Cooking Tips & Recipe

Hi Van,
Glad to hear that your dd is getting better

Hey lyn, also take more red date, wolfberry tea to bu blood also, so that you don't need a transfusion.. you take care..

Eh cat, was also craving for bak chang earlier on.. had the same problem too.. good for the mouth but not for the stomach ..
Ooh.. the shellfish party was yummilicious... until I had stomach discomfort on sunday.. hee.. ai see lah !

hey sp, cheese cupcake sounds interesting, but one thing I know, cheese burns very easily in the oven .

Hey van, is dd better today ? Notice that she likes all the high calcium drinks, good for her ! My dds like sweet drinks,
not too good for them !

My two dds are at home.. aah !!! going crazy liao.. Heard that there's Barney in IMM, are you mums going ?

Hey anne, better go see your gynae fast.. I am concern that your fever might be due to your womb infection .. Do update us, praying for you too..

Hey Soph, thanks for the info on the mala steamboat.. Eh.. curry couscous very nice..

Hey ginger, saw from a recipe that if you want to make the sushi rice, you have to cook it together with jap vinegar, sugar and a bit of salt.
Jap food gurus , how you all cook the rice ?
I am not jap food guru. Last time when I was overseas, we used the normal rice cooker to cook the japanese rice. Then add the japanese vinegar for sushi rice...
Did you take any Chinese tea with your bak zhang? Should help digestion.

I can eat two zhang at one go, but usually go with some thick chinese tea.

it's getting closer to your delivery date, take care. Take more high iron food to "bu" blood. Have you got you "hospital bag" packed already?

My girl doesn't have school holiday, but I will still arrange for some extra activities like picnic,watching the shows,may be sign her up for interesting holiday camps.

Didn't notice the Barneys shows, will probably bring her there if the timing is okay.But heard that IMM is undergoing renovation/revamp,hard to find parking space,so have not been going there for some time.

Do you all plan to have any outings for the girls?

The red tilapia is called Ni2 Luo2 Hong2 in Singapore, Fei1 Zhou1 Yu2/ Jin1 Feng4 Yu2 in Malaysia.

My dd seems alright today,going to make Papaya Milk Ice Blend for her now.
annelise, choc,
was hoping to "make do" with oven toaster, looks like cannot escape having to spend on a better oven. at least managed to satisfy my urge to bake after looking at all the yummy cake pics here, hehe.

oh, dear, yr condition sounds serious. do keep us updated.

wah, 6/6, yr big day coming so soon, take care & sleep more also.

little cat,
oh dear, only 1 chung also can't digest? next time got to eat 1/2, hee.

2 Sundays ago I also couldn't digest my dinner & got to get up at 1+am to puke a few times. maybe getting old liao, cannot eat heavy dinner b4 sleeping.
van, cos it is around 8:30pm so i didn't drink tea when eating the bak zhang. When i go to bed around 10pm i feel ok. In the morning i sleep quite late and i feel very hungry... may be too hungry and suddenly eat too much ? sigh.. realy chim can't find the cause.

oh so we should eat more tilapia then hehe..
i remember last time in malaysia, we use to eat the fei zhau yu, black colour version.
it is very fresh, we steam it, fried it and even made into salted fish! cos too much supply liao!

think of last time in malaysia quite fun!
i remember last time when i cook curry, in order to get the coconut milk, have to start from plucking the coconut from the tree then open it with a 'parang' then use the manual way to get the grated coconut and then press with water for the milk..
Hi girls,

You want the recipes from Simply Her magazine(they have about 6 every month)?I am storing them to my pc in case my hub gets another overseas posting.
Leave your email behind if you're interested..Will be using Yahoo Briefcase to share.


Papaya milk sounds nice!Glad to know she's better now.


Doesnt sound too good...pls update on your gynae visit.
Did you sign in to the SPMCTR Yahoo Group that Annelise started? We share files and links there.

Probably it's just due to the hormone disrupting your digestive system/enzyme.So next time to to cut down on glutinous rice item liao.

I lived in Kampong before, went thru the plucking coconuts..... too.

chances are there is infection somewhere.My dd used to have swollen lymph notes behind the neck resulting from infections too. Do let us know the result.
choc, the TCM doctor u recommeded is it good for woman with blood cyst? My col's wife having this problem, went operations twice still have the same problem...
Hi Annelise,
Do rest well and update us tomorrow.

Next time I'll try couscous with curry

It's good to know your dd getting better. The medication for viral infection is probably doing its work.

I like Ni Luo Hong... love it steamed with some light soya sauce and lots of spring onions/chives garnishing.

It must be exciting to know you're going to see your bb soon. Remember to post us a picture!

Hi all mums,
School holidays are here... you can check out this website for info on events. I picked up the magazine this weekend and saw that there are lots of interesting camps (phonics, Maths, Chinese etc) for kids during June hols. Thought it might be useful for the mums here.
Yah.. I like Ni luo hong too.. the markets norm sell the live ones.. but my ang doesn't like, he thinks it has a mud smell !

Wah.. kampong life !Think can get nice banana leaves for nasi lemak huh ! Everything will be fresh from the jungle.

Eh cat, yah.. if you tell the tcm physician what kind of cyst you have, they will be able to diu zeng xia yao.. I brought my lab report to show them. Apparently, they can help to shrink the fibroids too.

Hey Amelia, you try the recipes from Simply Her first leh.. and you tell us nice or not.. the last time you posted the chicken rice cooked in the rice pot was very nice leh.. was you who posted the pics right ?

Van, will look for the barney schedule and post here..
Not much outing for me.. ang going overseas.. sob.. my PIL will bring the girls to the bird park. your ang in town ?

hey sp, singapore sale is on now, good time to buy an oven..
I'm looking for an induction heater, gurus, any recommendation ? Saw some, very ex, about 500 bucks !

Thanks!Yah it was me!

Think I can't finish trying all the recipes in Simply Her since there're loads of recipes in each issue...and 6 is just a conservative estimation.I will post a link to all then you can pick and choose which to try out.Some of the recipes are by chefs so it shouldnt be that bad.
I also assume Simply Her would have done their research before publishing the recipes.


Have you signed up Annelise's Yahoo Group?I'll share the link there.


Good idea, I hadnt thought of that.Will share it there then.
Some people dislike Red Tilapia because of the "Muddy" taste.Have u tried pouring hot oil with shallots over the steam fish,it will sort of "mask" the mud taste.

For those who have not tried before, try doing this:

Half way thru steaming, saute shallots in another pan/wok.

After steaming the fish, pour away the liquid, remove the ginger and spring onion, put in fresh ginger strips,spring opnions strips,pour some soya sauce on the fish, then pour the hot shallot oils with crispy shallot over the fish. Some chopped crispy garlic will also make the fish more fragrant.

My ang is currently in town.Are you staying with your in-laws?

Saw NTUC selling cheaper induction heater,not sure if it's good. What do you use it for? Steamboat?

Annelise & Choc,

I am teaching my dd how to type with this online typing tutor site,you may want to try it with your girls,may be as holiday programme:

While enjoying her yummy snack, bread with margarine and fish floss, my dd suddenly told me:"Mummy, I have learned a lesson, I will not anyhow put things in my mouth again." Seems like she really missed the food during those days. Her weight dropped from 16.2kg to 14.8kg,after 3 1/2 days without solid food.

How's you plan to "convert" to SAHM?
yr dd so poor thing, lost so much weight! glad she's eating well, hope she'll gain back her weight quickly.

I'm in KL if not sure chiong the GSS & go broke heh heh.

spmctr? I signed up liao, so I go there to get the recipes? Tq!

my next "project" will be Konyaku jelly, anyone knows if it's ok to make it with more liquid, will it still set well?
Konnyaku Jelly used to be one of my favourites.My colleague and I explore with different types of flavour and fruits and share in office.The best is still longan flavour.My colleague also tried using kiwi fruit,but the color of kiwi looks very unappetising after soaking in the hot konnyaku.

It's best to follow the quantity recommded at the back of packaging.Unless you have already tried the brand once, and wanted it to be softer.
Do you have those hard anodised wok? Tangs always have demo,where they could roast chicken,"bake"cake in it? If u have,u can also try to use it to "bake"cup cakes.

I have not tried cup cakes, but did follow the promoter's instructions to "bake" a cake with tube/bundt pan,out of curiosity.The cake did rise, can eat,though of course the result not as good as oven.
hi, Van,
don't hv the wok, it sounds interesting, u like using it? how does it compare with stainless steel wok or other types of wok?

actually the cheese cupcakes although a bit chao ta on top and bottom but we never throw leh, on the spot we makan 1, kept the other 3 in the fridge. Next morning makan some more, hehe, cold is better. u like cheese cake?

ya, think nothing beats baking in a proper oven. what do u think of those microwave ovens that can do steaming, baking, all-in-one kind?
K, cat, will pm you later..

Wah van, thanks for sharing the typing site.. that looks like touch typing that the pri 3s started doing last time.. Have to wait for no.2 to sleep in order for no. 1 to do it.. cos no.2 "hogs" on the comp and is more IT than no.1!

I also realised that the red man brand premix konnyaku jelly powder a bit tricky. tried to make that a few times, but didn't set very well.Used the quantity of water stated and reduced it, still didn't set. The one without the sugar is better. What brand do you all norm use ?

Thanks for the tips on steaming fish! will try that.

I need the induction heater partly bcos my cylinder of gas is running out and I don't want to order another tank(which will last for another 3 months) since I'm shifting in July.

Also, can boil soup without having to watch the fire. Gave my slow cooker away liao ! Saw taiyo brand induction heater in courts and metro, the one can't heat up a teflon pan.
Staying with my mum these few days..

How's the anodised wok ? Saw the promoters demonstrating in tangs.

Seems that Robinsons is having a better promotion in everything compared to other dept stores? 20% storewide
I have 2 of those anodised woks, 1 medium and 1 large,as I used to entertain at home regularly pre-SAHM days.Usually use them to cook crabs and big wok of fried beehoon/fried rice/pineapple rice.Also used it to roast chicken once,ok lah, worked and can eat,and don't need to clean the oven like Siao.

This type of wok is supposed to be the best in terms of heat transmission but it's not stick-proof.There is one type which is anodised but with non-stick coating on top, but I doubt it's worth the money,cos, non-stick coating usually 'won't last.

If you really want to try your oven toaster again, perhaps you can try covering the cup cakes with aluminium foil loosely,after the cake has risen? This is supposed to prevent it from getting burnt,let me know the result after you have tried.

I have a few friends who used those all-in-one kind of microwave ovens.There will be some difference in terms of resutls of cake,but it's not that obvious.But one think there is restriction on the cookie trays that she can use,cos M/wave oven uses round turntable.M/waved cakes also cannot store as well, due to higher moisture content, from what I read.

My cousin switched back to conventional table-top oven after her microwave all-in-one spoilt,as she wanted to stop using m/wave after diagnosed with breast cancer.

If you think you need both microwave and oven,it's a good alternative.But if you are really into baking, I would definitely recommend a conventional oven than all-in-one. I have a microwave oven, but I puposely bought one without baking function.

Sori, didn't know I am so long winded

Yes, the Red Man Konn.Jelly without sugar is fail-proof. Give nice,chewy texture.

Induction heater don't have to watch the "fire", but got to watch the "pot"and the "soup"lah, in case the soup dry up or overflow,burn your pot.
Choc, Van,
The Konnyaku jelly brand I bought is Hollyfarm, hmm, I think shld be with sugar becoz instruction never ask me to add sugar. It's quite a big packet (120g) to put into only 500ml of water.

ya, thinking of trying the oven toaster again, but not so soon, need to give my "guinea pigs" a break, lol. Will update u when I try again, foil to cover the top is a good idea, tq.

how's yr cousin now btw? hope she's ok.

I prefer conventional methods of cooking/ baking, so not sure if I shld standby a microwave oven. Besides reheating food, what else is it good for?

I think I ask too many Q made u "long-winded" heh heh... blame it on me lah, kekekeekkeke.
Barney at IMM ( no shows on mon)
27/5 to 9/6

Sembawang shopping centre 10 and 11 june

Plaza Sing (3 june to 18 june)

Tues to Fri ( 1pm and 7pm )
Sat and sun (1pm, 4pm and 7pm)
thanks choc for the info

Van aiyoh...m ake sure u 'bu' back when she can eat more...

Very scare when they lost weight.. so fast! but gaining is like so difficult..
And this go opposite for adults :'( gain very easy lose weight so difficult ... after give birth must focus on food that help to maintain our weight.. no more hum... (ahem listen only hor )

i like Konnyaku Jelly too! i bought the red man one quite ok leh.
I tried with longan,lychee, and orange juice..
haha thanks for telling me the kiwi is not the right choice!

eh i heard someone said the jelly too liang is it true?

SP go invest one lah...

eh what is Induction heater huh?
haha.. how true.. so difficult for adults to lose weight..and when children lose weight, the old grands can see it so clearly !

van glad that your dd is better.

Hope annelise is ok.

eh cat, I eat hum will qing chang (clear intestine) one leh.. can purge all the fats out.. haa.. I always tell my ang it's not LS !

Induction heater is like hot plate.. but can heat up and cool down quite fast. And it only heats up the base of the pot/pan you are heating not the whole plate..

Hey ladies, have you all tried the Lee Kum Kee soya sauce for steaming fish ? It's fragrant and can use to marinate dory for frying..
Hi gals

I'm on antibiotics right now - gynae took a swab for testing and prescribed antibiotics just in case. Need to go back for review in a week's time. Thanks for all your kind thoughts and well-wishes

Hi Van

Thanks for sharing the website! I too have to wait for no.2 to nap first cos' she loves banging on the keyboard! I'm sure your dd will gain back all the weight very soon under your tender loving care!

My 2 girls are down with flu today! I bought a pack of furikake to sprinkle on their soft rice to whet their appetite. They too lose weight super fast too!

Hi choc

The Lee Kum Kee soya sauce, does it come in different grades? Which grade did you use? Haha! Hum also can use to detox!

Hi LittleCat

I like konnyaku jelly too! It's good for relieving constipation in little kids too! How do you unmould the jelly? Mine always cannot unmould nicely - is there a special technique?

Gotta go - need to feed the girls dinner. Will catch up later if I don't fall asleep early!

good to hear from you...hope everything will turn out fine.


Sent you the link...updates will be done monthly.
Calamari Rings

Medium/large squids cut into rings
Beaten eggs
Dried mixed Italian herbs
Black pepper
Pinch of Salt

Wash and cut squid into thick rings.
Coat in plain cornflour.
Dip in beaten egg.
Coat in mixture cornflour flavoured with salt, black pepper and mixed herbs.
Deep fry until golden brown.
Remove from oil and drain.

You can use the same method to deep fry fish fillets too
hi, annelise,
hope u'll be fine after taking the antibiotics. how's yr gals' flu? better already?

thanks for sharing the calamari recipe. When deep frying, will the oil "spurt" abt?

little cat,
I dare not invest becoz I got "3 min hotness" problem, hehehe.

aiya, yesterday I too tired slept early so didn't make the konnyaku jelly, hope tonite can make it.
Hi sp

My gals are still sniffling - what a way to start the school hols, eh?! The oil won't spurt out if the rings are well-coated and dry. You can try to pat dry the rings first before doing the first coating and try shallow frying in a non-stick frying pan too - that's what I did when I cooked the cod fish fillet.
Hey anne, the Lee Kum Kee soy sauce for steaming fish is special kind for fish only, they even have the sauce for chicken, which is also nice. The soy sauce grade I use is the original one.
Thanks for the calamari recipe,my girls love sotong..
you take care..

Hey sp, buy a small oven first.. start your business small.. You'll be amazed how much cooking can be done in the oven.. roasting, baking, grilling..

What's cooking, ladies ?

Hello lyn, everything ok there ?
I tried the Lee Kum Kee Soy Sauce for steaming fish b4, it's, lighter in color and look more diluted right?

Hope your gals will recover very soon.Tough on you,pregg and both girls having flu.

I use a small metal teaspoon to loosen the sides,and lift it up slightly,then use a dessert spoon to transfer the konnyaku jelly.

One point to add about the anodised wok,it's very lasting.I own mine for about 6 years already,still in good shape.

I used to do a lot of microwave cooking pre-SAHM days.Steam veg,sweet potato,corn,double-broil soup,make chicken stew,grill chicken wings, defrost meat.Saute sallots,garlic,salted fish,Lup Cheong (this is good,so the whole kitchen won't smell of these)

But I have cut-down a lot now.Prefer to use conventional cooking method now. In fact, my microwave is spoilt since CNY, haven't got it repaired.

My cousin completed her chemo already,cancer cells cleared,but have to monitor for 5 years.

Haven't heard from your for quite some time.Your delivery date getting closer, nervous?

Have you tried konnyaku with jackfruit? I like that too.
Hello gals!
I am still here
Rather busy with my last minute preparation and my work... I am still feeling good. Going out as much as I can also
I think I will miss the big tummy.
Do I have to sterilise the milk bottles for first time use?

I also seldom use my microwave already. I only use the grill and oven function. I used to microwave everything, but not anymore. It's not very good for health
Breast cancer is very common now hor? My cousin is fighting against final stage breast cancer. I also have two clients with breast cancer...

I will be going for C-section on 6 June
. It's next Tuesday only... Getting nearer and nearer... A bit "kan cheong"... and dunno what to expect with a new addition to the family...
Yo lyn, you miss your big tummy liao ah ? I can't wait to get rid of it ! Was chasing the bus yesterday and came back with a heavy groin.. thought I'm still very light leh ! haa..

When you go back home from hospital, then start sterilizing. Perhaps you can sterilise one bottle to stand by for hospital use..

van, yah that's the sauce. My mum uses it quite frequently to fry her dory.
Add the fish soy sauce, sesame oil, one beaten egg and bread crumbs to the dory for frying..

Ribena konnyaku is also nice, but got to add quite alot of ribena.. I like to add the colouful "tadpoles" to the jelly too..

Hello Soph, Hong, Prisc, are you all experimenting something ultimately delicious, yummilicious, slurpilicious.. out there ? Share your food leh ..
gals, i am super busy, but i miss u gals too!

Lyn, wish u Liu Liu da shun, everything going smoothly!

U have to sterlize the bottle each time after feeding. Do u have those electric sterlizer that looks like a rice cooker? very useful.

annelise, take care of yourself.. u poor thing both girls also flu... take care!
eh good idea, must encourage my boy to eat the jelly since he dun take vege or fruits, and often got constipation..

choc, what a good excuse to eat hum!!! i like that!

wow van u really a real guru with the kuniyaku jelly! hehe will find day to try.. i think few packet there but have not touch for awhile hope it is till can be used!

SP, dun worry as long as u log on this site regularly u will have at least '30days hotness' haha!
Hi ladies

Yes....I am trying out some new created recipes....will share when the best one is selected.

For the japanese sushi, need to cook the rice first then add the vinegar and sugar to mix before the rice cool down. Miss making sushi....think will do that in Japan now too busy to do that.

Will post the carrot cake later as too busy with homeschooling and hosting guests.
next tue, so fast, wish u a nice and memorable delivery experience, hehe. ya, need to sterilise b4 1st use.

small oven is good idea, can do so much cooking, sounds really useful.

little cat,
haha, u so cute, "30 days hotness"

me looking fwd to yr carrot cake recipe, u take care ya.
Hi Amelia
Can I have the receipes too. I am in the process of changing maid. Headache on how to teach her cooking when I myself dun really know how to. The old maid was trained by my MIL who wasnt much of a cook but we werent particular about food. Juz when she was cooking palatable food (My sis who ate at my place before would strongly disagree with this statement) she wants to go back to get married.
Would appreciate if mummies her have any simple dish to start with?
sigh...i need the konnyaku jelly too..been constipating eversince i started on my medication.Used to be a regular daily person.


You preggie still running?Must take care yah?


You getting help from your mom?I think you will do just takes some time getting used to.

Anyone has a good and simple baked rice recipe?

I think there's a problem with my link.Will get it fixed and email you tonight.Can you leave your email address behind?Thanks

For simple recipes, you can also try getting cookbooks(Quick meals, Easy meals etc) at bigger popular book stores.That was what i did when i started to cook 4 to 5 years back.
My friend bought a simple cook book form Popular Bookstore for her maid,"Cookery Class for Filipino/Indonesian Helper". There are two versions of the same book,Philipino ones are in English/Chinese,Indonesian ones are in Bahasa Indonesian and Eng/Chinese(? can't remember). The dishes are not too difficult.

When I had maids previously, I had hard time training one of them,cos she only "cook"canned food back home.

I gave the maid a Soup List.Types of Soup /Ingrdients used and simple method are stated.Evey type of soup I will go thru with her at least twice,to teach her to recognise the ingredients and cooking method.

Teach her how to steam fish.Fried fish usually not much problem,they seem to have the patience to fry the fish really well.

Most new maids have problems with Chinese stir fry vege.They either over-cooked the green leafy vege, or undercooked vege like cabbage. So I started with Blanched Green Vege with oyster sauce/sesame oil and fried shallots first.

Usually have to demostrate at least 2 to 3 times, before they can do it on their own.
Who's doing your confinement for you? Got the food stuff for your confinement meals ready?

I didn't get the things prepared on time previously.Planned to go shop and stock up on Sat, but baby came out on Wed.So when the confinement came to my house, there is nothing for her to cook!

Wish you a smooth delivery.Take Care!

You should seriously consider getting an oven lah.

My colleagues who came to my house to learn basic baking,got hooked, and went out to buy an oven and loads of baking supplies immediately.They are still enjoying baking now.

You can also use it to do lots of roast and grill dishes.

You boy also don't like vege and fruit? My girl doesn't take veg, and only take a few types of fruit. But she enjoys the papaya milk ice blend and banana milk ice blend I made for her these few days. Will blend yogurt with papaya for her tomorrow.
yeah lor sigh.. our kids all picky on food!
check with u, how u do the ice blend for papaya/banana milk?
I will try banana milk, cos he doesn't like the papaya taste.. aiyoyo!
yesterday i was eating the avacado, he said want to try, little bit only he said 'no nice' and spit it out...

i have the recipe book too last time for my Indonesia maid. But some of the ingredient are very 'hong kong' style, here not easy to find.
yes they have chinese vs indonesia and chinese vs tagalogue. So u can get it for your indonesia or filipino maid.

last time i have this list of what to do/cook daily/weekly/monthly for the maid.
When the confinment lady was here, she taught her how to cook and her cooking skill improve alot.
If she has the business mind can go home to open chinese restaurant liao...hehe!
Hey Ame,
Got one baked chicken rice recipe on hand:
First season chicken strips with soy, pepper, corn flour for about an hr.
Cook rice.
slice button mushrooms and big onions..

Then, fry onions, chicken strips and add mushrooms last. set aside
Mix mayonaise, butter with cooked rice.
Place rice in casserole dish.
Lay chicken strips, mushrooms onto rice.
Dilute half a can of campbell chicken soup with half can water.
Pour over the chicken and rice.
Lay pieces of cheese over the casserole.
Bake at 175 deg c for about 45 min, or until cheese turns a little brownish..

Bon Appetit !
A friend substituted salmon with chicken..

Hey cupcake, start off with soup and one-in a pot dishes.. Do you have the link to the recipes?

Maybe can bring your maid around to friend's / relatives house more often, so that she can "steal" skills !

hi all

Going for my aminocentesis test tomolo, might not be able to log-in these few days. Wish me luck!

Enjoy all the good food, happy cooking!
