Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hi Chua_family, i ever make mooncakes before, but not those bake ones, coz i dont have a proper oven... use "xue di zi" before but kinda of fail. HEnce i only make those bing pi ones.

WOnder if phoon huat has those cute moulds. When u free can post the pics? thanks


I bought a thai cookbook(very gd reviews on Amazon) a few years back.Tried a couple of recipes in the book and they all tasted very authentic.Will flip through the book and post a marinate recipe here tonight.
hi chua,
So Xiang(3) Luo(2) Pian(4) is the round, flat-looking piece of pale yellowish thing yeah? It doesn't look like a clam or snail?

the receipes that all of you post here is it in the shared data? coz me trying to find the carrot cake that priscilla gave...

hm.. is it one of the days me all meet up and you teach us to cook?? me very keen to learn few dishes from you...
I was digging through my Porridge and Soup cookbook, and found these 2 recipes that's good to "bu" blood. Everything including the notes are from the cookbook.

Chicken Liver Porridge
1/2 cup rice, rinsed
20g ginger, peeled and minced
1 stalk spring onion, chopped finely
112g chicken liver, rinsed and cut into small pieces
1 tsp light soya sauce
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sesame oil

1. Put liver, ginger and soya sauce into bowl and marinate for 15mins.
2. Put rice in pot, pour in 2 cups of water and boil till thoroughly cooked, then add chicken liver to cook. Lastly, add salt to taste, sprinkle with spring onion and pour over sesame oil. Serve hot.

- This dish reinforces the liver, strengthens the kidneys and brighten the eyes. It removes body toxins and enhances the flow of blood and body energy, hence strengthening body constitution and reducing the dullness of the countenance caused by inadequate energy flow.

Red Date Porridge with Walnut and Ginger
10 red dates
100g walnuts
75g ginger, peeled and grind into juice
200g glutinous rice
1 tbsp brown sugar

1. Put glutinous rice into pot and pour in 3 cups of water. Bring to boil, then add all ingredients (except brown sugar) and cook for 30mins till soft.
2. Stir in brown sugar, cook well and serve.

- Walnut is rich in iron & Vit E. When consumed together with ginger & red dates, it is efficacious in replenishing energy, tonifying the blood, promoting blood circulation & enhancing complexion.
- Brown sugar itself is nourishing, but when cooked with ginger, it further activates the blood and warms the body. Thus try not to replace it with other types of sugar.
Thai Tamarind Marinate For Seafood

6 dried chillies
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp chopped onion
2 tbsp palm sugar or brown sugar
2 tbsp chicken stock or water
1 tbsp fish sauce
6 tbsp tamarind juice(tamarind paste with warm water)
1 tbsp fried chopped garlic
2 tbsp fried sliced shallots
I just asked my mum about rubbing salt on pork before cooking herbal soup. You are right - it's to get rid of the porky smell cos she said at one time, all pork (meat, sparerib etc) smells "porky", so people started rubbing salt, and some even scald the pork after that. She said now the airpork from Australia does not smell bad anymore, so there is no need to rub salt if you don't smell anything. I guess it's the same concept as rubbing salt on fish to get rid of fishy smell.
Thanks for the recipe for seafood marinate.
Before I saw your recipe, decided to use Teriyaki (Thick,for BBQ n Grills) to marinate,add some pepper,few drops of Thai Fish Sauce(for taste of "Thai",ha ha!),5 min before Taking out of oven, coat a thin layer of honey.

Packing can be very tiring.Agree with Sophie,let your ang do more of the packing during weekends.I still remember few years back,when I packed the my stuff and home stuff into cartons when moving house,my arms were so tired that, they don't seem like belonging to me.

How nice if we could throw away all the old things from old house, and get all things new in new house hor?

If rubbing salt can skip the scalding part, seems quite a good short cut to prepare the pork.

Will be busy packing.Leaving for HK on Sunday, back on 23 June,Friday.May still use HB's notebook to log in while I am in HK.

I still scald my pork/chicken cos I don't like the foamy bits that comes out of the bones which makes my soup "dirty-looking". And I guess I am not very sensitive to "porky" smell, so I won't need the rubbing salt method.

Have a safe and fun trip to HK... it'll be fun and a good getaway for your dd after all that she went through over the last 2 months!
Van, enjoy your trip!

yeah good break for the mom and dd too!
eh i heard is raining there ? rem to pack something water proof !
how's the squid taste like?

yeah choc, let him do it lah..u be the supervisor

annelise, hope you r feeling better, take care!

No problem haha!!If you still need other thai recipes like green curry chicken, do let me know.I can put my cookbook to good use.


I love your chicken liver porridge!!Feel like having a big plate of stir-fry pig's liver with ginger and sesame oil mmmmm..
What is the name of you cookbook?


I heard wolfberries are good too.You can add them to your veggies, soups and meats.

I love your bak zhang, so pretty!Very pro!You hung them at the window?I wish I am the neighbour below your unit, so I can hook away some bak zhang to eat
Did you mention you wanted to get a new airpot? I saw in today's papers that the Zojirushi 3L one is only going for $49 (normal $70)... that is, if you don't mind getting back the same elephant brand.

The cookbook title is the Joy of Cooking series "Body and Beauty - Porridges and Soup" by a publisher called Novum Organum. Got it from Popular for only $4.90, bilingual with pictures for every recipe. I like it cos there are lots of detoxifying and nourishing soups which I used to make, and they tell you the benefits of the ingredients.

Just went to Popular this morning to look for soup cookbooks, and under the same series and publisher, they have a "Tian(1) Tian(1) You(2) Hao(3) Tang(1)"... directly translated Everyday got good soup. But this new book does not explain the benefits of the ingredients, so I didn't buy it, even though it's also only $4.90.

Oh, I dropped by Popular bookstore in the evening before meeting up with the hub for dinner.
Are they having storewide sales?I didn't see them put up signs or anything?I saw selected cookbooks at 20% off including Mrs Lee's and Patsie Cheong's cookbooks.
Thanks All.My Girl is looking forward to HK trip,she kpt telling me she can't wait to go HK and HK Disneyland.

Went to her school's Meet-Parent Session today.As usual,teachers "complained" about her being chatty,talkative, playful,very sociable,always able to form her new gang-of-three despite teachers trying to split her gang up, and complained about her picky,fussy eating habits,but luckily also said she is acaedemically ready for P1,one less worry for me.

By the time I come back,your amnio test result shoudl be out. Don't worry! Everything Will be Fine!

My Squid tasted alright,very "teriyaki",no "taste of Thai", may be should add some lemon grass for "taste of Thai." At least it satisfied my craving for Chewy texture food.

I almost forgot to pack dd's disposable raincoat,luckily you reminded me.

Choc & Annelise
You two take care too! Take Good Rest!

I bought the air pot already.This time round try Tiger Brand.

What else did you add to your Fen Ge Soup? Did you cook rice together with the soup, using the La Gourmet?

Very curious about the Cartoon character mooncake mould. Can post some pictures to see? Wonder if I could use it to bake cookies? I ordered Winnie the Pooh cookie mould from one of the BPs in this forum, but the stocks has not arrived yet.
Hi kakis !
My ang and i have been sick yesterday.. We've got the flu package deal.. with fever ! Heard that the flu bug is around.. take care ladies , drink more soup and water.

The xue di zhi is really good for roasting chicken, my friend did that a few times and I found that it tasted better than the oven roasted one.. it can also roast char siew.

Soph, the xiang luo pian is different from bao pian, bao pian is macham like abalone, I bought mine from one of the medical shops in chinatown,called de xing ,didn't know fuhua don't carry that.. so sorry , but i tried both before, got to put more bao pian to make the soup tastier.. and it goes very well with herbal chicken soup.
you imagine the xiang luo pian to be cut meat from a big shell, not thinly sliced.

hey van, thanks for the website.. you mentioned that there is a portable tic tac toe sold in popular right, I want to check that out ..
wah.. your sotong sounds yummy leh..
your dd is good leh.. no problems when she goes to pri 1 , won't kena bully..

the teacher says my no. 1 too shy.. anyway,preparing them well academically is good, cos you know the syllabus now,and the questions they set for the papers, is so ridiculous !

Remember to pack your first aid kit too ! and bring a small thermal flask, in case you need a hot drink outdoors ! Enjoy your trip ..

I didn't cook rice in my thermal , cos I was making claypot chicken rice.. scared the chicken not cooked. I just added red dates, wolfberries, mei duo , chicken feet and pork ribs to the fengei.

Amelia, I like liver with ginger and sesame oil also.. yum.. but each time i cook, I am the one finishing the whole plate !

cat, your amnio results out liao boh ? don't worry too much..
My ang is doing heavy duty packing, I am doing light ones, I am the one who likes to keep things, hehe.. like a karang guni !

hey chua, so what ya cooking ?

Ciao ladies, and have a good weekend.. next week last week of hols liao !
The $4.90 cookbook is not on sale, but normally priced at that. Wow, 20% off cookbooks is quuite a good deal. I've got The New Mrs Lee Cookbook (pink one) and Patsie Cheong's Pregnancy and Confinement cookbook, but they don't have that many "Chinese-style" soups with explanation of ingredients. Think I'll just stick to this website that Van gave, quite useful:

I'll put up a pic of the $4.90 cookbook for you once I've got my camera charged.

Thanks for the info on xiang luo pian. Take care of yourself!
Your Fen Ge Soup has so many Ho Liao,must be very very tasty!

I also bring along a small thermal flask when travellig,for making dd's milk.Went to get stand by medicine for dd already.Thanks for reminding.

I like roast/grill chicken wings in Xue Di Zi too, very yummy and healthy and also feel it tasted better than oven grilled ones.When we had BBQ session at my cousin's place, we also use Xue Di Zi for chicken wings,instead of BBQ on charcoal.

But Xue Di Zi is not good for baking cakes,I've tried before at my aunt's place,cookies are still alright.

Here's the picture of Travel Tic-Tac-Toe,it comes with some magnets,and is displayed at magnets rack at Popular.
hi Amelia,
Here's the picture of the Soup recipe book that costs only $4.90. I saw it at NTUC too. One of my favourite is Nourishing Lily Bulb Soup cos at one time I was almost vegetarian, and this soup does not call for meat. This soup is good for skin allergies due to weather:

Nourishing Lily Bulb Soup
6 red dates, soaked 15mins and remove pits
8g glehnia root (sha shen), rinsed
8g yu zhu, rinsed
150g asparagus, rinsed and cut
1 fresh lily bulb, rinsed and peeled
1 tsp salt

1. Put red dates, glehnia root and yu zhu into pot. Pour in 5 cups of water and bring to boil. When water is reduced by half, add all ingredients and cook for 2-3mins. Add salt to taste. Serve hot.

- This soup strengthens the skin and hieghtens its resistance towards dust and dirt, preventing skin allergies. It is best consumed when the weather turns cold as it helps the skin to adapt to the changing climate and prevents influenza and cold.
- Note from Sophie: Not sure if pregnant women can eat the herb sha shen so pregnant women seek consultation before drinking this soup.


Good!Nobody to compete liver with us!


Thanks for the pic and recipe.My mom got me some other herbs, but I didnt like the taste.Seems like this soup book is a must get!
Hi, I just bought a microwave steam oven from courts today coz they are having a panasonice fair at compass point... and live demostration on the latest model of steam oven. After seeing the demo, my "3 min heat" for baking and cooking came back again.

I hope I wont regret buying it! It's $799... SO expensive!
What is a microwave steam oven? You mean other than microwave and conventional baking, it can steam syuff too?

Not all the soups in this book are that nice, but then again, it's only $4.90 for 26 recipes, so quite worth it. btw, remember not to take those "detox" soups if you get pregnant, cos this book has quite a few "detoxifying" soups.
Van/Choc, thanks for the concern.
The aminocentesis result is normal, phew, i was so worry for the pass 2 weeks!

i tried baking the chicken thigh and then grilling it, it taste good, my hb said it is nice (without the relunctant face..) !
I used the teriyaki sauce to marinate it from morning. evening time then i bake it using 180 degree bake about 40 minutes. (didn't know i can be so patience...) then i put some honey on it and grill for another 5 min and turn off the switch and let the heat continue to cook.
Just curious, and hope you don't mind explaining to me - Is it a must to do the amnio? If the results of the OSCAR test turns out to be ok at around 12-14 weeks, still must do it?

Your chicken sounds yummy... good idea to put in honey last so it doesn't burn.
little cat,
so happy to hear yr good news! such a relief for u. sorry I can't remember, yr bb gal or boy ah? I remember u got a "pretty-eyes" boy already, kekeke...

wow, u r so patient and yr chicken sounds yummy! can share the recipe pls? any other seasoning besides teriyaki sauce and honey?
Hi Sophie/Sp, thanks!

Sophie, the reason why i have to do aminocentesis is becos i am above 35 years old. if is below 35, the OSCAR test or some other similar test will do. But for some case sif it show that the 'risk' level is high, als better to do. I remember Van mentioned last time she got to do for her gal too. cos the initial test show high risk, but after aminocentesis test show ok.
So hor if u really want to start family better do it soon before u turn 35.. more risk more test and more unecessary worry/stress..
Not to stress u, just a general comments
But i believe u gals are far below the 35 years old lah :D

Sp, this one also boy boy
haha i hope he looks like his gor-gor too!

I used those teriyaki sauce sold at supermarket, the one i bought is from NTUC. i think other brand also can. Those thicker type of sauce.
I did put abit of salt, cos i rem the sauce not that salty last time when i used. Also i did poke the meat with fork to make sure the sauce sips in and also turn the drumstick while marinating.
I marinate it from morning 10+ till 6pm+ then i bake/grill it.
During baking the skin did turn darker, but not burnt, rem to turn to the other side around 15-20min. To make sure it is even and both side cook.

When i want to turn to grilling then i put the honey. I also learn the tips is to off the switch for awhile and dun remove the chicken immediately, let the heat continue to cook the chicken.
Custard Egg Tart

500g plain flour
150g sugar (blended until flour-type form)
250g butter
1 egg
1 tablespoon cold water

Mix all the ingredients in (1) together until become dough.
Bake dough in egg tart mould about 15-20 mins, 170 degrees celcius

400ml water
300ml evaporated milk
150g sugar (blended until flour-type form)

75g custard powder
teaspoon vanilla essence
A little water

Mix ingredient in (3) in water until fully dissolve, set aside.
Mix ingredient in (2) over heat until it boils and mix (3) to the boiling mixture.
Always stir the mixture until it turns thick.

Fill the tart with custart, bake in oven for a short while (until custart turns bright yellow).
Leave it to cool and ready for serving.

here's an egg tart recipe.. easy to make.. yet doesnt use much ingredients.. and it taste quite nice.. but d crust a bit chao tah.. coz i forget abt it while baking it.. (wuz watching tv..) hehe..
Your egg tart looks very pretty, but I have the same question as LittleCat - I thought egg tart filling is made from eggs? Or have we been conned all this time?

Thanks for your detailed explanation. Am glad your test results are good and yes, I hope your bb will have pretty fluttering eyelashes like his big brother too
Actually, I am not that far below 35, only 3 years below that number.
sophie, yup..cansteam fish, reheat bao, dian xin and wont dry up like normal microwave. can also use to fry veg, bake cake etc etc....

watie, whats the quantity for vanilla essense? coz its a ? up there.. thanks..
good for u, u hv bought a special microwave oven and yr "3-min heat" will no doubt EXTEND & LAST LONG LONG! Hehehe. I'm abt to lose mine until I saw watie's egg tarts, yum

oh, the vanila essence in watie's recipe is quarter teaspoon.

u & me same age ah, me Tiger...

little cat,
thanks for the detailed instructions on roasting chicken. how do u feel nowadays, preggie, working, cooking & taking care of yr boy...
hmm... sp, but I am a cow... oh dear, it means I'm 33, not 32 this year!
I count myself as 32 cos my birthday not over yet. My dh says I am self-delusional, but I told him age is just a number
Wow, your microwave sounds like a new-age kind of microwave oven. So when you steam fish, need to put any water in it? And in steam mode, does it use radiation like microwave?
G'day ladies ! My 2 girls have been down with 40 deg c fever ! this morning then it subsided .. have been eating porridge for these few days.

Watie, your egg tarts look so beautiful and i bet they taste great too.. is it tedious to make ?

Good for you cat, now you can eat hum to celebrate liao ! Rest well

paranoidmummy, didn't know that this kind of microwave existed ! I so suaku ! must tell us whether it is good or not..

hey soph, have you cooked your lotus root soup ? Do you realise that sometimes the soup turns out black and sometimes not ? i realised in mine, wonder what's the reason.. could it be due to the insides being black?
aiyo, yr dds so poor thing, glad they r better! u too poor thing got to take care of them, do catch up on yr rest...

yalor, watie's egg tarts look so good, make me wanna go buy mould to make, hahaha...
hi Choc,
Haven't seen you for a long time... missed you!

Eh, seems like you got telepathy! 2 days ago, I cooked my lotus root soup with chicken and was just asking myself why my soup is white and not dark. My only guess now is that white cos I cooked with chicken and dark the last time cos I cooked with spareribs. Have still got half of the same lotus root that made my white soup (with chicken), so maybe tomorrow I may go out and buy some spareribs to test on this same lotus root. So keeping the lotus root constant, if my soup turns out dark this time, it'll be because of spareribs. But if it's white, then your theory could be right.

40 degrees fever is pretty serious! You take care of yourself too, and feed them lots of fluids.
Thanks gals !

Sophie, i have this tendency to forget my age all the time! hehe.. till i look into mirror... arrghhh..!

choc, is it due to infection? if not why so high? better take care and u too have more rest.

My hb is down with fever too, not sure if is due to the world cup fever..

somehow i dun crave for hum as much as before liao... funny...

eh sophie, i think the Custard Powder is made from egg right? in mandarin the name is associated with 'egg'...
Hi Rena

Sorry for the late reply. Have been catching up on my sleep due to World Cup! I haven't finished updating the database - so I've cut & pasted Prisc's Carrot Cake recipe here. Hmm...I'm not a very good cook - the mummies here are all experts! I'm more into baking

Steamed Chinese Carrot Cake
500 g rice flour
1 radish- also know as white carrot (about 400g, cut into strips)
1 orange carrot (big one, cut into strips)
100g dried prawn ( pounded or grind )
50g dried scallop (soaked)
1 lean pork Chinese sausage (sliced)
mushrooms ( amount is optional, soaked and sliced )
*1400 ml water from the water of the mushroom, dried prawns and dried scallop.
2 teaspoons salt
1 tbsp oyster sauce
300g pork cut into stripe, seasoned with oyster sauce, light soy sauce
10 to 15 small onions ( sliced )
10 pips garlic ( finely chopped )
* Put rice flour into the 1400 ml of water. Add the salt and pepper.
Slowly stir the mixture with
your hands and mix well.

Garnishing Ingredients:
spring onions cut fine
red chillies, sliced
fried shallots
Black and white sesames

1. Stir -fry dried onions. When lightly brown, add garlic.
2. Add dried prawns, dried scallop and Chinese sausage, when fragrant, add seasoned pork.
3. Add mushrooms and stir-fry. Then add radish and carrot and stir-fry.
4. Add rice flour mixture. Gently stir-fry until everything in the wok
becomes thickens.
5. Add the mixture into a tray and steam for about 1/2 h or until the
yam cube is cooked.

The recipe is very easy to make. And can feed about 15-20 people for tea.
Hi Sophie, thanks so much for the recipes - will try them out tomorrow!

Hi Watie, the custard egg tart looks great! Thanks for sharing the recipes and pics!

Hi paranoidmummy, wow, your oven sounds really high tech! Do share with us after using it, okay?

Hi choc, oh your poor dds! Glad to hear their fever has gone down. It's always so worrying when the fever is so high - you must have had a tough time. Have you recovered from your flu?

Hi LittleCat, glad to hear your amnio results are normal
Hope your hb gets better soon!

Time flies, it's the last week of school hols! I bought lots of art & craft stuff from Times & Popular today due to the 20% discount. The girls had fun playing with the crayola fingerpaints when we came back. I bought popsicle sticks, clay and poster paints - gonna try building a farm with my dds.
Thanks ladies !

Hey soph, yah.. your lotus root theory could be right ! Will do that experiment too . so, what soup have you been concocting ? Found your conch meat yet ? you still interested to do relief teaching ? a few schs in yis looking for RTs

Anne, my flu is better now, but having backache and pelvic pain !
wah.. you got the stamina huh ? watch soccer with your ang ,munching fried whitbait is it ? when's your op ?
Saw Popular selling this clay like thingy that can be shaped and set without baking..

My friend used a TV box to make a little house for her kids.. thought that was something innovative

cat, so far no infection from the girls , just a mild cough leh.. this is the first time they kena a 40 deg fever.. didn't go down aft brufen, paracetamol.. so got to insert suppository !
As I was sleeping in the middle of the night, 2 big heat packs came to sleep next to me, one on the right, one on the left !

I also add salt to the terriyaki marinade cos I find it's sweet and not salty enough..

hey sp, your side started school liao is it? still considering whether to get oven ? Get a small one first lah.. will check out for you when I go shopping ..
Sp, hopefully mah... at least if i stop the baking fever, i still can cook maggi meee with it.. at least my hubby wont scold me for buying a white elephant... hahaha

Sophie, there's a function call steam shot. So when u use the steam function, u can adjust the weight of the fish and then half way can press "steam shot". There is a tank at the side of the microwave, so must always add water in it. If it dries up, the oven will prompt u to refill water.

BTW there are some recipes in the book, shall type them out and share it here tmr,meanwhile, if u all interested, can go to this link.. they explian more in detail.. i know bits n pcs only...

Wow.. its gona be a long time when i start to use them because hor..i want to keep to my new house ready before i use it leh. coz now living with in laws.. so i just buy first coz got promo, free $100 taka voucher and 4 pc corning ware set, so i just buy first. hahaha.. KS hor!
Hi all,
Log in from Hong Kong.Don't have time to do much with HB's notebook,only use when he is bathing.

good to hear that your amnio test result is ok. Yes, I did mentioned that before. Not necessary below 35 will escape the test, if triple-test shows high risk,even though under 35, it's still advisable to do it,like in my case.

You take care too.
Van, how's the weather there? When are u going to visit Disneyland? Try not to go on weekends.

That time I went I got a mickeymouse cap and embroied my boy's name at the back of the cap...
Hi the weather here considered quite good,drizzling sometimes.We couldn't revisit Ocean Park yesterday due to rain yesterday,but luckily today's(Tue) weather is good,managed to go for 1 day Macau tour. Will be staying in Disneyland from Thur to Fri. Saw the personalised mickeymouse cap in a magazine too,will try to get hold of one.

Clothes in HK are so much nicer,more interesting...Just wish I could be slimmer, be able to buy more!
Wow, I like the first disneyland hotel. The one with disney theme ones....
Hohoho, that time I went during my 2nd trimester... I wished i wasnt preggie at that time! Kekkee...

ARe u visiting Shenzhen?
still up at this hour? Me checking emails. Your nick is very long,can address you by a shorter name or not?

I supposed u are referring to Disneyland Hollywood? We booked that one too. We are not visiting Shenzhen,my hb kp telling me Shenzhen nothing much to see.

Actually I still have 2morrow whole day without any fixed program,but my hb need to work.Only my dd and I,haven't decide where to go,Lantau Island/Ocean park/Stanley Market/Snoopy World, or just go shop around(Again!
Hahaha, I dont mind if u shorted my nick to PM or just paranoid will do! Yah.. sufferig from heartburn, so i cant sleep.. i usually sleep at 4am in my last trimester.

SZ got many cheap stuff but quality wise.. Hmmmmmmm... and not very wise to bring kids there, coz i scare get lost.

stanley market not much stuff leh, i prefer to shop ard! Hahaha.. or u can bring dd to snoopy world? Last time (2yrs ago) got bear kingdom but now i think closed down liao.

Wow, the microwave oven sounds quite good, but I don't dare to buy such combination stuff anymore. Last time, I had a tabletop microwave cum oven and my hubby forgot that he put it in the microwave mode and stuffed some aluminium foil into in. There was some sparks inside, and then he decided to throw it away as he was afraid that there would be "radiation leaks". So you see, such combi stuff are not for 2 sotongs living together

hi Choc,
I would love to do relief teaching, but seems like it's not the right time now. I've been confined to home/bedrest and no serious activity for the next 6 weeks so I won't be able to do it now. In fact, just last week, I was contemplating doing enrichment class teaching, but seems like that will have to be put on hold as well, for good reason, so I don't mind.

I'm trying out lotus root with spareribs today. Will let you know if the soup turns out dark! Have not been concocting much new soups recently, cos was told not to even touch red dates so have only been boiling spareribs vege soups. Didn't buy my conch but bought some scallops instead. The guy at ZTP told me that at the same price, might as well buy scallops cos it's sweeter and more nourishing, so I bought those smaller broken ones cos they're much cheaper.
