Cooking Tips & Recipe

oh my, sambal buaya must be damn 'hot'!!
eh your house got a seperate dustbin than your MIL hor?

hong, any meat u have not tried b4, people will say 'taste like chicken'!

chua, yeah my hb also fed up with the car park, so i ask him to park i go order. i have a boy, he is 4 years old.
good idea i think my son will luv to know more fren, he is just too bored with us - the two old folks!
Have u been to the Jurong Lake park yet? saw there are new facilities and new play ground too.
cos i am now pg abit tired, reduce some outdoor activities, but thinking of later bring him there (to tired him) hehe... may be we can meet there?

yeah your muffin looks like Cup A and Sophie one is CUp C :p
is the texture ok?

Hello gals...
I just woke up not long ago
I am feeling better now
Thank you

Tonite I wanna boil my potato soup and broccoli, but now very lazy... Going out to eat porridge later

Wah.. sambal buaya ah... I thought buaya is heaty enough...

I started drinking cococut from week 28
sometimes once a week, sometimes twice a week.

Sent u an email! I prefer denser chocolate cakes too like the Four Leaves chocolate cake and Cold Storage house brand chocolate cake, so this recipe should be right up our alley


Oh, i am not into Nana's choc cake.The chiffon part of the cake is alright(light and moist) but i am neutral to the fudge.I like my fudge to be VERY thick, bitter-sweet and creamy.
Hi Ladies

So sorry ....MIA as Singapore National Netball Team is in Vancouver and trying to catch up with some friends in there though there are lots of new faces in this rather new team.

I made the steam carrot those sell in the hawker centre or for dim sum. I have the recipe for the western carrot cake too. Will post them up soon....

I just find a good website to watch movies and series will drop by....need some entertainment for myself haahaa....
Thanks for the Cup C compliment.
I wish it applies to my boobs, but unfortunately, it does not...

It could be because of the oil, because butter when melted is less dense and more watery than corn oil, so it could have caused the whole thing to sink. Just checking - you used "ang bak" bananas yeah? Cos if you use Del Monte, you'll probably have to reduce it to 2 pieces cos Del Montes are longer. Try it again using corn oil; it'll probably work better. Notice the Betty Crocker's muffins mostly use oil instead of butter too, if my memory is correct.

If you're into the thick and creamy type of choc cake, then I think you'll like that recipe you passed me.

Here are some organic shops I know of:
- Organic Paradise at Temple Street: Sells all kinds of groceries, body care and some fresh fruits/veges and even organic cotton clothes (few pieces only) and Buddhist/meditation/detox books. Quite a good range at decent prices. There's an uncle there who is quite friendly too.
- Tanglin Mall: I've been to a large shop there on the 2nd or 3rd floor. Quite large and sells all kinds of products, but more expensive. Cannot remember the name and don't know if it's still around. I went there about 2 years ago. They do home delivery for large quantity/amount.
- United Square basement: There's a small shop there selling organic stuff, but I can never recall the name. Not so much veges, but more dry produce and Vitamins/Supplements
- YogiHub at Madras Street: It's more of a restaurant cum cafe with an al fresco dining area; food is quite decent. They also stock some dry organic produce like soba/rice/crackers etc.
- Real Food Daily at Mohd Sultan Road (near junction of Mohd Sultan & Rover Valley Road): It's a restaurant; I find food very yummy but super expensive. Walk to the inside of the restaurant and you'll see shelves of organic products. Quite a good range.

It could be the crazy weather nowadays? Coconut is yummy and cooling... I also like that. Take care and keep us informed on your bb delivery dates and plans!
Eh Soph, I made couscous for dinner and beef stew plus frog winter melon soup..
My no.1 says the couscous not bad and said she didn't want anymore dinner aft two mouths!
... I told her that she had to finish it .. if not, she can eat downstairs..
This is our first time trying and my ang and I like it .. think it'll go well with curry..

Hey Rena, where you staying ? Some NTUC have organic stuff.. but not the full range..

Eh hong, buaya is like ayam .. siap siap one..

Hey lyn, take care of your body, drink cordeceps to boost your immunity before bb comes ?

Yo prisc, good night ...

looking foward to your ang moh and singapura chai tow kuey

Hey chua, is your muffin hard or soft ? Think overstirring the batter could result in cakes being hard too.. try again.. hopefully will rise higher..
Choc is right... I forgot some NTUCs have organic stuff too. The NTUC at Junction 8 has organic vege, but sooooo expensive. And most Cold Storage have an organic shelf too, with main brands like Waitrose.

How was the beef stew then? Did they like it? Cos not everyone like the dairy taste from the sour cream, so sometimes I put lesser or I skip it totally. Hehe, your No. 1 very diplomatic huh? Sure knows how to win Mommy's heart with her glib tongue.

I tried the Brands Chicken Essence with cordyceps today... totally yucky! Had to pinch my nose and gulp the whole thing down
Forgot to ask - Did you also fill the muffin cup to three-quarters full? If so, means the whole thing never rise at all?
Thanks! Don't know why can't sign in to Yahoo now, will try again later.

u very funny lah! aiyo, yr fridge so "exotic" one, got all types of animals inside, haha.

how u feeling today? yr big day is drawing nearer & nearer, so exciting!

hi, mummies,
got something to ask abt baking, any good ovens to recommend? are those small to medium-sized table-top ovens good enough? what features should I look for in an oven? thinking of buying one to learn baking, I'm SOOOOO tempted after looking at all the cakes, muffins pics here
Hey Soph, didn't put cream cos ang doesn't like cream on his stew.. I added cranberries to my own couscous.. was very nice.. again, ang says he doesn't want a sweet dinner !
The stew was nice, guess I stewed it long enough so the beef turned out tender.. Do you use a special pot for stews ? Heard that AMC is good for that..

Eh sp, yah... thinking of what to do with the buaya in my freezer.. better get rid of it soon..

I have a baby belling table top oven for about 5 yrs.. the heat distribution is quite even..but has no glass to peep through. Being insecure, I would keep opening my oven to check my cake.
If I have a choice now, I would get a Tefal or Rowenta oven..
the Tefal oven is quite good.. when you choose oven, make sure that there are sufficient coils on the top .. My aunt bought a Rowenta oven from Mustaffa, quite good also , has a rottiserie to roast chicken and she bakes alot too.

Hello baking gurus out there ?
Thanks for the pic of pearl beans; definitely helps, but I still can't find it in the market today.

Make a buaya stew and tell your hubby and kids it's chicken stew
That's what my mum did to me. She cooked a buaya soup 15 years ago, and told us it's chicken. My bro thought the chicken was too tough and kept bugging her till she told us it's buaya meat! I heard buaya meat very heaty?

Cranberries to couscous? I'll try that next time

I just use my normal Visions pot for stews; what about you? AMC is indeed quite good. In fact, I went to someone's home for a cooking demo before, and the lady churned out so many things in 45 mins! Rice, char siew, fried beehoon, glutiunous rice with bits of pork & mushroom, pork trotters in vinegar and pulot hitam. My MIL swears by her AMC and has been using it for the last 15 years. DH got bad impression of AMC pots cos he says kenna tortured as a kid, eating all those bland and not-oily stuff. I don't think it's the pots, but just my MIL's very healthy cooking.
Using the pots makes very healthy meals cos the pots traps the heat evenly in it and cooks the food using the meat/veges' own moisture, so you don't have to use a lot of oil. I used my MIL's pot to make soya sauce pork before, and it's very fast and flavourful cos the cloves just disintegrated into the sauce, more than normal pots. But very expensive; whole set at $1k+.
During promos, they have smaller sets ("Mini sets") for $600+.

Yeah, I heard Tefal ovens very good. Smaller table-top ovens are also saves more electricity cos you don't have to heat up such a big oven. I used my friend's Tefal to make kueh lapis, and it was very quick cos it's small and hot. Using my big oven took twice as long cos have to keep heating up the big thing. Mine is an Indesit standard big oven type; bought it cos it costs only $399 when I shifted to this place and because I liked big ovens from watching all the cook shows (silly me never thought about electricity consumption at that time!). Because there are gas pipings under my cooking hob, dh didn't feel safe to install oven there, so we got Ariston to fix a wooden box to put oven in and now it sits on my table top.
I have a Tefal oven, quite ok but i think for baking cake Baby belling is better.

My Oven have a rottiserie but overall is smaller than Rowenta. cannot roast a big chicken and sometime the chicken will touch the coils.

Mine have the self cleaning function and the bottom does have coil so easier to clean.
It's not the Tiger Food Jar. It's the Thermal Magic Cooker.Boil the pot on stove and transfer to the cooker,the soup/porridge/dessert soup will cook through in the cooker. Think LittleCat has one,right? Meow Meow...

Saw the Taka mailer,Tiger Brand 5.2L selling at $209,may be will get a smaller, 3 litre one.

Hmmm....still considering, worrying that it will turn into white elephant...

Why eat Buaya? Thought it's for people with asthma? Hong Kongers believe in that.

The picture for the pearl beans i put up are those already pluck out from pods.Sometimes the veg stall sell those still in pods ones. The veg stall seller just call it Hong2 Dou4 (zu3 tang1 de4).

My oven is pre-installed by the developer, so I don't have any choice. My cousin use a Medium Size Table Top Oven, her cakes turn out well.

Medium Size will be better thatn small ones,at least not so much restrictions on the size of baking tins/trays.

Tefal should be quite reliable. My colleague complained about her Baby Belling no glass door to peep as well.
Aiyoh.. FIL bought one whole piece of buaya meat last month, still got some more left.. it's for my almost asthmatic no. 2.. can't do anything to it but to boil soup, if use dun zhong, she'll have to finish it by herself and her fangs and hide will come out the next morning.. actually thought of cooking a pot of buaya soup for the whole family

Hey soph, I use the vision one for soups and curries too.. a friend gave a fake amc( from malaysia) to me, that one is quite good for stews, think the real one lagi best.. Heard about the food that amc can "produce".. wow!

Saw Taka selling the La Gourmet pot, looks like AMC too, dunno good or not..

Build-in ovens are good, had one smeg build-in, with a turbo fan and is self-cleaning, I love that.. but parted with that when I shifted to a smaller place
Van et al, yes i have the Tiger Thermal pot, 3.5L last time bought at around 155+. It is very useful!
you can cook soups, double boil, steaming, stew, etc. Porridge also can. what i did was just boil the rice with water for about 10min then i put it back to the outer pot. one hour later got porridge. cos sometime i need to do it in the morning then go back to sleep. by the time my son wake up, porridge is ready.
Then for soup i cook the soup for about 45min, put it back to the outer pot. Then i can either go out walk walk or take a nap, dinner time got soups liao. no need to worry chao-dar or waste gas or electricity.

choc, u got read the newspaper about the survey on how young parents follow the parents advice on looking after the kids?
eg. old people think baby should sleep more, or drinking croc soup can cure atshma etc.. but it is not true one lor...
but if u do find it is good then carry on.
eh i have a question on child care vs PAP. which one is better ?
Hi everyone

Sorry I haven't been logging in. I didn't manage to cook my onde onde cos' my older girl had food poisoning - vomitting & diarrhoea that night.

Yesterday, I had mid-cycle bleeding - wanted to see my gynae but she is out of town. Saw another gynae and after a scan she saw something which she suspects might be a polyp and reccommends a d & c when my gynae comes back
Had to draw blood to run some blood tests too - came home with swollen and bruised arms cos' the nurse couldn't find my vein!

Choc, I remember you mentioned about taking tcm for mid-cycle spotting - can you pm me your tcm contact?

I tried to make the banana muffin last night to take my mind off the bleeding but the bananas I bought were too ripe! So I had to substitute bananas with canned pineapple chunks! It turned out well too but I forgot to take pics!

Ok, gotta go prep their lunch - will catch up on all the posts later!
hmm... all the talk about hums in this forum made me seek out my spurned lover once more... I'm now eating laksa with additional hums for lunch
This long-lost love is as good as ever, even though I haven't touched it for years!

Thanks for the pearl beans explanation. I'll go try again tomorrow or this weekend; wanna try it cos it looks very cute, like a new-flavoured M&M.

I'm making a lotus root soup with pork ribs later, but don't think I'll use my Visions pot anymore. I noticed my soup evaporates by half when I use my Visions one, cos there are holes on the side of the cover, and my precious soup just evaporates from there! Wow, people bother to fake pots? But then, this is AMC - the Louis Vuitton of pots and pans! Never heard of La Gourmet before... what's the price like? If not much difference, then maybe should stick to AMC. But I'm not gonna buy AMC anytime soon, will probably have to wait till all my pots and pans get old and un-usable before I can buy the AMC!
Eh cat.. I also think it's not true haha.. but the bugging of PIL to eat bat's meat, croc's meat is driving me nuts liao.. I definitely don't want to have safari in my freezer.. when no.2 coughs, they will say.. "you see lah, ask you try this one that one, you didn't!" faintz.. and the pressure on me leh.. ang always rebutt them so they won't say in front of him..
If I don't cook, and eat outside food .. I also kena huntum ..sigh ! Anyway.. shifting far far away from them liao.. all the best to me !

K, anne will pm you.. take care mate !

soph, the la gourmet on sale then it's cheap.. less than 100 bucks
Hi Annelise,
Maybe you can put some ice to reduce the swell on your arms?
Take care and have some rest. Don't do too much housework, especially if there is pain.
cat, pap for kindergarten you mean ? Find that they don't teach a lot leh.. child care also depends on which one .. I only know that pap is cutting down their syllabus and also cutting down on spelling..

Feedback from parents is that children still could not read when they go to pri one..let alone do compre, compo.. phonics got to be taught from scratch...sad thing !
Take care. U shld rest now. Keep us dated ok.

Gals, wat is AMC?

I bought my Tanyu pot and no hole and it keep the water level. quite like the claypot, worth getting.

I just have hum that went with steamboat last nite. cannot take too raw so cooked it ripe then eat it. I havent took my Hep B and A jab.. hee hee..
Annelise, u take care, let us know how u feel after the TCM. Hope your girl is fine.

choc, yes, pap for kindergarten. i got one fren told me is better, cos they wil have more 'academic' related thing than those fun thing.. she is a teacher b4 she wants her kids to do well in school etc... so she said pap is better leh...
But i heard overall the syllabus has changed, less spelling in primary school too, dun know how true...

wow r we on the hum topic again ? hehe i like!
haha, yes, hum topic... my long-lost love rekindled by you guys!

I think now primary school also has less focus on grammar? This may or may not be relevant as my niece is already in Pri. 6 and you know how MOE changes their syllabus all the time - my Pri 6 niece wrote me an email last year, and I was shocked by the grammatical errors in it. The overall flow & thoughts of the email is good, but the grammatical error is so bad that it makes me cringe just reading it. I asked her what she learns in school, and she says a lot of cloze passages and comprehension. Teachers encourage "creative" learning through cloze passage and works on kids' understanding of the English language through comprehension, so I am told by my sis. The thing is, cloze passage and comprehension even before grammar is well-established?

You're pregnant, have not taken Hep A jab and still eating hum?
Better make sure you eat the really cooked ones!

AMC pots are super expensive pots that can make healthy dishes cos it uses the food's own moisture to cook. It's mostly sold through direct marketing and not in shops. Sometimes I see demos at the market. I think if you buy a different cover, it can double up as a pressure cooker. Info can be found at
Hope your girl is okay by now.

You take care and rest more.

My girl now has sore throat,doct said her throatis very red and swollen,it's bacteria infection and gave her antibiotics straight away.Actually I don't quite trust the doctor at 24hr clinic here, but last night too late,bo bian.

She could only drink Pediasure for morning and afternoon,can't swallow any solid food,sure lose weight after that.

Do you add seasoning,the salt/sugar before putting into the Thermal Cooker,or after that,when the food is cooked through?

I have one cousin used to be a principal of PAP kindergarten, another counsin is still PAP teacher now,also have friends/relatives/neigbours who attended PAP,......

I think private ones(if you choose one with good curriculum,system,teachers) is still better than PAP's generally, in terms of character building, independence,confidence,motivations etc.....just my personal opinion.

Saw my PAP teacher cousin spending a lot of time doing Teacher's Report and some "manual"work , which I feel could have been improved,and time divert to other work instead.

Bat's meat is very heaty right?

I have been taking more laksa and char kway teow lately, thanks to the Hum-Talk here.hmmm...,may be this weekend should eat Satay Beehoon, gei hum.
Haha.. yah.. bat's meat.. hope this is not in PIL's mind !

The hum topic is a favourite topic for all young and old.. pg and non-pg.. Anymore ways of eating/cooking hum ?

Think it depends on which pap.. near my area , there r a few that parents r complaining.. that they dont' give enough work, etc.. they do lots of role play(setting up stalls to sell laksa) and creative craft.. Further away from my place, there is one very good one, charges quite high also, 150 bucks per month, with a detailed prog and syllabus.. when asked for the syllabus, they are ready to show you..
Think got to strike a balance with creativity, academics etc.. and most of all to tally with what pri schs are doing..

For me, I think reading is a vital, basic skill that a child must have to prepare for pri 1

There's still spelling in most prim schs, just that some schs do away with CA,and SA.. and some schs have compo exam .. stress man !

Eh hong, AMC is the brand of pots and pans.. maybe soph can explain more
You tried Manuka honey for throat infection before? It's anti-bacterial, so will work for bacteria infection (but not viral infection). I have a very sensitive throat, and it gets scratchy if I even hang around dusty places like construction or renovation sites. I buy the Manuka honey with UMF 10 and above. Don't dilute with water, just take a teaspoon and eat it - try and leave it around throat area for as long as possible. It works for my mouth ulcers too - I put a teaspoon on the ulcer area and it goes away faster. Manuka UMF 5 is less effective.
You can get Manuka honey at all Nature's Farm or Unity pharmacies. I bought my Woodlands Organic Manuka Honey (UMF 10) from NTUC Unity pharmacy for $36.54... cos can accumulate my Linkpoints

I think UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor. The higher it is, the more anti-bacterial activity it contains. Personally, I find anything lesser than 10 is not effective for my sore throat, so I buy only 10 and above.

This is a better URL to describe in layman terms the benefits of Manuka and UMF
I take manuka honey for my suspected stomach ulcer too.. took it for 2 yrs, the pain stopped.. took UMF 15 and sometimes 20.. Yah.. good for mouth ulcers and sore throats. If you have friends going to NZ, ask them to get for you , it's cheaper.

Can also take it diluted in warm and not hot water and with a plastic spoon , the properties of the honey will supposedly "react" with metal..
I didn't know Manuka will produce some reaction with metal... now I know
will probably use my porcelain soup spoon next time. Yeah, it's very expensive in Singapore, but worth it cos it prevents my sore throat and mouth ulcers from flaring up and getting worse. Best thing is, I don't have to see doctor and take antibiotics.

Nice and sweet too, so I think it'll be a hit with kids!
Choc and Sophie
When I bought my green tea powder, the sales rep also advised against using metal spoon and hot water.Adviced me to use plastic and porcelain spoon.

My dd tried normal honey before and didn't like it, hope she will take it if I get ths Manuka honey for her.
hmm... I know hot water kills the active enzymes in honey, but I didn't know there's so much stuff against metal spoons? Maybe play safe, I'll just switch to porcelain spooons for all my supplements next time.

How come your dd don't like honey? I thought all kids love sweet stuff! Hope she will like Manuka - I find the smell not as strong as honey, but it's also an acquired taste. Hehe, you can tell her to either take the sweet Manuka honey or end up seeing a doc and taking bitter-tasting antibiotic syrup!
van, aiyoh i also very scare of this.. my son recently put on weight they all very happy but yesterday he start to complain 'mouth pain'...
could be due to heaty etc...
Encourage her to drink more water and liang stuffs? like barley water?

If u cooking soup dun put the seasoning first, just like when we cook soup normally we add salt to taste at last stage.
As for stewing, eg the beef, just cook it as per normal way. The wonderful part of the pot is more for the long hour 'cooking' without fire. So the cooking method doesn't change much.
They have a cook book showing how to do diff cooking. I found a book from Library too for the thermal pot, but mainly are soups & dessert.

Yeah i want him to be indepedent, like eat, dress, bath, brush by himself etc... just the basic. cos now the aunt is like treating him like a 'prince' everythng she will do it..
But at home we will encourage him to do it himself. But i think need both side to work together.
My initial plan is to let him go to full day. Then when i deliver in Nov, he is independent, i can ask my hb to pick him after work.
May be i have to put him there for few more months, till the baby is about 6 months old then i can change him to pap or some few hours childcare. I dun think i can cope with him running around and the new born.
Since i have the plan to be sahm.
cos the aunt, sometime hor aiyah.. will complain and say she want to work etc... i dun want to 'depend' on her mood to do thing lah.

wow the Manuka honey sounds interesting, can PG woman take?

haha the hum talk really effective, eh dun cos the market price of hum go up hor..;)

Generally kids who attended childcare are more independent,sociable and outgoing then kids taken care of by nanny/babysitter.

My girl used to attend ad-hoc/flexi once-a-week childcare. I could see the the childcare really did a lot in encouraging them to be diaper-free,milk-free before nap,change and bathe themselves,put away bowls at the sink etc.

But my neighbour who attended another childcare near my place wasn't so,still couldn't do a lot of things like putting on shoes and socks even at the age that he's supposed to be able to. Despite going to full-day childcare everyday. So it depends on the childcare's system and the teachers.

You plan to be SAHM? After your maternity leave?

Me just the opposite, looking for job.

Boiling barley water for dd now.Also promised her I'll cook some really soft and "lan lan"porridge for her with fish mashed in and egg stirred in.Hopefully she could swallow some.
van, yeah that is the reason what i want to send him, although after awhile, he wll get sick ..

oh that is quite bad hor? is ie becos they have maid? i found some got maid really ask the maid do all this...
lucky my son still will put on shoes himself and so far i notice since very first time, he always got his right and left side correct!
Also he know how to use chopsticks at 3!

hehe planning only lah.. .now haiz.. esp after yesterday talk to the aunt, she ask us to get a maid, put the maid and baby and my elder one there. Then she wll send my son to eg. pap then also supervise the maid on taking care of the baby.
but knowing her, she can't sit still one, i very scare hor she will end up still doing all the housework and let the maid look after the baby or she will go out just leaving the maid+baby sometime.
I dun quite like the idea of having maid leh...
sigh.. it's my life leh why i have to listen to others ??? sigh sigh sigh!
not all children will get sick,my dd was okay when she first started school/childcare.

She also can use chopstick at 3,my niece 6 years old still can't use.

Since my neighbour got maid, see the maid running after the boys to feed them.The boy even hit the maid!
oh my goodness! tht is what i dun like to see...
I want my kids to learn how to do housework too. i dun want to them to be spoilt, wait one day no maid how ? all go to the mom?

Like the Auntie, do every single thing for the 2 dd. Cooking, washing, cleaning, serve rice and clean table after dinner, wash the dishes cos dun want the dd to mess out the kitchen etc...
The youngest one already in poly, elder one working.
Now complaint said the dd never help. But she spoilt them!
sp, i agreed totally!
that also make me feel like be a sahm as soon as i can and dun rely on the aunt.
sometime i find she is teaching the right value..
I went to PAP kindergarten as a kid and I didn't learn much.Started from scratch in primary 1.

What about Montessori(sp?)?I've been hearing good things about the school and how the kids there actually learn stuff through playing.

My girlfriend sent both her boys to Galilee(located in west coast/clementi area)about 2 years back or so and they're in Band 1(whatever that means) in Nan Hwa primary now.Galilee is pricey tho'....
My dd has been attending Montessori since 18mths.She is currently in MMI. I am quite satisfied with her progress so far.

Just brought my dd to see another doctor.Very dissappointed with the doctor at 24 hr clinic.

In Dec 2004, my dd had Impetigo, a bacteria infection of the skin,confirmed by PD and a skin specialist.The doctor at 24hr Clinic diagnosed as fungal/viral(can't remember which) infection. This time, the same clinic diagnosed as bacteria infection, but the doctor which I just brought to said it's Herpes Simplex I, a viral infection.

Will be writing to the partners of this 24hr Clinic about the two diagnosis.
Hi ladies

Here's the photo of the Steamed Chinese Carrot Cake...will share recipe later...

My guests loves this dish...will be teaching them how to make it. Will also be posting the recipe for western carrot cake later and the photograph will I make one as for now my dh miss chinese will be making the yam cake next week.

I managed to make three of this size as I do not have a big steamer at home. Hope this give you some idea of how the steamed chinese carrot cake look like.
