Cooking Tips & Recipe

hi lyn,
This is not a meditation camp, just a course that stretches over 5 days. You can read about it here at
I took the course 3 years ago, but does not practise the whole sequence, just once in a while with Ujjayi breaths.

haha, no wonder I slogged at the ironing board the whole afternoon and my bedsheets are still creased! I tried to do it after my friend gawked at me for not ironing my sheets... hmmm, next time should just iron pillow cases that's all.

Crunchy Tuna Veggie Salad Recipe

1 can of white tuna, drained (Bigger can one)
1 can of white beans, rinsed and drained
1.5 cups of celery, diced
1.5 cups of radishes, chopped
1.5 cups of carrots, shredded
half tsp of crushed red pepper flakes (Like the pizza chili powder)
Romaine leaves
half cup of French dressing
Salt and pepper for taste

1. In large salad bowl, toss tuna, beans, carrots, celery, radishes, pepper flakes, and dressing.
2. Add salt and pepper for taste.
3. Serve over romaine leaves on salad plates.
Hi annelise,
I tried the Jap Cheesecake yesterday. The taste is good but the look is so yucky cos it sink quite badly after it was cooled down.. Izzit becos my egg white is not well done.
Hi cat_tail

Yeah, the egg whites must be whisked till stiff peaks are formed, looks hair styling mousse when you squeeze it out from the can!

When folding in the egg white mixture, fold it in 2 or 3 parts, be careful not to overdo it or else the air bubbles in the mixture will disappear. And try not to take the cake out immediately after it's done. Switch off the power and leave the door ajar for about 10 mins or so - may be the sudden change in temp caused it to sink?
Easy Pandan Coconut Cake

260g Butter
220g fine sugar

5 eggs
60ml Coconut Milk
2 TBSP pandan juice
(I used Ayam Brand's Canned Pandan Coconut Milk)

240g Flour
25g custard powder
30g Dessicated coconut
1 tsp Baking Powder

40g butter
25g icing sugar
55g Dessicated coconut

1. Cream (A) until light and fluffy
2. Add (B) a little at a time and cream till smooth and light.
3. Fold in (C), and mix till well blended
4. Pour into 10" round mould.Grease sides of mould and line base with paper.
5. Mix all the ingredients of Topping and sprinkle on top of the cake
6. Bake at 175C for 50 minutes.
I use corn oil. Sometimes if I forget to buy corn oil, I use my normal cooking oil which is canola oil. DH &amp; friends cannot taste the difference, but I think corn oil nicer.
Thank you...
I have a friend who will lay the bedsheet on the bed and then iron... To me, I sleep on it, wun be crease after a while... kekeke... hee... I hate ironing...
This last weekend I went looking for those herbs that your gynae recommended for "bu" qi. Cordyceps are sooooooo expensive I almost fainted - ranges from $300 to $600 for a small bunch! Pao Sheng is not cheap too... at $100+ for a little bit. So I bought the dang sheng which is cheapest
They call it poor man's ginseng; effect similar to ginseng but not as quick; this is OK for pple with no major illness or who are not recovering from major illness, so she said taking this as an addition to our daily diet is good enough. I made a little yesterday, taste quite nice and sweet. But must remember not to OD on this like how I OD on black chicken last month
haha, that reminds me... I also have a friend who irons his bedsheets once it's already on the bed, but not because he likes his sheets smooth, but because he didn't want to buy a heater during winter, and it got so cold he decided to iron his "dirty/used" sheets and then jump immediately into his "warmed" bed. Quite creative, I think...
Hi, ladies, howdy ?

Baked a choc cake for no.2's bday on sat, too bad I don't have a dig camera to take the pics.. aft looking at all your pics, very tempted to invest in one, so that I can do a collection of the cakes..

Anne, I went to the BIY shop on sat, wah.. very good and expensive stuff ! I bought some magic bday candles and some icing sugared lady bugs for deco.. Saw your horse carousel.

The whip and pour cream from cold storage is not available anymore, if you ladies thought of creaming your cakes with fresh cream, buy red man brand whip topping cream from PH , think 4 bucks for 1 lit.. Just whip up in the mixer at high speed can liao..

Soph, thanks for the muffin recipe, your muffins looks so perfect and delicious ... slurp !

Hey van, went to restaurants and bak chang stalls to ask for the red bean bak chang, none of the shop sells! I would like to sink my teeth into one too !

Hey llyn..
First boil water, then add scalded pork ribs, optional chicken feet, then add soaked beans , soy beans and opt peanuts.. add red dates
Boil for about 2 -3 hrs .. can add watercress if you want(lyn's recipe)..salt to taste.. very bu..

Watercress soup,
Boil pork ribs, add nan xing, and bring to boil.. add watercress. ( my mum said if add watercress when the water is not boiling, the soup will be bitter )..
Hello ladies, what other good stuff do you all add into the watercress soup?

hey Rena, come to this thread often too , there are one-pot-does-it all dishes.. good for a simple meal..
HB got some bak zhang from MIL's place yesterday. Probably will steam 2pcs for lunch today. Hopefully, she made some red bean bak zhang this round.My MIL learned to make Dao Zhang from her oldest DIL who is Hokkien.

But my MIL's Dao Zhang not much "liao",cos she thought already have read beans, don't need so much Liao.

So got to wait for my aunt to make the yummy Dao Zhang.

Did you add Wolfberries seeds/Qi Zi into your watercress soup? I usually do.

When I iron the bed sheets, I fold it into half/quarters then iron.Will be easier.

How many muffins can your recipe make? 10?
Yes, cordyceps are very expensive.. I seldom take them.. I usually take pao sheng... And I put dang sheng if I am boiling normal herbal soup. My gynae even recommended to eat the meat and the herbs togather with the soup... If we boil soup with pork ribs, better to eat the pork ribs too. I guess some of the herbs got absorbed into the meat too... Last time, when I boil black chicken, I will eat the pao sheng, red dates, gou qi... Eat up everything... kekeke...
Hi Van,
For a standard 2.5 inch muffin cup like mine, only about 7 muffins per recipe. Better to make double the recipe so won't waste time and electricity. I made it yesterday with only one recipe, then realise not enough, so had to wash/dry all my utensils and make a 2nd batch.

Which choc cake recipe did you use? Is your cake the fudgey type, moist dense type or the more cake-like spongey type?

I bought a choc sponge cake mix from the shop I went to on Saturday, now regretting it a bit cos I think it's not the kind of choc cake I like. Maybe sponge cake will turn out like pandan chiffon kind of texture? Will just store the cake mix away till I have the courage to try another choc cake again
yah.. add wolfberries too.. my two don't eat them tho.. think it is good for spleen, liver... anti-cancer, good for eye-sight..

So the red bean zhang is call dao zhang !

Wah lyn, you good ah.. eat up all the herbs!

Soph, I used betty crocker's moist cake mix, very nice, but a bit sweet, I added strawberries and cream in the middle.. Sliced the whole cake into 3 layers.. think will be nice, if added fresh blueberries.. sweet and a sour.. not so jalet !

I also bought a pkt of prima choc cake mix, rec by van.. will tell you aft I've tried it
The BC's cake mix is not spongy, not exactly fudgy lost for words to describe .. think like ang moh cake but more moist.. my ang likes it..
Get your fresh cream,chocolate/cherries/Blueberry pie filling ready.....Can use the Prima Choc Cake to do up a nice Black Forest Cake.

Don't forget to invite me to eat, I DaBao coffee..,ask Sophie to bring some muffins..yum yum

I tried the BC's yellow cake mix too, also find it a bit sweet.
Can, you want boh ? give me your add, when the cake reaches you, please remember to scrap out the mushrooms for your chicken stew, haha..
the green stuff is penicillin, don't throw away.. can boil it, strain it and sun it.. if dh or ds is sick, it is a "sure cure" antibiotic ..

One thing for sure.. if you bring balachan to clear the customs at the airport, it will turn out illuminous green on the scanner.. yee..

Ok van, bring your MIL's dao chang also..
I also want to eat what Van has mentioned in all the threads...haahaaa...can't wait to be back for a short break haaahaaa
I've tried BC's choc cake mix, so I know which kind you're talking about... more ang moh cafe kind of cake. I quite like it. A friend told me Duncan Hines cake mix is nicer, but never tried it cos not easy to find Duncan Hines in Singapore. Wow, you sliced the cake into layers? You used normal knife or bread knife? I always wanted to do that, but am so afraid the whole cake will disintegrate!

I should try to eat up all the herbs the next time! Just came back from grocery shopping from NTUC and got persuaded by an auntie to buy Brand's Essence of Chicken with Cordyceps
She says it's good for vitality and immune system. Will try it and see if it's as yucky as the one with Tangkwei.
Sure Prisc, if we all do a pot-luck.. we'll have to sign for for a slimming course liao.. waiting for your paranakan cuisine.. lemak lemak.. pedas pedas

Soph, first take a deep breath when slicing the cake.. then.. hold your breath.. count one.. cut.. two.. cut and aiyah.. lop-sided.. never mind lah.. the cream can cover the lop-sided part.I have missing pieces to my cake too.. heehee..

I use the long bread knife to potong ..I will sometimes chill the cake before cutting..

Hmmm. must try Duncan hines.. anyone tried the cadbury choc cake mix ?
Hello hello cake gurus... your contribution is precious ..
This was my dinner yesterday, which will also be my dinner for tonight since I like to eat leftover stews. I find them more flavourful... or maybe I am just plain lazy

Beef Goulash served with Couscous with Raisins
Beef, cubed
Celery, sliced
Carrots, sliced
Red &amp; Green Peppers, cubed
Onions, Sliced
Red cooking wine, abt 1/2 cup
Beef stock or water (I use water which is just as yummy)
1 bay leaf
Sour Cream

1. Marinate beef cubes with a little soya sauce, pepper and sesame oil.
2. Heat oil and sear beef.
3. Take out beef from pan. Add more oil into pan and saute onions till soft and fragrant but not burnt.
4. Add beef in, add red cooking wine and boil for awhile.
5. Add in vegetables and beef stock/water, 1 tsp of paprika and 1 bay leaf. Simmer covered for another 25 minutes or till carrots are soft.
6. Dish onto serving plate and put a dollop of sour cream on top and a dash of paprika.

Couscous: Make it according to instructions on the pack, but add in raisins at the end.

This beef goulash is quite interesting when eaten with the couscous with raisins. Smokiness from the beef &amp; paprika goes quite well with the sweetness of the raisins.

Chilling cake before slicing is quite clever! I'll try it next time, that is, if I can wait

Never seen Cadbury Choc Cake Mix in NTUC before... must go hunt it down in Cold Storage!
Haha.. small bak chang has the leftover liao from big bak chang..and it's for all the "soons" since they can't finish one whole big bak chang ..

Does your dd have any prog coming up in June ? Mine has a stay-over camp .. which she is not ready to do it.. got an international party going on this fri, and parents are to contribute a dish from any country.. so, I very "eng", will buy one pkt of Dorito corn chips and the country of origin is ..Mexico..

Hey Soph,
I think some cakes can chill and cut, but some cakes might crumble when chill.. depending on the texture and density.. mass.. velocity.. force.haha..

Wow! my ang will love beef goulash.. yours looks yummy.. err, apa coucous ? where can i get it ?
My dd's school is actually a childcare which run more like a pre-school.She doesn't have any school holidays. If there are interesting holiday camps around, I will consider signing her up for it.Previously,my hb didn't agree to let her skip school to attend holiday camps.

When he intended to sign her for golf camp, I strongly disagreed,because he didn't allow her to go for other camps previously.Now, I think he will give in if there are good ones.

Good Idea for your nternational Dish!

really enjoy reading this thread with so many new recipes to learn each days.Finally have the courage to join your cause my baking &amp; cooking skills 'so so'lah as compared to u all.
Hope mummies here can teach me more cooking skills.

Here is my Nutella Cupcakes which I bake during my wkends.Will post my recipes later.


Learn this new soup fm my mum yesterday.My son loves it so much.
1. Black Beans
2. Soya Beans
3. Peal Beans(can be seen at veg stall in market)
4. carrots
5. tomato
6. Pork Ribs
Hi Sophie

Wow, your muffins look delicious! Looks very professionally done, I thought it's a pic from a cookbook! Where did you buy the white muffin cups from? I tried looking for them at PH this morning but to no avail.

Hi Choc

The horse carousel is in stock again, ah? When I was there the lady said someone bought the last piece. Did you see how much it costs? The candles there are very cute - I wanted to buy the horse candle but my ang said it's too ex $9 for 4 small candles

Wah, your knife must be super sharp! I was thinking of buying 3 round cake pans of the same size from PH so that I can layer my cakes - dare not cut leh, sure to be crooked! So did you keep a slice of your dd's b'day cake for me?!

Hi Van

My mum making bak zhang on wednesday. For the dao zhang, I just add the red beans as part of the filling? Need to soak overnight, steam or stir-fry first? What type of ang tao to buy - the normal sized ones or the big ones?

I'll be going over to her place to make the zhang - my ah ma and mum will do all the prep, I just need to tie, heh, heh!

Hi Chua

Welcome! Glad you enjoy this thread. My hb is very happy that I come to this thread cos' every week he has something new to eat! Your cupcakes look great - looking forward to your recipe!

Hi lyn

I've seen pharmacy ads for this supplement called cordycep stroma - is it the same as the usual cordyceps? I'm too lazy to double-boil soup - always make my mum do it on weekends!
Hi Annelise,
The white muffin cups are bought from Sun Lik, the contact I posted up earlier. 50 cups for $3.50. PH does not sell it.

I tried the cordyceps stroma before, quite yummy, taste like mushrooms. They're basically similar to wild cordyceps, but are manmade organically in a greenhouse. Manaufactured in Singapore by Lifestream Group ( Last week, I went to hunt all the Guardians, Unity &amp; Watsons in Bishan and Orchard, but could not find the orginal ones anymore (in cordyceps stringy raw form). Now they mostly sell powder and capsules which I don't like. Just called them up actually - the lady said they discontinued the raw form, and now sold only powder and capsules form.

Heh, my muffins not that professionally done; just that the picture is professionally taken... camera trick and angle

Couscous is some kind of wheat, mostly what the Middle Easterns and Africans eat (probably their staple of our rice). I buy the San Remo brand; can be found in most Cold Storage and some NTUCs; some stock it with pasta like the NTUC Junction 8 one, where they stock at the Liberty "angmoh" section. Cold Storage stocks it at rice area sometimes. When you see the Uncle Ben Instant Brown Rice, you should see this.
Exact definition here

Have to start to sharpen my knife now to slice my next cake

I agree with your recommendations. I tried the Betty Crocker Blueberry muffins before, very yummy and good value for money cos blueberries are so expensive, and in this pack, they give you a tin of blueberries.

hi chua_family,
Welcome here! Your cupcakes look good ... I love Nutella. Look forward to seeing your recipe!
Just the normal ang dao,the type used for making red bean soup. Wash then soak overnight.Stir fry
with the rice 1st.

Wah, no bad huh! You can tie the Zhang! I can prepare the liao, but can't tie the Zhang well.

I use Wilton's cake leveler to cut Sponge cake into layers.Use long,serrated knife to cut other types of cake.

The real challenge is, after cutting, how to transfer without breaking it.

I tried the BC's blueberry muffins for the same reason,fresh blueberries are SOOOOO expensive.

Hi Chua
Glad to welcome a new member here! Looking forward to seeing your recipe. My girl likes nutella!

Got this fm other forum the Nutella Cupcakes recipes.

140 grams butter, softened
100g white sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
200 grams sifted plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Nutella, approx. 1/3 cup


Preheat oven to 180 C.

Cream together butter and sugar until light.

Add in eggs one at a time, until fully incorporated. Add vanilla. Stir in flour, salt and baking powder until batter is uniform and no flour remains.

Fill each muffin liner with batter. They should be 3/4 full.

Top each cake with 1 1/2 tsp Nutella.

Swirl Nutella in with a toothpick, making sure to fold a bit of batter up over the nutella.

Bake for 20 minutes.

Remove to a wire rack to cool completely.

Hi Annelise &amp; Sophie,

I bought the white muffin cups for $3.20 for 50pcs at this shop in Jurong West St 52.They sell a lots of baking equipments &amp; even some ingredients too.

Blk 507 Jurong West St 52 #01-152-154
Tel : 66655972
Velcome chua!
are peal beans red and while spots ? In a pod kind ?Is it zhen zhu dou ? Thanks for the lovely soup recipe !

Hey anne, yah.. left one more piece for you, kept it in the fridge.. waiting for July to come, so that I can pass to you.. haha..

The horse carousel is 26 bucks.. I bought the magic relight candles 10 for 9 bucks.. aft blowing the candles, they light up again ! But the trick is ask FIL and MIL NOT to help in blowing ! They don't know the trick and will be extremely helpful and the last thing we want is their saliva on the cake ;)

Think it's a bread knife that I used..dunno where I found it, the creaming part will help level the cake and after decorating it, it is almost flawless..
Oh yes, I transferred the piece of cake with both hands.. have broken the cake into half before... but was ok aft creaming ...

Thanks Soph, will look for coucous in cold storage next time.. very interesting ..must try out..

Yah agree with anne and, I enjoy this thread and it motivates me to cook and bake.. I'm waiting to try out dao ciam for lunch and beef goulash.
Hi chua,
Thanks for the recipe. $3.20 for the muffin cups is cheaper, but unfortunately I stay in the north, so it's not that convenient for me to go that far. But next time if I go to Daiso at IMM, I may make my way there to kaypoh a bit.

My dh saw your soup recipe and says it looks nice. I may try it tomorrow if I can find not-so-fatty pork ribs at NTUC. I got same question as Choc... what is pearl beans? And need to soak those other beans before boiling? If so, soak for how long?
hello! i am back, wow so many posting to catch up!

Hi Lyn, which date does the si-fu recommend?

ayoh iron bedsheet ? that reminds me or someone iron pyjama

some how my bedsheet got to strecth when u put on, so after u put on nicely, it is straight and neat, no need to iron! (anyway i won't iron too!)
One way to cover the mess is to put the 'comforter' (spelling?) on top loh!

hey Chua r u staying at Jurong area too?
I believe i went there to buy things before, the next door is the provision shop right?
i like to go there to buy household stuffs, much cheaper than other place.

wow so many recipe on cake, muffin, must try it one of this day.

got go get back to work liao, tons of email!
I love to go to Daiso too.. got lots of good bargain ! What's the shop's name that sells the baking barang ?I like the white muffin cups that Soph is using too.. with the muffins inside the cups, they look very appetizing .. and high class..

I know of somebody who has his undergarments ironed as well.. faintz... Well, he's a rich fella lah..

anne, sorry, the magic candles are $1.90 for 10 , not $9.. And I bought a little toy train set that can is meant to hold the candles on each carriage.. that one also 6 pieces for $1.90 , all at BIY shop..

Hey ladies, check out the Phoon huat website for baking class this new season..
Thanks for the recipes.
I like the Pearl Peas too.Nice in soup.But I think I will skip the tomatoes.

The Jurong West Shop is near the hawker centre right? I used to go there very often, to get baking supplies and buy cheap formula milk and diapers, when I worked nearby.

If you plan to eat Dao Ciam soup, the brand that I took photo is nice.But if you plan to stir-fry,you may have to use other brands',which are thicker and firmer.

I still haven't received the pink Pri 1 Reg booklet
Think I'll make the soup dao ciam.. cos my girls like soupy stuff.. Will look for it in NTUC, For stir fry, do you have to blanch it first or soak in tap water like bee hoon ? Haven't tried the dried version, scared it'll turn out starchy..

Oh, maybe you'll get it on thurs, fri..
I'm waiting for the open house in East spring pri, went to their website, but they don't have any ..

Hello cat, have you received the pri one reg booklet ?
There's also a type of bean which I do not know what is it called. But it taste very nice with lotus root soup... I get it from the market. The beans or peas are still in the pod. The pod is pinkish and white looking. Cannot boil for too long, cos it will be mashed up... I think it should be nutritious...

My "shifu" said it's better to go natural... It's the child's fate. If I really want a "good" date, 15 June...

I love blueberries muffins... Very nice hor? But fresh blueberries are very expensive... And some more gotta buy a lot...

Spanish also eat a lot of couscous. I think Northern indians too... Apparently, it's more nutritious than our white rice... ;)
Never tried the stir-fry version of Dao Ciam.Think got to ask lyn, who has tried her mum's stir-fried and hor fun style Dao Ciam.

A lot of Primary Schools don't update their open house in their web site. I got to know the open house through mailers they put in our letter box,probably by the parents who volunteered in the schools and staying at my block.

I like to go Daiso too.Never step out empty-handed.Luckily their things are only $2 each, if not I'll be broke.Got the gift boxes for cookeis and cup cakes from there for my dd's Teacher's Day cookie gifts to her teachers.
Wah.. good idea for the teacher's day gifts..

Yah lyn, saw many pg women too..I think dog yr like dragon yr will be a baby boom yr.. lots of competition..

Have you all tried the fresh blueberries that they sell in NTUC, a small pkt is about 4.95, you think it's nice for cream cakes?
I bought the fresh cranberries before.. very sour by itself, so I boiled it with sugar and use it as a sauce for roast chicken.
Haha.. but the one from PH got syrup leh... very sweet .. do they sell the one that has just blue-berries only ?Cos I bought the blue-berries for pie filling..
lyn, but with your condition better ask doctor then, in away also fate that doctor pick a date what, hor?

choc06, eh my son only 4 this year lah...

eh i managed to eat hum last weekend so happy...
also i tried to prepare the chilli with sambal paste to cook the sotong and prawns. Taste ok. Will try to use the same paste for coooking the sweet potato leave (fan-Su-ye) this weekend.
i just blend some chilli, shallot, garlic &amp; belacan together. Should add some lemon grass...

Oh.. solly lah.. I thought your ds same age as my dd..
For the portion of garlic and shallots , which one use more ?
Wah.. good huh? see you eat hum every time, I can only gei hum in laksa
