watson/Guardian.

DIY shop has de-scale liquid, more expensive, and I don't feel safe using that.

Somehow,stickers and chops just work for pre-schoolers.Even her music,ballet,Gym teachers use that.
Van, how does it looks like? pai seh... me from the tortoise mountain one...
can use on thermo flask too?
When u say don't feel safe, is it becos got smell?
Will take a photo for you later.Can use for thermo flask,kettle.... The DIY shop one even mentioned can used on Iron,washing machine,dishwasher...

The liquid look very chemical, and didn't state what is it made of.Whereas the citric acid,in powder form,mentioned it's Tian Ran(Natural) & safe,made from lemon
van , so how do you use the descaler ? I also didn't know there was such thing

Thanks for the pics.. esp the XO sausage..
Pour the citric acid and hot water into kettle/air pot,and soak for sometime(1 sachet for every 1 litre of water,instruction says 3min,but I soak longer than that),soak longer if it's very dirty.Use a sponge/kitchen towel to wipe off the "scale", pour away the liquid,then rinse.
Thanks for the info on the descaler. I am using the same kind of kettle as LittleCat; it's only 1 month old so I don't need to descale yet. I didn't buy a kettle for 2 years cos I didn't like the stuff accumulated inside, and was just boiling my water primitively from my cooking pot. Sometimes boiled till dry for 4 hrs cos I forgot about it! Luckily never set fire!
Now I know there's this descaler, I feel happier using my kettle cos I don't have to throw it away when the scale forms

Take care of yourself. Postponing the op may not be such a bad thing cos then you'll have time to "bu" your blood. Eat more red dates, black beans etc that nourish the blood. Hey, I saw in my sis' confinement cookbook that this recipe is good for women who lost a lot of blood during confinement & feel anaemic - black beans, black chicken, doubled boiled with Chinese rice wine. And in the past, my mum used to cook liver for us as a quick fix too, but now that my sis is pregnant, she doesn't cook liver anymore. But yucky to drink - she chops the liver into tiny pieces, put them in a tall glass with some chopped ginger, then pour hot boiling water into it. Cover and let stand for 10mins, then we're forced to drink the whole thing up. She said she read somewhere this is better than frying the liver.
OMG, boiled water in pot for 4hrs till dry? You are really lucky that you didn't set fire! Good that now you have a thermal pot to cook soup and will be using kettle to boil water again!

Hi gals
Do you all use lean pork to brew herbal soup? What do you do to pre-treat the pork?

1) Wash and scald with hot water OR
2) Wash and boil in a pot of hot water,then wash with cold water again OR
3) Rub the pork with salt, then rinse off (this method is taught by Chen Mei Er in Chinese newspaper (a popoular Chinese Physician)?
Yeah, luckily my flat is still intact, only my pot is burnt black at the bottom! And that's not the first time - mostly by the time I remember I am boiling water, normally half my pot has evaporated. Now scared, reducing the use of gas as much as possible, so I am really happy with my thermal cooker and electric kettle

I use lean pork to brew most soup if I am not using pork ribs. Learnt this from my mum cos she said pork ribs not as sweet and very fatty. She uses Method (2), and so do I, cos I learnt from her. Method (3) looks interesting, but I wonder what is the effect of and reason for rubbing salt?

hi pringles,
I am making miso mayonnaise baked salmon today... saw the recipe from 1 of my cookbooks. Not sure if toddlers like mayo? But will let you know if it's good.
Sophie, i have the same fear too.. so just get one cheap elect pot and thot of if 'dirty' just throw :p
Thanks to our si-fu - Van!!! *clap*

Any tips on cleaning the 'straw' for the kid's water bottle ? other than using satay stick...

oh yeah the other day i thot of the liver thing also.. my mum did that to my bro, cos he very skinny last time. Just pour hot water in a bowl that has the liver+ginger and drink.
Annelise, do u like liver ? may be u can try this method.
If u want it more cooked (some feel pouring hot water not that safe), u can boil the water first, throw the ginger in and the thin slice of liver & once the water boil,off the fire then cover it. Put some salt when u want to drink.
Cos i like liver so this is considere yummy for me.. pai seh!

Van, i use the 2) when i am not so lazy, if lazy hehe, i just use 1). but didn't know got another more lazy version #3 leh! hooray got excuse to be lazy liao!
one tips for those will tend to forget cooking time, sophie not only u , me also sometime too forgetfull..
I will turn the timer on my oven to remind me.
so hor at the end i use the Oven timer more than the Oven...
or can get a timer ? but if u forgot to turn on the timer than too bad lah...
I also thought of the timer. Bought a really cute egg-shaped one from Daiso, but it does not ring! Even on the occasions when it rings, the ring is just one "ding" kind of sound, and not alarm clock kind of rrrrrrrrrrrrring. For awhile, I used my bedroom alarm clock, but sometimes just too lazy to bring it to and fro the kitchen and bedroom. Now with the new kettle and Van's cleaning tips, all my problems are solved!
Aiyoh, don't say that lah,make me really very very very Pai Seh.
Just sharing info only.I actually learn a lot from all the cooking and baking kakis here.

Pre-SAHM days,I used to have a group of colleague who would share tips.I am glad that I found a new group here!

I use my timer not just for keeping track of baking and cooking time, but also as a tool for my dd's "time-out","face the wall","Cool-Down" time,as taught by the book "4 week to a better-behaved child".

I am wondering what's the purpose of rubbing salt too.May be I should dig out the newspaper and see if I could email her to ask about it?

I use Method 2 too,only used Method 1 for Chicken.
hi Van,
You mean the Chinese physician actually puts her email address on the newspapers? It'll be good if we could know the reason for rubbing the salt... maybe it brings out certain properties in the pork e.g. like absorbing herbs better.

hi pringles,
The miso mayo salmon was quite nice (according to me) and very nice (according to my hubby, maybe cos he generally likes dairy and creamy stuff). I don't have a kid yet, so I won't know if kids will like it. Hmm... but a warning, if you don't really like dairy and creamy stuff, you'll find it quite "jelak", like me, so make a very small portion of it to try out first. Unfortunately, my camera was out of battery so I didn't take any photos of it.

Baked Salmon with Miso-Mayonnaise
Japanese Mayo
Miso (I used the instant small packs of miso for making miso soup cos I didn't want to buy a big tub of miso)
Small onions, sliced thinly
Dried Shitake Mushrooms, soaked and sliced (If you find dried ones too strong smelling/tasting, can use fresh ones, or skip this)

1. Wash and dry salmon totally. Make slits in the salmon i.e. skin on the chopping board, make some slits on the flesh side.
2. Mix miso and mayo together. My proportion was about 1 tbsp miso to 4 tbsp mayo, depending on how salty you like it.
3. Place a foil on the countertop that is big enough to wrap the fish. Spread some mixed mayo on the foil, then sprinkle half the onions and mushrooms. Place salmon skin side down on the mayo patch. Then spread the remaining mayo between the slits and on top of the salmon and top up with the rest of onions and mushrooms.
4. Wrap up fish and bake in toaster oven for 15 mins, then open up top of foil and bake "open" for another 5 mins.

- The orginal recipe has cheddar cheese topping in it, so if you like it cheesy, you can mix the cheese into the second half of the mayo mix before stuffing into slits and topping up salmon.
- You can make this ahead and keep the foil in the fridge. That was what I did cos hubby came home late, so I cut the salmon into half and made 2 packs, his which I stored in fridge till he came home.
Hi gals,
Just bought a Electric Tiger air port from Taka.This time round chose a cheap and basic one.3L for $88 offer price.

Choc, which model did you buy?

Saw both Tiger and Elephant selling Citric Acid for cleaning air pot.For 1 box of 4sachets x30g,Elephant sells it at $8,Tiger selling at $5.50 offer price.

There is no more gift for buying 5.2L Thermal Pot,so no chance to swop my white elephant knife set liao.

Not sure if there is email or contact no. stated on her column,will have to dig out the old newspaper to see,but think can still fax or email to the newspaper's editor to ask.

I am very curious too,or may be the salt can rub away the bloody,porky smell?
Hi cooking and baking kakis,
Bought big sotong for grilling. Any suggestions how to marinade sotong for grilling? I like the Thai style grill sotong.Anyone knows what they apply on the sotong before/during grilling?
Hello ladies,

Been busy the whole morning packing my stuff into boxes.. my girls are with my sis..

van, I bought a zojirushi 3 l flask recently, I think $60+ from Taka.. Have been using the tiger 2 litre one.. Used to have a Tiger airport , but gave that away liao.. The one i bought has only one stopper cos I very lazy to wash.. heehee..

You double -boiling some herbal soup is it ? I will normally wash my pork , then add herbs and hot water.. yah.. heard from aunty that rubbing with salt is cleaner, thanks for te tips !

Yesterday, I cooked the fengei soup using the thermal cooker, boiled the soup for half an hour.. put it into the thermal for 3 hrs and before serving, boiled for half an hr more ( a bit KS), the soup was very yummy, even ang says he tasted no diff from boiling for 3 hrs !

yah anne, the red dates, black beans can bu blood, and liver soup too !
Lyn suggested watercress in black beans, also helps to bu blood ..

Hey pringles, I will normally toast my salmon or slice salmon and cook it in the porridge..

Hey soph, thanks for the recipe, haven't eaten that before, very unique dish .. so what soup have you been cooking ? Found the lotus root ?
You shouldn't be doing too much packing now that you are pregnant. Get your hubby to do it during weekends?

Glad that you like your thermal pot too! My first time was also very KS... cooked longer than usual! Cooked black beans soup yesterday cos got craving for black beans
I finally found lotus root in the market yesterday, but was shocked when the lady told me it costs $2 for a section of only about 20cm long. Bought it anyway (cos desperate!) and will cook a chicken stew today, recipe from the Tiger Thermal Cooker Cookbook.

Check with you - I went to Fu Hua today to buy Xiang(3) Luo(2) Pian(4), and they showed me this flat piece of yellowish plastic-looking thing, is that the correct one? My Chinese is not so great, but I recognise the label and it said Bao(4)-something-Pian(4). I asked the lady how come it's not written Xiang(3) Luo(2) Pian(4) and she said it's the same thing. I expected a snail-like or hum-like looking thing, but this just looks like a flat piece of plastic?

You are probably right about the bloody, porky smell. I'll check with my mum and see if she knows.

Hi Sophie,

I also bought the Xiang(3) Luo(2) Pian(4) fm Fu Hua too_One packet cost $15,a bit ex.I used to boil with lotus root,black beans,peanut etc.Taste wonderful.My son loves to drink soup.Soup of the day for today is potatoes,corns,drumsticks,carrots,wofberries etc.

Hi mummies,

so sorry,long time didn't comes in to chat.Been busy with my son cause now school holidays.
That day,I went to the baking shop at Jurong West,saw they start to sell the mooncake mould.Very cute cartoons like mickey mouse,winnie the pooh,ultraman,doraemon..$5.90 each.Bought the mickey mouse & the piggy ones,will try to bake the piggy biscuits(w/o the fillings).Hope I can succeed.
Anyones bake mooncakes before?Can share.
