BP Shopper

Hi Andver,

Yah lor... but after all the things my mum do for us I really hope I can be of help if our kids need us in future. It really makes a lot of difference. But maybe by then just stick around to supervise maid can oreadi... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy oso very small when born, only 2.65kg and he is only 2 days early so considered full term liao but my gyne say i so small size so normal to have small size bb.

My boy last night sleep at 1am!!! Really don't know why he refuse to sleep these 2 days. I very owl now... can doze off anytime... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Janeh,

Your job really shiong ah. Will you consider changing job? My hubby been flying mon-sat for the pass 3 weeks liao and going to be like that for quite a while so now oso considering changing job.

No problem, been wanting to find someone to give the milk powder to else wasted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien,

I was thinking maybe older he can take the vaccine better lor and oso CNY coming soon so wanna make sure he healthy healthy then can go jalan jalan everyday... :p

Hi Florence,

You got a very good maid leh. Very lucky. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi florence,

walau.. u work and u organize bp and u have children.. peifu peifu. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is there a lot of phonics school in sg?? in jb i did a search so far none except they will start when they are in k1.

hi andver,

u must have lotsa shoes then.. hehehe then if u are clearing ur shoes for ur girls cupboard then where are ur shoes gonna go??

wa.. u are thinking of letting her attend so many classes huh.. me only found out bout the classes when someone mentioned it. for my boy, tot of sending him to piano or violin lessons when he;s older. i dont like to study myself too.. hehehe... but since my son is born end of the year so a bit afraid tat he'll be slow in catching up. so try my best to let him catch up but no pressure cause he's still a bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi andver,

btw my boy gets accustomed to the pediasure pretty well. tats why i bought the 1.8kg tin. its good idea tat u get the sample pack to let ur girl try it out first. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

car seat become sofa good idea.. and a pretty expensive sofa.. hahaha.. when we first put the car seat in the living room, my boy also kept climbing in to sit on it.. as though its a sofa .. hahaha..

hi moxuyue,

ur boy small but caught up in gaining weight quite fast ler.

slept at 1am..!! aiyoyo think u are vampire now liao.. hehehe.. did ur mum helped to pacify him to sleep?

ur hubby travel so often?? then he must've missed ur son very much when he's away

u r right hor.. still 2+weeks to cny liao.. better let him and the family enjoy the cny holiday first.. hehehe

mo_xuyue (mo_xuyue) : I am lucky 2 time round. She is my new maid from philipines , been with us for 3 months and she has been very helpful! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe

Vivien (mpyun80) : there are alot of home teaching in singapore for phonics and community centres also have phonics class but little for adults. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi florence,

if u found one for adults.. let us know k.. for me i dont mind travelling to sg to pick it up then i can teach my boy at home since its unavailable in jb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivien (mpyun80) : cool then we can school together! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe

At the mean time , I am using Starfall.com to learn with my son! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi florence, woh.. u r really super woman lo.. still can handle bp when u r working full time!! somemore can reply bp in the office! me ah.. sometimes go toilet also 'bo eng'.

hi andver.. i think hoh.. is it necessary to send bb to so many classes ler? my hubby always say want bb to enjoy her childhood.. we only have intention to send her for piano lessons if she has interest in music. Coz she will auto-dance and clap hands once she hears music. and very choosy too.. if ones cant sing well, she wont clap her hands..picky hoh..

vivien, saw ur blog. wah.. u really a good mummy leh.. do so much for ur bb.. me feel guilty la.. think i always put my career first lo.. like last week, the centre called said bb got fever, u know what i told them, i said, wait for a while, i m busy attending something.. the teacher 'HAH' very loud which shocked me.. :p think i am the only mummy like that lo..

hi jane h,

among all the mummies here.. i think ur workload is the worst lor.. hehehe... pity u also..

i no choice i full time mummy, no excuse for me not to do ler... sigh,... anything wrong with my bb ppl blame me.. hahaha..me also got 'housework' stress..

the teacher donno tat she's talking to a workaholic.. hehehe... so how?? got plans for a second one??

ur girl really likes music hor i'd better dont sing in front of her.. so paiseh if she dont clap.. hahaha as for my boy no action from him ler when i on the music..anyway he cant even clap his hands properly.. hehehe

btw maybe u can send ur girl to kindermusik


my fren send her son to the one in sg. she told me at tanglin.. i just found out tat there is one in jb for 18mths below. called them just now and say i can go have a look for 15 mins. its a every sat class for 8 weeks, every class 45 mins. probably u can find out the one in sg. take it as a bonding time with ur girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw anyone of u bringing ur kids to disney on ice?? my boy loves mickey.. but i donno whether will he enjoy it ler.. anyone got any comments??

Hi Vivien,

Not really leh, he only 10kg now. I think only average weight. But as long as he don't fall sick can oreadi. Fingers n toes crossed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mum tried but don't work oso... wonder is he missing daddy or not. Yah lor...sunddenly project on liao so must travel. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can understand, full time mummy everyone expect u to do everything. There was once hubby "blame" me for something about bb(i forgot what) and he kanna left, right, up n down from me! Now he dare not liao. :p

Hi Florence,

Super lucky!! This comingyear must be very good for you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Janeh,

Me oso think must let bb enjoy childhood but then hor, i think my boy getting bored at home liao so will try to look for a class to bring him to. Find those play play one then not so stress lor.

Hi Vivien,

Me not bringing, don't think he'll understand... maybe older. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vivien.. ya lo.. me also feel cham.. how come so busy.. second one? dunno when leh.. coz very tiring with heavy workload, dunno can cope or not... n i am the type wont hire maid coz dont trust third party..heheheeh... + prefer to have privacy...

thanks for the link...... think will plan for her music lesson when she is bigger.. now too young, n she is super friendly.. will wave and muak muak to everyone she likes.. eg: the foodcourt that we normally go for dinner everyday.. she will wave and blow kiss to the staff.. so everyone will smile + talk to her..

so that school also cater to toddler below 18mths? wah.. then must b at infant care's rate oh.. what they do? sing to the kids?

never go to disney on ice, so no comments from me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xuyue.. ya ya do agree that should bring bb to some classes so that they can mingle with other babies..

for me, my bb at infant care since she was two months old.. so now she enjoy going out everyday.. sometimes i even received complaints from teacher on her fighting with other babies or biting each other.. hehhehehe

Hi Janeh,

What I'm afraid of is my boy kanna beaten by other bb leh. At home he oso kanna from my sis's girl who is 2 mth younger and outside oso kanna from other kids if we're not looking. He simply bo chap or don't keep a look out leh... He must learn surviving skill lor but think of putting him out there alone I heart pain leh... :p

u all can check out the kindermusik too. parents have to go along. i think there is a trial class. prob all of u can signup for the trial class together.. hehehe

i am not too sure wat does the class do, i checked out a video intro on the class. the parents and child will be engaged with some activities with instruments in tat video. its on the website... i am going for the trial class in jb on next sat. this sat thaipusam so no classes.

the rate in jb is RM435 for 8 classes. not sure wats the sg rate.

wa janeh ur girl so young knows how to fight huh.. hehehe.. maybe can teach moxuyues boy a few tips on surviving.. hehehe...

jane h ur girl really friendly ler.. moxuyues boy also friendly caused she mentioned tat time at cruise also keep blowing kisses.. hahaha... my boy still donno lor.. envy envy u all....ask my boy to wave bye also depends on his mood... my boy a lot of mood swing.. typical hainanese.. hahaha

hmm.. then nxt time my boy bigger only bring him for these shows. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got quite tempted cause bb's below 2 go in for free.. hahaha..

Hi MoXuyue

Hee.. rite lor.. i hope i'll be able to cook as i grow older, hahaha...

Hmm... could it be your boy napped too long in the day time? Or maybe didn't play enough during the day time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien

Ya lor, i've got too many shoes, some i bought for more than 2 yrs and haven't wear yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh i gave away some of my shoes lor, then throw some away.

Hee.. rite lor.. i oso think of letting her learn ballet for fun when she's 3 yrs old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piano is good too.. imagine when ur boy grows up, wear a suit and play piano... hmm.. so capturing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went to clinic just now and the nurse told me Pediasure is very sweet, is it true?

Actually my hubby wanted to buy a small sofa chair for my girl, i told him since we're not using the

big carseat, might as well use that first lor, hee...

Hi Florence

Wow, you're really so lucky. Your new maid can adapt so fast. How old is she? Is she fresh here or worked here before liao? My new maid fresh here, still have to work with lots of supervision and help from me. Can't really work independantly. The 2nd one worst, heart still flying around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Janeh

Actually my intention is to send her to all these activities classes before she start schooling. Then i will see which interest her most among them and let her enhance from there lor. My hubby also said the same thing, said wanted bb to enjoy her childhood and less stress and pressure. But if bb enjoys music and dance, they'll find joy instead of stress and pressure there. Your baby so cute, won't clap hands when one can't sings well, hee...

Hmm.. i think you're very career minded ya.. i'm like that too before i hv my bb but once bb out, i slack liao, ha...

andver (andver) : My maid is 32 this year , single , fresh here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She used to work as a home helper , looking after 3 young kids in philipines. she say they are much more naughty so she like my daughter alot. hehe

hi andver,

hmmm...its sweeter than enfapro.. cause enfapro is still considered fm for 6mths to 18 mths.. am not too sure how to compare with other brands.but i know its vanilla flavor very strong vanilla smell.. my boy didnt have any preference over it even though its sweeter. oh yea btw, i feed him pediasure when he's sick too. rememmber i told u tat early of the year he was sick too, well tat was the time which i got a sample and let him try then found he's ok with it then i bought a tin. so tat even though he takes lesser solid at least still can get the minerals from the milk.

oh it would be nice to see my boy in a suit and playing piano.. i;ve already bought him a tuxedo set,... initially my bro was planning for marriage end of this year.. skali this year tiger year not advisable to get married so had to postpone it to next year. luckily i bought bigger size.. so by tat time sure nicely fitting i guess. hahaha.. but dont think he can play piano tat time.. now he only bang at the mini piano i bought him... hahaha

hi florence,

u are lucky lor.. andver got lotsa maid stories to share.. hahaha

hi andver,

lucky at least one of the maids is showing improvement. i think if second one still no sign of improving for another 3 mths. maybe u can consider letting her go.

Hi Andver,

Yah lor, me agree with Vivien. If seh still cannot settle down then better let her go.

My boy only nap about 2hrs and my dad brought him to playground for over an hour, my ah yee oso bring him to ntuc then at home run here n there and after dnr went to my sis's pl to visit cause she just gave birth. Aiyo.... like that not enough then i really going to peng san liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Vivien,

Yah lor... my son really need to wake up lah... still blur blur like that. My sis's daughter wanna hit him w remote control n he blur blur stand there and play his own stuff. At least should siam right... sigh...

hi moxuyue,

think bb's reflex are generally slow cause still building.. my frens daughter also younger than my boy one mth.. then hit my son still bochap play his things..

hmm.. wow ur boy got so much activities ah.. is tat the reason why he cant sleep?? cause i heard shouldnt let bb play so much also.. later at nite cant sleep.

Phonics classes for adults

2 x 3hrs course at Toa payoh Hub

Sat (27/3) - 4.30 - 7.30 pm

Sun (28/3) - 3.00 - 6.00 pm

Cost $180! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wanna let my daughter learn ballet too ! Wahaha

My daughter and son are at berries world on saturday mornings and will let my boy learn swimmming soon. heard it's good for his asthma![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh dear so many classes.. hoo.. got to earn more $$ then..hahahha..

ya xuyue.. like vivien said i also heard that if play too much, bb will b too excited, then cant sleep at night.

andver.. think i m still the same after bb born la... still work n work.. no choice ler... if not working, i will feel bored..

Hi Vivien,

Yah lor... my son oso... kanna hit oso blur blur one.

The previous night i tried by turning off all the lights etc and lie down on bed with him oso no use... 12am then sleep. So i change pattern and bring him out lor but end up 1am then sleep... So happy tmr is sat liao!!

About the Phonics Class! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It is a 3 + 3 hour course. The first part would be phonics and the second part is the phonetics. For the first part we will go through the whole textbook which I've compiled to teach the children in my centre. You will learn all the phonics sounds neccessary to teach the children and you could use the textbook systematically.

The second part would be the phonetics part, where we will use the dictionary. This will help you to read out very difficult words which you've not come across before. This course will teach you how to use the dictionary and it's phonetic symbol to pronounce words.

hi ladies, this blog is supergood for phonics! The mummy, tamarind, is a forummer here as well! This blog is going to be my bible for phonics teaching!


After reading her blog, I feel so inspired! She's v good, and will actually tell you how to go about teaching phonics.

janeh, I haven't printed out the sight words yet, am v lazy. :p But I think the ladybirds reader that tamarind recommends uses the sight words.

bbs are like that de, they need a lot of repetition to learn. It's actually good that your girl asks you to read the books that she likes. :p What I do for my girl is that I rotate her books every once in a while, usually when I get tired of reading the same books. But I will read the same few books to her for a few weeks, daily.

It's really boring for us adults, so what i do is to ask her questions about the book, and talk about the pictures etc. I feel v silly doing that cos she can't answer me yet, but I do to get into a habit cos it helps with her reading comprehension when she's older.

I also try to talk a lot to her, and explain a lot of things to her, even though she may not understand. Pple always stare at me when I go out with my girl, cos I'm like talking non-stop to a baby who can't really talk! They must think that I'm crazy!

andver, heehee, read too fast! Oh so built- in, not walk- in! Aiyah, tell your husband, buddhas need their coats of gold, men (women) need their clothes! And your clothes and wardrobe can't be more ex than his car right? Heeheee.

my girl has a v bad temper too! I think at their age, they still don't know how to control their temper. So I always try to preempt my girl or distract her. When she's older, I will try to explain to her and talk her through her feelings. But i think the distraction part will still be the most important till they are of primary school age!

You want to send her girl to childcare? I think can send to a few hours a few times a week if you just want her to socialise with other kids. If your mum can help you to teach some simple reading to your girl, it's actually good to let her stay at home. But at this age, it's still more impt to let them enjoy and have fun, if we want them to learn, should also let them learn in a fun manner.

this website is v good for info on schools, kindergarten and childcare.


vivien, you trying for a second kid? I think I may just stop at one. Don't think have the energy to have a second one. :p

xuyue, I think the serviceman forgot that my aircons have been installed for more than one year liaoo, even tho he did the installation for me!

florence, you going for the phonics course? Must update us if you do hor.

hi florence..

dont think i'll take tat course. for me i'll try to see any weekday classes at noon. cause sat and sun i avoid going to sg.. last sat my fren was stuck in a jam from sg to jb.. took her 2.5hours to reach home... if really take the course and there's a jam, think i can go kl di.. hahaha

thanks for the infor though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi heehee,

now ur girl still young. later when she's older maybe you'll think of having another one.. by tat time i think you'll have regained ur energy.. hahaha

nothing wrong with talking to a baby...maybe ppl stare at you cause u really know how to talk to bb. i always told myself to talk to bb more and to describe things to him but i always forgot.. now even as i typed i have to remind myself to do it later when he wakes up from his nap.

thanks for the tamarind blog. read it and quite interesting. have put it in my favourite too.. will try her ways of teaching. but my boy exposed to tv liao..

btw me not trying now.. but will go full force mid of the year cause wanna have a rabbit baby.. hahaha

any of you trying for a tiger or rabbit baby??

Hi Florence,

I'm interested in the Phonics classes for adults. Can give me the contacts? Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi heehee,

Thanks for the websites! They're good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me oso talk to bb especially when i go ntuc. I'll bring him to the fruits and vege sections and tell him all the names of the fruits and vege and let him touch them. He loves ntuc... :p

Hi Vivien,

Good Luck! Hope you get your rabbit bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Florence,

Thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Vivien,

Not really, mon n tue oso 11.30pm to 12am but last night was good around 1030pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tried it and its ok lor, didn't really see miracle. But hor my skin peel and a bit reddish around the lips area n eyelid after using for about a month so now i stop using liao.

Hi Andver,

Went in to look at little tikes again... wonder will it be cheaper to get from them or direct from the little tikes BP... still drooling over the kitchens... ;P

What are you getting? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Moxuyue

Hmm.. i'm not sure abt it leh... Me ah.. i drooling too but dare not buy now cos just done the extra wardrobe for my bb. Scare my hubby will SING nonstop, ha...

Hi Ladies .... I am back ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow ... u mummies are ready ready active here har? Or maybe I should say I am too busy with other things leh ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow .. u also got time that u will say "dare not buy" one .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think ur hubby 疼 you a lot lah ... even if he SING hor, it will be a nice song lah .... wakaka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Didn't know that u got a blogspot site .... at least can see my play yard there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are forever so busy ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hopefully, it will get better this year.


Yet to reply ur email ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just some advice since I am running BP too .... the link provided by andver on the furniture is actually a shipment company that specialises in shipping bulky items from USA to Singapore. So they can help to bring anything in. The issue is they are only in charge of shipment and profit from shipment. If there is anything wrong with the furniture, etc. I don't think they will be liable for it. So u have to be careful. It would be safer to buy directly from a retail/online shop or someone running BP .... at least when u have issues with the item, u know who to look for. A shipment company will not help you since they are just being paid more for the shipment services which they have already delivered when the goods arrive at ur doorstep .... just my few cents of thought .... I might be wrong since I only glance through the ezpzx profile .... but if you take a look at the pricing, it is always price from USA to Singapore warehouse. Delivery to ur house will be something else. In short, they are a shipment company. My advice is don't buy from any shipment company since the goods do not belong to them and they are not responsible for the goods unless the damage is due to mishandling during shipment.


Finally you're here to chat with us again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyo, i have master the gongfu of 忍 liao, ha.... We signed "treaty" for doing the extra wardrobe for my bb leh.. so i hv to tahan for few more mths then can get bulky items, hee....

Oh ya, i wanted to ask you something abt the LG Prime playmat. My bb drew a line with a ballpen on it, how to clean it off huh?

Wow wow, tks for the info no the BP link that i posted here. Think its advisable not to get from them since they're only doing shipment.

hi andver,

i saw the bp when it was out too.. so tempted to get the thomas the train set.. but too ex liao.. hehehe.. i guess u are holding on too since you;ve signed a treaty with ur hubby for ur girls wardrobe huh.. hehehe

hi moxuyue,

hope ur boy is doing well at nite.

thanks for the advice on the soad. then i dont think i'll buy one and try. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the melissa doug food really looked good.. hehehe.. but i think i've seen in sg before.. not sure is it kiddypalace at woodlands or not. and dont think its md brand too..

welcome back kc,

u are the one bz with ur bp la.. hehehe saw ur cny promo and lucky draw.. so interesting... really innovative of u think of making ur thread fun.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeap.. the playyard is really a good buy.. my boy's napping in it as i am typing now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least i know he is somewhere safe...

thanks for the infor on the shipping company thread. i didnt think so far too when i saw the bp..

i am also keen to know how to wipe of pen mark.. cause one of my mat also got this prob.. faint.. but i think my mark is smaller than andvers hehehe


That bra BP hor ... I think hard to hit MOQ ... it is closing soon ... and most mummies (not a lot of them) are basically saying "let me know if BP is confirmed". As someone who run BP, we are most scared of such statement lah .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


No choice lor ... who ask me to start the Haenim BP .... now cannot stop liao ... most mummies email us for the play yards and big blocks lor ... busy, but very satisfying lah ... we managed to make the play yard which is very popular more affordable for mummies lor .... we also introduce new, great toys to mummies ... so mummies benefit from it .. we are also happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually, sometime I also wonder why I am doing all these ... trying to lower the price and make the thread more fun ... and trying to be more creative .... actually, I don't have to do all these lor ... after all, the play yard sells by itself .... maybe need to say more about the big blocks since it can't be seen at retail shops ... and some mummies still want to see it first before buying .... actually wanted to start a facebook account for big blocks ... but busy till no time ....

Must think think more lah .... nowadays, you see all kinds of people trying to sell all kinds of things ... so before buying, always ask whether will face any issue when u place an order. Even shipping company comes to run BP .... I think andver can run a BP on his hubby's business liao .. wakaka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for the pen mark hor .. forget about it lah ... I don't think you can remove it lor ... but try some baby cleansing liquids (those for cleaning baby bottles) ... wish u good luck .... but frankly, I think you can't remove it .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually hor ... good news for me .. you can buy the mat from me liao .... wakaka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I just happened to have some times ... so drop by to say a few words lor ... else u forget about me, how? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm .. you can try the method that I mentioned to vivien, but frankly, I don't think the ink mark can be removed lah ... so now you should have a reason to buy again .... wakaka [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeap ... try not to buy from that shipment company ... I don't think they will be liable for any damaged goods .... If you like those bed hor ... go to Liang Court ... they sell it there .... nice but ex ....


Hi ladies,

Been busy with school and my naughty girl.

Andver and vivien, have you tried nail polish remover for the ink stains? But must try in one small corner first to make sure it doesn't remove the colour from the mat.

A friend recommended this website for the ladybird keywords book. The seller is in Malaysia so may be more convenient for you, vivien.

http://www.1childrenbooks.com/store/agora.cgi?cart_id=9224689.21026&product=Books&user4=Key Words with Ladybird&xm=on

but i haven't really compared the prices yet...

