Cooking Tips & Recipe

Pumpkin Pancakes

Suitable for toddlers and older children
Makes about 20 pancakes


2 cups self-raising flour
teaspoon salt
cup raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs
1 cups milk
4 tablespoons corn/soybean/sunflower oil
cup cooked and mashed pumpkin


In a large mixing bowl, sift together the flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir in the raisins.
In another bowl, whisk the eggs and and milk. Add 3 tablespoons of oil and pumpkin and mix well.
Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until well blended.
Using a non-stick frying pan, heat one tablespoon of oil over medium to high heat. Spoon batter into the hot frying pan. Cook for a few minutes until the pancakes bubble on top. Flip the pancakes over and cook until both sides are golden brown in colour.
Remove from frying pan, cool and serve with some sliced fresh fruits, e.g. bananas, mangoes, strawberries, papaya or apples

hee.. hee I happen to love pumpkin so share this

Hey Prisc, what a hearty tea break for me!!thanks.. slurp..gulp.. no munching... looks colourful and def yummilicious.. how about teaching your dear makan kakis here how to make ?

Hey van, how long has your dd have impetigo ? Mt bro had eczema until his teen years.. very bad case..
What job ya lookin for ? Have been lookin at the classified ads, seems like job market not so good recently.. looking for part-time
van, you thought of tuition in your own home ?I've got a friend staying in a condo in the east, with two kids, giving tuition from 8.30 to 5.30,
she's doing very well..

Yah.. nowadays.. it seems like parents got to prepare kids for primary sch.. it's no longer the other way round..

Yo anne, how is your older one ?

What's cooking ladies ?

I 'll be cooking curry chicken with couscous tonight..
Wow, the steamed carrot cake looks yummy. Looks very HK dim sum style in the metal dish!

So you mean you brought your dd to another daughter and he confirmed it's Herpes Simplex? Is Herpes Simplex is like a medical name for things like chickenpox or anything with blister-like sores?

Thanks for the pumpkin pancakes recipe. I love pumpkin too!
Wow, let me know how curry goes with couscous ok? I'm not cooking tonight; going to meet up with ex-colleagues for a ma la huo guo steamboat dinner.

Yep, job market has slowed down recently, I think, cos Recruit pages slightly thinner already. I thought of giving tuition too, but most ads I see wants "ex-teachers", so I didn't pursue that.
Van & Annelise, how 's your girl now?

Van what kind of job r u looking?

sigh.. very funny hor, i want to be sahm and saham want to find job...
wonder should i quit or not...

eh didn't see Lyn yesterday right? hope she is getting better...
me too start to dev ulcers liao.. sigh..
too much spicy and hot stuffs
Hello gals!

I am better now
Thank you gals...
I think no more heaty food for me already. I think heatiness make me even more breathless now.
hmm... all the baking talks here giving me the urge to bake... lol... I sure got nobody to share my cakes with cos now I go and get those free Bengawan solo cakes, I already gotta finish them on my own...

Wow... curry with couscous. I think they will go well...

Wow... pumpkin pancake... pumpkin is very nutritious...

I also wanna be SAHM for long, and also with some income
My mum and sis keep asking me to go and get a career after baby comes out
say cannot rely on hubby
I told them I wanna venture into business. Then they ask me to go and teach, "easier". But nowadays, teachers and lecturers are very stressed one... Haiz... they just dun understand... My lecturer told me he gotta read and do his research at nite after his kids sleep. And he sleeps when his kids are playing. I dun want this type of life leh... k k... I better stop here before I start complaining more... kekeke... :p I am confused whether women should go for higher education ah...

Later I am seeing my gynae, then going for my hubby's department BBQ
hee... will eat first before going... I scared later eat all the "chao da" food.. no good for baby
Choc,Sophie and LittleCat

My girl's condition still bad,can't eat, even swallow milk also have difficulty,take very very very little fish porridge last nite.

Called the 24hr Clinic today, the partners will only be back next Monday,so can only complain to them next week,but I told the clinic assistant I really hope to see another doctor in their clinic to have a 3rd opinion.

Herpes Simplex I is not the same as chicken pox, but is using the same type of medicine for chicken pox to treat.It will form blisters/cold sores/ulcers on the lips or around the mouth.My dd has it in the throad,that's why too painful to swallow anything. As this is viral infection, antibiotics won't help.

Remember to take more "Liang" drinks.

My dd had a bout of Impetigo in Dec 2004, also wrongly diagnosed by the same clinic. She also has eczema sinc birth, but eczema is considered mild by Dermatologist's standard.

I am in accounting line,if I can find a part-time accountant job to work in the morning would be ideal.If not may have to find a full-time job. Giving tuition at home is also another option that I am considering.

Just bought the Thermal Pot from Taka, but still thinking whether I have bought too big pot or not.The 5.2ltre is selling at $188 after discount,cheaper than the 3L one,comes with free 3pc kitchen knife set, and doesn't seem too big, so I bought it.

Did you go for TCM? How are you and your dd now?

Make any Dao Zhang on Wed?
Oh dear, your dd's condition sounds bad. Need to take in lots of fluids since she is not taking solid food, but yet throat is too painful to swallow anything... poor thing! And if it's viral infection, Manuka will not help cos Manuka is more for bacterial infection. When I had my chickenpox years ago, it was such a bad state that I had blisters in my throat and inside of the ears too. At the clinic, pple avoided me like plague cos cannot see much of my face, just the blisters. The doctor gave me Zovirax, which I remember him saying is for herpes simplex, but will also help my chickenpox blisters heal faster cos he was afraid I will be badly scarred. Did the doctor prescribe any medication for your dd?
The doctor gave acyclovir, which is for treating chicken pox also.Check out the net, should be alright.

My dd didn't like the Manuka, wanted to spit out. I bought the UMF15.Doctor said it's ok to give her, but won't help much,like you said.
Van, so poor thing... how about soup? at least all the nutrient is there after boiling ?

so your dd take the anti-biotic for nothing?
aiyoh must ban the 24 hr clinic!

my son last time als have the similar case, but his is the other way, the doc diagnose wrongly and said not due to bac infection so no anti-biotic, but the fever stay there... Later change to another one, once started anti-biotic fever subside and can see him back to normal liao..
Although i dun want to see him take too much of anti-bio but dun want to see him suffer also... and us lagi suffer...
Now we found the 'right' doc so called, as his dd also having similar problem as my son, so we stick to him liao.

Eh Van that is a good deal! hehe i must tell my fren, she already got one 3.5L but hor she got 3 adults (plus maid) + 4 kids at home. so the 3.5L she said only one person one bowl of soup.. haha..
then she is thinking to get one bigger one, then the smaller one use for dessert.
So start using it from this weekend so it won't turn white elephant

But remember as u only boil the soup for about 45 to 1 hour, dun put the usual amout of water cos it won't evaporate that much.
Another tips for cooking with thermal pot is, before u serve the soup, cook for another 20 min.
As per the cook book from library it say that will so called 'thicken' the taste.
i have a fren the dd didn't want to drink milk, so she put the milk in fridge and give her,and the dd will take.
Another method she used was to give her ice-cream, vanila flavour cos she refuse to take anything also very worrying...
Last time my son got HFMD he refuse to take anything also, then i bought ice-cream, hagan-daz vanila flavour. But at the end my hb took all in his stomach.. and somemore can comment why dun u get the rum & raisin flavour huh?
arrghhhhhhhh... !!!
Thanks for the cooking tips re:thermal pot.Also feel better after what u said, seems like I didn't make the wrong choice of getting the bigger one.

After reading what you wrote, I asked whether she want cold fresh milk, and she said yes, and is drinking it now! Thanks!

Oh no, after drinking a few sips, crying in pain again.
Little cat,
I bought one also, but my soup taste diluted leh. Really scratching my head. So far wat soup hv you tried?

regards to the chicken essence recipe u posted, how much quantity of essence did u end up with? 1 or 2 bowls. I tried with a double boiler and ended with diluted soup cos I add 3 small bowls of water.

Really a greenhorn at this, sorry for all the questions.
van sorry to hear that...

any other thing to numb the throat huh? like what adult did is to suck the stripesil (lozenger)?
or ice-cream?

cupcake, i have tried lotus root soups, melon soups, chicken soups etc... infact now i only cook my soups with this pot.. so basically anything.
But u must remember not to put too much water.
eg if u see some recipe put like 12 bowl of water, then boil on the stove for 3 hours (just an example), cos they cater the boiling time will evaporate some water, so the soup taste will be just nice.
but if u cooking the same soup using thermal pot, dun put the same amount of water.
What i did is example i am going to cook 2 big soup bowl of water then i put exactly the same amount of water. cos after 45 to 1 hour of boiling it won't reduce that much.
So at the end the soup taste just nice.
also dun forget to cook another 20min b4 u serve.

Chicken essence, i think posted by sophie right?
Hey van, can your dd take jelly ? Soothes the throat too.. The totally brand jelly is quite easy to make.. The sugar in the jelly can give immediate energy too

My SIL is teaching in a poly , she told me that her HR works from home and din even get to see some of them face to face.. She also mentioned that there are many admin lobangs fr poly mainly working from home.. but too bad.. I'm not an admin person..

Soph and van, can start giving tuition from small grps, true that parents want ex-teachers but they charge sky high prices ,so quite diff to get students.. The friend that I mentioned just now, started as a tutor, almost 10 yrs liao.. the students kept coming in..

Wah.. soph , ma la huo guo, which one you going ? I only tried the one at Tanglin shopping centre .. Saw lots people eating at the one opp bugis junction..

Lyn, take care .. drink liang aft your bbq mate..

Yah. couscous with curry, but I think the gravy got to be thick, then it will go well with the small grains

Eh cat, iced coke with salt can soothe the ulcer.. the salt will kiam si the ulcer!

Your dd should be very fine taking antibiotics prescribed by the 24hr clinic since antibiotics are meant to kill a broad spectrum of bacteria and various harm done.
Can you see other doctors(not within the 24hr cinic) instead?Your dd symptoms sound quite serious..

I've been seeing a dermatologist for over 10 years and I can't eat a lot of seafood like cockles, mussels, stingray etc etc..basically anything that may have high mercury content. Most of the recipes i have posted omitted won't be as tasty lah but what to do
Can understand what your dd is going through
choc, i see u here must update u my encountered with hum today...
i went to eat laksa just now.. (ahem i know, i am already very heaty.. :p) but hor they only give miaserable 4 hum leh! aiyoh! hum so expensive meh? 2 prawns and 4 hum.. if i know they will give prawn i will say change to hum pls...

okie! coke is what i like know hehe...!

choc, which line were u in last time? teacher?
Yep, chicken essence posted by me. You did it using dripping method with inverted porcelain bowl yeah? Dripping method no need to add water at all, that's why it's called essence and not soup
A standard black chicken should yield 1 rice bowl, whereas kampung chicken, being bigger, should yield about 1.5 to 2 rice bowls.

Sorry, I just read that you used double-boiler. I have a Visions double-boiler too, but it's no use - the essence doesn't come out; maybe because double-boiling does not generate enough heat compared to dripping & steaming. And if you add water in double-boiling, you'll end up with chicken soup, cos double-boiling uses low heat, so water will never evaporate much. try the steaming/dripping method. All you need is some bowls and a pot/wok!

Hope the acyclovir will work in reducing the swell of the blisters so your dd can start eating some porridge again. Very heart pain to see kids in pain and cannot eat.
I requested for something to numb her throat so she could eat or drink milk without too much pain.The doctor gave some liquid for her to gargle, but not use,my dd spat out too early.It's supposed to gargle for 30 sec,and should numb the throat for 30mins.

Antibiotics can't work cos it's virus not bacteria.

My dd is a weired kid who doesn't like a lot of stuff that kids love, jelly is one of them. When she was younger,she doesn't even take sweet,except the Rabbit sweet,and only eat vanilla flavour ice cream.

Recently so much problems at home,hmmm... must be bad feng shui?!
Hyak hyak.. wanted to eat hum yesterday.. got no chance man ! Eh next time tell the man you don't want prawns, MORE HUM please... 1 prawn=4 hums, 2 prawns=8 hums !

coke with salt and lemon! Gulp.. gulp..
Yah ... aft my no. 1, I quit to be yellow face SAHM and tutor..

I thought tuna not so high in mercury ?

Wah van, what a good disciplined dd you have !My no.1 doesn't eat chocs, but lots a sweets.. no. 2 is a gula monster !
How about choc milk for dd ? Lots of fluid like juices and Ribena ? How about making juice popsicle for her so she can suck on it ?
Maybe I'll give one of those tuition agencies a call, cos I don't want my brain cells to die off from my lack of brain activity. But I know my family prefers me not to be so close to many kids after my m/c. In fact, my MIL advised me not to choose a gynae from a general hospital like NUH cos of diseases! But then she is a nurse, so she probably knows better cos she's been through SARS and all that.

I'm gonna to the ma la huo guo at Tiong Bahru, the stretch where there used to be pomfret steamboats last time. It's called Tian Xia Di Yi something, and they also have a branch at Geylang. I've tried it once before; food is quite fresh, not buffet style; beef is sliced into very thin suki-yaki style; they have some funny beancurd that looks like sponge which can absorb the ma la very well; another interesting item is the "fettucine" made from soya bean/beancurd; the normal soup part is quite good with wolfberries added into the soup. For 4 persons, we paid about $20 each, so quite OK. The Tanglin one quite good also right? But I heard it's expensive? Never tried the Bugis one before but a friend tried one there that is buffet style; she said food not so fresh. I'll take some pics tonight and show you

4 hums if you don't ask to "add hum" is quite standard right? The laksa stall around my place also gives about 4 to 5 hums, and if I add 50 cents of hum, I get a total of 12.
yeah to gargle for 30 sec abit tough for kid.. then it is throat area can't reach also...
cos sometime with ulcer in the mouth, we can still put some bonjela but throat how...
Eh how about 'watermelon powder' (xi-gua-shuang) that is meant for sore throat. What we did last time is use a straw to blow the powder in, so the thing can stick at the throat area...
But last time we did for adult.. i am not sure for kid... i dun want it get worst...:'(

my son also abit your dd, last time also no jelly, no gummy bear...
Guess may be u try the ice-cream? since this is something she will like..

u believe in feng shui?
ok must ask Lyn's si fu liao ...

i feel like asking, change the prawn to hum, less tageh, put more hum, less noodle, but subsitute with hum...

choc, u wo wei-da leh..
be a tutor good leh u can do it on your own time and venu.. for us admin people most of the time have to be in the office to work lor..

choc, i thot u will be more concern on the hums instead of the tuna...:D

sophie, i think i really desperate liao, i normally dun bother to count one...haha this round dun know what eating hum thinking of u guys and start to check the hum... haha

eh i passed by the Tian Xia Di Yi but never tried before leh... so they do have soup base without ma-la ?

choc, let's hum this weekend, ok ?
Can't help but have to say it again,my dd is a weird kid, who also doesn't like fruit juices and ribena.She drinks Milo, but I control the amount,not more than 1 cup per day, cos it's heaty and cause phglem. Will give her barley drink more often.

Your description of the Huo Guo makes me want to dash there now,but eat huo guo must have more Kaki.

I paid $1 for Gei Hum, but don't think they give that much hum,12?!

Never heard of watermelon powder, you sure have a lot of ideas, the straw-to-blow-in method!

Think we should organise a Hum and seafood Party Soon? But Amelia will have to eat something else.
Tt is called the 'watermelon frost'. In singapore i found the version already in bottle then u can pump into your mouth...
The straw method last time we used at home cos the old version come in bottle so got to think of creative way to really pump it in man!
Yah.. soph, your description of the mala so yummy.. eh.. do they serve hum inside ? The bean fettuncini is interesting .. so it's tiong bahru .. thanks

Eh cat, I think hum got no mercury lah..
btw, i am humming tomorrow with some friends.. it's a selfish party .. my ang thinks
Admin got home based boh ? tutoring is not easy too.. parents are more demanding now..

so what does dd drink at the coffee shops ? milo ?

Amelia can bring chocolate cake for dessert, right Ame ?
Choc, tell him it is 'shell fish' party... hehe

admin seldom got home base.. but accounting can lah, Van look out for partime accounting for those small firm.

U still do the tutoring now ? how many hours per day?

sophie make me feel like going to try too. Btw tonite no home cook food going outside to eat..
Sometimes Milo,Soya Bean milk,Barley or waterchestnut drink, occassionally share a bit of soft drinks like Coke or Qoo with her dad.Most of the times she drinks plain water and Milo if she hasn't hit her quota.

Looking out for part-time accounting jobs but so far didn't see them advertising.

Just managed to find a space on kitchen top to put my thermal pot.Think going to sell off the Free gift,Endo 5pc Knife set with Wooden Knife Block.Any one know what is the retail price of that? The Taka mailer says it's a 3pc knife set worth $23,but the box shows 5pc knife-set with wooden block.

Not to scare your gals, but my cousin who is full-time tutor told me that one of her students got liver problem after eating Hums,the doctor said he Shuey Shuey ate one that carry the bacteria,and bad enough to cause the failure already.According to my cousin, the kid's face look very yellowish, typical symptoms of someone with liver failure problem,she suspected something's wrong with the kid and ask the mother to bring him to see doctor. But I didn't probe into the outcome,will ask her again.
I can't bake at all let alone chocolate cake hehehe!! I wanted to ask you girls where I could get the cheapest baking supplies.

Choc, LittleCat and all,

Mercury, lead and cadmium are definitely present in shellfishes.The question is whether it's high enough to cause health problems.For people with allergies( like in my case) or liver problems, moderate amounts may put us over the edge.

Safe fishes for problematic people (ie me) and preggies to take are:-

White Cod
Mahi Mahi


Have you tried stick blending your porridge?It will make it easier for your dd to swallow.

this is how a stick blender looks like...I like that it doesn't splatter..
Could it be Hep A ? Symptoms of Hep A sounds like that .. fever ? Hep A persists for one week .. I think. thanks for the info.. Now there's hep C jab also..

I do tutoring thrice a week , cut down alot since last yr, will do when dds are sleeping , 1 half hrs each session.. reason to do tuition is so that I 'll be in touch with the sch's syllabus.. got relief lobang, but long term one, too bad lah.. thought of doing flexi teaching when my kids are bigger.. need extra $ for facial, spa and massage, padi and manicure, high tea.. heehee(kidding lah)..

Hey ask you all.. what do you all use to fry fish , the fish with middle bone.. I use teflon, but it scratches my pan .. And I use a non-teflon wok to fry chicken with bones so that my teflon will not scratch ..
i bought this pan (cum pot actually) the sales guy claim the bottom surface is scratchable but still have the non-stick effect. So i am using that.
wah, tai tai life leh!
yeah it is true u should do that so one day if u really decided to do it on fulltime, u won't be out of touch.

amelia, Tilapia is it the red colour one?
what is Mahi Mahi ? the name sounded 'cute' to the cat here...
eh as long as not 'tahi tahi' can liao hahahah...
Little cat, thanks for ur advice. So I juz need to put in the amt i expect to yield and boil again for 20mins b4 serving. Hahaha, u really luv hum. Next time can tell uncle, laksa, no prawn, no noodle, juz soup and hum only. I din eat hum for v long liao. Was my family's fav, juz scorch with boiling water and eat. Now my hubby frowns at me eating hums even in cha kway teow, laksa and satay beehoon. Seems that men dun really eat them hor??

Van, sorry, think I scan too fast. Hope ur daughter will recover soon.

Sophie, thanks, no wonder I only taste wolfberries and dates. Another qn, do u boil at high heat or low heat.
Thanks to all the concerned mummies and tips on helping dd to eat/drink/swallow. Today she still didn't take any food,only drink milk.

She has always been quite healthy,seldom fall sick as often as her friends and our neighbours.

But over this 1 and half years, she got these strange infections that a lot of people around me said they never heard of,like Impetigo,Transient Synovitis and now Herpes Simplex Type I virus. Sign.

Cat and cupcake,
When you bought the thermal pot, did the promoter tell you not to put it near fire/stove? The promoter advised me that.

Tilapia also have red one right? The Red Tilapia are usually steamed with Dou Su in restaurants,some also served with fried crispy Cai Po.

This fish is selling very cheap in market and supermarket,yet the restaurants are charging quite high for it.

The porridge I cooked is already very soft,like rice powder with water already, but she still can't eat.
Hi all

For Manuka honey to be effective...must buy the live one. There are a couple of types in Singapore. I learnt that NZ when I brought my honey from the honey factory there.

Personally, I also like the AMC pots...just told dh that I am buying a whole set when we returned for good.

Will post up the steamed Carrot Cake recipe later when ds is napping. Will probably do some charts to use for homeschooling....will try to catch of you when I happened to be online.

Van...will pray that your dd recover poor thing, one episode after another episode.

Sophie...regarding your request for the korean dish, will ask my korean friend when she is back from Korea in July hopefully, if not I will only see her next year as I will be back in Singapore then we will stationed in Kyoto, Japan until we returned to Vancouver next year.
Van and Little Cat,

Oh I didn't know there're red-coloured ones!Used to eat loads of silver tilapia overseas becos it's the cheapest and best i could find.
I found my skin more resilent and moist while taking it so those with problematic skin like mine can try it.

Restaurants overcharge everything, even iced tea!!


I'm sorry to hear she's still not eating well.
What is the propose treatment for herpes simplex 1 since antibiotics is not working? I read from the website you posted it will actually go off on its own within 7 to 10 days and something about antiviral med acyclovir which i think your doctor has already prescribed.
hi Pris,
Thanks for asking about the Korean dish. Hehe, I just offered my Korean neighbour my banana muffins the other day. Then next time when I see her, I'll ask her to teach me how to make Soon Dubu
I can always smell her yummy cooking from my windows... and once when I woke up at 6am to pee, I could already see her kitchen all lit up and something cooking already!

Hope your dd is better today?

Choc, LittleCat,
The exact name of the ma la restaurant is:
Tian(1) Xia(4) Di(4) Yi(1) Chu(2)
251-253 Outram Road
Tel: 6224 8781

They've got another branch at 271-273 Geylang Road, and Mapo Doufu Restaurant at Upper Thomson Rd (Sin Ming Plaza) belongs to them too.

Forgot to take pictures cos too hungry. Surprisingly not so crowded last night, but lots of Chinese nationals eating there. My friend who just came back from Shanghai said it's the same kind of soup base as the Shanghai type. She tried the Bugis one before, and said the Bugis soup base is more "satay" sauce type, whereas the one last night was more Sichuan style.

They'll try to push some of the ready-fried dishes like frog's legs, but we didn't eat them. The house special meatballs for steamboat are very good. We ended paying only $60+ cos we didn't eat seafood and no beef cos one of the girls does not take beef.

I steam it at high heat first when I first put in, but once the heat is there i.e. when the steaming water starts boiling, you can reduce the heat to low and the water still be boiling and heat retained. Remember, even if you do not put any water in it, there will be essence dripping out from the chicken, and this chicken is very yummy with red dates and wolfberries.
hi all,
My dd finally took some porridge tonite. I used chicken stock to cook some very soft porridge,she managed to eat about half a bowl.

Also added some pork floss(one of her favourites) in porridge as reward when she asked for second serving.
glad to hear yr dd can eat & is getting better.

last sat my hb & I made cheese cupcakes using oven toaster - can't make it ah, can't control the temp, it burned the top and bottom, oops. but it was fun, hehe. looking fwd to more "experiments"

anyone knows of cupcake recipe that can tahan high temp? wanna make more use of the cooking cups we "invested" becoz so ex, hehe.
van, glad to hear that! sometime they just have to pass thru the very difficult time where nothing can go pass the throat or even mouth, but after that it will turn better!

Abt the thermal pot, yes dun put it near fire/stove. It is stated in the book as well.

last saturday i saw the TV channel 54 (SCV) showing the bak-chang (dumpling) so many diff version till i can not tahan. Ask my ang to go get one for me.. ahem part of the so called 'craving' part. He so 'buay-kam-wan' finally get one for me, i ate it around 8:30pm. Everything seems fine. The next morning after breakfast i start to feel like indigestion feeling. Suppose to shop at Taka, but less than one hour go home to sleep liao...
Didn't eat much the whole day, then the stomach seems to be ok. Not sure if is the dumpling (as lots of them said it will cos indigestion if eat too much, but i only take 1..). or the sunday morning lor-me cos that... sigh...

CHoc, no hm no curry this weekend leh...soob soob!
how was the 'selfish' party?

Annelise, how r u and how's your dd?

Lyn, how r u feeling ?
Hi LittleCat

My dd is okay - but I'm going to see a gynae again this afternoon - now my lymph nodes are swollen but I'm not having flu or fever
My GP thinks it could be a womb infection since I was spotting on and off.

I think glutinous rice should not eat too near bedtime cos' hard to digest. Somemore pg stomach more sensitive - hope you're feeling better today!

Hi sp

Oven toaster a bit diff to bake cupcakes - most cupcakes bake at 180 deg. Plus the heat source is too near the cupcakes so it'll definitely burn. But hey, at least you guys had fun making it - that's the important part!

Hi Van

Good to hear that your dd is getting better! So what do you plan to do with her during the hols? My mil gave us a kiddy sewing kit and we spent the morning putting it together. Now the girls are eating their breakfast and watching telly so I thought I'd pop in to catch up on the posts since I won't be logging in for the afternoon.

Hi Littlecat,

Your indigestion could be because of the slower digestion that preggie get due to the hormones changes... Try not to eat too much "bak zhang".

I am fine
Thank you

I went to see my gynae on Friday. The latest I can have C-section is 11 June
Most likely gonna be 6 June morning already. err... one more week only... scarily fast... lol...

I gotta "bu" blood
else might need blood transfusion and slower recovery wor... Dunno how leh... think these few days I will eat more broccoli.
