Cooking Tips & Recipe

So you are going to try out the bake rice soon? Remember to post up the picture to tempt us!

I have added the bake rice recipe cut-out to Yahoo Group,it's clearer to see

Agree with sp,active boy is good.My ang always say he likes active,daring kids compare to the Kwai kwai type, especially boys,too quiet can get bullied by peers.

Why can't drink coffee at all? I didn't stop drinking kopi during preg,except the 1st trimester when I had bad morning sickness,the smell of coffee made me threw up,but strangely my girl likes coffee now.

We went to the Barney show last night.Didn't get the tickets even though we reached there at 5.30pm.Was wondering why there are people who have special seats in front also.

We were pushed and squeezed left,right,front and back by the grannies,maids,mummies and children.

Initially planned to go HK next Tues,but hb's meeting changed to 19 June,so most probably will be going on 18 June to may be 22 June,unless there is last minute change again.

who knows, may be we can really consolidate all our white elephants and hold a garage sale together?

Active baby is good... hehe, probably so hyper due to your caffeine intake. Hmm... your gynae is interesting, says to cut caffeine completely? I thought most gynaes would say 1 cup is OK.

I've tried risotto before when I was staying in the US about 2 years ago. My dh came home, saw it and exclaimed "Woah, you made "zhoc"? (Cantonese for porridge) And I never made risotto ever again cos he claims the risotto texture is like his mother's porridge!

Hey, I went to Taka today and saw the thermal cookers. There's this brand called Endo which is a "subsidiary" brand of Tiger. Tiger is more expensive and made in Japan whereas Endo is made in Taiwan/China but same company as Tiger. Endo's 5L pot is $69 whereas the 7L one is $139. Quite a good deal. I also saw the La Gourmet one but I sort of like the Endo 7L one cos it's smaller in diameter (but deeper), so it does not take up much countertop space as my kitchen is really small. May go back and get the Endo 7L one tomorrow

Yep, will probably try out the baked rice in 2 weeks' time, cos dh working very late these 2 weeks, so if I make the baked rice, I cannot finish it by myself. It'll get cold and will not be so nice by the time he comes home. That's why these few days I've been doing boring old fried rice/beehoon and soup that can keep for a few hours.

You going to HK? It'll be fun shopping there and can take your dh to HK Disneyland too!
Van, I mean take your dd to HK Disneyland, not dh

I just read through all Choc's, LittleCat's and your postings on the Thermal Cooker and I think 7L too big for me. Will go Taka and look at it again later.
Actually,while having breakfast with my dd just now,I was thinking of your posting about buying 7L Thermal pot, and sort of console myself that my 5.2L isn't too big for me,ha ha!

We will be staying in Disneyland for 1 night.Read mixed reviews about staying there, but just for the experience,I think we will still go ahead.

This time round,I will try to visit some factory outlets, especially the Esprit outlets.

Only not sure whether to visit Ocean Park again.We went last year, but it was raining very heavily, didn't take any rides,didn't even watch any show,complete waste of money last year.
Hello gals!
I am back with baby

Wah... You are going to HK Disneyland ah... So envy... Enjoy yourselves oo...

hmm... I think better cut away coffee. I used to drink 4-5 cups a day, but I only had a few sips throughout the pregnancy...
Glad to see you back!
How's baby? You have enough rest? Tired from taking care of baby? Taken photos of baby already? How's your stiches now?.....Sorry,so many questions.
Hello lyn, so glad to hear from you ! how's bb ? same as van's questions.. How r you coping ? Remember to eat well during conf, I sort of believe the theory to eat well during conf to "treat" hundreds of illnesses.. and rest when bb's resting ..

van, yah those special seats in the front are for those with free tickets, only for 20 families .. Wah.. the rides in ocean park will be good for dd and you if dd dares to go on them..
Yah.. don't forget to taste and analyse the good food, steal some skills and teach your makan kakis here hor..

eh sp, I think my bb boy will not mind wearing his sister's first few months clothes... hehe.. will cut out all the ribbons.. got some boy's clothes from friends when he's older..

I used to drink about 2 cups of kopi, my ang says cut to one.. now doc says can only drink decaf! aiyoh.. anywayz, I'll take a higher dose of calcium..
eh lyn, you good ah ! 4-5 cups a day and can cut down completely.. I think I might have to go to Helping Hands for drug rehab!

Hey soph, didn't see the endo brand thermal cooker leh.. was it behind the Tiger one ? Think the endo one is a good buy..
actually van's 5.2 l is not considered big..
Risotto looks like zhou meh ? you mean ang moh zhou.. hehe..

Amelia, I saw the anodised woks on sale.. my sis bought one from tangs which comes with an additional layer to bake cakes.. The titanium woks look hardy and heavy too.. but ex..
Hi lyn!
Glad to see you back! How are you and baby doing? Hope the C-section recovery is also going well?

Thanks for the link! I didn't read it till after I bought the pot, but luckily didn't buy the Endo one cos the promoter said it's not as effective as the Tiger ones, reason being the Tiger ones uses a double layer stainless steel with vacuum in between the layers, whereas the Endo uses some foam to keep the inside warm, so not as effective.

I just bought the Tiger 5.2L one, which I think is the same as yours!
Very happy about it! Comes with a free Endo 1.8L mini thermal cooker, which I'll probably just use as a thermal flask since the other forum member says Endo is not as effective.

I think it's a good idea to go the Disneyland even though there are many mixed reviews. I believe the reviews came about because people have been to the larger ones in Tokyo, LA or Florida, and they expect the same scale. But if your dd has not been to any Disneyland before, it'll be quite an experience for her. I saw some pictures of my friend's stay at the Disneyland Hotel... quite cute... the rooms have got Disney character items like pictures etc. I quite like the Ocean Park although I think I am too old to go for the roller-coaster rides now. I remember it was near the edge of the cliff and quite scary and exhilarating... or maybe I am just a scaredy-cat
My niece enjoyed the dolphin shows too... I think they are pink dolphins.

Luckily you never see the Endo one cos Van just said a forum member said the Endo one is no good! Eh, Choc, can you cut coffee and just smell it? When I first started cutting coffee, I get bad headaches and will just drink lots of water to hydrate myself and make myself "full". Once I get that "full" and "bloated" feeling, I won't want to down any more liquids into my body. And when the craving gets bad, I open my tub of coffee powder to smell it... like some drug addict.
How much you paid for the Tiger 5.2L? My free gift is a Endo Knife set,another white elephant which I intend to sell away.

I think my dd will enjoy her HK trip this round,if the weather is good.Saw pictures of the Disneyland hotel too, they even have Disney character slippers for guests to bring home!

I don't think I would ever want to take any roller coaster rides.My last one was in Korea many years back,which was not too bad.The Ocean Park one was very scary!

The way you curb your craving for coffee really make me laugh.
I remember last year when I was in HK, I totally didn't drink coffee,except the first day, when we ate at a Cha Chan Ting, the coffee taste so awful that I didn't want to try any coffee there anymore.Partly it's also because I was sick throughout my stay there.

Sounds like good tips from Sophie to kick off kopi craving right?!
Haha.. soph, sounds like cold turkey treatment.. I don't want to fold my arms, drool, mucus dripping into the kopi powder leh..

The tiger 5.2l not very big right, yah..good thing you didn't buy the endo one.. Will try out the la gourmet next week and see how is it.. For thermals, they say the best brands are Tiger and Zojurushi(the elephant logo)

van, the gynae says the bb is active and that might be due to the caffeine.. but then again, my second one is also less than 3 kgs.. I think one cup a day is ok right..
Think you can go back to Taka with your endo knife set and change for the small thermal, it looks so cute and useful . When I asked the promoter about the free endo knife, she said they almost ran out of stock.. maybe some buyers prefer knife.. just go and "cham siong" with the promoter..
haha, Van, yep, HK is not exactly known for their coffee. I've worked there for 2 years (many years ago), and I only drink their nai cha (milk tea) in cha chan ting. Never got used to their yuan yang too. Hope you'll enjoy your stay there!

I paid $209 for the Tiger 5.2L pot. The free 1.8L Endo pot is not vacuum-technology, but uses polypropene, that's why not effective in cooking. But I'll probably keep it as a thermal flask, like teaching dh how to cook some dishes so that next time when I get pregnant and give birth, he can cook and bring food to me in that flask

Also saw the Zojirushi one, but for the same capacity, it costs $259! I think Tiger good enough, and got free gift too

Van, good idea from Choc, maybe you can ask to change to the thermal pot? At least the small thermal pot can be used to e.g. keep red dates tea warm.

Eh, Choc, drool your mucus into the coffee powder good... then coffee powder cannot be used and you got no choice but to just smell it!

Don't worry about the weight of the baby... I think less than 3kg is OK as long as baby is healthy. My friend recently gave birth to her baby at 2.5kg only, but the baby is very healthy and active, not to mention quite strong too... second day after delivery, can lift up her head and neck and yell for milk already!
Btw, how to cook huai shan soup? I think I saw fresh huai shan at NTUC today, and read on the Internet that it's good for kidney and spleen, although they are talking about the dried fried types sold at medicinal halls. Cook with pork ribs or chicken? Can the huai shan itself be eaten when cooked into the soup?

Just surfed the net on huai shan so added this para. to this post -> Take a look at this interesting recipe for soup on this lady's blog - Chicken Soup With Conch & Huai Shan. I feel like trying, but how to pronounce the conch in Chinese so I can go medicinal hall to buy it? something-something-pian?
I think Conch is called Xiang3 Luo2 in Chinese.

You are so cute, already plan what to do with the small thermal pot when u gv birth.

Choc and Soph,
May ask my friend who works in Taka to ask the promoter 1st, before I bring my White Elephant Endo knife all the way down to Taka.

Don't worry about baby too small.My dd's birth weight is only 2.25kg,less than 4lb.But by her 1st mth celebration, her weight is 8lb.
Eh, sorry, very blur just now cos rushing out for my MOS burger dinner
forgot give the website link for the Chicken Soup with Conch and Huai Shan. Here it is, recipe from someone's blog:

Thanks for the hanyu pinyin for conch. Now that I look at the chinese characters on the above website, it does look like Xiang(3) Luo(2) Pian(4)
Will go hunt for it another day. Saw your URLs on the huai shan recipes... the black chicken one looks interesting. May do it another day when dh is not so heaty.

Tomorrow gonna try out my thermal cooker with this soup - Chicken, huai shan, dangshen, wolfberries.
Hi Van, choc06, sophie,
Thank you

Baby is good... Now I am still trying to recognise his cries. I only knows when he want a feed. I am trying to breastfeed baby totally
kekeke... Now I can feed him and eat my meal at the same time...
The nite before my discharged from hospital, I breastfed him. And I got backache... muscle ache... Now better already

Now gotta clean my wound daily. This morning, I was surprised that my c-section cut was double the length I expected... The pain getting lesser by the day
Hi mummies, I intend to buy an oven, asking for recommendations from the baking experts here. Actually I wanted to buy steam microwave oven, but not too sure if its good for baking, as in will it produce satisfactory results?
hi Lyn! welcome back! take more rest and eat well during this time.

haha i had the same problem last time when breastfeeding, so i put a small pillow/cushion between my hand and the sofa (or the arm chair) and that helps.
The other day i saw a taiwan show, they have this semi circle cushion to put around your waist, so when you breastfeed you can rest your hand there. Not sure if is selling here...
When you have time take a photo of him and publish here
we want to see your little prince!

choc, i also drink coffee occasionaly, half a cup the most per day. I do feel he is quite active when i am hungry ;)
i thot it is still early right? u can 'pump' more around this time
so happy to see u back here! how's yr little prince, can't wait to see his pic. glad to hear yr wound is healing well too.
where r u, still very busy? want to thank you for yr chicken pie recipe, it was delicious. I made pastry instead of using mashed potatoes, found the recipe from the web.

short crust pastry
1 1/4 cup (175g) of flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 cup (113g) butter, chilled, cut into 1 inch pcs
1-2oz (30-60ml) ice water

rub butter into flour, salt and sugar until become flakes
put just enough water to form into dough.

tip: for best results, can shape dough into disc, cover with plastic and chill in fridge before use. handle dough as little as possible to prevent it from hardening. have fun!
Hi lyn,
Congrats on your baby arrival.

Re: breastfeeding
Try breastfeeding lying on ur side. It will really save ur back. Also good for late night feeding. You can sleep and feed at same time. Alternatively, like wat littlecat suggested, buy a boppy pillow, it will help too. Can be bought at mums n babe, motherworks, etc.
Sp, thanks for the chicken pie recipe.. must find time to make.. we love chicken pie too.. wah.. you using toaster to make chicken pie ?

Hey van, I think smaller bb easier to deliver hor ? My first one was 3.1kg, labour was 14 hrs and so difficult to push.. sec one smaller easier to come out.. hehe..

Hey cat, yah.. now gynae is monitoring the bb's weight and movement liao.. some aunties say eat more liu lian to "speed up" the growth.. haha.. this one is much much more active than my girls..hopefully come out will be less active !

lyn, in no time , you can yak on the phone and bf at the same time.. heehee.. must lie down more often to heal your backache.. eat well !

soph, I put the conch in my soup too.. it goes well with all chicken soup.. very sweet.. making fen gei soup this week..

Huai san can be eaten , it's softer than potato.. can bu qi ..
When peeling the skin of the huai san, some people experience itchiness due to the sap, but it goes off aft a while.. I norm boil the scalded pork ribs first, then put into boiling water with red dates and conch, then add cut huai san.. add wolfberries last bef you serve so that the soup will not be sourish..

hey paranoid mummy, sorry haven't heard of steam microwave oven .. is it a microwave that can serve as an oven ? My friend is using one microwave to bake cakes, but can only bake certain simple cakes..
How about getting a Tefal oven ? Saw courts having a sale now..
so envy u going holiday!

I lean on firm pillows when I bf, and try to lie down and rest more when not bf. actually I found it most tiring to bend over to change bb's diapers, so many times a day.

yalor, used the oven toaster, keke. this oven toaster not bad leh, it's not too small, and at 800W, quite power. used foil to cover so can bake longer & only remove foil to let the top brown. wasted didn't take any pic, not sure when will make again becoz very time-consuming for novice like me... I very slow-motion... hehehe...
I ate lots of durian during early part of pregnancy, becos some people told my ang baby will be bigger if eat more durians,but my baby still turned out to be the small side.During the last part of preg,when I craved from durians,my ang didn't allow me to eat cos his mum said it's "du"(toxic),I was so angry then.Durians actually is very high in sugar,not really good for preg. Anyway, my gynae also said,small baby is ok,easier to deliver.

steam microwave oven is still quite a new product,I doubt any of the mummies in this group has bought it.Generally, cakes are better baked with a convention oven.

dd's and my airtickets will be free,redeemed from frequent flyers miles,hb's airticket paid by his company.Our accomodation will be paid for using travel vouchers he won in a lucky draw.That's why can go HK,even though we went last year.

Looks like your baking intestest can sustain.After muffins,trying out pies.When you intend to move on to bigger cakes, will be time to get a bigger oven liao.

Looking forward to seeing your baby's photo.Your little prince will be named Alloysius right?

Yours is the first baby since we have this SPMCTR group,next will be Choc then LittleCat right?
van, enjoy your holiday!

my boy everytime see the Hong Kong Disney advertisement will remind me.. he even said thigs like "today we forgot to go disney hor..."
alamak, he thought Hong Kong is singapore-JB kind of distance...

yes van, next will be Choc and then me.. and conincidentally all BOYS!

may be i can plan after delivery one month later go with him... hehe said only lah, wait after seeing the 2nd one, bu-ren-xin liao..
Good to hear you are doing well! Post us a pic of your baby soon!

Woah, I am very impressed with you using an oven toaster to make chicken pie!

Thanks for the tips on soup. I am making my first soup now, using the new thermal cooker. Just dumped everything in... it didn't occur to me that woflberries may make soup sour!
Quite excited to see the results tonight

How old is your boy right now? I heard from my friend that her 4-year-old daughter can tell her "My friend's daddy took her to Tokyo Disneyland... when are we going?" and she seems to know that it's a very far away place cos need to take aeroplane; and she'll say she doesn't want to go Bangkok cos been there before!
I am quite shocked that kids nowadays so smart? At 4 years old last time, I only knew there is Singapore and Malaysia and going overseas means driving across the Causeway only!
My boy is 4 too.
haha it is very different than last time lah.
Imagine when was the first time u take a plane?
For me i think is around 20+years old, but now kids so 'good life' very young already experience taking plane for holiday.
For us we normally go malaysia, till last year than we brought him to bangkok once.
The reason why he want to go HK disney is after the Disney On Ice show in Singapore. So he kind of think that it is also in Singapore...

Last Sunday, he said he want to go watch World Cup..
obviously is influenced by his dad..
I told him all ticket (plane or match) sold out liao!
hahaha... LittleCat, your son very cute, 4 yrs old only and he wants to go watch World Cup? heh, maybe bring him go watch some Geylang Club football match if he wants "live" action, but I think he'll probably know the difference! I agree kids nowadays are exposed to more things and more sophisticated than us country-bumpkins last time

I played cheat and peeked at my pot of soup - the lid on the inner pot is amazingly still hot! Tasted the soup only after 2.5 hrs in the vacuum pot... quite yummy already! *drool*
Sophie, haha, the problem is the Dad dun like local match and all those EPL also dun like *lucky me*!!
My hb really 'xiao' liao recently like to bet on the WC match. imagine he never bet on 4D or Toto etc.. but when come to world cup he got this urge to bet!
Best still he will ask my son which one will win huh? then he said some countries, then my son also 'gong gong' will follow. Guess he will pick those he can pronounce one...
Then i give him tips waht to buy.
I ask him to buy those that give u very high return type (cos those are the unlikely will win)!

eh u like my hb leh.. the first time we use the pot to boil barley (ok first time just test test..) then he half way to go also.. i told him wait the heat goes off, no effect liao!
Hi lyn, great to hear from you! Do look take good care of yourself, rest and eat well during your confinement

Hi choc, ya small babies easier to deliver! My first was only 2.75kg (3 weeks early) and my 2nd was 3.6kg so I could really feel the difference! Btw, you mentioned that soup cooked in slow cooker doesn't taste as nice - what about herbal soups? I bought a pack of herbs from EYS to bu xue and the lady said to cook it in a slow cooker.

Hi LittleCat, Cars was good - but a bit too long - even I was getting restless after the first hour! Your boy very cute ah!

Hi Van, enjoy yourself in HK! If you have time, you may wanna check out this shop in HK. Seems like they carry a pretty extensive range of Wilton products. Or maybe you could even attend their cake deco class!
Annelise, glad that u like the show too.. how about your girls did they enjoy and managed to sit still thru out?

u too must take care, so how's your bu xue thing going?
i find if using slow cooker if u continue to cook with high heat the taste still ok, may be for the first 1 hour, then reduce to low.
I find it tastes funny if put too long hour on low...

Lyn, how is the engorgement ? i very scare of this...



I never been to the HK one but it should be similar to states ones, since architects in states had helped in the designing process.I enjoyed myself immensely in states ones.Disney hotel was beyond imagination; really over the top.

I am going off, busy day ahead.
nice hor, can redeem foc trip like this, hehe.

sophie, van,
my hb got craving wanna eat chicken pie one day, but I never make b4, don't know how to make, so let him wait 2 weeks, see whether will subside or not. in the end he still wanna eat leh, so I anyhow make lor. the pies very ugly
this morning he asking for lamb pie *faint* anyone got recipe?

what herbs the shop gave u to bu xue? need to put what else to cook it with, do share with me. how u feeling, much better?

little cat, sophie,
yalor, kids nowadays very good life, so different from us when we were young. think at most we ask for toys or sweets only ya...
sp, u ang so cute one...
haha must be nice then he ask u to bake again!
eh so can ask him to invest on a good oven lah... what a good opportunity!

yeah lor, the kids now so good life...
last time we follow tour from my kampung to KL like damn big deal liao...
i remember my mom dun allow me to join the school holiday tour to Singapore (eh very big big deal one ok!).. and now i am like staying here for good liao...
Hi Soph, yeah, kids these days have a lot more exposure. But they seem to grow up really fast too! I remember my friends and I still played with Barbie dolls when we were in our tweens and my 12 year old niece finds them too childish and is more interested in stuff like ipods, boy bands, making friends on the NEt etc. It reminds me of this line in Monsters Inc. - "the window of innocence is shrinking".

Hi LittleCat, they got restless towards the end too. My dd1 says that it's because Cars is a boy's cartoon and her Daddy enjoyed it very much and laughed very loudly during the show because he's a boy! I've been taking Sangobion (iron supplement) every morning - having my period (again!) so cannot take tang kwei until after the period. Thanks for the tips, dunno whether my slow cooker big enough to stuff the black chicken. Feel queasy thinking about buying it from the market - I usually buy chicken parts - seeing the entire carcass makes me feel squeamish!

Hi sp, it is prepacked already - called blood nourishment soup. The pack states that it contains tung kwei, shou wu, bei qi and nan something (sorry, I dunno how to read that word!) Cost $6 plus - u.p. was $7.80 but there's a 15% discount right now.
little cat,
I think my ang wanna exhaust my 3-min hotness, then by the time we move to our own hse I won't want to bake anymore & won't ask him to buy oven, hehehe.

wah, yr mum very strict hor, don't let u go s'pore trip! were u disappointed? I got go leh, hehehe, it was very memorable.

thanks for sharing abt the herbs name, got time I go EYS to take a look, hehe.
If I use slow cooker to cook soup, I usually use AUTO setting.I only use LOW setting to keep warm,especially after salt is added to the soup.

The Nan something is Nan Zao (dates) is it? I remember my Confinement Lady added that to my herbal soup.

Buying black chicken from market is easier.Ask them to de-skin,chop off the head and feet,chop into half or quarters for you,so you don't have to handle the carcass for too long,just wash and scald.

My 8-yr-old niece already find Barbie too childish,and prefer computer games and game boy! The 12-yr-old niece also prefer ipods,sms,chats etc.

You can actually add the wolfberries during the last 20min boiling on stove, and eat up the wolfberries,"bu"your eyesight.

My girl is just like your boy.She saw the KL and Bangkok Disney show commercials on TV,keep telling us that she "needs" to go Bangkok for the Disney show.

The first time I took plane was also 20+,1st trip was to Bangkok and Pattaya.Whereas my girl's 1st trip was 2yrs+,to KL.

Since your ang enjoys baked stuff, you should seriously ask him to sponsor a new oven,now that there is GSS, prices are cheaper.

I wish I could tag along with dd when hb went for his previous US trips, but the long hour flight scared me.I have been to Paris Disneyland, not really thrilled (may be too old already),but it's a good experience.I guess HK's should be smaller than Paris' Disneyland?
Annelise, I am anaemic, so maybe can go EYS to buy that to drink, is it safe for pregnancy??

I dont know if I shld invest on a convection oven and a microwave. cos i dunno if my baking interest can sustain the "3min heat" in me or not... the steam microwave oven is ard $900-$1000+ how much is the tefal oven may i ask?
sp, dun know if she too pampered me or she really strict on me leh... cos my the other sister she allow her to go leh...
i m now a mom i think if next time they have trip to somewhere else i will also nervous and try not to let him go...
but hor although they are only N2, he already gone for 2 excursion. The first time i am so nervous, almost want to take leave and follow liao...

oh van, your dd and my son so alike! picky on food and 'need' to go disney land... sigh...

sp when you have your own house must install one permanently there!

paranoidmummy, you can ask them if is safe for PG woman. Also u can ask gynae if they have suppliment for anaemic?

yeah hor annelise if u buy from wet market even better ask them to de-skin and chop into half.
Haha.. cat, your boy very funny and clever hor.. nowadays children are indeed very blessed.. my girls are complaining that they don't want to go hawker centre, want to go air con places ! Aiyoh.. we don't want to spoil them !

Anne, yah.. when i use the slow cooker for herbs, I have to boil for hrs, high for 2 hrs plus then low ..the other soup won't be so tasty.. buy the black chicken from market and ask them to clean it for you like what van said..
Take more beef and spinach, watercress to boost your blood count..

Eh soph, are you enjoying your soup now ? verdict ?

Paranoidmummy, the tefal should be less than 300 ..
Danggui is not so safe for pregnancy as it may cause too much blood circulation, my gynae said.

I was also playing with Barbie dolls till Sec 1. Aiyoh, still remember bringing my Barbie Dolls to school after exams and playing with it, then hiding it when the boys walk past our classroom. Older girls who have already "developed"
also snigger at us... hehe, quite embarrassing when I think about it now

It's good your ang got craving for your food! That means it's nice. Never mind about presentation not looking presentable, as long as it taste nice

Choc, Van,
The verdict of my thermal cooker soup - THUMBS UP!
I admit I took it out once to add in yu zhu cos I spoke with my mum over the phone and she said yu zhu is good. Added in yu zhu, reboiled over stove again, then put back into vacuum pot. I made about two-thirds of the 5.2L pot including the ingredients, and have just drunk 2 rice bowls. Now going out for taichi with dh... after my class, I'll come home and chomp the rest of my 10-hour-soup!

Van, amazingly the wolfberries didn't make the soup sour... in fact I like eating the soft and mushy wolfberries and I like drinking the soup with the little wolfberry seeds in it. So for me, dumping in the wolfberries at the beginning wasn't so bad.
Choc06, so cheap only. If i buy the tefal and a normal microwave it is still cheaper than the steam microwave oven. Do u have the model number? Thanks.

Ok sophie, noted. Thanks
I went to Courts today,also kaypoh and look at the small to medium size ovens there.A reasonably good size one cost $200+ to $400+. It will be better if you could personally go and view and "feel" what is the size and functions that are right for you.

Glad that you like the soup cooked in your new thermal pot,really save electricity/gas right? Can't tell much difference from those slowly brewed ones right?

This year seems to have a lot of boys.Remember the year I gave birth,all three pregg in my company gave birth to girls.

My dd even memorised the Dates of Disney Live Shows in Bangkok and KL. 20th-25th June Bangkok, 29th June - 2nd July in KL.
Van, I also always shop at courts, but at compass pt.. not a good choice, coz it's very small and nobody serves there! hahaha... guess I will drop by some other stores to see. Look forward to try some of the recipes u guys provided when I get my oven!
paranoidmummy, is it becos of thalassemia ?
for me sure failed becos of this. But as long as u r feeling ok that is fine.

Wow glad that everyone who try the thermal pot and luv it!

choc, he is funny and cheeky too! sometime i faint man...

They said boy will take Mother's character and girl will inherit dad's. Choc, for u to find out and tell us

van, the Nov mom thread many boys too, haha!
Hey soph,
can't wait to try my thermal cooker, shall try fengei soup tomorrow.. how long did you boil before putting into the thermal ? The promoter told me to boil for 20 mins only and put in for about 2 hrs ..

Eh cat, my two gals got extreme character .. no.1 is very girly and no. 2 is a tomboy.. Think boys are tougher and less petty hor ?

Sorry, I don't have the model for the tefal oven.. I think it's a very simple one..
yah.. agree with van, go and have a feel of the ovens.. . My mum has one National oven for about twenty yrs liao.. and she is still using it.. can't bake certain sensitive cakes though.. A friend has a high end Rowenta oven and she likes it a lot..
Yep, hubby cannot tell the difference between the "slow-fire" soup and this thermal cooker soup. And he is so impressed that we will now be able to save at least two-thirds of the gas used to normally boil soup, not to mention it is safer as I am always afraid the tiny fire will get blown out and me breathing in the gas and dying a happy death. Haha... ok, I am the paranoid one

I'm a bit kiasu the first time round, cos boiling a soup which I never tried before plus didn't want hubby to be disappointed in the thermal cooker, so I boiled it for 30mins, then put into thermal cooker for 5 hours. But actually, after 2.5hrs, I tasted the soup and it already taste very yummy. After tasting the soup, due to the loss of heat, I boiled it again till it bubbles (abt 2 mins) then put it back into thermal pot. Can't wait for you to try yours too... update us ok?

hi kakis,
Need to replace my elephant logo air pot,found the rubber on the inner lid peeling off,keep dropping into the water.What brands do you gals use? Saw the Kenwood ones yesterday which look good, anyone using Kenwood brand electric air pot?

I think I only boil for about 20 to 30mins, when I can smell fragrant from the soup.Think it also depends on what you are cooking, the timing to stay on stove will have to adjust accordingly.

I have seen a very unsociable and petty boy in one of my dd's class,someitmes boys can be tougher,and they are generally more active,you will be tired running after them.
