Cooking Tips & Recipe

Have you tried this?


Not as sweet as blueberry pie filling.

Hi mommies,
I enjoy reading the recipes v much in this thread. Really wonder if all of you are super moms - can clean, cook and even bake without maids!! I am new SAHM and I find it difficult to cope with my gal (8 months) alone without doing housework. Thinking of doing some baking at home also stress on the cleaning up part, hahahaha. Guess I can just read the recipe here.
Hi all,

Did anyone reply me wat is "hum"?

Sophia, I like the muffins up u get. very cheap, i saw that before and 10 cups cost ard $4 at my side.
When my dd was younger, I had a part-time cleaner,so still have some time to explore new recipes.Usually bake at night when everyone was sleeping.

Now that I don't have part-time cleaner,but my dd goes to school everyday, I have more time to do cleaning and prepare ingredients for dinner.

Picking up baking again cos my dd is old enough to help me with some of the chores already.Baking is not hard, but washing up after that is a pain.

I must say the person who invented non-stick baking paper is a genius.No longer need to scrap the baking tray with this non-stick baking paper.

When your gal is older, you may have more time for yourself then.

"hum" is cockles in Hokkien. We have a Queen of Hum here, guess you already know who's that?!
Sorry but I have a silly question. For the bottled sambal chilli bought from supermaket, can I juz eat direct as a dip and to fry kang kong? Or do I have to fry with shallots and garlic to make it 'pang' before use?
Hey cupcake, you came to the right thread.. haa.. we are all experimenting one another's recipes and learning from one another.. Yah.. the way to destress is to cook and bake.. when your bb is sleeping.. if not, you can chit chat with us..

Hey hong, yah.. hum is cockles ... you can find them swimming in laksa, char kwey tiao..

thanks van, you tried this before ?

cupcake , what brand sambal did you buy ? Some can be fried with kangkong, some are used as dips.
Miss all of you ley...but very busy when dh went back to work and courses after holiday....

Made carrot cake today....will upload pic to share later.And we have that for dinner.

Miss all the good food that are shared here.

Van....I used the blueberry for muffin too bad. But I prefer the fresh one.
Hi Priscilla,
Is the the bake type or steam type? kekeke... Look forward to your mouthwatering carrot cake... ;)
Last time when I bought the fresh blueberries to make muffins... before the muffins are baked, I probably finished half of the blueberries.. lol... I love blueberries...
I am a month later. 18 July. hahaha..

WOW u make carrot cake! i wanna see and also the receipe. U girl very inspiring leh.
I tried the canned blueberries years ago.Drained and mixed wiht fresh cream for sponge cake filling.It's not bad,not as sweet and heavy as pie filling, not as sour as fresh berries.

How much you pay extra for Gei Hum? I was charged $1 for Gei Hum to Laksa.
Hi choc

I made a blueberry cheesecake many years ago and I bought frozen blueberries from Liberty Market (which was at Plaza Sing then) and mixed them with blueberry jam and some water over low heat in a saucepan. When cooled, I poured it over the cheesecake and put it in the fridge to set - it was very yummy
I'm not sure if NTUC or Cold Storage stocks frozen berries though.

Hi Van

I'm the opposite of you - know how to tie, dunno how to prep ingredients! Ah, I saw the wilton leveller on the web - is it easy to use? I'm a big fan of Daiso too
The one in Japan is only 100yen - that works out to be about $1.50 and I went crazy buying all sorts of knick knacks when I was there!

Hi Prisc

When you come back to S'pore, we can all meet up & cook up a storm

Tonight I'm making onde onde - my friend gave me palm sugar he bought from Malacca - hope it turns out well - it is my first attempt. Anyone tried making before? Any good tips I can use?
hi lyn,
I didn't know the North Indians eat a lot of couscous; I always thought their staple is more breads and rice.

So how? Are you going natural or do C-section as gynae advise?

I always buy the bleuberries from NTUC; not the dried ones from USA that cost more than $10, but the fresh ones, normally from NZ, that cost around $3.95 - $4+. I add them to my cornflakes in the morning. Not sour, but also not that sweet... eh, quite tasteless btu acceptable to me

$4 for 10 muffins cups is a rip-off! If you stay in Jurong, you can check out chua's earlier posting on the address of a baking supplies shop. Otherwise, next time you are in City Hall area, drop by Sun Lik and buy from them.

Welcome to this thread, cupcake!

Wow, got onde onde and carrot cake to look forward to today *drool*

I'm trying out chua's soup tonight, minus the pearl beans cos I have no idea what these beans are
Van, $1 can buy u <>1kg of hum and cook the way u like it!

annelise, dongkey years i used to make ondeh ondeh... kekeke... eh must show us the photo ok?

choc, go invest on the digital cam lah, now the price so much cheaper.
And u can save your recipe with nice picture and put all the recipe on your 'blog' if u have one...
I need to figure the portion of chilli, shallot and garlic, somehow find somethng is missing...

Eh anyone know the Buah Keras is for what purpose? i know like lemongrass is for the fragant right?

hong, girl or boy?
how u like your hum to be cooked?

oh my, another hum kaki hehe...
Buah Keras is candlenuts yeah? I just bought some candlenuts in anticipation of making some Peranakan curry. My cookbook says "buah keras is pounded in rempahs and used as a thickening agent. Substitutes: macadamia nuts, almonds, hazelnuts or Brazil nuts (skinned)." But I think candlenuts cheaper; I bought a handful for only $0.50.
C-section lor... I still scared later baby in danger...

hahaha... another "hum" kaki... Think next time you all go eat "char kuay teow" with me, sure "wu hua" cos you all can have my "hum"... lol...

hmm... I am lazy to cook today... :p
I read about the frozen blueberries being a good substitute for fresh ones in baking, have yet to go find out where to get it in Singapore.I supposed the hypermart like Carrefour and the AngMoh supermarket like The Market Place should have it.

I made Onde Onde only twice, during Home Econ Class...few months after that.That was really donkey years ago...

I am the only one at home who eats Hum, so usually won't buy so much to cook.Only asked for Gei Hum in Laksa and Char Kway Teow.

Buah Keras/Candlenuts must ask Prisc who has Peranakan blood.

Are you all aware that some Korean Food Stalls in Food Courts are using the Korean Instant Noodles to cook their Ramen, even the sauce/soup also used the Sauce packet that comes with the instant noodles?

Saw them doing it the other day.I thought they should at least have a pot of soup boiled from scratch,just like our Hay Mee/Laksa/Yong Tau Hoo soup.
Eh van, you kena our hum poison liao ! lol Ooh.. you must be drooling at the hum, that's why the man charged you $1, actually only 50 cts leh.. but then again, maybe food court is more ex..

Btw, do you all like thai food ? The authentic kiam kiam lots of fish sauce,the kind that only BKK markets have ? I found one in Thomsom Plaza, a stall just outside the food court beside Han's eatery.. The soup noodles is authentic, not like the ones you get from Thai express.. cos the owner is a Thai.

Thanks ladies for sharing the tips on blueberries, think will try canned cos got more and it's cheaper.. haa

Wah anne.. onde onde... slurps.. must add mashed sweet pot is it ? I love gula melaka too..
do you know how to make ang ku kueh ?
The sch attendant in my ex sch makes very good ang ku kueh using sweet pots..

If I'm not wrong, think buah keras is to make the rempah more sticky ,nutty and pang, is it ? Hello spice gurus out there.. must ask Prisc

Yah cat, wanted to invest on one liao.. my ang always uses his phone cam to take pics..

Hey lyn, counting down liao..
LittleCat, i like my hum raw eat with chilli. super!
My having boy this time. I have a girl coming to 2.5yo
Hi Choc06 &amp; Sophie,

ya,is 'Zhen Zhu Dou'.I wanted to buy fm market &amp; show your but no more stock.Can get it at the market veg stall.My mum also say black bean &amp; 'Zhen Zhu Dou' very nutrients that why she thought me how to cook for my son. sorry,forget to ask mum whether need to soak?Check w her tonight but I think if did not soak,it may take longer to cook right?

Hi LittleCat,

yes,that's is the shop.I stay in Jurong &amp; my son playschool is at the CC there.So I will shop there for 1hr45min.
The shop name is Lee Bee Enterprises Co.

Hi Van,

Same,same leh!I also shop for milk powder &amp; diapers there.Find it cheaper than outside.

Hi cupcakes,

welcome u!I'm also new here,let's learn fm all the 'shifu' here.
Agreed with Van,once your child start to attend school,u will have more time for yourself &amp; the urge to try out new recipes.I make use of the time when my son is sleeping to bake.

Hi Priscilla,

can't wait to see your carrot cake!

Congrat Lyn &amp; Hong!So counting down to see your darling.

Hi mummies,

I've bake some banana muffins today.However,a bit disappointed.The muffins don't seem to raise &amp; crack at the top.What happen?
Need to go now.Going to my Mil house to cook dinner.Will post my muffins tonight.
See u gals!
lyn, we luv to go eat char kwak teow with u... :D

thanks gals for the buah keras/candlenuts info, so i know what is missing in my 'rempah'...

hong your raw hum is it really raw or after the 'hot water bath'?
we eat only after the 'hot water bath' leh...

but now pg abit more KS we fried again with chilli and garlic with dou-jiang.

van, yeah i noticed that too, in fact while i was at Korean once, i order the ramen and turn out to be those instant one alamak..
i have a fren will order the noodle in food court we always laught at her, eh eat at home less $1 lah... but at food court at least 4 to 5 or even more...

i like thai food too choc ! anything spicy!
last year we went chiang mai, we follow the thai eat at those food court in shopping center. So funny we use sign language to order haha!
Their fried noodle (pa-tai) very good, but i can not tahan they put sugar in leh...
Will find one day to try the Thomson Plaza one.

chua/van we also go there for diapers/milk powder

and we find the tricks, u must check the chinese medical hall price first, cos sometime they are lower...
And my ang luv to go there during durian session, plenty to choose from!

You made the chocolate cake already.By the way, it's NOT my recipe hor! I got the recipe from another forum.

No good ah?So I won't bother attempting the recipe..but hor a couple of forumers had tried her recipe and they liked it leh...
Hello mommies and TTCers,

I caught Da Vinci Code the movie over the weekend and it's seriously one of the best movies I've watched!!Though not as detailed or closely adapted to the book, but nevertheless still worth my $8.50 hehehe!
hi Amelia,
The chocolate cake is nice, just that it's not the kind that I like that's all. It's more of the cafe angmoh kind of chocolate cake, whereas I was looking for the sponge-like Lana style.
Wah.. thanks little cat for showing that post on saccharin and aspartame... aiyoh.. I think saccharin is found in kiam sng ti (sweet sour stuff) and during 1st tri, took quite a lot of preserved mangoes to ease the nauseous!

Hong, you good ah ! Eat raw hum, I would do it if not pg too..heehee.. my ang will nag nag and nag..
But I saw one paranakan recipe on hum, just marinate raw hum with lotsa chilli padi, garlic, and black sauce... stand for 1 hr or so and then is ready to eat.. that method is .... shio..kk!

thanks for the info and nice pics van.. now I seldom see these beans in the market.. How else can it be cooked in soup ?
Wah.. your dao zhang looks very yummy..
choc06, ic, better avoid now...
this time round i dun like kiam-sng-ti leh, funny.
so i can drink more coke..Kekeke..

eh sure or not raw hum? i thot they do pour some hot water on it, if not how to open leh?

van i like the pearl bean also for soup, but my ang dun like so seldom cook... sigh!
hmm...what was i thinking when i say "Yes" on the big day?

Tat day we had the steamboat, the auntie bought some sotong, wow i luv it.
The sotong is whole pcs, only the head is removed and clean. so i wonder how she clean the sotong stomach? she said no need when u buy that day u just choose correctly, then when u clean u dun need to open everything to clean, just carefully remove the head and that's it!
But i often find got sand or worst still dead small fish inside leh...
gals, any idea how to choose? cos the auntie can't seems to tell me EXACTLY how to select.. (no ISO procedure one..) and she 'shoot' me back oh is like taking exam, once u pass u know how to do it next time...
raw hum. not now lah.. hahhaa..Some preggie just advice hum totally but i still eat.

both hot water bath also can. Hot water bath easlier to open lor.

u also making muffins. I havent tried sophia method. OK will post my boy photo in 10 weeks time.. hahha
Eh accept hum for better or for worst.. raw or cooked..

Can dig inside the sotong to clear out the stomach.. then you don't have to dissect the whole sotong.. hehe.. I don't know how to choose sotong also.. but my mum will choose big ones..

Eh hong, somehow, this is my craving also, pg or not pg.. I must have hum if I see them.. esp in laksa and char kwey tiao ! I better to tell the hawker lesser noodles and gei hum next time ! The raw hum got more kick than cooked one hor ?
The brand I showed is Sun Brand.NTUC just started selling this brand recently.

They should have a few other brands, whiter,thicker,doesn't have the black dots.But I prefer the Sun Brand.
choc06/hong u 2 are the Queen of HUM! I surrender liao .. haha, have not try really raw one b4..

During lunch i went for Mee goreng at the malays store and guess what? they have sambal hum!
so i order the mee gorent and a plate of hum too..
But after cooking with the sambal some how lost the hum taste lah...
So still prefer the home cooked hum by me! hehe..
My hb give in liao he said can eat hum but must be home cooked one cos more clean and safe to eat..

The sotong she choose is smaller type about 3 to 4 inches kind of size. Eh very nice leh... imagine just put in the steamboat and eat already very nice, so u can imagine...

haha imagine we go order char kway tiao :
uncle-ah, 1 char-kway-tio, more hum, no taugeh, no kway tiao...
just like people order char-siew mee, dun want char-siew ?
Hello gals...
I think I am very heaty today
Dun feel well...

Do you know if confinement can eat "dao ciam"?

I eat wantan mee, not wantan... hahaha... I know a friend who eat fishball noodles, no fishballs... lol...
lyn, so u r the one haha...

but how to make sure inside stomach no sand or other thing?
cos the sotong could be fresh until there are sands or undigested food inside it's stomach leh how?

drink more water and some barley?
I got the P1 reg booklet already.My dd brought back from her kindergarten.

Haven't tried other methods of cooking the pearl peas other than throw into soup. It turned soft easily, don't need to soak(who was asking about the soaking?)

Where exactly do you stay? Seems like the places that we go are the same. I used to buy durian from Jur West too.My favourites are Balestier Road, Clementi and Jur West.Also bought the car park near Botanic Garden before.

The small sotong is good for stuffing with marinated minced pork and steam.Yummy!

Thought of getting a Thermal Pot during Takashimaya members' sales this Friday,any recommendation?

Don't know if confinement can eat Dao Ciam or not, but I did ask my CL to cook for me during confinement.She sometimes mixed it with Mee Sua to cook with pig's liver and added sesame oil, so that made it a confinement dish,i supposed.

Have you been taking more "Liang" drinks like Pao Shen water,coconut juice, barley water? Don't take too much heaty Chinese herbs close to delivery.

Take Care.
Eh cat.. you no. 1 lah.. I should be more hum-ble..haha..envy you lei.. every time can eat hum when you cast your eyes on them.. I can only eat once a week. There's one in spring leaf taiwainese porridge along Thomson road, they fry very good hum to go with porridge.. Heard about the malay one, yet to try it ..

Finally got the booklet, van ! I saw the sun brand, but got to confirm with the pic here.. will get it from NTUC.. yumm..

Hey lyn, you feeling hot and sweaty all over or hot inside your body ? Yah.. drink more liang stuff like paoshen, don't fall sick .. and rest well

What's cooking ladies ?
I am boiling frog legs with winter melon..

my MIL bought so much for us.. eat until our eyes going to pop out liao.. and I have some croc's meat in my freezer with the other farm animals.. if I don't get rid of them, they r going to fight inside..
I will clean and wash the sotong before cooking... So will not have sand problem...
Now drinking more water lor... Feel like sleeping though... :p

Thanks for the website on soups
Got very interesting soups

I told my mum I wanna eat dao chiam, but she said usually is eat mee sua...

I feel heaty from inside... Not that type of sweating hot, but from inside kind lor... Like feverish kind
Just had some honeydew and orange... I felt better when eating... Now drink lots of water... Feel like sleeping :p
choc, hahaha... then u have less trouble, after they fight and croc eat the frog then u can spare the rest of the family's stomach liao!
eh i dare not eat frog legs leh.. dun know why...

van i am staying at jurong east, very near the Chinese Garden. Then my auntie at Bukit Batok so we go there very often.
Jurong west is our fav place to go for breakfast, top up grocesories etc.. and of cos durian when is the session, and CNY time lots of goodies!
But now lesser liao cos go NTUC to buy dun like to urgue with auntie/uncle on the fish or meat.. also with my boy running around aiyoh.. so must go air cond one.
I used to take the fish ball with kway teow. there are 2 stores, the one with minced meat one taste better.

The Thermal Pot buy the Tiger brand. Not sure if they have discount for Thermal pot though..
I go see look tomorrow, i now very lazy after lunch head back to office liao.. do let me know if gals plan to buy something, i go take alook if is on offer.

i saw one tiger brand thermal flask for hot water and one for storing food one, i think $58 right? quite worth it leh..
last time think of buying for my son, but now he is eating outside food, so no need to get.
Eh cat.. I got no choice lah..MIL bought for their grands... now I pg , see the frog with the eyes except without skin want to puke liao.. and somemore the crocodile.. sigh! MIL will ask "your croc and frog meat finish liao boh ? ",I don want to lie, so cook them whatever style! what do ya think about sambal buaya ?

My mum has a thermal pot.. Is it good ? Find it very bulky. but can save electricity... like van, I have lots of pots.. feel like buanging them..

lyn, I think you going to fall sick soon, yah zzzing is a good idea..
got tuition now !

here my banana muffins.Why my muffins raise not as high like Sophia?I replace the corn oil to butter or too much bananas?Anyway,the taste &amp; the smell is nice.

Hi Van,
thanks for the peal beans pic,still can't find at wet market.
Very interesting web,thanks for sharing.
My mum also make the Dao Zhang but with the pork &amp; some fillings inside too.Share her with your this Sun.I know how to wrap but the frying of the ingredients still didn't manage to learn yet.

Hi Lyn,
Drink lots of water &amp; rest well.

Hi LittleCat,
I'm staying near Lakeside MRT,we r staying very near to each other.JW is my hot place too but is always very crowd during wkends.Hubby find parking lot always very angry especially waiting for the foods.
I have a boy who is 3yrs now.How about your?Maybe they make friends too.

Hi Chocs,
your MIL is so nice,still buy 'Bu'for her grands.Mine,where got so gd!

u can drink coconut drink now?

u are really funny. I never taste crocodile meat before. Nice or not?

van, the tiger food jar? I have one, very gd! it can keep the food warm for the whole day. Another thread taking abt the Tiger jar, one mother teach to cook porriage in the jar.

So happen that i broke my slow cooker cover so i cook my girl porriage in the food jar. 2 hr later, it really turn into porriage.
