BP Shopper

Hi Andver,

I haven't get the swim vest...wonder is it useful. Looks like it'll restrict bb's movement... Waverider oso haven't buy.... hee...

The shoe from the BP thread u recomment leh. $19. Lady oso quite nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Got another BP selling same shoe but over $30. This mummy say she 1st time do BP and forgot to add in freight fees but they get the shoes from same supplier.


I didn't let bb wear socks... cause like u say not nice lor... but i think shopping center quite safe lah. ;)

Hi Janeh,

Haven't book cause still waiting for bb passport... still in process leh... i worried i book n pay liao then bb passport still not ready... The shoe from the hread above. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The leather shoe i bought $14.90 quite ok leh. I handwash with soap, after dry a bit hard but wear once then soft liao.


Hi Vivien, Janeh, Andver

Really ah... look like bak chang... sigh... i oso wearing my mum's t-shirt now... sob...

Yah arena swimsuit quality really good... i so fat n tried to squeeze inside oso didn't pi char... hahaha

I went to the Henderson Industrial Park too and not very crowded leh n still neat neat one. Most in hangers. Must check newspaper carefully liao to see got sale or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien,

Yah my bb still poo unstable but smells leh... last time not as bad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hey All,

This stool is quite good but can be found in metro n i think cheaper. I bought the bigger one n bb push it around the house when he learning to walk. Quite stable n easy to keep... actually not for bb to play but he likes it... heehee...


hi mummies, don't worry so much about your figures. Me, I was still wearing my maternity jeans until last month. I was telling my mum that my maternity jeans really value for money!

ahahaha! I don't even dare to think of wearing swimsuit. When i take my ger to the pool, i will still wear my tank top with my bikini inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi vivien, paiseh, forgot to say that the babyblanket i wanted is actually sunblock for babies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can't find in any bps leh. Don't want to buy from mothercare cos last time i saw one bp selling for about $15, but mothercare is selling it for $25!!!

ander and vivien, you looking for those type of baby gym classes? There's a gymboree at harbourfront which seems to be quite popular with parents.

i think there are a few similar centres, but off-hand can only think of gymboree.

Hi All,

My cruise confirmed liao. The lady from Seiki Travel bring the documents to my pl at 10pm for me to sign cause last min cannot book through phone. Surprised the service so good.... ;P

Hurray!!! Bb's first trip!! :D

moxuyue.. wish u have a nice trip oh.. btw which cruise are you taking? n which travel agent u go? we are thinking about a cruise trip too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear all,

we have decided not to exchange the colette shoes.. like andver said, use glue to stick back the flowers lo.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh yes, i am looking for training pants n bought one set from this BP


but hoh.. the disney set not so thick leh.. this is the first time i bought training pants.. is it like that one ah?? me blur blur..

n how to use? i am thinking of using it for potty training, easy to pull down the pants than using diaper

Hi Janeh,

I went to Seiki Travel, Star Cruise Virgo, 2N to KL, Malacca. Now got promo for cabin w balcony. Can request for bb cot n queen size bed. $1246 for 2A and bb below 2 yr old.

I bought training pants too but my mum don't like cause she say too thick very difficult to dry. So we just let him wear normal shorts lor... wet already just wash. I bought $10 for 4 or 5(cannot remember) from the shop opp Bugis Kwan Yin temple. That one is like wholesaler. Its just beside the toilet(need to pay one).

hi xuyue,

enjoy your trip! One of my friends taking her ger to taiwan end of the year, and her ger is about the same age as my ger! Envy you pple!

I also want to go on trip! Haven't travelled ever since i realised i was pregnant, and that was like more than a year ago liao...

Hi heehee,

Thanks! How old is your ger? Mine just turn 1 yr old so can eat a bit of outside food n stronger liao so dare to bring him to trip but start with cruise to try out first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Janeh,

Saw u bought qipao for your ger. Me oso bought from same BP for my boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi xuye,

my girl's about 7 months. Actually, was thinking that since she's breastfed, should be quite easy to take her travelling. As for solids, can just buy those canned baby food. :p

hi andver,

if u found any classes like tat let me know too k.

hi moxuyue,

wa u everything havent buy then how? tmr is the trip right? btw yesterday i was at my dad's place but sorry couldnt find out the waverider price for u cause it was raining and my bb was with me. the shop is at those shophouses kind. once i found out will let u know k.

then passport ready di??

my bb poo poo also terrible smell. i think its cause he started meat.. hehehe

oopss just read further and realized u confirmed ur trip liao... enjoy ur trip yea!! i think it would be fun esp now ur boy knows how to walk and like u said can eat a bit of outside food.. cruise really lotsa eating lor.. cause i rmemeber the give a stack of coupon for ppl to go change for food.. hehehe

hi heehee,

u still wear bikini with tankini is a bonus liao ler... i wear bikini i have to wear t shirt outside lor.. hehehe

oh.. so bbblanket is actually sunblock ah... hehehe paiseh i mistook it for real blanket.

the gmarket really sell a lot of stuff hor.. any idea hows the quality of the clothes ah? very cheap ler.. all less than $10

at 7 mths maybe can travel to nearby places. i started off by brining bb to kl.. he just slept in the car seat whole journey... very guai lor... i bought those bb jar food along too. very convenient for travelling.. i even brought along my avent warmer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi jane h,

i also thinking of buying the training pants but also donno how to use ler.. but since moxuyue's mum comments on the training pants.. now i have to think properly whether to buy or not liao cause dont wish to waste $$ again. :p

hi vivien, yah, maybe like what you suggest, can start with trips nearby hor.

But my girl hates the car seat. :p

don't think she will be as guai as your boy. hmmmm, maybe shouldn't be so gungho and take her overseas when she's still so temperamental.

thanks for the link on the stroller, vivien.

i haven't bought from gmarket yet. But the pricing sometimes v misleading. At first I also thought that all items were v cheap, then when i scroll down the item menu, i realised that they will add on to the price.

sometimes they will tell you that $10 is only for a certain category, for other category, you have to add on to the price. :p

And the jumper and shorts i want all oos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

just read from facebook that babyeinstein is recalling their dvds after a report saying that any form of tv for bbs under two is bad.

wonder if they are offering a recall in singapore cos so far haven't read/heard anything in local news.

Hi heehee,

Yah... at least u don't need to bring bottles n milk powder. And if for a few days then don't take solids oso can... ;)

I oso hear from my colleague about it the recall.... :p

Hi vivien,

Me change to next wed so now doing last min shopping. No need to buy waverider liao, my colleague lent to me. She say her friend gave it to her. Hee... save money. Thanks leh. I try out if bb like or not cause another coleeague say his bb hates it cause waverider too big and bb cannot play w the water... only leg can feel water but hands cannot touch... hahaha...very funny...

Me bought those float that is placed on the arms one. Only $1.80!!! Soooo cheap!!! Will try out that n see useful or not. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee,

not too late to let ur girl start sitting car seat. initially she may not like it but after 2-3 times she should be ok. when she's in the car seat put her fav pillow or blanket with her. then u can try singing to her too. my boy used to sit in the bb car seat.. then now upgrade to those bigger car seat. he loves it cause very high and he can look outside.

hmm. i better look thru properly for the gmarket liao. thanks yea

as for bb einstein i've read about it last mth but i didnt have any of the dvds. u bought ah? but i do let my bb watch tv sometimes. very diff not to expose him to tv ler... hehehe

hi moxuyue,

oh next wed then not so rush liao.. hehehe btw check this out


very nice swimsuit ler...

why not u bring ur bb to the pool to try it out before the trip. my boy first time i put him into the home pool he very scared ler.. then after 2-3 times only he used to it. then after tat i only dare to let him go to the open pool.

hi vivien, my girl has been sitting in carseat since birth leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think she finds the carseat too warm.

i didn't buy the dvds for my ger cos i'm thinking of letting her watch only when she's two.

although i'm a tv addict myself. hahaha.

One of my friends even more garang: she threw out the tv cos she didn't want her kid to watch tv! Wahahaha!

Hi vivien,

Cause i lazy to bring him to pool on wkends and i scare very crowded cause lots of children n no warm water to bath lor... heehee...

I just realise cannot bring any heating element onto the ship. Was thinking of bringing slow cooker to make porridge. Think must go buy instant porridge liao... i remember nestle have...

Checking out the swimsuit now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi vivien,

Swimsuit nice but dare not buy online leh... don't know quality how... actually i'm thinking of getting those long sleeve swimwear n tights... Like that won't get sunburn n can cover the fats... heehee...

Hi All

Missed the thread for 3 days cos of maids problems.. sian... Now i cant go office as i have to take care of my bb..

Hi Mo_xuyue

Think you're rite lor, the swim vest restrict bb's movement which is why my bb don't like too cos she so use to waverider already. We will let her try the swimvest for few more times and see how.

The soft sole shoes really don't look nice with socks, i tried liao & my sis said it looks weird, hee..

Ya.. now i not only look like bak chang, but a yellowish bak chang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I have not wear swimsuit for so long liao, hee....

I'm thinking to buy the stool too and i saw it in a mummy's blog but can't remember which one liao.. Which metro you bought from huh? Went Metro Paragon but didn't see it leh.

Hi Heehee

At least you can still wear your tank top with bikini inside, i don't know how i'll look like if i wear it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I surfed this www.gmarket.com.sg too.. most of the items quite similar to SMH and some organisers are from SMH too.. Some of the things are cheaper there. So far, i haven't order from there so not used to it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Heehee

I ordered the adorable ruffle tights it her last bp, very cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mo_xuyue

Wow very service leh... Will book with them if i want to go cruise. Enjoy your cruise ya....

Hi Janeh

How how.. does the hotglue help to stick back the flowers on the colette shoes?

There are various types of training pants.. 2 layers, 3 layers or some 4 layers. Training pants is good for potty training but it can only absorb the early signal urine, then you must quickly bring ur bb to the potty liao. I bought 2 pcs of Brightots training pants in Kiddy Palace and its thick and good. I also bought few sets from Xman in BPs. Cute and good fabric and she's very helpful in giving me advises too.

Hi Heehee

We're the same leh.. i only went genting 2x this year after giving birth last year. I missed the plane [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My bb's is 7 mths old to when we first brought her to genting. She just started solid food during that period so we brought alot of cooking utensils there.. like shifting house, ha....

Hi Vivien

Sure sure, will let you know if i got info on that. But have to wait first cos of maids problems.

I'm using Combi and another don't know what brand stroller.

Hi Andver,

Oh... no wonder didn't see you... maid problem must be a big headache....

I bought the stools from Metro at Woodlands. Me thinking of buying those insoles from watsons n cut to bb's size and put inside the soft sole shoe. Was thinking that one light n soft should be comfortable n still very flexible with a little bit more protection on the feet. Will go buy tonight n see how. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks leh. Me looking forward to the trip liao! :D But hor cannot bring any heating elelment onboard leh so maybe have to let bb eat cereals n some food from restaurant liao. He sure very happy one! hahaha...

Hi all

long time didnt come.. wah.. so much things going on!


what happen to ur maid? how come u take of bb??

btw, the flower sticks liao.. but not yet let bb wear, not sure if it will drop again... so lousy huh..


ya.. i also didnt let bb watch tv.. my parents in law always said bb poor thing coz cant watch tv.. but i still dont think it is a good idea to let them watch tv before two.. but hoh.. that day when we passed by best denki, bb was attracted by the 'Ice Age' show in the tv.. felt bad for her too.. may b will let her watch ice age with us..

hi vivien

abt the mclaren issue, lucky i m using combi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xueyue... cant bring heating element?? what u intend to bring? wah.. rice cooker ah..

eh.. good idea using insole from watson, i will consider it too..

btw got so many BPs going on.. wah...no time to look at it!

Enjoy ur weekends!!

hi moxuyue,

i've also considered buying the whole suit like those divers one too.. my hubby say i crazy,. then say i sure kena laugh when i go to the pool with tat.. i told him olympic swimmer also wearing those kind now ler.. hehehe... but those even more ex than normal ones.. so dropped the idea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and like u i also dont dare to order the swimsuit online ler.. think for more intimate clothes i prefer to buy outside.. but really nice ler the designs.. hehehe

hi andver,

no wonder long time no see.. wat happened to ur maid? hope nothings serious.

i think we all missed the plane... hahaha

hi jane h

wow, u are good ler. ur girl can dont watch tv at all ah! peifu peifu...i doubt i can survive without tv ler.. hehehe... so when i watch then bb also ard me.. but he dont like adult dramas.. he only like when the disney channel is on.

hi heehee,

wow ur fren really garang ler.... then her house no tv ah? can keep it in her room right? then at least when she wanna watch also can ma.. hehehe

wa u also never let ur girl watch tv ah.. peifu peifu ler..i doubt i can do it ler.


cupcake stand which i made for my boys upcoming birthday.. hehehe

hi vivien

my tactic is when bb turned her head towards tv, i will call her and play with her.. or put her in her play yard.. but if she sits with us on the sofa, she will watch tv unless i turn her head and ask her to face me.. hehehehe

but hoh.. very difficult ler.. sometimes i also think she very ke lian, coz no tv for her..

oh yes, remember the dr jart bb cream? i found it to be very good leh.. and this website

www.mybeautyroutine.com) sells pretty cheap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee,

wow.. reasonable for the shipping and postage cost. ok will check it out.

hi jane h,

wa... ur girl very guai lor... but is ur playyard facing tv.

ok will go check out the site

btw hi all,

remember the bbcream i bought from those they said nu ren wo zui da ones? i bought the lohashill ones.. not as good ler... guess price does matter..

hi mo xuyue, andver, jane h, heehee, eliz and kc,

my son's bday party would be on 26 November. You're all invited!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust2.gif]

If you all can come over to JB do dropby for the party yea!!! PM me for the address and road directions k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi andver,

aiyoh, what happened to the new maid? I'm getting worried cos I may be getting one before i go back to work next june.

hope everything's better on your side.

hi janeh and vivien,

it's a big challenge not to let my girl watch tv cos her head will always automatically turn towards the sound of the tv when i watch tv. Hee!

Her play yard is also facing the tv, so now i must make sure her back is facing the tv when the tv is on.

my friend is v busy, so she doesn't really watch tv, so i think that's why she just decided to do without one.

hi xuyue,

does the cruise have heating equipment? Can borrow from them or not, like in hotels?

if not, then yeah lor, bo pian must make do with baby cereals and whatever you can find.

vivien, your boy is v lucky! Wah, you quite good with your hands hor.

me, i'm hopeless at handicraft!

Thanks for the invitation, but don't think i will be going out of singapore any time soon. Sigh!

Hi Mo_xuyue

Rite lor.. very headahce... and now i hv to choose another new maid to replace my old maid. Then the existing new maid in my house now, can't work.. already got a replacement to come in next wk. So all new maids, hv to start all over again... I more worried my bb can't adapt to them.

Hmm good idea hor.. to buy the insoles and put inside the soft soles shoes.. better than wearing socks, hee... Let me know the outcome after you try ya.. I hardly have time to do all this now, sigh....

Cannot bring any heating elements onboard, that means also can't bring sterliser lor, then how to sterlise bb bottles?

Hi Janeh, Vivien

My maid who have been with me for 1 yr 3 mths has been lying to me since Feb 09. She make use of the opportunity when bringing dogs out, went 7-11 to buy a hp secretly and kept it from me & she is not supposed to hold any hp during this 2 yr contract. Actually i know this maid has been lying in certain things but i just closed 1 eye, but this time i really can't tahan. I intend to give her a 2nd chance if she tell me the truth how she get this 2nd hp but again she lied when i queried her. I sent her to the agency, she still lied till they scolded and threatened her then she tell the truth. Problematic rite. I always don't like to have maid until i have my bb. All along i will use part time helper 3x a wk. Then the new maid in my house now, can't take care of bb so ended up i have to do it myself thus no time for BPs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... Must update me when there's good BPs hor, hee...

Hi Vivien

Wow... you're capable leh to do the cupcake stand yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks for the invitation but i guess i can't liao lor with the present situation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Heehee

My old maid problem as above.. For new maid, she very unstable.. have been crying, miss family and etc. When i interviewed her thru phone, she said she can take care bb, but when arrived my house, she said can't take care.. i so pissed off but bear with it. So i picked another replacement maid to replace her and will be in next week. I really hope this replacement maid will be the rite one.. i so phobia with maids now.. really stress and sian. Are you taking indo or filipino maid? Anyone at home with maid and bb if you go back to work?

Hi All,

I wanna bring slow cooker for bb's porridge... do u think i should try? heehee...

Hi Vivien,

Wah very impressive leh! Nice! Me won't be going too... no car leh. My father's is a van so cannot go to jb. Don't think i wanna bring bb to take bus n queue at the custom... Sorrie...

i not getting those divers on lah, everyone will look even more leh... me wanna get top n bottom separate one, go toilet oso easier... heehee...

hi heehee,

wow.. cheap leh... will check out next wk.. heehee...going home soon...

Don't think they'll allow any heating element in cabins. They say if need hot water then get from them wor.

hi andver,

Hope your maid's issue will clear soon... go Guan Yin temple pray pray for good maid... think i'll do that if i getting maid... :p


mummies, now i smarter liao.

i think next time hor, i can get my own stuff from amazon cos i have a vpost account anyway,and i think my shipping costs will not be higher than what i paid for in the sprees.

in fact, i think hor, next time can go and have my own spree to the other websites with a few friends, and the shipping costs should be quite okay.

but still, i think the kohls one is v worth it. the iherb one that i tried by cherimoya also quite worth it.

